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tv   News  RT  February 1, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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or is it possible to have peace in this region ever? again? the law, this decision will affect merely. it will also affect more than $30000.00 why employees or fully committed to the values of the united nations and international humanitarian law documents proving their commitment. right, so 1st thing dog is an exclusive individual all to your why tubal ligation phase and helping the positive so. so via the idea to solve these ready p m. s at yahoo! the laws of the you embody the shut down fall as opposed to a blush out to do 6 environmental regulations that us by feeding the businesses on one government. but they will do whatever it takes to protect their livelihood.
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we're still very much alive and that we're not going to give up. in any case, it's our life. it's our future. it's our children's future. on this slide, mounting demonstrations on the 6th, sylvia wrote the you approve 50000000000 you package. pretty plain alpha housing, blackstone authorized to be the global, i think from las go, every hour of the day. this is the i'm roads them on me with your headline stories this friday. so adult story, while the is a prime minister dom all is the closure of one rough exclusive interview with all see this funds was in for the with the nice agent named gaza. stated the funding fees will affect millions of palestinians and then have them come out of this decision to suspend the financial contributions of $15.00 donor countries, including 6 of the major donor countries to own y will have serious effects on the
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services provided to millions of palestinian refugees, not only and gaza, but also in syria and lebanon, and jordan, and the west bank and east jerusalem. this decision was based on allegations between wall commissioner, immediately decided to terminate the contracts of 8 on why employees an investigation committee will investigate each of these incidents. but it is absolutely unreasonable to claim that while participated in the event of october 7th, because of 12 employees, this decision will affect the millions. it will also affect more than $30000.00 on why employees who are fully committed to the values of the united nations and international humanitarian law with documents proving their commitment, the alternative plan is to resume support. otherwise, there will be certain disaster in the gaza strip. was the lifeline for the people. today we talk about hundreds of thousands of hungry people. later we will talk about the entire population of the gaza strip, facing an unprecedented humanitarian collapse. we're talking about 1700000 displays
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to people in various areas of the gaza strip. we have about $1000000.00 of them either in our shelters or around the shelters and registered the volume of aid entering constitutes only 8 percent of the needs of the population of the gaza strip. there are tens of thousands of hungry families in the northern gaza strip and gaza city. there is a real hunger situation there. they are losing everything in that place. humanitarian situation is continually deteriorating. continuing in this manner will lead to a collapse and services. while the decision to got the funding to riley details to him as our invoices in gaza, who does most of the businesses schools set up a by the you and money is now serves as a refuge for display civilians. i mean, i had the, my dad is, i know this one of the school build by u n. r w a. northern garza, it is a mom, the palestinian school that was bombed by is really war planes and rated by is
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really tang so we can see the scale of the destruction rolled in this building. and that was the last how the ceiling and families have returned. and are now living here. this is live for one such family beneath the stairway in diet humanitarian conditions. how do you leave here? day to day all the sudden had this. there is simply no one here to one look after us ever since my husband was taken by the jews, there's still no one here to look out for us. no one has brought us any assistance . so here i am living in a stairwell with my children, barely surviving, struggling to sleep or even sit. my 5 little children are dying from the cold. my son has been coughing and has had a cold for about 3 days now. he can't sleep at all. even our neighbors here say to me, your son was sabbath keeping us away. i can only tell them my children can't sleep because of the cold water leaks on us at night. we put a suitcase here and a map there. we don't know how we can get any sleep. life is difficult. no one provides us with any food or drink even flour. we haven't eaten bread for 7 days
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because we don't have any flour. my children and i are surviving on starch and sugar. and why did you return to this school? despite it being bombed and destroyed? there's no shelter. where are we supposed to go? or should we sleep in the streets? that's why i was forced to come here. my house was bombed out. of course. i live in bate her noon, not in a camp, but my house was completely destroyed. where am i supposed to go? i had to come here. i am living in a stairwell with my 5 children. no one asks about us. no one cares for us. these are the challenging living conditions for people in digit valley account. as the rain and severe cold of the winter season continues, and the israeli occupation stop and we blocks access of humanitarian aid in the north. this only adds to the board and of suffering, making life even more difficult for the residence of northern gauze. what somebody artsy because then didn't new and pre comes as a humanitarian catastrophe. ingles us models,
