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tv   News  RT  January 31, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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rails, when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for common ground, the the, we could assume they did it by accident. it's a crime either way. if that's the case, it's a crime of negligence, but we will not forget about the crimes they commit against our citizens. or the mean boots, income firms, that's a russian miniature transport playing turn 65. you couldn't use soldiers for prisoner exchange, for shut down by a us supplied h admit site. and this would help me get some practice was the other issue. i'm so for the phones you understand, and this when to 6350 adults the janine house because all the details, how is there any forces disguised in civilian clothing, infiltrate to the facility and executed the 3 postings in this sleep?
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also had the 1st human has been fitted with an implants from the long must company nearly which allows uses to operate phones and computers through the power of thoughts we have from a public guest. the technology in the wrong hands could lead to affective remote control of individuals by the state or by a corporate state hybrid the from july from us studio. hey, it must go your watching to see. my name's peter scott's here with all the very latest visitors name on that's a top story. this our 195 russian soldiers have been brought home following an exchange of prisoners of war with ukraine on wednesday. the fried russian troops which unsupported to moscow for medical treatments, for the swap which the united arab emirates participated in the just exchange had been scheduled for january. the 24 couldn't take place as the russian military
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transport costs. finally, a cleaning business was shut down by kias forces spokesperson for the russian foreign ministry. expressed relief that the prison exchanges can continue. of the transfer of prisoners was supposed to take place on january 24th. but it was sub attached by the zalinski regime, which gave the order to destroy the eel, $76.00 military transport aircraft carrying ukraine and military personnel for exchange. the tragedy has raised fee is but key of use the situation to suspend these exchanges indefinitely or abandon them altogether. we note that this did not happen. meanwhile, the russian president for the may pretend has confirmed the military transport plane turning 65 ukrainian service vend for business will, will shut down by an american supply to patriot miss. a use be to some of the genocide use the size for the fact that they shut down the plane where their soldiers were. i don't have an answer. we could assume they did it by accident. it's a crime either way. if that's the case, it's a crime of negligence. we're not going to stop the exchanges. we've got our own
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guys to return. everything has been cleared from the information field, but we will not forget about the crimes they commit against our citizens. the plan was shut down. this has already been established for sure, by the american patriot system. it's been confirmed by expert analysis by tomorrow post, and it was mainly focusing on domestic issues and ways to improve the quality of life for their russian citizens. this is, after all, let's not forget to election season though for him. but when it comes to ukraine, he did say that russia will never forgive the crimes committed by the key of regime against the russian citizens. and of course, that fateful crash, which was also killed russian citizens, is one of the situations that in russia has always maintained that it was ukraine behind the crash that they were the ones that shut it down. and now we know that it was done using a us made patriot mix out til and once again to us from one of us. this was on the 24th of january when it happened, and it killed all 74 people on board,
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including 65 ukrainian po, w's out. russia is demanding, once again an international investigation and is planning to push back the neutralized zone. and ukraine doesn't move with this. the militarization line shouldn't be of such a distance from our territory that it would insure security from foreign made long range weapons that the ukranian authorities use to show peaceful cities. i was just talking about what our guys are doing in the different direction. our troops are doing almost exactly the same thing along the entire contact line. this is what they are doing. they are pushing the enemy away from the important populated areas of russia. that's what we'll do. the ukranian armed forces shut down our ill $76.00 plane, which was carrying $65.00 of their own service been intended for a swamp. i don't know why they did it. i don't understand. it's not clear why they are showing peaceful cities. there are several objectives to divert the attention of their own population and sponsors from the failures of the so called counter offensive to show that they can do something. and to provoke us to respond
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a week after that fateful crashed way. so once again, a prisoner exchange took place on wednesday. so a $195.00 russian soldiers were exchanged, $495.00, the crazy and prisoners of war. so a lot of families will, of course, be very happy today. so just the officer, that's a plane was brought down by that us made miss solid. did the president have anything more to say about western military to support your trade? well, of course, it raises a lot of questions about a washington's culpability, because they are the ones of course supplying mainly ukraine with weapons and the shells. but right now we're seeing that it's very critical time for you training because as we know, and it's been written everywhere and documented by now that ukraine is running out of weapons, it's funding. that'll munition and it's funded out of money. so this is a very critical time and e countries, america, they're all trying to make sure that
