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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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of the 4 people are killed in a bone blast junior volumes full to the full of pockets 25 minutes. the emerald con, who was recently sentenced to 20 years in prison and very pulses disguised. a civilians killed the palestinians and of westbank hospital medical facilities. as the men were killed in the sleep on the control, the sea follows the decision by boat fences to officially bless same sex marriage as, as the head of the catholic church describes a spot from african bishops as a special case influenced by culture. the
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from must go to the world. this is the international minus pizza. scott, and these are the top stories this our we do start with the breaking news from south korea. local media have reported. that's an american f. 16 fighter jets has crushed off the soft green coast. that's according to the young hop news agency, which at the moment is not provided any more details, as always, will be all the latest updates us. and when we get back to our regular news program now is let me states has claimed responsibility for a bomb blast in the south west of pakistan, the killed at least 4 people. they explosion happened during the valley and supported the full, the prime minister in monk con spotty with the formerly. that recently senses to 10 years in prison. the. 6 so full of safety, the 4 people killed women as of a monk, cons party 6. others were opposed to the injured in the plus of to a, from concert on a motorbike exploded. official say it's on claim which is valid was
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a target local journalist is more detail as if we did, the bomb exploded here agenda wrote when the p d, i election rally just passed this opinion, make it by doing at least 4 people have been confirmed dead police and security forces have cordoned off the area while the dead and injured are being taken by private ambulances to the local hospital and emergency has been declared in city district hospital. if my camera man can pen behind me, troops have just arrive to collect the evidence and to confirm if they suspect the suicide bomber or improvised explosive device with the bus came as the form of pakistani prime minister denounced his trial as a fixed much of the court found him guilty of leaking state secrets account has been in jail since august on corruption charges, and he's repeatedly denied or accusations. iraq con code for supporters to the peaceful participates in the upcoming elections. this is not a trial, but a fixed match with the outcome was pretty determined. that is why i already knew
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the decision of this case. these people want to provoke you by giving me severe punishment in this case. so that you go out on the streets and protest, then the committee at another full slager operation. second, they want you people to stay at home on election day. disappointed and angry. about con was out as, as prime minister, and then got no confidence votes. in april 2022, he originally claimed he was in the front office and the us conspiracy before making a you'd send on those comments. fulfills thing i'm proud of him. con cost must have processing parties done over the last 2 years. the . 6 9 the
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mountains, lawyers said that they are going to appeal the sentence claim. the trial violated the constitution, which was written on the one yesterday, bought the choir, which is about the legally appointed legal team of mister vaughan funds would also do so from the proceedings with to the, to the out of the quote. and they were not given the right to cross executive to defend the appliances is unconstitutional. this is a game slip. and suppose both natural justice local journalist brings us more from the prison where the sentencing took place just one week before crucial election. at this time, a special guard established under the offer. so seeker, dec, inside this prison on tuesday, 100 board farmer 5. just to give on con, an export on ready start shot. maybe. could i see 10 years in did it beside focus because i guess iran con odd that he never returned and officer document called
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cipher late on by the bikes, finding investor in washington for the final office to monetize defense deleted before. because that's i've heard about the us guns privacy. i guess the next thing is the stuff like as far as the direct and girlfriend is in fox sponsor for us on the charges of the violation of the secret tax date is particularly for that iran con, had left the cipher in 5 minutes to offers. when he had written, he had left him 2022, his lawyer declared the verdict as shame, size, and a fee to leave it on con supporters to stay cool and calm for good or next general electors and a mess are found out in philadelphia on con, wouldn't be the only way to take a moment in the fund the did the last or did you start to have to keep the word of it from funding sources. following these instructions, while you went on con,
