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tv   News  RT  February 1, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EST

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a and then maidens, those diplomatic relations with western countries expansion of bricks is something that is driven by gene true interests of 5 huge number of countries coming from different areas in the world. different coolness of the world. ah, was briggs? it is driven by the understanding that breaks offers uh, an alternative, if you wish, in terms of uh, being the platform being the venue, the place where people talk friendly to one another. and what in a very consensual manner toward solutions that make everyone comfortable and satisfied. it means that in some areas our progress that breaks is more rapid than elsewhere. this is normal expansion use yet another reflection of the fact
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that the several countries around one to benefit from practical forms of corporation and briggs. like for instance, new development bank and special reserve arrangement. and our interaction in this satellite that data sharing and filled the mall in every single area of practical work coming down to what to have a network of universities vaccine. the research center that is driven by o breaks countries, breaks sports games once again, where there is no arbitrary decision for political reasons to, for a close attendance and participation of some athletes. because some capital is do
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not like governments in some other places. this is, this is terrible. what's happened with them, you know, the old vs principal of silver and they call it c a in the recent years because of the collect to west, during this whole system to on the speaking of the west. so i'd like to ask you about the, the current political situation in the us with which it does appear to be a mix of political crisis with the rebellion we're seeing. and in texas, the one example, given your experience and expertise, is this level of political crisis to be expected in an election year when tensions are running high? or does it reveal some deeper issues within the country? not much to say on these we follow these developments, of course uh these uh, completely uh, internal developments and domestic problems. we share federal government
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in washington, dc, a tech, some government, whoever else might resolve one way or another. uh, it is equally worth mentioning here that russia, no russian entity, no one has ever to try to metal into us the mystic relationship. we all remember how earlier narratives on so called russian involvement, how they became completely a m c. and how they failed in every single elements after they were used and abused me so used by those who just score political points on so called the russian file. i suspect that inclinations in some circles to
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play once again this melody and discard russian cards in relation to what's going on and not going on in texas these days. we have no relation to this whatsoever. we only conclude that the, some problems in the us a huge and the troubling for this country. but again, russia has no place there and they have to figure it out themselves. i understand that your voice concerns about the u. k. can saying american nuclear weapons on its soil at the pentagon has responded to our channels that gets done, the procedure is that accurate? the situation is not new. uh, i'm pretty confident that the, the moment will come. uh, probably in not so distant future when we will see
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a reintroduction of us texaco nuclear weapons in the u. k. uh, this is very fits into an aggressive and threatening pattern which both washington and london follow while dealing with the changing global security situation. and the security association in europe are in essence of very destructive policies. that's those 2 capitals for years in decades tried to follow and implements uh towards russia on russia and to what's countries in our immediate neighborhoods and 1st and foremost ukraine. in the absence of these policies,
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we would never ever see that kind of deterioration of the security situation. but if they believe that 3 introduction of nuclear weapons in u k, would be an act of the turns towards russia. then they mistake and miscalculate the once again, we will not be the church. we will find our ways how to counter these for military and technical means, and it will not in has security of united kingdom, nor the us, no nato, as a whole. we once again urge them to stop and to and this is cal at the recycle. that becomes more and more threatening and more and more dangerous. thank you mr. radco that as well on the final question for you. i know you are very busy, man. i'm coming back to the middle east, which remains the biggest hall spot. so now do you remain optimistic?
