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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, at least 4 people are killed in a bomb last during a rally in support of former practice. getting prime minister in ron khan, who was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison, is really far as the size the civilians killed 3 palestinians in the west bank hospital. the medical facilities says the man were killed in their sleep at the time of the attack. and controversy follows the decision by po francis to officially plus the same sex marriage as the head of the catholic church
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describes, pushed back from african bishop as a special case influence i called the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching archie international islamic state has claimed responsibility for a bomb blast in the south west of pakistan that killed at least 4 people. the explosion happened to during a rally and support a former prime minister in wrong cons. party with the former leader. recently sentenced to 10 years in prison. for the report say 3 of the 4 people killed were members of a non pounds party. 6 others were reported by injured in the blast after a bomb planted on, a motorbike exploded. official says unclear whether the raleigh was the target a local journalists to bring some more details. everything it took we did the bomb exploded here, engine room. when the p d. i election rally just passed this venue and make it by doing at least 4 people have been confirmed,
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dead police and security forces have cordoned off the area while the dead and injured are being taken by private ambulances to the local hospital and emergency has been declared and city district hospital is my camera man contained behind me. troops have just arrived to collect the evidence and to confirm if they suspect the suicide bomber were improvised explosive device. the blas came as the former pakistani prime minister downstairs trial as a fixed match. the court found him guilty of leaking and state secrets con has been in jail since august on corruption charges, and has repeatedly denied all accusations him on con, called for his supporters to remain peaceful and to participate in the upcoming elections. this is not a trial, but a fixed match with outcome was determined. that is why i already knew the decision of this case. these people want to provoke you by giving me severe punishment in this case. so that you go out on the streets and protest. then they commit to yet another full flag, opperation. second,
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they want you people to stay at home on election day. disappointed and angry. and wrong con was ousted as prime minister and a no confidence though. in april 2022. he claimed he was removed from office in the us conspiracy. cons that of cable from the pack, a study in boston or the washington phillips is allegation, but was then accused of misusing the cable which brought him to tuesday's sentence . both the same and file of him wrong con, paused massive protest in pakistan over the last 2 years. the
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wrong cons lawyer said they are appealing this sentence planning the trial violated the constitution. it was the one yesterday. what's the quote which is about the legally appointed legal team of mr. von funds would also so from the proceedings with to the, to the out of the quote and they were not given the right to cross executive to defend the appliances is unconstitutional. this is against the principles of natural justice. a local journalist springs us more from near the prison where the sentencing took place just one week before a commercial election in pakistan. a special court established under the operation with secret dec. inside this prison on tuesday 100 board farmer 5, mister evelyn con ex spot. i'm ready to start shop. maybe with good. i see. 10 years in did it beside focus. the charges, i guess iran calm, odd that he never returned and officer document called cipher late on by the, by expanding, investigating washington for the final office,
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cause of defense cleared before the court. that's, i've heard about the us guns privacy. i guess the next then is the stuff like as far as the direct and repetitive influx funds appear on the charges of the violation of the secret back date is particularly for that iran car and had left the site for the private and store office. when he had run, he had left him 2022, his lawyer declared the verdict as soon side, and they'll be delivered on con, support us to stay cool and calm. forecasts on next. january electors and a mess are found out in philadelphia, and on con, wouldn't be the only way to take a moment in the month of june, july 3rd. did you start to have to keep the word of it from porting source of following these instructions? why you would on con, we're not seeing a major protest across the country,
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but there is an anger and back the supporters. i mean, the, my hon, hold our to tv la was really far as far as the persecution of him wrong con, and protest. and his support unfolded back in 2022. he himself discussed the pressure on his supporters as well as the cable. the allegedly proved us involvement and an exclusive interview to our cham. i have made this into a dozen carriers that band my lives coverage on the, on, on, on the screen and, and they're trying to band me from politics because there's a goose of contempt against me since i left office never has been such a public response full for any political party, as it is for my parties today, we had massive rallies that tried to crack down on us, thinking that they would scare us, but that lives increased. the government is panicking. they out there watching us
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growing popularity. we. we swept up by elections in the biggest province in punjab, the other 2 by elections which we slept so that but scared and that's why that clamping down. if we go back mr. come to when you are interested from power in the spring time, you've mentioned several times that certain documents exist that can from foreign interference in your removal of from power. are you in any position to tell us what those documents may be? the sofa and the conversation between the biggest dunham best in washington and the under secretary of state of i'll see you all of the us. there's a conversation between them where he threatens to plug a sunny besta. unless i him, ron von, was removed as a prime minister in a no confidence a motion that but that's didn't,
