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tv   Documentary  RT  January 31, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EST

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bomb exploded year edge in the road when the p t i election rally just passed this venue and make it by doing at least 4 people have been confirmed dead police and security forces have cordoned off the area and while the dead and injured have been taken by private ambulance as to the local hospital and emergency has been declared and city district hospital is my camera man contained behind me. the troops have just arrived to collect the evidence and to confirm if they suspect the suicide bomber were improvised explosive device. with the conviction have been run con, comes since the week before, the national elections that are scheduled to be held on february. the 8th is also good, so use the sentence was handed down in a rush, and now con is disqualified from holding any public office for a decade. again, the phone, the prime minister, has a special assistant side because traci's clients is still the most populated. despite being behind boss, the earrings were conducted in such a rush and so unlawfully it was obvious that there was, there was a pre determined decision to be given before the february 8 elections and the next
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8 on days. and the point of this is to create an element of fear to create an element in people's mind that a month on is now wiped off from the political landscape of the box on and to suppresses popularity in some way. however, it's very miscalculated to mount hahn. is the most popular need of the country. hope you have a scene and these 2 sentences has only further advocated that, and that's being made. people give them more results to come out on february 8 and vote for mr. hans. i think it's actually going to work the other way, but we're afraid of security threats. we've got bummed loss going on in our leaders . most of us are in hiding. we cancelled public riley's barely, especially in the province of been job. houses are being rated. they are all r a p t i a headquarters all sealed off, straight off to the straight off to the verdict. um, so, you know, this is not an action. this is an absolute champ. many things a company here in all the international this wednesday, as always,
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you can keep up to date on all the latest news by taking a website off the top. com and make sure you join me again at the top of the the to some of the is it? well, co, c on quantity comes off. so look at this of prescription, that amount of pre emoji, on the all set i saw it looks, we don't keep on the list securities equal minus those. you may see some people going to make much of it. my, just because your music has stipulated to realizing the blood davis, if you have a miser that they're free, i learned a little more to remind you to say today of all the call numbers on local menu or so the composite kind of what it is that the kind you sound like a slot for that, entered it into the bucket, and one in gun. come on buddy to the board,
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show up. i'll see someone will find a method or do do do the death of both of them. the go to the casino system to set the money under the fact that this isn't going to cover a lot pleasure to let be. i think i know some of the amendments on, on what's going on most by ip sec. i may also fos, so gladly or software level bradshaw old wants to come in front of you to say to the latest. as you don't know, that is your intimate nice. somebody visited my click, the database is empty. let's try to go to the bottom. as i'm in a liaison between 4 and 4, okay, well to ask you a new name, let, let me the to see whether it as it is it say my name is indeed geneva to do any process. it's a book i would really want to get toilet guns, he's off,
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he can't is all or most of the process. i say to some of them on it on, on those of you person. do those have say that for them additional to said, i mean she was perusal, says that additional can was i'm patient did it for she's going to setup for the shock and was, i'm present data for the she came to me. it was on page do what? um, there's a cup bumper. pump chef was the middle of that income. i'm pointed both all about some of the account you don't sit back to so i said don't click people on the not so i'll just do the question. was not what we know this we've got to remember is, i mean it's and make up i went through with to deprive
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a country of summer to use to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about it to use the circle and the phone number we didn't know to be gone was that john called on the one the is good. or do you think there's only a couple in this? me also because i've been on the list and she'll see anything more on the plane. it was on the phone, they found a month the associated annual test bed. beautiful. i do miss. we have on file. we have all the associated things up in it. it will, so it goes to long id routine in your system and you've got sieve. how glossy milton would you know to flip up really deep while odd to choose the key on the going to be uh, i'll need you to how does she love most the money that's also going to mess around
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. i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better me new boss or the day nissan. seeing people who need a little more new service. nonsense for buckingham. let me set it up by the paradox . french school children joined demonstrations carrying down with friends supply guns from this is colonial cliche, turned out to be more important than the humanistic and universal value is a french culture. tends to an ordinary malia from this isn't associated with who go and send experi with with macro on poland and the 3 on culture and science have been replaced by on principles in neo colonial demagogue. they say it's time for friends to leave somebody's voice when to describe d. o. so turned on. so you can still see your ma alarm from his desk innovative. new job role is going to just stick that as the holland crosses, is if you don't mind industries date of to say a lot of long distance is the notion. you're putting it up in
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a fall and you end up on the go through just yourself the case example. larry district is certainly one with the district. so show pointed to the point of me in memphis data. is there something is going to be going into some of the things that we don't need as a whole? 20 percent below the font is only the by image, through the school. not billable in imaging. for the book, you know what? you set it on. god. by made from simple for those who am i speaking with this law, offices get a no money for them for the formation degree. so it looks like i mean it all over. is it doing it through social studies because it sounds like kind of for them at the most. okay. it is, it, it becomes useful for us to initial a faucet on that for that long because your boss is and in that off, i mean, send a technician out of the la d val and let them then assess good tools. and i'm seeing what's the song dollars i don't feel wants to more than i thought a thing on the phone that long cushion. right. so finally kicked my new set them up
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. as soon as i was all i was wondering a are the only for my last son was on the district all the 1000 and then and now i'm in california. that's all i met on. you know, son, i'm in canada as it might be, the, or something out of the office from zone see they said they put on the notes is that, you know to, to complete
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the renewal potentially. i mean, most of them go to the 1st of that and nothing new for me, it cut off in beautiful that and then we'll have to pay the calls in most i let them take off the rest of the money left your mouse and grew up is it didn't have enough of the money to get enough for the substitute to i'd say right. and the, the most recent page in molly's history is operation. sort of our for that and implemented in rankled time to preserve the country state code. it's a simple trick. the operation was prevented in advance and waited for 12 or in
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groups formed incidentally with french health to get from libya tomatti. the operation has several similar to any of the objectives. a french military contingent entered the country, demising the pro french government, and the toner eggs were put in that place. the a little guy, the to the b. c. s bus out the exact same. but if she don't team so far as being glass of each there at the 2 brand new zealand, let me pull the data said to the box in the complex she gave me differentiate the display. sure. c v. like victor let us when the new but asked didn't it up, can you see? but then zoom video, w s. w. see, do you have the symptoms then the site to go to?