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this stability can be achieved. and one of the main hurdles in easing tensions stage. once again, the middle east remains that the biggest hot spots on the planet right now. well, a, do you remain optimistic? yeah, that stability right can be achieved. a well diplomat shouldn't be enough enough to miss that spot of our job by diplomats off for talking to one another and the green on something. this is exactly what we full and work for, and i'm sure with that sufficient political will on the part of all main actors and they stress all main actors, a possible solution and stability ization who'd be achieved. we will work tirelessly to this, and i thank you very much mr. we have called thank you very much for your time. i
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really appreciate it. we've been speaking to the boston deputy farm and that's, that's like every outcome. okay, moving on now as to gauze where the death toll in the crisis tricking enclave has crossed the 27000 small. we've moved in 66000 people wounded as comes as the un secretary general largest as well to oppose. last week's i. c. j decision which rules that the country must cycle necessary steps to prevent the genocide and the palestinian enclaves. it was also wanted to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid into garza. the one play comes as the humanitarian twice a thing does a spice to unprecedented levels with thousands of civilians fleeing the and baffled north and south. the displaced residence the south side in i'll it will now school. but what then forced to go to y'all, thoughts, secondary idea of soldiers and vehicles surround to the area,
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demolished, disposable and told women to travel to the south. the fleeting women relates its uh that the fates of men left behind was unknown and that the road to the camp was extremely dangerous. or not the people were lying dead in the street and dogs were eating their flesh. i saw a dead man thrown on the road and also a dead woman, and many bodies are just lying in the street. but all she didn't know, and they told us to go to day around. but no, we don't know if it's a safe place, but we were told to go, that means the road was very difficult, and children were drowning and mode which reached up to the next. many people died on the way and their bodies were just thrown on the road as he is where he found bob and shows no sign of relenting be dying a situation worse than his every day. despite these conditions, as ray department is to benjamin netanyahu was now code full of a watch to be closed, saying the mission has to end. the prime minister made these remarks off the ice
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age a. will that as well must take action to prevent genocidal violence. biased armed forces, this time that the international community into units of understand that only submission has to end under a self perpetuating it is self perpetuating also. and it's the desire to keep alive . or if you, the palestinian refugee issue. there are other agencies and the one the other agencies in the world they have to replace on rock and roll is totally infiltrated and come us. it has been in the service of commerce and schools. and in many other thing, that's going to be 1000 off of all take amenities, bureau chief maria the notion of good to see you, maria. so this seems to be a drumbeat of hasse rhetoric coming out of it as well about on the was mission and going as a could you tell us more about the situation please? yeah. hello to nick a is rose war against another wall continues. now. these really prime minister is
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calling for the closure of the agency, which is a lifeline for desperate palestinians and gaza. you've just heard been so many 10 yahoo! earlier on monday, it is really foreign minister, also demanded the resignation of the had of on the why had of the commission of generals plans visa to the country. israel's top diploma throat on his social media using very harsh words, supporters of terrorist and a not welcome here. israel accused 12 of underwater personnel of participation in have mass. october 7, a sold on a 0, claiming 7 of them stormed into his rarely territory while to participate and kidnappings. and before an investigation was launched, several western countries, the crucial donors of the agency, decided to freeze the funding to under the law. un warned hydro have catastrophic consequences for guys aware, and humanitarian crisis is unfolding. following months long is really offensive. the u. n. is urging now for my donors to reconsider that we can dangers decision
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had secretary general of the un cold under was the black backbone of all human each already responds in gaza, appealing to all member states, to quote, guarantee the continued to you under was live saving work well, humanitarian situation in guys is critical level drinking water and food is dramatic. hundreds of thousands of people are starving bloss mold and 85 percent. all think weighs 2300000 population have been displaced. and great concern is now, wow, that's without under juan. and with these really military operation continue including intensive air strikes, things on the ground might quickly turn into a disaster. let's take a listen. if the countries that suspended their funding to otherwise maintain their decision, the impacts will be catastrophic on the people of color right now,
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as the war continues, as the displacements continues, as people are mostly in, on their west shelters receiving wheat flour to make bread from hon. receiving medical services from monroe. so the in fact will be really a disaster. well, i have to say that the timing is quite interesting as this whole campaign against on the wall was launched by is ro shortly after the international court of justice issued after luminary ruling and a case accusing israel off committing genocide and gaza. the case in which, under the old testament is played a very important role and were able to include it by the court as evidence that israel caused mass displacement of the population. and that the crisis in gaza is compounded by dehumanizing language. one form is really official, even directly cold on the wrong, israel's anomie in front. let's take a listen. if shelby i will be impossible to win the will if we do not destroy you
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n o w a. and this destruction must begin immediately. us apart from a tax on the un release agency. now here the israel is also considering limitations to many tearing $0.08 to the gas a street rule. these rarely territory complaining. the age distribution is controlled by him mass with food, water, medical supplies, and fuel falling according to israel, into the hands of the militants. group. israel is fighting on the grounds to eliminate the move is claimed to be a temporary measure, but it is still a very alarming sign and also contradicts the ruling. all the international court of justice that ordered israel to prevent killings, destruction, and also to provide humanitarian assistance to ordinary gases. the sufferings continue and grow for months now succeed very thanks for the update done. so all the middle east, it bureau chief maria phenomena. thank you. once you've done this, how are you in on her pilot city and active as the here?