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further out of control with for thousands of civilians fleeing the besieged or fine . so these are this very civil sort rescued in. i'll room on school in western god. let me pull, they look for some of the secondary school in the know the id f inside school, the area demolition, demolishing the wall of the school. i'm the older and the women that head south, the for they live and say they have no idea of what happened to the men they left behind. while access routes into the camp are extremely dangerous to see. and the people were lying dead in the street and dogs were eating their flesh. i saw a dead man thrown on the road and also a dead woman. and with many bodies are just lying in the street. but all she didn't know, and they told us to go to dallas, but no, we don't know if it's a safe place, but we were told to go that means the road was very difficult and the children were drowning in mud which reached up to the next many people died on the way and their
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bodies were just thrown on the road. as the is ready, bombardment, it shows no sign of gland to meet with him to hire humanitarian situation in gaza, continues to was. and despite this is where the problem is. that benjamin netanyahu has now cool for right to be closed. his goal for an end to the u. n. c manager emission follows the i. c j is moving, the israel prevent genocide a while, and spies on forces. its time that the international community and the un itself understand that the owner of the mission has to bend under a sofa punctuating it is self perpetuating also. and it's the desire to keep alive the rescue, the palestinian refugee issue. there are other agencies in the way the other agencies in the world they have to replace on rock and roll is totally infiltrated and come us. it has been in the service of come us and it's schools. and in many other israel's war against under wall continues. now these really prime ministers
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calling for the closure of the agency, which is a crucial lifeline for desperate. how is teens and guides and you've just heard. prime minister netanyahu chose to speak about it after meeting with foreign and bassett, or as to the un during the visits to israel. and his speech prime minister attacked under the law, but also lashed out at the un itself, claiming it is unbelievably tilted when it comes to dealing with israel. also, earlier on monday these really foreign minister demanded the resignation of the had of another was ahead of the commissioner general's planned visit to the countries rose top diplomats wrote on his social media supporters of terrorism. i know to welcome here, as you know, is really fused 12 falls on the personnel of participating in a massive tober 7 assault on israel, claiming 7 of them stormed into these really territory well to participated in kidnappings. and before any investigation was launched, several western countries,
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crucial donors of the agents that decided to freeze the funding to under was the un warranty. it will have catastrophic consequences quote, for gaza, where human to tear in crisis is unfolding, following months longest, really offensive. that is continuing, the un is now urging for my daughter is to reconsider this quick and dangerous decision. by underscored the importance of keeping owner was vital work. going to meet the dire the needs of civilians in gaza and to ensure its continuity of services to palestine. refugees in the occupied westbank, jordan, lebanon, and syria. warner was the backbone of all humanitarian response and gossip by appeal to all member states to guarantee the continuity of owner was life saving work. meanwhile, humanitarian situation in guys is critical. lack of drinking water and food is dramatic. hundreds of thousands of people are starving and plus, well, then 85 percent old in claims to points. we 1000000 population have been internally
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displaced. and great concerns, of course, now are that without an alarm, and with these really mills reparation continue, including intensive air strikes, things on the ground might quickly turn hanging to a disaster. if the countries that suspended their funding to otherwise maintain their decision, the impact will be catastrophic on the people of casa right. now, as the war continues, as the displacements continues, as people are mostly in the rush shelters receiving wheat flour to make bread from hon. receiving medical services from monroe, so the in fact will be really a disaster as well as the timing is quite interesting as israel a launch this whole campaign against another wall. shortly after the international court of justice issued, i preliminary a ruling and a case accused in israel, off committing genocide and guys on the case. and which one of our testimonies played a very important role. and we're even included by that course as evidence that the
