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tv   News  RT  February 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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is really, this is what joe biden's, blank set, underwriting israel. actually the last to this decision will affect the millions. it will also affect more than $30000.00 boon why employees were fully committed to the values of the united nations and international humanitarian law. documents proving their commitment as, as riled them all in the united nation really on was the agency is shot down in thoughts of a supposed to pass into moving ice age and excludes to be helpful to it's role is, is vital and health and kind of stimulus divide from to human rights organizations say often those who end up behind bars have nothing to do with the activities of the militants. and sometimes not even wanted by israel with a capital broker. he's still said to be under consideration 5, how much we have from kind of spinning and families living on the public seems to
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available biased ratings and the end of the childhood innocence sizable and goals, and continues to test time and cost. we report on the young boy forced to cap siblings after that motherhood pills. this is very hard for me. it is difficult for me to raise my siblings alone. i go and press the button and it's in yahoo to stop the war so we can return to goes up the the stock international lives for most go for myself and the whole team here at our h q a very welcome to the program to our top story would be is really prime minister to mounting the close of the united nations relief and walk agency, the palestinian refugees and an exclusive interview with all the spokes person for the organization. and gaza says that a funding phrase would threaten the lives of millions. and then how does come out
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of this decision to suspend the financial contributions of 15 donor countries, including 6 of the major donor countries to why will have serious effects on the services provided to millions of palestinian refugees not only and gaza, but also in syria. and lebanon, and jordan, and the west bank and east jerusalem. and this decision was based on allegations, the while commissioner, immediately decided to terminate the contracts of 8, why employees. and there was an investigation committee will investigate each of these incidents. but it is absolutely unreasonable to claim that while participated in the event of october 7th, because of 12 employees, this decision will affect the millions. it will also affect more than $30000.00 why employees who are fully committed to the values of the united nations and international humanitarian laws with documents proving their commitment. the alternative plan is to resume support. otherwise, there will be certain disaster in the gaza strip. was the lifeline for the people.
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today we talk about hundreds of thousands of hungry people. later we will talk about the entire population of the gaza strip, facing an unprecedented humanitarian collab. we're talking about 1700000 displaced people in various areas of the gaza strip. we have about $1000000.00 of them either in our shelters or around to the shelters and registered the volume of aid entering constitutes only 8 percent of the needs of the population of the gaza strip. there are tens of thousands of hungry families in the northern gaza strip and gaza city. there is a real hunger situation there. they are losing everything in that place. humanitarian situation is continually deteriorating, continuing in this manner will lead to a collapse and services. ultimately, if the idea took in the coal to shut down and re, i came off to israel links to a dozen of the agency stuff to the mazda tax back in october, i will be you en route an investigation. western states will quick to just suspend
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the funding to the warranty. the west was the 1st to hold donations with its move. coming right off the last week, floating against 5th row, by the us top court in the hague. from take moving a few questions about the timing was there any concert in terms. ready that releasing the announcement within about an hour or so of the i c, j, a court ruling which set which one thing it did was, you know, instruct israel to make sure that the man is here and it was flowing. that it would, that announcing it. so close together would seem like a repudiation. no i there was no concern. it was in no way in our mind related to the i c, j decision. all this just about some co operation center and also was destroyed by shutting overnight. the talk photos, brussels back king of last week. i see j decision on tools, but as well to implement the ruling and full about administer. last down to tennessee for building residential areas of the office building of the belgian agency for development, cooperation in gaza,
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has been bombed and is completely destroyed. attacking civilian buildings is and remains totally unacceptable. together with hodge, allow the belgian for administer. i will some in the is really in baset or the palestinian health officials half an hour and $27000.00 deaths. so with the policy and was 4 months, nearly the entire population of the unsafe has been displaced with the idea of the tax continuing to destroy residential areas. and while tennessee was now cooling for the close of the main humanitarian provide and thoughts, a magical stall from you in case already 1st walk in di conditions. we are facing that. why the spirit of interest you have this is especially got through and thought i'd say in 5th show us, this is a skin this all done in about 5 just because i know i people know you are done.