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so i'm all believes on the wall and the funding the funding is more than a co incidence with the recent i. c. j, rolling it is wrong, came off with statements prior to i, c j saying that they do not believe that i c j will be really in accordance with the prophetic dismissed. everything that the south african legal team brought to the i c j. but with the i c, j supported a lot of that notion and of how was that? yours diction. it seems very coincidental that a day or day all the same day with a late to that is wrong. comes with claims of how it's one rest off being involved with different mazda tech and funding stuff. stuffing it's, it's extremely coincidental on rugs and relief if it's in the cause of the main life blood and support for high is that right? they have over 13000 stuff and it's the main source of funds that are going to hide . so um, so the, to be too many people in the highs. uh, uh, extremely dependent on, on girlfriends. um and you know,
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if you're gonna start funds like that, and you're not going to replace it with additional funds, that's going to have catastrophic impacts on the people of headsets. but you're talking about a situation we, it's not even under normal circumstances. we humanitarian aid the need for a test for we doubled or tripled under normal circumstances and the full you would expect a just to double or triple. and so cutting and refunding or, or depleting under funding or reducing it is going to have massive amounts of impacts on the people who has a holiday. honestly, how are they made to this device? there were people within is well who support south africa's? i? c, j a genocide case against the country, but that support may help to owls to these wally parliament member who would be the 1st no make over as a to be expelled from parliament. we'll discuss the situation with the general secretary of the m p. 's policy in the connected. so do states you for more on the but your opinion has approved an additional
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$50000000000.00? your rose a package for ukraine, while domestic problems erupt around the union of thousands of farmers in europe, of protesting against on the payments. high taxes and stifling green agenda regulations. the dream and the european council delivered on our priorities supporting ukraine a good day for europe. we have a deal is us taking leadership and responsibility and support for ukraine. we know what is at stake during the latest somebody's in brussels schools of angry farmers have taken stage of the parliament building demanding action from the unions, officials of what they call a dye of states of the national agricultural sector. the,
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the heated raleigh came and it's a nearby summit to have told you official signed all the blocks leadership signed a waiver them facing the workers that were met and praised by hon. gary and prominent as in victor, open the who's also in russell's, the tools back and brussels will stand up for the voice of the people. even if the bureaucrats and brussels blackmail us saw that demonstrations of split across europe over the last several months has protested subjects to the green agenda's top environmental rules. rising energy costs, sentiment, flux of cheap agriculture products from countries such as ukraine. they say these
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foxes make, providing sued to europe on some positive, found this have blocked roads in violin on southern fronts where obstructing airport access resulted in dozens of the rest. the message to the governments in brussels is that they are here to say the we don't want to back down until we've made real progress because we can't take it anymore on our farms. today we've got standards falling on us from every direction we work with living things were farmers, were breeders, along with our colleagues, we can't afford to have rules that prevent us from responding to the vagaries of the weather to the needs of our crop rotation. because we've got european regulations because we've got a band coming down on us of the old. we're determined, i don't think they're convinced we're going to last. and that's why we're showing them that we're still very much alive and that we're not going to give up. in any case, it's our life, it's our future. it's our children's future. so if you think finding motivation in
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the world is not to give up, you've done the hardest part. now we're here are tractors are here. the russian buying this house posted wet, cold profits flying in the face of nearly 2 years of unprecedented west and sanctions, as, according to a new report from the financial times, countries, banking sector rates in 16 times more money last year compared to 2022. when most of the restrictions were implemented over the ukraine, conflicts, boom as being partly attribute it to the national purchase of assets that was sold off by western companies as they fled from russia. it comes as the i m. s has upgraded as projections for the sanctions countries, economic growth. this year, we discussed developments earlier with financial specialist on to all to contribute to chris ends. throughout the whole, started the special military operation. everything we've seen with our own eyes. what's happened with the russian economy and as it gets, you see a more infrastructure being developed, new homes being built, know these things,
