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tv   News  RT  January 31, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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on the, the we will not forget about the find you the guys were citizens, lot of recruit and confirm. it's a russian military transport plane carrying at $65.00, the print in folders for a prisoner exchange was shot down by a us patriot. a former pakistani prime minister in wrong con and his wife perceived 14 year prison sentences for corruption after he was handed a 10 year term for leaking safety. for his former advisor, a sense of trial was conducted with serious, irregular con, hasn't been even allowed. is the defense attorney he has and his lawyer hasn't been allowed to represent him. there's been no cross questioning of witnesses. it's a complete shot in the lower court to get back to
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the other issue. really good stuff when pulse you on. see if on this when to fix to make it difficult. and the doctor, i didn't mean a hospital details, how is rarely horse of the sky in civilian clothing fields, freeze slipping, tullison, and one of them is needing a special treatment for a disability. the average of ruble live in moscow, we are watching r t international. russian president vladimir putin has confirmed the military transport plane carrying at $65.00 ukrainian service man on board for a prisoner swap. was shot down by an american patriot missile. a use be to some of the genocide use these eyes for the fact that they shut down the plane where their soldiers were i'm, i don't have an answer and luxury we could assume they did it by accident. it's a crime either way. if that's the case, it's a crime of negligence. we're not going to stop the exchanges,
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use that. we've got our own guys to return. if everything has been cleared from the information field, but we will not forget about the crimes they commit against our citizens. can we get the plan was shot down to this has already been established, i'm sure, by the american patriot system. it's been confirmed by expert analysis. that's my, one of my posts. and it was mainly focusing on domestic issues and ways to improve the quality of life for board their russian citizen is, this is after all, let's not forget an election season though for him. but when it comes to ukraine, he did say that russia will never forgive the crimes committed by the key of regime against the russian citizens. and of course, that fateful crash, which was also killed russian citizens. is one of these situations that in russia has always maintained that it was ukraine behind the crash that they were the ones that started down. and now we know that it was done using a us, made patriot mixed out. silicon wants to get us from one of us. this was on the 24th of january when it happened, and it killed all 74 people on board,
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including 65 ukrainian po, w's out. russia is demanding, once again an international investigation and is planning to push back the neutralized zone and ukraine doesn't the which this the militarization line shouldn't be of such a distance from our territory that it would insure security from foreign made long range weapons that ukrainian authorities used to show peaceful cities. i was just talking about what our guys are doing in the different direction with the menu and our troops are doing almost exactly the same thing along the entire contact line. the interesting stuff going, this is what they are doing. they are pushing the enemy away from the important populated areas of russia. that's what we'll do. it's going to ukraine on choices, shut down, arial, $76.00 plane, which was carrying $65.00 of their own service been intended for a swamp. as i don't know why they did it, i don't understand, at least it's not clear why they are selling peaceful cities. there are several objectives to divert the attention of their own population and sponsors from the failures of the so called counter offensive. emotionally show that they can do
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something like this and to provoke us to respond a week after that fateful crashed way. so once again, a prisoner exchange took place on wednesday. so a $195.00 russian soldiers were exchanged for a $195.00. the crazy and prisoners of war. so a lot of families will, of course, be very happy today. so just the officer, that's a plane was brought down by that us made miss solid did to post. i didn't have anything more to say about western military to support senior trade. well, of course it raises a lot of questions about the washington's culpability, because they are the ones of course supplying mainly ukraine with weapons and the shells. but right now we're seeing that it's very critical time for your training because as we know, and it's been written everywhere and documented by now that ukraine is running out of weapons, it's funding that'll munition and this funding out of money. so this is a very critical time and e countries, america,
