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tv   News  RT  January 31, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EST

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satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine, the full pakistani is a code and it's her is bowman during the riley and supposed to have a run called coming off of the phone. the prime minister was sentenced to a decade in prison for leaking state the courts. he's also being hungry. this whole team he attend today is a separate corruption case. also coming up this not found bodies packed intellect bags, bags tied with plastic and cost from the front of the back. there were 25, perhaps 30 or even 40 bodies. a gruesome discovery is reported as a northern gauze in schools that was previously occupied. find the ideas of the ongoing invasion of the palestinian and french farm is to send on paris
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looking roads across the country in protest. they will say, cool, i'm set free. but by low coats and you officials and the cultural townhouse, the a welcome to use, i'm all about team here in most go. this is all the international with a very late as well as needs as a way it's. it's great to have you with us knowing antique gloss, colson is, lombard, has sentence full of my pockets down a prime minister in one con and his wife to 14 days in prison. they were found guilty of a legally selling state gift that mister con was state to during his time in office just a day earlier, he was handed a 10 year tub in a separate case for leaking state c course. that charge focused on assigned for release by missed a call, which he claimed was evidence of the us spots taught to oust him in 20. 22 now. hate the nice old charges with the countries diploma. cricket captain labeling the
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trial, a fixed match with a pre determined outcome. however, before he was arrested last year con, walks back is allegation against washington. the pirates hope to return to power and men practiced on the us ties of the receiving the 10 year sentence on tuesday. mister con, address to suppose is from jail urging them to protest paisley and also take part in next week's general elections. now he was ousted as a prime minister back in april 2022 and eventually arrested last august spacing a series of criminal cases. khan had earlier accused the incumbent pakistani government of conspiring with the us to destroy his political career by his ousting and subsequent persecution. spots massive protests and pockets done over the past 2 years. let's take a look now. it's how events have on folded the
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. how is off the he was sentenced to a decade in prison on tuesday. a riley of con, support is in south western pocket. stone was hidden by a bone bloss. these nomic states harris group has claimed responsibility for the attack. they killed at least 4 people. of the most of the victims were supposed to be members of mr. tons of physician at p. c on my policy. and so at the 6 people were wounded when a wigs moved to life, exploded, neither raleigh, for the asked, is need the local officials say, however,
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where it's on clear whether the demonstration was on to me, the tall this has passed, the studies also gearing up for general elections, local journalists, sensors, this freak report from the scene of the death, we've lost everything. i think we did. the bomb exploded here, engine room. when the p d. i election round just has to spend and make it by doing at least 4 people have been confirmed, dead police and security forces important off the area. and what was it? an injured of being taken by private ambulances to the local hospital and emergency has been declared consuming district hospital. if my camera man can pan behind me in groups have just arrive to collect the evidence or to confirm if they suspect the suicide bomber or improvised explosive device. we cannot close at to sight the car a who said as a special assistance to then 5 minutes to in wrong calling. many thanks for joining us on the program today. i really appreciate your time. so what we looking at his as 2 sentences and as many days with the types of 24 years in prison for con.
