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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the 4 people are killed in a bone blast during a raleigh as opposed to the full of parties. tony prime minister in wrong khan, who was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison is ready for us as disguised. a civilians killed 3 palestinians and a westbank hospital. the facility says that men were asleep but, but they were killed in the sleep for the time. from time to control the sea follows the decision by pope fences to officially less the same sex marriage as the head of the catholic church describes push back from african bishops as a special case influenced by culture the
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just on the 6th. and it must go. this is all to international monies be discussed with the latest we'll use. thank you for joining us. that's our top story. this is that many states has claimed responsibility for a bomb blast in the south west of breakfast on the killed at least 4 people explosions that happened. sugar valley in support of the former pm in mount con, spotty. the formerly the recently senses to 10 years in prison. the people say 3 of the 4 people killed women bits of cons. policy 6 of us were reports and the injured in the blast after a bomb punted on a motorbike exploded. official say it's unclear whether the valley was the target. local journalist springs as more details uptake. we did the bomb exploded year edge in the road. when the p. d. i election rally just passed the spin you make it by doing at least 4 people have been confirmed, dead police and security forces have cordoned off the area while the dead and
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injured are being taken by private ambulances to the local hospital and emergency has been declared and city district hospital. if my camera man can pan behind me, troops have just arrived to collect the evidence and to confirm if they suspect the suicide bomber or improvised explosive device. with a blast came us. the form of pakistani prime minister denounced his trial as a fixed match, the co founder of guilty of lee king state secrets cons, been in jail since august on corruption charges, and is repeatedly denied all the allegations. because 1st of all, interested in a peaceful, unpopular space in the upcoming elections, this is not a trial, but a fixed match with the outcome was put determined. that is why i already knew the decision of this case. these people want to provoke you by giving me severe punishment in this case, so that you go out on the streets and protest, then they commit to yet another full flag opperation. second, they want you people to stay at home on election day. disappointed and angry. about
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don was out of this p. m, and a no confidence votes. in april 2022, he claimed he was removed from office and the us conspiracy before making a you turn on those comments? both the austin on trial of him on con, costs must have protested pockets done. over the last 2 years, the, the lawyers said they are appealing the sentence. the claimant, the trial violated to the constitution, which was written on the one yesterday about the 24th is about the legally appointed legal wisdom drawn funds would also so from the proceedings with to the,
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to the out of the quote. and they were not given the right to cross executive to defend the appliances is unconstitutional. this is against the principles of natural justice. local journalist brings us more from near the prison where the sentencing took place just one week before crucial election and practiced on a special guard established under the offer. so seeker, dec, inside this prison on tuesday 100 board farmer 5. just to give on con, an export on ready start, sean labeled. could i see? 10 years in did it decipher case? the charges i guess iran. com on that. he never returned and officer document called cipher late and by the bikes, funding invested in washington. for the final office. cons defense cleared before the court. that's i've heard about the us guns, privacy. i guess the nation is the so far as far as the direct and girlfriend is in fox sponsor for us on the charges of the violation of the secret back date is
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particularly for that iran con, had left the site for the private and store office. when he had written, he had left him 2022, his lawyer declared the verdict as soon sites and the fees to be put on con supporters. to stay cool and calm. forecasts on next, january electors and a mess are found out in philadelphia on con. wouldn't be the only way to take a moment in the fund. the did the, like i said, these are to have to keep the word of it from funding sources. following these instructions, while you went on con, we are not seeing a major protest across the country, but there is an anger, and i can be supporters. i mean the, my hon. hold our to tv. was really lucky starting. lydia. we spoke with a son book gallery who was a political analyst and historian, and he said that the circumstances in cons case
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a perfectly clear basically every month of august on most what's happening. so the usa was very unhappy, the bronx on. and the us locating the overall and the good of august on the established engine government. the no i vincent bending over backwards but they're trying to gain us fever as the even the economic situation vargas on find it. so in, due to the stability instability that came up in gong hong 0. so called a signal to an actor. there's the uh, this sentencing, but it has to do with the law. justice was the wrong cons, troubles and process and support of it. on the folded back in 2022. hey himself discussed the pressure on his supporters as well as a cable that allegedly prove to us involvement and an exclusive interview to watch them. i have made this into a dozen carriers that band my lives coverage on the,
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on, on, on the screen and, and they're trying to band me from politics because there's a goose of contempt against me since i left office. never has there been such a public response full for any political party as it is for my body today. we had massive rallies that tried to grab, don't own us. thinking that they would scare us. but that leaves increased the government as panicking. they out there watching us growing popularity we, we swept up by elections in the biggest province in punjab, the other 2 by elections which we slept so that but scared and that's why that clamping down. if we go back mr. come to when you are interested from power in the spring time, you've mentioned several times that certain documents exist that can from far in
