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tv   News  RT  February 1, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EST

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the, the if the countries that suspended their funding to otherwise maintain their decisions, the impacts will be catastrophic. among the people of color right now has more than a dozen countries joined. the us and e u. n. suspending funds to the un refugee agency for palestinians. monroe itself, the one's of devastating consequences for the lives of the entire civilian population altogether as fighting intensifies in southern gals. the doctor is one of deadly consequences, not only from his ramiro's price, but also rapidly spreading infections at over a filter. most of the buildings, ultimately the aggressive actions by our security council colleagues, the width and the okay in the red sea, remind us of the barbaric and illegal native bombings of yugoslavia of dennis on
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the rock. libya and syria must go slums, washington of london for bombing the fruit seas and made us planes out. it's military this week, shut down again. many other many improve the one minute past 11. am this thursday in a month in mombasa, i'm here in moscow. welcome to the our team use for a chop united nations to monetary and committee has urged western states to urgently reverse their decision to freeze funding for the un relief and works agency for palestinian refugees been red self as warned of disastrous consequences of the move which is being implemented by 17 countries plus the u. if the countries that suspended their funding to otherwise maintain their decision, the impact will be kept us traffic's on the people of color right now. as the war continues, as the displacements continues,
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as people are mostly in the rush shelters receiving wheat flour to make bread from hon, receiving medical services from monroe. so the, in fact will be really a disaster. the situation is already got those traffic. in the case of our staff in the west bank, including east jerusalem, and in casa, we share the names of all our staff once a year with the israel government. we do something similar in all the whole countries where we work. so we do share the name of our staff with the governments of jordan, lebanon, syria, because we want to know if there are concerns from these governments. so we will continue doing this and we will continue to take very seriously any allegation of breach of professionalism by our stuff. western states we're quick to suspend funding from unrest after is re elect choose that doesn't involve the agencies employees of taking part in the october 7th terrorist attack. and while the u. n
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has valued under investigation, the heads of 15 agencies of thought, world body have warned of an impending collapse of think she military and the system in gal. so we've got reaction to the whole send donations from desperate to millions. the. this is the beginning of health because there are 2200000 refugees. people displaced from the north through the south and they are without shelter, food drink for anything you food is not available for these people. then we are heading towards the salmon and the disaster that is the worst in the history of humanity. please tell them up in peace time. we was 70 percent dependent on, on the aid under was schools. i'm free health services. what do you expect to happen to us now that when many countries reduce the aid provided to underway will say, it is a major disaster and a catastrophic situation is the only body that supports the posting in people. and it's the only one that has the ability to provide systems. we discussed the price
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is with spokesperson for the palestinian red crescent and the bile, foresight cruces. the western suspension of funding for unwrapped could not have come out of worst time this. this is, and kim's, and i'll call on one of the one we're calling on, we will and more human nature again and to get into garza and we need to collaborate together as a human, nutrients and all humanitarian agencies to be able to respond to this kill off emergency exhaust and we are and there's a need for the own efforts to be able to provide over the humanitarian services to the people in costa to i need the, the sufferings of over 2000000 civilians in garza. yesterday we have run out to do blood and then display speeds and have deleted a blog to save lives. we do have shortage of medicine and make a medical supply as well. and now with food we would want to flee into the patients
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the wounded people as well as tarzan's of displeased people who are taking something out the staff. we have limit them in for the display people and for our son to only one need a judge since the beginning of the escalation, we have seen as far as targeting civilians start getting health care workers, hospitals, and ambulances. and all who is there is just the vacations, which is absolutely most of the time and not right and wrong. and it's just accusations because because they want to justify anything. they are doing civilians on healthcare workers and all should be protected. i'm not targeted while the un warden stuff, the she monetary and situation and gals is becoming even more dire doctors out in northern hospital there, which has been bombarded by the idea of several times in recent days are struggling to provide aid after the facility was heavily damaged local reporter must move sub
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i filed this from missing. i mean, i mean was such that i was at the most about the this is the, our, the hospital in the title is a tower area of northern guys. um, it is come under a number of strikes throughout the war. and with this really artillery directly targeting the building, we can now speak with local doctor mohammed sally. ha, please tell us about the conditions at the hospital after the repeated attacks by the idea of national. we have been providing health services to the citizens of northern gauze from the beginning of these rarely aggression. the hospital was besieged for 18 days and it was targeted 4 times. many of its medical personnel were killed in addition to the rest of the hospital direct to some of its employees . all of this is jeopardize the health care system in northern garza, on the work of our hospital administrative. i can, so just what sort of direct impact have these really strikes had on the medical services and clinical capacity of the hospital?