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what's your reaction to these controversial cases as well, there's still one more in, in court which, which the decision has been resolved. so you probably expect something from there as well. it was kind of writing on the wall the way that the dis court is conducted itself in the last, you know, 3 or 4 days in particular. you know, amount of hon hasn't been even allowed. is the defense attorney has in his lawyer hasn't been allowed to represent him. there's been no cross questioning or witnesses. it's a complete shot in the lower courts. and we know that once it goes into the higher courts, we will, we will seek justice and will find it at the moment, is just a desperate attempt to try to suppress and mount hans opened already in the country . and we'd like to say calling us dismissed the charges against him. his lawyer is . of course the trial is unconstitutional. does it look like he has a chance to win any of pills that i mean it's been delta a heavy blow. oh, so solid this week. how is the fairy, as well as in very high spirits,
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as i was always, he's mentally very strong. and he knows that we've got the high court in the supreme court off to this. you know, just to give you context the way that these hearings were held, like i said, his lawyer is born at times weren't even allowed into the court room even today when he was given his 14 year sentence. everything in terms of procedural in procedural wise, has not been conducted, but we still haven't got the final orders even passed on to us. those get the, the charges just put on him of, you know, buying the as the buying the state gifts for a cheaper price is we've been evaluated by us fig. witness that they've created out of thin air. so there's an amount of honda was dry. it was tried to be forced to sign is witness statements, which you refuse because you said my lawyers are not here. so i don't even know that there was a hearing going on in that verdict is going to be taking place. so it couldn't have been more of a sham kind of record as it was inside. and again,
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for the view as this is inside the prison, this is not a full fledged court room where it's national or national media or public can attend. this is within the premises of the prison that in mont honda is residing. and so, you know, we know that once it goes to the higher quotes, we will, we will win those cases as they have no legs to stand on, you know, following his hasta, in april 2022 kind of case the new pakistani government of conspiring with the us to destroy his political career. however, his family will fax that allegation just a few months later when he starts out to return to power. what do you make of, of that flip flop as well? it's, it's, it's not about, you know, flip flop. it's about the fact is that there was a cipher and the site for you, bear it, use rude and diplomatic language for another sovereign state. and in particular, the premier of that country decipher is something which the national security council all sat down 3 times old, had to pull the wrong mom forces signed off on it. and everyone agreed to send that
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to march back because the language use was very on diplomatic and uh, and not, or was not responsible language for a prime minister. um, but you know, obviously as things on unraveled itself and time off to you, realize that it was more of a home club. um, you know, plot against a mon hon to oust him. and the intelligence that the us usually takes is from our intelligence agency, which at the time was against mr. hahn is always interesting to look at the timing of things as needed. so with only a week left before a crucial general election impact is done. we have these new present times and being handed to call and who have led the country's main opposition policy until is arrest last olga. so what, what do you make of the timing a well, the way, like i said that these hearings were conducted in such a rush and so unlawfully it was obvious that there was, there was a pre determined decision to be given before the february 8 elections. and the next
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8 or days um and the point of this is to create an element of fear to create an element in people's mind that in mind hahn is now wiped off from the political landscape of fox on. and to suppress his popularity in some way, however, it is very miscalculated the mont. honda is the most popular need of the countries will be ever seen. and these 2 sentences has only further advocated that. and that's being made. people give them more results to come out on february 8th and both for mr. han. so i think it's actually going to work the other way, but we're afraid of security threats. we've got bump last going on on our leaders. most of us are in hiding. we can hold public riley's barely, especially in the province of punjab houses are being rated. they are all r a p t i a headquarters was sealed off straight off to the straight off to the verdict. um, so you know, this is not under election, this is an absolute champ, would say, no significant bodies as opposed to, of a mind calling over the past 2 years. they also have public support. does he have
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impacts done right now? and in terms of votes, is it, what do you make of his political career now that he's been way face is being in prison for the next moving 20 years? it was the amount of con, at the moment it despite being in prison in the last 2 years. and even if we come up in the last 3 months, even survey is done by the, by the government that can take a government in mont. honda has shown up, you know, leading the poles by a boss, a massive majority. so his popularity is, is clear in all surveys across the board. so if there was any chance of a free and fair election in mont, hon with swede, these elections are the 232 3rd majority. as far as it goes for the sentence is like i said, that we have full faith in the higher courts. we know that these are going to be dismissed because they have no legal standing. and the way that these courts were conducted at the moment really didn't go by any lawful procedure. so even forget even the facts of the case, but the procedural aspect of it,