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know is the environment we want to live in abuse and big the big as are the 3 be what around the war with and risk future on such local trying this month with stuff off visit to the school set top by the 40, which now serves as a shelter, the summit, the displaced. i mean, that's how the my dad is. i know this one of the schools build by u. n. r w a in the northern garza, it is a mom, the palestinian school that was bombed by is really war planes and rated by is really tang somehow we can see the scale of the destruction rolled in this building . now the last how the ceiling and families have returned and are now living here like this is life for one such family needs the stairway, indicted humanitarian condition. so how do you leave here like day to day? and the some had this, there is simply no one here to one look after us was ever since my husband was taken by the jews have this, there is still no one here to look out for us. no one has brought us any assistance . so here i am living in a stairwell with my children and barely surviving. struggling to sleep or even sit
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. my 5 little children are dying from the cold. my son has been coughing and has had a cold for about 3 days now. he can't sleep at all. there's even our neighbors here . say to me, your son was sabbath keeping us away. i can only tell them my children can't sleep because of the cold water leaks on us at night. we put a suitcase here and a map there. we don't know how we can get any sleep. life is difficult to know. one provides us with any food or drink even flour. we haven't eaten bread for 7 days because we don't have any flour. heiss my children and i are surviving on starch and sugar. why did you return to this school? despite it being bombed and destroyed? there's no shelter. where are we supposed to go? or should we sleep in the streets? that's why i was forced to come here. my house was bombed out. of course. i live in bate her noon, not in a camp, but my house was completely destroyed. where am i supposed to go? i had to come here. i am living in a stairwell with my 5 children. no one asks about us. no one cares for us. these
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are the challenging living conditions for people in the dap valley account. as the rain and severe cold of the winter season continues and the is really a few patients stop when we block access a few minutes hearing aid and the noise is only as to the board and of suffering. making life even more difficult for the as the goss. what's a box archie mouse has reportedly given a tentative green light to a proposed cx. 5 deal with this row. thought said those be no official, responds from the group itself, yet this is all according to the guitar, a foreign ministry which says everybody's hopeful that an agreement can be reached . been able to consolidate a lot of drafting to this proposal that is now at the hands of, of how much usually takes around $3.00 to $4.00 days to get the do it back from, from the very optimistic because a lot of the language it has been discussed in the past and the mediation, lots of it is within the framework of what was the agreed. so we have optimistic deal which is being associated by cattle and each it is to foster proposal for an
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extended truth and casa. it would initially see a temporary c spot on the release of hostages, still held by him off. then the 2nd phase would see is where the soldiers release from top to the t plus the restoration of 8 to the present. all the basic supplies to cause a full funding loss is expected to return the bodies of dead idea of sol. just in exchange for the release of palestinian prisoners despite took off a truce, palestinians claim is really please also rationally rounding people off on training with no charges as a being put forward. some families of those detained even claim, then out paste under constant surveillance. all these way phenomena picks up the story or hi, miss types of another israel. how much do expect it to for the exchange of his rarely hostages for palestinian prisoners, held in his rarely jails. the number of the letter, or even the rise change of the 7 is at least 6400 people have been arrested by
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israel, all fraud the west bank. the id afraid here had intensified with the army saying it is searching for have mass members or supporters, but human rights organizations say often those who end up behind bars have nothing to do with the activities of the militant and sometimes not even wanted by israel to male members of these color scheme and family on now is really inmates. the father knew the land, his son booth i jailed under controversial administrative detention without formal charges of trials based on allegations that they mean to commit to crime. he loved the family, has long been under scrutiny by his really authorities for being devout muslims. a red flag for israel at the time of the war against hard line is limited to militant groups and gaza before the father was arrested, as rarely for since had come for his 2nd son to put pressure on the family without
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the anthem. but they told him, we'll let you go when your father comes and we'll let you go when your father comes for. they kept beating him and he's had him safe. you'd be tenants for then i don't know if you saw the pictures. they didn't just arrest him, they beat him and broke him on the day of his release, i saw him looking barely able to move. so i told all the son to go help him. the family says at the time of the arrest, my moods father, who was israel's initial target, was coming back from prayer. he didn't tide and immediately told authorities he was ready to come. but it didn't save his son from a daily detention that according to relatives involved filing's claim in this land for about 2 for weeks. he wasn't to be a pain from what he went through. i couldn't go to where i could do anything, he couldn't drive. he couldn't tell me anything, a tool that a sore subject is supposed to be things the beacon from the moment they took him to release him, even though it was his father that they wanted. do you think when they detained my home is like the punishment for the family or something like that?
