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tv   News  RT  January 31, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the we will not forget about the crimes they commit against the citizens. vladimir putin confirms of russian military transport plane carrying 65 ukrainian soldiers for a prisoner exchange was shot down by a us patriot post to francisco, when he gets to impact the other issue. really good stuff when i was with you and see if on his way to fix to make it to be a doctor added to the hospital details powers medic, guys and civilian clothing killed recently. thing college sent in one of them needing special treatments for
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a decibel disability. the palestinian red crescent society posts the telling final phone call with a 6 year old girl trapped inside the car of her slain family. the fate of the child remains unknown after 2 days. the, you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in months ago. russian president vladimir putin has confirmed the military transport plane carrying a $65.00 ukrainian service man on board for prisoners swap was shot down by an american patriot missile. a use be to some of the genocide use the size for the fact that they shut down the plane where their soldiers were i'm, i don't have an answer unless we could assume they did it by accidental jet and it's, it's a crime either way. if that's the case, it's a crime and negligence. so we're not going to stop. the exchange is used up. we've got our own guys to return. if everything has been cleared from the information field, but we will not forget about the crimes they commit against our citizens. can we
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get the plan was shot down to this has already been established, i'm sure, by the american patriot system. it's been confirmed by expert analysis estimate when planning or opposing was mainly focusing on domestic issues and ways to improve the quality of life for their russian citizens. this is, after all, let's not forget an election season though for him. but when it comes to ukraine, he did say that russia will never forgive the crimes committed by the key of regime against the russian citizens. and of course, the fateful crash, which was also killed russian citizens is one of these situations and russia has always maintained that it was ukraine behind the crash that they were the ones that shorted down. and now we know that it was done using a us, made the patriot mix out killing once again to us from one of us. this was on the 24th of january when that happens, and it killed all 74 people on board, including 65 ukranian, po, w's out. russia is demanding, once again,
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an international investigation and is planning to push back the neutralized zone and ukraine. we'll just delete those, which is the militarization line should be in such a distance from our territory that it would ensure security from following them a long range weapons. and the ukranian authorities used to show peaceful cities. and i was just talking about what our guys are doing in the updated direction. our troops are doing almost exactly the same thing along the entire contact line. the interesting stuff going, this is what they are doing. they are pushing the enemy away from the important populated areas of russia. that's what we'll do is when the ukranian armed forces shut down our l. 76 plane, which was carrying 65 of their own service been intended for a swamp, is i don't know why they did it. i don't understand the solution. it's not clear why they are showing peaceful cities. there are several objectives when a given to divert the attention of their own population and sponsors from the failures of the so called counter offensive, emotionally show that they can do something like this and to provoke us to assign a week after that fateful crashed way. so once again,
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a prisoner exchange took place on wednesday, so a $195.00 russian soldiers were exchanged, $495.00, the crazy and prisoners of war. so a lot of families will, of course, be very happy to just the officer. that's a time was brought down by that us made miss solid did to post. i didn't have anything more to say about west and military to support your trade. well, of course, it raises a lot of questions about a washington's culpability, because they are the ones of course supplying mainly ukraine with weapons and the shells. but right now we're seeing that it's very critical time for your training because as we know, and it's been written everywhere and documented by now that ukraine is running out of weapons, it's funding that'll munition and this funding out of money. so this is a very critical time and e countries, america, they're all trying to make sure that a gets to ukraine as soon as possible because they understand that you can boil not when, on the phone. and so on
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a thursday there is an emergency i. e u meeting where they're supposed to discuss unable. okay. uh 50 plus a $1000000000.00 all at. busy a tional, a to ukraine, we know in the us support, they're installing republicans are blocking additional aid. so washington tends send money cancelling weapons there in europe. it's a similar situation because we know that hungry as boston, that in the us become and so desperate that they have this easily emergency summit on thursday for on wednesday, on the eve, they said so the leaders of 5 e u countries and we have germany, denmark, to check the public as sonya and the netherlands, they sent an open letter to the financial times. well, they're explaining why it's so important to signed ukraine money. now they're also acknowledging that they failed to send the one to 1000000 shelves that they've promised that you probably need so badly by the 1st of march. let's see some more. what was in that letter?
