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tv   News  RT  January 31, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the sooner we get to that is the other issue is really good. so for the close, even save $150.00 if you could give me a delta others. and then hospital details. how is waiting for this. this guys in pavilion clothing killed 33 things. palestinians. one of them needing special treatment for assistance, the depaula city and by touching cisco, i think post featuring a final phone call with the $60.00 bill trapped inside the car, off as claim family fates, if the child remains,
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i'm not in the office today. i'm full of my pocket 75 minutes a run tom and his wife would say that's 14 year prison sentence is full corruption . they off the he with hyundai, they tell me it's within 10 for the king states. the court is full, as long as it stays, the trial was conducted with serious. it was like a large amount of hon hasn't been even allowed is a defense attorney. he has and his lawyer hasn't been allowed to represent him. there's been no cross questioning of witnesses. it's a complete shot in the lower court. the a will welcome to you for more of our team here in most go. this is auntie international with a very nice as well as nice as always is great. our top story, b u. n. a has denounced and is really on the attack on the hospital as a legal ass off the soldiers disguise the civilians infiltrate to the medical
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facility inch and then i saw 3 sleeping palestinians organizations also quoted as well to stop the killings in the west bank, which have increased since october the 7th adults at the hospital was august 8th and told us more about the on the salt of the day at $530.00 and the so any forces came inside the house because there seemed to be in the i need to know this and also they have the same last name, they went to the one on one floor where they at that the meet the kind of stuff and the then they go inside out on can do 3 people that one of those people is ation to have been in depth and sort of a 2023. he had a but on this is in has no of names that make him handicapped. so he needs a hell in order to do his daily activities on the move and leaving to go to bathroom. so he needs companions, need him one of those convenience that would have killed
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a doing the petition was his brother and the other was his friend. so actually they can those, if the, then they go outside the hospital for student fees on the front, this would have you get a impact on their hands. the other issue is really good stuff going on, so unsafe and this when to fix, to make it differently on data action bought on dance practice the latest video. so he likes that on social media, shows these really special forces dressed in, booked as uniforms and civilian clothing. raising the been seen a hospital. the ideas say that targeted fighters who were involved in promoting significant terrorist activity. the army also claims that had lost fights as well hiding inside the medical facility. but hospital officials insist the individual as well receiving to the local health industry has condemned feel for ation. this is
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a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation, our excellency, the minister of health, stressed in a statement and called on for international institutions and the world health organization to stand up and meet their responsibilities, encompassing this phenomenon and holding them accountable. thousands of thousands to pause in the funeral procession for the 3 palestinians killed in the attack on the been seen a hospital. but he is what it shows, devastating relatives that they pay the final respect with women. morning their loved ones as when tarry the forty's through the streets. we heard from some family members and friends of those count against the martyr mohammad, because we was my friend from 1st. great, thank god, he was one of the martyrs. today, mohammed was with his brother in hospital. the brothers were injured almost 4 months ago. a special forces wearing civilian clothes and freighters,
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rugs came and assassinated 2 of them along with the 3rd martyr mohammed jolanda young. the mission of mohammed grew up with a childhood full of aspirations to live in his free country. just like any other person born on that land of oklahoman, however, he found himself living under occupation was seen where his ambition was to experience life like children in a free countries. but the land where he could live in peace and security. no. unfortunately, as he grew older model, he came to the realization that the occupation with damaging the land rec and denying children their lawful rights on a dounia, what is the us state department, however, has failed to see any wrong doing in the deadly is wally hospital attack saying that as well is free to take action to combat terrorism. even if those tom visits are in a hospital bed. i mean it right, occupies the hallways back there under their control. they don't need to disguise themselves as, as medic, i'm going to
