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tv   News  RT  February 1, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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to is it possible to have peace in this region ever again? the us more than a dozen countries join the us, the e u in suspending funds to the u. n. refugee agency for palestinians fierce grow faster lives of the entire civilian population of gals that are on the line. this is the beginning of health because there are 2200000 refugees. people displays from the north through the south. it is a major disaster situation when r y is the only party that supports the public, people is going to defend the attacks over the past 2 days of affected 50 percent of the hospitals, capacitance as 40 age beds were taken out of service by the showing that the 2 floors designated for the wounded and the sick we hear from the doctor out in
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northern cal is in the hospital last spring ball multiple times buying israel as the un cries, fall over the escalating she military and disaster across the under fire in place. also coming up in the program this summer, the rest of actions by our security council colleagues, the width and the okay, in the red seat, remind us of the barbaric and illegal length of bomb because of yugoslavia, afghanistan, iraq, libya and syria. las go slums, washington and london for a bombing the cookies. i made us claims that it's military has shut down. yeah, many under really in drones, the premier, catching the program from today across the world. welcome to the global news roundup on our to international top united nations to monitoring committee has urged western nations to reconsider their decision to freeze funding for the un
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relief and works agency for palestinian refugees. now we got a reaction to the move dollar by 17 countries plus the u from desperate civilians in gather or the day it says, this is the beginning of health because there are $2200000.00 refugees. people displays from the north through the south, and they are without shelter, food, drink or anything. if food is not available for this people, then, then we are heading towards the family and a disaster. yeah, that is the worst in the history of humanity. i believe in peace time, we was 70 percent dependent on underwood aid under was schools and free health services. what do you expect to happen to us now? when many countries reduce the aid provided to underwater? mostly the cobra. it is a major disaster and a catastrophic situation when are what is the only body that supports the palestinian people. and it is the only one that has the ability to provide
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assistance. well, western states were quick to suspend funding for on right after is real accused. dozens of the agencies, employees of taking part in the october 7th terrorist attack. the allegation sparked outrage among major donors so far. 17 countries plus the e. u help temporarily pause their donations and while the un has valid an investigation, the heads of 15 agencies up the world body have warned of an impending collapse of think she monetary and system in gas it. we got more reaction from the bowels far socket. spokes person for the palestinian red crescent society. this, this is in kim's, and i'll call on one of the one we're calling on. we once more did you meet your needs to get into garza and we need to collaborate together as a human nature?
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yes. and all humanitarian agency is to be able to respond to the scale of emergency exhaust. and we are, and there's a need for the old efforts to be able to provide our human utility and services to the people that can cause 2. i need the, the sufferings of over 2000000 civilians in casa, yesterday. we have run out to do blood and then display speed to have the lead to the blood to save lives. we do have shortage of medicine and make a medical supply as well. and now with food, we would want to flee into the patients that wanted to people as well as townsend's office. please, people who are taking shampoo and the staff. we have limit them in for the display people. and for our son to only one need a day since the beginning of the escalation, we have seen as red as targeting civilians targeted and health care workers,