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is this the defect and the attacks over the past 2 days of affected 50 percent of the hospitals capacity as $48.00 beds were taken out of service by the shelling of 2 floors designated for the wounded and the sick. these rules are the 2 flaws allocated to doctors without borders of strategic partners. out of the hospital, we are a non governmental organization that has been working for 5 years. treating the wounded in northern garza, we have many partnerships such as the world health organization and doctors without borders. in addition to partnerships with o, united nations organizations, and we have been submitting distress close to these groups on a daily basis. some of these international organizations coordinate to the entry of medical aid, but we're unable to deliver this aid hedge you to the israeli occupation preventing them from doing so many medical aid convoys were blocked. and we kind of bring them here from southern gaza. yes, apply the had they had to do things. these are systematic is really strikes to undermine and we can the health care system and northern gaza
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a little bit that to there's 11 of her or not since the beginning of the aggression we have seen these really occupation forces targeting medical facilities in the health care sector in general, many government hospitals where hits we are non governmental hospitals, but we have been targeted more than once. they are seeking to protect everything related to the health sector in northern garza. it's a completely overwhelmed medical systems. thank you. dr. ethan, who. yeah, it's the s m a. so a clearly systematic policy by these really occupation forces to restrict and undermine the strength and capabilities of hospitals. here in northern guys, i'm amid the continuing idea of aggression and the bombing of the enclave. i'm moving side from there to can eunice where stuff from the world health organization of mileage to deliver a central supplies to one of the last remaining working hospitals in the region. the small slice of good news i made the kiosks comes in and reports that the local citizens in the devastated area are running out of food. crowd gathered upon the
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arrival of the w, rachel's phone for us. the aid was distributed to more than installers, and patients at the master hospital, doctors of thought facilities say palestinian children are especially vulnerable to epidemics, sparked by a critical look of a central resources. had done a move that this is a vivid example of the spread of outbreaks and dangerous diseases due to the over crowding of displaced people at the hospital and the lack of cleaning and sanitation industry. for example, this child is suffering from a fungal skin disease on the head, and this is not the only case as to many others have been recorded at this hospital . they hit the specialist. it's been more than 10 days since archie lost contact with our regular contributor from gals a less than in canadian during list months or she mom is allegedly being detained by is really forces, monsters colleague and friends. honey. alma gary should, once he knows about the reporters disappearance on the,
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on the list. i wasn't attend with a group of journalists of the knots or medical complex months or was focused on reporting and delivering messages about the various market goes and gaza for the for and media. we had no time to rasp who worked around the clock to show the latest by a social media. there was a huge amount of engagement on through was conveying the truth. because is really accounts claim that palestinians are the executioner. and is riley's all the innocent victims. we recently lost our crew and with it the ability to deliver a message and spread news of the crimes committed by the occupies to prevent their falsification. since the truth is what is captured by our press cameras and gaza. so we started to search for our coo and months or to learn about their fate. eye witnesses told us that they had been arrested while others told us that they had been targeted. we don't want to give credibility to this account because we don't know anything for
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a certain yet. the most likely outcome is that they were arrested is really occupation deals with everyone and got the same way. we are all targeted, even though journalists are supposed to have special protection according to the geneva conventions. ringback which should prevent journalist from being target. this is real breaks all of these agreements. i am very afraid for the remaining members of my family, especially since they have been displaced on more than one occasion. i fear for my life and the life of the remaining members of my family. the u. s. military set on wedding to say it had shut done 3 year reunion and 10 year many drones. the developments and the red sea kind of made an ongoing intervention by the us and u. k. against the hutchins over there, i tucked some ships off the m and the coast. the un security council has gathered to discuss the crisis with russia, accusing the west of being the real threat to peace in the region to this even reduce to unless we collect where is the aggressive actions by our security council
