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tv   Documentary  RT  January 31, 2024 3:30pm-7:01pm EST

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the person from some cloud source. and so this definitely leaves open the possibility of abrogating what is known as free will. and there are definitely ethical implications involved here. up in your um to u. e on musk has stated that people of las limits will be the 1st to receive. this technology can explain to us how the implant could potentially change their lives. seeing that uh, implants to the change less than people are dramatically the people who don't have feelings. who's got feelings now, and this is a really great professional for people who have some disease. and but the say that the, that you must do the 1st person and then you're leaving the 1st company that uses a basic knowledge the. this is wrong because you want mosque is a genius of marketing and this is something that every one must newer. the succeeds
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in their world upcoming d i a the discounted rapidly. and there is, uh uh, there are different companies, for example, american black truck unit there, it says received permission to test brady computer interfaces with much further than that you on last quarter also in must cause. there is an institute of a i in must go state university with the west by mindful labor there and they have some results. and also they get got these results 20 years ago working in usa and some people from his team also joined us being sold the world of this science on really well. so i believe the prospects are really incredible. okay. unfortunately, we're out of time, but that's something i'm sure we're going to be talking quite a lot about in, in the future. my thanks to jared romani, ceo cassava solutions, limited software company, and dr. michael rectinwald's, former new york university professor and author of google archipelago book and the eager around deputy director of a i at data economy autonomy as non profit organization. thank you all
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a thank you and thank you for watching our to international. do stay with us and back in about 30 minutes with much more news. by the the brush remains the only colonial empire that still exists in the modern world. comprised of both its colonies. does guys dispose of these territories? numerous officially silver and african states that fall under frances, so called from so freak sphere of influence. it's no wonder that any respondent on hearing the word colonialism, follows it up with the word for us. and the relationship between from somali,
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formerly french so done, is a good illustration. the one is i will try your cell phone on your money. it's one of the ones you know. yeah. didn't says is just waiting to hear this one yet. i need to. yes, you won't hear that there was, this is really, i never thought you. what else does that us way is done? first 3, a visual interest or anyone looks into the history. they'll see that the french would not welcomed with open arms the colonial as ation. molly was violent, uncompromising, and bloody the
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or the one year ended up june, attempted to come by and different extra them, like i thought she thought that i could do a song, his thought, very simple, come wooded all very soon, the new community that's wrong. and that is his task, i totally take extra month for those busing home. let me make a note to me and one that does x i'm 3. she said no. got a lot of money so i'm wanting to set a new car. just check on my will. i that on the
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wait list, any fortune buddha, you made a story on the scene. go back to the civilian. how to images of some of your friends to have a car in the shop is usually it got some regret that you have a good history with you that just a gentleman, his whatever the unlimited plus the amendment been aggressive leveled. prosper oath, no progress of civilization. tamale. colonial ization destroyed the established states with every international ties, laws, culture, and heritage. in $1236.00 and for us on the go to of valley adopted the well known total con, full good shot to also known as the monday and shelter. an impressive constitutional documents that acknowledged human rights and abolished slavery. the monday and shelter was inscribed in the unit sco intangible,
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cultural heritage of humanity list. so if any point it is a la city causing that all of it is uh interior design. so on that i will see you monday through monday again, don't like to hear me shout and up here when you tell us how to put them off with us, posted to the cut out. i've taken a king doing that. uh, i can get them to my take the la buzz them in the sales solution, institution and 40 take a 2nd test. the, the 2 of us to be in the company and the money in ballpark. did you send me the like any more booking? uh the came one day is just uh, in bought digital. what would have been keeping them on any must have
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a set of shots. no, don't it is all sort of model guns us one solution, mac machine, no above. they're not just you ended up with tx on their gym. any better individual quality and bundle. dig a long view on the protection on that. i'm not too long please. i mean the lot not to you. as you know, i'm a little bottle of whiskey on display. the show thing on the full screen. yeah. let you uh, elijah, sounded like you did unplugged the man intervention and that wasn't on the funding . a socialist default exit of more info on solo buzz flush on the contrary. and so like a new money, a buzzers, if on tomorrow. so she has a see a whole lot, so i gotta camino to enter it in the
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rooms fundamentally reconfigured to the entire pre colonial structure risk presentation. molly, historical intertribal ties were broken in the colonized section. process. tribal identity was get ranged along with historical memory. native languages was supplanted, the colonizers also foster denton encouraged interest. nick, this going religious and political figures who enjoyed popular support with persecuted, new monies, cit, the least of them is doing but it is on the list to get to see them through easy. but i try to use some of the lot. do you does need to do to those sit down to the methods? yes. ok. do for them is, i mean really should do this to somebody that may be the delays. you ask about that
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before i say that, i mean, it allows me to reason to decide what was the decision to be new coming back to the company? michelle jocelot, the example, the money be that show auction on sewage issue for she had to synchronize. i won't do anything on this and danielle, this an issue that credit or software the money or not. you see it was a, a community in a bloody damn community infinity auto mall. uh 2nd. let's see. i year more on that as well. my name is just the one say say now could i associate on
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the screen to then say not best along the weather must be was have a good me and a lot less on the golf. about mr. the i to indicate the subject to come from that he ended up with me because he knows all the different onto the city. yeah. data bought new based on tv opportunity for on control, you know, with this effort. yeah. susan within this constant juggle. yeah. i did find a assess thing. i knew i need to have loved you was don't the ssl say say session my actual session boy all day the song. as for your money, the money bring us, you will or if she dumped on the water, she never mind met the different community to think also new pay that and it showed up on nuclear they noticed okay. and was up in the list, you know, who i don't. uh, but example it enter the most in law or newborn people boys or this in my you and
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that will soon and building there off the a and the think there's only vision. you can probably one day i'll got to go feet, photos on pain based, sanctioning the general the 6 done. yes. well, for a to it up there with what it is better. it is. some of people have brought the most of, they did the colonial empire retained by these colossal cultural heritage solely as ethnic folklore of the gaming independence volley took great pains to restore it to legacy piece by piece in the mean time conference and lots of us with ships to state museums and private collections all across europe, clinic and france. and often found
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a way that by questionable means the rest of the songs in the assume i the cause to, to my friend to the money. yeah. the that is going to 1000000. so good is all to the amount of a level 2, this is good to definitely do this, don't have to do the supplement is that's impressive. and that's a concern about someone not going to and from a step up myself, what into mountaintop? test it and put on the specific stuff to restore. i'm going to suggest it to another way to buy something is or something along those i've been going up to that stuff. want to set. this isn't the limits and i mean so good. there is a song to talk from another girl to is on and i'll see it in the
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sense of it on the as long as it is also to you on doing some of those i put on to do that offer assume the sale to me or i mean, this is, or does, it was on its own way of that allows you to a, for us to just say i'm to the lives of economic, assuming i'm so the under to the appropriate. sure. there's always is a lot in the, you know, to us on course altima develop it to nothing to say so this is bruce on your journey. a separate exist on the and then long on on that one another too much to ask you is sure to do the deposit of the move to the dental dental as long as it is on. so to live that i'm on,
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i'm opening on the left side. there's always is such a duplicated. move on to the pop up to anyone to amount to them all down. correct. but let's go to the song. it was it, but we definitely also, or the dish was going to that the physical. so there's a at the middle of and it is, it was a saw a said to the to tell them all that good. it's good. that is, that see what i'll do? i guess it didn't guy good. if it was the one that didn't, but as shown so sensible for it to go for it. i said to the toilet, that doesn't mean that they're both serious. so i have to come, no doesn't, doesn't the fun class i was just gonna say, so for example, specials on certain windows over to assume no, says this isn't going to put them on that often finish to uh, does it mean let me put some one on top of it and it's going to say that you want to put them on of point 2 and it doesn't have to put you in. is it a definitive versus post everything? this one is i'm just combine notes indented so it doesn't have to do ok. well,
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you need to one of those are the supplements or 2nd 2. what's the, the the a coveted independence that from granted was really
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a cynical deception. nearly independent states was strongly pushed to follow over the phone. so freak policy, classic case of neo colonialism. the essence of that policy is simple fronts abdicated from all responsibility for social and economic transformation, but kept the countries within its sphere influence and interest from since the old governments that suited it. sometimes a blind eye to corruption and nepotism. as long as they said french business interest and supported fronts on the international stage, undesirable governments were overthrown either by twos who direct military intervention. the republic of molly is believed to have gained independence on the day. it's withdrew from the french community. the colonial organization established by the 5th french republic. while these 1st president, monday bochita, was one of africa's most prominent and solid politicians. these at the cost for the countries, multi lateral development with industrialization supported by socialist countries
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and social transformation gear to uphold molly. out of the french franks on, despite huge pressure from france, he was eventually over thrown by the pro french general. most that's all you would . and then died in shudder. we circumstances the to be present at his work and whether we to work through the stimulus the industry, is it or what's money for us as dealer sure sure. william farmer shuts off to that code into hope so. industrialization would disappear from had no need of an industrialized africa. added value must be generated in france, and africa must remain below willed prices as a market and rule material supply up. the story behind that he'll come up century is a classic example of how from so to exploit molly and results is with out into testing an industrialized thing, the country. and they really reflect the business that sooner plus $105.00 less
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yellow cold will really be generous, lot of money and dissolve and cut all our life less than what you're doing. these are, is it set up for the home through the dealer popular? does she want money to to send a flyer for them to come away? or what are you seeing on us on the left? i'm going to do this thing for me. i flew on the lotus is also to pluck over. so notice list are both activity on the front page if you are the most. if jennifer confusions genesis all talk to them, they're going to do or finalize. the bull is put on the, on the software. if you, there's a spot on the, you'll see the
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facility for both of you and this is for sale ones. oh sure. sure. 21, let me one because it's, it's more than we say to 100. and so was wondering because it, you know, for this all should additional for, for the city, the mostly off we can form what do you see the more concert photos integrated, really much in prep. that's what he said to us in a go go to uh for the wireless. oh, what a cell phone. nothing else. i wonder what you see fit caught you on on what it is. i need a little more than what you see fit for puerto off. i'm going to do this and do it on thursday and deal i'm of as good. i'm us, the zillow for us because it's a web did at all. it's just i am on good name solicited donate. douglas. there is a law for the cortex when they're there, they're my to do what douglas says on to if you only model for the member to the conference on google, just sir, this is do conference. one of the 1st thing is even if, if i put in this solid, doesn't do this last toner to do to us. your program don't for almost $2.00 or less
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at all because your is to develop on them to not associated to the plan in front of me. so that's it will cost for you to show off to the problem where it looks almost done man. so in order to do on a form, it don't give us the missouri, we'll put it into see the indices, your money on one of them is 0. c. s. period. any of any is in the month, but you need to visit in or not to my to costs. ok. no issue that i'm on it a little bit on this one isn't as video and i mean somebody is easy to do this on
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a time using the him page for the phone interview from us. it's got to foster the intake here and the feed satellite. so much wanted to know for the local on need on these products in the for the, for industry that is it. and if i'm not seeing what they see for soon, so the cost to me money, the medication to dissipate a boy, it was always either somebody getting on the face or use to send the meal so that the confirm can will know too much. is it different on this occasion, the ceiling give you an idea when the new uh phones discontinued deal with the dresser seduce or do you say the vin knew the componentry or the motor keegan? the fees? do you have member id for? send it to my uh, didn't many talk of corruption in efforts, but few people knows that the phenomenon often accompanies false african corruption
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and safety's envelope, and governments and oil to france, with the assistance and protection guaranteed provided they proceed with pro french policies that the system that breaks cripples and swallows people up to try to close to no avail. the system will always prevail over individuals, even on his entrance, especially when a system is focused on rubbing the country plugin. so we all kind of started go over or decision the day monday i'm able was a man, it was elizabeth nikki left funds. i put it in. does it go to z? medical boom, one today and but you left off that possibly before monday, tyler to go out and don't talk. you just love you re say it and to the blank. i know the, you know, so we take, uh oh god, i had it for blake to do money. i should do my now, my bill was that much difficult for us. i once we don't have it yet. so that means i'm going to, i will put in a lot for the web, the national, not a bridge. was that a to, i guess a go become the blue into the bridge?
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was that it took a signal for building become a political need, national not a bit. so the sticky up to a national political because a type of software stand it was it 20 was i'll see down totally by may or don't 2nd for group colleagues on data for issues by dr. soft. he won't boss. if you're lucky, i do want to pay on i that it is also is also not only will the use us if we read us you, why the policy you sort of will do is that the, what he's us that really keeps done with us. you box up on the house. agriculture was also deteriorating. family farms disappeared, but industrial agriculture failed to emerge. small farms couldn't compete with the french giants. the local food industry was slowed in every way. the country was well with my suit, im codes, so its allies,
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as in green supplanting are imported. there's also a shortage of rice, the staple of the local diet. on natural nutrition standards are imposed on the country. aggressive food exports that are a serious threat to self warranty. and also real leverage because food shortages always lead to hunger riots. random bakery products me up and when the french arrived, in addition to wheat flour, rice 2 was imported from indo china. the production of local c, a real address varieties well for a long time kept at a primitive level because an interesting pattern. fronts impulse organic fruits and vegetables from molly, unexplored to its own ranking approaches. but it just gave me, i'll still show it so hopefully that there will be no change. nothing in here, but they're not here. it's a bit of minutes left. spend a minute. has somebody what the main is, what i looked off the
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somebody why that is what really the forwards in it. well i'm, i'm moving fund ready to whole on the, on the bottom of is you to have it room. so one of the went up and we will go back if i were law group was made in the and as i were to pull him out of the about this. yeah. richard, a lot of new us. yeah. which is south of signing out of my to skis. are we doing? i mean it's, it's, it's, it's not going to do the stuff that i'm not the,
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the, the show me on of who lives if using the, to the season law. and i wonder if it's you don't a settlement. ok to look with us in data sheets. yeah. for could to look that point the on the much a legacy to the dvd a not i'm from a few, not a malcolm concepts counselors office one me a bundle it this a us, it didn't allow me to get to the bottom top don't call or is suffolk, who, members, obviously every month, i don't show you. that's what we already already went down there plus telemundo. no, no, no, no, no, come on a peddler. no, no. brought that initial then. so say you call list by get to you what's going well known cause, but amount to somebody, a suit to or you want to do so you want that,
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but the officials stuff, i mean, well, continue the process, you know, i'm a new uh on a venue and beautiful family for 50. unfortunately, we don't go on these. i'm on 3 or so going up in the meat i shall month or boss in federal court. all with that that was found out is ryan city sits mad. anything will go down into the problem? doable. as it does have payment on the most part doesn't do sometimes see all over on like example some datasets. notice that got the impulse on 8 assessment response . people the left of us know 64. could it be some easy 6 if i let offer us to 60 percent, didn't go to that 11 to get us on the negative. that's on this on the police, on the bus for monday at us. but i thought it was nobody ever thought the music details don't fit out of mine. so, but i'm on
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a piece of it based on maria. commendable the low, but it was told that i'd be to to the truth serious any political. it was already the different things people in the suitcase effectively seem to come with. and based on my, the only did complete gives the risk easy, longer in the pollution week. the last i simply am, i am comfortable, most of the
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sick. awful lot go that you got to get better you you go to the hospital. yes. what you need to do to help you. he said, i mean what, what do you need to lock up? the people that are drug addicts, just keep going. cold. turkey is like going through withdrawals, and a lot of these 12 schools, the withdrawal giving them money were killed. so you just gotta give it to cover, right? no one goes, no one. not very good, but truly getting worse and worse every year. it has to be gone, the,
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the, we could assume they did it by accident. it's a crime either way. if that's the case, it's a crime of negligence. but we will not forget about the crimes they committed against our citizens. the bottom of it and confirm is the russian military transport plane carrying at $65.00 premium soldiers for a prisoner exchange. that was shot down by a us patriot missile. pushed through a few months here. and this was hoping to get back into the other issue. so you can, so for the phones and see if this would be fixed, you can give me a doctor added janine hospital details. how is riley parsons this dies and civilian clothing and killed 3 sleeping palestinians? one of them needing special treatment for a disability. and former punk of sandy prime minister in ron conn and his wife has
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a 14 year prison sentences for corruption. after he was handed a 10 year term for leaking the state secrets as former advisor, since the trial was conducted with some serious irregularities in montana hasn't been even allowed. is the defense attorney. he has and his lawyer hasn't been in there out to represent him. there's been no cross questioning or witnesses. it's a complete shot in the lower court, the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. your watching r t international. russian president vladimir putin has confirmed that the military transport plane and carrying at $65.00 you print in service men on board for prisoners swap was shot down by an american patriot missile. a use be to some of the genocide use the size for the fact that they shut down the plane where their soldiers were. i don't have an answer. we could assume they did it by accident.