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we must renew our results and redouble our efforts in order to ensure that we sustain those support for as long as it takes we will continue to explode options and invite tantalizing partners to co funds initiatives. and we've also heard accusations that a certain e u countries are not doing enough. for example, they're saying up front, it's liam. spain are not pulling their weights in an arm. and ukraine is there's a lot of that also internally going on. but the main problem for the easier right now is a force hungry victor, oregon who's been blocking this and he said that he doesn't want to see the bunch of news to militarize ukraine. he wants to eat a bunch of loose for other reasons. and the water leak plans are gonna lead by the financial times where apparently the e u is planning to punish hungary is on thursday. i think the organ does indeed pull off this additional $50000000000.00 in a and how are the funding to punish hungry, the kinds of bring it to its meetings. and there is
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a very detailed plan of how they're planning to ruin hungry, basically, financially. and this is what they call democracy. they have a voting system, but a few votes against what we want and we'll then we will this for you. so this is of course on the heard of on box the you does have a plan b. so if the organ does block this, and this doesn't go through, there is a plan where you countries can individually send a. so you cream, bought, this has to be approved by that problem. it's in each country individually. so this will take time and ukraine doesn't have time and they know this. so this is why they're urgently coming up with plans. threats, as we've seen blackmail, even when it comes to victor, oregon. so be very interesting to see what this will only suit, especially at the emergency meeting. it almost feels like it's fine right now. is this hot potato. they know that you can kind of win on that song. they want to send that money, but they can, they're unable to because the categories within each of this country within the you, they category in washington, and they don't know what to do so that this seems to be turning against each other
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. so the u. n. has announced and is really army attack on a hospital as illegal after soldiers disguise. the civilians infiltrated a medical facility engine in and shot the 3 sleeping palestinians. the organization is also called on israel to stop the killings in the west bank, which have increased since october. something's a doctor at the hospital targeted, told us more about the armed assault today at 550. and the so 80 forces came inside the house because there seemed to be in the attic. so there's and also they have the same really kind of losses. they went to the one on one floor where they attacked the meet the kind of stuff and the then they go inside totaled and can do 3 people that one of those people is ation to have been in depth and sort of a 2023. he has a policy and has no names that make him handicapped, so he needs
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a hell in order to do his daily activities on the move and leaving to go to bathroom. so he needs companions not having one of those convenience that would have killed the doing the petition was his brother. and the other was his print. so actually they can, those are 3, then they go outside the hospital, pushed through these on here from this one house and you get to the impact on data, hence the other issue and many good stuff with on. so you on save on this when to fix to negatively on data action bought on dance practice. the latest video circulating on social media shows is really special forces dressed in doctors, uniforms and civilian clothing rating the if need seen a hospital. the idea of says that targeted fighters who were involved in promoting significant terrorist activity. the army also claims that homos fighters were hiding inside the medical facility, but hospital officials and says to the individuals were receiving care. the local
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health ministry has condemned to the operation. this is a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation, our excellency, the minister of health, stressed in a statement and called on food international institutions and the world health organization. to stand up and meet their responsibilities, encompassing this phenomenon and holding them accountable, thousands of gods and took part in the funeral procession for the 3 palestinians and killed in the attack. video footage shows devastating val attends as they pay their final respects with women morning their loved ones as men and carried the bodies through the streets and heard from some of the family members and friends of those killed. shoot me against the martyr mohammed because we was my friend from 1st. great, thank god, he was one of the martyrs today. mohammed was with his brother in the hospital. the
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brothers were injured almost 4 months ago. the special forces wearing civilian clothes and creatures, rugs came and assassinated 2 of them along with the 3rd martyr mohammed jolanda young. the mission of the honda grew up with a childhood full of aspirations to live in his free country. just like any other person born on the atlantic oklahoman, however, he found himself living under occupation within them where his ambition was to experience life like children in a free countries. but the land where he could live in peace and security. no. unfortunately, as he grew older model, he came to the realization that the occupation was damaging the land and denying children their lawful rights on a dounia, what does that mean? they're still a new city on quite a 100 to for the call. here to guard has been shot until that al, i'm all hospital and con eunice, that's according to the palestinian red crescent society.
