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tv   News  RT  February 1, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the, the, the u. n. g z as well to advise by long sweet song c j decision to prevent a genocide in does that allow the delivery of humanitarian aid as a number of lives often they find this to contain claims. now the cost is $27000.00 across europe, lachelle. so gain strict environmental regulations that a stifling the business is along the government. they determined to go all the way to get in session and don't want to back down until we've made real progress because we can't take it anymore on our farms. don't very much alive. and then we're not going to give up. in any case, it's our license, our future, it's our children's future is find the mounting street demonstrations. people could
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please like 50000000000. you're a package to you right off the hunger each box down from the threats to beat. so then this does the brakes form wraps up in moscow. the russian deputy foreign minister gives us an exclusive interview covering issues ranging from cooperation in the block to us to mid least in policy failure. it was not the comprehensive approach. it was an attempt to economically by piece piece with the a. a welcome to you, which test and 6 pm here in moscow, and this is on the international with relates as well as news updates good to have you with us. and we do begin in gaza where the desk told in the crisis tricking in class is close. the 27000 small with more than 66000 people wounded. this comes as
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a un secretary general just as well to uphold. last week's i, c. j decision which will because we must take all necessary steps to prevent a genocide in the palace to be an end place. it was also ordered to allow the delivery of humanitarian agents into guns. no party to an armed conflict is above international law and the binding decisions of the international court of justice must be complied with. the agent un appeal comes as to humanitarian crisis and gaza spreads to unprecedented levels with thousands of civilians fleeing b and baffled north south. the cheese displaced, residence, the shell said in albert miles school in west thing does that. that would then forced to go to yes, the secondary of north id of soldiers and vehicles surrounded the area, demolished the school, and told the women to move south. the fleeing women related to the face of men left
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behind. it was on the end of the road to the comm, sports, extremely dangerous, and the people were lying dead in the street and dogs were eating their flesh. i saw a dead man thrown on the road and also a dead woman. and with many bodies are just lying in the street, but all she didn't know, and they told us to go to dave, alabama. oh, we don't know if it's a safe place, but we were told to go. that means the road was very difficult. and children were drowning and module which reached up to the next guy. many people died on the way and their bodies were just thrown on the road is ready. bombardment shows no sign of relenting the dying situation worsens every day. despite these conditions, they is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has now closed. so i'm the want to be close to saying the mission has to end department estimate these remarks off of the ice age a will. that is one must take action to prevent genocidal violence. bias on forces its time that the international community into un itself understand that the owner
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of the mission has to bend under a self perpetuating it is self perpetuating also. and it's the desire to keep alive the rescue, the palestinian refugee issue. there are other agencies in the one the other agencies in the world they have to replace on rock and roll is totally infiltrated and come us. it has been in the service of come us and it's schools. and in many other israel's war against under wall continues nowadays, really prime minister is calling for the closure of the agency, which is a crucial lifeline for desperate. how is teens and gathering interest? heard? prime minister netanyahu chose to speak about it after meeting with foreign and bassett, or as to the un during the visit to israel. and his speech prime minister attacked under the law, but also lashed out at the un itself, claiming it is unbelievably tilted when it comes to dealing with israel. also, earlier on monday, these really foreign minister demanded the resignation of they had of another law
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ahead of the commissioner general's planned visit to the countries rose top diplomats wrote on his social media supporters of terrorism. i know to welcome here, as you know, is really fused 12, all of our personalities participating in a mass of over 7 assault on israel, claiming 7 of them stormed into these really territory well to participated in kidnappings. and before any investigation was launched, several western countries, crucial donors, of the agency decided to freeze the funding to under was the un warren. and it will have catastrophic consequences quote, for gaza, where human and tearing crisis is unfolding, following months longest, really offensive. that is continuing, the un is now urging for my daughter is to reconsider this quick and dangerous decision. i underscored the importance of keeping owner was vital work going to meet the dire the needs of civilians in gaza and to ensure its continuity of
