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tv   Documentary  RT  January 31, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EST

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of the the brush remains the only colonial empire that still exists in the modern world. comprised of both its colonies, disguise, disapprove, of seized territories, and numerous officially silver and african states that fall under frances, so called from so freak sphere of influence. it's no wonder that any respondents on hearing the word colonialism, close it up with the word for us. and the relationship between from somali, formerly french so done, is a good illustration. the
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one is i will try your cell phone on your money. it's one of the old ones, you know. yeah. didn't says this is why didn't it was. yeah. and here's why did i did, did you hear that there was this is really on november for to what else? drug of us ways done. first 3, a visual interest or any one looks into the history. they'll see that the french would not welcomed with open arms. the colonial agitation of molly was violent, uncompromising, and bloody the,
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the, the one year ended up june, attempted to come by and different exit. i'm like, i thought she thought that i could do a song, his thoughts, very simple, come wooded off very soon, the national and that is his task. others wanted to extend them on photos busing on . we may not do. we wanna make sure that there's a company machine check, know, got a lot of money. so i'm wanting to they said no cost to shake. um i will, uh, i did on the wait list, any coaching buddha, you made that
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a story on the scene. go back to the civilian, how do you, is that what was your of some of your friends to have a call in? but then, well, some of the shop is usually got some in regard to 2 of images through to a, just a general his whatever it to unlimited plus the amendment been aggressive, leveled prosper, oath no progress of civilization. tamale, colonial ization destroyed the established states with their international ties, laws, culture, and heritage. in $1236.00 and for us, when do you have to go to the valley? adopted the well known total con, full good shot to also known as the mundane shelter. an impressive constitutional documents that acknowledged human rights and abolished slavery. the monday and shelter was inscribed in the unit sco intangible, cultural heritage of humanity list. so as a new toner, it is a lovely causing that all of it is uh introduce myself,
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the digital phone that i will see you monday through monday and can go like digital shaft and up here when you can allow them to put them off of the posted tray to cut off the ticket they can donate uh, i can get them to my take the law, buzz them in the sales solution institution. and for you to a 2nd me that the, this invest company, you to see the company under money in going talk to you soon regarding logging in and working. uh, the keep them one thing is just uh in bought tickets or would you better keep them on any must have a said shots moved on and also remodeled guns. us one solution networking. no, bob, they're not just you ended up protection on their job. they need better individual
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quality, and it was bundled together long w, one, protection that i'm not, you know, long please. i mean, they're not, you, you, as you know, i'm a little bottle of whiskey on display the shelf in on the boost. can you go to that to as uh, elijah, it sounded like you did. what was the man that paid $200.00 and that was in the front of the funding control default exit or more info on sil above. so shondae contributed. so like in the money, a buzzers or phone tomorrow. so she has a see a whole lot shown at the camino that it, that doesn't, in the rooms fundamentally reconfigured to the entire pre colonial structure of risk
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presentation. molly, historical intertribal ties were broken into colonization process. tribal identity was get ranged along with historical memory. native languages were supplanted. the colonizers also foster dad didn't coverage to interest nick disk on religious and political figures who enjoyed popular support with persecuted a new monies, the least of them is getting booked. if there's any list to get to receive them through easy but i try to use some of the lot. do you do use leave to school data in those sit down to the methods? yes. ok. do for them. and so i mean really should do this with somebody that can be at the lindsey and ask about that before i say that. i mean, it's a little difficult for me to reason to decide whether this individual coming back to the company, michelle,
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the example, the money be that show off. she don't the sewage issue for she had the so green is the whole thing is on this and then you have this an issue that credit is on the on the issue to boise. we're coming to you and a lot, a, the implemented campaign and double check the almost a year from orlando april. my name is just the one say say luck guys, associated to log on our screen to you and say not best along. the weather must be was, have a good me and i was on the golf about mission. i to indicate the sound of the golf about. he ended up with me because he knows all the different onto the city. yeah.