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crisis and gaza is compounded by dehumanizing language. one form is really official even directly called another one. israel's anomie in front, you have shelby going to. it will be impossible to win the will if we do not destroy onrush and this destruction must begin immediately apart from a tax on that un release agency. now we hear that israel is going to sit around limitations, humanitarian a sense to the gases, 3 through these really territory complex in, in the a distribution is controlled by him mass and food volts, and medical supplies and fuel. following according to israel, into the hands of the militant group, israel is fighting to eliminate. the move is claimed now to be a temporary measure, but it is an alarm and sign and also contradicts the holding of the international court of justice that ordered israel to do its best to prevent killings, destruction, but also to provide humanitarian assistance to ordinary guidance from sufferings, continue and grow, and the decisions,
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whatever consequences it might have would become a response to growing public discontent. relatives and protests have been organized in tel aviv jerusalem and also as a kind of show on the crossing at the junction for that. so which are the age goes into the gaza, with people demanding to stop trucks from going to the place. and the most recent events for tester is mostly mothers of these really military tribes to block support all by start the city in israel, south and other entry points for the aid they believe they committed, terminates supports him as that the sons of fine to the gains so it should be stopped immediately when the war started. by the way, israel strongly rejected any assistance to locals in guys of valley in complete siege, also in clay. but as the international pressure mounted, it eventually agreed to allow some of the aid hand hundreds of try some desperately needed supplies, made their way through israel,
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into the college student and clave ever since. now experts say that's maybe international pressure, again might make a real change. it's behavior and we have to wait and see what the world's reaction to israel's efforts to limit the age to crisis. thorn tree will be a me love washington. this is an isa 90, it's a in the i, c, j, welding. but as well see says in disagreement bombing of gaza and the us the funding of own rough to announcement. so it's just so happened to live the same day . we do that, was there any concert internal. ready that releasing the announcement within about an hour or so of the i c j court ruling which set which one thing it did was, you know, instruct israel to make sure that the man is here and it was flowing. that it would, that announcing it so close together would seem like a repudiation. and with no i there was no concern. it was in no way in our mind related to the i c. j decision about the whole voice and science in gaza has been
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destroyed by setting attacks, follow support from brussels while the i, c, j is decision i includes the is will to implement the ruling and full ability of minutes that has slammed is very overwhelming residential areas the office building of the belgian agency for development, cooperation in gaza, has been bombed and is completely destroyed. attacking civilian buildings is and remains totally unacceptable. together with hodge allow the belgian foreign minister. i will some in the is really ambassador. as i am a pro c 9, so this is a here the somebody believes that also the reason the i c j, meaning that the funding evelyn is more than just a coincidence. it is wrong. came off with statements prior to i. c j saying that they do not believe that i c j will be really in accordance with the prophetic dismissed everything that the south african legal team go to the i c j. but with
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the i c, j supported a lot of that notion and of how it was that yours diction. it seems very coincidental that a day or day while the same day or a day later, that is wrong, comes with claims of how it's one rest off. be involved with different mazda tech and funding stuff. stuffing it's. it's extremely coincidental on rugs and relief if it's in the cause of the main life blood and support for high is that right? they have over 13000 stuff and it's the main source of funds that are going into hundreds. yeah. and so the, to be 2000000 people in the highs uh, uh, extremely dependent on, on draft funds. um and you know, if you're going to start funds like that, and you're not going to replace it with additional funds, that's gonna have catastrophic impacts on the people of headsets. but you're talking about a situation we, it's not even under normal circumstances. we humanitarian aid the need for it has probably doubled or tripled under normal circumstances. and the food you would
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expect aid to double or triple. and so cutting on refunding or, or depleting under funding or reducing it is going to have massive amounts of impacts on the people of hi, how are they? honestly, how are they made to this, suffice to now with thousands of follows through out to the content on the site to go low salaries, half the taxes. i'm restrict to clean agenda lowes around of 1300 faxes books. major highways and bustles as you need is gathered for the e. u summit. the
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. this why are the going a domestic on rest? the you have agreed to have know when x of 50000000000, you ro, assistance package feed claim. as officials claim the helping queue is that top priority? the agreement, the european council delivered on our priorities supporting ukraine a good day for europe. we have a deal e u as taking leadership and responsibility and support for ukraine. we know what is at stake. well, these european leaders are hold up in brussels, but may as well be on a whole separate plan and given how disconnected they are, they're talking about how it's a quote good day for europe because they've unanimously voted to below more european tax payer cash on a non european country ukraine have even bother to look out the window. so they
