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tv   Documentary  RT  February 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

6:30 pm
to hey, dale right now for it was the slaves revolting against the master. the will of course, when slaves revolt against illegitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent parents here, and that will take a ride in tears. there, there is just surrounding the entire area of the party became ready for the cadillac. driving outside, we saw a lot of the territories. it was very horrible because there is a body over here. there is a body over there and i think i just took my seats. i really like that. so if there are any terry firing, they won't tom my head terrible tragedy and terrible revenge. and i hope they may come off the, the on, off,
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new mishita play shall be the cause of being prevented. dublin probably seems to be the one people and we want to peoples of the land to leave in peace and prosperity. is it possible to have peace in this region? every gain a round 6 and we heard a lot of bon bins coming from the iron human from the guys as dr side. i think it was an hour of non self funding going back and forth.
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the i told my boyfriend, i think we need to leave, we didn't know what we were supposed to do because on one hand we had the me says, going above our heads and instruction was to stay in boss. from the other hand, the my home is really not secure the, some of the people that i know on their house, or at least on a fire, again from a person who's reading right next to the goal though, i received a s. m. s. messages from ology boost from last november is sending us the don't be afraid of the bonded that you're hearing because it's from us practicing the
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there is just surrounding the entire area of the party. they came ready for us. you know, they knew we're gonna scatter like the ship and every cross road we go to, we see burns cars. we seem dead bodies randomly. those we see vehicles empty vehicles all over with dead bodies with blood, with the tolls. and we just drove, i pushed the gas all over and we just drove until i got home. and the if so room, if they knew they were practicing, why didn't that? and the idea and our government practice to as well for this the now us and it's, it's absurd. a new or in the middle east beginning on october, the 7th, 202328 half 1000. how much militants across from the gaza strip into israel?
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it set to be israel, security forces, greatest failure, causes vacated, thought to be on the full control goes on more couple individually got caught you most of the one in the but nobody's in the system was signal is i say i do is, is it asking sports it goes to the is not fair to them. does it says for the good i'm assume so i suppose they're not doing see what would be the see what the, what is the, what are they gonna need said in the chairs? is there any what i'm saying? yeah, not the result of domestic l 7. so for me to build it then you know, to, to see faster, they do the width and for many of gold and the cube would see, you know, move that he's in charge of the secure and bust, fits to the west bank to the set of this and the other thing, the thing you know, the on the board, the between the soft paisley island, the, it goes us we new way,
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or we generally 55, but the young if them, you know, move fairly 2 of them to the west bank and the left only if we, that's a lot this on us to succeed in depth, most split even more that they feel that they will even need a copy of it. so just send it to the office says that they see the inspect it suspicious wins in the a cause a sweep, the whole for sale said that they should still connecting and the if they continue saying that there's something suspicious thing doesn't street they were going to with the or the i was shocked when have us attacked israel. i thought it was
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horrendous. what the what, how much deb unconscionable, unforgivable as if there were maybe 350 soldiers and policemen killed but another for the 800 civilians who were killed that day. the what happened on october, the 7th was a jail breakout, or it was the slaves revolting against the master. and of course, when slaves revolt against illegitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful. and it is going to be violet and b as riley's. they should have thought about that before they expelled palestinian subjugated palestinians and murder. i think it was inevitable. the policy named
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people have been under brutal subjugation, or many decades. israel responded to the attack with operations. so it's of on the, as a very clear and i know who they me to come off the the afternoon. vitiate the base over the no, not so the soonest it then it's a home, the israelis had no game plan for what's gonna happen. so they went in there to get revenge, but they have to do it in a targeted 10 point way, not by level and gaza for the new says in
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a youth of sit on i'm of the model and that's it because they've been mechanically, but wanted to put them on a plumb, the best for the old one of the plot, or mr. bad, that it's that i'll have to put on the amount of less of my students that i didn't know. and i can and i'm a, is that the thought of of subtle how it can get a balance based yaneth, the fema dad and see if i you remember what age would that and what sort of thing. so yeah, that was done. but as of october and i still enjoyed the uh, gentleman of the gentleman that's well, that's of the i little how that the be the sure the minimum of the bundled off the he has come with the woman home middle of uh what sort of slip. yeah. she got home
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with an estimate of how to do the home minimum as of for me, the 3 of them said meet home best i'm have them. and the young woman said that i the you know, had been with somebody the . ringback a humanitarian design has done folded and goes funding food is getting harder. israel says how much militant aside and hospitals and schools. so the palm, 2000 reported that the
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nothing justifies the muster can't updates on us getting the most of my objection and my companions objection to the assault them guys are using mobile one because the vast majority over the victims mode and 70 percent. so email, since convenience is where there is a racist campaign that says the, i don't know in the sense even in gosh, the media coverage started off being totally sympathetic to israel. but the images that are coming out are so heartbreaking at so sad, so tragic that said,