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hospitals, and ambulances. and all who is there is justification, which is absolutely most of the time and not right and wrong. and it's just accusations because because they want to justify anything. they are doing civilians on healthcare workers and all should be protected. i'm not targeted. the wild d u. n. word and stuff that she monetary and situation in gauss is becoming even more dire doctors out a northern hospital there that's being bombed by the idea of several times in recent days are struggling to provide aid after the facility was heavily damaged. looked a reporter, my mood sub i filed this from the c to me was such that i was at the most if i think this is the out of hospital in the tellos, a tower area of northern guys. um, they just come under a number of strikes throughout the war. need this really artillery directly targeting the building. we can now speak with local dr. muhammed sally la,
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please tell us about the conditions at the hospital after the repeated attacks by the idea of national. we have been providing health services to the citizens of northern gauze from the beginning of these rarely aggression or the hospital was besieged rate team days. and it was targeted full times, many of its medical personnel were killed, in addition to the rest of the hospital direct and some of its employees. all of this is jeopardize the health care system in northern garza and the work of our hospital administrative. but can you to just what sort of direct impact have these really strikes had on the medical services and clinical capacity of the hospital? as i said, the fat and the attacks of, of the past 2 days of affected 50 percent of the hospitals capacity as $48.00 pads were taken out of service by the shelling of 2 floors designated for the wounded and the sick. these rules are the 2 flaws allocated to doctors without borders of strategic partners at all of the hospital. we are a non governmental organization that has been working for 5 years,
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treating the wounded in northern god. so we have many partnerships such as the world health organization and doctors without borders. in addition to partnerships with all united nations organizations, we've been submitting distress cool signs groups on a daily basis. some of these international organizations coordinate to the entry of medical aid, but we're unable to deliver this aid hedge you to these really of the patient preventing them from doing so many medical aid convoys are blocked and we kind of bring them here from southern gaza. yeah, so far they had, they had to do things. these are systematic is really strikes to undermine and we can the health care system and northern gaza window, but that's it. as 11. how not since the beginning of the aggression we have seen the israeli occupation forces targeting medical facilities and the health care sector. in general. many government hospitals were hips. we are non governmental hospitals, but we have been targeted more than once. they're seeking to attack everything related to the health sector in northern garza to completely overwhelm the medical
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systems. a thank you, dr. isn't he? yeah, it's, yes, i'm a one. so a clearly systematic policy by these really occupation forces to restrict and undermine the strength and capabilities of hospitals. here in northern guys, i'm a mid the continuing idea of aggression and bombing of the enclave. well, let's take, you saw us in the enclave to con eunice. where workers from the world health organization of my list to deliver essential supplies to the in bottled nestor hospital, the small bits of good news comes and made reports that the local citizens and the devastated area running out of food. crowd gathered upon the arrival of the w h. o convoy. as the aid was distributed to more than a 1000 patients of the hospital, dr. se palestinian children are especially vulnerable to epidemics, sparked by a critic, a lack of a central resources as well have done a move. this is
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a vivid example of the spread of outbreaks and dangerous diseases due to the overcrowding of displaced people at the hospital. and the lack of cleaning and sanitation industry, for example, this child is suffering from a fungal skin disease on the head. and this is not the only case as to many others have been recorded at this hospital. they hit in special ed this coverage. meanwhile, any countries providing military aid to israel could be complicit in genocide. that's the star warning from so the for gets top diplomats us pictorial purges the west this stuff it's flow of support to israel in the wake of the international court of justice instructing tel aviv to prevent quote, genocide lacks by the i d, f r t dot com as all the details, the, the u. s. military say, is it shocked on 3 rainy and then 10?
