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tv   Direct Impact  RT  February 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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the doesn't, it says the see eyes as soon as violates us pulse situational protection, by spying all its own citizens. what make what the united states was doing. so egregious is that it was spine on its own citizens, it was violating constitutional protections. there were many other countries around the world that don't have those protections enshrined in their constitution or under a law, but it is, it does exist in the united states. and here the c i a who's job is they're supposed to spy on foreigners, people overseas. but they were turning their spine onto their own american citizens, to our people, be persecuted and prosecuted for, for speech, for exercising free speech. and the fact that they're going after julia and the saw on the espionage charges and that he would face the death penalty is just absurd. he's a journalist who was doing his job as
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a journalist. he was not acting on behalf of some form of government. and what he exposed expose lies, expose misdeeds exposed criminal acts by the united states and by other countries. so that's sort of what's happened with this. what's become a tyrannical government, where it's going to punish people, incarcerate them, or even execute them as possible for daring to reveal truths. and it's, uh, that's not what the 1st amendment was designed to do, as well as hold for me for that i might call exhaust gets higher level review of the top of the out my life and that the fiber buddy amex, edge as i've been doing news now for some 30 years and 2 languages all over the world, here in the u. s. interviewed for u. s. president's work that 4 or 5 different us major television networks don't like what they do by the way. and you know, why i think new should be honest and direct and impactful,
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and this is direct impact the, you know, as an american, i have to start this newscast by saying what most to live in this country. and our intellectually curious must be thinking about now. the world must be laughing at us . i mean, can you imagine we call ourselves the world's beacon of democracy? and our election is somehow over before even begins. let me show you the final results. for example, let's, let's look at new hampshire shalley. and let's start with president by who decided or his party. i projects decided not to campaign in new hampshire. that means the president of the united states chose to ignore the voters of new hampshire, which is kinda weird, right? but let's look at that number, sir. he's still one by the way, even though he wasn't really even in the race,
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people had to write his name and he won by 42000 votes against the congress and named dean phillips, who no one has ever heard of the also be the unknown right in candidate who came in 3rd, who is that candidate? nobody really knows, but we do know this. donald trump, the list going to go on for a while and i got to explain the like those protesters you just heard in virginia. some chose to protest, mr. biden,
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at the ballot box in new hampshire as well. 1500 people voted or actually wrote in their ballot the words ceasefire. now thousands more likely what a voted for a ceasefire. now, it won't be the media would have covered it, but it seems like they weren't allowed to. i wonder why, by the way, along those lines of trying to protest against the slaughter of tens of thousands of palestinians that mister biden is at least partly responsible for. there's also this. here's the president recently being heckled by palestinian supporters while he was speaking of the south carolina church. by the way, south carolina will be the next primary. he had to choose. there's a light light. there is no pass from his doctors the
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authority. that's all the, the, the, it's important to note that democratic party officials are banking on african american voters, as mr. biden's salvation. because he was, after all, president obama is running, mate, and they remain loyal to him. that's understandable. but while that's true, older african americans, it's not so much the case with younger americans, including even african americans. those voters tend to be turning against the president specifically because of his foreign policy. most of all because of what they call his support for the killing of 25000 palestinian civilians in gaza. but
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let's go back now to the bite and speech and south carolina. so historic black church, important moment, strange thing happened there when the african american congregation, who are descendants of the most depressed people in the world at one time, seem to not give a hoot about the oppression of palestinians when they did this this uh, this chair that you're here and 4 more years. that's what the response from a people once so horribly a price the calls for. busy or less oppression of palestinians seems curious, done it. but not so fast. says mark lamont hill, the popular african american commentator and scholar who watched the bible church beach at the historic black church. he comes out and he blast both the president