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think that all the cheering that's going on know there is for their ukrainian vote . now those aren't people throwing things as just people giving high fives to cleaners. so the ponder lines, you castle, actually, they're farmers, the likes of what you've taken to the streets with their tractors in about a 3rd of the countries at this point. and counting. because they're completely, i rate a being squeezed on everything from climate change regulation concocted by ursa was battalion of dest, jockeys in brussels, to energy costs, to be spied on by e used by satellite 3 times a day. and being confronted with a discrepancies even when, well things like whether or can change things from one hour to the next or from one day the next. but the doesn't seem to realize that an icing on the cake. they're losing revenues and market share at home to create in products that don't even meet you quality regulations and are still being dumped into europe instead of going to
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feed the poor and those in developing countries like the wind about and promised. we're going through a very deep prices and we want a decent income for our work. stop signing free trade to reduce, give decent wages and decent incomes to farmers. because these people are the ones who produce several fort the own. we're determined. i don't think they're convinced we're going to last, and that's why we're showing them that we're still very much alive and that we're not going to give up. in any case, it's our life, it's our future. it's our children's future. so if you think finding motivation in the world is not to give up, you've done the hardest part. now we're here are tractors are here. now those same drafters, some of them that made it to brussels, reported $1300.00 of them. and the belgian prime minister saying that, well,
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those people should be heard they should be listened to. and that's exactly what the french prime ministers also saying every few days. now, making a series of announcements just on thursday, once again, ultimately trying to find the magic words. anything that would potentially get those tractors off the highways. here in france, we don't want, we want to be solving the solver into grow solver and to harvest solver and to feed ourselves. some of this is the 1st commitment i am making this morning. we will enshrine the objective of sovereignty in law. and we will do it with foam is on the basis of clear indicates as defined with them that we will in try and agriculture in the rural code as a fundamental national interest memo. also. now there's been nothing concrete, no real strong propositions that will make a serious debt and all of the challenges that the farmers are facing. and the farmers only ever really deal in concrete and pragmatism. they don't tend to say
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much, you don't hear from them very often. they are often entered public debate, but when they do, it is clear and loud and to quote one farmer this week when i was out on the 8th, 13 highway here in paris at that blockade. he said, you know, unlike some politicians, our feet may be in the dirt, but the dirt is clean. and well, those farmers are looking for concrete propositions and, and things that move the needle from their countries and also from the you who they blame for the majority of the regulations that they face and the challenges. and one of the big complaints that farmers have is that they're being strangled by you regulations that brussels insists on maintaining, in order to protect. they say, every thing from the climate to european citizens health. and then at the same time, they let all this sub par trash in from ukraine to fill up people's place. so farmers here in france, and i'm sure the rest of the, you want to know,
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which is it is a cool now to just do whatever with food production like ukraine does. or is it really that important to maintain standards, in which case, why should you try and get a free pass at the possible expense of people's wellbeing and also of the farmers livelihood? where's the consistency in any of this is what the farmers want to know. having spoken with them this week, and yet the message they're getting now is that ukraine gets the cache and the attention while they're standing in the streets, yelling at the building like a child whose parents are always telling and they're broke. well, the same time buying stuff for the neighbors while bribes. and you're in apartment is to victor or bon threatened to room the you're the party at the see you meeting on thursday with a veto on the 50000000000 of new that the ukrainian, or cash for ukraine were got out in the financial times earlier this week. of
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a working document that'd be used suggesting that his arm couldn't be twisted with economic torsion. ultimately he did cave, but with a cab yet, according to prime minister or been b. u commission should represent the interest of european farmers against those of ukraine. not the other way around. we need to find a new leaders who truly represent the interests of the people. he said, referring to this year's europe and the parliament selections that are bon onside. the did have to agree to debate the assistance every year because they can't do that right there. it's really all they ever do. and also to review it every 2 years, whether or not that's going to amount to anything or even if the rail, the plan that they've just pushed through is, remains to be seen. it's not clear if the farmers asking you, where's the beef will appreciate the adjuster either to us have a good amount web kiddo. so present