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colleagues. the way somebody okay in the red sea, remind us of the barbaric and illegal matcher bumping something us love you again, this time you rock libya and syria at the same time, the thesis of fighting terrorism and the right of self defense is exploited shamelessly. we categorically condemn the aggression against you haven't conducted without approval by the un security council. we had against stress that the unlawful and provocative actions by washington and london, both a direct threat to international peace and security and funds of mind the global order, based on the supremacy of international rights and the central role of the u. n. i want to show you this as well to us republican presidential hopeful nikki haley has made quite the explosive statement, urging washington to attack a rock in syria in order to assassinate leading uranium linked figures there. what you're saying now is the time to hit iran. now's the time to hit their leaders. it's different. don't go and bomb the culture, infrastructure, the infrastructure and
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a rack in syria. you start with that 1st you do the sanctions and you take out a couple of their leaders. that's the way in their country in there. if they're in their culture, you do like solo money. when they left the country, you figure out where they are, our special operations can do that. and then you take them out a lots as the us insist that a run is to blame for a recent strike bind a rocky militant group that killed 3 american soldiers that base and the border so in between syria and jordan. washington claims the militants are under really and proxy, accusation denied by officials in the us nomic republic. and while the u. s. has made no armed response to the attack, hemerich and forces have ball militant targets in a rock survey and the m and a number of times since october 7th, after so called it's nomic resistance scripts stepped up their attacks against us military basis across the region. well, us officer on active as sort of flounder says nikki, here, these are the rest of statements. bunch of the country productive nature of washington's foreign policy in the middle east to the corporate media. she says
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exactly what biden says, what trump said, what obama said. i always talk tall, threatened with countries and po sanctions, targeted assassinations, and list troops and war. really no new, nothing new. she's talking about all. let's have some new sanctions. serious been under sanctions more than 20 years or rack 34 years and continuing around since 1979. so that's 45 years. so the sanctions continue, the targeted assassinations continue. what it means is failed, failed, failed policy, of a dying empire. frankly, no new thinking about how to cope with this, just make the same big threats and, and keep on making the same actions. it doesn't matter really. it's what
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impacts us profit us corporate power. and it isn't stopping any of these countries from asserting their right to be free of us. true and, and that is what a rock is demanding. they've been calling for us troops out for quite some time. now, a somali born american congress woman has sparked outrage by appearing to inflame tensions in the volatile, at least the african region in a speech. hon. omar said she strongly supported somalia in its territory and dispute with nibbling. somebody alarmed some of us politicians have called for the democrats to be stripped of citizenship and even to portrait over that, which critics ation was. she's using her position to put another nation's interest . first. you must have that much i'm. i am a couple of days ago we had that some people who call themselves tamale's or east claim to be somalis have signed a memorandum of understanding with iep out on access to the c. small it is for
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somalis only as over 45 percent of small is population are not even ethnic somalis . the us government must know that we will safe, called the interest of somalia, for as long as i am and congress of somalia will never be in danger and it's montez will not be stolen, but ethiopia, or anyone else, it comes with a scandal, came after the brick away on recognize republic of some of the alum signed to deal with e. c o p, a on access to the red sea. the region of forest recently becoming a focal point of global attention after the key shipping route was repeatedly targeted by militants from the m. and so i'm on the list suggest the us is now especially interested in driving a wedge between somalia and e. c o, b o, over the status of somalia, a lot less discussed the multi faceted issue with professor academy and then a from united states international university africa in the canyon capital. thank you for your time today, sir. your reaction to l,
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how numerous contributions beach um the, the backlash that it's called so far. well, um, it seems to me seems to see about each one. how comments about the somebody lands. memorandum of understanding who the fuel be is generally this in much most somebody's inventions. and because it goes in, again as a principal of the no contraction likes bunch of but what is going to, what's your about? the student was that she was going to use the united states and projected to go top a section of what somebody just at the expense of the neighboring countries. so when she stopped talking about, going back to the good, the somalia, eh, conception the dentist didn't,