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and the congregation that celebrated him. so i was bit struck last week when i saw that they open to pull it up to genocide. joe, i'm good man. ok. and people, as he began to give his campaign speech, some protests a split up and said to stop the blood in palestine, they said if you're out ways, but a blood have so much outrage, but a blood that was building is very church. and how about holland court cease fire and tablet bags? did you give him the weapons? you've given him the support. you've given him the money. joe, want to do something about it. to start out. and people say, wait, you're without wage to how you use the sacred space
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to use his beloved side for the for this the time the table was committed to the over time in a roman government. it was committed speaking out against injustice. the use of space as a sale for imperial war. so that's the bible story destined to be, by the way, the democratic candidate. on the other side, there is donald trump. mr. trump and battled by a battery of criminal and civil court cases, also on new hampshire by beating his opponent by 11 or so points and is expected to win in the next primary and south carolina by an even better margin. even though she was governor of south carolina, that means he too has all but so not the nomination. incidentally, like president by mr. trump, remaining republican opponent is just as hawkish as jo bites to nikki haley. all
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ask and government officials are terrorist, 20 years of fighting, there wasn't enough. she wanted to continue. she also believes the world doesn't need a health organization. she seems to despise russia and says, quote book and just wants to take away everyone's freedom. she hates that president . trump met with quote, our enemies calls china dangerous. but of course, when it comes to israel, 100 and percent on board. what we need to understand is that ukraine has the ability to win, but we have to think bigger than that. and for them to sit there and say that this is a territorial dispute, that's just not the case to say that we should stay neutral. it is in the best interest of america. it's in the best interest of our national security for ukraine to when we have to see this through. we have to finish it. hailey will undoubtedly get trounced by mr. trump. but there's one more thing you should know about her.
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she is the most well funded among all republican candidates. and the vast majority of her donors and super pac money represents the very things that she has spouses, never ending wars american hegemony. and i'm a sounding blindness towards any and all of our present our past misdeeds. now let's talk about the 2 elephants in the room. and there they are. the former and present presidents of the united states miss is biden trump factors for a country, which according to most poles, doesn't want to see a re match between these 2 guys. it sure seems like that's exactly what they're going to be getting. both mr. trump and mr. biden, of the oldest serving presidents in the country's history, one a 77, the other 81, respectively. they're also the least popular presidential candidates in the country by a long shot. and it's somehow they're considered show and for the november presidential
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election. how does that make any sense? it may have to do with the honest lot of criticism being hurled by each other. other parties at the other guy both are said to be too old. both are said to be too out of touch, but neither one of them can walk or talk. and the videos of both of them. a seemingly exemplifying that's are everywhere. despite these opposite is karen, we must seek. we'll buy part as solutions are army mandy efforts. it read the ramparts, it took over the airports and the combat driven, the hundreds of millions of dollars are going to be spent, get ready to make sure americans see those videos and more over the next several
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months. but still, both men are destined to win their parties. nomination. so what does that say? what does that say about the u. s. one, polls consistently find that americans don't want a rematch, but are going to get a good match anyway. because it, because americans secretly want the very thing that they most dislike or is it because american democracy are more to the point. our method for choosing our leaders is no longer an example of real democracy. so when we come back, i'm going to be joined by jamal thomas and n g one who have some very distinct and there i say, even different opinions about america's presidential election stay right? they're going to be coming right back. the
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is already those lines, as can be started by lines. these can be expanded by a true importance of we can never be kind of a station so that transparency is next for to region listed. cametrius then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information
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with the public. he was exercising the right for a speech he did. so in the public interest wants to so long realize tends to me and golf and honestly to relate to seriously, i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegals anymore wisely bought the adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to do it through the sentence. are we going to let that stay? the joining me now to talk about this is commentator jamal thomas, i'm journalist and g wong. let's get to it. i don't know what to say, jamal. maybe i start with you other than the fact that this doesn't seem to be the same country that i grew up in. yeah,