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we are not seeing a major protest across the country, but there is an anger and mark, the supporters. i mean the, my hon. hold our to tv. was really lucky, is fun. we spoke with her son book, all right, who's a political analyst, an historian. and he said that the circumstances in their minds con case a perfectly clear um, basically every month focused on most what's happening. so the usa was very unhappy and then gone on. and the us locating the and the good of august on the established thing and doing the middle i'm going to bending over backwards, but they're trying to gain us fever as the human. the economic solution focused on hines itself in due to the stability instability that came up in gong hong 0. so called a signal to form an actor, there's the defendant,
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seeing but it has to do with the law and justice laws, the persecution of error icon on protests in his simple. busy and folded back in 2022 amps up discuss the pressure on his supporters as well as a cable. that's allegedly prove us involvement and an exclusive interview with optional. i have made this into a dozen carriers that band my lives coverage on the, on, on, on the screen and, and they're trying to band me from politics because there's a goose of contempt against me since i left office. never has there been such a public response full for any political party as it is for my body today. we had massive rallies that tried to grab, don't own us. thinking that they would scare us, but the value is increased, the government is panicking. they out there watching us growing popularity we, we swept the by elections and the biggest province in punjab. the other 2 by
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elections which we slept so that but scared and that's why that clamping down. if we go back mr. come to when you are interested from power in the spring time, you've mentioned several times that certain documents exist that can from foreign interference in your removal of from power. are you in any position to tell us what those documents may be, the site for and the conversation between the plug as dunham best and washington, and the under secretary of state of both the you of the us. there's a conversation between them where he threatens the plug is suddenly besta said, unless i am wrong on was removed as a prime minister in a no confidence a motion that but that's didn't, wasn't able as yet. there will be consequences of august on the biggest problem is that western countries expect their problems to become all problems
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with the southwest and focused on now where a local authority is confirmed. it's 5 people have been killed in 13, injured, and must be described as a coordinate to terror attacks in the early hours of tuesday for the circulating on social media is shows cause on buildings a place. i just don't ask you what's false as have been deployed following the overnights and sites on facilities, including both a railway station and a prison. local officials have blamed a group connected to the surfaces, bulky stun liberation army for the violence. we heard from an eye witness of one of the insights. and again, we see that they killed at least 3 people and injured several more. the dead and injured were laying helpless on the ground, but nobody from the government to emergency services came to help us. the fire brigade vehicle arrived later to put out the fire. if the storage has had arrived in time, we would not have lost so much mass or pocket start. because while i'm in cobra, which is 50 kilometers from quest to the capital of pakistan's biologist on
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problems last night, terrorist attacks government facilities and civilian buildings and vehicles in mac, copa, and go get a report, say the terrace 5 more than 15 rock and the security forces responded quickly, rushing to the scene with fish fights and broke out the terrace lights open, fire and then towards the civilian vehicle and the highway. police and local authorities confirmed the 5 people killed was 13 people were injured. the injured would then take them to the collector trauma center, a railway police officer and the young go were also among the victims. the terrorist attacks government buildings and macro away station, which was such a blaze along with the restaurants in the top of the terrace. also opened fire on the shops behind the provincial government spokesman, john chic, sorry, confirmed the terrorist attacks 3 different locations before being engaged by the security forces which killed at least 7 of the terrorists present their helicopters in the air of a mark where a military operation is being conducted. additional forces are being rushed to the
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area and the national highway remains blocked. we spoke to the owners of the vehicle. they said that although the fire has been extinguished, they've lost millions of rupees and they cannot recover. the is reading soldiers disguised in civilian clothing, have stormed a hospital in the west bank city of janine until 3 palestinians. the local health administrator has slammed the operation the dream and said, this is a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation. excellency, the minister of health, stressed in a statement uncalled on all international institutions and the world health organization to stand up and meet their responsibilities, encompassing this phenomenon and holding them accountable for the video circulating on social media and shows these really special forces dressed in doctor's uniforms on civilian clothing, reading the scene, a hospital. israel said the men killed what, how?