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but it failed. and that's why they disco scenes. and so i'm, i'm here today because the project failed. so for how to start talking about the to the right thing it is is uh, is it from the country or the original box. you can very serious situation and that is what i'm going to do. and so when she says she is class somebody and then was nothing else but brother, nothing else. and as it was so pushing that somebody interest a dentist interest is really what i mean. are you doing that? i'm yeah, yeah. she, she didn't say the word either. did she? that's right. could i just put the point to you, sir, to, to what extent as well is this whole controversy more but perhaps access to the red sea, which i mentioned, considering the recent disruption of global shipping throughout major to your, your thoughts on that aspect? well, this is not as you see for if you appeal eh,
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it goes back to the diesel mentally to you've been body of the assumption that to be uh, they have to have the rights to receive either the trillion or the ocean. and that was literally a big is a much a baby imagine seems to be out again, commission. remember this has been talking you better off language, which was people. so it's not so much that they have to be disrupt, certainly that i've seen because of the activities on that were piece and never, it was there in the 3 and the what the conversions with somebody and which go out of the country recognizes. and if you now, for, if you get to get loans on the see the gun is somebody gonna come and get that one slides, whether she's pause in this mazda announcing that really dislike. and the question
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is, we're not these really to invite you to that using countries. and from addition, have 4 different uses. so on how hard you sorry to interrupt, how do you judge about the situation? is it really a tinderbox? cut it in, slain because of what was said. why is it an image properly to can? but i think it will be managed because i think messages are being sent to a b. that's here's news is not acceptable. and because it's a and rub with a lot of things, but it's also not acceptable because you what she says, she's going to use a use congress that the congress will do whatever she wants you over to that are very, very frustrating to us. in that sense, and so yeah, but this is usually which if it doesn't work properly, manage it to come to the it makes configuration and
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i imagine this will, these remarks will be opposed to very mentally in somalia alone. but what about somalia itself? will they be whole heartedly supportive of what was said, or will they as you've been going through? are they fearful that perhaps words like this could, could mic the, the tensions rise further to the different options in general were from what understand even people who somebody around. i'm not to support the president even with this not feeling good. they say the all so much that is i give it and then they sort of in the agreement, do not really come to know if the dentist aspect i've been noticing for some time and the different approach that somebody's up. i go to the general, the approach is to be accepted between dec retrieve the region to be bundled, so they try to the identity, the governor community instead of the front end. so you have the association of
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collaboration and then from shifting different parts of the world and they've done a very good job. again, there's times using language making any day. and then they create some suspicion of some money as i go. yeah, that's division. so i'm not saying that just what we mean, but just to have to be living. okay. i love to talk to you about your coverage or your dentist, which implies i get is there the record of history? because i've told me, you know, he's on his bed what he's doing the restaurant. yeah. yeah. a lot of aspects will continue to keep a close time developing, sir. thank you so much for giving us a sense of the overview professor at mccarty and, and a from united states international university, africa in my room. the 1st human has being fitted
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with an implant from enormous company, your link, which allows users to control phones or computers through for the billing or entrepreneurs saves the initial focus of the technology will be people who are unable to use their limbs. i think not initial results are problems on the 1st human received an implant from neuro link and is recovering well initial results show promising neuron spiked detection. so is it a medical marvel or worrying rise of the robots or perhaps a little of both the earlier? my colleague rachel ripple spoke with a panel of guests who shared their thoughts on the technological break. the obvious benefits of, of users being able to manipulate matter using their own thoughts and interfacing with computers. but there are definitely prospects for abuse and control at stake here. and that is a brain computer interfacing easily and seamlessly could slide into brain
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cloud interfacing, which means effectively 2 way transmission of information from the individual to the cloud and vice versa from the cloud to the individual. that means effectively the ability to read minds on one hand, i say it does a great achievement, or this comes from people kind of move values. but as far as the globalization of these technology, i think it's kind of the solve the same issues. we'll be having with the other technologies. so, mazda phones, i don't think is an added advantage to the normal people with them properly walking names. and also i do show them over the phone and the substance history without biological, which i'm skeptical about that gives you an additional body to just narrow it down to maybe the people who are the difficulties, especially when moving buildings. i think that's going to be out of that class.
