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tv   News  RT  January 31, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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the next i'm going to go to the, to the safe and this would happen. it gets infected with that. and then the other issue is, i mean, so for the close, unsafe unofficial to fix it for me. thank you. if you need a doctor, i says in, in a hospital details for as how is waiting for this slice in civilian clothing. hills 3 is sleeping palestinians, one of them needing special treatment for disconnecting the, the city in red, crescent society post splitting the final phone pool with a $60.00 go fast. and so i have to call a claim family whose faith is still on the 2.
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former pakistani plumbing is the run kong. i'm his wife received 14 year prison sentence. is the corruption. i'll think it was honda, the 10 years to for leaking state secret, his full, the special assistance phase. the child was conducted with serious irregularities in montana and hasn't been even allowed is the defense attorney he has and his lawyer hasn't been allowed to represent. and there's been no cross questioning of witnesses. it's a complete shot in the lower court, the a room. welcome to you from all of our team here in moscow. this is all to you international with the very latest world news, as always, is great to have you with us. a top story, the un denounced and is really on the attack as a legal when soldiers disguise in civilian clothing and full trace to the hospital . the engine in until 3 sleeping palestinians, the organizational so close that as well to stop the killings in the west bank,
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which have inquiries since october. the 7th doke sent out the medical facility. she had his reaction to the on the salt of the day at 530 and the so any forces came inside the house because the thing to be in the i need to know this. and also they have the same law since they went to the one on one floor where they attacked the music and stuff. and the then they go inside totaled and can do 3 people that one of those people is ation to have been in depth and sort of a 2023. he had a but on this is and has no of names that make him handicapped. so he needs a hell in order to do his daily activities on the move and leaving to go to bathroom. so he needs companions near him. one of us continuing with killed the during the petition was his brother and the other was his friend. so actually they
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can, those are to the, than the go outside the house, get the push through a few months here from this one house and you get to impact one debt. and the other issue is really good stuff going on. so even unsafe. and this when to fix to the captive really on data action bought on dance practice. and the video searching basic on social media shows is really special forces dressed in docs is uniforms and civilian clothes, raising the in seen a hospital. the ideas say that tom sits fighters who were involved in promoting significant terrorist activity. the army also has claims that thomas spies is behind it and getting the medical facility. but hospital officials that say they were receiving cache. the local health industry has condensed the operation. this is, this is a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation. excellency, the minister of health, stressed in a statement and called on all international institutions and the world health
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organization to stand up and meet their responsibilities, encompassing this phenomenon. and holding them accountable. thousands of thousands have taken part in a funeral procession for the 3 palestinians code, find the ideas, and that that'd be a tops on the hospital video footage service. the devastated relatives as they pay the final respects with women. morning telephones as men, tired of bodies through the streets. we heard from several friends and family members. to the weekend, the martyr, mohammad, because we was my friend from 1st. great, thank god, he was one of the martyrs today. mohammed was with his brother in hospital. the brothers were injured almost 4 months ago, special forces wearing civilian clothes and freaked as robs, came and assassinated. 2 of them along with the 3rd martyr mohammed jolanda young. the mission of mohammed grew up with
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a childhood full of aspirations to live in his free country, just like any other person born on that land. however, he found himself living under occupation where his ambition was to experience life like children in free countries, in a land where he could live in peace and security. unfortunately, as he grew older, he came to the realization that the occupation was damaging the land and denying children their lawful rights on a duty. uh, what it would be to use to, to on quite a 100 to, for the uh, the us state department failed to see any wrong doing in the deadly is wally hospital attack. saying that as well as for you to take any action to combat terrorism, even when those talks is all in a hospital bed. israel, of course, has the right to carry out operations to bring tears to justice. but those operations need to be conducted in full compliance with the international humanitarian law. the, those operations include going into hospitals and murdering people in their,