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a gets to ukraine as soon as possible because they understand that ukraine bull not when on its own. and so on the thursday, there is an emergency i. e u meeting where they're supposed to discuss unable. okay . uh 50 plus a $1000000000.00 of additional aid to ukraine. we know in the us support, they're installing republicans are blocking additional aid. so washington tens cents money, kansas weapons there in europe. it's a similar situation because we know that hungry as well from that and the us become and so desperate that they have this easy to emergency summit on thursday for on wednesday, on the eve they sense. so the leaders of 5 e u countries and we have germany, denmark, the check for the public as sonya and the netherlands, they sent an open letter to the financial times. well, they're explaining why it's so important to signed ukraine money now. and they're also acknowledging that they failed to send the one to 1000000 shelves that they've
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promised that you probably need so badly by the 1st of march. let's see some more. what was in that letter? we must renew our results and redouble our efforts in order to ensure that we sustain all support for as long as it takes. we will continue to explode options and invite allies and partners to co funds initiatives. and we've also heard that positions that a certain e u countries are not doing enough. for example, they're saying up front, it's liam. spain are not pulling their weights and an arm and ukraine. so there's a lot of that also internally going on. but the main problem for the easier right now is a 4th hungry victor, oregon, who's been blocking this and he said that he doesn't want to see the bunch of news to minutes arise ukraine. he wants to eat a bunch of loose for other reasons. and then we're lead plans are gonna lead by the financial times where apparently the e u is planning to punish hungary is on thursday. make the organ does indeed fall off this additional $50000000000.00 in
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a and how are the funding to punish hungry their crimes and bring it to its meetings. and there is a very detailed plan of how they're planning to ruin hungry, basically financially. and this is what they call democracy. they have a voting system, but a few votes against what we want and we'll then we will this for you. so this is of course on the heard of, on the you does have a plan b. so if the organ does block this, and this doesn't go through, there is a plan where you can choose, can individually send a to, to ukraine box. this has to be approved by that parliament in each country individually. so this will take time and ukraine doesn't have time and they know that. so this is why they're urgently coming up with plans. threats, as we've seen blackmail, even when it comes to victor, oregon. so be very interesting. the seats vault. this will only suit, especially at the emergency meeting. it almost feels like the, the frame right now is this hot potato. they know that you can kind of went on that song. they want to send that money, but they can, they're unable to because the categories within each of this country within the us,
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they cannot be in boston, said, and they don't know what to do. so there, this seems to be turning against each other. moving on to other news now view and has denounced unlawful killings by the idea of to is really soldiers disguised as civilians. and fortunately to the hospital and salt 3 sleeping palestinians dead, the organization also called on israel to end the blood shed in the west bank, where kings have been on the rise since october, the 7th adult to the janine the hospital targeted. so it is more about the andre of the day at $530.00 and the so any forces cameron inside the house, because the thing to be in the anecdote is, and also they have the same law since they went to the one on one floor where they attacked the music and stuff, and the then they go inside totaled and can do 3 people that one of those people is ation to have been in depth tens of over 2023. he has
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a but on this is in has no of names that make him handicapped. so he needs a hell in order to do his daily activities on the move and leaving to go to bathroom. so he needs companions near him, one of those continue and that's what killed the during the open ocean was his brother and the other was his friend. so actually they can, those are to be eaten the go outside the house, get the push through a few items here from this one house and you get a impact on that. and the other issue is really good stuff with on. so you on safe and this when to fix, to make it differently on data action bought on dance practice. with the latest video searchlight taken on social media shows the operation buys very special forces, trusting adults as uniforms on civilian clothing. they've been seen a hospital that you have claims it was targeting. how about spices hiding inside the facility? but the officials, the hospital insists the individuals receiving to the local health ministry. it has
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condemned the rate this is a crime that is recorded in the register of crimes committed by the occupation. excellency, the minister of health, stressed in a statement and called on all international institutions and the world health organization to stand up and meet their responsibilities, encompassing this phenomenon and holding them accountable for thousands of guidance . so thoughts in the funeral procession for the 3 palestinians killed in the attack for the shows women wanting the loved ones. as men carried the bodies through the streets. we heard from some of the family members and friends of those killed to the weekend, the martyr mohammed, because we was my friend from 1st. great, thank god, he was one of the martyrs. today, mohammed was with his brother in hospital. the brothers were injured almost 4 months ago. special forces wearing civilian clothes and freighters robs,