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it's a crime either way. if that's the case, it's a crime of negligence. we're not going to stop the exchanges. we've got our own guys to return. everything has been cleared from the information field, but we will not forget about the crimes they committed against our citizens. the plan was shot down. this has already been established for sure. by the american patriot system. it's been confirmed by expert analysis plumber of who's and was mainly focusing on domestic issues and ways to improve the quality of life for their russian citizens. this is, after all, let's not forget an election season though for him. but when it comes to ukraine, he did say that russia will never forgive the crimes committed by the key of regime against the russian citizens. and of course, that fateful crash, which was also killed russian citizens, is one of the situations that in russia has always maintained that it was ukraine behind the crash that they were the ones that started down. and, and now we know that it was done using a us, made patriot. michelle telling once again to us from one of us. this was on the
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24th of january when that happens. and it killed all $74.00 people on board, including $65.00 ukrainian po, w's out. russia is demanding, once again an international investigation and is planning to push back the neutralized zone. and ukraine doesn't move with this. demilitarization line should be at such a distance from our territory that it would insure security from foreign made long range weapons that the ukranian authorities used to show peaceful cities. i was just talking about what our guys are doing in the different direction. our troops are doing almost exactly the same thing along the entire contact line. this is what they are doing. they are pushing the enemy away from the important populated areas of russia. that's what we'll do. the ukranian armed forces shut down our ill $76.00 plane, which was carrying $65.00 of their own service been intended for a swamp. i don't know why they did it. i don't understand. it's not clear why they are showing peaceful cities. there are several objectives to divert the attention
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of their own population and sponsors from the failures of the so called counter offensive to show that they can do something. and to provoke us to respond. a week after that fateful crash weighs so once again, a prisoner exchange took place on wednesday. so a $195.00 russian soldiers were exchanged, $495.00, the creamy and prisoners of war. so a lot of families will, of course, be very happy today. just the officer that the time was brought down by that us made miss solid did to post. i didn't have anything more to say about west and military to support to your trade. well, of course, it raises a lot of questions about a washington's culpability, because they are the ones of course supplying mainly ukraine with weapons and the shells. but right now we're seeing that it's very critical time for ukraine because as we know, and it's been written everywhere and documented by now that ukraine is running out of weapons, is funding that'll i mean,
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mission and this funding out of money. so this is a very critical time and e countries, america, they're all trying to make sure that a gets to ukraine as soon as possible because they understand that you crank will not win on its own. and so on the thursday there is an emergency i. e u meeting where they're supposed to discuss unable. okay. uh 50 plus a $1000000000.00 of additional a to you frame. we know in the us support they're installing republicans are blocking additional aid. so watson, some tens cents money, kansas weapons there in europe. it's a similar situation because we know that hungry as well from that and the us become and so desperate that they have this easily emergency summit on thursday for on wednesday, on the eve they sense. so the leaders of 5 e u countries and we have germany, denmark to check the public as sonya and the netherlands, they sent an open letter to the financial times. well, they're explaining why it's so important to send you claim money now. and they're
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also acknowledging that they failed to send the one to 1000000 shelves that they've promised that you probably need so badly by the 1st of march. let's see some more. what was in that letter? we must renew our results and redouble our efforts in order to ensure that we sustain or support for as long as it takes. we will continue to explode options and invite allies in partners to co fund initiatives. and we've also heard that positions that a certain e u countries are not doing enough. for example, they're saying up front, it's liam. spain are not pulling their weights in an arm and ukraine. so there's a lot of that also internally going on. but the main problem for the easier right now is of course hungry victor, oregon, who's been blocking this and he said he doesn't want to see the bunch of news to minutes arise. ukraine, he wants the budget boost for other reasons. and the only plans are gonna lead by the financial times where apparently the e u is planning to punish hungary is on thursday makes the organ does indeed pull
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off this additional $50000000000.00 in a an hour the funding to punish a hungry there pines and bring it to its needs and there is a very detailed plan of how they're planning to ruin hungry, basically financially. and this is what they call democracy. they have a voting system, but a few votes against what we want. and we'll, then we will this for you. so this is of course on heard of on box the, you does have a plan b. so if the organ does block this, and this doesn't go through, there is a plan where you countries can individually send a to, to ukraine box. this has to be approved by the apartments in each country individually. so this will take time and ukraine doesn't have time and they know this. so this is why they're urgently coming up with plans. threats, as we've seen blackmail, even when it comes to victor, oregon. so be very interesting to see what this will only so especially at the emergency meeting, it almost feels like the, the frame right now is this hall potato. they know that you can kind of went on
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that. so they want to send that money, but they can, they're unable to because to calibrate within each of this country within the e, with a category in washington. and they don't know what to do. so they're, they seems to be turning against each of the video and has denounced and is really army attack on a hospital as illegal after soldiers disguise. to civilians infiltrated a medical facility and jeanine and shawn 3 sleeping palestinians. the organization is also called on israel to stop the killings in the west bank, which have increased as since october 7th. a doctor at the hospital targeted, told us more about the armed us on the day at 550. and the so 81st is get inside the house because the dressing to be in the attic know this and also they have the same last name. they went to the one on one floor where they attacked the music and stuff. and the then they go inside totaled and can do 3
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people that one of those people is ation to have been in depth. and so 1st of 2023 . he has a part of this is in has no of names that make him handicapped. so he needs a hell in order to do his daily activities on to move and leaving to go to bathroom . so he needs companions near him, one of those continuing, that's where killed the during the petition was his brother and the other was his friend. so actually they can, those have to be eaten, they go outside the hospital, pushed 2 of these on here from this one house and you get to impact one debt. and the other issue is really good stuff with on, so the unsafe and this when to fix, to make it differently on data action bought on dance practice to the latest videos circulating on social media shows as rally, special forces dressed and doctor's uniforms and civilian clothing rating the if they stay in a hospital, the idea of says that targeted fighters who were involved in promoting significant
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terrorist activity. the army also claims that homos fighters were hiding inside the medical facility, but hospital officials insisted the individuals were receiving care. the local health ministry has condemned to the operation and this is a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation. excellency, the minister of health, stressed in a statement and called on all international institutions and the world health organization. to stand up and meet their responsibilities in come backing this phenomenon and holding them accountable of thousands of guys and said part in the funeral procession for the 3 palestinians killed in the attack. video footage shows devastated relative, says they pay their final respects with women. morning their loved ones. as men carry the bodies through the streets. we heard from some of the family members and
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friends of those killed to the against the murder mohammad, because we was my friend from 1st. great, thank god, he was one of the martyrs today. mohammed was with his brother in hospital. the brothers were injured almost 4 months ago. special forces wearing civilian clothes and freighters robs, came and assassinated 2 of them along with the 3rd martyr mohammed jolanda young. the mission of mohammed grew up with a childhood full of aspirations to live in his free country, just like any other person born on that land. however, he found himself living under occupation where his ambition was to experience life like children in free countries, in a land where he could live in peace and security. unfortunately, as he grew older, he came to the realization that the occupation was damaging the land and denying children their lawful rights on a duty. uh, what it would be to do that you've sent to the us state department, however,
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has failed to see any wrong doing. and the deadline is rarely a hospital attack, saying that israel is free to take any action to combat terrorism. even if those targeted are in a hospital bed, israel of course, has the right to carry out operations to bring tears to justice. but those operations need to be conducted in full compliance with the international humanitarian law of those operations. instead of going into hospitals and murdering people in their, in their bath, regardless of whether they're so you know, this, they are suspected or so even known parents. so that's okay with you. so there was a lot in the premise of that question. obviously they, we did do know that they went into the thing all i went in until you complete people who were completely innocent. so let me say that is in think that then you would be condemning a power, right? we certainly would, but i would say the israel, i said since these were i'm us operators,
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they have said that one of them was carrying a gun at the time of the operation. so, but as a general matter, they do have the right to carry out operations to bring tears to justice, but they need to be conducted they living in the hospital. so we want them to conduct their operations and compliance with their national humanitarian law. we would generally say that we don't want them to carry out operations in hospitals, but under international humanitarian law, hospitals do lose some of their protections if they are being used to for the planning of terrorist operations. the washington bureau, chief of palestine in new super old codes, also took part in that war of words he later spoke to us saying that the us is directly to blame for as well as actions in dawson. my colleagues do re, these issues here tie every day. i mean we raise the issues, but that does not mean that these issues get answered or they get asked that properly. i think that they and i said so shamelessly conducted itself since the beginning of this awful genocide or that is that is what i was conducting on gaza.