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services to palestine. refugees in the occupied westbank, jordan, lebanon, and syria. warner was the backbone of all humanitarian response and gaza. i appeal to all member states to guarantee the continuity of owner was life saving work. meanwhile, humanitarian situation and guys is critical. lack of drinking water and food is dramatic. hundreds of thousands of people are starving and plus, well, then 85 percent old in claims to point we 1000000 population have been internally displaced and break concerns. of course, now are that without an alarm, and with these really mills reparation continue, including intensive airs, twice. things on the ground like quickly turned into a disaster. if the countries that suspended their funding to on there was maintain their decision, the impact will be catastrophic on the people of casa right now, as the war continues, as the displacements continues, as people are mostly in the rush shelters receiving wheat flour to make bread from
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hon, receiving medical services from monroe. so the in fact will be really a disaster as well as the timing is quite interesting as israel a launch this whole campaign against under the wall. shortly after the international court of justice issued, i preliminary a ruling and a case accused in israel, off committing genocide and guys on the case. and which i got a lot of. testimonies played a very important role and were able to include advisory board as evidence that the crisis in gaza is compounded by dehumanizing language. one form is really official even directly called another one. israel's anomie and friend, you've shelby going to. it will be impossible to win the will if we do not destroy onrush and this destruction must begin immediately apart from a tax on that un release agency. now we hear that israel is considering limitations . humanitarian $0.08 to the gas has 3 for these really territory complex ending. the aid distribution is controlled by him. mice and food also medical supplies and
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fuel. following according to israel, into the hands of the militant group, israel is fighting to eliminate. the move has claimed now to be a temporary measure, but it is an alarm and sign. and also it contradicts the holding of the international court of justice, but ordered israel to do its best to prevent killings, destruction, but also to provide humanitarian assistance to ordinary guidance from sufferings, continuing, grow, and this decision, whatever consequences it might have would become a response to growing public discontent, relatives and protests have been organized in tell a big jerusalem and also as a cut him show him crossing at the junction for that. so which of the, the 8 goes into the guys with people demanding to stop trucks from going to the claim. and the most recent events for a tester is mostly mother is of these really military tried to block support all by start the city in israel, south and other entry point for the aid. they believe they committed hearing aids,
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supports him as that. the sons of fine to the games, so it should be stopped immediately when the war started. by the way, israel strongly rejected any assistance to locals in guys of valley and complete sage, all thin clay. but as the international pressure mounted, it eventually agreed to allow some of the aid hand hundreds of trucks was desperately needed. supplies made their way through israel into the palace, student inquiry, if ever scenes. now experts say that's maybe international pressure, again might make a real change. it's behavior and we have to wait and see what the world's reaction to israel's efforts to limit the age to crisis. thorn street will be humanitarian on to appropriate a city not to visit the hey or so my believes be the funding of under what is more than a co incidence. with the recent i c j with a of israel came off with statements prior to i. c j saying that they do not
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believe that i c j will be really in accordance with the prophetic dismissed. everything that the south african legal team brought to the i c j. but with the i c, j supported a lot of that notion of how it was that yours diction. it seems very coincidental that a day or day all the same day with a late to that is rock, comes with claims of how it's one rest off being involved with different mazda tech and funding stuff. stuffing it's. it's extremely coincidental on rugs and relief if it's in the cause of the main life blood and support for high is that right? they have over 13000 stuff and it's the main source of funds that are going to hide, sir. and so the, to be too many people in the highs uh, uh, extremely dependent on, on girlfriends. um and you know, if you're going to stop funds like that and you're not going to replace it with additional funds, that's gonna have catastrophic impacts on the people of headsets. but you're
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talking about a situation we, it's not even under normal circumstances. we humanitarian aid the need for it has probably doubled or tripled under normal circumstances. and the full you would expect a just to double or triple. and so cutting on refunding or, or depleting under funding or reducing it is going to have massive amounts of impacts on the people of hi, how are they? honestly, how are they made to this? suffice a votes for is wally and p. o, a cast eve to resign has moved to the parliament off to recognize that committee, boasting save of his expulsion cost a funding to tribal off the he boy support for the genocide case against as well as the hague. we have some and i'd speak to the head dash party general secretary on the front of the little maker. he says that there is no justification for accusations as they can save, support the own struggle against as well. yeah, i mean i've done been out of some of those yesterday's committee vote to