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they're all trying to make sure that a gets to ukraine as soon as possible because they understand that ukraine will not win on its own. and so on the thursday there is an emergency i. e u meeting where they're supposed to discuss unable. okay. uh 50 plus a $1000000000.00 of additional a to you prime. we know in the us support they're installing republicans are blocking additional aid. so watson, some tens cents. money can send weapons there in europe. it's a similar situation because we know that hungry as well from that and the us become and sold us for that. they have this easy to emergency summit on thursday for on wednesday, on the eve, they said so the leaders of 5 e u countries and we have germany, denmark, the check for the public. as sonya and the netherlands, they sent and opened a letter to the financial times. well, they're explaining why it's so important to send you claim money now. and they're also acknowledging that they failed to send the one to 1000000 shelves that they've
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promised that you probably need so badly by the 1st of march. let's see some more. what was in that letter? we must renew our results and redouble our efforts in order to ensure that we sustain or support for as long as it takes. we will continue to explode options and invite allies and partners to co fund initiatives. and we've also heard that conversations that a certain e u countries are not doing enough, for example, they're saying up front, it's liam. spain are not pulling their weights in an arm and you cry. and so there's a lot of that also internally going on. but the main problem for the easier right now is of course hungry victor, oregon, who's been blocking this and he said he doesn't want to see the bunch of news to militarize ukraine. he wants to eat a bunch of loose for other reasons. and the water leaks plans are gonna lead by the financial times where apparently the e u is planning to punish hungary is on thursday. make the organ does indeed pull off this additional $50000000000.00 in
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a and how are the funding to punish hungry there kinds of bring it to its needs. and there is a very detailed plan of how they're planning subaru and hungry, basically, financially. and this is what they call democracy. they have a voting system, but a few votes against what we want and we'll then we will this for you. so this is of course on the heard of on box the you does have a plan b. so if that to organ does block this, and this doesn't go through, there is a plan where you countries can individually send a. so you cream, bought. this has to be approved by the apartment in each country individually. so this will take time and ukraine doesn't have time and they know this. so this is why they're urgently coming up with plans. threats, as we've seen blackmail, even when it comes to victor, oregon. so be very interesting. the seats vault. this will only suit, especially at the emergency meeting. it almost feels like the, the frame right now is this hall potato. they know that you can kind of went on that song. they want to send that money, but they can, they're unable to because the categories within each of this country within the
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easy, with a category in washington. and they don't know what to do. so they're, they seems to be turning against each other. and then to grab the court and on the bon has sentenced a former pakistani prime minister iran pond and his wife and 214 years in prison. they were found guilty of a legally selling estate gifts that mister hon received during his time in office. and they earlier, he received a 10 year term and a separate case for leaking state secrets that charged focused on a diplomatic and document released by mister con, which she claimed was the evidence of a us back to plot to oust him in 2022. he has denied all charges knowing that the trial was a fixed match with a pre determined outcome. a local correspondent has more details on the story, a farmer prime minister, and even on the farm and who fights this. i'd be the, our best to be able to send things to for b. b as in 10 years involve disparate cubes. osborne
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has been kicked down to me to do battle, had quiet press at 1st, i guess, to enhance accountability for funny dining. a. julie said, you see it from so the account please, i guess under the value assessment, the 1st class or john, i'd be a part of find the article way because they really decide farmer and for so you conducted heading at 12 or the l as in when the farmer, prime minister, is in place or, or for an officer band form 40 or 10 years. and so therefore they find out. so i wonder if the 7 we have to be speech, which probably be the not a better before before the due date. the verdict comes 30 days before the thing that's under the election. we think we do, i use the best thing. i read a spiritual prestone and the dog and the elect on seemed following him are on concert. this 3rd serve, peace of order are peaceful and we have not seen any. i made up portez across the
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country before he was arrested last year con, walked back, his allegations somewhat against washington in an apparent hope to return to power and mend pakistani us ties after receiving the tenure sentence on tuesday con and for us to supporters from jail urging them to protest peacefully and take part in next week's general election. he was ousted as prime minister in april 2022, and eventually arrested last august, facing a series of criminal cases con, had earlier accuse the incumbent pakistani government of conspiring with the us to destroy his political career, both as ousting and subsequent prosecution sparks of massive protests and pakistan over the past 2 years. his party is secretary general has called the court's decision, quotes, a travesty of justice accusing the judicial system in pakistan of sinking to new lows. while his former adviser hopes that decision will be reversed soon by the