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we've got 2 guys running for president. one of them spends most of his time in court because he's got criminal cases and civil cases up. it was due and the other guy isn't even showing up to the debates. and these cancelling primaries on his part. he's already decided, oh yeah, he's going to be the guy. somebody bizarre here. a no. nope, a break and the primary thing for new hampshire, it, let me start with that. astonishing joe biden. it got embarrassed in the last primary that he was right now. yes. and if you remember, sanders, all these guys job, i'm in fact they didn't even think bite and was going to be able to carry the burden. she came in like 4th or 5th, a new hampshire. so the democratic party says, you know, we're going to move to primaries. so it's sort of like iowa, new hampshire. first, we're going to go to south carolina. south carolina is what you buy and got his legs in regards to the list because he's getting cuz he wants black people to vote for him, not white people. he has, but it's almost, i mean, yes, that's exactly what's going on. no, i don't disagree with me, but i was like 90 percent white and i've been in south carolina is where the democrats go to with specially i think it's more about the conservative aspect of
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the democratic party. this kind of through, we thought a conservative democrat is born in one south carolina who i just thought about it. for example, obama, if you didn't take our 1st, maybe obama wouldn't have been obama. and bernie sanders again in new hampshire. again, being able to kind of this meal and as you can look but forget all that because people are watching us all over the world. they don't even know where the hell south carolina right after the fact of the matter is all over the world. people of what we saw america was the beacon of what we call democracy. you'd have 1020 people find it out and they, their ideas hopefully would when is that what we're seeing them is good. is it. ready that is who visually, that's it. it's gonna be between these 2 guys, the former president and the present president. and by all, by the way, both of them are wearing diapers. it seems like we met. i mean, that's what america is looking at. i mean, angie, i'm sorry to you. yeah, no, absolutely. you have the parties choosing for this service here, and they can decide to when it's not even a choice,
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you saw the dnc food out. everybody didn't even entertain the idea of a dean phillips for you. then in our k junior, yeah, i remember that. yeah, we had to build one of the, another party to run on. and with donald trump, he's reinventing the republican party. he's saying, i don't need you on a mattel's. i don't need you aren't and see, i'm gonna do some idle and he did, he created it with that. and now he use the hot water and you know, he's living and breathing how november he's got when that ticket, what do you think of the fact that there was really only one legitimate opponent for donald trump? and she is in terms of my research so far that i've been able to come up with completely bought and owned by donors and super fax. what's wrong there? so isn't there something wrong with that picture? nobody can come out of nowhere and just say no, i want to. i disagree with this ma'am. and by the way, she didn't disagree with it. what do you make of nikki haley? yeah, well obviously she's been
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a slow burn. i was there when she announced her run for presidency and she's been, you know, just trickling up in the numbers ever so often. but, you know, she was really smart enough to knock out her other opponents. now we know this, you need at least a $1000000000.00 to run a presidential race these days. stop, stop, stop, stop, no, stop. i want, i want the world to listen to what you just said. if you're, if you're listening to us in delhi right now, if you're in your up, if you're in moscow, if you are in parts of latin america, i want you to hear what and you just said, because this is what we become save at last thing. one more time in order to run for us president and for the office of the presidency, you need at least $1000000000.00 us dollars. no line. you got to pay off all those consultants you got to pay off all the media. you gotta do all that stuff. and that is a reality thing. that's where the super past money comes from. that because you know
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what, what we're, what i'm gonna stop again and maybe tomorrow i'll bring this to you, or maybe i'll bring it back to angie. let's ask this question. i want people in the world to know how this works. a triple. where does that $1000000000.00 come from? does it come from mon, paul? does it come from a guy who owns a gas station in hialeah, florida? does it come from you and from angie and from me, who does it come from? by the way? 10 bucks we come from me. the other one is coming from corporation to try to see if in fact we've got the rich people like in hollywood, would you buy and gets $1015000000.00 when it goes to, how does a 1000000 dollars decides who are presidents going to be? and it's not in any way connected to the people who are living in the united states . no, the principal study became a what is it like one percent influence in regards to the political parties in regards to what they do? yeah, that's the policy. well, yeah, and no, i mean it, it's in line with the people we're paying them. i mean, not a party picks the candidates. yes. the donors decide among those who they're going to back, the money buys the commercial,