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moss, on these lemay jihad fights as well? how must said the men with members of the janine brigades wanting the distressing image is coming up. now, a sea men were reportedly sleeping at the time's idea of set its august as fights as he what quotes is involved in promoting significant terrorist activity. the army also claimed the fights as a hiding the medical facilities, while the hospital itself said they were receiving medical care. we heard from their relatives here the we can the martyr mohammad because we was my friend from 1st. great, thank god, he was one of the martyrs today. mohammed was with his brother in hospital. the brothers were injured almost 4 months ago. special forces wearing civilian clothes and freighters robs, came and assassinated 2 of them along with the 3rd martyr mohammed jolanda young. the mission of mohammed grew up with a childhood full of aspirations to live in his free country,
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just like any other person born on that land. however, he found himself living under occupation where his ambition was to experience life like children in free countries, in a land where he could live in peace and security. unfortunately, as he grew older, he came to the realization that the occupation was damaging the land and denying children their lawful rights. what is the biggest thing that you've sitting on? well, let's go unlist adults a sod. niema says this could be considered a crime against international law. it was considered as a success we consider as i fell out of this kind of act to go, you can disguise russian guys as indians because obviously you do, you know, i can go by, reach to the, to the go out of the sky, kind of under the same time expressed how the, you know, this is a crime. i'm the crime against the crime. i guess, international law,
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i guess the 81, the international. what we are noticing nowadays, that after the 77 blow by that the street, the all kinds of, like i said, these i guess because you deeper in so many levels there for the very 1st time now using goals and using miss us to get seen and they are getting these cities on the gums, it's only damaging and destruction in order always. most militants have reports and received a proposal for a new sci fi deal with some of these. and i kind of interviewing it, sees mid least bureau chief, me, if enough, that has multi task another entail between israel and have mass seems to be around the corner and negotiations as you know, have been on and off. but in the last 60 or so days, there was no significant progress or any valid offer on the table until now. one
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wednesday, him as officials are expected to meet with a junction mediators in cairo to discuss the bill that's presuppose as an exchange of at least $100.00 is really hostages for $300.00 or more palestinian prisoners held in different israeli jails. earlier. the chief of the political bureau had mazda, as male head, near asides. the militant group rejects the deal, but later he changed his tone, probably due to some pressure from the mediator saying how mass has not yet made a decision and is still open for negotiations. we are expecting to hear the verdicts after the meeting in cairo, hard to say, of course, if it's going to work as both sides push forward conditions that the other side rejects seem to disagree on key points. how mazda minds, the end of fighting and complete the withdrawal, all the idea of troops from the gaza strip. and that is something rather unacceptable for israel earlier on tuesday. prime minister, been so many to the yahoo, whose focus a conference in the west bank supplement of the lee said again that the fighting
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would not stop troops would not leave the slave and thousands of palestinian prisoners would not be released on the who long as the w come, we will not conclude this war without achieving all of its goals. this means eliminating him us returning all of our hostages and ensuring that cause a never again constitutes a threat to israel. we will not withdraw the idea from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen is total victory. again, we have to wait and see what the mission in cairo will bring. and there is still hope as him, i didn't say no, but suddenly dissertation is rather fragile. and the rough forces fueling the fire from both size, palestinians, lumnick jihad and other guys, a based militant group that might hold a number of as really hostages just recently claimed. they want to go into any deal with israel without a comprehensive ceasefire. and the withdrawal of these really forces from the
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street in each row at the same time, shortly after the news came about 10 miles starting the deal, the country's national security administered. and antonia was key call lucian, partner for us and to quit the government over any attempts to enter a reckless deal with him. as most twisted the proposal that is real offer. and that is the one that had mas as an outstanding. and certainly this is the one that might have been with national security administer obeys row has been talking about included reportedly as it was never officially confirmed, 2 months long to cease fire and the idea of withdrawal from major citizen guys on so that civilians gases could gradually come back to their homes, according to the un estimates more than 85 percent of gas as 2300000, strong population have been internally displaced. following these really offensive in the street. so from 110 is really hostages happened released following to deal