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the balance of world opinion as shifted as simple fees to have the to are these rallies are now over whelmed by the sympathies for the people of guys that. c most of the global communities, once again talking about the palestinian tragedy, the one that's how much those goals may have been to draw attention to the disaster and the gaza strip. and this isn't the 1st time that's being done with terrorist attacks the
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how much they have to have. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. several opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again,
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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the waiting thing. a video of alleged abuse by an officer today for sheriff's deputy and columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talking to her and her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just as quite a student in the class. someone looked at the police officer and says, here was law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and other than others besides, this is what's wrong with the probably be on discipline. black children, he was there enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people were never
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gonna change your mind, so people will never change their minds about the video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. a cause i say i broke down 75 years ago, and there has been no peace since june started coming to by this time in the late 19th century. when anti semitic sentiment was rife in europe, amazon is movement appear. its goal was to create an independent to a state of british proposed established in palestine at the time territory under britain. this protect to read. this is when the 1st idea to which under the due to their homeland at the time they were more than 10 times as many arabs and muslims in palestine as there were jews during world war 2. and the whole of cost. that cri,
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that's changed the situation and changed the diameter 6000000 jews had been killed and the browse sympathies for with the jews. here's us have done this nice thing. somebody is, i don't see or seen, you'll be steaming so. so small, i'm going to opinion my 15 year or so, then you move this will dest ethan die institution? yeah, it was the words, the most i should do the actual east indians. if that means that particular site it's sitting, is, are doing, see. all right, but as i knew i knew completely knew about the last thing you can, you must quit or is it or do we do that? so i'm boy, human, the gym, police teams, commodity columbus with this tool. these are the ways that are, that comes with solution and we've come to more you flip, she is out of pocket. was to give to the police team. they said that you were in the rise because so therefore you would have c p, i mean the war begins. the arrows declare war. thousands of the jews were killed
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and maybe $13000.00 arabs were killed. however, what happens is about 750000 hours were driven out of their homeland jews fund. so there's like 29 arrow villages the the ups store designed it, splitting the yet the you've got the customer unit doesn't, so it'd be the larger. so what is the status of the the you see what the, like a business of some of the media, the key out of the city and the showing the was a good bit of cookies, blah, blah blah. so just keep doing it,
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but come through and i've done the recently well, about 800000 palestinians, most the land and the homes. such thing so hard to give a movement to liberate palestine founded by us out of us began to grow a cold to establish a palestinian state and started up is a fight against those. he considered invaders which forced israel to negotiate that i did. i think you solved the reason. i was not that as move to view of the size of the school, the new service that a good actor is what are you using to print to you by the use of learning of that? so somebody can you police, and you guys can call us because the issue of our operational video makes the new go one or 2. yeah. and you must be from ice you with the do i get both these measuring the how much the most of the person put arrows that signed
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a peace treaty with israel in the west bank and gaza strip palestinian autonomy is a peer a move until pile on our side became president, but peace and have a came israel presidency. it's robin was assassinated by his way of the student, because he'd signed the piece straight to you with the palestinians in the gaza strip. him, us rose up on terrorist, the tanks resumed. well the so much as the site glass. yeah. do you hear me? yes. so this is just pretty much on yesterday. so that's the reason that the of the seclusion that live with me on these guys because we have to myself a couple a go else. i'm going to be the biggest ones. this is the one you're going to do from us. is that the with the time? so, but i wanted to kindly do the music on the one of the senior police in the country . so cool. you might still going pretty well. what's the value
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of the piece? and there's a lot of it. so you, what is this, what are you? what are the, what is just going to use for us came to power and goes are in 2006 of the which israel and egypt located the entire territory. more than 2000000 people live here on the small strip of land. almost all of the refugees or children of refugees. offense was erected around garza, which is kept under constant surveillance. look at the sky on there, 53 percent poverty right. among the young guys ends between 19 and 29. so the why 70 percent unemployment gaza has survived as a welfare state to the people there have no hope. they've been desperate
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nice from the internet, from the thought to how much for each keep it started for the students who are currently muted with the chest police. to me that the most acceptable garza the, was that i did little bit of coverage to him. we got the, what you mean the dealers. 6 but you stanley, when you got but we, me goes, come with our team. come us. when you show you what the car cars do, you need a do need to police people come last me only upon you. well israel side, so most of the gaza strip on palestine is westbank, governed by such a there's no open conflict as yet. but all to the outbreak of hostilities, the situation is now pointing point, as well as conducting antiterrorist rates on this talk of hundreds of dead, including children, the