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the is really forces have continued to storm the hospital for the last 10 days. and the p or cs has reported in 10 selling by the idea of going on in the vicinity of the hospital. video footage, released by the israeli military shows as troops operating in con eunice, according to the idea of it is conducting a targeted rate on a weapons manufacturing facility used by the as long as you had organizations, they also said they've found an underground tunnel and destroyed at the palestine red crescent society has posted the final chilling phone call with one of its volunteers, and the young girl named him. and the 6 year old was reported. they trapped inside the car of her slain family, surrounded by his rarely tanks. a 15 year old girl died in a hail of gunfire. heard earlier on the phone, the red crescent says it has lost contact with the team sent to rescue the child.
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here are her last words from the phone call. as the big heavy i have. well, i mean, i have the, the big have that i'm a mini the middle, i'm the good. got the big. how are they give me the stuff i have to. one of the for seems to be they had got the latest from the spokes person for the palestine read precedence the side in the ball 1st cuz she said she's worried about the fate of the last girl into p. r. c. s. employees who went to rescue the child. we are having constant feud and punish regarding the safety of our sins and or what clinics. up to this moment. 45 hours have
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passed and we don't know what the fate of what critics uses and my who have has it's to serve the girl the time. and the only thing we want to know is what's happened for the 6 years old girl. i can't even find the words to describe the head or i went to him, witness over the one when that a lot of times they had 15 years old. she was killed over the phone when she was at the 11 emergency line. she was saying, i'm surrounding by is what 80 times they are firing on us and then our team have here this continue was done with these i guess ations that as well as making you guess on the wall and on what now facing these funding suspensions. what will it ultimately spell for garza's humanitarian aid? this, this is in kim's, in a time. one of the one we're calling on. we want more humanitarian aids to get into
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garza and we need to collaborate together as a human nature against an old human material. and agencies to be able to respond to the scale of emergency exhaust uh, the scale of the crisis in gaza is just huge. and we are in, there's a need for the old efforts to be able to provide or with the human material services to the people in casa to, i mean, they, the sufferings of over 2000000 civilians in casa. so this, this isn't, is absolutely going to have negative impact on the lives of the display. people in gaza who are benefiting from the other was services because basically also or what have shelters, which now house thousands of displaced people. the world health organization warns that the funding the one relief and works agency for palestine will only worsen the dire humanitarian situation in gaza and its 1st public appearance. since
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a dozen western nations pulled their support, the unrest spokesperson says the group, preemptively dismissed the staff members accused of cooperating with some us and has made continuation of aid a priority. the commission in general, under wash deed that it's in the interest of the 2000000 people were serving in gaza. and in the interest of the continuation of our light saving an irreplaceable working garza, he deemed and necessary to preemptively dismiss these the staff members for the sake of everything else on the roads, funding for palestinian refugees that run schools, hospitals, and humanitarian aid operations and gaza is in danger of being suspended by 17 countries, as well as the european union. the uproar followed is really obligations that falls out of that $30000.00 agency staff were involved in the october 7th attacks. as the un investigates, claims that has already terminated contracts with 9 of those employees and says it
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is against the funding 15 you an agency has have warned that suspending funds will cause the collapse of between mandatory in the system in gaza. israel for as part has broadened it's criticism to the un in general. it's foreign minister says the un secretary general is responsible for the alleged staff participation in the attacks and must resign israel's key allies. united states was among the 1st to pull funds over the obligations dislike washington's admission. the on right is a crucial for gaza. we very much support the work that under it does. we think it's critical. there is no other humanitarian player in gaza who can provide food and water and medicine scaled it under it does. so we want to see that work continued, which is why it is so important that the united nations takes this matter seriously . but they investigated that there is accountability for anyone who is found to engage in wrong doing and that's