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in their bath, regardless of whether they're so the, you know, is they are suspected or so even known parents so that, okay with you. so there was a lot in the premise of that question. obviously they, we did do know that they wouldn't. well, we don't think all i went in until we simply people who were completely innocent. so let me say that is in think that then you would be condemning it. all right, we certainly would, but i would say that is realized since these were i'm us offered is they have said that one of them was carrying a gun at the time of the operation. so, but as a general matter, they do have the right to carry out operations to bring tears to justice, but they need to be conducted they living in the hospital. so we want them to conduct their operations and compliance with their national humanitarian law. we would generally say that we don't want them to carry out operations in hospitals, but under international humanitarian law, hospitals do lose some of their protections if they are being used to for the
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planning of terrorists operations. but let's go down the list of this. i have no, my says this attack can be considered a crime against international. it was considered as a success we consider as a thought of this kind of act to go didn't disguise nursing guys as indians because obviously you do, you know, i can't reach to the, to the go out of the sky kind of under the same time expressed how the, you know, this is at the crime, i'm the crime, i guess, the crime, i guess, international law, i guess the 81, the international. what we are noticing nowadays, that after the 77 boulevard, that's the street and all kinds of, like i said, these, i guess you people in so many levels there for the very 1st time now using goals and using miss are still the cdns and they are getting the cities on the
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gums, it's only damaging and destruction in our own ways. and what was helpful organization. what was that? the funding, the you on relief and works agency for palestine will only was the dia she want us . how are you in the situation and garza and his 1st public appearance is a dozen western nations pulled the support the underwater spokes person safety group. preemptively dismiss stuff man was a case of cooperating with him. us and his made continuation of a's a priority. the commissioner in general and the dean that it's in the interest of the 2000000 people were serving in gaza. and in the interest of the continuation of our life saving an irreplaceable working garza, he deemed then necessary to preemptively dismiss these the staff members for the sake of everything else on the wall as a sounding soul. palestinian refugees that run schools, hospitals,
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and humanitarian aid operations in garza is in danger of being suspended by 17 countries as well as the european union. the up rule followed is way allegations at 12 out of 30000 agencies. stuff were involved in the october 7th attacks. i think you went investigate claims. it has already terminated contracts with 9 if those employees and stays, it is against the funding. 15 un agency heads have on their suspending funds will close the collapse of space. you want to, terry, and system, and johnson as well for it's paula has a broad into, is, could your system to the u. n. in general, it's far in minnesota. so as the un secretary general is responsible for the alleged stuff pots as a patient in the attacks and must resign as well as k, i lie, the united states was among the 1st to pull the funds over the allegations, despite washington st. washington's admission that on the wall is crusoe for gaza.
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we very much support the work that under it does. we think it's critical. there is no other humanitarian player in gaza who can provide food and water and medicine as a scaled it under it does. and we wanna see that work continued, which is why it is so important that the united nations take this matter seriously . but they investigated that there is accountability for anyone who is found to engage in wrong doing. and that's a take, whatever other measures are appropriate to ensure that this sort of thing cannot happen. again. the u. s. policy on the funding of the wall stays criticism inside the country. the co pink activist group is not state congressional hearing regarding the you and agency on tuesday, accusing the us of starving thousands to death. 5 people were arrested. the group is launching a raleigh today in front of the un mission in new york and support of palestine found the of muslim legal law. so hostile in sibley believes that he was complicit in war crimes against casa,
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or i think it just shows under embarrassing kind of talk or see. so there is these weak allegations, allegedly, that some you and staff may have been involved, allegedly, again, without any, any concrete evidence in october 7. but what's not questionable is that america is involved in the bombing of civilians in gaza. again, you're talking about 30000 over 37000 citizens over 10000 children killed in cold water with american weapons. these are private crimes against humanity, crimes of genocide, and what can seem to funding, support israel. so why this dam hypocrisy? you know, it's, it's, it's the leaves me beyond words, to be honest, i'm flabbergasted, and american hypocrisy. i think it's shameful. it's disgusting. how can we be so concerned about condemning one? well, one being the group that is killing exponentially more civilians destroying exponentially more families and murdering exponentially more children. the secretary general has