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high court in the way that the discord has conducted itself. and the last, you know, 3 or 4 days in particular, you know, amount of hon hasn't been even allowed, is a defense attorney. he hasn't, his lawyer hasn't been allowed to represent him. there's been no cross questioning of witnesses. it's a complete shot in the lower courts. everything in terms of procedural in procedural wise, has not been conducted. we still haven't got the final orders even passed on to us as get the, the charges to put on him of, you know, buying the as the buying the state gifts by cheaper prices. we've been evaluated by a big witness that they've created out of there. so there's an in mont, honda was trying was tried to be forced to sign his witness statement which you refuse because he said, my boys are not here. so i don't even know that there was a hearing going on and the verdict is going to be taking place. so it couldn't have been more of a sham kind of report as it was inside. and again,
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for the view as this is inside the prison is not a full fledged court room where it's national or national media or public can attend. this is within the premises of the prison that inbound honda is residing in . so, you know, we know that once it goes to the higher quotes, we will, we will win those cases as they have no legs to stand on. referring into this case earlier, the caretaker prime minister noted the cons, fate should be decided by the court. well, former prime minister advisory for now leads the pulse, has supported the court's decision against con, and says he will never reveal state secrets joins now live by customer costs for our pakistan based journalist. i'm going to have you on the program with us 2 sentences and as many days with a total of 24 years in prison for con. what's your reaction to these sentences? did you get a fair trial too little text you for her to be on the show that we just do that just like a sign that has the i'll send it down. so it's really difficult to do that last
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a couple of days. but today it was the, the highest of drama as well. and they've gone on that was the, actually had this on is i'm not talking about the bottom, but obviously it's like of the voice was power that this on it because i got the both was $300.00 possible by default that just the was actually as of centered off the dominant advice comes to the value of the, of the gifts that actually given by the of indignant to friends. and what i just told you at the moment is in boston, or is this on? is it going on with the 5 and the fall of the was the, that's the amount of the sofa, the number of the general is to do. we know that you, if you don't have in the,
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in the prison, but definitely the presence of the best for the i thing good as far as the default . and the government has nothing to do with the as well. but the good thing is that the inbound cost of the mess fees fully across the country farm. it was nothing to do with it because what i can tell you the policies that government did, nobody says they just fell into the kids into the palace. i need a free and cover the only thing we haven't had an official reaction to the slightest southern thing from the government. the why, why has the government largely remained silent? on this case? a designated government government, the government, but i have been cited to or the case because these was nothing to do be done because i actually also going to provide each and every every documentation to the government was government already. uh, acted uh and um, uh as, as. busy so i see the government has nothing to do with the,
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with the tongue because it was the policy uh, all involved inbound and about these fusions of the drum before me. the codes have been all day the institutions off the bottom and to provide them with the documentation is that all the details off with the game? everything bumped on in other different dues, other funding? so i'd say government has limited goals. they don't have any other. those other then acted as it was ordered by the board as well. so that because i did the government just the children to provide the detailing the documentation of the course they acted and beyond that. yeah, no it was the i was i was the journalist for actually not surprised as but then i am witness to some of the proceedings of the case of the government. i'll be try to make sure that you're both being fed do is provide
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the support have sought. so i, i really, it was a good that was filed on solely on the matter. the government was nothing to do with it and that's where the phone has dismissed. the charges against him and his lawyers have called the trials unconstitutional. do you think that he has a chance to win his appeal? was sorry, there's a long time, have a chance to win the appeal against his charges. exactly. that he has been given the jobs, they cannot be 5 to you cannot really live, boss is going to be. the conviction is a high perch this time of hyperlink. then they have the top you dcea. so i'm into something both a focus on the story and done con street. how do johnson a spot they're gonna be in the summer?