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yeah, many drones in the red sea region. the incident comes and made an ongoing intervention by the u. s. u. k, against the who tease over their attacks on civilian ships, off the coast, the un security council has gathered to mould the crisis. russia accuses the west of posing a real threat to peace there to the resume reduce to electric, collect where's the aggressive actions by our security council colleagues, the west and the okay. in the red sea, remind us of the barbaric and illegal match. the bombings of yugoslavia, afghanistan, iraq, libya, and syria. at the same time, the thesis of fighting terrorism and right of self defense is exploited shamelessly . we categorically comes them the aggression against him and conducted without approval by the un security council. we had against stress that the unlawful and provocative actions by washington and london, both a direct threat to international peace and security, and undermine the global order based on the supremacy of international rights and
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the central role of the un. meanwhile, the us census around is to blame for a recent strike buying a rocky militant group that recently killed 3 american soldiers to a base in the border zone between syria and lebanon. washington claims the militants are really in proxy, a claim which has been denied by officials in the islamic republic. and as washington weighs, its retaliation options. the us us already had bach militias in the region several times over the past number of months. on october 27th, us fighter jets truck to weapons and ammunition storage sites in eastern syria that were used by it runs on groups as well as in the run back melisha. so you have
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any cruelties began targeting red c shipping in november, saying they were hitting is really linked, nestled in support of palestinians in gal, sir u. s. and u. k. on forces responded with strikes and the rebels who have since the 3rd american british interest to be legitimate targets as well. meanwhile, us republican presidential hopeful nikki haley has made an explosive statement urging washington to assassinate the leaders of a rock. syria. you're saying now is the time to hit or on? now's the time to hit their leaders. it's different, don't go and bomb the go to our infrastructure, the infrastructure in a rack in syria. you start with that 1st you do the sanctions and you take out a couple of their leaders. that's the way in their country in there. if they're in their culture, you do like solo money. when they left the country, you figure out where they are, our special operations can do that. and then you take them out. nikki haley with
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a foreign policy idea there. well, us or her doctor, this sort of longer saves nikki here. least statements reflect the failure of american policy across the middle east ridge to the corporate media. she says exactly what the bible says, what trump said, what obama said, i always talk tough, threatened countries and po sanctions, targeted assassinations, and list troops and war. really no new, nothing new. she's talking about all. let's have some new sanctions. serious been under sanctions more than 20 years for rock 34 years and continuing around since 1979. 0, that's 45 years. so the sanctions continue, the targeted assassinations continue. what it means, it says failed, failed, failed policy, of a dying empire. frankly, no new thinking about how to cope with this. just make the same big threats and,
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and keep on making the same actions. it doesn't matter really. it's what impacts us profit us corporate power, and it isn't stopping any of these countries from asserting their right to be free of us. true. and. and that is what a rock is demanding. they've been calling for us troops out for quite some time now . ok, moving the program, all know a secret work force that exploits forced labor tucked into by major american companies. the associated press news agency has published a shocking investigation into how world famous brands are using present labor, with conditions close to slavery. according to the reports that's present labor in the us is a multi $1000000000.00 industry with convicts working on farms in manufacturing
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facilities where they produce everything from mattresses to solar panels and even in the service industry in major retail and fast food chains. former prisoners interviewed for the report, say the employment conditions are quote, terrible with workers frequently beaten by on guards. they allege as well. the investigation identified some of the high sol bruns. well, no one will switch, exploited at cheap prison labor, apparently including the likes of mcdonalds, coca cola last the producer cargo, a huge firm well, a piece sees it reached out to companies for comments on their use of prison labor, but most did not respond to american human and labor rights lawyer done koval exceeds the us as quick to blow the west, lower worker violations internationally, while its own up uses go on. notice, in fact,
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is the united states and capitalism is always depended on slavery. just in different forms, right? there's a great book, people should read slavery by another name about the slave industry after the civil war. after reconstruction an hour, they were more slaves in the south after reconstruction, then before the civil war. but it was done by arresting people for things like loitering and you know, very minor offenses and they were fined fines that couldn't pay. and they were forced to work and that's how american industry was built. and now this is how it's continues. i mean, nothing changes, they just read, they have slavery in different forms and of course one, it's not in the united states. they outsource the other countries like the congo. and of course, they don't stop shipment of chocolate from a coat to more white where you have forest child labor kids harvesting chocolate. it's all very hypocritical,
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it's all politically motivated. it doesn't stop to us from using slave labor within its own country. so this is just very typical of, of the united states in the west, in general. they use human rights as a bludgeon against countries they don't like. but meanwhile, is that they commit, as you know, more human rights abuses that anyone know the russian foreign ministry has welcome to ruling by the international court of justice, dismissing most of kids occupations against moscow over the ongoing military conflict in ukraine and on boss the international court of justice did not follow key if legend fundamentally refused to recognize rusher was an aggressor. the cold also rejected. ukrainian insinuations that the dawn. yes. can luc guns people's republic sir allegedly terrorist organizations? these conclusions are of particular importance in light of the fact the key of hope to use the court's ruling, to support its dom onto the transfer threats of russian assets stolen in the west.