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came and assassinated 2 of them along with the 3rd martyr mohammed jolanda young. the mission of mohammed grew up with a childhood full of aspirations to live in his free country. just like any other person born on that land. however, he found himself living under occupation where his ambition was to experience life like children in free countries, in a land where he could live in peace and security. unfortunately, as he grew older, he came to the realization that the occupation was damaging the land and denying children their lawful rights on a duty. uh, what is this to the us state department fails to see if any of them doing in the deadly house. so let's act, it says it israel, so free to combat terrorism even if the electric service are in a hospital bed. israel, of course, has the right to carry out operations to bring tears to justice. but those operations need to be conducted in full compliance with the international
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humanitarian law, the those operations, instead of going into hospitals and murdering people in their, in their bath, regardless of whether they're so the, you know, this, they are suspected or so even known parents. so that, okay with you. so there was a lot in the premise of that question. obviously they, we did do know that they went in, well, you know, thing all i went in until you complete people who were completely innocent. so let me say that is in think that then you would be condemning it. all right, we certainly would, but i would say that is realized since these were i'm us offered is they have said that one of them was carrying a gun at the time of the operation. so, but as a general matter, they do have the right to carry out operations to bring tears to justice, but they need to be conducted they living in the hospital. so we want them to conduct their operations and compliance with their national humanitarian law. we would generally say that we don't want them to carry out operations in hospitals,
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but under international humanitarian law, hospitals do lose some of their protections if they are being used to for the planning of terrorist operations. the washington bureau chief of the protest, any newspaper our codes also got involved in the war of words. and i just spoke to us saying that the us is direct to blame for israel's actions. and god my colleagues do re these issues here tie every day. i mean, we raise the switches, but that does not mean that these issues get answered or they get asked up properly . i think that they and i said so shamelessly conducted itself since the beginning of this awful genocide or that is that is what has conducted on god. so it has given it all the support as a lives on an american umbilical court. but, you know, i mean, let's be fair, not that any of a and their national power stepping forward to say, this is unacceptable and willing to take measures. this is something that is real that day in and day out,
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completely lawless. it's not really the conduct and that was my point is now that kind of that of a state. this is the conduct of gangsters and they do it day in and day out. they do it against kids in schools, in clinic, in the hospital. every way, i mean what you see this on daily basis, they kill people take their body and them up, you know, probably steal the oregon. and so they have done this for very, very long time. and no one is doing anything about it. so yeah, you have feels that, that does have eh, you know, she, they can conduct this with the immunity. they will continue to do this. as long as they, they, they get, cover, weapon, money, and shit. the protection by the united states of america has been more than 10 days since odyssey is lost. con, sites with regular contributes of from gaza months. so schumann, who i witnesses say, has been arrested by his ready forces. we spoke with bunches,
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colleague and friend, honey on mcgarry. it's sold as well as he knows about the disappearance on the, on the list. i wasn't attend with a group of journalists or the nozzler medical complex months or was focused on reporting and delivering messages about the various massacres in garza for the for and media. we had no time to rasp who worked around the clock to show the latest by a social media. there was a huge amount of engagement on through was conveying the truth. because is really accounts claim that palestinians are the executioner. is riley's all the innocent victims. we recently lost our crew and with it the ability to deliver our message and spread news of the crimes committed by the occupies to prevent their falsification. since the truth is what is captured by our press cameras and gaza. so we started to search for our crew and month sort to learn about their fate. eye witnesses told us that they had been arrested while others told us that they had
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been targeted. we don't want to give credibility to this account because we don't know anything for a certain yet. the most likely outcome is that they were arrested is really occupation deals with everyone and got the same way. we are all targeted, even though journalists are supposed to have special protection, according to the geneva conventions, which would prevent journalist from being target. this is real breaks all of these agreements. i am very afraid for the remaining members of my family, especially since they have been displaced on more than one occasion. i fear for my life and the life of the remaining members of my family, the washington and london's unlawful and provocative actions, post direct threats, international peace. the statements of the russian invested. it's a view and during the lights of security council meeting, the session was aimed at addressing the west and strikes and the red sea. as soon as the south african case to the international court of justice, isabel's actions and goss the recently used to unless we collect where is the