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it has given it all the support as a lives on an american umbilical court. but, you know, i mean, let's be fair, not that any of a, an international power is to bring forward to say, this is unacceptable and willing to take measure. this is something that is real that day in and day out, completely lawless, but it's not really the conduct and that was my point is now that kind of that of a state. this is the conduct of gangsters. and they do a day in and day out and they do it against kids in schools, in clinic, in the hospital, everywhere. i mean, we see this on daily basis. they kill people, take their body at them up, you know, probably steal the organs and so they have done this for very, very long time. and no one is doing anything about it. so yeah, you have feels that, that does have eh, you know, see,
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they can conduct this with the immunity. they will continue to do this. as long as they they, they get cover weapon, money, and shit. the protection by the united states of america a washington and london is unlawful and provocative actions, but as a direct threat to international peace. that's the statement of russian ambassador to the u. n. at the latest security council meeting, the session aimed to address the western strikes and the red sea, as well as the south african case to the international court of justice on israel's actions in gaza. this even reduced to unless what color is the aggressive actions by our security council colleagues, the width and the okay, in the red seat, remind us of the barbaric and illegal negative bone because of us love you again. this time you rock libya and syria at the same time, the thesis of fighting terrorism and right of self defense is exploited shamelessly . we categorically condemn the aggression against him and conducted without
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approval by the un security council. we had against stress that the unlawful and provocative actions by washington and london, both a direct threat to international peace and security and funds in mind the global order based on the supremacy of international rights. and the central role of the u . n. was cause live now to our to correspondent caleb mountain for more on the u. n . s. the session. caleb a take us through the main points of this latest you and that's the session. sure. the united nations security council, the 15 member body that leads the united nations convened to meet it, and that began with a briefing about the dire humanitarian circumstances facing those in gaza. the rising depths told the wounded, etc. then from there, we heard from various countries talking about the situation and how they view the response of international bodies to it. now the palestine representative highlighted the efforts by the western countries to cut their funding to the united
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nations relief works agency, which they say may have been involved in terrorism. and because of that, they are cutting their funding to the palestinian representative. made clear that that has very serious consequences for those on the ground in gaza and elsewhere. here's what he had to say. the u. n helps the palestinian people said live remain in the land and is the ones to approve them. or because the u. n. is the forum where palestinian lights for most to settle determination under it, then have been recognized and is the ones to deny and dissolve these rights? and it's cut on foreign minister has accused the commission of general, i'm on or of being a supporter of categories. and i know today just and despicable claim
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is a, a has lost campaigns against you. i know facials. oh no. the law is a perfect example of the success of the you and we should all of us to be proud that we have an organization like owner was in the u. n. system that has been doing a remarkable job. instead of saying in a humanitarian way, the millions of the, by this time refugees for the 75 years, it is our collective duty to protect it. now there was also harsh criticism from china, of the countries that are cutting their support for the united nations relief works agency in china emphasize the need for a ceasefire. the need for de escalation and seemed very critical of the countries that seemed to be getting in the way of international bodies. moving ahead and trying to bring the fighting to a close or at least a pause. here is some of what we heard from the chinese representative, and clearly this says good
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a good yourself. we do need use that has long been overwhelming consensus and international community for an immediate cease fire. it's regrettable that certain countries of persisted in that obstruction with a passive aptitude, real security, cannot be achieved by military means and the protracted fighting cause that will only lead to more casualties. and why the regional instability making piece in the middle east. more elusive formula which is play that indispensable and replaceable roles and alleviating the humanitarian disaster. and gossip is the hope for survival for more than 2000000 postings. we should not dismiss under was work in its entirety based on the actions of a few individuals, nor should we see support for the underwater at the time when it's most needed, which would mean cutting off the lifeline for the people of casa and leading to additional collective punishment for the palestinian people outside another movie. now south africa, the country that recently brought charges against israel and the international court of justice addressed the meeting and had quite a bit to say about how the court's ruling indicates that israel's activities must
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cease. that it is committing crimes against the people. violations of international law. here is some of what we heard from the south african representative before the council. the decision by the court marks a decisive victory or for the entities knows a little slow and a significant milestone in the search for justice. for the police to mean people, notably south africa will continue to do everything within his power to preserve the existence of the pedestal and people as a group to n o x of a pi teete and genocide against the kind of student people. now russian and bass, none of them. so yeah, emphasize the legality of the recent us strikes on. yeah. and the response of the western countries to the red sea crisis and how it simply does not match what resolutions were passed before the un security council. and it's not an appropriate
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response to the situation. the emphasis of a number of countries about the need for a ceasefire and ideas relation to the fighting seemed to be a theme that we heard throughout the meeting. however, the united states and its allies continue to stand pretty firmly behind israel. right, or to correspondent and caleb mauppin, kayla. thank you. and and t graph the court and it's lombard, has sentenced a former pakistani prime minister and wrong con and his wife to 14 years in prison . they were found guilty of a legally selling state gifts that mister con, received during his time and office a day earlier, he received a 10 year term in a separate case for li, came state secrets and charged focused on a diplomatic document released by mister con, which he claimed was evidence of the us back to oust him in 2022. he has denied all charges knowing that the trial was a fixed match with a pre determined outcome. a local correspond that has more details on the story. the farmer prime minister named armstrong and his fights this, i'd be the,
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our best thing was sent those to for b. b, as in 10 years involved the spirit groups osburg the that's been going to be to do battle had quite a press surface, i guess, to enhance the accountability for funding dining a. julie said, we see it from so the account please. i guess under the value assessment be the best plan for you on that john, i'd be a part of the find the argument going to be validated farmer and for so you conducted heading at 12 or the other day. and when the farmer prime minister is in place or for for an auto band form for d, for 10 years. and so therefore they find out every day the sermons be able to be speech will certainly be did not appear to be for the for to be the verdict comes days before that's under the election. we think we do, i use,
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there are capacity. i read a stand up prestone and we don't any elect on the same was following him or on concert. this 3rd serve, piece of orders are peaceful and we have not seen any major porters across the country before he was arrested last year con, wants to back his allegation, someone against washington in an apparent hope to return to power and managed pakistani us ties after receiving the tenure sentence on tuesday con, addressed to supporters from jail, urging them to protest peacefully and take part in next week some general election . he was asked of those prime minister in april 2022 and eventually arrested last august, facing a series of criminal cases con, had earlier accused the incumbent pakistani government of conspiring with the us to destroy his political career. both his, our staying and subsequent prosecutions sparked mass of protests in pakistan over the past 2 years. as parties secretary general has called the court's decision,
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quote, a travesty of justice accusing the judicial system in pakistan of sinking to new lows. while his former advisor helps the decision will be reversed soon by the high court in the way that the discord has conducted itself in the last, you know, 34 days in particular. you know, amount of hon hasn't been even allowed. is the defense attorney has and his lawyer hasn't been in or out to represent him. there's been no cross questioning of witnesses. it's a complete sham in the lower courts. everything in terms of procedural in procedural wise, has not been conducted. we still haven't got the final orders even passed on to us as get the, the charges if put on him or, you know, buying the as the buying the state gifts for a cheaper price is we've been evaluated by uptake with nest that they've created out of thin air, so there's an amount of honda was dry. it was tried to be forced to sign is witness statement which you refuse because you said my lawyers are not here. so i don't
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even know that there was a hearing going on in that verdict is going to be taking place. so it did, it couldn't have been more of a sham kind of record as it was inside. and again, for the view as this is inside, the prison is not a full fledged court room where it's national or national media or public can attend. this is within the premises of the prison that in mont honda is residing in so you know, we know that once it goes to the higher quotes, we will, we will win those cases as they have no legs to stand on. referring to this case earlier the care take our prime minister note at the time space should be decided by the court. well, former prime minister shall, by shall review now leads the pulse has supported the court's decision against con and says he will never reveal state secrets. i have endured injustices, but i never did anything that harm to pakistan. i never compromised on national security, nor did i disclose national secrets like that of him. ron khan, who is responsible for putting national security at risk the bomb. it has nothing
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to do with the read the time because it is monday about the uh, ali bulging bonfires and about these fusions that sound good for me because i've been all day the institutions off the bottom is to provide them with documentation. is that with all the details, all for the kids to retain bunk on and other things to do is either find this in to do so i'd say government has limited or they don't have any other no other than acted as it was ordered by the board as well, i was, i was the one of the generalized to actually victim as a try as the then i a witness to some of the, for the procedures on the case of the government as being try to make sure that this goal is being fed and they provided each it i want to get the for the saw. so i, i really it was it just because it that was hired on totally on the matter. the
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government was nothing to do with it is say with archie, international of snacks on cross top feeder, lavelle and his guests discuss nato's changing narrative on you, the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter level. nato is ukraine. narrative is like the passage of seasons ever changing. we witness as long as it takes to today's,
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just the void to pete the by the ministration knows victory over russia is a dead. and now it is satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine, the processing ukraine. i'm joined by my guess when we're leon in washington. he's a political scientists author and a radio talk show host in florida. we have craig past the georgia. he is co hosted the convo couch, and here in moscow, everyone's favorite. we have dmitri bobby, and she is a political analyst and editor. it interests me. internet media project, right. tell them in cross lock roles and the fact that music can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate possible, let me go to you 1st in florida. you and you got up early for this program so. so to that are guessing, washington appreciated very much in my introduction, we discussed, you know, the change in narrative to as long as it takes an hour. i'll use my words,
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interpreting the administration to now to is to avoiding defeat. so if they're avoiding defeat, that means they can't win. so why did they continue? can you explain the logic to me? oh, and by the way, it's going to be very expensive to continue this senseless war that never should have started in the 1st place. go ahead as well when you talk about it's gonna be very expensive. i think that gives you the answer right there. it's who's going to make the money. it might be a loss for ukraine because they've lost so many soldiers. and so many wives, what a half a 1000000 now i think the average age of the front of mind. so 143 years old. but who really one and that is the deep state, the military industrial complex. sure. this wasn't as long of a war when it ends as afghanistan was, but it's going to be a high intensity. what were a lot of hardware went over very quickly. so, you know, i think that somebody did with in this whole situation and it was the military industrial complex and they will just simply just do what they normally do. just use the main stream media to kind of give you a little, you know, condolences to you know,
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poor ukraine who far brush or the big bad bear and stuff. but peter, i do think that they're holding that the bank upside down and, and jostling for just one more coin thing. they can get one more page added this whole thing by typing it to border security. so, you know, look for the united states and so press hard on this even though it's not a popular one with a lot of people. i still think you'll see the bite in the ministration. get one or pay day out of this, which just tells you who won the military, industrial, complex, wilma, and, and watch. and then, i mean, obviously this is tied to the election cycle. i mean, there's a, a, a flurry of articles to actually kind of build this. and if the, if the advent of a trump presidency, what does it come to pass? they want to make sure that they can get to, you know, more than one year that they like, i may be 4 or 5 years on an annual basis. i mean, they would, they really want to build it into the budget here, which i doubt to be able to succeed in doing. but it's really just for binding to
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avoid humiliation at the polls. not that he has a doesn't have other problems to worry about. go ahead and washington, well, if joe bide is able to make it that far, that that's still up in the air yet to be determined. there's also the rush of phobia and aspect of this, i think by continuing this conflict that enables the democrats to still talk about donald trump is vladimir putin, his best friend. and in, in the, in, in the west, of course we, we can't have anything along those lines. and interestingly enough, up for russian foreign secretary lab, rob, uh, it was reported in test, was talk to you about where the u. s. provided weapons are showing up outside of ukraine. they have, they are showing up in finland, they're showing up in sweden. they are showing up in gaza. and this is a conversation that this is not a new revelation because there were discussions a months ago that
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a lot of these weapons were showing up in african countries. so this really seems to be a money laundering scheme. it seems to be a weapons dissemination, steam. and i think also there are a number of weapons manufacturers that were really angry at joe biden, for getting out of afghanistan, what they consider to be early. so this is a way of continuing to funnel money to those weapons manufacturers such as lockheed martin and boeing and racy on who were making money hand over fist in afghanistan. this is a way of continuing to uh to, to keep that gravy train running. it will demo and we've heard from our 1st to guess here. i mean, there's nothing i disagree with what you're saying. but the problem with it, with all of this is what about the ukrainians? i mean, the calculations that we've heard here have nothing to do with the wellbeing of that country and it's people demo as well. i think it was,
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they have nothing to do with the well being or america else or the general people using natal categories. and let's see what kind of forms we've had from angels general separately. you have a stock number, you know, these we, if you were to by the, by the time i was trying the why the time to take maybe 3 extra to see school. i was all right. well, uh mr. stone is the handle major. she doesn't have anything to do with dialogue, always try that. it's a different area, right? but she's most concerned, you know, so i mean i, it really is a, with both of our, this, that there is a lot of private interest in both the most painful for me, your broker. see how does the bureaucracy work in the west right now? or? uh, he does not reduce the results. you know, the english no,
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to save money will save bias or make people's lives better. but you just to make an impression that you make an effort for us. right. have a 2nd, you know, why with the you will never say and it's been pretty, it's pretty incorrect, is repeating the same price. and you always say, you know, you get your price, salary, things may be going to the dogs, you know, and really do what you want to be paid. you know, you will keep your girl. so we have the same uh, the same all blade years things from them. you know, they compare rush hallmarks, you know, uh by the bad mazda of the same goals. and do you know of the images you did to a i, i'm sure you heard this now. good from nikki haley. they'd be on october 7th. what happened because it was hooton's birthday. i mean, wow, that's the extent of their, of their intellectual proud. this here. let's go back to our guessing and i'm sorry
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instead of let's go to craig and in florida here, you know, i'm deem a brought up democracy. well i, as we speak right now, hungry is in the dock as it were, with the e. u intake. basically want to take away its voting rights because it doesn't want to waste money on ukraine and essentially, and then the financial times had an expensive article on it. this is, this is blackmail. so they will, they, they want to subvert democracy within the e. u to pro pop up a pretend democracy in ukraine. can you explain that to me? yeah, i have a hard time explaining that, but anything is possible at this point, i mean nancy pelosi over here in the united states. one is saying that those 2 were calling for a cease fire taking a message that word from vladimir pool for crying out loud. you know what i think those in ukraine who play the boy even game wrong, will not only that war, but they'll lose their head. it's like the old kissinger saying, right to be america's enemies. dangerous, but to me, americans. right. and it is fatal. but you know, i think that eventually you'll see a lot of people with the ukraine, whoever's less than ukraine,
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whoever does web standing that is will eventually pivot to the reconstruction of what's left over there. you can already see black rock and vanguard, putting their steak in the ground and grabbing a property left then right. but what i'm interested is right now is what happens with the russian federation. you know, how much slack are they going to give the new ukranian government, whatever that is, and whoever that is, when they come into power, it seems that when biting got back into power, you saw the whole language, the whole rhetoric of the russian federation, kind of changed even a lot of rob saying i think it will be not beneficial for you to get involved in the black sea. so i'm looking at what's going to happen as far as the russian federation. i know they don't like to participate so much and regime change and you know, like the in the united states as a religion. but i think you'll see the russians get a little bit more involved with the permit that's coming in. but how do you pronounce that you bring up such a good point? you know, and it's something that i tried re, a reminder, our viewers we look at,
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essentially in this program. we look at western narratives about this conflict in ukraine. and when we go to wilmer, a in washington, there's one element of the, of the conversation that is never added as a well, what are the russians actually think about all of this? it's never considered whatsoever. the reason why i'm mentioning it is that, yeah, pasta is right. russia will have a very strong interest in who is in ruling in a cube and ruling as opposed to governing. because it's, you know, what we have right now is we're gonna have what i think before that happens, it'll be a civil war inside of ukraine playing the blame game. go ahead in washington. well, i don't think it's as much of a concern of, of the who as it is in terms of the what and what i mean by the what is the audiology that those that will wind up coming into power are presenting. because if we go back to russia's stated the interest in this entire conflict in getting involved in the conflict in the 1st place, it was,
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it was to the knots of fi ukraine. and to see to it that nato, that ukraine does not become a, a, a part of nato. so now what i think is, is i think those issues are still at the top of the, of the list. and so i don't think it's a matter of who as it is a matter of what is being our ticket lated and which, which is interesting when also i think when you add the finland in nato aspect of this, with the border between finland and, and in that long border between finland and russia and finland now becoming the new proxy here. and hopefully, you know, what we're seeing play as played out in ukraine will not make its way there the united states. well, i then try to start it somewhere else. well, i think the fans, you know, maybe they're not too many people alive, but the, that it's shared into their memory the last time they took on the russians and it
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didn't work out very well for them. you know? yeah, but it's not work it out of ukraine either way. the united states outside doing that can not disagree. there is no learning curve here, but the most, this is very convenient for nato because russia will still be the enemy for them no matter what happens, whatever outcome there isn't ukraine to oh, well, you're right where it was very right. like you reminded us, you know, the to needs all the special needs it 3 because she does it all in russia. dns are fine, right? and you didn't get a prize. you not only to prevent your brain from department and they told me about the pro and was that you was be carmen and they to around but the fact don't know, that's why force has to be used. you know good. the newspapers was, it was there was a really exciting incense which was in fact
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a break is community based on the all the blacks. there were several occasions where americans had what they both kind of samples with all of those so codes. what if he's not going to be your base domain? so rush or base, you get a goal because uh, okay, will it be common? and it's all the same story about feeling this way to check the lesson, press the goals over or meaning to exercises on the baltic sea, even air, you know, all the codes. but roger wasn't, they give you, i'm going to finish a sweet spot between 2014, and that's all okay. they might have to jump in here. we have to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the train stay with our team,
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the a video of alleged abuse by an officer. today, the sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talked to her sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just this quiet student in the class. someone likes the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and it ended the other is present,
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this is what's wrong with those probably be on discipline. black church, he was there enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is probably huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people were never gonna change them out. and so people will never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to shape house and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the
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the the, the, what happened on october. the 2nd was a deal breaker for it was the slaves revolting against the master. when slaves revolt against the legitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent terrorist here and that will take care, right. and there is, there is there, there. and just surrounding the entire area of the party became ready for us. you know, they knew we're gonna scatter like ship terrible tragedy and terrible revenge
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. i know who they mean come off the the on off know especially the place you'll be the good this of being prevented. which one, but it seems to be the one piece that needs to be what he wants to do. peoples of the land to leave in peace and prosperity. is it possible to have peace in this region ever again? the, the, the welcome next across stock were all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle dry
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and you were discussing ukraine. the hey, let's go back to pasta in florida. obviously the, the new strategy. and it looks like now at least up until the election and maybe the rise of the rationale for the additional age. 61000000000 or so is new security commitments in lieu of wanting to take we take last territory. so i'm not really sure how that's supposed to work. i think it's kind of a substitute and it is an excuse to give money here because essentially it's so easy ukraine going to give up these territories if it's not going to retake the territories and why doesn't they make peace? what is an a ask for a cease by, i mean, you know, these are these new security arrangements which were done in the u. k. did it last month. the us is replicating it right now. that doesn't solve brushes, security problems. i don't know what's in their minds,
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it just perpetuating the same problem. and that problem ended up in an arm conflict pasta to well, i think that the russian federation understands that the ukrainians and not really wanting to show over here. they're just listening to whatever the west is, so they just go along with it as long as they can. but peter also wanna point out as the, you know, do you mind and doctor, when we were talking about the stakes and what was going on. let's not also forget that there were over a dozen bio labs in which the russian federation took out immediately as the action started. so that also raises the whole space here as far as how, how the russians will react and moving forward. but also to when it comes to the main stream media in the united states, they're not talking about you create, i mean, never. and that's why i continue to say that i think that they will eventually get this money over here. because so many people in the united states, especially the populace, right, are so much concentrated on border on the border itself. so they're gonna find a way to wrap up some more money, some wandering cash with the border, and eventually these republicans will for why?