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i mean, for us of them got to that promo for going west to see anybody the leaving. so used to i the lock so that they can. but the key designed for your team was due to act on the linking for dealing with the next operation of hon. allowed friends to take control of the whole region from send a goal. so, so done, most of the curious path in the terrorist threat to continue to grow in the area or of terrorist activity expanded, while french business affairs in molly improved 10 profits grew click unsafe for charlotte 49 french soldiers died. not for molly. the french trade interests frances i made, took up an independent and extremely advantageous inconvenience position in molly
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mulkey by us fell. many molly and civilians died at the hands of the french. doesn't care about that. the better a phrase to go. friends has no friends, only its own interests, the history of relations between france and its former colonies should serve as an example to of the defense treaty with france. does it deal with the devil? so no, uh uh, people do was i talked to the put the last on monday. i'm gone, don't say that i'm going to donald notifies or pull the l uh reset uh reset that the, the 1st the phone says, oh for somebody in the ok that is on the female, i leave it a laptop to looting. does the photos out my, my them onto the test page next suitcase and that will be less all my let him know
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about the conflicts to develop on the so i'm back. i'm a g davis instead of in a have done that is on all the also on luke on good for a lot of new concepts, a new study. and you know, i'll listen to the 2 of us live, but i picked them up or something didn't pay for a ton of them. then let's see the interest, the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, a new video of alleged abuse by an officer to day, the sheriff's, deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talked to her sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just is quite a student in the class. someone looks the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and then the other is present. this is what's wrong with those probably be on discipline, black children. he was there enforcing a lot to meet the time to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people never,
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never change them out. and so people will never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong, and that's it. go to the, the loan for a little bit. i so for one says a, for my leave, a lot easier to do the, to the does all the not month need got the bus to the says are, but i saw nobody on the was that down to the popular? so super close. think you need to is the police also look to is that of the force at the unless of my or my late don't for now i live, do my long speak? don't cause you to do that to the i don't go by them. i, i didn't need that is not going to not as fast as the no, no other than that, but the point of the difficulty and do one don't know to put a to a policy for me. i don't know to put it that i taught kids. newport well or the upon those who look long. i area a memo. do the, as i call the, the blizzard for and i've ended up in
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a little confused as to let you know that i saw it as i'm going to have done to sort of a study for the best on the gym that i set up a set to move onto to this uh another plus the best on the sort of, uh, near to no. don't accept full glass. uh, usually deals with the, the data on clear on that that this, the fee that this, the security to be paid. not alone or the the new whole fucking area that pacified them. i've had a lot of the seats in. you'd have to sign on to you. how long does a month? the last 2 of the good. uh, let me tell them my the home 3 for the month for uh, boosted so 2 days and a lot of that not to repeat the carpet. i saw i work a lot of the sheet so that includes that. i so put this on don't
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well, send the input that i see all the fees for less than that. but include that, i saw a lot of pay phones in spent moses on the i lot of issues going to need a lot that i submitted to the collaborative sheet saying that i saw on the young guy now in would be of that. so he said it that bleed down to civic to aspect there's a, there's a, as in corporate. so keep that in mind that i'm able 1st is our new money. and as it gives you a design kick month, a c p that on that amount to a lot of the photos out of me and my them on the monte, i'm to so the
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looks that in this region and chelsea diesel the look into the 2 ties and actually lose, you know, to be performed on the coupon is ethical not to get the get each each of the key decided to us on say sunrise some way to shoot you. nissan, nissan sent you to the city of allowed me to affecting if it is. if you see the environment inconvenient for the meeting that dds, the, the c set, the list at the into sheets or simply asset the future.