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aggressive actions by our security council colleagues, the width and the okay in the red sea, remind us of that barbaric and illegal nature bomb because of us love you again, it's time iraq, libya and syria, at the same time that these are still fighting terrorism and right of self defense is exploited shamelessly. we categorically comes them the aggression against you haven't conducted without approval by the un security council. we had again stressed that the unlawful and provocative actions by washington and london, both a direct threat to international peace and security, and undermine the global order based on the supremacy of international rights and the central role of the you in the united nations security council. the 15 member body that leads the united nations convened to meet and that began with a briefing about the dire humanitarian circumstances facing those in gaza. the rising gaps told the wounded, etc. then from there we heard from various countries talking about the situation
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and how they view the response of international bodies to it. now the palestine representative to highlighted the efforts by the western countries to cut their funding into the united nations relief works agency, which they say may have been involved in terrorism. and because of that, they are cutting their funding, the palestinian representative made clear that that has very serious consequences for those on the ground in gaza and elsewhere. the u. n helps, the palestinian people said live remain in the land and is the ones to approve them as because the u. n. is the forum where palestinian lights for the most to settle determination under it and have been recognized. and is the ones to deny and dissolve these rights? and it's cut on foreign minister has accused the commission on a general model of being a supporter of that is in and out today,
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just and despicable claim. is it a, a has laws campaigns against you? uh no fish is oh no, the law is the perfect example of the success of the you and we should all of us be proud that we have an organization like on our was in the you and system that has been doing a remarkable job. instead of missing in a humanitarian way, the millions over the, by this time refugees for the 75 years as it is our collective duty to protect it. there was also harsh criticism from china, of the countries that are cutting their support for the united nations relief works agency china emphasize the need for a ceasefire. the need for de escalation and seemed very critical of the countries that seem to be getting in the way of international bodies. moving ahead and trying to bring the fighting to a close or at least
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a pause. good yourself. we do need you that has long been overwhelming consensus and international community for an immediate cease fire. yes, it's regrettable that certain countries are assisted in that obstruction with a passive attitude. real security cannot be achieved by military means and the protracted fighting cause it will only lead to more casualties and wider regional instability making peace in the middle east. more elusive formula which is play that indispensable and replaceable roles and alleviating the humanitarian disaster in gaza is the hope for survival for more than 2000000 postings. we should not dismiss, under wise work in its entirety based on the actions of a few individuals. nor should we see support for the underwater at the time when it's most needed. which would mean cutting off the lifeline for the people with gaza. and leading to additional collective punishment for the palestinian people, south africa, the country that recently brought charges against israel. and the international court of justice addressed the meeting and had quite a bit to say about how the court's ruling indicates,
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the israel's activities must cease. that it is committed crimes against the people violations of international law. the decision by the court must be decisive. victory for the interview is no rule of law and a significant milestone in the search for justice, for the police to name people. notably, south africa will continue to do everything within his power to preserve the existence of the past. and people as a group to n o x of a party in genocide against the palestinian people. now, russian and bass, none of them see, i emphasize the legality of the recent us strikes on yahoo and the response of the western countries to the red sea crisis and how it simply does not match what resolutions were passed before the un security council. and it's not an appropriate response to the situation. the emphasis of a number of countries about the need for a ceasefire,
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and at the escalation of fighting, as seems to be a theme that we heard throughout the meeting. however, the united states and its allies continued to stand pretty firmly behind israel and we've known to, to technology and use. now the 1st human has been fitted with an implants from either most companies, neuro link. and it's allows uses to control phones or computers through the power of thoughts. most success, the initial application for the tech will be people who are unable to use their limbs. i think that's initial results by promising the 1st human received an implant from neurologic yesterday and is recovering well initial results show promising neuron spiked detection lilia, my colleague rachel, rubles spoke with a bundle of guess who should the thoughts on this technological break to do? what's your take on this innovation? do you see this as a huge leap forward for science? i'm kind of 5050 on this much on a monday because uh, on one hand,