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wasn't able as yet. there would be consequences of august on the biggest problem is that western countries expect their problems to become all problems is really soldiers disguised it and the civilian clothing is still in the hospital . in the west bank city of jeanine and killed 3 palestinians. the local health ministry has slammed the operation. since this is a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation. excellency, the minister of health, stressed in a statement and called on all international institutions and the world health organization. to stand up and meet their responsibilities, encompassing this phenomenon and holding them accountable. a video circulating on social media shows is really special forces dressed in doctors, uniforms and civilian close reading the if nice, you know, hospital. israel said the man killed were how mosse and as long as he had fighters . well,
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how moss said the men were members of the janine brigades. a warning distressing images are ahead. the 3 men were reportedly sleeping at the time of the attack. i'd be upset at targeted fighters who were involved in promoting significant terrorist activity. the army also claimed that fighters were hiding in the medical facility, while the hospital itself said they were receiving medical care. we heard from their relatives for sure. the zoe against the martyr mohammed, because we was my friend from 1st. great, thank god, he was one of the martyrs. today, mohammed was with his brother in hospital. the brothers were injured almost 4 months ago. special forces wearing civilian clothes and freaked as robs came and assassinated. 2 of them along with the 3rd martyr mohammed jolanda young. the mission of the honda grew up with a childhood full of aspirations to live in his free country. just like any other person born on that land. however,
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he found himself living under occupation where his ambition was to experience life like children in free countries, in a land where he could live in peace and security. unfortunately, as he grew older, he came to the realization that the occupation was damaging the land and denying children their lawful rights. dounia, what is the use to to on political analysts. dr. side name are says, this attack can be considered a crime against international law. was very considerate as the success we consider as i fell out of this kind of act to go, you can disguise russian guys as indians because obviously you do, you know, i can go by beach to the, to the go out of the sky, kind of under the same time expressed how the, you know, this is a crime. i'm the crime, i guess, the crime, i guess, international law,
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i guess the 81, the international. what we are noticing nowadays, that after the 77 global, that's the street, the all kinds of, i think the 2nd year depots in so many levels there for the very 1st time. now using goals and using miss are stores that are seen and, and they are getting the cities on the gums. it's only damaging and destruction in order always a mazda, alyssa and several porters. they received a proposal for a new cease fire deal with tel aviv, and are currently reviewing at ortiz, middle east bureau chief maria from ocean. i has more details. another entail between h roland had mass seems to be around the corner and negotiations as you know have been on and off, but in the last 60 or so days there was no significant progress or any valid offer on the table until now. one wednesday, how mass officials are expected to meet with
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a junction mediators in cairo to discuss the deal that's presuppose as an exchange of at least $100.00 is really hostages for $300.00 or more palestinian prisoners held in different israeli jails. earlier. the chief of the political bureau had mazda, as male head, near asides. the militant group rejects the deal, but later he changed his tone, probably due to some pressure from the mediator saying how mass has not yet made a decision and is still open for negotiations. we are expecting to hear the verdicts after the meeting in cairo, hard to say, of course, if it's going to work as both sides push forward conditions that the other side rejects seem to disagree on key points. how mazda minds, the end of fighting and complete the withdrawal, all the idea of troops from the gaza strip. and that is something rather unacceptable for israel earlier on tuesday. prime minister, been so many to the yahoo, who's focused a conference in the west bank supplement of the lee said again that the fighting
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would not stop troops would not leave the slave and thousands of palestinian prisoners would not be released on the whole lot of this new come, we will not conclude this war without achieving all of its goals. this means eliminating him us returning all of our hostages and ensuring that cause and never again constitutes a threat to israel. we will not withdraw the idea from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen is total victory. again, we have to wait to see what the mission in cairo will bring, and there is still hope as him, i didn't say no, but suddenly the situation is rather fragile. and the rough forces fueling the fire from both sides, palestinian islamic jihad and other guys, a based militant group that might hold the number of his really hostages just recently claimed. they wanted to go into any deal with israel without a comprehensive ceasefire. and withdrawal of these really forces from this trip in each row at the same time,
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shortly after the news came about 10 miles starting the deal. the country's national security administered and india was key call lucian, partner for us and stick with the government over any attempts to enter a reckless deal with him. as most twisted its proposal, that is real all for it. and that is the one that have mazda is now starting, and certainly this is the one that might have been with national security. administer obeys row has been talking about included reportedly as it was never officially confirmed, 2 months long cease fire. and the idea of withdrawal from major citizen guys on so that civilians gases could gradually come back to their homes. according to the un estimates more than 85 percent of guys. those 2300000 strong population have been internally displaced. following these really offensive in the street, so from 110 is really hostages happened released following to deal with her mouth