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a hospital and tell people what you called non civilians. they are actually series, but that's beside the point side. all right, so that is all about the law is just the but, but before you call somebody, a civilian, the israel has said, is a member from us. i need to vote on the record that, that is very much, much of the members of, from us as a political organization. i mean, you might, you mean it disagree with the politics, but that does not make the military. uh, i would very much. okay. i would very much disagree with that. i mean there, there's organizations that have been designated by the night. see right there. that's an accusation of the occupier. immunity occupier. yeah, yeah. i'm making that decision. we're not going to live by a side our cash himself. the washington bureau, chase full. the jury slip based paula city, a newspaper, our codes. many thanks for joining us today. really appreciate your time the class feel as firey exchange between you and your colleague on the us state departments spokesperson. do you feel your question was on southern, was it the also you expected it so well it was answered,
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but definitely it had nothing to do with the realities to mean that there was the answer that in a way that that continues extending this cover. that the us government and he was said ministrations one after the other had been good as well and conduct the game crimes against the palestinians. so uh yeah, yes, i mean they always answer but the not the proper answer. it's not, the real answer is not an answer that is based in reality, not even mostly. we know that, that these young man and one of them was paralyzed to, we're looking after him and so on. so look, i mean, this is something that is real that day in and day out, completely lawless, but it's not really the conduct and that was my point is now the kind of the overstate, this is the conduct against it. and, and you know, so sometimes people get to get upset when i call is with the gangsters state, but that's in fact what it is. so they conduct themselves as gang,
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so they will continue to do this as long as they they, they get cover weapon, money, and shit, the protection by the united states of america. and we understand that this um, that particular rate on the hospital, it wasn't the 1st of its kind the id s um which is of course a breach of international law every time and happens just and just how often does it happen though? how often do the idea go in to 2 hospitals in the west bank and, and why does this? well, philip has such impunity to do so because it does, it does have impunity to do. so. what is the national committee doing about this? what are the major powers are doing nothing, then i said give the cover, but the other major power is look the other way. china, russia, and india, indonesia. nobody's doing anything because it's really just a free pass to conduct these crimes. they really are not sold, these are subs in, you know, they are uniform gangster and they do it day in day of they do it against kids in
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schools, in clinic, in the hospital. every way, i mean what you see this on daily basis. they kill people take their body and them up, you know, probably steal their organs and so they have done this for very, very long time. and no one is doing anything about it. so yeah, you have feels that, that does have eh, you know, they can conduct this with the immunity because the world just looks up. so even if look up the un labeling, there's a talk inside the hospital as illegal the united states is just going along as saying is, what has the right to do? so is the, is this a surprise to you in what any of the other press that were attending a surprise don't say, you know, you know, i mean the, you, you got to give credit where credit you do my colleagues do re, these issues here tie every day, i mean we raised the switches,
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but that does not mean that these issues get answered or they get as up properly. i think the united states as a shamelessly conducted itself since the beginning of this awful genocide or that is that is what i was conducting on because it has given it all the support as a lives on an american umbilical court. but, you know, i mean, let's be fair. not that any of a, an international power stepping forward to say, this is unacceptable unwilling to take measured. if this was any other country, measures would be test. why should major country continue to have relation diplomatic nation with this gap? the state flawless and state. so that is also a question to be posted in, i think committed to you and you really useless in this regard. when it comes to that and i'll send you an issue and we know that that a,
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so there is the wreckage of the un resolution to you is because the security council resolution at about the cost finishes and none of them, none of them have ever been implement alongside be absolutely horrific and dire situation. we have in gone to a comm big no. the idea of kidding. so the west spine have also increased since october. the 7th. how serious these various escalation in your experience of covering the conflicts it's very serious. i mean, you know, you have to remember about 4 uh, 400. that's how students have been killed. 352400000, be killed. and many more. and that number have been injured home been demolished, palestinians are subject to attacks by moratti's settlers and indiana day out evaded check point the target past period at preventive from going to school for work to hospital to do whatever that needs to be done on
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a daily basis by regular human being, the average human beings. so yeah, it is, i mean this is the situation in the west bank since 1967, there is nothing new there except that we have seen in the last year or so. since the, and the end of the sentence of this price, when government and to power, you know, we have seen an increase in these activities in these and these criminal activities a lot. and i got of its soldiers that by govern lease meant by the government itself. you remember there are 12 members of this is really trying to is really government and 12 ministers who are basically and i'm calling for the ethnic cleansing of palestinians. so it is alarming. but what is even more alarming is that it goes on dan and yeah, without so much as a, any action by anyone, as close as friends who don't see how, you know,