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that's not for the family only for the whole community. the family complains that is rarely authorities monitor them and keep up the pressure allow you to attend the fun. i received a call from an on no number i on said hello, who is this? and the person said, i'm captain zacky. i want to talk to you about your daughters. i'm going to arrest them because they have been posting on facebook at that exact moment because the father is in prison and my oldest son is pregnant, too. i was really stressed. why would you come to arrest them? they haven't done anything. i am constantly living and say, and so i see for them afraid instead of any moments they might come back to arrest me on my sons or daughters for no reason at home. for neither do you do me. if i was taken prisoner suppose association planes, israel uses the families as hostages. the, the occupation designs, children and women, the elderly, and the sick to pressure their relatives into handing themselves and which is
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positive, the collective punishments against posting in families. it's hard to say how many of those 6400 palestinians arrested so severe in gas to begin ended up behind bars because of the ones as relative according to the new school than 80 percent of all detainees have not faced formal charges of trial. and it as of here and it as is unfortunately, these are crimes punishable under international law. the occupies do not comply with international law and don't care about it, which makes it hard to hold them accountable for the crimes and jumpstarting, gaza. and considering the global focus is now on israel's actions in gaza, the likelihood of the international community dedicating time and resources to pursue just as full palestinian prisoners appears clean and ready for an ocean of our tea with forcing from palestine offline 84 months of will have ton, no more life on its head, antoine families are part. we have one young boy, a forced into caring for his siblings of to his mother was killed in charlotte,
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a team. how are you? good. i was when the world started my mazda assembly, send her a message that my grandparents were sick. i knew that, sure urgently. so she went through them with soon received the news, as my grandfather's house was struck and my mother had been killed. minutes later house next to us was also here, and my father asked us to bring bags of clothing so we could take shelter and, and see if a hospital was spent 2 days there. while my father tried to recover my mother's body from the rubble. so he could barely hear the children's building unit ship a hospital was attacked, and the idea of drop leaf let us telling us to head so when we loved the hospital, we were targeted by me. so my father uncles and my grandfather's family are in danger inside the city. my father wasn't able to recover my mother's body, so he couldn't even say good bye to her. we tried to proceed my father to head south with us, but she refused to leave. this is very hard for me, it is difficult for me to raise my siblings alone. i go and press the button and
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it's in yahoo to stop the work. so we can return to goes a continuous start isn't get on with our lives after the war. i will take responsibility for raising my brothers. well have guys as well is considering the number of john less killed in golf, at least off the plane being made by numerous un, it's human rights, ex spots and latest reports. they have once again voiced concern, quoting on his role. yes, again to ensure security, please walk you in the media. we have received the 7 reports that despite being clearly identifiable in jackets and helmet, small express all travelling in well marked press vehicles. john, this has come under attack, which would seem to indicate that the killings, injury, and detention are a deliberate strategy but as ready forces to obstruct the media and silence critical reporting. at least $122.00 journalists are reported to have been killed since the conflict began on october 7th with many more wounded. do you wanna also says dozens of reporters have been detained by us for
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a full service as part of warranty, special coverage of the we have been looking at those who put the lives on the line to bring the news to, to you and to the world the we are calling the civilians to leave guys a go selves from us wants to keep them there as a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard. i to sign on i see all civilians. i'm one of the a of a stone from the roof. this house. so right next to me, you ought to be with your own set of winter. there are no blankets, no bedding,
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no food, no journalist and insurance. no connection with the outside world of the show was very close to be just a few meters away. well, the and our residential area was shelled without any warning from the occupation. the, the most dangerous situation i witnessed during this war was when i was at el cheapo hospital. it was around 2 am, and the journalist tent was targeted with an artillery show. the show felt very close to me just a few meters away. thanks to a lot. it did not explode a lot. granted us a new life after this incident. thought of most of the most dangerous situation i experienced during the war was the moment our residential area was shelled on an unexpected day without any warning from the occupation. the
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reality is entirely different from our planning for this war. after october, the 7th, the situation worse and beyond our expectations, we expected to cover massacres, house demolitions and all of these really violations and gaza. consequently, our roles shifted entirely with became humanitarian media and social activities, experiencing all the conditions and gaza. at times we became rescuers and 8 providers for us about on october 7th, life turned upside down. we as journalists became targets running from one attack to another, from one house to another witnessing death after death since the events of october . so and until this very moment we are talking about massacres, life as a whole has changed. food and water are scarce,
