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tv   Documentary  RT  February 2, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the the, the what happened on october, the 2nd was
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a jail breakout for it was the slaves revolting against the master. and of course, when slaves revealed against illegitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent terrorist here and they will take that right and is there is there, there. and just surrounding the entire area of the party became ready for the cadillac. driving outside, we saw a lot of the territories. it was very horrible because there is a body over here. there is a body over there and i think i just took my seats really like that. so if there are any terry firing, they won't tom my head terrible tragedy and terrible revenge. since i swear, i know who they mean to come off the afternoon, especially though play shall be
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the cause of being prevented. the one seems to be that we don't want any. we want to peoples of the land, so leave in peace and prosperity. is it possible to have peace in this region ever again? the around 6 and we heard a lot of bonding coming from the iron human from the guys as dr side. i think it was an hour of non self bonding. going back and forth. the idols,
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my boyfriend, i think we need to leave. we didn't know what we were supposed to do because on one hand we had, the me says, going above our head and instruction was to stay in boss. from the other hand, the my home is really not secure the, some of the people that i know on their house for a lease on a fire, again, from a person who's leaving right next to the goal. though i received a s. m. s. messages from all the people from last november is sending us the don't be afraid of the bond. is it you are hearing because it's from us practicing the
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there are just surrounding the entire area of the party. they came ready for us. you know, they knew we're going to scatter like a ship and every cross road we go to we see burns car. so we seem dead bodies. brandon, those we see vehicles empty vehicles all over with dead bodies with blood with bullet holes. and we just drove, i pushed the gas all over and we just drove until i got home. and the if so room, if they knew they were practicing, why didn't that? and the idea and our government practice to as well for this and that out us. and it's it's, i'm sure it's a new we're in the middle east beginning on october, the 7th, 202328 half 1000. how much the militants across from the gaza strip into israel. it set to be israel security forces,
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greatest failure causes blockaded to be under full control. goes on more, couple individually, got q most of the one in the, but nobody's in the system will signal as i say, i use an honest explore to go for the next step. but i'm does, it's the, i'm assuming, so i suppose they're not doing see what it would be that i see what the, what is what i said they're gonna need said. as you're not saying you're not the result of domestic l 7. so for me to build it then you know, to, to see fast the, to the with it for many of gold in the keep would see, you know, move that he's in charge of the security and busted to the west bank to the step of this. and the other thing that the thing you know, deep on people do between to solve it goes us to a new way, or we generally 75. but the youngest, that them, you know,
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move fairly 2 of them to the west bank and the left army fleet. that's a lot this on us to succeed in. do most split even more than they that they way even a capital f, a sort us, cassandra, to the office says that they see the specs is suspicious movements in the a cause a sweep, the oversell said that they should stop knocking at the if they continue saying that there's something suspicious thing does a street they were going to with the or the i was shocked when have us attacked israel. i thought it was horrendous. what the what,
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how the hosted unconscionable unforgettable. there were maybe 350 soldiers and policemen killed fighting another for the 800 civilians who were killed that day. the what happened on october, the 7 was a jail breakout, or it was the slaves revolting against the master. and of course, when slaves revolt against illegitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful. and it is going to be violet. and the is riley's, they should have thought about that before they expelled palestinian subjugated palestinians and murder palestinians. i think it was inevitable. the policy and people have been under brutal subjugation,
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or many decades. israel responded to the attack with operations. so it's of on the, as i, so i am and i hope they may come off the, the on, off new mission at the base over the no, not so the soonest it then it's a home, the israelis had no game plan for what's gonna happen. so they went in there to get revenge, but they have to do it in a targeted 10 point way, not by level and gaza for the initial skill. are they on you said in a youth of sit on the left of the model and that's actually been like on how about to put them on
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a plan the best for the old one of the flaws or mr. bad. that upside, i'll have to put on the platform. i seduced that island and lock in and i'm a is that the thought of of subtle how it can get a balance base. yeah. and it's the fema that associated with the age. well that wasn't a fee. so yeah, that was done, but as of october and i saw that you are the gentleman of the parts of the i little had that the sure the minimum of the bundled off the he has come with the woman home middle of uh what sort of slip yeah, she got home with an s at all either do the home minimum as of friday. i've been on
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the 3 of them said meet home best i'm have them. and the young woman that i the you know, had been with somebody the . ringback a humanitarian design has done folded and goes funding food is getting harder as well says how much militant aside in hospitals and schools. so the palm, 2000 reported that
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the nothing justifies the master cant updates on that scary. the most of my objection and my companions objection to the assault them because that is a mobile one because the vast majority of, of the victims, mold and 70 percent. so in a sense, convenience in is where there is a racist campaign that says that i don't know in the sense even in gosh, the media coverage started off being totally sympathetic to israel. but the images that are coming out are so heartbreaking at so sad. so tragic that said, the balance of world opinion as shifted as