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in november, but 136 others including children, women and elderly, still remained in cafeteria to engage them and disappointment and, and the grow exponentially within these really public, over how the government deals with this situation protests to put pressure on the leadership to make any deal with a mass that would secure the release of their loved ones back home held on a daily basis with this recent news about a potential deal. these people finally got a glimpse of hope on sunday presents days off egypt costs are israel, and the us matching the french capital parish to discuss the offer. now we hear that a master say shows i'm rated in gyptian mediators in cairo earlier and education sources told r t that no breakthrough has been achieved yet. but we do know that the proposal has been full within the table. and that could potentially mean that we are closer to a deal than ever before, but again, it may unfortunately, easily collapse. we spoke to professor and the political analyst ali,
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all he on doha, who says netanyahu could agree to her mazda as terms, due to domestic pressure. or the minister, but he, i mean, it's a, you know, it's been a bit of the, it's trying to expand his roar and guns that on the, makes it a wrong there. he is also deliberately encouraging the americans via the is the right, you know, be in washington to expand the war and the out of world and in the method he is for one reason because he knows very well. if this war stops, he is going to prison and he is going to lose all his political. the future behind the bonds of this country is the presence. but he, i mean that, that he oh is going to ball. so how much to patients?
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because i did a pressure from every client, every side in the side, the is the you, i'll put him at the bull. we had the the motors today shoes more than 120000. they came from then on over is right. and took that beep and the doors of them, the mom being a tools problem. but he, i mean the video to accept the tools a little which vic, um, uh, is good. the best way your sons, daughters and relatives is affordable is really authority. said 12 employees of the unreal had links to a mazda is october 7th attack russian foreign minister circuit law. private commented on the allegations during talks with is going to be in counterpart in moscow, calling for the reports to be properly investigated before jumping to conclusions. a hi steven list here is really, authorities have announced that they have learned that underwater personnel
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assisted her moss in the october 7th attack against is really civilians which russia immediately condemned. if such allegations exist, we need to investigate them for me. could i see having condemned the terrorist attack on october 7th, we clearly said that it is necessary to fight terrorism in all its manifestations. but to fight by means that do not violate international humanitarian law. what has been happening and is happening is collective punishment, prohibited by international humanitarian law. if instead of investigating the available information about the involvement of someone from the you and staff in these unacceptable terrorist actions that were taken against is really civilians. if the investigation is implemented, then the facts will become known. but if the investigation is replaced by collective punishment, then i think this is the wrong decision. i hope that the u. n. leadership will raise these issues and contacts with as rarely representatives is really official
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as have presented the evidence, which they say ties workers that on road to the home of attack, the accusations are laid out in a da ca given to the us government that details israel's claims against the on run employees you instead it has fired several employees after being briefed on the allegations of the us and friends have lashed out at the is rarely prime minister over a far right conference, labeling, a, quote, incendiary and irresponsible speakers at the event called for a concerted effort to displace the palestinian people and established is rarely settlements in gaza. former mayor of an israeli settlement in the west bank express the confidence that the palestinians will be forced out of the enclave. the the, the returning it to guys. that conference was attended by almost a 3rd of netanyahu's cabinet, is really minister vandevere issued a call to quote,
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return and control the land. the gathering comes amid international pressure for israel to confirm it will respect palestinian statehood when the war and gods it comes to an end or they are. we spoke to is really peace activist alon nissan cohen . he says, why says calling for the forest re, settlement of palestinians are growing louder it within is rarely society. these people are saying things that are very extreme and very clear case. and this is very worrying about and for tennessee. these people are getting more and more power into is really a government and in his very society. and this means that there will be more violence here. uh and uh, let's hope for peace is rarely settling in guys, uh does mean resistance from the palestinians. it always has meant that, and obviously no one would want people to try to take away their homes in their
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lives from them. and this means more violence in our area and less so for the future. unfortunately, these statements need to be up. you can understand them by analyzing kind of the, a psychology of the design and using and a t. as you can see, the some conscience of the subconscious was that any of the conscious part of zionism tells you that no, this is a we're, we just went through the story from us. but the sub conscious part says we actually want to take that and then this has always been like this. and now it is even more severe. the v is really government has once again dismissed. the possibility of a 2 state solution is really defense minister says tel aviv will maintain military control over gaza based on the model currently imposed on the west bank. after the war is over, i think it's completely clear that to must, why can control garza israel will control it militarily, but one, control it in