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a take whatever other measures are appropriate to ensure that this sort of thing cannot happen. again. it's paula say on the funding on rough face to criticism inside the country code pink eye to this group disrupted us and brush on hearing regarding the one agency on tuesday, accusing us of starving to death. 5 people were arrested. all states must have stopped funding. israel is military, that's the message from the south. african foreign minister no depend or commenting on the i c j's preliminary ruling on south africa's genocide case against israel. she also raised the issue of funding for the one relief and brooks agency for palestine. i think this should be a massive drive to say to those powerful countries that have stopped funding, even though those accused work is a, has been suspended and investigations underway. again,
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you have collective punishment. we need to object to that, but we should also look at working with the world to secure funding from the south to assist at this entity. the states must therefore also act independently and immediately to prevent genocide by israel and to ensure that they as the states i'm not themselves involved in violation of the genocide convention by a being assisted in the commission of genocide. this necessarily imposes an obligation on all states to seize funding and facilitating israel's military actions, which as the quote is indicated, plausibly gentle cybill minnes dependable. and that context,
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i'm reminded the media of the atrocities committed by use while in the gaza strip and gave an overview of the ruling issued by the i c. j with the court. or that 6 the provisional missions, including before, as well, to refrain from act on the genocide convention. the court also ordering as well to preserve the evidence of genocide and to submit a report to, to the court would one month off mrs. taken in line with the orders that it has provided. now would diplomatic if it's a parent, please concerning on the possibility of a 2 month seized by us. and if it's still being made sticking to the flow of a, into gaza as well as a could argue that it's already taking steps to meet the courts demands. but then the minister says that to what do we then do if there's no implementation of these measures that the eyes,
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the data has put in place. and i suppose what confronts us now is what do we do if there is no implementation? and that is the question or nations must onset today, because it is a body of united nations that has set out these provisional measures. it's not the south african government or south africa and its own. it has the international court of justice. and if it's orders, i'm not respected. what does this mean for every other government that commits atrocities against a people? and she says that the bull is now in the course of the global community. i believe hom, africa has done what it can. and now the global community is the one that must answer the question. do these conventions mean anything? or do we now have
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a world in which this open license where you can act as you will against any vulnerable a group. the minister says that, so that's your cut will not take this lying dog and it will act to activity and agitation will cards for support because it, as it stands, if there's no sign get to off of the war easing and because the stupid also the fact remains that is well still stands accused of genocide. it's a case that the i, j is um, found um and believe is plausible and would be of further detail consideration. some minister says, during her time in the netherlands last week, she met it should meet up with the eyes to see prosecutor and had a conversation with him. i asked him why he was able to issue and the arrest warrant for mister putin, and is unable to do so for the prime minister of israel equinox and did not answer that question. this also is
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a setting the record straight that the launch is not funding the routing party, which is the, is the and because people are speculating that they run has been helping pay legal costs of the i. c. j in the side of africa. they've been associated as far as she's concerned. the legal team has not even been paid as yet, and there's no way that the part you could just receive a mess of donation from the run the minutes. it also seems that the stance and room is presented as an international reaction to the court case allegations and she expects even more allegations i missed information to come through. as a result of africa's case, a case is wrong or not to isn't by the way we're officials report a disaster as color outbreak has already claimed over 400 lives and infected more than 20000 people. the government has launched a cholera vaccination campaign aimed at countering the deadly disease local reporter keeps baptist. it brings us more, a bob ways of dealing with