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these will be thrown out in the higher courts. having said that in a box on, has a 70 year old history of even was she's being given a 10 year sentence. and then returned 4 years later or 3 years later as it became the prime minister and is now all set to become a prime minister. often disqualified from politics for life by the supreme court of bucks on which is the highest court in the land. and yet he is now packed and everything has been set aside and he's uh, contesting for the premier and stuff again. so, you know, whenever you're given these 10 of your sentences and so on, you know that it's not going to last more than a 2 or 3 on us as best we saw for people kill just a raleigh in support of con, i'm a terrorist bombing that islamic stage, claim responsibility for what are your, what are your thoughts to like i said that everything is going on, you know there's, there's massive attempts to somehow yes, so oppress us and suppressed us. and in public, i just was just before kind of wanted to show spice 10 seconds. earlier,
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i go to reports of a, one of our candidates been shot dead on. so these are the threats that were bearing at the moment. and like i said, most of our leadership isn't hiding because it wants to come out there, abducted kidnapped, or arrested. so there's lots of threats going on. but the problem is that the tie in demand hahn are just too popular. and to get all these sort of activities going on to suppress us. otherwise you wouldn't be that you would just let the election happen and you would be to spurn squared. but these things only happening, showing you the popularity of vermont home. it's interesting that the post of opposition leader in pakistan has been, as we main vacant since tom was arrested last year. why do you think no one's a step up to take his place? i will, i'll position later. we resigned from the national assembly. we was then later on we resigned from both the professionals assemblies in punjab and, and, and 7 of austin core. and, you know, and the point of resigning was that constitutionally you could only have a care taker, but no more than 90 days. extended been a year,
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especially in punjab and k. so you know, we wanted to play by the constitution. we thought the constitution will be was up for the uphold itself in the country. but unfortunately it didn't. and so we just, we resigned from all bar the provinces that we were in power from thinking that will go towards the general election in 3 months for the didn't happen. and, and we're sitting here waiting for elections. remember mom con for the last 2 years, only been advocating one thing free and fair elections? we don't have a 2nd to mind. we don't know what's the month. we only have one month that allow the people to choose have self determination for who their leadership should be. that would be also anyone else. and unfortunately, that is just not happening. how do you think the elections next week will play out to most of the general mood amongst the people in pakistan? and do you exploit expect smo rallies and supposed to been wrong? con we, i've told our people categorically enough to come out and protest. we want them to
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stay focused for the full february 8th elections. we don't want any more arrest. we don't want any people be 10 taken, tortured and so on, so forth. so we don't want to move from our target, which is preparing on ground for february 8th elections. and the just the sizing on the day of elections. if, if and you know, it's the biggest that everybody has and arrested and people that are voting for p t, i are beaten and not allowed to have cost their quote. and regardless of the massive rigging that is going to take place. uh, you know, we still think we stand a fair chance behind that, a very good chance, because the publicly public is massively with us and mazda standing with us. we believe we can defeat or lodge a. thank you very much for speaking to us today. i really appreciate your time that was side with holly. he said, especially assistance who then prime minister in run. com. thank you. thank you. which is something dollars and always ready for assistive storms be i'll i'm all hospital and con eunice, demanding
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a evacuation of doctors and display civilians as, according to the palestinian web presence, the audience itself is released. this rose to its to showing as to likes, hitting targets across the palestinian and play. while in the northern parts of the strip display, civilians have been sheltering inside a nearby hospital, se they've on us to dozens of bodies off the idea of pull down some of the area. he's a local journalist with a distressing report from the c a. how much somebody's a novice, good, i'm reporting from the how much school in northern guys are next to the indonesian hospital. this school to which the displaced return to more than 25 days ago. here was a large pile of sand. the school administration tried to clear away the tragedy and disaster was at this pile was filled with dozens of bodies that these really occupation had buried in some other shipments. and we're working here to serve the people that have not been highly for school. we have been living in
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a shelter and people were brought back after 25 or 27th days of these really armies invasion. and today, as the school administration, the shelter management and we cleaned the school in the best way possible. you brought a bulldozer, of course, to lift this pile of sand here. but just as a bulldozer approached and lifted the 1st bit of sand, we were shocked in here and there was a disaster. we found bodies packed in black bags. bags tied with plastic hand costs from the front and the back. there were 25 or perhaps 30 or even 40 bodies. couldn't count them all because they were already decomposed. i mean, we did try to open the bags to know whether these victims were tortured. i could tell whether it was a boy or a young woman. there are children. i mean very young men, let's say as the brutal, lucky pine forest claims, these are militants. okay. but