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cooled down the western nations who tucked funding for the un release of works agency, but palestine refugees in the near east. he says we want to tower and workers should not be penalized for his way allegations against release agency stuff that may have played a role in the have mazda types on october the 7th. so you can visit all t dot com to find out all the details of this story on much more no security employee has been sold until the amount of hospital in con unice does, according to the palestine red crescent society. and the is ready for these have continued to stone, the hospital for the last 10 days on the pills. the sides reported intense selling, find the ideas going on in the vicinity of the hospital video. so to,
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to at least find these where the military shows is truthful for racing in hong eunice. according to the idea is conducting a targeted rate on a weapons manufacturing facility used by the islamic jihad organization. they also said they found an underground tunnel and destroyed it on the pa this time. but present society has supposed to be fine with shilling phone call with one of his balances on the young go here and the 6 year old go, dell was reported. he trots inside the call of slain. finally, the web presence phase. it has lost contacts with the team set to rescue the child . we can now take, listen to the last words from the cool as the big heavy i and i have an a a how big the big have, i'm a mini done a model. i'm the good got the big. how are they could be better,
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but the oh yeah, have to one of the person should be beheaded the you and security council. as i use the humanitarian situation in gauze is daya as rapidly deteriorating the morning. tom, this is almost 2000000 people are considered to be forcibly displaced from their homes and seeking means for survival. one of them is beloved, a young boy whose family escapes the strikes and found shelter and rougher home now . so nearly hoss the dogs and population belong, wakes up early every morning to stand industries selling tons of food in order to find that occasion to his sick father. he says he wishes they could go back to his old house. my name is be while my father has high blood pressure diabetes and if i were condition and can barely walk, she needs medicine. i bind resale can food to make some money. sometimes it's enough for me, but sometimes it's not help all by starting at 6 in the morning buying and selling,
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making money for the house. this is my spend. i wish i can go back to her house when it rains, so we don't get flight here. when it rains, the dense floods on us an old mattress is fill up with boar and we'll get so then the i know how to get below grew up and garza in our house. we are now in rough on this place to the chance you should be at school in the morning and playing with children of his age and not living like a grown man. trading on the streets, going out from 6 o'clock in the morning with his canned goods, telling them to bring medicine for his father and to spend on his sister's law shouldn't have to bear such a burden on auntie golf course. and as lama bonds was sentenced to full of pocket 75 minutes in wrong con, on his wife's to 40. and he is in prison and was found guilty of a legally selling state gifts that mister con, was safe during his time in office. and they earlier, he received a 10 years, so in a separate case, fully king state secrets about charge focused on assigned for release by mister con,
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which he claimed was evidence of the us fund floats to oust him in 2022. he's denied all the charges against him, noting that the trial was a fixed match with a pre determined outcome. cons pond team members hope that the decision will be revised soon. in appeal planning, the proceedings were conducted with serious violations in the way that the discord is conducted itself in the last, you know, 34 days in particular. you know, amount of hon hasn't been even allowed, is the defense attorney has in his lawyer hasn't been allowed to represent him. there's been no cross questioning of witnesses. it's a complete sham in the lower court. everything in terms of procedural in procedural wise, has not been conducted. we still haven't got the final orders even passed on to us is get the, the charges if put on him or, you know, buying the, asked the buying. the state gifts for a cheaper price is been evaluated by
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a fake witness that they've created out of thin air. so there's an amount of han was dry. it was tried to be forced to sign is witness statement which you refuse? because you said my boys are not here, so i don't even know that there was a hearing going on and the verdict is going to be taking place. so it couldn't have been more of a sham kindle record as it was inside. and again, for the view is, this is inside the prison is not a full fledged court room where it's national or national media or public can attend. this is within the premises of the prison that inbound honda is residing in . so, you know, we know that once it goes to the higher quotes, we will, we will win those cases as they have no legs to stand on before he was arrested. last a con, woke spike, his allegation, some was the gains, washington and the powers hopes who were tons of power as mens packaged on a us ties of the receiving the 10 year sentence on tuesday. mister con, address to suppose is from jail urging them to participate fully and also take part