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which means the media. and then the people get to vote on those 2 at the end, right? whether it's hillary clinton and this guy, or that guy, or joe biden, or whatever does that sound? cause we go all over the world telling everybody how we're the greatest democracy in the history of the world. i mean, when you watch an american election, you're getting a real democracy. that's really what being chosen by the people. is it that's cool propaganda, rick spence, tell me what it is. well, i mean, i mean, but i just speak. i want to be honest about this. it seems like there was a time when there was money. there's always been money. there will always be money . but it just seems like now between the party i for actrix and the money. where is, is hiding angie. where is this heading? well, i think the belief that they think the american people are now starting to understand that there is, there might be elections. and then there's also the alternative narrative, right, which is, you know, there are mechanisms in place to when the election and it happens in the early
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stages. the i will talk as soon as the new hampshire primaries and the try back to of bringing on south carolina bills. you know, there's a reason why do body only wanted to start in south carolina if you want to bypass new hampshire because south carolina can be bought. there's walking around money all over the place. we see that it's the james quadrant machine down there. where's new hampshire? there's a lot of independence, and there's a lot of democrats, but there's also open wineries, and that's what, how nikki haley was able to look into the high numbers that she did. and we, she closed that 40 something percent where she spent the $8000000.00 there to get 40 something percent. i think that if you get enough money you can buy enough commercials. and if you can get enough commercials, you can make any story about anybody. you can turn mister magoo in a superman and superman into mister, i'm a go. and unfortunately that's kind of what we've gotten to now. yeah. but aside from that,
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let me say that mr. bite and has in fact heard himself with these extremely hawkish positions. yes. because i think young democrats, young african americans, as we saw in the case of, of, of mark of, of the month mark up on hill. we're seeing that young americans, young, academic americans, african americans, hispanic americans are coming on say, hey grandpa, went on for this. you know, i mean, you're not doing anything for us and i think that start that could actually have an effect on bite. and when it comes to the general, well, it does mean from an african american perspective. you look at what is taking place with in israel, for example, you identify with follow thing and calls limits this country with through a vicious, complicated history. so we see that a take issue with african americans and in america were occupied. yes. the military, they weren't occupied by girlfriend, one of the west, like the palestinians. our executives were unable to start on october 7th. no,
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it did not sought october 7. people could see it the identify with a may see what by new 5 of this one. i can go, you see that? i think you see the button is on a box on this issue. i mean the be a little bit, isn't us position on israel has always been this kind of ally, but the only limited respect for you think. and here's one to you when, because i, i think you tend to favor truck, right? i do. yeah. a trunk. okay. that's fine. the, the, the interesting thing about trump is his foreign policy is harder to nail down than most of our presidents. i mean, a bama was a bit of a hawk, not as bad as hillary clinton, not as bad as joe biden, but he was a bit of a hard spot for is a half when it comes to israel, because it got a $125000000.00 from our casino owner in las vegas for the, for the most part, his foreign policy was a little more, a little more tough to nail down. and i like that. that's good, but he is a, he's
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a bully around the world like he is in the us. we use all the way he dealt with the presidency of china. he's all the way to dealt with the north koreans later. i mean, he went over to the gmc and shook his head and people are scared of him. you know, a lot of the real problems are we see currently with who is and with the landscape and then the flight in the middle east. all right, so, so yeah, i don't think so. you said so you sound like a super hard wait, wait, wait. so we need to go around the world, beating people up and telling them what to do and what to say. and how to think is that what you're saying? no, no, i don't say that a lot of the shenanigans are we're seeing today would not have happened under the trump administration, but your argument is wrong, but by way, you'll have to raise your argument is very flawed. nobody is tougher on the world then the administration of joe biden is people go all over the place. they say wash, they, they say horrible things about china. terrible things about russia. we've got military exercises in the black sea mounts, ex military exercises off the coast of taiwan. that's as hawkish as you can get.