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they're all new based on tv, all doing different. i'm could you know, this affects the google and discuss the general. yeah. i did find a assess thing. i knew i needed to have loved you was not the ssl say say fish or my actual out there shouldn't go on to the song to ask for your money that i'm money. bring us, you know, option i've done what she knows my met the different community to think also new pay that and it showed up on nuclear united. okay. and was up in the us, you know who i don't. uh, but example it enter the most in law or no going people boys or missing my in and that will soon and building there off the hang on the think there's only daisy problem,
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one thing i'll guide you coffee photos on paint based sanctioning. and in general, the 6 done, yes, well, for a to it up there with what it is better, it is, some of the people have birth or who, and most of they did the colonial empire retained model, these colossal cultural heritage solely as ethnic folk, long enough to gaining independence, volley took great pains to restore to legacy piece by piece. in the meantime, temperance and works of out with ships to state, museums and private collections, all across europe, plaintive in france, and often found a way that by questionable means the
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rest of the songs in the assume i do cause to up to my printer and the screen to my in so good is all to the memory by level 2. this has to be too often and don't have to do the supplement is that's impressive. not to mention it. i thought someone don't go to the news from the step up myself, but into a mountain. don't test it and put on the specific, the, the, the restore the suggestive to up and buy something is or something along those i've been going after that stuff i to start to present the limits and i mean, so good. there is a song or talk from on the google to as all, and i'll see it in the sense if it is on there's obviously there's also to on doing so because i put on to do that offer suitable for those. they only do it. i
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mean, this is, or does it was on its own way of that kind of answers to uh for us to just say i'm to the, the occlusal lives over there at the awesome. mm hm. and i'm so the under to the appropriate. sure. there's always this little are lots of lots on cost on some of the both of the not to say so this is a bruce on your journey. a separate exist on the, on, on, on that one, on that one, as it is sure to do when the deposit of the move to the level of the dental implants of is a guess on sort of a little more from opening on the sort of the less said there's always is such a blended move on to the purpose of any one to amount to them them all of the the saw it was that but we definitely off of the dish was going to that this is
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a cool. so there's a, at the middle of and it is, it was a saw, a said to the, to tell them all that good. it's good. that is that see what i'll do? i guess it didn't guy good. if it was the one that didn't, but as shown so, so, so go for it to go. so for us to do the toilet, that doesn't mean that they're both similar. so i have to come out and doesn't, doesn't throw comments on class. i was just gonna say, let's say, for example, specials on certain windows over to assume no, says this isn't going to put them on that often finish to uh, does it mean let me put someone on top of do community. so they want to put them on of point 2 and it doesn't have to pigeon. is it either from the campuses, folks over there? this one is i'm just coming from north indented to us and they're going to do. i'm going to wait a minute, 215, and those are the sub units are 2nd to present. during the
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1935 passes, italy, led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa. and take a are easy over here. by that time, e z o b o was the only fully independent state on the continent. back in 1896, its inhabitants were able to defeat the italian colonies and defend their independence. since then, rome craved for revenge. for the humiliating defeat in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement, the foxes attacked ethiopia and bombarded it most severely. d. d. o. b, an armed forces followed courageously. but the roots have a d, a, b, a tell you, and knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians,
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but also chemical weapons. toxic gas is this james the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia, by the fastest 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexation, giving the green light to a further fast expansion in the world. 10 paving the way for the outbreak of world war 2. the plato's ukraine narrative is like the passage of seasons ever changing. we witness as long as it takes 2 to days just to avoid defeat. the binding ministration knows victory over rush, it is a dead ends. now it is satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine. the
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coveted independence that france granted was really a cynical deception. nearly independent states was strongly pushed to follow over the phone. so freak policy. a classic case of neo colonialism. the essence of that policy is simple. fronts abdicated from all responsibility for social and economic transformation. but capital entries within its way, our influence and interest from its installed governments that suited sometimes a blind eye to corruption of nepotism. as long as they served french business interest and support in front on the international stage of desirable governments were over thrown either by crews will direct military intervention. the republic of law they use believe to have gained independence on the day. it withdrew from the french community, the colonial organization established by the 5th french republic. on these 1st president, monday, bochita was one of africa's most prominent and solid politicians. these at the cost