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because the mean, because the populace in the, in the mainstream media, they don't give a damn. as far as you know, what goes on and ukraine, they're oblivious to it. and so with the people. so that's why i think we'll find more funding going uh, you know, to ukraine and that's going to happen. so i mean, as far as strategy is concerned, i don't think you can make any sense of it whatsoever. i mean, the russians are just waiting this out. we knew technically from the beginning they had no chance of losing. but i think we have to define what winning and losing is to really get a grasp on what's going on over there. yeah, well that's why i cited as it is. i'm calling this pro a program avoiding defeat. i mean, what they did, they want to starve off the feet because they know victory is illusory. but that's not solving the problem there. wilma, with them. if i go back to you in, in washington, i've looked at some of these border negotiations. i don't know what these republicans are talking about, that those are not real negotiations. that is just a way to get money and money laundering through because it's not that's not border
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control. i don't know how you feel about this immigration issue here, but these republicans, this they're, they're essentially lying to their public saying that as a deal in play. and then blaming on trump for goodness, like he's not even in office here. i tend to agree with what processing is that they're going to find a way to get the money, even if i have to fudge the board or go ahead in washington. well, the border discussion has never really been an honest discussion in terms of trying to solve the problem. have any of these issues ever been honestly discussed since for game? so because, for example, a lot of the data that they're using in terms of old now there is this incredible increase in immigrants crossing the border. well, they don't talk about the fact that the manner of, of, of, of, of border protection and arrest has a, they've changed their processes. and since they've changed their processes that has resulted in more arrest, that doesn't necessarily mean that there's just
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a dramatic influx of people trying across the border. they don't talk about us policy in latin america. they don't talk about the impact that american economic policy is had on decimating the economies likely in these countries which are forcing people. they're not talking about us policy and haiti, which is forcing haitians to try to find a better life. so it's never been an honest discussion, it's never been a serious problem. this is really just more blather and blabber for the sake of the election. and they're playing into the uh what trump, the one of the cards the trump was playing in the last selection, anti immigrants sent them in racism and, and, and xenophobia fear of the other. so whether it's rusher fabia or whether it's the whole be a, as it relates to just
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a whole cadre of immigrants trying to come into the united states. it doesn't really matter or, or maybe we're just not, we're all, or maybe we can talk on some common ground. it's just another way to spend taxpayers money. it's just another way to print money. and someone somewhere will claim a political victory. and i have, i have an idea, go ahead, was this homelessness is on it is on a historic right. seems to be cute, not did states the import. there are a number of things that could, that were us tax payer dollars could be spent that would benefit americans as opposed to lockheed martin, boeing and raytheon. well, those are they all, you know, they base is, you know, the closer we would, we don't have money for that, but there's so many for that. there's not, you know, that's what we, they always say, but there's always money for, for israel, ukraine, etc. dma again, you know, when i look at the, the, the coverage from so called the think tanks that don't seem to think very much is that they don't take into account rushes ames and they've already been aired on
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this program here. the knots vacation and demilitarization. that's the vector which they have to understand how russel will react to anything that any initiative that the us is a ukraine's primary back or we'll push demo. you're absolutely right. that's the right of all these things. so when we, they will go like, as the settings, of course you're absolutely right. and then the student to moment, oh, you know, you mentioned category or indecent number siege. i'm going to give would be the financial times. it's, it's our very best president. it's b, b o, c o that uh, we will. thank you. all right, you have various because your dog submit, we will wake up for nation. we will degrades the standards will crash your economy . you know, basically essentially a dma. essentially what they want to do is they want hungry. they looked like you cream. i thought, you know,
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that was supposed to be the demonstration. the bag or ukraine would look like the you. but no way want to turn hungry into your credit and keep going. the amount exactly, i mean we have been told that the you guaranteed believe instead there's always population that if you are a member of the you, you're going to you that you will leave decent lifestyle, you know, and now we see, you know, you use something very different, you know, these are people who, i, if you were doing something wrong with disagree, those were go, don't write a game. and this was told them that, you know, we talked about us money for, for greenforest community for this is just a little bit said that it was a very good deal. you know, invest, do you agree and all was why? because i cool. we have been able to destroy and degrade the russian army substantially. oh, nice. you know, you spend hundreds of thousands of lives of degree just, you know, the deal russians and now you sell it to the american. probably don't. so this
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isn't going to be stupid because as the, some people seem to think that students are always smart no, soon as you've got to be very stupid. and again, you know, how does this bureau, because you're just don't say the wrong things haven't, would be they, they think your mobile warm installed or otherwise you can say, very simple things you can say. and it's nice that to be cute, sort of people. it's nice as well, going to be on hold and get yourself. i want to make some for. so, i mean it's, it's a real oh, you know what you're doing and you know what you do. and, and this and misery ration here past. it isn't really incredible. it just simply incredible to me. we have the you meeting there, they're going to try it. they're going to put a lot of pressure on a picture, owed about him to go along with them. i don't think he will in the end. but at the same time, in the mean, this gathering of, of, uh, uh, countries in the u, they're talking about a,
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a long term of 50000000000 euro program for ukraine. what about the, the continents farmers? haven't they noticed what kind of moon they're in all the, all across the continent in france and germany in poland, etc. but they have money for ukraine. they shows you how disconnected these people are, as well. it also tells you, you know, how much you know, how previously they also think that they're going to get away with us at the end of the day. but i mean, nobody's ever held accountable. you know, so they figure they just, you know, we have a saying over here at the united states of amnesia, right? they'll just eventually forget it. no it onto something else. so i think in europe they think they're going to do the same thing. maybe they'll start in another world war or something, get taiwan involved, and people automatically forget about what's going on. you know, it's crazy peter. the other day, i was watching the new hampshire primary. and there was a, nikki haley supporter that said that he,
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he was supporting nikki haley. he voted for binding because he refused to vote for trump in the last election. he's supporting mickey. healy because mickey, he's one of our biggest issues is the ukraine war. i mean it's, they're demented over here. so i think the people in europe, the leaders in europe, the ruling class think they can do the same thing they do in the united states. just pivot to something else. and they'll forget about what happened yesterday. and they'll concentrate and what's in front of them tomorrow. wilmer, what kind of um, role do you think ukraine will play in the upcoming election? obviously, we're all aware of what's going on in gaza, and unfortunately that's not going to be resolved anytime soon. the, the share mystery of watching editor, and we're all culpable. we're all witnesses. it's really degrading morally for all of us. but we're talking about you crate on this program despite and just want to pivot or does he want to just uh, pay up and hopefully like processing no one's really going to notice go ahead in washington. yes, i think that ukraine is going to play
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a smaller in smaller role as it relates to the narrative of the 2024 election because it is a lost cause. yeah, but it's biden's war, isn't it? i mean the own up to it. go ahead to go. well, we're going to see really to that's a very good point because i think the donald trump, once he gets on the camp, once he gets out of court and gets on the campaign trail, he will start to raise the issue of ukraine because it is trumps. because it is bibles war and it is a loss and he will be able to point to that. and so you see, i couldn't solve this in a day. i could have picked up the telephone talk to vladimir boot, and then we couldn't solve the whole problem. but now the united states has wasted all of this money, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. it'll be very interesting to see whether or not the main stream picks up on that trump narrative and,
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and shift its focus away. why wouldn't you know what we have proximity when gaza to what's happening, what was happening? what we have now is blinking, saying, you know, rushes already lost, but if they've already lost, why do you need 60000000 dollars? i'm sorry to ask these kindly questions gentlemen. that's all the time we have. i want to take my guess in florida, washington, and here in moscow. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here . are the see you next time. remember process the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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a good one. yeah. that you attempted to exit a month. i thought she sat there for the show and then it will have to bluff it goes in and out of it is uh, international stuff is the template for supper, for the setup button and not the printer. then i thought someone did you lose it asked who i found there for us in the media. i know people, there's only 2 reasons to just say when you say that you need to be shut bus and they're going to be present the day before the work you've done. stimulus the industry is it will what's money in the final sales, real life. so should william farmer shots, monuments who have got a guy started over or decisions in my lab, and what was that man was elizabeth nikki le funds, i put in the best one today and but you know, so that's what it was that something to set. i'm showing total suspect pretty show
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can was i'm patient did it for she's getting those are the best do what i mean? there's a push out the the, you could assume they did it by accident. it's a crime either way. if that's the case, it's a crime of negligence, but we will not forget about the crimes they committed against. our citizens. lot of our put in confirms a russian military transport plane and carrying at 65 you print in soldiers for a prisoner exchange. was shot down by a us patriot this pushed through. i'm to send this to you gets impressed with the other issue of lincoln. so when homes you save up to 6 to receptive lead a doctor of the janine hospital details,
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how is rarely forces disguised in civilian clothing. it killed 3 sleeping palestinians, one of them needing special treatment for disability. the in the palestinian red crescent society post showing a final phone call with a 6 year old girl trapped inside the car. a 1st lane family. the fate of the child remains unknown after to day the live in moscow. this is archie international. i'm a rachel ruble. russian president vladimir putin has confirmed the military transport plane at carrying at $65.00 ukrainian service. men for prisoners swap was shot down by an american supply. the patriot missile. it used to be the sum of genocide use the size for the fact that they shut down the plane where their
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soldiers were i don't have an answer. we could assume they did it by accident. it's a crime either way. if that's the case, it's a crime of negligence. we're not going to stop the exchanges. we've got our own guys to return. everything has been cleared from the information field, but we will not forget about the crimes they commit against our citizens. the plan was shut down. this has already been established for sure, by the american patriot system. it's been confirmed by expert analysis, planning my post and it was mainly focusing on domestic issues and ways to improve the quality of life for their russian citizens. this is, after all, let's not forget to election season though for him. but when it comes to ukraine, he did say that russia will never forgive the crimes committed by the key of regime against the russian citizens. and of course, that fateful crash, which was also killed russian citizens, is one of these situations that in russia has always maintained that it was ukraine behind the christ that they were the ones that shut it down. and now we know that
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it was done using a us, made patriot, michelle killing once again to us from one of us. this was on the 24th of january when it happened, and it killed all 74 people on board, including 65 ukrainian po, w's out. russia is demanding, once again an international investigation and is planning to push back the neutralized zone. and ukraine doesn't move with this. the militarization line shouldn't be of such a distance from our territory that it would insure security from foreign made long range weapons that the ukranian authorities used to shout peaceful cities. i was just talking about what our guys are doing in the different direction. our troops are doing almost exactly the same thing along the entire contact line. this is what they are doing. they are pushing the enemy away from the important populated areas of russia. that's what we'll do. ukrainian armed forces shut down our ill, $76.00 plane, which was carrying $65.00 of their own service been intended for a swamp. i don't know why they did it. i don't understand. it's not clear why they
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are selling peaceful cities. there are several objectives to divert the attention of their own population and sponsors from the failures of the so called counter offensive to show that they can do something. and to provoke us to respond a week after that fateful crashed way. so once again, a prisoner exchange took place on wednesday, so a $195.00 russian soldiers were exchanged for a $195.00, the crazy and prisoners of war. so a lot of families will, of course, be very happy today. just the officer. that's a plane was brought down by that us made miss solid. did the president have anything more to say about western military to support your trade? well, of course, it raises a lot of questions about a washington's culpability, because they are the ones of course supplying mainly ukraine with weapons and the shells. but right now we're seeing that it's very critical time for your training because as we know, it has been written everywhere and documented by now that ukraine is running out of
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my friends. it's funding that'll munition and it's funded out of money. so this is a very critical time and you countries, america, they're all trying to make sure that a gets to ukraine as soon as possible because they understand that ukraine bull not when on its own. and so on the thursday, there is an emergency i. e u meeting where they're supposed to discuss unable. okay . uh 50 plus a $1000000000.00 all at. busy a tional, a c u frame, we know in the us support, they're installing republicans are blocking additional aid. so washington tens cents money, kansas weapons there in europe. it's a similar situation because we know that hungry as boston that and the us become and so desperate that they have this easy to emergency summit on thursday for on wednesday, on the eve they sense. so the leaders of 5 e u countries and we have germany, denmark, the check for the public as sonya and the netherlands,
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they sent an open letter to the financial times. well, they're explaining why it's so important to send you claim money now. and they're also acknowledging that they failed to send the one to 1000000 shelves that they've promised that you probably need so badly by the 1st of march lexie some more. what was in that letter, we must renew our results and redouble our efforts in order to ensure that we sustain all support for as long as it takes. we will continue to explode options and invite allies and partners to co fund initiatives. and we've also heard that conversations that a certain e u countries are not doing enough, for example, they're saying up front, it's liam. spain are not pulling their weights and in arm and you craters, there's a lot of that also internally going on. but the main problem for the easier right now is a 4th hungry victor, oregon, who's been blocking this and he said he doesn't want to see the bunch of news to minutes arise. ukraine, he wants to eat a bunch of use for other reasons. and the only plans are gonna lead by the financial times where apparently the
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e u is planning to punish hungary is on thursday. make to organ does indeed blow off this additional $50000000000.00 in a and how are the funding to punish hungry their crimes and bring it to its means. and there is a very detailed plan of how they're planning to ruin hungry, basically financially. and this is what they call democracy. they have a voting system, but a few votes against what we want. and we'll then we will this for you. so this is a force on the heard of on box the you does have a plan b. so if, if the organ does block this, and this doesn't go through, there is a plan where you can choose, can individually send a to, to ukraine box. this has to be approved by that problem. it's in each country individually. so this will take time and ukraine doesn't have time and they know that. so this is why they're urgently coming up with plans. threats, as we'll see, blackmail, even when it comes to victor, oregon. so be very interesting seats vault. this will only suit, especially at the emergency meeting. it almost feels like the,
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the frame right now is this hot potato. they know that you can kind of went on that song. they want to send that money, but they can, they're unable to because the categories within each of this country within the us, they category in washington, and they don't know what to do. so there this seems to be turned into against each other, the other you and has denounced unlawful killings by the idea. after his release soldiers disguise the civilians infiltrated a hospital and shot 3 sleeping palestinians dead. the organization also called on israel to enter the bloodshed in the west bank were telling us have been on the rise since october, 7th, and doctor at the janine hospital targeted, told us more about the armed rate there today at 550. and the so any forces came inside the house because of the dressing to be in the attic. no, it is. and also they have the same last name. they went to the one on one floor
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where they attacked the me, the kind of stuff and the then they go inside total. i'm going to 3 people that one of those people is ation to have been in depth and sort of a 2023. he has a part on this and has no of names that make him handicapped. so he needs a hell in order to do his daily activities on the move and leaving to go to bathroom. so he needs companions near him. one of those continuing software killed the during the petition was his brother and the other was his friend. so actually they can, those are 3, then they go outside the hospital course to a fees on here from this one house and you get to impact one debt. and the other issue is really good stuff with on. so you unsafe and this when to fix it negatively on data action bought on dance practice to the latest video circulating on social media shows. the operation by is really special forces
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dressed in doctors, uniforms and civilian closing at them. they see in a hospital the idea of claims that was targeting how most fighters hiding inside the medical facility. but the hospital officials insisted that individuals were receiving care local health ministry has condemned the operation the dream. and since this is a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation, excellency, the minister of health stressed in a statement and called on all international institutions and the world health organization. to stand up and meet their responsibilities, encompassing this phenomenon. and holding them accountable, a thousands of thousands took part of the funeral procession for this race. allison in killed in the attack footage shows women mourning their loved ones as men carry the bodies through the streets. you heard from some of the family members and
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friends of those killed the weekend. the martyr mohammed goes out. we was my friend from 1st. great, thank god, he was one of the martyrs. today, mohammed was with his brother in hospital. the brothers were injured almost 4 months ago, special forces wearing civilian clothes and freighters robs, came and assassinated 2 of them along with the 3rd martyr mohammed jolanda young. the mission of mohammed grew up with a childhood full of aspirations to live in his free country. just like any other person born on that land. however, he found himself living under occupation where his ambition was to experience life like children in free countries, in a land where he could live in peace and security. unfortunately, as he grew older, he came to the realization that the occupation was damaging the land and denying children their lawful rights on a duty. uh, what is the use to to the us state department however it has for. a the state,