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several western countries including the us, the u. k. gemini, have suspended the funding to the you and how the city of refugee agency in response to is radio to get used as a number of its employees participated in the mazda talk on october. the 7th. do think the decision to, to pause or to stop the aid is just this slide. this is how serious the humanitarian situation is right now. and gaza, of course, is not justified, is that it is laughable. what they just did because they really they nice if the government and the, it's the client states because, you know, basically okay. and concrete, the, the us client anyway, the england of us on so on much 5 goods relative to it. so they, us, as the client states basically, and you know, they're vengeance with regard to the, the international court of justice, the decision, uh, on friday they took their vengeance on the poor palestinian people that's their,
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that's the only reason they did that. you know, so 12, they say 12 people participated in the back on october 7th. give me a break that 12012000 employees and got that, that, that's what foot honorable. so, and there's no losses. there's been no evidence. israel is made allegation, not evidence limit allegation. so and why, why, why does that? why does that? uh, what, why, why does this real continue to get billions of dollars away? when in fact it is accused of genocide. so this is, this is nonsense, this is malarky. it's yeah. just to say, even supposing the question whether it is justified or not is really, you know, an on, on park and then i'd say, and it's like it's content to like you so much for speaking to us today. i really
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appreciate your time. we've been talking to side r a caught the washington bureau chief for the jury slim face that palestinian newspaper al codes. thank you. thank you. a security guard has been sold and killed at a mall hospital in con eunice as, according to the palestine red crescent society, the is ready for this. i've continued to storm the hospital for the last 10 days. an appeal c. s. has reported in 10 selling by the idea of going on in the vicinity of the hospital. video footage, released by the as wally military shows, is troops operating in con eunice, according to the idea, is conducting a targeted rate on a weapons manufacturing facility used by the is nomic to hodge organization. they also said they found an underground tunnel and destroyed at the
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palestine. red crossman society has posted the final chilling phone call with one of his volunteers on the young girl named hint. the 6 year old was we're supposed to be trapped inside the car office named families, surrounded by his lady types. a 15 year old girl died in a hail of gunfire. heard earlier on the phone, the big crescent says it's lost contact with a team sent to rescue the child. hey, all her last words from that cool. as the big heavy, i have an a a. how big the big have? i'm a mini dad model. i'm the good got the big. how are they can be better but the oh yes i was one of the seems to be they had a lot of the laser stuff on these folks person for the polish strong web presence aside. tina both on psych,
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she said she's worried about the face of the law school ons to policy as employees who went to rescue the town. we are having constant fees and punish regarding the safety of our sins and or what could needs up to this moment. 45 hours have passed and we don't know what the fate of what critics uses and my who have has is to serve the girl the time. and the only thing we want to know is what's happened for the 6 years old girl. i can't even find the words to describe the head or what the witness over the one when that a lot of times they have 15 years old. she was killed over the phone when she was at the 11 emergency line. she was saying, i'm surrounding by is what 80 times they are fighting on us and then our team have
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here this continue was done with the i guess ations that as well as making you guess the and why and on what now facing these funding suspensions. what will it ultimately spell for garza's humanitarian aid? this, this is in kim's, in a timeline. everyone we're calling on. we want more humanitarian aids to get into garza and we need to collaborate together as a human, nutrients and old human material and agencies to be able to respond to the scale of emergency exhaust. uh, the scale of the crisis in gaza is just huge. and we are in, there's a need for the old efforts to be able to provide all of the human material services to the people in, in casa, to i need the, the sufferings of over 2000000 civilians in casa. so this, this isn't, is absolutely going to have negative impact on the lives of the display,
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people in gaza who are benefiting from the other. what services? because basically, also, or what have shelters, which now house thousands of displaced people an antique was cold in as long a box has sent as full. i'm a pack, a 75 minutes, a run call now and his wife to 14 years in prison. they were found guilty of a legally selling state. guess that mr. conversely, during his time and office and they uh, he received a 10 year tub and a separate case for leaking state secrets. not charged focused on the size of release by mister. com, which he claimed was the evidence that the us sponsor po to our statement 2022. he's denied all charges noting that the trial was a fix match with a pre determined outcome. cons policy members hope that the decision will be reversed soon, and an appeal came in the proceedings were conducted with serious violations in the way that the discord has conducted itself in the last, you know,