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a child's militant one of the, this is a terrible tragedy. i did so this is a new crime witness by northern gaza on one of the schools or shelters to these radio. few patients still insists on it's arrogant policy of killing and intimidation unfilled executions. so perhaps this crime raises many questions, whether the bodies were executed here in the schoolyard or in the nearby cemetery. and then very far as the army says, i'm abroad and buried in this pile of sand here and it broke away. it's about the and songs, protesting psalms have blocked highways leading to power isn't a bit to make the government address the low list of grievances and best on growth side. the u. headquarters in brussels to baldwin's bower, used to be the rate to the round the european parliament building in the band, the belgian capital. by protest. those who say they are and less money than what it costs to produce best foods. they can competition with other countries on
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sustainable else they complain against the policy to allow inputs have much cheaper ukrainian products. well, your pin loans are restricted by green energy goals. thousands of on this of joins the highway blockades across europe in recent months. work is from, from the use of biggest to agricultural produce, has been the loudest voices so far in the south of the country. they were seen voting tires and barrels of stool in the streets of to lose that one. blocking the road leading to a regional levels. some farm is also used tractors to dump tires rubbish and bundles of store before setting it on fire. on the growing pressure, the french apartment is to made a series of promises to the protesters in front of parliament. the pseudo tells us by these deals of march, the b. c. subsidy will have been paid into farm is bank accounts. we will be working with the re just to make sure payments the on farmers are made in the next few weeks. some have been waiting for over a year. fresh farmers had been out in full force since monday afternoon,
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blockading the major highways, heading into and out of paris. the siege of paris is what it's being called. now this here is the a 13 highway heading north west from paris, right out to normandy and beyond. now, a single day of protests last friday has now turned into a nationwide collection of well, what amounts to here as pretty much a street party, i would say complete with a food truck style concession, picnic tables, lots of beer, both in hands and on tables and other beverages being served up a tent with a tv set to the news to watch the coverage or any announcements that might come up . it's important to underscore that the interior minister as ordered the protection of these protests, adults, which really speaks volumes about the kind of public support that the french government knows that this movement has. we're talking 89 percent support,
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according to the latest docs, a pool, french progress, or gabriella tubs. inaugural speech to french parliament on tuesday. having just taken office earlier this month was supposed to be about his grand vision for france, that totally got derailed. now everyone just wants to know what the heck is going to do, but the farming price is the one i mean, these keep out of the list and we have a minister who speaks very well. let's just say that. but now we want to see something concrete and i don't think there's anything concrete in what has been presented. we expect small the minutes that didn't mention any operational measures for the farming community. what was set on friday is a fax but with no further forward today. so the mobilization will certainly continue unless there is something more specific. you know, we started our demonstration last tuesday and it lasted all week. we stopped on friday evening waiting impatiently for the speech by mister tall who was supposed to put every culture above all else. however, in the end, she did absolutely nothing to help us. today we went up to paris to help our
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colleagues, to show the government that were here. this can continue friends, can mobilize and sold their to with our profession. several other departments can join us just as we do. we're here for as long as it takes, the prime minister said the he'll be canceling the tax increase, not lowering the tax canceling the increase that was planned for $0.03 a liter per year on farm fuel, which was meant to fund climate change transition. and also introduce regulatory relief that really sounds like shipping an ice cube off of an iceberg. farmers blame france for grafting regulations of their own on to even more crushing e u regulations, which is french president evaluate and i called golden opportunity to shift the blame or at least try to onto brussels. so he's going to pay a visit to on the electron cleaners. so the vendor lies the european commission president this week with in brussels. and he's expected to ask that the you stop
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flooding the block with ukrainian farm products that are held to the same quality standards. well, crushing the value of farming products here in france. so while the farmers and even my car now blaming b u, some of the french press has been saying that it's russia spots. but the farmers here telling me that their grievances, long pre date, the situation and ukraine didn't pop up due to i do not think russia is to blame here at all. i believe a number of circumstances affect the situation, but we have been making these demands for several years. they are no longer new. whether it isn't the social speed or ecology or means of production, i can't just stand by one thing that i've heard here is that you creating and products. i've been coming into the u more since the ukraine costs like pop to us, but who's responsible for letting them in the you? turkey and russia were warning at the time that it was actually all ended up for a big chunk of it was ending up here in europe and turns out that wasn't fake news