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i called and then if, but in either case they can appeal to the of export of pockets on something bank. i'm student, have this office, and the 1st one thing is very clear that use the size of the title have been part of the street and said, definitely i'd be ready to johnson funding dot com to do a very good and bad con. what's, how does this fall, people fall under evaluate the of the gift he received as well as assignment is from the friends of pockets on can you imagine that he just needs to finish the gift of freelance, all the fees and they were under value one of the gates was actually value of the fund and it's more and the value was a chance for life. and that's was due to the pile of report as something. but i'm not sure of you know, who are the charges and who the conviction is from because he's
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a really good deal with some guesses model is the policy number in the code during meeting. how being in that same box on what the do the of the start did that for level again in the thoughts? how can i, that's myself because one of the one that you can see the 5 minutes is that for them, the value and other one of the judy said that was actually given by one. if i could solve the set i'm into. so these, the, uh, spend through the process of bucket device off. i can certainly find that that was under ready for the chair and for that and boss on a who's a vice had been had this last, but i think the government of oh is nothing to do with the department of office. i'm nothing to do that to try to make sure that the size both fit in 3 and fit and it was actually the cm 3 of the 3 months on the side of the dog. they're going to pay it. but i don't think that the charles to do a very rich. okay. customer,
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our customer, our pack of sand based, and journalists, thank you. thank you. are the well the one has announced and is really army attack on a hospital as a label after soldiers disguise the civilians. info traded a medical facility engineering and shot 3 sleeping and palestinians. the organization has also called on israel to stop the killings in the west. bank which have increased since october 7th, a doctor at the hospital targeted, told us more about the armed assault of the day at $530.00 and the so any forces came inside the house because the thing to be in the attic know this and also they have the same law since they went to the one on one floor where they attacked the music and stuff and the then they go inside out on. and it's going to 3 people that one of those people is ation to have been in depth and sort of
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a 2023. he had a but on this is in has no of names that make him handicapped. so he needs a hell in order to do his daily activities on the move and leaving to go to bathroom. so he needs companions near him, one know does continue and that's what killed the doing though. but ition was his brother and the other was his friend. so actually they can, those are 3, then they go outside the hospital for student fees on here from this one house and you get to the impact on data. and the other issue is really good stuff. with on so you on save on this when to fix, to make it differently on data action bought on dance practice. well, the latest video circulating on social media shows is rarely special forces dressed in doctors, uniforms and civilian the closing reading the in the scene. our hospital, the idea of says that targeted fighters who were involved in promoting significant terrorist activity. the army also claimed about how most fighters were hiding
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inside the medical facility, but hospital officials and says to the individuals or receiving care, the local health ministry has condemned the operation. this is a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation, our excellency, the minister of health, stressed in a statement and called on for international institutions and the world health organization to stand up and meet their responsibilities, encompassing this phenomenon and holding them accountable for the 1st person that history has received, an implant from l on must narrow link to company, allowing users to control phones or computers. by thinking laska says, the 1st users of the chip will be those who are unable to use their limbs. adding that initial results are promising. the 1st human received an implant from nerve link yesterday and is recovering well initial results show promising neuron spike
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detection. all right, let's discuss this issue with our panel of guess, jared romani ceo cassava solutions, limited software company, dr. michael rectinwald's, former new york university professor, an officer of google archipelago and the eager oral deputy director for a i at that a economy, a ton of us non profit organization. great to have you on with us today. jared, i'll start with you. what's your take on this innovation? do you see this as a huge leap forward for science? i have um kindle a 5050 on this uh, my top. uh, but mainly because uh, on one hand, i see it as a data shipment or just comes from people cutting new buildings. but as far as the globalization of these technologies, i think it's kind of the solve the same issues we'll be having with the other technologies. so, mazda phones, i don't think is an added advantage to the normal people with them properly walking
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leaves and also additional buffering substance history without biological, which i'm skeptical about that gives you an additional body to just narrow it down to maybe the before the difficulties, especially when moving buildings, i think that's going to be uh plus, moving that direction. mm hm. like what are your thoughts? are there a potential dangers of new technology such as this that are implanted in the human body as well? i mean, their benefits, of course, that are really a parents that is the obvious the benefits of, of users being able to manipulate matter using their own thoughts and interfacing with computers. but there are definitely prospects for abuse and control at stake here. and that is