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any wrong doing, and the deadly is rarely hospital attack, saying that israel is free to take any action to combat terrorism, even if those targeted are in a hospital bed. israel, of course, has the right to carry out operations to bring tears to justice. but those operations need to be conducted in full compliance with the international humanitarian law of those operations. instead of going into hospitals and murdering people in their, in their baths. regardless of whether they're so the, you know, is they are suspected or so even known parents. so that's okay with you. so there was a lot in the premise of that question. obviously they, we did do know that they went into the thing all i went in until the people who were completely innocent. so let me say that is in think that then you would be condemning a power, right? we certainly would, but i would say the israel headsets of these were, i'm us operators. they have said that one of them was carrying
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a gun at the time of the operation. so, but as a general matter, they do have the right to carry out operations to bring tears to justice, but they need to be conducted they living in the hospital. so we want them to conduct their operations and compliance with their national humanitarian law. we would generally say that we don't want them to carry out operations in hospitals, but under international humanitarian law, hospitals do lose some of their protections if they are being used to for the planning of terrorist operations. and the washington bureau chief of palestinian newspaper l codes also took part in that war of words he later spoke to us saying the us is directly to blame for israel's to actions in gaza. my colleagues do re these issues here tie every day. i mean, we raise issues, but that does not mean that these issues get answered or they get asked that properly. i think that they and i said so shamelessly conducted itself since the
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beginning of this awful genocide or that is that is what i was conducting on god. so it has given it all the support is really lives on an american umbilical court. but, you know, i mean, let's be fair, not that any of a, an international power stepping forward to say, this is unacceptable and willing to take measure. this is something that is real that day in and day out, completely lawless, but it's not really the conduct and that was my point is now that kind of the of a state, this is the conduct of gangsters. and they do a day in and day out and they do it against kids in schools, in clinic, in the hospital everywhere. i mean, we see this on daily basis. they kill people take their body at them up, you know, probably steal the oregon. and so they've done this for very, very long time, and no one is doing anything about it. so yeah, you have feels that, that does have eh, you know, see,
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they can conduct this with the immunity. they will continue to do this. as long as they they, they get, cover weapon, money, and shit. the protection by the united states of america. the security guard has been shot and killed at l. a. ma hospital in con units that's according to the palestine red crescent society. the israeli forces have continued to store on the hospital for the last 10 days. and the p. r. c. us has reported intense, showing by the idea of going on in the vicinity of the hospital. video footage, released by the israeli military shows as troops operating income units, according to the idea of it is conducting a target rate on a weapons manufacturing facility used by the us nomic jihad organization. they also
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said they found an underground tunnel and destroyed at the palestine red crescent. society has posted the final selling a phone call with one of his volunteers and a young girl named. and the 6 year old that was reported, they trapped inside the car of her slain family, surrounded by as rarely times a 15 year old girl died in a hail of gunfire. heard earlier on the phone, the red crescent says it has lost contact with the teams sent to rescue the child. here are her last words from that phone call. as the big heavy i have. well i have the, the big have, i'm a mini dad. i'm middle, i'm the good awesome. the big. how are they could be better, but the oh yeah, i was one of the seems to be they had a lot. but we got the latest from
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a spokesperson for the palestine red crescent society and the ball far as the ex. she said she is worried about the state of the last girl into p r. c. s. employees who went to rescue the child. we are having constant food and panic regarding the safety of our sins and or what could needs up to this moment. 45 hours have passed and we don't know what the fate of what critics uses and my who have had been to serve the girl. the time, and the only thing we want to know is what's happened for the 6 years old girl. i can't even find the words to describe the how to are our team witness over the one when that a lot of times they have 15 years old. she was killed over the phone when she was at the 11 emergency line. she was saying,
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i'm surrounding by is what 80 times they are firing on us and then our team have here this continue was punched with these accusations that as well as making you guys and why and, and one now facing these funding suspensions, what will it ultimately spell for dogs is humanitarian aid. this, this is in kim's, in a time. one of the one we're calling on we once more humanitarian aids to get into garza and we need to collaborate together as a human nature against an old humanitarian agencies to be able to respond to the scale of emergency in costa. the scale of the crisis in gaza is just huge, and we are in there's a need for the old efforts to be able to provide over the humanitarian services to the people in casa to any they, the sufferings of over 2000000 civilians in casa. so this, this isn't,
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is absolutely going to have a negative impact on the life of the display, people in gaza who are benefiting from the other. what services? because basically also or what have shelters, which now house thousands of displayed people. it's the world house organization. lauren's that the funding, the one relief and works agency for palestine will only worsen the dire humanitarian situation in gaza in a 1st public appearance. and since a dozen western nations pulled their supports, the unrest spokesperson says the group of preemptively dismissed the staff members accused of cooperating with him off. and is this the continued fall of age remains the priority. the commissioner in general, under wash dean bennett's in the interest of the 2000000 people were serving in gaza. and in the interest of the continuation of our life saving an irreplaceable working garza, he deemed then necessary to preemptively dismiss these the staff members for the
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sake of everything else under his funding port, palestinian refugees that run the schools, hospitals, and humanitarian aid operations and gaza is in danger of being suspended by 17 countries as well as the european union. the uproar followed is really allegations at 12 out of $30000.00 agencies staff were involved in the october 7th attacks as the un investigate claims that has already terminated contracts with 9 of those employees and says it is against the funding 15 that you an agency has have warned that the suspending funds will cause the collapse of the humanitarian system in gaza is around for as part has brought into its criticism to the one in general. it's foreign minister says the un secretary general is responsible for the large staff participation in the attacks and must resign israel's key ally. united states was among the 1st to pull funds over the allegations, despite washington's admission that on right, is it crucial for guys?
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we very much support the work that under it does we think it's critical, there is no other humanitarian player in gaza who can provide food and water and medicines scaled it under it does. and we wanna see that work continued, which is why it is so important that the united nations takes this matter seriously, that they investigated that there is accountability for anyone who is found to engage in wrong doing. and that's a take, whatever other measures are appropriate to ensure that this sort of thing cannot happen. again. the us decision to defend on right, is facing criticism from sections of american society activists. group code thing disrupted a congressional hearing on the un agency and tuesday, accusing the us of starving causes to to us. 5 people were arrested. we spoke to pro palestinian activist and humanitarian is a here. so mar, who shared her opinion on the matter. as you know,
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i mean these are all claims they have not beat substantiated. these claims that can go on an investigation and individuals can be penalized and organizations should not suffer the consequences of such an individuals having made those decisions. if they made those decisions, which is not yet verified, and so the to be $2000000.00 people in the highs are extremely dependent on, on the funds, humanitarian aid, the need for it has probably doubled or tripled under normal circumstances. and the full and you would expect a to, to double or triple. and so cutting on rough funding or, or depleting under funding or reducing it is going to have measures amounts of impact on the people who has a holiday. honestly, how are they made to the device, washington and london's unlawful and provocative actions? because a direct threat to international peace as the statement of the russian ambassador to the u. n. at the latest security council meeting, the session aimed at to address the western strikes and the red sea,
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as well as the south african case to the international court of justice on israel's actions in gaza. this even reduced to unless what color is the aggressive actions by our security council colleagues, the west and the okay, in the red seat, remind us of the barbaric and illegal matchup on because of us love you again. this time iraq, libya and syria, at the same time, the thesis of fighting terrorism and right of self defense is exploited shamelessly . we categorically condemn the aggression against you have been conducted without approval by the un security council. we had against stress that the unlawful and provocative actions by washington and london, both a direct threat to international peace and security, and undermine the global order based on the supremacy of international rights and the central role of the you in the united nations security council. the 15 member body of it leads the united nations convened a meeting that began with a briefing about the dire humanitarian circumstances facing the. busy boys in gaza,
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the rising gap told the wounded, etc. then from there we heard from various countries talking about the situation and how they view the response of international bodies to it. now the palestine represented. busy to highlighted the efforts by the western countries to cut their funding to the united nations relief works agency, which they say may have been involved in terrorism. and because of that, they are cutting their funding. the palestinian representative made clear that that has very serious consequences for those on the ground in gaza and elsewhere. the u . n helps the palestinian people said live remain in the land and is the ones to approve them. because the u. n. is the forum where palestinian lights for the most to settle determination under it and have been recognized. and is the ones to deny and dissolve these rights. and
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it's cut on foreign minister has accused the commission on a general model of being a supporter of categories in and out today. just and despicable claim is that a, a has lost campaigns against, you know, for shows, oh no to war is a perfect example of the success of the you. and we should all of us to be proud that we have an organization like on our was in the you and system that has been doing a remarkable job. instead of using in a humanitarian way, the millions over the by the start and refugees for the 75 years as it is our collective duty to protect it. there was also harsh criticism from china, of the countries that are cutting their support for the united nations relief works agency china emphasize the need for a ceasefire. the need for de escalation and seemed very critical of the countries
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that seem to be getting in the way of international body is moving ahead and trying to bring the findings to a close, or at least a pause with yourself. we do need you that has long been overwhelming consensus in the international community for an immediate cease fire. yes, it's regrettable that certain countries are persisted in that obstruction with a passive attitude. real security cannot be achieved by military means on the protracted fighting cause it will only lead to more casualties and wider regional instability making peace in the middle east. more elusive under law, which is probably that indispensable, and replaceable roles and alleviating the humanitarian disaster in gaza. is the hope for survival for more than 2000000 postings. we should not dismiss under was work in its entirety based on the actions of a few individuals. nor should we see supports for the underwater at the time when it's most needed. which would mean cutting off the lifeline for the people with gaza and leading to additional collective punishment for the palestinian people, south africa in the country. that recently brought charges against israel. and the
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international court of justice addressed the meeting and had quite a bit to say about how the court's ruling indicates that israel's activities must cease, that it is committed crimes against the people violations of international law. the decision by the court marks a decisive victory for the intonation of low flow and a significant milestone in the search for justice. for the police to mean people, notably, south africa will continue to do everything within his power. to preserve the existence of the student, people as a group of the 2 n o x of a pi teet and genocide, idea is the kind of student people now russian ambassador and eventually i emphasize the legality of the recent us strikes on yahoo. and the response of the western countries to the red sea crisis and how it simply does not match what resolutions were passed before the un security council. and it's not
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a appropriate response. and the situation on the emphasis of a number of countries about the need for a ceasefire. and the expiration of finding us seems to be a theme that we heard throughout the meeting. however, the united states and its allies continued to stand pretty firmly behind the israel . the relations between russia and china continued to go from strength to strength during video talks with russian defense minister survey. so i do have china is kind of parked on june, said that china, some parts of russia on the printing issue, despite pressure from the us. and e, you see us in western countries are ignoring russia. we strongly support justice, support russia in the ukrainian issue, even though the us in europe continue to pressure china. we will not abandon the established policy. nothing can prevent china, russia, cooperation, budget. china is a defense minister down to an underline to the importance of the country, a strategic partnership with russian surgery. so i go emphasized,
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in terms that moscow badging relations are stronger than ever before. the russian defense minister also expressed confidence the talks would further develop the russian chinese strategic partnership on defense. we discussed these bilateral relations with r t contributor carl john, who's says china stand shoulder to shoulder with russia against us. germany of china has always stated that china understands. this is russia's security concerns . that was natal pushing steadily useful use work ever since the end of the cold war. so, so, so china has stated it has no limit partnership with russia. you know, no limit means no limit or us, well, well, well, open c like they always do. they will, um, you know, they will issue some statements, but one dimensional is, there's not much us can do russia and china neighbors that bear to truly sovereign country, conducting independent foreign policy. i mean, it's none of us. the business, 1st of all is united states have mark china,
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us ending the number one at the same point. they're making this ridiculous gesture, i'll try to pressure china to join the sanction guardians, rush up. but the chinese leadership of our di, stupid understands the rush of falls or the west. the nato alliance is going to come to china. next state. are you? we're already having the head of natal talking about how natal needs to be sure to come from china. so of course, china is, is on the side of russia, against against the nato and the us. hey jim and the, i mean, it's a no brainer. right, that's going to do it for me for now, but do stay with us. my colleague peter scott, will be in next in about half an hour with look at your headlines and
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the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse, i really would say better will, is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can to some of the visual walker see on continue comes on. so like as of prescription of them all on that, are pretty much it on the all set. i saw it looked at the key running the list securities are equal minus those let me see do something, but continuing much of it. my just because your logic i stipulated to am i seeing
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the plug davis, if you have a mazda the that the 3 i learned a little more to remind you to see today i'll call number from the menu. so the composite kind of what it is that the kind of easy you sound like a solo for that entity. it and then in there, focusing on it and gum gum, i'm ready to book it. so i'll see some of that a method are due to do the death of both of them the . those are the seats that system to set the money under the fact that it says i'm going to cover a lot pleasure to let be. i think i know some of the amendment or some more stuff on the boost by ip sec. i may also for us, so gladly or software it up or brush off of months. so coming from the views here,
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cuz i'm gonna leave it as, as you don't know, that is even intimate, nice. somebody visited my click to the debate there's and they try to go to the bottom as i'm in a meeting for the quarter. okay, well to ask the new name, let, let me day to see whether it i've seen it should say my name is cindy geneva, to do any process. simple, come with a what a good toilet guns he's off. he can't is all that. and that's one of the process i said to some of them on it on, on, as of the minutes you push a do those have say, and that's what it is that something to say. i mean shows postal says that show can was impression duty for she's going to set up the shock and was i'm president of the machine came to mos on past due. what um, there's a cut bumper on a chef, the middle at that point. it pulls up by some salty, i'm sorry,
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don't sit back to. so i said, don't political is the social security question right now. what we know this we've got to remember is, i mean it's a couple of do with to deprive a country of sovereignty is to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about it to use the circle. the book we did, and not to the con, was there john called on the one the is good. or the me, there's only a couple in this is i'm you also get is i've noticed and she'll seem to get more on record record for them on the game i play now was on the phone. they found him on
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the associated little has been doing this. we have on file on the volume associate thought things up in it. we saw it will fill on id routine in your system. introductions anyhow. glossy by milton would you consider football? we will be entity. what lot to choose the key i'm going to going to be uh, i'll read it. i thought she loved most the money. that's also going to mess around . i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better. i mean, most of the day nissan seeing people will need a little more news through this on standpoint. but to, to kind of let me set it up by the front of our adults. french school children joined demonstrations carrying down with friends supply guns for this is colonial cliche, turned out to be more important than the humanistic and universal value is a french culture and 2 and a working remotely from system to associated with go and send experi with, with macro on poland and the 3 on culture and science have been replaced by on principles neo colonial demagogy. they say it's time for friends to leave. there's
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somebody for you when to describe d. 16 on so you can settle, see your law firm says task innovative, new job role is going to hit speaking that is to on frontier is, you know, monday, the soonest. date is a long distances. the notion you've worked in is up enough knowledge in, on the, on the go through this yourself that gives you dimple characteristic. and i certainly want to look to see if those 2 pointed people in me in memphis data, is there something is going to be going into some of the boys are we only as a whole 20 percent below the font is on the long run by me through the just will not pay the full vin image if you want me to hold a 2nd. i'm gonna buy it from set before. i'm just going to speak with this officer . get a no money for him, for the former is your degree. so it looks like, i mean it all over is introduced yourself settings you because it sounds like kind of for them of the most. okay. and is he led to the engineering school for sure.