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and people who are living an extremely difficult life, the journalists are being targeted and our lives are a great risk because of this profession. that doesn't everyone distance themselves from professional journalism for the student and channels continue to face numerous violations with the onset of winter. there are no blankets, no bedding, no food, no journalist insurance, no connection with the outside world with human rights, international organizations to preserve the life of publicity and journalists, the
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shows i come to get from the will is the injuries, especially the injuries of children, the sides of wounded children is always painful, as well as a scene of mother's bidding so well and the more this is something i wouldn't have had to get the 8 by 10 up installation housing out. a new executive order targeting full is where it is such as in the west, spike ultimate escalating a talk, some palestinians, which all said the rich, unprecedented levels. the present by then secretary blinking, have been clear that the levels of violence we have seen in the west bank over the past few months are unacceptable. violence in the west bank search to alarming levels in 2023. this includes unimpressive and levels of violence by is really extreme. is settlers target chart targeting palestinians and their property as well as violence by palestinian experienced militants against is really civilians
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following the presidential order. the us treasury department immediately impose sanctions against those full set plus the move up was quick to condemn to 5 b is rating prime minister as prospect. however, upgrades or an investor john less jeremy lefrederick adult. so this latest move by washington, signifies any shift in policy towards tennessee. you spoke to my colleague rachel, ripple. i don't think that it represents a shift. i think it's all talk and you still have is really so organizations getting their taxes through new york getting tax cuts, but none of those were um affected. i mean, in the west bank after the war years, early settlers were turned into military service after october 7th. so the state has given the same people who are already trying to give to get the palestinians off the land illegally. i might add, they were given long guns, they were given drones, they were given rifles, military uniforms, jeeps. and these already violent sellers with their new military equipment has been
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given the green light from these really state. and essentially the, the united states. and they have ethnically cleansed, $18000.00 in villages since october 7th. this is something that hasn't happened for for decades. you were in the occupied westbank and did a report on palestinian life, the violence of his really settlers and the army. let's take a look at part of that report. the thousands of palestinians from villages that have already been clinton, displaced from the rural lands, have had to find land away from settlers and which tents residents of this village were told by sellers a company. but he is really military, that if they did not, they keep their land 24 hours. they would all be killed. entire bedrooms remain children's choice, schoolbooks, food dressers, full of clothing, facilities have destroyed many of the structures in order to ensure that no one returns before they begin building a new illegal jewish development. speaking to this policy and i spend a month in the west bank very recently, after october 7th. and these palestinians can sometimes, you know, before october 7th, they could call the police, make a call the military,
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and occasionally the police know, hey, we did her, the settlers. but now after october 7th, the police have come. and it had a part taken in these ethnic cleansing activities with the settlers. what i saw there was the military and the settlers. they were one in the same to most palestinians. both had jeeps, both had military uniforms. they all had long guns. and most of the time the policy is cannot differentiate who was on their way to the village who was getting out of the jeep with the guns. and there was tons of villages that i've seen had already been ethnically kinds of just on that video. they left everything, their blankets, their pillows, their clothes, their belongings, children's toys, bicycles in the jordan valley. so there's tons of housing and villages, and they're talking to me about what's going on there every night. the settlers come with the military, they shoot guns in the air, maybe they break a couch leg so they have to kill the cow they. they're just hurting that make anomaly and emotionally, every night and every day. and hoping that eventually these people will be so
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distraught that they will leave their lance. and that's what that's happening in the, in the west bank and southern calls of the city of hong unice has put on the front line of tensions between as well. and must militants to advance its ground operation. ideas. troops have taken control of one local school previously reported to being used by him. us know which on this for the bottom and spoke to some of the is where the soldiers i i'm here in hon. you just the outskirts of how eunice i've been imbedded with the 55th brigade of the power to preserve the idea. and behind me is a school that was used by terrorist. when the idea of went into the school, they were attacked by 4 terrace hiding in the basement. they killed them. and now the idea of is using this as a base of operations. we go area by area we and circle that we make sure all civilians left the area and we do our best to make sure that they know in advance that we are coming. and then we can circle it. we fight no uh, road uh, between houses we chose the terrace. we get there. um it's the structure of the