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a brain computer interfacing easily and seamlessly could slide into brain cloud interfacing, which means effectively 2 way transmission of information from the individual to the cloud and vice versa from the cloud to the individual. that means effectively the ability to read minds and to introduce cloud originating information into a subjects brain of the potential. as you've all new know her right has suggested is that humans will become hackable as he put it. and that free will is quote over. likewise, i really lod eagle on mosque and i do not denigrate his intentions, which i believe are noble. but the technology in the wrong hands could lead to effective remote control of individuals by the state or by a corporate state hybrid it. or what are your thoughts on the technological
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barriers to the mass use of near link devices at this moment? are we prepared for this type of technology? so i think that the technology go by year. so really interesting is tied from bad compatibility and that is a biggest problem in the countries with them raising your own interfaces. so basically this is a wire traps against, despite the brake issue, it can be taken by the human body is a for him, but so there is the life professional, but there's a government sending materials. and also the such improvements needed to be in the technologies. for example, such as are bought in san diego, there is a future potential of this technology is really incredible. in future this, you'll be able to even the, from the source towards the side of when people and the hearing of the death people . so i mean, they say about the think about a compensation of flood functions. but this will be also about argumentation over
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to me. but it has, it really is be gentle and um, together with their bodies, acknowledge this person will be able to control the devices, is a part of his or her body for example. and next or have smart home. do i see the gosh tools and so on. so i believe that in several years, people will be able to bus and go to control external devices with the power of thoughts. and uh like now the why is this way, at least in the rush or our lives. so or another smart school assistance, we will be able to turn on the right movie or music degree right mode. and as you can simply by reading your current state and the previous speaker top there you, this is there is a danger of not on the reading of your information, but also of rates writing information into your brain. and this is a serious ethical problem that could be and shouldn't be resolved in the future.
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basically, there could be a bunch of mines when some people will be able to control others with the power of . so it's only like doctor a year from now. and as a child to solve this problem, the outlines. so in the i, these are 12 leading companies and rational b, c, showing thousands. they created the artificial intelligence cold over. and there are more than 350 parties above that you joined the tolls information in a you are welcome. hi everyone. i hope this to you. i know jared, do you think this type of technology is an inevitable next to step in human evolution? i think sorry that to jerry please. so i'm a bit skeptical about that. actual district along with the sticky, but i don't think it's going to be mandatory. oh, maybe the way for the future. as much as we like to believe that the most pop this
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would be the solution for those people who might be having an issues or even controlling some electronic devices i think, morally and also there's a way that i highlight all the, the hacking issue that you've been having with all of your other technologies, i think these can be an asset box for the so called the corporate. it's been trying to maybe control spreading propaganda. now this would be an easier tool for them to use. you not to add that extra. so for my point of view, i think the 2nd order is a bit scary and uh um, so the whole thing, but uh, we are not going to reach a point where 5 is going to be normalized. because uh, i also really skeptical about that that extra now. so the conditions on the maybe enforcing side chips to people space like
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a what about the ethical implications here of conduct in human experiments given the concerns over testing practices and allegations of animal cruelty during trials for this device? well, there's definitely ethical questions involving testing involving, you know, subjects who are the also, you know, recipients of this technology. so we'll, we'll see a definite issues revolving around how and who can be used as a human subject on these issues. and uh, your 2 other guests have pointed out, the other ethical issues involved the kinds of inner positions that could be made using this technology and not only to induce particular movements on other people, but to induce particular thoughts in their brains. this is, this is a 2 way transmission of, of the information from the person, but also to the person from some cloud source. and so this definitely leaves open
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the possibility of abrogating what is known as free will. and there are definitely ethical implications involved here. up in your um to u e on musk has stated that people of las limits will be the 1st to receive. this technology can explain to us how the implant could potentially change their lives. seeing that uh, implants to the change less than people are dramatically the people who don't have feelings, who's got feelings now. and this is a really great professional for people who have some disease. and but the say that the, that you must do the 1st person and then you are, i think the 1st company that uses a basic knowledge we, this is wrong because you want mosque is a genius of marketing. and this is something that every one of us newer doesn't.


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