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in next week's general election. he was ousted as prime minister back in april 2022, and eventually arrested last august, facing a series of criminal cases confidently accuse the incumbent and pockets on the government of conspiring with the us to destroy his political career. both his austin and on subsequent persecution, spots of massive protests and pockets down over the past 2 years. that's to take a look now and how event sound folded. the
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referring to this case earlier, the task taken 5 minutes to note that a con state should be decided by the court. while full and a prime minister's advisory food now leads the poles, has supported the quotes decision against con and says he will never whitfield state secrets. oh, is off that he was sentenced to a decade in prison on to say a variety of con, supports in south west and pakistan was hit by a bone bloss. these lumnick states hurried squared past claim responsibility for the attack that killed at least 4 people. of the most of the victims were supposed to be members of mr. cons, i'll position pci policy. i thought of the 6 people were wounded when i read the tape, most of i can explode, is made around a, for the leader. that's an official say. however, it's on test whether the demonstration was actually the target says talk to somebody who says, gearing up for a general election next week. a local journalist senses is free for report from the scene. if exactly the last thing i took, we did, the bomb exploded here,
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engine room. when the p d, i election rally just passed to spend and make it by doing at least 4 people have been confirmed, dead police and security forces supporting off the area. and while the dead and injured are being taken by private ambulances to the local hospital and emergency has been declared and city district hospital. if my camera man, contin, behind me, troops have just arrive to collect the evidence and to confirm if they suspect the suicide bomber or improvised explosive device. the 3rd conviction have been run con, comes just a week before national elections that are scheduled to be held on february. the 8th is also good, so easy sentence who is handed down in a rush. and now con is disqualified from holding any public office for a decade. again, the former prime minister's a special assistant sized mccarthy says con is still the most popular leader to spot being behind us. the earrings were conducted in such a rush and so unlawfully it was obvious that there was, there was
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a pre determined decision to be given before the february 8 elections and the next 8 on days. and the point of this is to create an element of fear to create an element in people's mind that in mind hahn is now wiped off from the political landscape of blackstone and to suppress his popularity in some way, however, is very miscalculated to mont. honda is the most popular need of the country is probably ever seen. and these 2 sentences has only fuzz advocated that, and that's being made. people give them more results to come out on february 8 and vote for mr. hans. i think it's actually going to work the other way, but we're afraid of security threats. we've got some loss going on on our leaders. most of us are in hiding. we cancelled public riley's barely, especially in the province of been jobs. houses are being rated today. are on our a p t i a headquarters, the whole sealed off, straight off to the straight off to the verdict. um so you know, this is not an action. this is an absolute champ. the question for a minute to say,
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guidelines were office address, the brakes form taking place in most go praising the organization full council, balancing the west toxic trends to ease after then you'll those those eyes so west failed to impose its one sided vision of the world's political problems by downplaying, the crises that the west stirs up itself and that are impossible to put out after american and british escapades. washington and those in control of the current monetary and trade global systems have proven their precariousness and inability to negotiate. the regionalization of economic development is a very healthy process, liberating the global self and global east countries from the risks of being manipulated by former colonial powers. briggs is essentially a manifestation of the same trends. but on a global scale, something like
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a cooperative network for regional and sub regional processes. in asia, africa, and latin america. and this cooperative network will foster harmonization and integration and countries representing a global majority of the sidelines the of the form in the show up. i said his thoughts on breaks as a platform on the russian championship. so the russians, federations, trash shape of the bricks is very important. it's actually a building up on the board of african police have done. so it's a and then be sure that the end of either kick knows it, and a lot of it is going into it. a lot of events have been planned to be very confident that this chief over a chevy be successful. india will work with russian colleagues to ensure the site yourself or your trash ship, and that will lead us at all looking forward for the cut down summit,