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and it's quite clear why that is. that's because the economy is doing well. if economy is not doing well, you don't see things like this. but when you see when, when the economy is doing well, you see, you see new developments. you've seen these things going up and see massive infrastructure projects happening. and that's really the case as to what we're seeing right now in russia. we use the economy is bearing the fruits of it because you know, more money for bonds is certainly good news for investors. but it is actually translating, it is converting to the russian calling me and the russian people. yeah, i would agree with that 100 percent. just saying that if you travel around russia, which, which i do quite often, if you go to the regional cities like last week, i was in a city who really honest, which is one of the regional cities of russia. this is a city that's doing the 90, suffered quite a lot with through economic troubles now is booming. you've got brand new factories being built. you've got brand new out of plant developments being built, and most importantly, you've got young families being able to afford to buy these homes. and you really can't say that's of the west and economies right now. can i put
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a point you about the political ramifications of all this? and, you know, when you have headlines like this in the f t, i know the article is it people to notice it gets notice, you know, not just by people reading it, but by authorities as well. you have something like your opinions and spending 2 years buying expensive fuel from other countries. it's hurting people. me are you it, you officials, for instance, are they listening to this? do think after so much time, so much effort into trying to punish russia that it's not working. it's doing the opposite. but well, you know, what? maybe negotiations instead of punishments. i. e sanctions. maybe that's the way forward. so i don't think we're quite the union, but what we can see is in the electoral cycles of a lot of european countries, that's a good job. many right now we've got a lot of the freedoms policies that, um, well i would say i wouldn't quite say pro russia, but more friendly towards russia, pulling my realistic maybe. yeah, yeah,
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exactly. wayllace wayllace, right? realist. you know, you've got, you know, old and have hungry who's always been, you know, always been a, a realistic product. but so i'll give you the 1st even beats, how big is your city? you stuff. you've got, you know, that, that, that shows you. if you look at opinion polls, they don't was correct, but they do tend to show you the way that the vast amounts of public opinion, where the vast amount of public opinion is. and i think we're seeing now people, people that people are hungry, people of color. and when you have that, you're going to see a change. and hopefully that's going to be changing the positive a change where finally, you know g f is willing to sit down on the negotiating type with russia pushed by their rifles to do so. we can see united, see, see a more positive outcomes of the situation for the people back. how about the full is right. a parliament meant the cassie's to resign has moved to the office chamber of to attend us. it committee voted in favor of his expos and to see if it was on the verge of resigning off the publicly supporting the genocide case against as
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well as the i c. j. we had from the judge speak to the head down to a policy general secretary under friends as i can see through say that there's no justification for accusations against mr. cuz the yeah, i mean might dump it out of simple yesterday's committee vote to permanently expel connected member all for costs if there's a stain on the kinetic and on the remnants of democracy within the next 10 days to 3 weeks at most, it is expected and necessary for the capacitive platinum to hold a special session for a vote with a majority of 90 members. i. e. 75 percent of its members who we're not sure if this majority will be cheap, but the atmosphere we witnessed the yesterday and the day before and the committee was fascist and oppressive. yet there is no justification for what they are accusing over costs. why do we emphasize that over costs of the trial is not due to statements being made, but primarily because of the fascist atmosphere in the country, targeting the arab community. and anyone advocating against the warranty that's on