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for the countries multi lateral development with industrialization supported by socialist countries and social transformation gear. to uphold molly fell to the french francs on despite huge pressure from france. he was eventually over thrown by the pro french general, most of toyota. and then died in shadowy circumstances the to be present. the date is for the monday, monday we'll get the statements. the industry one is it will with somebody who for us as the left. sure, sure. william farmer shuts off to that cool data hope so industrialization disappeared from had no need of an industrialized africa added value must be generated in france, and africa must remain below willed prices as a market and rule materials supply up the story behind. so he'll come up century is a classic example of how from sort to exploit molly and results is without
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investing an industrialized thing, the country. and they really reflect the business that sooner and less one are there. and so unless you a little cold will really be doing much a lot of money i'm using i've and cut all our life less than what you mean. these are, is it the for the home through the dealer popular? does she want money? suitors the fire, call way off what, what are you see on a salt to lots i'm going to do this thing for me. i flew on. okay, hold on. hello. this is also to local restaurant. do notice list both activity report on the from the deputy who loves the most. if john frontier presumes as only $14.00 on 2 or my eyes, the bull is put on the, on the solver. if you, there's a spot on the, you'll see the
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1st of all for you and this is for sale. once i should shoot you one other one besides suits of ordinary suits of ordering. so long as you totally cut it, you know, for this or should additional fall for the city don't sort of myself, we can phone. what do you say? the more concert photo center got a really much in practice. what he said to us in a go cut you off your wireless. oh, what a cell phone up in the someone to prove what us, what you see, if it costs you on a motor, tiny little one, besides what you see fit for, pull it off. i'm going to lose it and do it on carriers and deal. i'm of as good. i'm us, the man, every zillow for us, because it's a rental assist. i am on good name solicited. don't a minute, douglas. there is a law for the cortex when they're the don't want to do or target is says on to a few all new model for the member to the conference on google just here to do conference. wondering if you're still using the popular front. let's just do this
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last toner to do to also program going from officer dollars are low, so because you're used to develop on them to not associated certified economic success, it will cost for you to show off to the problem where it looked almost done. ma'am, can always go down there for me and under just noun, the missouri will put it into the sea indices. your money on $1.00 of them is 0. c. s, period. any of any is in the month, but you need to physically know too much of costs. ok, no issue that i'm on it
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a little bit on this one isn't as video energy, somebody's using to do this on a time using the input page for the for new to from us it's got to to posited in k here a no fee not allowed so much wanted to know for the local on need on this problem in the for the for in disadvantages. and if i'm not able to say poor soon, so going to pay the cost to me. money. the money keeps going to disappear for it was always either somebody came and fixed or used to send the meal. so the confirmed is indifferent on this occasion, the ceiling, the new uh, sounds like a city view for the white glove service. and you said, you said you said you don't come from, kay? or the motor keegan would be a member depot. send it to him. i'd like to many talk of corruption in africa,
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but few people knows that the phenomenon often accompanies false african corruption and safety is overlooked. and governments and oil to friends with assistance and protection, guaranteed provider. they proceed with pro french policies. it's a system that breaks cripples and swallows people up, but people create to try to, to no avail. the system with always prevail over individuals. even notice ad rates, especially when a system is focused on rubbing the country plugin so we have court car started. oh, collision day monday i'm able was a man was elizabeth nikki, left on his. i put in. does it go to z medical boom one day and but you left off. that possibly can be what much i learned to pull out that moment. don't talk you through the level, you re say it into the plank. i know the, you know, so we take, uh oh god, i to people do my the mission to my dad. my bill was that much difficult for us. i once we know you have it. yeah. so with the names i'm going can i will put in a lot for the web, the national, not a bridge without a to i guess
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a go come to the blue into the bridge. was that it to become a political need national not a bit. so the city up to a national political because at tech with fluid us. i parked here it was it 20 was i'll see down totally by may or don't 2nd for group colors on data for issues by dr . soft. you won't boss if you're not being able to pay them by that. it is also is also, not only will the use us if you read us you why the pool side you sort of will do is that the, what is us that really keeps done and we've asked you about triple new the house. agriculture was also deteriorating. family farms disappeared, but industrial agriculture failed to emerge. small firms couldn't compete with the french giants. the local food industry was slowed in every way. the country was