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maybe in october in the last 2 years, 2 years, countries wanting to be part of the bridge. so something is going very and quite right within the bricks process that they want to be members here, but very confident that the new members will bring new dynamism, new energy, and to expand the scope of the debate and the discussion. and there will be a lot of opportunity for the comical operations for the new members as well as well as the older members. and i think the ration trash people, the brakes provides that opportunities and we are very confident that the, this, the is a very key for the brakes as a new members of joy. and it is truly a reflection multilateralism that the foreign minister level has mentioned today. and the date that it's actually multilateralism in the making and the bricks is next. so that's all to provide the trust. it was the election for duration chest you each time they've brought in the agenda of the projects onto the brakes. the
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invitations. so we see again to see, i will be another opportunity to talk about the economic projects under the break. so that's on the do the contractual commission. now, tuesday involved way, where our officials report a disaster is color outbreak has already claimed a full 100 live sending faxes more than 20000 individuals just by the tragic situation. the government has been quick to the voluntary cholera vaccination campaigned into accounts during the deadly disease. local report was a case bound test springs as more on the story, a bob ways of dealing with a deadly quarter of drake, with at least 447 debts recorded, sofa, and 21000 cases recorded. nationwide. it says to do with an clean water, pause, substitution, and unconnected refuse has been the reason behind this outbreak. it's a desperate site with most trains, a song of misery that is echoed across all 10 provinces of his and bob, we,
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atlanta is victor hunting, the nation claiming lies and suffering hope. the remaining hope is left up to the medicine inside the trip. the minister to the patients struggling to stay alive. the doctors and nurses the face up to the exhausted and become the reluctant conductors of hope, breeding life back to the masses across the country in the hospitals itself is like this behind me that have led to the outbreak of color. it ends in, by the way the government was involved with, says that it's doing what it can. and today it does officially roads out a campaign to vaccinate about 800000 people nationwide. why did we say we failed? because we did look to have a set a profile, what effect would be t as in bro, but suddenly patients, one of the shifts indicated yes. and this is why have the discovery, this is challenge. we have government is taking me up on itself to take all of the
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nurses with visiting houses, door by door, administering 3 doses of the color of vaccine in the affected regions of the country. however, skeptics argue that they help i lived a little too late. are those question, if the vaccine will really bring about change around, think about those of them. we're still dealing with burst sewage pipes just down the road from here, the situation is not looking good. some of us are skeptical about these vaccines because we can track, did call or in the past. and we are afraid that if we take the vaccine, it might make us sick again. but the main issue we are still facing is access to clean water and hygiene is what are the we are still drinking and treated water. our community is growing and expanding coupon. so there's a need for proper planning in terms of housing, just as people are not being created for up up the shops, a completely packed with people selling and clean products. the steel gets a complete breeding ground for color and the government needs to take action. move
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the modem, camille way, next page lavelle. how's the latest episode of cross tools and all the bandwidth will operate as well as news of the top of the? yeah, thanks for watching. the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle . nato is ukraine. narrative is like the passage of seasons ever changing. we witness, as long as it takes 2 to days, just avoid defeat the by the minister ation knows victory over russia is a dead, and now it is satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine. the process of being ukraine. i'm joined by my guest room early on in washington. he's a political scientist, author and a radio talk show host in florida. we have craig past the georgia. he is co hosted the convo couch, and here in moscow, everyone's favorite. we have dmitri bobby. she is a political analyst, an editor, it interests me, internet media project. i tell them across softballs and the fact that music can jump any time you want and i always appreciate possible. let me go to you 1st. in


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