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permanently expel connected member all for costs if there's a stain on the assets and on the remnants of the democracy allows within the next 10 days to 3 weeks at most it is expect the necessary or the capacity planner to hold a special session to deliver a vote with the majority of 9 member l i. e 75 percent of its members who are not sure if this majority or will be changed, but the atmosphere we witnessed yesterday, and the day before and the committee was fascist and oppressive, yet there is no justification for what they are accusing over casa. why do we emphasize that over concepts? trial is not due to statements being made, primarily because of the fascist atmosphere in the country, targeting the arab community. and anyone advocating against the war to this. and that's on yahoo was clearly weaker than ever and knows that ending the war, or even a prolonged ceasefire could lead to serious accountability and his real regarding his responsibility. and that of his really authority is an intelligent service. therefore, he wants to prolong this war to ensure his government survival,
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which is apparent to us and to the public and says, attempts to extend this criminal war as long as possible. if the vote succeed says i can save, would be the 1st slow make it to be removed from parliament to these wally history . he's accused of supposing the struggle against as well. the m p has rejected the charges saying there was a distinction between 90 will police and suppose for the on struggle. he has his response also be can i see that of the accusation included in the request for expulsion that i supposedly support the armed struggle of moss against israel is a particularly obvious enlightened lie a wild claim without an ounce of truth, a deliberate lie and behind it a clear and malicious intent. medical persecution silencing advocacy is known for his harsh rhetoric is ready. policy is repeatedly spoken, also gains possessing yahoo governments and is control the sea bass administer has been very small ethridge. he also denounced that as well as decimal policy and in
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2021 was beaten by police as an anti and assessment protest in east jerusalem. we spoke to a dash, a positive chapman is found that not cool who stays at the motion against because if it's not ok to eh, o and we believe that yesterday steps taken on the kinetic committee march. the 1st of 3 possible steps pass with the majority votes of the committee to isolate overcast the floor. however, this does not imply that there is a legitimate legal basis for such a decision. but according to assessments and the legal counsel of the message, the governments mean the motion against passive is fabricated, falls, and blacks legal standing. given all legal considerations, this is a failed step. what occurred in the kinetic yesterday is seen as a part of a fascist, the sold out on democracy from israel. it is part of the stifling racist atmosphere,
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attempting to remove buffer cost. so you as a representative of the error of community in israel, offer castillo, seen as a courageous connected member who confronts fascism within israel's government. this government considered one of the most extreme harbours, fascist, tell them in passive moses and opposing such forces as commendable. he opposes war and accuses israel, of committing or crimes, advocating for israel to be tried for genocide against the palestinian people. including supporting south africa's move to prosecute israel at the have thousands of farmers across you are protesting against on the payment high taxes in stifling green, a jet. and the regulations we have on 1000 tractors, bloating major roads in brussels as european leaders met for the e. u summit. the
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where the increasing domestic was comments the block approved of additional $50000000000.00 euro aid package for ukraine. with official saying, supposing key of was the power, se, agreement, the european council delivered on our priorities supporting ukraine a good day for europe. we have a deal. is us taking leadership and responsibility and support for ukraine? we know what is at stake. that's getting low now from us
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a contributor rachel mazda, right, so lovely to see you today. so what details could you give us about the summit to the pro test? they continue to go on in the background as well. these european leaders are hold up in brussels, but may as well be on a whole separate plan given how disconnected they are. they're talking about how it's a quote, good date for europe because they've unanimously voted to below more european tax payer cash on a non european country ukraine. how they even bother to look out the window. do they think that all the cheering that's going on? no, there is for their ukrainian vote. now, those aren't people throwing things are just people giving high fives to cleaners. so the ponder lines, you castle, actually, they're farmers, the likes of what you've taken to the streets with their tractors and about a 3rd of the countries at this point, and counting. because they're completely i rate as being squeezed on everything