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ammunition we blow it up and then we move to the next bill. and the reason we came to hanging is, is just because the many of the service were in the north flat together with the civilians down south. and they're now in this area hiding the once we uh, established, uh, um, control the areas. so we have our troops and some of the buildings around here. it's mainly for logistics supply. and then from once we finish clearing the specific zone. i'm used to the next the what's more or less than just a few meters away from the school. they found a shot that led to a tunnel, so this is kind of a base that was used by terrace. a school often schools, under mosques and hospitals are used in gaza or by the terrace, by from us in order to attack is rarely soldiers. the officer whose name is on show actually spots in the school. he caught ability was shot in the arm and he was a part of the team that killed the 4. come us chars there you use close range. our
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fees are due on sure is abrinay. it's um, rifles, lots of booby traps, they dress with civilian clothing servers if those items to be identified. they move without their own munitions and they, they collected wherever they win, these pop out from the underground infrastructure. and then they showed us the kind of shooting runaway now the idea for using the school as a base of operations for a month, for the operation inside of hi eunice, this is robbie berman reporting for our tea from gaza as well. i'll tell you, had the chance to speak with locals that were sheltering about same school to help you with that. well, the idea claimed it was used by him ost flights has gotten, say, otherwise, have a lesson misread what kind of thing a little, what kind of an regarding underway. while we were in the school, there was food drink and the water, which is the most important thing. and they brought the diapers for the children. the excuse that these riley, somebody about bombed individuals in schools as old lives. they just want to kill
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women and children, and then everyone can see on the tv screens or social media. and it is women that have present. is it logical to think that women or children with better homes and fights? and this is the situation was actually well managed by committees, and they didn't allow anyone which is to enter is strictly for business. so when i was an armed person gets in the park, talk to my wife, wants to fight these riley. so what is the use of just as really excuses to kill as many people as possible in schools? hospitals came to our phones wherever they played in the string of send them off to the special number. then the, the fighting in ukraine is ongoing, but not all about fall from the front lines. that's another back to being forced to try to make life. the youngest is that someone with possible all these steps. we need this to the school in done yet to see how the strategies have affected education. just weeks off of the window, holidays and the school time is in full swing. but haven don't. yes,
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things are different. some schools are closed summer, only partially open. that's because they are vulnerable to attacks, some ukrainian forces, especially schools like this one, which live relatively close to the front line. teachers are among those that have taken up almost a different a whole lot. we're about to meet the history teacher who's fighting the front line for the cost of larry teaches history. the secondary school in the landing in the district of don't yet is for his lessons often take place on the sound of heavy artillery fire. it is a sound he knows only too well having seen action in the past will come out of you probably didn't know that on the questionnaires to them. i live on that day. we went to storm the enemy positions. we enter the house and set to pa defense is apparently an enemy. drone spotted us and they showed the house we were in the battery was behind the wounded, requiring a lengthy stay in hospital a mile with a lot of my friends and i were hit by a concrete slab. my leg was stuck underneath it and i fainted for
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a rescue team took me to the hospital in the next. i was seriously wounded and i thought i wouldn't make it. the doctor said i was very lucky to survive and not to lose my like what i spent over a year on sick leave before i could return to work. since his recovery, he returned to teaching, why specializing in history is a subject he's passionate about, explaining why it's so important for children and since just the right to me because it's intent to children. and now more interested in learning history for the war is still under way and we control many power levels. so the current situation with the events of the past many children have been affected by the will . the schools direct to explain how the conflict is impacted on children's learning and the general wellbeing in the child already in that, i'd say we have been very scared ever since the special military operation began. children have been studying remotely for a long time on september. first, we return to the classroom. our lessons are only 5 minutes shorter children study from 8 am until mid day. i think that children today are more mature than we were
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back in our school days. they take the situation very seriously and experienced the losses that we occur from time to time. so continues to rise with the from line just a few miles on the road. the children up don't yet have the same hopes and dreams as those across the world to be safe, to be happy for an environment in which they can sort 5. but those hopes and dreams are being shunted by the continued supply of western weapons. this is steve sweeney for all to and don't yet city. and find me in kenya really just need us have submitted a petition to parliament of what a claim is, the promotion of eligibility to activities in the country by court, foreign, non state actors. we've notated that l g b t 2 is advancing in this country through low being and audiology. despite the fact that our last people code and constitution do not allow this behavior. and this ideology.


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