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with him as in november, but 136 others, including children, women, and elderly, still remained in cafeteria to engage them and disappointment. and, and the grow exponentially within these really public, over how the government deals with this situation protests to put pressure on the leadership to make any deal with a mass that would secure the release of their loved ones back home held on a daily basis with this recent news about a potential deal. these people finally got a glimpse of hope on sunday representatives of egypt caught our israel and the us matching the french capital parish to discuss the offer. now we hear that a master se shows how much it injection and mediators in cairo earlier with paychex and sources, told our teeth that no breakthrough has been achieved yet. but we do know that the proposal has been full within the table. and that could potentially mean that we are closer to a deal than ever before. but again,
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it may unfortunately easily collapse realty. we spoke to professor on political analyst ali a hail in doha, who says that nothing you all who could agree to how my system is due to domestic pressure. that prime minister. but yeah, i mean, that's it. you know, it's been a bit a 3 it try to expand this war and get that. and the makes it longer. he is also deliberately encouraging the americans via the is that i, you know, be in or something to expand the old and the out of world and in the middle east for one reason. because he knows very well. if this war stops, he is going to prison and he is going to lose all his political or difficult future behind the bonds of this countries the prisoners. but he, i mean that, that he oh is going to ball. so how much to patients because
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there are pressure from every client, every side in the side, that is the, you put him at the feasible we had the same issues more than 120000. they came from then on over. is that right and took that beep and the jurors of them, the mom being a tools problem, but he, i mean the video to accept a tools through which victim uh, to get the back. they are the sons, daughters and the relatives as a whole. ms rela has consent. meanwhile, that is military has begun pumping sea water into the underground tunnel network used by how much engaged in cooperation between units in the id f and the ministry of defense. various tools were developed to channel large volumes of water into a most terror tunnels in the gaza strip. this is part of a range of tools deployed by the idea of to neutralize the threat of
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a must subterranean network of tunnels. of mol, this i'm joined live now by a full massage analyst, laurie jones said laurie, great to help you with those. i'm no, israel's been suspected for weeks of loading the how much tunnels, why do you think they've only confirmed it? no, to the deeds of p. r victory the to the war is not going well for israel. the they, i've been basically stymied by him us. they have not made significant progress and is that netanyahu sat in one of your previous pieces eliminating how most of the refining it's very difficult to eliminate homos. but they are eliminating are the palestinian people, civilians, children and women elderly. but in the coming under increasing pressure is israel is really government to know who's coming under increasing pressure home. so putting out this kind of story is one of those ways to say it all look, look we're,
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we're making progress, we're pumping salt water entities, tunnels. and yet when you read through the article, they advocate, oh yeah, what, but, but before we pump the salt water and all, we go through a do a thorough study and make sure that there's no damage to the soil or to the water table. i mean it's, it's, it's really not sensical of that, but they're suddenly environmental concern while they're literally blowing the gaza into bits and pieces will bring, has gone. so in many ways already on said, but my next question laurie the you and has warned of the risk of contaminating drinking water and dummy don't sewage infrastructure. as you said, the idea of says it is analyzed the soil to ensure that groundwater isn't offensive . i mean, we'll see, we'll see, we'll take a, a is, doesn't just so just stay to the moment any way that no matter what they do it, what are they making a difference to the infrastructure that the yeah, the,
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the infrastructure is on its last legs. i frankly don't know how the palestinian people that are still there. so by the because you know, it's one thing not to have a clean water ready access to clean water. but then on top of that, not to have adequate sewage and toilet facilities. and then so all of that is, you know, comes together to create a great disease spread when you've got diarrhea and all of the hydration and other things people. but it, particularly children can die very, very quickly. and it, you know, one minute they could appear healthy in the next minutes, they can be dead. so it, it's really sort of reprehensible that right now, the only 2 countries in the world that are standing up and trying to do something of substance to stop this. or you, i'm in the south africa. the rest of the world is, you know, doing a good job of talking but they're not doing. and so with that was every passing day,
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you get the desk told rises for the palestinian civilians. indeed, and do you think the idea is that it shows that if he is puts in the hostages risk by slipping, these tunnels beetles, they don't, they don't care about the hostages. they've already used poison gas and one of the tunnels with a gas, one of the ro member of 3 weeks ago that the 3 is really hostages. came out with a white flag trying to surrender, had their shirts off. they were shot by the israeli military. the as ready military's rules of engagement are to shoot civilians. if they can get away with they don't have to pose a threat. they can just whatever that particular is rarely, soldiers failing at the moment. you can go ahead and kill civilians. they have shot so many of our people it is, it represents evidence of the war crimes. it's