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overwhelmed by food, imports, fertilizers and green for planting are imported. there's also a shortage of rice, the staple of the local diet, on natural nutrition standards are imposed on the country, aggressive food exports of a serious threat to self warranty. and also real leverage. because food shortages always lead to hunger riots or brandon's bakery products me up as when the french arrived. in addition to wheat flour, rice 2 was imported from indo china. the production of local serial address varieties well for a long time kept at a primitive level. because an interesting pattern fronts impulse organic fruits and vegetables from molly, unexplored to its own ranking approaches. but it just gave me your stuff, she would so you know, for me that they already know what you invested in here, but they're not here. it's a bit of minutes left. spend a minute has somebody what they may have moved off
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the somebody whether that is what really the low it's in it. well i'm, i'm moving fund betty, to ho on the i would be like, i don't, i visited it room. so one of the for now we will go back if i were law group, was made in the and as i were to pull him out of there by to. yeah. richard, a lot of new us. yeah. which is south of signing out of my teens is, are we doing? i mean it's, it's, it's, it's not going to do the stuff that i'm, that
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the follow one of the show me on of who lives if using the so this is law and i wonder if it's, you don't a settlement ok to look with us. it for in data sheets, difficult to look that way at the on the much a legacy through the dvd a not i'm from a few, not a malcolm because they've counselors office one me. um, i'm gonna let this a us. it didn't allow me to get to the bottom top. don't call the software crew members obviously every month, that'll show you. that's what you'll be able to do. one of them, they pluck telemundo. no, no, no, no, no, come on a peddler. no, no, flat that initial then. so say you call it spoken to you what's going well, don't call somebody miles to somebody, a suit to or you want to see you on that,
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but the officials stuff, i mean by continue the process. you know, i'm on the, on a venue and beautiful family for, for $242.00 with a dock on is i'm on 3 or so going up in the meet actual month or boss who felt always or that what time that is. ryan city sits mad. anything, it'll go down into the problem. doable as it does have to meet the normal much less doesn't do. sometimes you want to go on like example some datasets. notice that got the impulse on 8 assessment response. erica, would it be for the left of us? no, thank you for it. could it be some easy system for us to 60 percent data to that 11 to get us on the negative. that's on this on the police, on that plus rep. lemme lemme get us,
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but i thought it was no. yeah. but if i knew music detail, i don't see that of mine. so, but i'm on a piece of it based on maria. commendable the low blood to support that. i'd be to, to the christy reese. any political it was already different. keeps people in a suitcase attractive, using diploma, and based on my the phone and did a complete cafeteria site, it's an easy the longer the pollution because it seems i might uncomfortably, most of the
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6 awful lot go that you got to get better. you go to the hospital. yes. what you need to do to help you. he said, well, i mean what, what do you need to lock up? the people that are drug addicts, just going cold. turkey is like going through withdrawals. and a lot of these 12 schools, the withdrawal giving them money were killed. so you just gotta give them the valve cover, right? no one goes, no one, not very good, but truly getting worse and worse every year. it has to be gone. the
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a new video of alleged abuse by an officer today, the sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talked to her sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think it was a problem because i knew that she was just as quite a student in the class. someone looked at the police officer and says, here was law enforcement that is worse, clearly attacking, abusing power and other than others besides. this is what's wrong with those probably be on discipline. black church. he was there, enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes in school is probably huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people were
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never gonna change them out. and so people will never change their minds about the video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. the for a puck us down, these are killed in a terrorist plumbing during a raleigh and supported him run come coming after the former prime minister was sentenced to a decade in prison for leaking state secrets. he's also being hunted a 14 year term today. and this separate corruption case also this our phone bodies, spectrum's locked faxed back site with plastic handcuffs from the front end. the back there are 2530 or even 40 bodies to sell. discovery is reported at the northern galvan school but was previously occupied by the idea and that the ongoing invasion of the palace cynita in place on french farmers. they send on congress.


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