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from climate change regulation property by or so was battalion of dest jockeys in brussels to energy costs, to be spied on by e used by satellite 3 times a day. and being confronted with a discrepancies even when, well things like whether or can change things from one hour to an extra from one day, the next. but the doesn't seem to realize that an icing on the cake. they're losing revenues and market share at home to creating products that don't even meet the quality regulations and are still being dumped into europe instead of going to feed the poor. and those in developing countries like the wind about and promised the we don't want to back down until we've made real progress because we can't take it anymore on our farms. today we've got standards falling on us from every direction of a we worked with living things all were farmer out were breeders, along with our colleagues, we can't afford to have rules that prevent us from responding to the vagaries of
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the weather to the needs of our crop rotational because we've got your opinion regulations because we've got a band coming down on us. said the old. we're determined. i don't think they're convinced we're going to last. and that's why we're showing them that we're still very much alive and that we're not going to give up. in any case, it's our life, it's our future. it's our children's future. so as you think finding motivation in the world is not to give up. you've done the hardest part now we're here are tractors are here. so now those same tractors, some of them that's made it to brussels, reported $1300.00 of them. and the belgian prime minister is saying that, well, those people should be heard, they should be listen to. and that's exactly what the french prime minister is also saying every few days. now, making a series of announcements just on thursday, once again, ultimately trying to find the magic words. anything that would potentially get
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those tractors off the highways here in france. so, up till now there's been nothing concrete, no real strong propositions that will make a serious debt and all of the challenges that the farmers are facing. and the farmers only ever really deal in concrete and pragmatism. they don't tend to say much, you don't hear from them very often. they are often entered public debate. but when they do, it is clear and loudon to quote one farmer this week when i was out on the 8th, 13 highway here in paris at that blockade. he said, you know, i'm like some politicians. our feet may be in the dirt, but the dirt is clean. and well, those farmers are looking for concrete propositions and, and things that move the needle from their countries and also from the who they blame for the majority of the regulations that they face and the challenges. and one of the big complaints that farmers have is that they're being strangled by you regulations. that process insists on maintaining in order to protect. they say
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every thing from the climate to european city since health. and then at the same time, they let all this sub par trash and from ukraine to fill up people's place. so farmers here in france, and i'm sure the rest of the, you want to know which is it. is it cool now to just do whatever with food production like ukraine does? or is it really that important to maintain standards, in which case, why should you try and get a free pass at the possible expense of people's well being and also of the farmers likelihood? where's the consistency in any of this is what the farmers want to know. having spoken with them this week, and yet the message they're getting now is that ukraine gets the cache and the attention while they're standing in the streets, yelling at the building like a child whose parents are always telling them they're broke. well, the same time buying stuff for the neighbors. file brots and you're in apartment,
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mr. victor or bon threatened to room the unit, the party at b. e. you meeting on thursday with a veto on the 50000000000 of new ukrainian that we've handled role in word got out in the financial times earlier this week of a working document that'd be used suggesting that his arm couldn't be twisted with economic portion. ultimately he did cave, but with a cab yet. according to prime minister, oregon b. u commission should represent the interest of european farmers against those of ukraine. not the other way around. we need to find a new leaders who truly represent the interest of the people. he said, referring to this year's european parliament selections to get, or bon onside the you did have to agree to debate the assistance every year because they can't do that right there. it's really all they ever do. and also to review it