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you're moving that direction. i think that the technology go barriers are really interesting to start from bad compatibility. and that is a biggest problem in the kinds, easiest ways isn't your own interface. so basically this is a wire product against this by the brake issue. again, the rejected by the human body is a for him, but so there is the largest professional for this enrollment center material. and also the such improvements needed to be in the technologies. for example, such as or what exactly the future potential at least acknowledge it is uh, really incredible. in future this, you'll be able to even the, from the source towards the side of when people and here and all the people. so i mean the, so the above the think about it compensation of flow functions, but at least we will be also about the organization over to me, but it is beautiful. and together with their bodies, acknowledges that person will be able to control unity. why?
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so this is applied, he's a her by for example, and next or have smart home. do i see the gosh tools and so on. i be skeptical about that actual just as normal, the sticky. but i don't think it's going to be mandatory call maybe that way for the future as much as you like to be, but the bus probably should be the solution for those people who might be having at the dishes. or if you're controlling some electronic devices, are they more lee? and also there's a with the high side or the issue that you've been having with all of you ever to some of those. i really lod eagle on mosque and i do not denigrate his intentions, which i believe are noble, but the technology in the wrong hands could lead to affective remote control of individuals by the state or by
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a corporate state hybrid. the r t come computer tara reid is suing the us department of justice for $10000000.00 in damages. she sees the agency oversaw on f b. i cover up of her case against joe biden. she accused of sexual assaults that took place while he was a senator in 1993. as a result of the actions carried out inside the run silver operation, cassandra by the respondent f. b i at our claimant has suffered severe emotional distress. and the zion was subject to, to death threats was on no police availed on, had her communications on financial records sees done for quoted, and was forced to apply for asylum to a side country. incredible say of her life and liberty. while i'm happy to say tara rejoined, just live now in the studio to discuss at what is a very personal case of course, tara, but one perhaps with a lot of run vacations to take us through the details. what you're seeking here.
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yes. well, you know, i'm a geo political and our analysis and usually i, we talk about other things, but this is important because it happened to me and i did work as a former senate aide, and i also work for leon panetta and joe biden. and unfortunately, there was a case where there was a section was kind of case that i filed against joe biden in 1993, and then i came forward in 20192020. now joe biden sealed the file in the university of delaware, and he's been unwilling to let it go. the f, b i n g o j. since joe biden went into office, started to target me and went after me. and so this lawsuit actually addresses the weapon ization and put us how the f, b i n d o, j has been politicized. so when you think about the american f, b i, d o j, d o j department of justice is sort of the overseeing umbrella, right?
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and the f b, i, agents are the ones that enact and on the ground and do the surveillance. so this lawsuit lays out how my constitutional rights of privacy were violated. 4th amendment rights were violated and you know, hopefully this will set a precedent to have my files opened. and um, you know, and then expunged in any case is against me dropped because i have not committed a crime. i simply have told the truth. and when you say the f b i target they do what they do. um, well, a lot of different things came to light and are still coming to light. they surveillance to me, and when i did not know i was being surveilled, they opened a d o. j did a sealed case against me. it's still not knowing what's in that seal case. a grand jury was in panels, but what i do know is a twitter attorney had contacted me and said that they had gotten sealed warrants for all my communication, meaning g mail, twitter. every thing you can think of on social media and, and,
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and you know how we go our day to day communications. and they had done this under sealed, and i had initially gone to the f, b i, when i had death threats when i come forward about joe biden. so as an, as a citizen, as a us citizen, i thought, oh, well, you won't get a death right. you go to law enforcement, these were online, these were, you know, so that was under the purview of the f b. i didn't know that the f b i was actually targeting me. your little should also mention about the f b. i sold to eliminate your claims against to bite, and i believe what are the bureau, joe biden himself, perhaps? what do you think they are scared of? obviously they're scared of the fact that i have cooperating witnesses. they're willing to go on the record. i was about to testify before congress and now you have there's 7 other women that had complaints that were silenced. i.


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