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that's that the missile foster about that for that long because your boss, i think it is, and in that off i mean, send a technician out of the la d val and let them in. so that's good for us. and i'm seeing the song dollars that don't fit on the final thing on the phone that long cushion, right. so finally kicked lenny instead of the soonest along with us. all i was wondering a are the only for my own go off. so it was on me, the sick all the thousands on and then when that woman tell the careers that's all i met on, you know, son, i'm in canada as it might be the to some of the office funds on see
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so they put on the notes is. ringback going to try and is all set up on the new at the city. i do most of them go to find stuff that nothing new. okay, for me to cut off in beautiful minutes and then we'll have to pay the calls in must i let him take off the rest of let me, let him ask some grip is it didn't have enough of the money to the for the substitute drugs, a right,
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and the, the most recent page in molly's history is an operation set of our for that and implemented in rankled time to preserve the country's state code. it's a simple trick. the operation was prepared in advance and waited for to our in groups formed incidentally with french help to get from libya to monday. the operation has several symbols, any, a subjective french military contingent entered the country, legitimizing the pro french government, and the flags were put in that place. the a look at the to the b. c. s. plus updates i assume might have been keep going deep so far as the glass of each layer of the program using the data said to the park in the going by pushing
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me differentiate the display. sure. c v. like victor let us ones in new, but that's been it up. can you see the buttons use of the view w? i said, do you see, do you have the symptoms? then the website go to, i mean, the 1st of them cut for the premier for going was to see anybody the human see. so i don't know so that they can that, that keep this on for you think it was due to act on the glen looking for dealing with the next operation on the allowed friends to take control of the whole region from senegal to sue. done makes the curious pattern. the terrorist threats continue to grow, can be areas of terrorist activity expanded 12 french business affairs in molly
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improved 10 profits grew. click unsafe for charlotte 49 french soldiers died. not for molly, but for a french trade interest prompted me to accompany independent and extremely advantageous and convenience position, and molly occupies. how many molly and civilians died at the hands of the french? doesn't care about that. phrase, the girl friends has no friends, only its own interests. the history of relations between france and its former colonies should serve as an example to of the defense treaty with france. does it deal with the devil? so no, uh uh, what was that down to the put the last on monday i'm gone so,
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so i'm going to put down that pretty notifies who the uh reset the reset that the, the 1st phone says oh for somebody in the okay. that is on the feed id that i left off to lift the, the, the photos of my, my, them onto the stuff that net suitcase and the so monday and nobody concludes to develop on the link below the. so i'm back on the t davis, instead of any of that is on all of the feed. also on new cons. good. a lot of new concepts, a new study and do not. i'll listen to the 2 of us clip, but i picked them up or something to the port at the end of the men. rashid in us, the
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the, the what happened on october. the 2nd was a deal breaker for it was the slaves revolting against the master. when slaves revolt against the legitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent terrorist here, and that will take care, right. and there is, there is there, there, and just surrounding the entire area of the party they came ready for us. you know, they knew we're gonna scatter like ship a terrible tragedy and terrible revenge because i know who they mean come off the, the on, off know, especially the place you'll be
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the good this of being prevented and drop one, but it seems to be the one piece that needs to be what he wants to do, peoples of the land, to leave in peace and prosperity. is it possible to have peace in this region ever again? the the girl to the dealer on 4 legs a bit. i saw farm says a for my lead. i love usually do the to the diesel, the not to month and they got a bus to the city, but i saw nobody on the it was i found the popular so suited to close. think you need to is the police also look use of force at the loss of my or my
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late don't. or now i live to model honesty. don't create data to belong to by them . i didn't need that this new call to not as fast as a new it is in that box. so one of the difficult and do want to know to put a, to a policy for me. i don't know to put it that i thought you knew for the upon those who look like a or a memo, do the event go to the the blizzard for another little up in a little could be that as you let him do that, i saw it is i'm going to done to sort of us that the best on the agenda that i felt a certain lived auntie. totally. so i'm not to plus if that's on the so i don't know if a new to notes don't accept photograph uh, usually deals. what do the data on clear on that that this the, the fee that this the 2nd you to be not alone of the,
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the whole fucking area that pacified them. i've had a lot of these days in the long too long as a month. the last 2 of the good. uh, let me tell them of the home 3 for a month for uh, boosted so 2 days and then that would be the corporate i saw i work a lot of the si se that includes that. i so for this on the left and the input that i saw, i do that i face or less than that, but input i saw a lot of pain in spent moses on the i love the vision for the data level that i submitted to a collaborative sheet sample that i saw on going on right now. so in opiate i, so you said a tablet down the civic through that aspect. there's a, there's a, there's a good i,
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so keep them at the bottom. april 1st is our new model in of it gives you these and kick month a city that don't that amount to a lot of the photos out of them by the end of the monte. i'm too. so the other thing is you can kinda go through the dealers, human beings only 10 times google and actually encourage you to look to be performed on the funding to get to get it, which is different. each of the key decided to us on say, sunrise,
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i'm gonna shoot you the $0.70 sent to you to keep the cecilia of $1000.00 to $15.00. if it is interesting to me. inconvenient for the meeting that dds in the the c. so to list it in the interest sheets, or simply as it doesn't show the depth fitness center meeting for saturday. my name is and that's the to so i'm piece collision so also for them in some to complete that. so how you're doing, by the way, the says best weight. yeah. the inputs and into the total repeats under the ball, the lender was under that it was for the end of the painted. it doesn't do that.
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that zone. so kind of design thing. said lizzie, open leave a sure. is it the best on the didn't it didn't process it. sure. sorry about that stuff and i'm willing to do that, but i didn't talk this would be the 2 but the stuff on the last 2022nd on this i have to see that estimate is entered in between 92. so because of course i didn't use it so you might still have to remember to be less, it will just be yeah. plus $7000000.00. since i'm thinking about that i sent you to task literally is compare to the menu or the homepage. and you guys on cheeky, so on g b button, there was no impede economy, delta. so i don't even begin to cheat. my email i have on the internet says,
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you know, same bus and you need to pull it up. let's see data. and we have to get rid of each item for us, or can be 2 months that on the puppies ended and good things, you know, because of what the dental does, it to me please, and as long as it was done, can you either give me a list of what was that a mileage. i see the low that you guys have the same simon m y, the see to dealer and you ready to get through is talk. see, listen to the my 2nd demanding bundle on this policy. the what you gave it to the old place moving to that, but i do sets every time, lived on monday and it's about to do this just seeing that finding when i see the intent. so give me the meeting. sometimes the same i gave you. so let me
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put that in the left, but then you'll probably get a sense of this. so this is us, it, this of the tv for even after being ousted from molly, from still some help, pressured the regional union of african states. echo us to the goal of isolating molly foods, sanctions and close boulders by in essence, imposing a blockade. a huge number of its goods are imported in molly as mostly accessed these measures extremely unpopular among the population, not just in money, but throughout the region. that the wallets of ordinary citizens held an even ruin some friends has already started to lose africa, enough competition. in particular, this is shown by the narrowing range of goods and foreign companies, based in molly. but from content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal partnership relations into account literal names. and it's also known as the methods of direct colonial influence. the money is somewhere in the country with
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the right to its own history, traditions, values and equal relations. it has the right to choose the, the walk or the song, but also we need to put them on getting k, you know, a minute, for example, tall sick. or let's think i do a less pain during us. what that means when you buy through a diesel, i also do a pair bonded shipment, but now you can just check it out, but it might be uh the money bring us, the only thing is blah blah, blah, money bring us throwing the info. and once you submit somebody, this order has the how can we don't even want to pull it to the simple blog best. so that emotions about it to me in a 2nd. again, let me see what i can do. nothing on these, but the replacements, i believe, was on the patient portal, repeat it yourself for me. no one, mr. casual or to 2nd one. yes. and performed a lot of i see a list of warranty,
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some pro for the last month. actually, i left that i don't say say by doing these blogs to buy song, but you'll find in me it didn't mean you're doing well. so kind of a lot of the politic teens and bought them in time to buy house. you know, may, 10001000 is bringing them once it goes through all the non nausea and disney plus as well as you know, the only dismissal control then. okay. awesome. vishal. the move any of the, i don't know why that is all just to say, does that prove can nobody's been sick. it was all new money. i don't understand what the say about that. i'll send the money on to the end, you know, by chance. so. so do you suppose the case, you know what to do? things i'll check 8 or 2. let's take it, taking a board or do you see why you entered in there for me else?