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every 2 years, whether or not that's going to amount to anything or even if the rail, the plan that they've just pushed through is, remains to be seen. it's not clear if the foreigners asking the you where's the beef will appreciate the adjuster either. right, so many bags for that reports task, logic and service at rachel mazda and speaking to his life in power wheels. i spoke with elijah magneer 2 and a less than political analyst from belgium, who thinks that the use focused on ukraine goes against the interests of his people has lost this independence because europe can no longer decides what is good for the european people. and because in europe for european leaders already following the fight, didn't all america says and not to advances. and this has been highlighted by the
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decision to customer relationship with russia. and also to reuse the buying the guys and energy from russia that used to be 30 percent less expensive than any other place in the world. and we seen how that is affecting the farm is by reducing the numbers in a couple of years. 20 percent, which is a huge number for the farmers will offer using the tools and also allowing all the ukrainian production that can cover austria check p a and bedroom, all 3 countries together because ukraine has a boss and then to all the products that come to frames free or steps, and we have to pay taxes. yeah. on all the production and the domestic production, it doesn't really make sense. and this way, when we're shooting of a says in the head, the foot. because every, every decision we all taking, we as
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a corporate ation nice to say the price of these decisions. because we have say, to reach an outcome to divide russia and defeat the roof and rate rough uh, economy. and then we accept to the y year. but to fulfill the american would and pay the money and this is why the farm is on the street. and soon other sectors would burn street because the industry in europe is also equally suffering as, as we've got to industry with the 2024 breaks for i'm now wrapping up in moscow, we've gotten a chance to speak with the russian deputy foreign minister and ship a to the group from nuclear. this happens to the mid least crisis, so gabrielle comp discussed a wide range of issues with me. we need ceasefire. we need so do our most to feel deficiencies
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that are of us a couple of for you and security council resolutions adopted recently on this issue . we do not believe that the, the policy we should have government, the state of israel bas use that this is the way to go. it only aggravates the overall situation. multiplies the risks and suffering in the region is tremendous. we need to stop this and effect rich speaking, see one big weeks before new year. there was a very important gathering. it was a lead as meeting a taken in virtual full months. the message from the uh was very clear. this should be stopped. palestinian people their lives should be saved and we should do our at most to come back into the mode just to find the political solution based on the
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principles of, to solving and state, leaving in peace with each other. and how codes been made, at least when he transform, if muslim countries are united, i do think that in countries in the region united and there are several initiatives of regional care act that we witness and support. we think that's uh, early attempts, uh over the bite and administration to you and you let sure the transform the region and the impose solutions that would allow for normalization, no relationship between israel and some that up states. they completely failed. it was not a comprehensive approach, it was an attempt to economically by piece to put it this way. it didn't work. a war expanse crisis is huge. this is one of the
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most troubling areas uh all over the world and the russia, together with islamic states and other like minded. we work full force the and deliberately, to ensure that political process is once again in place. and we reach the formula altima need that would allow that this war, this and this was the, it, it finishes for the us sanctions became probably the only diplomatic to, at hands apart from the results to oral military power. so it's all about sanctions. it's all about punishing those who is not ready to be and the form, as you, as dictates this should be stopped,
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not least through the development of mechanisms we've been breaks that, you know, facilitates the normal c expansion of brakes is something that is driven by keen to interest all 5 huge number of countries coming from different areas in the world, different corners of the world uh towards the brakes. it is driven by the understanding that breaks offers uh, an alternative, if you wish, in terms of off of being the platform being the venue, the place where people talk friendly to one another and work in a very consensual mamma toward solutions that make everyone comfortable and satisfied no russian entity.
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no one has ever tried to middle into us domestic relationship. we all remember how earlier narratives on so called russian involvement, how they became completely a m. c. and how they failed in every single elements after they were used and abused me. so used by those who just score political points on so called the russian file. i suspect that inclinations in some circles to play once again, this is melody and these cards russian cards in relation to what's going on and not going on in texas. uh these these the moment welcome probably in not so distant future when we will see.


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