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a sympathy fees to have the to are these valleys are now over whelmed by the sympathies for the people of guys at the bottom of the global communities. once again talking about the palestinian tragedy, the one that's how much those goals may have been to draw attention to the disaster and the gaza strip. and this isn't the 1st time that's being done with terrorist attacks
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the, [000:00:00;00] the one year to do that to attempt to collect as extra a month. i thought she sat there for the show event, it will be
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a job to las negotiated. all of it is uh, international stuff is defense. as soon as i pull up the system but to not to printer ports and what did you lose? it asked for that? if i said the media, i love you focused on the 2 reasons. could you say with the city video camera in the service and they're going to be presented as work and my, the work is done stimulus the industry is little less money for our sales dealer. so should william farmer shots, monuments who we have court cost or to know what decision they my lab and what was that was what was that ridiculous funds i put in the midst of them one today and, but you also, so that's what it is that something to sell, i mean shows google says that british on june was on page, did it for she's clear moves on best do what i mean. there's
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a cup. bradford was accomplished after the to causally say it broke down 75 years ago, and there has been no peace since june started coming to bound this time in the late 19th century. when anti semitic sentiment was rife in europe, and the sign is moved, which appeared its goal was to create an independent to a stage. the british proposed established in palestine at the time territory under britain, this protect it. this is when the 1st idea to return to the jews to the homeland at the time they were more than 10 times as many arabs and muslims in palestine as there were jews during world war 2 and the holocaust that created that's changed the situation and changed the diameter,
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6000000 jews had been killed and the browse sympathies were with the choose. and that's happening. it's not saying somebody is i don't see or seen, you'll be stupid so so small, i'm going to print in my 15 year or so. then you move this will dest. hi ethan guy to defend you. it was the words, you have no solution to the actual, easy presidium, $63.00, and $6.00 sigma shirts settings. i don't see the notes, i need to renew it by pressing you. can you us quick or is it or would you guys set the motion humorously. jim police team score up to columbus with this tool. these are we? yeah, we use that or that comes with solution. and we bought them from william. she is 12 pockets. i was to tell the police team, they said that you are in the rise because so therefore you would have c, p of the war begins the arrows declare war and thousands of the jews were killed
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and maybe 13000 arabs from kelly. however, what happens is about 750000 hours were driven out of their homeland jews bond. so they're like 20 a 9 hour village is the ups store or desire street the you you customer unit, the business that would be to allow you to see what is the step when the you see what the like a business of some of the meetings he out of the city and the showing the was a little confused by the to just keep doing it, but come to the city well about 800000 palestinians, most of the land and their homes. such things are hard to forgive
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a movement to liberate palestine founded by yeah, so out of that began to grow the going to establish a palestinian state and started a big fight against those he considered invaders, which forced israel to negotiate that i did. i think you solved the reason. i was not that as move you out of school. it is what i usually do pretty well. i used to use that. so somebody's in the police and these guys cause because the issue of our operational video makes the new go want for you and you must be of commerce. you with the equipment you, i guess both these measurements almost when you most of the person put arrows that signed a peace treaty with as well in the west bank and gaza strip palestinian autonomy is
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appears the fact uh, moving until power on our side became president based and have a came, is raised a cindy, it's robin was assassinated by his really student because he'd signed the piece straight to you with the palestinians in the gaza strip. how much rose up and terrorist attacks resumed? well, the, so much as the glass. yeah. the, the ssl just pretty much yesterday. so that's the reason that the of the stipulation the community is as good as just to myself. couple a go it is. i'm going to be the easiest ones. this is the one you built on us, is the last couple of times of the using data solely what are the senior police in the country. so cool, funny, pretty much look and see what's the value of
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the the size of the unit is going to show you what to do with it. you just go to use for us up on this. come us came to power and goes are in 2006 of the which israel and egypt located the entire territory. more than 2000000 people live here on the small strip of land. almost all of the refugees or children of refugees. offense was erected around garza, which is kept under constant surveillance. look at the sky on there, 53 percent poverty right among the young guys ends up between $19.29. so the why 70 percent unemployment garza has survived as a welfare state to the people there have no hope. they've been desperate nice from the thought of the property of the daughter to how much for each keep it
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started. equity. students who are currently made it with the chest, police human that the most acceptable garza the, was that i didn't do but the coverage to him. we got to what you mean the dealers. 6 but you, stanley, when you go to what we mean deals come up with, i think from us when you show you what the car cars do, you need a deal each police people come last me only upon you well as well fight. so most of the gaza strip westbank govern by to there's no open conflict as yet. but all to the outbreak of hostilities the situations node pointing point. israel is conducting antiterrorist rates on this talk of hundreds of dead, including children, the