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a part of the south african complaint accusing israel of genocide. i guess israel would say that it is trying to avoid civilian casualties, but they did submit a debt sold out, certainly an illness at the moment. i just wanna pick your brain on one more thing before you go. i'm sure i do have officials reports of the estimate, the length of the tunnel. is that between 350 to 450 miles? how effective do you think this technique is many? that's? those are probably poor us. meaning that the water just drains, why is this most psychological wolf always you say uh for p all purposes? yeah, i think it's strictly for p r. purposes is not having any measurable effect on how mos military capabilities are. ability to use those titles are merged, carry out quick ambushes and retreat. and as a result of this is, this is one of the problems that the is riley space. there, there is suffering a large number of casualties and not making any measurable progress. at least progress they can show to the citizenry and israel to say,
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i'll see this is worth it. look at, look at what we've accomplished. we've now got captured and held these areas that that's just not happening. well, i don't send the form to say, unless thanks very much for your thoughts on the idea of funding those from us, some of think us. thank you. thank you, peter. moving on now us present. joe biden says that he's now made a decision on washington's response. to the deli drug strike that killed the american soldiers, but the american leader refused to show up any further details. oh yes. i do. oh oh. oh, drones will launched on sunday against 3 us spaces in syria, which damascus, consider as to the occupation forces and station that and legally the dirt. any of
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the common shut down washington's claim that one of the basis of sites is located inside jordan. and then the aftermath of the strike, but invalid service, all the aids for the deadly strikes quotes, but the time and money of that choosing. just thought the american latest belief that's around the bikes. the group responsible for the attack pennsauken deputy press secretary sabrina singles and able to provide any evidence just to follow up here on who was behind the talk. where is that, i mean, have you seen evidence of financing or directing anything specific to this a time? not just generally, but specifically. uh, so what maybe i need to clarify further um from what lead i had mentioned. we know that iran funds these groups like a top has blah, we know that these iron g, c, back militias are the ones responsible for attacks on our troops in iraq in syria. beyond that, we're, we're doing an intelligence assessments. we don't have, i do, i can give you today. that is a tax thinking and tara, we just know that iran funds, these groups like kotob, has bull and other groups that have attacked our forces. but i don't have more to
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share on international stories like truck so it's are upset. dkim says the us is once again attempting to pin the blame for the attack despite the lack of evidence . well, that's what the us is all was doing, accusing others of all the things that happened in the region where else were even the us even blames russia for the election results in the inside. the us, the u. s. has always accused other nations without providing any evidence. we have the case of the so called weapons of mass, strong destruction that cause to the occupation and the base channel of uh, uh, iraq and occupation for several decades of another nation based on the occupation. some claims that were never supported by any evidence and then after a decade stay with turned out to be light. so this is not something new that is
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happening uh by the us. that us is kind of uh, withdrawing from their 1st uh, uh, responses that they would, they said that they would respond to any attack by a wrong because they know that iran has a very strong and very well prepared latrete. but they also know that a wrong is, or has been practicing strategical patients for a very long time. bite is being cautious by not getting into a conflict with the wrong, which would mean, which probably would leads to not only the more anti american sentiments in the region and the correct spelling of the us forces from the region, but also needs in the state of israel into a faster, a collapse with many western states continuing to push for l g. b t writes across the globe. pope from say, see recently officially bless the same sex marriage limits or criticism of the decision, especially across africa. those who protest vehemently belong to small ideological
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groups, a special case or africans for them homeless actuality is something bad from a cultural point of view. they don't tolerated a lot in simple who's that you've done to not pro family. all right, so based on found of the straits nation organization says essentially is that it should not be imposed on the church i think is trying to divide and rule. i've seen this happen with a church of england web spent about 10 years or 20 years going back and forth, hoping that people will get tired people will be worn out. and i think that's what the price is doing. it's very sod, extremely grieving some for the cat roman catholics. i live. ringback christian because it's the biggest challenge across the world. so in some ways we're very grieved, but in some ways his statement though he's trying to put us down, actually we feel good about it. why we feel good being recognized that we are
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standing up with.


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