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yahoo is clearly weaker than ever and knows that ending the war, or even a prolong ceasefire could lead to serious accountability and his real regarding his responsibility and that of his really, authorities and intelligent service. therefore, he wants to prolong this war to ensure his government survival, which is apparent to us and to the public hands as attempted to extend this criminal war. as long as possible. busy if the vote succeeds this account, save would be the 1st lo make it to be removed from parliament and is really history. he's accused of supporting the on struggle against as well. b, m p has rejected the charges saying there was a distinction between non people believes and support for the struggle. his, his response off to the committee that's of the accusation included in the request for expulsion that i supposedly support the armed struggle of hamas against israel . is a particularly obvious and blatant lie, a wild claim without an ounce of truth, a deliberate lie and behind it
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a clear and malicious intent, political persecution, and silencing like a safe is known for his harsh rest. the right size is ready, policy is repeatedly spoken. i was against the nes, and yahoo government and that it is extreme right. ministers bend to be a small trick. they also denounced it as well as a settlement policy, and in 2021 was beaten by police. that's an anti specimen. protest in east jerusalem. we spoke to her dash of policy chapman is um mike, who, who say is that the most of the games cassie's is fabricated to the oh well we believe that yesterday steps taken in the connected committee march. the 1st of 3 possible steps pass with the majority votes and the committee to isolate overcast iif. however, this does not imply that there is a legitimate legal basis for such a decision. according to assessments and the legal counsel of both the connected and the government. the motion against overcast safe is fabricated, falls,
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and blacks legal standing. given all legal considerations, this is a failed step. one occurred in the connected to yesterday is seen as part of a fascist, the sold on democracy in israel. it is part of the stifling racist atmosphere, attempting to remove overcast, save as a representative of the error of community in israel. offer costs is seen as a courageous connected member who confronts fascism within israel's government. this government considered one of the most extreme harbours, fascist elements, cassius, boldness and opposing such forces as commendable. he opposes war and accuses israel, of committing more crimes, advocating for israel to be tried for genocide against the palestinian people. including supporting south africa's move to prosecute israel at the hague.
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the somali bone american congresswoman has sparked outrage by critics say in flaming tensions in a vault as well as all the stuff with in region and increase in speed to it'll have a mazda g strongly supported somalia, and its territorial dispute with the separatist republic of somali on some of us politicians have quoted for the democrat to be stripped of citizenship and even deported saying she's abusing her position. is just some of what she actually said that i am a couple of days ago. we heard that some people who called themselves somalis or east claim to be somalis have signed a memorandum of understanding with ethiopia on access to the c. somalia is for somalis only as over 45 percent of somalia as population on not even ethnic somalis . the us government must know that we will safe, called the interest of somalia, for as long as i am and congress, somalia will never be in danger and its motives will not be stolen,
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but ethiopia or anyone else. the scoundrel came off to the break away on recognize with public of somebody lined assigned to deal with easy access to the red sea. the region recently became a circle point of global attention. also the key shipping route was repeatedly targeted by medicines from yemen. so model is suggest to us is now especially interested in driving a wedge between somalia and the view of the status of somalis on can you based international relations scarlet, natalia, new name and told us that such fiery resurrect some of the us congress woman is dangerous to east africa as a whole, comment about the some of the lambs. memorandum of understanding who the fuel is. jim evaluated this in much more, some of these inventions. and because it goes in again, is a principle of no contraction likes bunch of you. but what is going
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to, what's your about the student was that she was going to use the united states and projected to more top a section of what somebody just at the expense of the neighboring countries. and so when she started talking about, going back to the great us of malia, the conception the dentist do that in field. and that's where the, the scale sees and somebody of today. because the project failed. so for her to stop talking about due to the writing it is, is uh, is it through the computer in the original box, you can get a serious accounting situation and that is what i'm going to do. and so when she says she is gloss, so molly and then was nothing else but one another use and as it was so pushing that somebody.


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