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nope. so don't ignore me on this is tony money say plus good. the money on this indeed, the problem i may look for me because, you know, i love, nope. was only important because, you know, some people getting a bus, getting onto this old one year on the line. and we'll follow along on a little s nicole and it shows up in a little panel here. these are bump the legs, somebody bump i mean as on. and then i'd like to use like, i've only been audited it like i can just wanting to. i'd like to let me know the it okay. along the date on the, on the move of my lease. if the money does not the same, i mean the device $100.00 new visa should be last week total. i'm putting in for last to see if this cd and not
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a nice show any. it's best for this one. no. hello, is this a shipment? is a side config. good. and these are the painted. the, the 1st all set to level song is on sunday. like going to need papers for tim deluxe balloons that show in quarterly it does show um april great to g. i does, i live in the bundles of within symbol that's and that's in there. we're got suddenlink. she'll so would it be wise. and then the way to suggest using this could kind of interested in would that i showed the deluxe to me function to, to each, to the speed so that the more money fair and then move will
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affect it should not fall in love. see them all complete. can go to the pro owned vehicle. they're not to shoot the chevy. know to clean the rest motor. most of the she was because it's around $200.00 or somebody else. maybe the remodel. wonderful. because every you gotta keep in the data. so i'll pretty go forward that it's my last summer that super shoot
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the the, the new video of alleged abuse by an officer today, a sheriff's, deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed a student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talked to her sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just, is quite a student in the class. someone looked at the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and influence, and then there are others besides, this is what's wrong with those totally be on discipline. black children, he was there, enforcing a lot to meet in the crime, to quote,
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disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes in school is using force is never afraid of for necessary. a tops people were never going to change your mind so people will never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to shape house because after kids and engagement, it was the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground, the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the beauty of a story, the luck of the full of them, the board or storing yourself. originally, you spoke to the senior boy menu on the show any of the gentle facility visiting youth periods, which are likely to escape photos than any vision isn't in the book as a meeting in grand. if the article still bundle sky at the whole, at the 2 side, the goal to smith avenue. yeah, that is, that said it was a mis leveled. the thing is as see, it says that brady, this firm with year of experience of play, that will say in nearest the blue bush and you for the 90 percent of
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the time is a budget. so be to pay today. it's nice because you have to just cash the same year the the you could assume they did it by accident. it's a crime either way. if that's the case, it's a crime of negligence. but we will not forget about the crimes they commit against our citizens. letting it boots in confirms that the russian military transports plain cotton, 65 ukrainian soldiers for president exchange, were shut down by the us supplied it should miss arm was to serve from he gets the practice of the other issue. i mean, so let's see if the captive needs adults
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a janine hospital details, how is there any forces disguised in civilian clothing? killed 3 palestinians in sleep, one of the needing special treatments for disabilities, the and the palestinian red crescent society of posts. these shifting finals phone calls with the sick stroke go shots inside the car, the slain. finally, 2 days on the face of the child still remains. those are your headlines at 2 am and most good time. money is pizza. scott's on the bike with another look in the box and i was the while increasing longevity and improved health at older ages is seen in many parts
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of the world. as the crowning achievement of the 20th century. these trends also present significant challenge and societal aging can affect economic growth, patterns of work and retirement, the ways families function and the ability of governments and communities to provide adequate resources for older adults. so as the population ages, there's also a decline in the working age, members of society, and increases in health care costs. i'm christy, i'm, you're watching the cost of everything we're today. we're going to be breaking down the costs of aging and elder care. the many americans who serve as caregivers are consumed by the men's cost of tending to ailing or aging family members. and as the baby boomer generation ages, more americans are in for a rude awakening as to just how expensive caring for older adults has become. the
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price of nursing home care has increased an average of 2.4 percent each year due to inflation and the increased demand for adult daycare assisted living facilities or nursing homes. long term care services are expensive as a senior housing industry requires a large workforce of nurses and staff to support it. senior housing also caters to a high income population. now in the us, long term care costs between $35000.00 to a $108000.00 a year. but the medium costs to stay in a private room in a nursing home is over $9000.00 a month. a semi private room would be around $7000.00 and a price to stay in a living facility is around $4500.00 a month. and many baby boomers do not have enough for time and savings to cover the cost of living in good health. let alone and for more than 2 fits of baby boomers don't have any retirement savings. and these adults will need to rely solely on the
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income they receive through social security. because medicare does not cover nursing homes or assisted living facilities, a 70 percent of adults age 65 years and older, it will require long term care at some point. and the average length of these days and these facilities is about 3.2 years. memory care facilities are growing up the fastest rate ever in the senior housing market sector. these facilities offer more hands on care for people with dementia. and they can include special features like walk units that prevent patients from wandering around and leaving this facility unattended and enclosed outdoor spaces where patients can move around safely. and in 2019, there were about 8000000 middle income seniors living in the us. but by 2029 there will be about 14000000 middle income seniors with 60 percent expected to have mobility limitations and 20 percent expected to have high health care and functional needs. and now today we're joined by keith mock director of lead
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management at home instead. now keys, how have these costs, where elder care evolved over the years and what factors are contributing to their increase? yeah, so definitely health care has increased along with home care and assisted living. the primary factor is of course, as you might expect, the employment costs of competition. we're seeing a lot of competition from other industries for the same employee pool. for example, with the fast food industry, you're coming to see $20.00 to $25.00 an hour. and so we're competing with those same for, for the same employees within the home share and broader health care deal with home care. specifically, we're competing against large hospital corporations as well. and that makes it
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a bit tricky because they have more resources, obviously to lower employees too. so that's another aspect that we're seeing that's making it challenging to get employees as result. naturally, the cost of hiring those employees are going uh we're also seeing cost increase as a result of you know, pandemic. so obviously cobra being the most recent one, the hazard pay associated with a has, has bumped up pricing as well. the p p that we have to provide our employees to provide the chair safely, has also bumped up those costs. so those are 2 of the nice factors that we're seeing in the, in additionally, the, the cost of living wage and inflation obviously, is a big part of this. inflation hits our employees,
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especially hard the cost of child care just to in groceries as another example. and so the all of it combines as really creative effort pressure on the cost of, of health care. but for us, home care and elder care generally. and what challenges might arise in needing the increased demand for long term care. so definitely the, the caregiver pool is trained. so we spend a lot of resources just looking for the perfect caregiver. we don't want to hire any caregiver to work with our clients, obviously. so the quality of the caregiver is also a vital and that's not an easy process and it's certainly not a cheap one. and so just those recruiting cause that we occur, you know, make that very challenging to, to find the right caregiver. um,
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also another aspect of this would be, i would mention again, we're still recovering. it depends on where we had a healthy pool of caregivers who are available on the older side. but we're very experienced and very knowledgeable. very is joyful and bates at oppertunity during the to so to leave the field. and so we've been in the process of replacing those folks basically ever sent and sort of that learning roads. there's also a big challenge of this and in training and instructing new caregivers that come in, you know, how to chair for a senior citizen is a big part of this and how to individual some families typically navigate the affordability challenges associated with long term care. whether we're talking about a facility or hiring and at home nurse, do some families need to seek some sort of funding. yeah, this is a, this is a big one obviously. and there's multiple ways,
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none of them particularly perfect but, but piece meal together. that sometimes the solution for families, obviously private pay is a big part of this isn't for us, but the homeless dad we are as a company primarily we also work with the v a. so we have a lot of veterans who take advantage of va benefits. va has a very substantial home care benefits that may get some on 1220 hours a week. and so certainly we have a lot of clients to take advantage of that. now there's options out there such as reverse mortgages and, you know, moving in with the kids. so that's become a reality for so many seniors. you know, trying to cut down cause we see this a lot in our area. yes. on an usable for parents to move them kids to live in the
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basement because without the outset the basement with everything they need. and so, you know, that's the way of cutting the cost as well. we have a lot of long term care insurance clients as well. this obviously is not a cheap uh, solution. some people were uh, were lucky and got it on the ground floor on this, you know, decades ago through their employer or a private policy. and so we do have a lot of clients, i utilize a long term care benefit. and you know, at the end of the day also we have the medicare benefits, which there is a home care of dentists not within medicaid. there is an assisted living of, let's say it was a medicaid, it may, it may require a spenddown of assets, but nonetheless, it is there. and it is, is an auction. and how does the costs of long term care in the us compared to those in other countries? seniors in the united states do have a bit of
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a more luxurious case of a lot of the senior assisted living community and senior communities. and especially in northern virginia area, but it's really throughout the united states that there is a home or a resorts some cases and you know, with great meals and great activities and so forth. but on average, you know, that we're about 20 to 50 percent higher than the many of the country is out there . um, obviously it depends on the benefits that a country might provide for the citizens. but the, you know, you can be, for example, is going to be about 20 to 30 percent higher here than in the u. k. but here in a little less far more affordable options and, and you can see, you know, if it goes out 1st as i mentioned, medicaid is an option for you assisted living communities. but nonetheless, we are,
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we are higher taste or more expenses. and our communities are a top top notch from everything i've ever seen. and how does community and family involvement contribute to addressing the long term care needs of aging individuals? obviously, the more the family is called the, the better for the senior is this matter. it's a better way to live this healthy or it's more beneficial. it prevents convince, sometimes with the onset of dimension severe symptoms. you know, we saw the impact deck who had oscillation on seniors that were isolated and didn't have access to their family. we saw the been so rapidly increased the symptoms exacerbate and so the more of the family as a whole, definitely the better is also better on the cost of it. you know, the more the family can participate in here, the better i would say the family also though has to consider the long term cause
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such as burnout. is some families like to remain the family and not just because the caregiver and so that's when a company like home instead can come in and provide the rest that care for the family. so the kids can continue. ready remaining the kids and not only, you know, the caregiver. now also another interesting that we've seen are of our neighbors that take an interest in each other, whether it be just making a meal or, or, or getting mail or checking in on their neighbor. you know, we've seen neighbors, the other, the benefits having active neighbors involved with seniors as well. how do workforce challenges such as the shortages and health care professionals impact the cost and quality of long term care? so i would say that
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a lot of our best caregivers are our parents or mothers and fathers. and so along with that comes the child care in need, of course. and i know that's a challenge, a lot of them navigate and, and have difficulty with. and so that, that's another, this definitely another challenge that we see. transportation also continues to be a challenge for our caregivers, reliable transportation. and i can get into their clients and you know, reliably it is, is there's another component of that that, you know, we often face. thank you so much case, but please stick around. he's lock will stay with us right here after the break. and when we come back,
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we're going to explore how much it costs to take care of the elder and countries like china. well have more after the break, the 6 off of what go that you got to get better you you go to the hospital. yes. what you need to do to help you say, i mean what, what do you need to lock up? the people that are drug addicts, just keep going cold. turkey is like going through withdrawals, and a lot of these 12 school to withdrawal, giving them money will kill them. so you just gotta give him
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the value of it, right? no one goes, no one. not very good, but truly getting worse and worse every year. as we go, the meanwhile of china is also aging quickly, as it will have more than $400000000.00 people over the age of 60, by 2040, which is nearly a 3rd of its total population. by then higher living and health care will eat up a quarter of the countries g, d, p. and this will reduce the supply of the labor force while increasing the burden on families elder care a. but unlike many western countries, chinese elderly are expected to remain in their family homes and be care for by their children or grandchildren. there is a strong stigma in china against placing aging parents or older members of the families in nursing homes. and china is one child policy from 1980 to 2015 has
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meant that smaller families are increasingly expected to support an aging population. while a rising number of elderly are living alone. this place is an additional burden on the one child who will be expected to care for 2 elderly parents. it is when the seniors need the help with chronic illnesses, disability, or dementia, that care becomes complicated and they may have to be admitted into nursing homes. access to good senior care also varies greatly across the country with large gaps between the wealthiest and the poor. as provinces, in 2013 the nationals peoples congress passed an unprecedented and controversial law for the protection of the rights and interest of elderly people, also known as the filial piety law. this mandates that adult children provide culturally expected support to their parents, 60 years or older. in practice, the law and related regulatory measures are actually more aspirational than
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punitive. recently, china has also issued guidance to all provinces to build a basic elderly care system by 2025. china is experiencing its 1st demographic downturn since the control of a resolution and in 2020 citizens. $65.00 and older account of for 13.5 percent of the population. so now, provinces are required to implement a list of basic elderly care services based on factors such as economic and social development and financial situation. services include material assistance, nursing and caregiving, and must provide visiting and carry services for elderly living alone. in cities such as shanghai or beijing, the cost of a nursing home ranges from $310.00 per month to $3100.00 a month. in shanghai, only 3 percent of the cities, elderly population is cared for in nursing homes. the majority still remain at home . and they or their families,
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higher and caregiver to provide some form of assistance at a monthly cost of $450.00 to $700.00. to obtain a spot in a nursing home has been incredibly competitive with a wait list of more than 10000 applicants. so for the time being, the chinese government is promoting a 3 tiered senior care system. whereby 90 percent of elders are expected to stay at home 7 percent of the community centers and 3 percent at institutional senior care centers. so for this and more, let's bring in again keith mock. now keith, how did cultural attitudes and expectations influence the approach to long term care costs? i think it definitely affects the quality. so any time we can connect someone with similar cultures, similar language is we certainly do it because care is ultimately about
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communication. if you can't communicate with your client, it becomes very hard to provide quality care. and also another aspect of this is maybe even customs and diet. if, if we can provide a caregiver that understand. ready those 2 aspects of the client and then that becomes much more beneficial and in a much better audience care, which leaves provider outcomes. are there cultural differences that should be considered in developing policies or solutions related to the affordability of long term care? yeah, so i know for us as a, as a private company i hit on a little bit ago just in it with regards to matt, being doing the best match rather making the best match that we can with our clients and their caregiver is viable. and a lot of that comes down to similar interest. uh, similar uh, you know,
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similar backgrounds. and i think that's the biggest thing that i see that needs to be focused on in the home care at least. and how can technology and innovation contribute to making long term care costs more effective? inefficient. yeah, so this started several years ago with the, the, the, the call button is the commercial, the top it out. i phone and i actually get up. and so you know that and that was really the source of technology and it is still a valuable tool today that seniors are able to learn when they've been on the stumble. ready and need assistance, of course, as friends up a bit. since then, you know, a lot of our clients utilize cameras in the home to check in on the client and or their parents, whether our client also at the top end of this or. ready 3 is robust technologies that are helping companies like home instead, and our parent company order efficiently, schedule
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a care caregivers for our clients. taking into account preferences and schedule availability and expertise and knowledge of that's really kind of what we're seeing right now in the technology. there's quite a few companies of buying for that. i'm trying to develop them perfect. it that way, you know, utilizing some other of what you might see what your hoover situation connecting someone right. ready way as quickly as possible, and having flexibility where you're going to locate that caregiver and, and how quickly you're going to be able to get that caregiver to the home. how, how the u. s. government address the growing need for long term care and what policies are in place to support aging populations. so the united states hasn't really trust the was that the home care solutions, you know, as i'm speaking here on behalf of the home and said,
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there's constantly rumors that medicare will include some sort of home care benefit . we have yet to see that. now obviously in terms of medicaid medicaid does have that home care benefit and assisted living benefit but and you know, takes the assets to, to qualify for that often now with medicare, regular, medicare, they do provide that 60 days of care. but a lot of folks mistakenly believe that that will cover extended home care that's typically only for 60 days and only provide. ready by a skilled agency that also happens to employee, maybe caregivers as well. so that skilled agency can supply a skilled nurse can supply p t ot at home health a for 60 days after that is really up to the senior and their families to come up with those solutions or their challenges or advantages associated with rely on family based care system. so family based care systems are,
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are awesome. i think i a long in love with the family, if you can bring in a component of home care to make sure the family isn't getting burned out from the culture here. that, that really sets up the family for success down the road. but obviously the family knows the senior, you know, they're obviously most involved in the senior license. so they're gonna be able to provide some of that desk chair, the 4th floor of the senior. and so anytime with family can be of cause we will come at home instead. in fact, we really view the family as a vital component of this. because ultimately those are advocate and they need to remain involved. because ultimately at the end of the day, the new home care agency or assisted living facility has limited resources and, and limited capabilities. and so the family really needs to be, you know, in charge of the chair and overseeing the chair or the elderly making their own
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decisions when it comes to where and how to spend the rest of their lives. or does the family still have a lot of say in regards to that? yes, so seniors definitely typically take charge of their care in from our conversations with the children of seniors. they often don't look forward to those conversations about having to bring care to the home as so seniors definitely want to say and they continue to have to say at some point, outward forces may change that whether it be changes and in time it says abilities with dementia or all timers, or whether that be financial resources. at some point the children may have to take over the next year as power of attorney has been in take the lead on that. but definitely, while seniors are cognitively able and it says that the able,
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they're definitely in charge of their care and they prefer that way as you might imagine. thank you so much case for all your time today. while it is clear that people are living longer, are they living any better? are these added years healthy years, or does it mean that society will be experiencing more disease and disability? a survey showed that a high percentage of people over the age of 65 have no natural teeth, and a substantial portion experience has at least some level of memory impairment and other chronic conditions. all of this will surely require more assistance and place a heavy burden on society. i'm christy. i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything
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the to re toes you pray. narrative is like the passage of seasons ever changing. we witness as long as it takes 2 to days, just to avoid the fee. providing administration knows victory over rush, it is
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a debt, and now it is satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine. the the the
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h o c i, we were to be whatever details in vegas $8000.00 cows come from l a. a counsel ever because philadelphia they think is a good area just to get good drugs. and so you come down from so you come down or you start to k. no back anal wayne. tell me that you use, you know, family members know you down here or stuff like that. that's why i was saying that there was a kid to lay right here about where sit, that's now bow a, sit down here to my you want to sit down. this is the trenches. we gotta show them. this is like little we sit like this is a literally living exam. yeah. i can
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tell you, i can't tell you too much, but yeah, this is how we live because the government no law give us no money face, no bonus face. and they say nothing though, homeless people was in this building, homeless who were living in a building, they had to shut it down, covered it up, there was a, it got to the point. they got to a point they, they were living so hard. they had to break in a band of building because the government don't want to give us no money. no, it's very bly. but in general, in general, how follows? if i did them there almost died bullet who below. whether it's, it's a booth the ohio. my brother in law died on january 24th 2019 the i shot 30 times and actually kind of scared because i was only 13.