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lives of the guy thought the last and the what all how much on the phone side as also the guy move up also been paul, what personal philosophy alarm file i have to show up as far as us. how and then how the special but of the all the 100 and look on the law of today's events. thousands of palestinians gathered for funerals in the west bank, the killing of civilians ignites and violent confrontations between palestinian protest as an israel, some of the tree. the thoughtful thing for which that's a cool place to wave of lava, blah, it'd be good. critically, it would critically,
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that's in the city and you don't have to board shop, which is one year it's but the of from didn't use the i'm, it's a call of i typically that's this early in the woods, the bluff loop. and what can we be doing exactly what they called my celia things is attention as well, even though all of the adults jews are taking up items. until recently this was unimaginable. these people are exempt from military service. that you would be bound to study the tora purpose of jewish traditions. now they don't need to defend themselves. so now we trusted the security forces, but now we see that we have to prepare ourselves. and when somebody is dressed like it, you know, we use a jew, the community has no army and background. they don't know anything about security and the others know that they live very close to the villages and into or
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3 minutes. the 10201500. say error can come with guns or with a knife. meanwhile, it goes and they're trying to cope with the humanitarian designs. the, there's practically no food. the end, a critical shortage of medicine, cherokee india, and many other countries since humanitarian a to goes up. russia is also sending thousands of tons of age via egypt. sports, and because of the low cost alternative, that's what i see. the thought of that even since group, almost most of us on this is jeanette instrument. the category of leaving me kind of both. i am what she does, i see. i see, but i see the you in comes to vehicles on his royal to store or the over. she continues with america's full support. the problem is we've got
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the victims. israel is to empower sydney's where unique position because they are being victimized by people who are themselves victims who have suffered in the holocaust. which complicates it. complicates the moral situation and complicates the politics. no, there is no complication that is rallies are the best friends. it is utterly racist for europeans to think that because of their crimes, they can force the policy and people to pay the price. they have to give up their land because someone else has committed a crime that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. victory is not possible. in fact, for the human standpoint, we've already lost the world is never going to forget these images. the weather is never kind of forget what her mostella october 7th and the weather is never going
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to be able to forget. what day is rallies have done the we have to stay song. these little people have to stay phone to ask the wars. there will be some very soft questions that benjamin anthony hour and all of the people who are sitting in those 120 chairs would have to answer. but for now, we don't. uh think about that. we just think about what is the fastest way to and come to us. and i do believe that we could do that and we will do the laser as a source to a new boy, a catch it to me. but the other thing projects in different muscle now that wants to explain, you know, just a current shipment that are taken from us, of woods and compete. you've got your 5 gift which is already
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a little more difficulty. thomas, how much will dispatch and book a weird stuff is easy to come to the beach. industrial use, the how much boot drug problem i'm gonna use to distribute the with g m, and you guys include people are unable to. so that's always a need from us when she is here, it says to poor how much of the failures of us women and children their met, the same as members of their family, have such a anger, rage, bitterness as another generation of resistance fighters, potential service, mackenzie and mass murder is being carried out against these people. and the regimes that are behind this janice, signed by western regimes. all the bombs, all the weapons that are used by this really amazing are being
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supplied by the united states. we don't on seems to be the one piece that needs to be that we don't want anyone to be that we want the 2 peoples of the land to leave in peace and prosperity. and there was no other way but the politic or what the political solution that is ending bill to based on the sage for an independent palestinian state alongside these. i've chosen muslims could live peacefully or we need to say new leadership in gaza. do leadership in the west bank, a new leadership in israel, and i hope new leadership in the united states. i mean, those are the principal players here, the,
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the the the, the
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the stick them with them for me to put them would we get to the side of celia? was this because it did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g t. so i know for me teaching, scholars should thoughtful, i knew that as i'm going to last, i look forward to with that the, she's in the ocean by cheap. let's move i'm oh no. i'm really starting from 1st month to most of the move. let me look into that. i will just, i did i as well or so the lowest the did. so i'm going to study to the progressive rock. i guess they were shy finish. this is just all just for the news. i'm a fraction of when you come seem to do friday is the material ordering of simple for over the, for sure. enter them in the temperature of the election to some of this,
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the law. this decision will affect millions, it will also affect some more than 30000 why employees who are fully committed to the values of the united nations and international humanitarian law documents proving their commitment loan, right. so as far as sending goes, it gives an exclusive interview. it's ok, see on the why so role the organization pays in the helping me is a positive sense of buying the idea of assault as these reading pm in yahoo, dom, all the un body shop down almost across 0 black child. so good, strict environmental regulations of stifling live business is on one government. they will do what ever it takes to protect their livelihood.


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