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i see it as a data chip later. this comes from people cutting values. but as far as a globalization of these technology, i think it's kinda solve the same issues we'll be having with the other technologies. so, mazda phones, i don't think these, i'm either the vantage to with a normal people with them properly walking names. i'd also like to show them over the phone and the substance history without biological, which i'm skeptical about that gives him additional body to just not those down to maybe they do for the difficulties, especially when moving their limbs. i think that's going to be added up last event, moving that direction. obvious benefits of, of users being able to manipulate matter using their own thoughts and interfacing with computers. but there are definitely prospects for abuse and control at stake here. and that is brain computer interfacing
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easily and seamlessly could slide into brain cloud interfacing, which means effectively 2 way transmission of information from the individual to the cloud and vice versa from the cloud to the individual. that means effectively the ability to read minds and to introduce cloud originating information into a subjects brain. i think that the technology go about a year or so really interesting is tied from bad compatibility. and that is a biggest problem in the kinds, easiest way isn't your own interface is. so basically this is a wire transfer the inches by the brain tissue again, rejected by the human body is excellent, but so there is still ex professional. but these improvements and materials and also the such improvements needed to be in the technologies, for example, such as
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a rewarding san diego, there is a future potential. this technology is uh, really incredible. in future this, you'll be able to even the, from the source towards the side of when people and this year and all the people. so i mean this above the think about a compensation of flow functions. but at least we will be also about the organization over to me, but it is beautiful. and together with their bodies, acknowledges that person will be able to control unity. why? so this is applied or she's a her by for example, and next or have smart home. do i see the gosh tools and so on. i be skeptical about that actual just as normal district, but i don't think it's going to be mandatory call maybe that with for the future as much as you like to be. but uh, most probably should be the solution for those people who might be having at the dishes or even controlling some electronic devices. are they more lee?
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and also there's a with the high side or the issue that you've been having with all of your other technologies. i really lod eagle on mosque and i do not denigrate his intentions, which i believe are noble. but the technology in the wrong hands could lead to affective remote control of individuals by the state or by a corporate state, hybrid low over to african. now, where the economic union of the confidence western states eco was face is that on. so it's and future as of the key to fossil molly anesha announced the withdrawal from the block, excuse me, it's about and seeing in the interest of 4 nations, the 3 countries issued a joint state minutes on sundays. so announced the exits. this follows sanctions by eco was against them and threat spot of both to re establish the initiative and governments that was overthrown and administer to last july. yeah, and molly, i'm picking up also wanted to move would be a breach of something say,
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dean of the gonna armed forces come on, did stuff college, but the minute on 3 done so. so, so the eco was applied to was pressure which forced the countries to look it is important to note that after the bureaus to see these 3 countries. so what was, what was the variable style? very but it was that it was suspended. the assumptions were police and them and then the brakes were so serious. for example, that was threatened to go to the judge to reinstate the ousted government number to the 3 countries. i've always felt that it was this issue on the was not coming from it was that there was a long hand of friends and you're forcing it was because we see them that we will accuse such a fee clear that they're going to you for them to be that the air force together
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because there such as with biking, the set of those who do i think economic kind of oppression. so you know more of themselves as do you agree that people certainly did the games or because the people. so this is the genesis of all the think it all, ricky, now we can cover their vacuum as well as the book. see them fairly at all. the threats were many, the sensors were bite. and then that people also felt that it was as much to have the flight. it gives g i. d 0 the gym and media outlets built as reports of did. so it gives you the president, richard, inside the ones justice and development policy is establishing and affiliated policy in germany. it's a complex, the european parliament selections. this june, bill described him and his democratic alliance for the rest, the awakening, cordova, as the latest offshoots of the ones policy of chapman and co founder,
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has since denied that the newly established policy has any links to the took his government. we spoke with the da va, vice president, most stuff at your desk. it says that the german press narrative is incorrect. we have, we have the feeling that our feelings, which is dreams are being represented by the subject parties in germany. so it was necessary to found a new policy in movement and to represent our people. this is a big lie that the government press is telling about us that we are driven or run by and also the concrete or government we are free. the property is founded by german citizen with turkish origins and we are standing there and we are paid our payments from our own pockets. we are
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never gets any single sent.


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