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bottom of the process for what guys thought that was to do at all how much of the phone child saw. so the guy moved up all 7 fault with personal philosophy along have to show us how it did help the special loved as the bulk of a 100 and look on the of to these events. thousands of palestinians gathered for funerals in the west bank, the killing of civilians ignites and violent confrontations between palestinian protest as an israel familiar. trey, the thoughtful thing for which that's a cool place to weights of lava or blah, it'd be good. critically, but it would, critically, that's in the city, and you don't have to wish for bush's one year,
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it's by the end of the continent that he's the i'm, it's a call of i typically that's just for him to do with the bluff loop as well. can we reach him? as i thought they called celia caesar so tense in israel, even though all the adults jews are taking of alms. until recently this was unimaginable. these people are exempt from military service that you will be bound to study the torah preserve. jewish traditions, now there is no need to defend themselves. so now we trusted security forces, but now we see that we have to prepare ourselves. and when somebody is dressed like it, you know, we use that to the community. has no army and background. they don't know anything about security and the earth is know that they live very close to the villages. and in 2 or 3 minutes, the 10201500 say error can come with guns or with
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a knife. meanwhile, it goes and they're trying to cope with the humanitarian designs, the there's practically no food. the end, a critical shortage of medicine, cherokee india, and many other countries to send to you monetary and a to gaza. russia is also sending thousands of tons of aid by egypt ports, and because a lot of gum not circulating the maples, surely. that's what i see it come into thought in the even since group, almost most of us on this is jeanette instrument. the category of leaving me kind of both. i am fortunate as i see. i see, but i see you see you in comes to vehicles on his royalties store or the over she continues with america's full support. the problem is we've got the victims. israel is the palestinians where unique position because they are
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being victimized by people who are themselves victims who have suffered in the holocaust. which complicates it, complicates the moral situation and complicates the politics. no, there is no complication that is rallies are the best friends. it is utterly racist for europeans to think that because of their crimes, they can force the policy and people to pay the price. they have to give up their land because someone else has committed a crime that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. victory is not possible. in fact, for the human standpoint, we've already lost the world is never going to forget these images. the weather is never kind of forget what her last day to october 7th. and the weather is never
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going to be able to forget. what day is rallies have done the we have to stay song ceaselessly. people have to stay phone off the wars. there will be some very soft questions that venge, i mean, if any hour and all of the people who are sitting in those 120 chairs would have to answer. but for now, we don't. uh think about that. we just think about what is the fastest way to and come to us. and i do believe that we could do that and we went through the laser as a source when you bought a car and shit and you get this thing project in a different muscle. now, by what stuff, when you bought a car from us, of which individual got your 5 get which is already a little more difficulty coming off, how much will the function code could we reached up?
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it's easy to combine beats, industrial use, the how much boot drug drove, and i'm going to use to shoot that with you guys and include people's care here. and he will do that always if need to from us will change is system for how much support present of the failures of us, the women and children, they're met, the same as members of their family, have such anger, rage, bitterness as another generation of resistance fighters potential service, mackenzie and mass murder is being carried out against these people. and the regimes that are behind this genocide are western regimes. all the bombs, all the weapons that are used by this really amazing part being
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supplied by the united states. we don't on seems to be the one piece that needs to be that we don't want anyone to be that we want to 2 peoples of the land to leave in peace and prosperity. and there was no other way. but the ability to go to what the political solution that these anything built to patient in the sage, for independent listing of states along side the side, the choosing muslims could live peacefully or we need to say new leadership in gaza. new leadership in the west bank, a new leadership in israel, and i hope new leadership in the united states. i mean, those are the principal players here. the
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the good news is it's can be started by line. please can be started by true. the importance of wiki links name of the code for station so that transparency is next for to rejoin mistake. patrice then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the rights for a speech he did. so in the public interest, watched us or mom realized pen smith and, and honestly, the biggest of late, continuously. i'm i know why advice may assume that no one who is the
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guy that illegal anymore. why sweetheart adjustments? turn to be on box weighing a $175.00 used to do it. you do, you have sense? it's all we going to let that stay the law. this decision will affect merely. it will also affect more than $30000.00 why employees who are fully committed to the values of the united nations kind of international humanitarian law documents proving their commitment at israel to bonds, to un relief on web page and see a shot down in gaza, a spokesperson for the organization exclusively tells us here at our tea, that his role is vital to helping palestinians justice of buying human rights. organizations say often and those who end up behind bars have nothing to do with the activities of the militants. and sometimes not even wanted by israel, while a good totty bro, good piece deal is said to be under consideration by on us. we hear from


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