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a deadly quarter of drake, with at least 447 debts recorded, sofa and 21000 cases. recorded nationwide, it has to do with an clean water pool, a substitution, and unconnected refuse has been the reason behind this outbreak. it's a disparate site with no strings, a song of misery that is echoed across all 10 provinces of zimbabwe, atlanta. as victor hunting the nation claiming lies and suffering hope, the remaining hope is lift up to the medicine inside the drip thing administered to the patients struggling to stay alive. the doctors and nurses the face up to the exhausted and become the reluctant conductors of hope. breeding life back to the masses across the country in the hospitals itself is like this behind me that have led to the outbreak of color. it ends in probably the government i was involved with says that it's doing what it can. and today it is official new roads out
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a campaign to vaccinate about 800000 people nationwide. why did we say we failed? because we did not have a set a profile. a lot of us would be t as in protests, any additions would be, should indicate yes. and this is why have the discovery, this is challenge. we have government is taking it upon itself to take all of this . was this the doing houses to buy dual administering 3 doses of the color of vaccine in the affected regions of the country? however, skeptics argue that they help i lived a little too late. are those question if the vaccine will really bring about change? what i think about that album, we're still dealing with burst sewage pipes just down the road from here. the situation is not looking good. some of us are skeptical about these vaccines because we can track, did call or in the past. and we are afraid that if we take the vaccine, it might make us sick again, it's overdue,
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but the main issue we are still facing is access to clean water and hygiene is what are the 2 we are still drinking. i'm treated most of i know our community is growing and expanding to but so there's a need for proper planning in terms of housing. just as people are not being k to the up up up of the shops. i completely packed with people selling. i'm clean product and they still gets a complete breeding ground for color. i mean, the government needs to take action to remove the most of the 1st of the china relations are developing rapidly during video talks with russian defense minister service. shall i go? his chinese counterpart don't june said china supports russia on new crenan issue despite pressure from the us. and e. u in the us in western countries are minority russians, strongly support the justice support russia and the ukrainian issue. even though the us in europe continue to pressure china, we will not abandon the established policy. nothing can prevent china, russia, cooperation,
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budget. and china is the defense minister dung june confirmed that the strategic partnership between china and russia remains at a high level. so to show you emphasized, in turn that moscow badging relations are experiencing the best period in their history. the russian defense minister also expressed confidence that the tax would further strengthen the russian and chinese strategic partnership on defense. we discussed these bilateral relations with our, to contributor carl john, who said, try to remains firmly on russia's side against us. germany. china has always stated that china understand russia's security concerns. that was natal bushing steadily useful, a useful work ever since the end of the cold war? so, so, so china has stated it has no limit, partnership with russia. you know, no limit means no limit. well us, well, well, well, open sea like they always do. they will, um, you know, they will issue some statements, but mentally,
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there's not much of us can do russia and china neighbors that dare to truly sovereign country, conducting independent foreign policy. i mean, none of us the business, for example, united states have mark china, us any number one at the same point. they're making this ridiculous gesture, i'll try to pressure china to join the sanction guardians, rush up, but the chinese leadership are, ty, stupid, understands the rush of falls or the west. the nato alliance is going to come to china. next state, are you where already have in the head of natal, talking about how may to it needs to be sure to come from china. so of course, china is, is on the side of russia against against the nato. and then you why? so had gemini, i mean it's a no brainer to stay with our to international up next, the documentary philadelphia, addicted to freedom profile is one of america's oldest cities, which has fallen victim to unrivalled of crime poverty and significant costs and a polity by
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the the
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pictures they were to be whatever details the vegas, $8000.00 cows come from l. a. a council ever cuz philadelphia they think is a good area just to get good drugs. and so you come down from so you come down or you start, you can come back and away and tell me that you use, you know, family members know you down here or stuff like that. that's why i was saying that there was a kid to lay right. jerry, both were sit that's down low with them. prior to my want to sit down, this is the trenches. we gotta show them. this is like little we sit like this is a little we live in them. yeah,


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