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34 days in particular. you know, a mon hon hasn't been even allowed, is a defense attorney has and his lawyer hasn't been allowed to represent him. there's been no cross questioning of witnesses. it's a complete shot in the lower courts. everything in terms of procedural in procedural wise, has not been conducted. we still haven't got the final orders even passed on to us as get the, the charges to put on him. or, you know, buying the as the buying. the state gifts for a cheaper price is been evaluated by uptake witness that they've created the out of there. so there's an amount of honda was dry. it was tried to be forced to sign is witness statement, which you refuse because you said my lawyers are not here. so i don't even know that there was a hearing going on and the verdict is going to be taking place. so it couldn't have been more of a sham kind of in the court as it was inside. and again, for the view as this is inside the prison is not a full fledged court room where it's national or national media or public and of ted,
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this is within the premises of the prison that inbound honda is residing in. so, you know, we know that once it goes to the higher quotes, we will, we will win those cases as they have no legs to stand on before he was arrested last, the icon will spot case allegation. some want the games, washington and a power and hope to were tons of power and mens pockets down to us ties of the receiving the 10 year sentence on tuesday. mr. con, addressed to support is from jail urging them to protest peacefully and also take part in next week's general election. it was ousted as prime minister back in april, 2022, and eventually arrested last august facing a series of criminal cases called the honda aliya. accuse the incumbent and pocket stony governments of conspiring with the us to destroy his political career. but as his, i'll sting that on a subsequent persecution sponsor mazda of protests and pockets done over the past 2 years. here's how events have on folded
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the former prime minister the time and who fights these. i'd be be our best, be able to send things to for b, b as in 10 years of all these big cubes osbourne. we've asked them to come to me to do battle had quiet press at 1st, i guess to enhance accountability for funny, dealing with julie said the see it from so the account please, i guess under the value assessment, do the best plan for you on a john i'd be
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a part of finding out of the way the garden validated farmer and for so you conducted heading at 12 or the other day. and when the farmer prime used to using place or, or for an auto band form 40 for 10 years. and so therefore they find out because i want to be able to be speech, which probably be the not a better before before the due date. the verdict comes 30 days before that's under the election. we think we do, i use the best thing. i read us fans all prestone and without any elect on seemed was following him or on concert. the search served. the supporters are peaceful and we have not seen any. i made the porters across the country with. a ring to this case earlier, the cache department is to know to the tongue space should be decided by the quotes while full of prime it is to say about to read through now leads the polls has supported the course decision games called and says, hey,
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will mess us with prevail state secrets was off that he was sentenced to a decade in prison on tuesday of riley of con, supported in south west, and pakistan was hit by a bomb last the atlantic states terrace group escaped responsibility for the attack that killed at least 4 people for the most of the victims were opposed to the members of mister congo, physician tv on my policy. i saw the 6 paper wounded when i read most of on take slow disney or the rally for the out of later. local officials say, however, it's until whether the demonstration was on to be the target as hopkins. that is also given the full agend when the next and next week. a local journalist said this is free for food from the status of that because i did anything except we did. the bomb exploded here, engine room. when the p d. i election round just has to spend and make it by doing at least 4 people have been confirmed dead. the police and security forces supporting off the area. and while the dead and injured have been taken by private ambulance as to the local
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hospital and emergency has been declared consuming district hospital. if my camera man, compared behind my ticket, the troops have just arrive to collect the evidence or to confirm if they suspect the suicide bomber were improvised explosive device. russian president vladimir putin has confirmed that the military transport play and carrying $65.00 you clarity and service men on board was a prison. the swamp was for a prisoner swap, was shot down by an american patriot missile. a use be to some of the genocide use the size for the fact that they shut down the plane where their soldiers were i don't have an answer. and luxury we could assume they did it by accident and it's, it's a crime either way. if that's the case, it's a crime of the negligence, then we're not going to stop. the exchange is used up. we've got our own guys to return. if everything has been cleared from the information field, but we will not forget about the crime they committed against our citizens, can we get the plan was shot down to this has already been established for sure. by the american patriot system. it's been confirmed by expert analysis,