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a by info ray has raised the possibility of an exit from the c f a frank because then now this. com the do announce that will withdrawal form and regional economic block echoes along with neighboring modeling and new pacific. and we have chosen the path of no return. we decided that when we break this chains, it will be forever. so no more echo us ever again. no, that's finished. and ideally, does that mean you plan to exit the c f i frank currencies that one as well. let me see if i is probably what will be, will be as soon as almost inevitable. isn't it mister president? it's not just a currency, little break, everything that is linked to keeping us in slavery is i don't believe this is, i'll say, a decision to leave echo us of molly slide until the below for imposing sanctions against the 3 states. and also to the end of the trance filing principles of the difference so far on the power they have for the union. the answer to the decision,
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expressing regrets of the chairperson of the african union commission, his excellence. the most of the key mohammad learned with the progress of the announcement by molly new year and book, you know, 5 so of their withdrawal from echo us. the african union commission chairperson calls for the pulling of efforts to preserve the unity of echo was and for african solidarity to being hands. the can we is it west side for the face was established in 1975 to false. originally, economic integration. it also serves as a peacekeeping force across the west africa today echo as comprises of 15 member states including modeling books in a facet. and these, yeah, is withdrawal. main. take opportunity here to implement. you spoke with locals in the region who shed the views on the development. they say they have jo, well, is it eve? it's positive. we agree with our authority symbolic this decision to with girlfriend
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. echo was because everyone in the student that i could watch playbooks as submissive to a group of people leaders which are themselves submissive to westerners, an imperialist in listening to the meaning is because i'm in more than ever. we are determined to help the authorities and those who can help us to leave echo, wash and french imperialism. we are not afraid of anything. we tell it like it is human knows it or not that i need if i am very happy with the decision taken by our far to use because a co us is no longer credible. it no longer defends the interests of its people. molly's interest to being violated. echo us only exists in name developmental loss has not been serving our countries for several years. we have not benefited from the organization. was incredible. so i think it's a very good thing and it's a good decision that will enable us to take our country and our resources back into our own hands. get a lot of things that we spoke with. the reason for the alice is, is a withdrawal of the 3 countries, a little damage,
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eco assigned the african union, of the big was lose lose company. so they live other than in or was money to get ahold of the media to be mean insight. it was in there with him in the also in the communion. this is the position of law. i think i'm in the one of those 3 countries. somebody's looking up was an issue for the you to say the gun union didn't do nothing to be then the table was causing the samsung against the 3 of these. it could be leg because of the rest of the countries remaining inside because they the one the other also in their countries. that's why they to why in the region the any county
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which is going to do it. that's why all of those kind of samsung in order to be hands on it. i mean, again and again, the funding finance technologies on that front. as far as on the front of the the it was, this is very bad for a while. and the 3 d a probably going to be very, but also for the rest could be for firing for a conflict with china over tie one sooner rather than later they're able to come in . that's something positive equipment are being made in australia for more on this storage checkout. i'll do the comp and we'll move on the top of them. the
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i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously, is to trace a trust, rather than to the various jobs. i mean, with the artificial intelligence, we have so many with him in the robot most protects his phone existence was on the the, the what happened october.
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the 2nd was a jail right now, or it was the slaves revolting against the master. the. and of course, when slaves revealed against illegitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful, and it is going to be violent terrorist here. and then we'll take a ride in those areas there, there and just surrounding the entire area of the party became ready for the task. cadillac, driving outside, we saw a lot of the territories. it was very horrible because there is a body over here. there is a body over there and i think i just took my seats. i really like that. so if there are any terry firing, they won't tom my head terrible tragedy.


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