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in the introduction of international restrictions against russia. to write some background to this ukraine file, the international court of justice lawsuit back in 2017 accusing rush of funding rebels in don't boss a decade ago. the i c j concluded the, the legend supply weapons and training as well as the dawning of the m age. 17 for liners in 2014 were not covered by the scope of the convention. the court did, however, a rule that russia had failed to probe a legit violations by individuals, but refused to order and must go to pay compensation to victims. as key of hon requested purpose of territory, finding us base to international lawyer, klein, preston saves the i. c, j rejected the most serious allegations, introductory refrain, leveled against russia, that they are to be used. the most serious charges included the financing of
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terrorism. and of course, the i. c. j rejected that and found that the russian federation is favor. i think that was the most important fact and client that was resolved by this decision, the only pursuing the only violations that the was huge i did find were minor violations with respect to the russian federation. late involved the failing to properly investigate. and in truth, the claims of terrorism to, i'm not for meetings enough, was instruction in schools in the ukraine language and the patients uh for him being the parts are minority from exercising or using a representative bodies as especially their own form of government on the try me in peninsula and on those issues are, are pretty much the,
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the major one which key of wanted was the finding the for the is of arms and weapons to the domestic republican. no. the goss people's republic, the wires thought to help them defend themselves against key constituted the funding um, of terrorism. and i suggested that so i believe this is a resounding victory for the russian federation. now a lot of interest in this next story. the 1st human has been fitted with an implant from e long last company, euro link, which allow is users get this to control phones or computers from thought. la musk phase. the initial application for the technology will be people who are unable to use their lens. i think that the initial results are promising. the 1st human received an implant from a neuro link initial results so promising neuron spike detection. so astonishing
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science worrying rise of the robots, or perhaps a little of both already or my colleague rachel, rubles spoke with a bundle of guests who shared their thoughts on the technological break. the obvious benefits of, of users being able to manipulate matter using their own thoughts and interfacing with computers. but there are definitely prospects for abuse and control at stake here. and that is a brain computer interfacing easily and seamlessly could slide into brain cloud interfacing, which means effectively 2 way transmission of information from the individual to the cloud and vice versa from the cloud to the individual. that means effectively the ability to read minds on one hand, i say it does a great achievement,
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or this comes from people kind of move values. but as far as a globalization of these technology, i think it's kind of the solve. the same issue is going to be having the other technologies to mazda phones, i don't think is an added advantage to the normal people with them properly walking loose and also additional mobile phone and substance a stream without biological, which i'm skeptical about that gives you an additional bi tv to just narrow it down to maybe the $240.00 the difficulties, especially when moving buildings. i think that's going to be out of that class. you're moving that direction. i think that the technology go about a year. so really interesting is tied from bad compatibility. that is a biggest problem in the kinds, easiest ways isn't your own interface is so basically this is a wire protest against this by the brake issue. it can be rejected by the human body is a for him, but so there is the last professional for this improvement,
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sending materials and also the such improvements needed to be in the technologies. for example, such as a recording, saying that there is a future potential of this technology is really incredible. in future this, you'll be able to even the, from the source towards the side when people and here and all the people. so i mean this the think about a compensation of flow functions, but at least we will be also about orientation on the human body as it really is. the tools and um, together with their bodies, acknowledges that person will be able to control the devices is applied to she's a her by, for example, and next door have smart home. do i see the gosh tools and so on? i'm a be skeptical about that actual distance learning district, but i don't think it's going to be mandatory call, maybe be aware for the future as much as you like to be, but