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but i'm doing that now by all c correspondent, marina clauser with merino. what are the refuse to be russian president mention latimer of who's in was mainly focusing on domestic issues and ways to improve the quality of life for board their russian citizens. this is after all, let's not forget an election season though for him. but when it comes to ukraine, he did say that russia will never forgive the crimes committed by the key of regime against the russian citizens. and of course, the fateful crash, which was also killed russian citizens, is one of these situations and russia has always maintained that it was ukraine behind the christ that they were the ones that started down. and now we know that it was done using a us, made the patriot mix out killing once again to us from one of us. this was on the 24th of january when that happened, and it killed all 74 people on board, including 65 ukrainian po w's out. russia is demanding,
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once again an international investigation and is planning to push back the neutralized zone. and ukraine. disease doesn't, which so this the militarization line should be of such a distance from our territory that it would insure security from foreign made long range weapons, empty. ukrainian authorities used to show peaceful cities here. i was just talking about what our guys are doing in the different direction with the menu and our troops are doing almost exactly the same thing along the entire contact line. the interesting stuff going, this is what they are doing. they are pushing the enemy away from the important populate areas of russia. that's what we'll do. let's go in the ukraine. i'm choices shut down our oil, 76 plane, which was caring. 65 of their own service been intended for a swamp junction. i don't know why they did it. i don't understand. it's not clear why they are selling peaceful cities. there are several objectives to divert the attention of their own population and sponsors from the failures of the so called counter offensive. emotionally show that they can do something like this and to promote customers. and now a week after that said,
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slow crash ways. so once again, a prisoner exchange took place on wednesday, so a $195.00 russian soldiers were exchanged, $495.00, the creamy and prisoners of war. so a lot of families will, of course, be very happy today. just the officer. that's a plane was brought down by that us made miss solid. did say pushing have anything more to say about western military to support senior trade? well, of course, it raises a lot of questions about a washington's culpability, because they are the ones of course supplying mainly ukraine with weapons and the shells. but right now we're seeing that it's very critical time for your training because as we know, it has been written everywhere and documented by now that ukraine is running out of weapons is funding. that'll mean mission and this funding out of money. so this is a very critical time and you countries, america, they're all trying to make sure that a gets to ukraine as soon as possible because they understand that you crank will
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not win on its own. and so on the thursday there is an emergency r e u meeting where they're supposed to discuss and relocate uh 50 plus a $1000000000.00 of additional a to you frame. we know in the us support, they're installing republicans or blocking additional aid. so watson, some tens cents money, kansas weapons there in europe. it's a similar situation because we know that hungry as well from that. and the ego is becoming so desperate that they have this easily emergency summit on thursday for on wednesday, on the eve, they said so the leaders of 5 e u countries and we have germany, denmark, the check, the public us sonya, and the netherlands. they sent an open letter to the financial times, well, they're explaining why it's so important to send you claim money now. and they're also acknowledging that they failed to send the one to 1000000 shelves that they've promised that you probably need so badly by the 1st of march. let's do some more. what was in that letter?
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or we must renew our results and redouble our efforts in order to ensure that we sustain or support for as long as it takes. we will continue to explode options and invite allies and partners to co funds initiatives. and we've also heard that conversations that a certain e u countries are not doing enough. for example, they're saying up front, it's liam sprain are not pulling their weights in an arm. and ukraine is there's a lot of that also internally going on. but the main problem for the easier right now is of course hungry victor, oregon, who's been blocking this and he said he doesn't want to see the bunch of news to militarize ukraine. he wants to eat a bunch of loose for other reasons. and the water leak plans are gonna lead by the financial times where apparently the e u is planning to punish hungary is on thursday. make the organ does indeed pull off this additional $50000000000.00 in a and how are the funding to punish hungry their problems and bring it to its needs


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