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i rented a window from upstairs on my mom's and opened a window, looked down. i'll just see his body just so we have a new young person in group today. so we're going to start with you. what's your name? how are you, jenna? what's good um, what? what do you here for a vein, wow. view. the, you know, she must have missed something else because that's the case. she wouldn't have a door vehicle the 1st learning and nobody ever really moved vehicle a just maybe like right. so he just like, you know, do something. why would he do that anyway? anyway, all right, yeah,
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that's the vehicle. okay. now what are you a $915.00 and were you here for? well say the wrong place at the wrong time. okay. i'm here for carrying a legal fire um outside of i've only been here for think a month. i've been on house arrest bracelet for a month in 2 days. we've been hired on my account last year and then and i forgot all righty. bye. like how long by like a year. yeah. i've been tell it and it's not like retail is on gama program. and pass and a mr. dan has his cell, the miss sandy loan investment level that got in love with that man. cuz when they doing the, they help me out when you get this message, this case, since the shot to die,
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i gotta i gotta turn off the possibly to the body to body. but i did not understand the, the, to the, with the back door to do want to come in to check up on my name on the genetic thing. i get this thing for my it's really sleep modern. basically, if i could pay you right, just enough money for you to just sleep, wake up and eat, and go back working for me. slaver, instead of, you know, locking up a sleigh, if you just give them enough money for them to be, need, you know, to come back as only revolt, like you jobs the decent around the slot, the cities pull, the con, you saw a lute is free right?
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pop up up cuz the cop to the biggest tube in our, in our man that was the only excuse to do was just trying to find the excuse to lose. and regardless, everyone joined the kids, you know, and it just goes to show like, are these people really needing a lot of a more lot of more for you to say this, how do you live in this is how is that going? yeah, we live is so good that, that there's a whole, that's a whole in the window. they do think they know they get back in there. they get it back in their hey, brittany again, back in for so as people homeless people is getting back in here and here for, for sure. it's like they got ways of getting in there. they got ways of sticking in,
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going to in kid about the only things and stuff in say we gotta, we gotta hardaway live, you know, say a highly the, i'm just tell you all know sit there going to less. okay. 0 right here. so guy are not sure. so i, i think i've seen you before. used to come out here on, on ever, sebastian as i used to use it. and look at what you are bro. what's that? what i say works 6000. i'm at 6 for $1.00 family making a fire. this is crazy man. this is crazy.
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the used to be a security guard. not usually got it on their drugs. that's where by coming down for just to test that out or see where was everything's, was the height was the high football and philadelphia or it gives it to an area. and i say the name for hop punch by the end of these um like the pine all sides, all the crimes, i say the closest word and as a rule, it is a really hot dog. hot dog. yes. mm. the smile, which makes you look like some of these guys, they little guys um, an aspect is that uh why they using
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i've been trying to figure it out to this to many of the last questions so. so if i'm a all right, if i've even been doing it or they tried it when they was kids and then got addicted. how know how to get on. know, i wanna say is of the i should all grow. i should up all a look st. gloves, think, love love, let's think well,
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stay the same. thoughts. jeremy. i know you heard me. i see we've got an is here. we got is a volt, april a. oh gosh, you question guys. real quick question. uh, what makes you bill, and do you think your mom did it to you? oh, you fell. your mom did it. my mom told dad. sorry to hear that. sorry to hear to the so have you seen the liberty bell already? yes. so what do you think about it? what do you think and what, which kind of impressions did you have and what kind of quotes here as well as part of our history? you know, it's
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a big part of our history. and why is it so important? and why is that simple existing as an array of designs, i think it has something to do with our freedom and slavery, and george washington has all of them and it's been cast it twice. i know, that's why philadelphia it is important to the country. why this thing is us, or our founding fathers or from the constitution was written here, i believe, right? yes, quite a lot of american history and i from here, i know i'm not from here. i'm from stay. i don't seem to have that much. the rosie says they seemed a is they have they also still bips races. um not that often as they seem to be in the country a newborn country compare with you can say is this is like the social rights
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big difference between classes. so there's a tier, let's be friends when you're from one race to clearly per things, one class social class, the the so your is your girls really want the one that we just had an amazing time. we had a house here. so that's our annual house here. we do it once a year, around the same time of the year, which is why we want to do october. there's
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a lot of children and adults with mental illness. the main purpose that we have this event every year is because we want our neighborhood to, you know, start working together again. i don't know if you guys notice on the news. i'm fairly that we have a lot of crime. but we're trying to join the older people with a younger people, so that was all understand what's going on as that a you yelling at a young person and being disrespectful because i was raised where i just, i respect, do you respect me? that's just how it goes. so i think that the gap is not bridge anymore because there was like my age, i'm 57. and now those that are to him is all he is doing the stuff that they're doing. because we're not doing the same thing. we were doing a home like eating dinner. how is your day and what did you do today? let's watch a movie desperate again, they're not doing that. and i think that happens a lot with these families. they need to start being together again and working together said this is always wanted to be respect. love a lot of young people, the a lot of love that they're not getting. so we're just trying to bridge the gap because again, it's not bridge right now watching
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a little minute to minute minute or 2 minutes. i want to stage when you come up, i'm hoping to speak to me too. so this will be going to do, right? i'm gonna say a prayer over these to you for years and they won't be the next biggest oxford nor the next big is one of that's going to change our community. the next biggest one is that the you go look up to the next biggest one of the 2 i or was it a cali? cali was in a car. because let's say all the adults why her tale is the top. i need you all to pour into them. whatever drew you. they got a news on a porn soon to them so they can change the generation here with me. so we go and pray for these 2. i hear your father, god. thank you right now for the god. this is the day that you had made right now. father got. i got to special you right now? probably guy, the city of philadelphia father got the 3 over there life right now for the guy to, to keep them safe to, to keep their families by safe. i know by the guy that people come important to the life right now for the guy, the cheese, the world right now, while the guy that was doing the thing that you do the, to the, to the world right now probably got to change the generation right. now for the guy
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to the w to double, they get the loss right now while the guy, but we got suppose to right now for the guy, we got you the turn around right now. why the guy? we got you the right to the originators, right down by the guy, the guy who wants to break the right now for the guy to just be over there like right now. finally got the overall that you've been on is always you pull this vehicle, the guy would you choose their inventory right now. finally got the car. i'm are executive and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, you do not want to my new shells. seriously. why watch something that's so different, several opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and
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whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you can do video of alleged to abuse by an officer today. the sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talked to her sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just this quiet student in the class. someone looks the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and other other is present. this is what's wrong with the poorly be on discipline. black church, he was there, enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote,
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disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people never gonna change your mind. so people will never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. the the what does it fall while it oh, which is hopeless then you got me while you got me. you got there is no it is nice. this nice thanks. well things were appreciated. we right now and to send their body, give back to some homeless and people that needs we don't explain it to me
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because our communities were really up to the point. i have nobody to give back every day shift. so i'm gonna go back to the, you know, home that he let us go go right here is people are, you see, is it the drivers side, the visa visa piece are too much. it's a good, bigger, pretty go through the do you want to do you want to size or size piece or do you want one? yeah, it sounds good. yeah. no problem. what size? what size yeah, of course. cool. very guy we do. we just grab a mom drive, i mean what,
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what do you need to lock up? the people that are drug addict, there's a fixed of, you know, there's been done to lock them up. you gotta lock them in a clinic or somewhere like somewhere where they could rebuild it saved themselves by just certain drugs. they take the tangled cold turkey going cold. turkey is like going through withdrawals, and a lot of these drugs both the withdrawal. so it's really hard giving them money would kill them. you know, like if you would give them any form of money, they'll die. so you just gotta give them several very back to the
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n. oh, i'm sorry. of the we need more people. so how do you mean the firewall now, when you leave here in the name of 1990 and by our the 1st year and in your when i 1st read them. and so the things changed throughout the years where this is a change, but i got worse to get a better grace and god and now community. maybe i read
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this, there is a full desert and so we distribute food at least twice a month and we care about we have a full distribution that gives out so much for uh over to tons of food. so the community and we have over 3 or 400 people that come out, ask since about 500 people that come out to sort of old distribution. and today we have our annual community events. and when we do the community day, we have the fully market. we have choirs come out, we have food trucks come out. and we advertise to the community for about 2 months
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. and we advertise to a congregation cups without giving hey, rob the, the save our children in the same room and deliver them out of getting to the day with the badge that to kill that goose fail. and to destroy the deep depression that comes with poverty. and i think that like you asked, is it isn't worse today than it was yes to years. i would think that it has gotten worse because the population is growing in the course. and if you look around, there's many neighborhoods that are the plight of as,
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as gone. many more banding buildings and in, in the, in the city. and the economy is say, we need more money to, to operate this is say to the checks for respect. so we get a bit of that by go to morrow, gives me that there was a, as i'm done with the model, that's always, always on the wall. no, i can't. i didn't want to say we had no. where's there now? but yes, we have in the worst air right now. look this up. i know a little bit of research on it and looked at as an area as i want to see, or from like 19 something. this whole area is been they've been stuff gone. even people ever in this area for years. so it's like a taps been around for as long as they're what they do and you said they were
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trying to do with me with every human animal in minnesota. they had a few scenes out here. they have of a bonus, half of others, they're kind of do it as cash and black in reality to use as the one house you got curfew, but we were still don't a finding, a way around that i think was really is where is area. and cuz you know, where is there because as i they, they got as they got as light save, tied to, to the they got it to the point i liked the house of the house and down here is, is, is discussing and say, you think and then it's freedom, tens of turn. yeah. yeah. you ever heard there's, would you rather were freedom or um safety? which one? safety, safety?
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oh well we got freedom but. but can it be safe and 3, at the same time. you heard of north korea. they're not free. barely any crime though. i mean they're say it's, you're not free. they're all, they're not free to get their own haircut. your stop to say it's enough freedom to where they still live because sleep on the street, they feel safe. and there is almost like big group together where you feel free, you know so many people die there. yeah, that's true. what can you say? that's freedom. ok. there is a fireplace. curious and yeah. always we get on edge all of a raise. you got to read, she make me do it much, a try that behind it and try that here. and i think we got to look at what the difference between freedoms of and freedom from is. i feel like recently
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a lot of the freedoms from we are losing, you know, we, we shouldn't have to or in the richest nation on earth, die of diseases because our health care system hasn't broken. right? so, you know, freedom from unnecessary suffering for, you know, medical hardship because of a lack of money, you know, or insurance. what have you sick offer? what don't got. you got to get better. you, you go to the hospital yet what you need to go to help you said with a kind of libertarian unregulated capitalism that we're falling into
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. i think, you know, you have a few people that are able to exploit the powers that money gives them to negatively impact, very large numbers of people by remove theme or decreasing their ability to afford the kind of lives that they want to live go. that is like the look ms. our lives, like we normally stays in because these are these. he normally leaves the plant too long. really young boys used to have fun as now to the point. look at it was, they're running their tent came right in there. you can't, there's nothing in there is like truly getting worse and worse every year. and as we go, would you like to leave this area? i would love to leave this area are visit a color space,
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but i would definitely love to leave this area. i can't leave this area cuz it's like my asset cuz family lives names as well. i'm using i to my body here. legal. make it all the legal, make it out. you know, for you to is using our brothers point jarvis. now are you talking to the guy in our time? ain't gotta shadley losing this problem. as people living here, guy here. this, this is. so my home right here. this is the want, this is so my lady has got to eat sleep. take a p, a number 2, that's what they do here right here. this is the house, the bill to shine. do like to rainy days. this they homebuyer or anything i was 0. see they land on the floor, got tags,
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the government, staff, asian, did they want staff that blue states? no, i mean, so it means i just don't want to stop the problem. i think so, the oh, the the after the end of world war 2, the national liberation movement,
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it'd be an intensified dramatically, haven't driven away the japanese occupiers. the vietnamese patriots by no means wanted the return of the former french colonizers. but brands did not want to lose the rich colony and decided to beat the opposition by board. in december 1946, a full scale war broke out. the main victory addict organization led by o g man inflicted heavy losses on the french. the invaders were in rage, according to western historians, up to 250000 lives of peaceful beaten. these were on their contents. the colonialists widely used the practice of mass rape of b. it means women as revenge on the guerrillas. in 1947, the french destroyed the village of knights rock, murdering 170 women, and 157 children. however, terror did not help. in 1954, the vietnamese defeated the french army and the decisive battle of gen, being full,
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almost $12000.00 french soldiers and officers, including the commander, general de categories. and his command staff were captured. the configuration of a huge garrison had a demoralizing effect in europe. the french laughed vietnam, but they were replaced by even more violent and much stronger invaders. the american hard times were awaiting vietnam. again the, the,
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the very toes you pray. narrative is like the passage of seasons ever changing. we witness as long as it takes 2 to days, just to avoid the fee, providing ministration, those victory over rush. it is a dead and now it is satisfied with the slow destruction of ukraine. the we could assume they did it by accident. it's a crime either way. if that's the case, it's a crime of negligence. but we will not forget about the crimes they commit against our citizens who they may appear to income fence. that's a russian military transport plane. turning 65 ukrainian soldiers for president exchange was shut down by a us supplied patriot missile. pushed to save some of this was how you get back to the the other issue is,


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