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a bus stop. you shouldn't be the solution for those people who might be having at the dishes or controlling some electronic devices. i think more lee, and also there's a way that high side or the issue that you've been having with all of your other technologies. i really lod eagle on mosque and i do not denigrate his intentions, which i believe are noble. but the technology in the wrong hands could lead to effective remote control of individuals by the state or by a corporate state. hybrid now as in bob way is marking a year since a deadly color. art break was 1st seen 400 lives hubbard ready being lost to the disease and some 20000 people infected. the government in the southern african nation has launched a vaccination campaign named country. it's devastating spread. local reporter keep
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baptist brings us more. a lovely is dealing with a deadly color outbreak with at least 447 depths recorded sofa and 21000 cases recorded. nationwide. it says to do with an clean water, pause, substitution, and unconnected refuse has been the reason behind this outbreak. it's a disparate site with most trains as song of misery that is echoed across all 10 provinces of us. and bob, we, atlanta is victor hunting, the nation. fleming lives and suffering hope. the remaining hope is lift up to the medicine inside the drip. the minister to the patients struggling to stay alive, the doctors and nurses, the face up to the exhausted and become the reluctant conductors of hope, breeding life back to the masses across the country in the hospitals itself is like
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this behind me that have led to the outbreak of color it ends in probably the government that was involved with says that it's doing what it can. and today it does officially roads out a campaign to vaccinate about 800000 people nationwide. why did we say we failed? because we did look to have a set a profile, a lot of possibilities in bro, but suddenly patients will be shipped in detail. yes. and this is why have that discovery. this is challenge. we have government, this ticket needs up on itself to tickle the nurse as well. is this the doing house's door by door administering 3 doses of the color of vaccine in the affected regions of the country? however, skeptics argue that they help i lived a little too late. others question if the vaccine will really bring about change. the problem, we're still dealing with burst sewage pipes just down the road from here, the situation is not looking good. some of us are skeptical about these vaccines
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because we can track, did call or in the past. and we are afraid that if we take the vaccine, it might make us sick again. but the main issue we are still facing is access to clean water and hygiene is what are the we are still drinking, i'm treated volta and our community is growing and expanding coupon. so there's a need for proper planning in terms of housing, just as people are not being catered for up up the shops, a completely packed with people selling and clean products. the steel gets a complete breeding ground for color and the government needs to take action. resources are not the only riches that global powers have tried to get out of africa. the confidence intelligence here are increasingly being lowered away primarily to the west. next we focus on one country that's resisting and one with a deep culture of doing so. molly, state coast for a short documentary starts in moments
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the the to some of the visit walker see on continue comes on. so look at us of prescription of them all on that. i pretty much it on the all set. i saw it looks as though you were on the list, securities woocommerce, those you may see something about going to need much of in my, just because your logic has the ability to remind you that the plugged us, if you remind you that there are 3 low level mama to remind you to say today
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i'll come up with on the menu. so the composite kind of what it is that the kind of easy you sound like each level of entity instead and then focusing on it and gun go my buddy to book and show up. i'll see some of the better method are due to do the debt. the, the, the, the casino sits system to set the money under the fact that it system cannot cover a lot. but as a tool it be, i think i know some of the amendments on, on what's going on most by a be stuck on a or so for us. so gladly or some foss apple bradshaw old wants to come in for the views here. cuz i'm gonna deliver it as, as you don't know, that is your intimate, nice. somebody visited my click, the page isn't that they try to go to the bottom. that is, i'm in
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a meeting for the okay, well, to ask you a new name. let, let me the to see while it, as it is it say, my name is cynthia geneva, to do any fossa support. what do they want to get toilet guns? these? how if we can't is all, i'm not somebody to process. i said to some of them on it on, on as of documents you posted, you don't say say that could've additional to said, i mean she was google says that show can was on page did it for she's going to set up the shock and was on page data for she came to me, it was on page do what? um there is a cup bumper. most of them are chef. the middle of debt to income are for naples, our best himself to you know, sit back to assess the don't political on this the
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