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interference in your removal of from power. are you in any position to tell us what those documents may be? the size of the conversation between the biggest dunham best and washington and the under secretary of state of, of to you of the us. there's a conversation between them where he threatens to plug a sunny investor, unless i him, ron von, was removed as a prime minister in a no confidence, a motion that but that's didn't, wasn't able as yet. there will be consequences of august on the biggest problem is that western countries expect their problems to, to become all problems. moving on to other news now, an american f. 16 fighter jets has crushed of the south korean coast. local media report, the depaula did monies to objects from the craft and survived the incidents which device its 8 faulty local time in the city of going son. but this is the 2nd
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a 16 to crash in the area and less than 2 months after another fighter jets crashed in december during military drills. yeah, base in the city is used by both of us under the soft green apple since the love to them at least now where it's really sold, just disguised, a civilian in civilian clothing have stormed a hospital in the west bank city of janine until 3 palestinians the local health ministry, the slumped operation. this is a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation. excellency, the minister of health, stressed in a statement uncalled on all international institutions and the world health organization to stand up and meet their responsibilities in combating this phenomenon and holding them accountable. video circulating on social media shows is really special forces dressed in dumpsters, uniforms and civilian clothing rating the i've been seen
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a hospital as well said the men killed. how much on this damage you had fights as well? how most of the men with members of the geneva gaze could warning their distressing images coming up now the 3 men were reportedly sleeping at the time of the attack. the idea of studied targeted fighters who were involved in promoting a significant serviced. i'd say it's a yeah, i mean also claim to fights as well, hiding in the medical facility, but also itself, so they were receiving medical care. we heard from their relatives to share the zoe against the martyr mohammed because we was my friend from 1st. great, thank god, he was one of the martyrs today. mohammed was with his brother in hospital. the brothers were injured almost 4 months ago. special forces wearing civilian clothes and freighters, rugs came and assassinated. 2 of them along with the 3rd martyr mohammed jolanda young. the mission of mohammed grew up with
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a childhood full of aspirations to live in his free country, just like any other person born on that land. however, he found himself living under occupation where his ambition was to experience life like children in free countries, in a land where he could live in peace and security. unfortunately, as he grew older, he came to the realization that the occupation was damaging the land and denying children their lawful rights on a duty. uh, what is the biggest thing that you've sitting on the on list delta sod niema says this attack could be considered a crime against international law. it was considered as a success. we can see the thought of this kind of act to go. you can disguise nursing guys as indians because obviously you do not. i can go by beach to the, to the go out of the sky, kind of under the same time be expressed how the,
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you know, this is a crime. i'm the crime, i guess, the crime, i guess, international law, i guess the a one international. what we are noticing nowadays that after the 77 to but that's the street and all kinds of like i said, these are the people in so many levels there for the very 1st time now. yeah. using dogs and using miss our store that gets seen and, and they are getting the cities on the gums, it's only damaging and destruction in order to always stay with the war in the middle east. israel's concern the disability has begun something see, will say into the underground tunnel system used by a mouse and gaza in cooperation between units in the id f and the ministry of defense. various tools were developed to channel large volumes of water into a most terror tunnels. in the gaza strip, this is part of
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a range of tools deployed by the idea of to neutralize the threat of a must subterranean network of tunnels. performance say on the list. larry johnson says that the announcements is an attempt by the idea of to cast a positive light of his lack of progress in the fights against him. us the deeds of p r victory the, the war is not going well for israel. that they, i've been basically stymied by him us. they have not made significant progress and is that in yahoo said eliminating him oss the refining. it's very difficult to eliminate how mos but they are eliminating or the palestinian people civilians. so putting out this kind of story is one of those ways to say don't look like we're, we're making progress, we're pumping salt water into these tunnels. they indicate, oh yeah, what? but, but before we pump the salt water in, well, we go through and do a thorough study and make sure that there's no damage to the soil or to the water
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table. i mean, it's, it's, it's really not sensical of that, but they're suddenly environmental concern. while they're literally blowing the gaza into bits and pieces. meanwhile him, us militants have reports and we received a proposal for a new cx, 5 deal with tennessee, and they're currently reviewing, gets his off season release, bureau chief refill snuff with more details. another entail between israel and have mass seems to be around the corner and negotiations as you know have been on and off, but in the last 60 or so days there was no significant progress or any valley to offer on the table until now. one wednesday, how mass officials are expected to meet with a junction mediators in cairo to discuss the bill that's presupposes an exchange of at least $100.00 is really hostages for $300.00 or more palestinian prisoners held in different israeli jails. earlier. the chief of the political bureau had mazda, as male head, near asides. the militant group rejects the deal,