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because we're now seeing the impact of that on the ground right now. to him. and he, you pull that up member gonna back says the farm is outraged as a natural response to the plummets in economic livelihood. if those feeding the confidence citizens, the reason why the form of the software testing and at least other people assume since a quite a bad, a decline is living, said this in europe. is that the fall? most of the dish and a very well organized a low b. it's the winter now. so they have more time. so that happens. that's the reason i say why we see farmers protests. it's ready to be few. protests, 5 people, the general. yeah, we come to one of the great paradox is v u. so the green agenda, the e, was fighting it soon produces in order to reduce c o 2 emissions in euro. but then the mass rely on massive imports from other countries,
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without taking too much interest in the climate effects of production. in these countries, europe's kind of economic malaise is the last, a lot to knowledge extend to time. the self inflicted is the result of a completely in the all take a climate policy at the worst energy policy and the well, there's some old wall street journal called it is o d. someone could switch on the light switch in the hands of our politicians. this nightmare can be over relatively soon. and the face of ukrainian ami staley is on the battlefield. president alonda, mister lensky is playing the plane game, pointing thing is a germany and other so called allies for the inability to prevent the conflict in new trade in the 1st place. i gotta sit on the nipple of homes. i'm not disappointed in our life. schultz. per se, but yes,
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i am disappointed in the policy of germany, which during the occupation of crimea, did not play the role that ukraine so deserved and that europe and the world so deserved. yeah, sure, i'm going to get sam should see if i'm disappointed just by that that these countries we know them as there's only a few of them did little or nothing to prevent a full scale war. russia has chosen to look forward instead by focusing on not just gaining more territory, but on we building areas they've taken over seas. that seems to be any proposed from the as of maritime economy, which items to reopen. it stores to students in september 2024, as opposed to being the store. it's during the balance of full control of mariel. the most of my report was destroyed during battle for control of the 162022. some of the most intense fighting took place in and around the pools in the still works . reconstruction. these underway is my view, postings to redevelop itself was
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a maritime hub central to that will be the as of maritime academy, which was destroyed in 2022 buttons. to open it still was a gain in september 2024. the 1st cost is will take place here on september the 1st with i'm fishes plans for the site. just thought about. we're currently reviewing different variance of the project. these will be modem building, sharing the same naval design. obviously, as this is a maritime academy, they will have convenient layouts and comfortable recreational areas. the students, the piles of sand rubble and building material we see around us now will not be here later. this space will be a comfortable in a yard where cadets will spend the free time pay will be square. west sales in uniform will form a good looking sale. the state always look great and obviously the academy will be opposite. as with more than the equipment more than the bar trees are necessary. machine tools in one of the buildings. we have a workmanship diesel engine, a huge engine which starts up and cadets learn to operate that then defies direct
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for those of us to board university. explain the importance of the academy for the future of my view pole and how it will develop links with educational institutions in russia and beyond. so currently we are restoring the university branch of the summer. stop all national technical university, the as off and every time institute, we expect all university buildings and dormitories to be rebuilt by the end of the year. and we plan to receive $1500.00 students in our as all from every time institute. the education will mainly be comprised of naval specialties, such as navigation mechanics and various specialties connected with the running a port in the fields of logistics and management. overall. everything that is connected to the c life of mary opal city and hopefully not just marry opal, but all as of and black sea areas. while the west of those, those who terrorized the city is a builders. so the real heroes of my view po,
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helping the city to thrive on small. so this is where the main strikes occurred. as we see the roof has collapsed support structures and low battery. was it damaged, as well as the status of the it was old, damaged by the strikes? unfortunately. so now we will rebuild everything. the young people passing through here a key to the redevelopment of my report as a maritime hub. some of the cadets told is of the hopes for the future. postpone, but the opening of this is that you, it will be a great thing because there will be no need to travel far. as in my case, i have to take a bus for 40 kilometers. everything is close to can just come here and study. if not for these place, i would have to go to other cities or something. yeah, a sofa. i folding this footsteps of my clothes, relatives, i have many sailors in my family. i've always dreamed of enrolling here. we hope that this institute will be restored soon. but we just decided to come here because i have wanted to be a sailor since i was a kid. and i want to travel and see
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a lot of different things in the world. my reason for that is not in globally because of what happened here in 2022. much of the city was flattened, but the price of redevelopment is impressive. people will never forget the horrors that took place here, but they have hope for the future as my view for rises again, this is steve sweeney for all to embody people. how many times we accompany this wednesday the last day of january of next the documentary, looking into the colonization of molly? and i'll be back with more of the day's news in 30 minutes. see you then the
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or the, [000:00:00;00] the brush remain c. o, a colonial empire that still exists in the modern world comprised of both its colonies, just guys just purposes, territories and numerous officially silver and african states. that phone under


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