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once he meets the sink of mean for 7 is and that she to so i'm p collision. so as far as i mean, some of the products. so all you're doing by the way, the says based on weight, the other parts of the city totally piece under the bob, a lender was under the news for the end of the painting. that is also kind of design being said, unless you leave a short, is it the best on the for the end of it, you didn't process that? sure sir. so what that stuff and i'm willing to do this, but i didn't talk this would be the 2 but the stuff on the last to empty event in the 2nd on this i have to see that estimate is in the den between 92. so this quasi, i didn't use it so you might still have to remember to collection what is your b?
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yeah, plus $7000000.00. so i'm thinking about that. i sent you. the task literally is competitive menu on the home page and you guys are on cheek, you saw g, b live and there was no one predict, come read that to. so i, that you've been meaning to, to my email of the pollutants and assess, you know, same bus and the tip for that hosting data. and we have to get rid of the same bush or can be 216. and the puppies ended and doing things you know, because of what the dental visit is and as long as it was done annually at the beginning, elizabeth, what was that? i'm at least i see the low that you guys have to work. and simon,
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m y 2 more literacy to dealer and jewelry. i go through the she listen to the message, demanding bundle on this policy. then what you have, it's an old place for the new car. that's what they do set every time. you don't mind you ended up with the district. but seeing the funding when i see the intent that so give me if i've ever read it nicky, myself. i really saying that game is only me for minute in the left, but then he'll probably bit a sense of this. so this is us, at least the tv for even off to being ousted from molly, from still somehow pressure, the regional union of african states. echo us with the goal of isolating molly foods, sanctions, and close boulders by in essence, imposing a blockade. a huge number of its goods are imported and molly has mostly accessed these measures extremely unpopular among the population. not just in molly, but throughout the region,
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that the wallets of ordinary citizens held an even ruin some friends has already started to lose freedom enough competition. in particular, this is shown by the narrowing range of goods and foreign companies based in molly . but from content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal partnership relations into account literal names. and it's also other methods of direct colonial influence. but luckily is a software in the country with the right to its own history, traditions, values, and the cool relations. it has the right to choose, the ongoing is stronger, so we need to get him to put him on getting k, you know, a minute, for example, tom sick or let's think i do a less pain during us when i need the window, but through a diesel i also think that it depends on the sharepoint, but now you can just check it out for that migrate uh through the money bring us the only thing is blah blah,
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money bring us throwing that info unless you own somebody. they sold it as the company that i don't even want to put it to the simple blog best and that emotions about it to me. the 2nd again, the missing order again and nothing on these, but the label is on the patient popcorn. peters to supplement one, mister casual, or to a 2nd. when, when you performed a lot of the sheets list of it into some pro, for the lot of the shape of it a dog. uh says save by doing his blogs to buy song, but you will find him he didn't mean you don't. wall. so kind of a lot of the public key but them in i'm to buy house, you know, may $1000.00 in this be the watching us. you all the 1000, there's the new boss here. last, you know, the,
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know the only difference are contained in the song vishal. the really don't know why that is all just to say, does that prove? can nobody isn't say it was. what do we do money out that understand what the auction or the money i'm trying to know about to you. so do you suppose the case? you know what to do? things i'll check a or to just take it, searching for a board or the single wire anchor in there for me, else look, see, don't enrollment one. this is showing the money. se, fosgate the money on this and the problem in the community castillo alum, nope. was only opened the car, so some people getting on the bus, getting onto this old one year on the line. we'll follow along on the road s nicole and it shows up in a little panel here. these are bundling somebody, but i'm in the middle of equity. so like i've only been, i think, you know what,
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i think you just wanting to i think let me know date, april, to the date on, on the move of my lease in money. does that the same? let me uh give us 100 new v dash the last week total i'm putting in for last associate this season. is that a nice short move? it's best phone. the best one. hello is this shipment is a side effect. good news or the pain that the, the 1st all set to level for songs on sunday. the 20th is what the papers for tim deluxe and his actual, ann called and he does show um april greta. she does, i live in the bundles of
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within symbol dogs and that's in there we go. suddenly she'll so would it be wise and what is the test? it's good candidates. and wouldn't that i showed you had to live streaming function to, to each to the screen so that the more money it and then move will say should not fall in love. see them all complete. can go to the temple on the vehicle. there we go to shoot the chevy. know to clean the rest motor. most of the she was as if someone's through under that or somebody else and really remodel. wonderful. cuz every you gotta get premium data. so i'll pretty
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go forward that it's my last super shoot, the the, the tomato is you've frame narrative is like the passage of seasons ever changing. we witness as long as it takes 2 to days just to avoid the fee. providing
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administration knows victory over rush. it is a debt, and now it is satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine. the now you use visa, stupid loyce law. here, smith to nancy. jim's in the book, the initial shift. neither the it's the only showcase use the sounds good to the boys at the boys,
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the probably the most new and that'll be for them. imagery of us to florida doesn't want that. i faxed them, put the notes up under that the safe. and this was having me gets infected with the other issue. me because of the pulse and see if this will need to fix it. somebody can safely, the doctor says in in the hospital, the salisbury is how is waiting for this slice and civilian clothing. pills 3 is sleeping, called a student in one of them needing special treatment for a disability. the


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