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but later he changed his tone, probably due to some pressure from the mediator saying how mass has not yet made a decision and is still open for negotiations. we are expecting to hear the verdicts after the meeting in cairo, hard to say, of course, if it's going to work as both sides push forward conditions that the other side rejects seem to disagree on key points. how mazda minds, the end of slicing and complete the withdrawal, all the idea of troops from the gaza strip. and that is something rather unaccessible for israel earlier on tuesday, 5 minister, a bench. how many to the yahoo? who's focused conference in the west bank supplement of a lee said again that the fighting would not stop troops would not leave the slave and thousands of palestinian prisoners would not be released on the w come. we will not conclude this war without achieving all of it. schools. this means illuminating home us returning all of our hostages and ensuring that cause a never again constitutes
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a threat to israel. we will not withdraw the idea from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen is total victory. again, we have to wait and see what the mission in cairo will bring. and there is still hope as him, i didn't say no, but suddenly dissertation is rather fragile. and the rough forces fueling the fire from both size palestinians, lumnick jihad and other guys of based militants group that might hold a number of as really hostages just recently claimed. they want to go into any deal with israel without a comprehensive ceasefire and withdrawal of these really forces from the street in each row at the same time, shortly after the news came about 10 miles starting the deal, the country's national security administered and india was key call lucian partner for us and to quit the government over any attempts to enter a reckless deal with him. as most twisted its proposal that is real over it. and
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that is the one that have mazda is now starting, and certainly this is the one that might have been with national security. administer obeys row has been talking about, included reportedly as it was never officially confirmed, 2 months long to cease fire. and the idea of withdrawal from major citizen guys on so that civilians gallons could gradually come back to their homes. according to the un estimates more than 85 percent of gas as 2300000, strong population have been internally displaced. following these really offensive industry. so from 110 is really hostages happened released following to deal with her math in the brand, but 136 others, including children, women, and elderly, still remained in cafeteria to engage them and disappointment. and, and the grow exponentially within these relevant public over how the government deals with this situation protests to put pressure on the leadership to make any deal with
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a mass that would secure the release of their loved ones back home held on a daily basis with this recent news about a potential deal. these people finally got a glimpse of hope on sunday representatives of egypt caught our israel and the us matching the french capital parish to discuss the offer. now we hear that a master say shows, i'm rated encryption and mediators and chiral earlier. chips and sources told our teeth that no breakthrough has been achieved yet. but we do know that the proposal has been full within the table. and that could potentially mean that we are closer to a deal than ever before. but again, it may unfortunately, easily collapse. we spoke to professor, i'm political analyst, alley out highland doha, who says that nothing you know who could have greets, of how my system's just amounting domestic pressure. the front minister. but he, i mean, it's a, you know, it's been a bit of d. i try to, uh,
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expand this war and get that on the makes it longer. and he is also deliberately encouraging the americans via the is that i, you know, be in or something to expand the war and the out of world and in the middle east for one reason. because he knows very well. if this war stops, he is going to prison and he is going to lose all his political, the future behind the bonds of rich countries, the prisoners. but he, i mean that video is going to ball. so how much to patients because there are pressure, there's a problem every time, every side in the side, that is what i use. i'll put him at the bull. we had the the motors today issues more of a gun, 120000. they came from then on over is right and took that beep and the doors of
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them, the mom being a tools problem. but he, i mean the video to accept a tools a little which vic, um, uh, is get the best value of the sons, daughters and the relatives as a whole. us preston, joe biden says that he's not made a decision on washington's response to the deadly drone stride that killed the 3 american soldiers boats. the american leader refused to ship any detail. yes. i do. oh, oh, good. well, drones were launched on sunday against 3 us spaces in syria, which damascus says that the illegally, the don't any government denied washington's claims. that's one of the basis was located inside jordan. press
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a button valid to retaliate quotes at the time and money of his choosing. and his funding, american latest belief that yvonne backs the group responsible for the attack depends the gun was unable or willing to provide any evidence of turnarounds, involvement. just to follow up here on was behind the talk. what does that mean? have you seen evidence of financing or directing anything specific to this a time? not just generally, but specifically. uh so what maybe i need to clarify further um from what lead i had mentioned, we know that iran funds these groups like a top hezbollah. we know that these iron g, c, back militias are the ones responsible for attacks on our troops in iraq and syria . beyond that, we're, we're doing and intelligence assessments. we don't have, i do, i can give you today that is a tax thinking interior. we just know that you're wrong funds, these groups like kotob, hezbollah and other groups that have attacked our forces. but i don't have more to share on international studies later. so tara, so the team says that the us is,