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a civilian sense. nothing about the situation can be called positive in my opinion . um and uh, definitely uh what uh, guarantees. the thing is beginning of the fishing and this is not a good path to take forward. in my opinion. we need to take the best of the reconciliation of listening, the violence of listening, the oppression of reaching peace and co operation between. everyone believes in this land, i think is where it is always say that there is no partner on the other side that the palestinians are no partners for peace. but during my life, i have learned more and more. that is what it is actually the one who's not the partner for peace and is ready say that they want to piece, but the ones piece without justice. they want a piece of supremacy and they want to piece of oppress, oppression,
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of other people. and i don't believe that this is true piece, and this is why i don't believe anything is progressing here with western state, it's continuing to push for l g b t writes across the globe, but pope france so recently officially bless the same sex marriage, lamented a criticism of the decision, especially across africa, those who protest vehemently belong to small ideological groups, a special case or africans for them homeless actuality is something bad from a cultural point of view. they don't tolerated. martin assemble uganda and profoundly activist and founder of the straight nation organization that says, moves to force homeless actuality on the church are an outrage, i think is trying to divide and rule. i've seen this happen with a church of england where they've spent about 10 years or 20 years going back and forth, hoping that people will get tired people will be worn out. and i think that's what
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the price is doing. it's very sad. it's extremely grieving some for the cat roman catholics and they've. ringback christian because it's the biggest challenge across the world. so in some ways, we're very grieved, but in some ways his statement though he's trying to put us down, actually we feel good about it. why we feel good being recognized that we have standing up for truth. we will not capitulate to the efforts of poke francis to bring something very biblical. we see this as a post to see the what needs to change is not the african charge. what needs to change is port francis a bomb during the post, as they are seeking to use the charge and use political strategy to divide a rule. i mean pause on what sexuality of the church. this is. i think people and they have, let him know that we will in no way because see the blessing, homeless tech shows, because that would be a violation of the bible. the why,
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the good that we true we believe is trying to say on one side that homosexuality is bad in, in africa, but it's ok in europe. i, i just don't understand. you continues to say that the people in general are the ones who are ideological extreme is that somehow they will assemble particulate through. he's draconian orders. so and you think coming up is that the output cost of the guys being seen as a social quote for priest and the actress the world because even the pope is recognizing his life. look, i, i think i can be able to push the europeans and of the americans down, but i don't have a problem with africa. so in some ways i'm like, yeah, yeah. i think you really got voice. i think there's a beginning over this customer and here we want to see the redemption of the church and the restoration of god's work. all right, let's so do it for me for now,
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but do stay with us. my colleague, peter stopped, we'll fix things up. next was more news for you in just over half an hour's time. by the
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way, toes ukraine. narrative is like the passage of seasons ever changing. we witness as long as it takes to today's, just to avoid the fee. dividing ministration knows victory over rush. it is a dead end. now it is satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine. the now can you use visa deployed here yet to nancy kim's in the book. this is just me very the the only showcase is use the skinny to the boys at the boys.
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the, the, probably the one that's noun that will be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't want that extra them. but adults of a good video of a bunch abused by an officer today for sheriff's deputy and columbia, south carolina forcibly removed a student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talking to her who sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just is quite a student in the class. someone looked at the police officer and says, here was law enforcement that is worse, clearly attacking, abusing power and it ended, there are others besides,
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this is what's wrong with comes for leaving a on discipline black children. he was there is forcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people were never gonna change your mind so people will never change their minds about the video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. the the, the beauty of the story, maybe the over a go on the board or storing yourself. originally, you spoke to the senior boy menu on the show you as a general facility based in yet periods,
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which are likely to escape for those that are there any vision is going to have look up a meeting in ground at the ups to bundle ski at the at the site, the goal with this new to look at the new year. and then, as i said to him is the thing is as see assessment rate is for him with either of his principal level pursuing your nearest the global significant any percentage of the time is happens or somebody to pick video. it's nice because they have to just catch the senior. the germany's operations on the roads or against the ssl should have left in 6 weeks.


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