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you have to get attempting to pin the blame for the outside despite the lack of evidence. well, that's what the us, as all was doing, accusing others of all the things that happened in the region where else were even the us even blames russia for the election results in the inside. the us, the u. s. has always accused other nations without providing any evidence. we have the case of the so called weapons of mass destruction that cause to the occupation and based on all of the iraq and the occupation for several decades of another nation based on the occupations and claims that were never supported by any evidence. and then after a decade, stay with turned out to be lice. so this is not something new that is happening uh by the us. that us is kind of uh, withdrawing from their 1st uh, uh,
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responses that they would, they said that they would respond to any attack by a wrong because they know that ron has a very strong and very well prepared latrete. but they also know that he wrong is, has been practicing strategical patients for a very long time. vitally is being cautious by not getting into a conflict with iran, which would mean, which probably would leads to not only the more anti american sentiments in the region and expelling the us forces from the region, but also leads the state of israel into a faster to collapse and finally, with many western states continuing to push for l g b t writes across the globe, pope francis, who recently officially blessed the same sex marriage limits criticism of the decision, especially across africa. those who protest vehemently belong to small ideological groups. a special case are africans for them. homeless actuality is something bad
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from a cultural point of view. they don't tolerated. i'm not in center here, so you've gone to an pro family. and so based on found of the state nation organizations as such, move should not be imposed on the church i think is trying to divide and rule. i've seen this happen with a church of england web spent about 10 years or 20 years going back and forth, hoping that people will get tired people will be worn out. and i think that's what the price is doing. it's very sod, extremely grievous, some for the cat roman catholics and the whole christian because it's the biggest challenge across the world. so in some ways, we're very grieved, but in some ways, he statement though he's trying to put us down, actually we feel good about it. why we feel good being recognized that we have standing up for truth. we will not be too late to the efforts of pop francis
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to bring something very biblical. we see besides a post to see the what needs to change is not the african charge. what needs to change is port frances a bomb. during the i pause to say of seeking to use the church and use political strategy to divide a rule. i mean pause on what sexuality of the church. this is. i think people and they have, let him know that we will in no way because see the blessing, homosexuals, because that would be a violation of the bible. the why the good that we true we believe is trying to say on one side that homosexuality is bad. in, in africa, but it's ok in europe. i, i just don't understand. you continues to say that the people in general are the ones for ideological extreme is that somehow they will assemble particulate through . he's draconian orders. so um, the new thing coming up is that the output caught advertise being seen as
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a so so cool. so kristen don't access the world because even the pope is recognizing his life. look i, i think i can be able to push the europeans and of the americans down, but i don't have a problem with africa. so in some ways i'm like, yeah, yeah. i think you really got voice. i think there's a beginning over discussion here where we want to see the redemption of the church and the restoration of birds were always more on any of those stories as well as all the latest updates. all t dot com is your place to go minus the discounts on the bike. i did some of the, all of those,
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today's top stars. i'll see you then the, [000:00:00;00] the since the beginning of its history, the united states of america has officially declared the striving for freedom and people's rights to happiness. however, in reality, having won independence, american colon is tested for the total extermination of the indigenous population of the continent. american indians were deprived of their land. local residents were driven into reservation, given the worst agricultural territories, while the best land was appropriated by white colonizers, the strongest blow to american indian tribes was the extermination of vice and native americans lived by hunting these wild animals. colonists slaughtered the
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bison, and in fact, made them nearly extinct. every buffalo dead is in india and gone, said colonel richard dogs, a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically. the indigenous population was simply exterminated us army general, else they lab sheridan, express. the evidence of this policy in the income is worth the only good india is a debt indian, the genocide of native americans of north america lead to a demographic catastrophe. the exact number of deaths is still unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. having been the majority on the continent before the indigenous people make up less than 3 percent of the us population today
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. the the pictures i were you ever chose the vegas a 1000 cows come from l a. a council ever because philadelphia they think is a good area just to get good drugs. and so you come down from so you come down or
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you start okay. come back annual income and then you use, you know, family members know you down here or stuff like that. that's why i was saying that there was say, a kid to lay right there at both. where sit now bow and sit down. where 21 sit down. this is the trenches. we gotta show them. this is like little we sit like this is a literally living exam. yeah. i can't tell you. i can't tell you too much, but the this is how we live because the government no law give us no money. faith, no bonus. facing this say nothing though homeless people was in this building homeless who was living in a building. they had to shut it down,


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