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you're telling me 5 minutes to week. oh boy, the have a really clear policy anywhere. look what he's doing the mill, easy sending. anthony blanket there, he can go over there himself. he gets an election year right on the now see is how divided the us is on the, on the issue of palestine versus israel and he can't win because he can't say that i think and even look at the read the incidence that's happened over the last week the last president she of trying to handle what's going on, the red sea and cargo ships being blown up. he can't do it himself. he's delegating the fact of the matter. is it this point in the united states? it's hard to figure out what we can do, but when it comes to foreign policy, i think we're losing our prestige and it's not because we're 2 weeks now. i think when republicans say that they're really building a straw man argument. yeah, i'm, yeah, nobody's here to donald trump. i'm sorry. yeah. i agree with you in, in for
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a policy standpoint. i mean the reality of it is donald trump was willing to make peace when i put 20 percent. but you agree with my point? i liked donald trump for in california, more than i like joe by the sword, but was great. i must say i liked donald trump. i think his foreign policy seemed to be at least 3 times to give a chance for creates an argument when he once said what we did in a rock was stupid. yeah, most of the most part it was gonna say that, but the we agree with it as americans, when trump comes out, it says obama get 500000 people come serious. he was liked and truck. if you remember, is he saying that? because he believes that understands it, or is it saying that because he knows it will be a popular thing to say, just like he says, he hates mexicans. it can be a little bit about, i mean, we, a little bit of the dollar from did try to pull up some sort of syria, donald trump. yeah. he murdered. so the money being pulled back in regards to going to war with them on something that some of the other presidents might have done. i mean, he has been open to piece old, which is the way the population has. yeah, i agree. and i think, and i think in a angie, i'll give you the last word you would probably agree as well. i mean, it's
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a mixed bag with donald trump. but at least you know, he's not going in guns blazing to go around telling the world. but they have to do exactly what we say and starting words. well, at least you know, donald trump, that world leaders do respect them because they'll go full tray tomorrow. like what do you do with macro? and then he dismember. we were pouring champagne down the and french rise down to, to you because he didn't get when he was who was my problem. so you're going to see a little bit of that. yeah. the whole bullying, but honestly is, you know, real leaders. they respective, they don't love the tactics, the style doc rate, but he gets it done and he's getting it done for the american people, which is really what use there for. yeah. so he doesn't have to have all these. you know, he doesn't need friends everywhere. he just wants to make sure that the american people are taking care of that we're not getting screwed over by our foreign players. you know, it's, it's interesting different perspectives, but you know, i couldn't disagree with you more. i think joe biden is the bully. i think the
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hillary clinton was a bully when it comes to her treatment of other countries. if you're not a us ally to her, you stock and to go buy it and it gets that way now, and that's just the way it is. and, and, and so the, i think, uh, i think we can accuse trump less of that. then we could the other 2, but that's why we have these conversations. and that's why it's fascinating to have these conversations. and you've been a delight, thanks so much for joining us, some sharing your perspective with us, jamal. always good to have you around as well. so little. thank you both. and before we go, i want to remind you of our mission here. simple. really kind of want to like the silo the world, the we, we've got to stop living in these little spots to start live in boxes. they're everywhere. i'm rick sanchez and i'll be looking for you again right here where i help to provide a directive. the
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take a fresh look around this life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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the, the us flashes out in the middle east hitting $125.00 tall, gets in a rock on syria. but backed out, who wants to move right to the regents to facilitate total set as well says it's wrapping up it submit a treat campaign. and con eunice with that site now set on the southern city of rough. it needs behind a trail of construction on across p, m. b a which one area in west of northern gauze was invaded by is really all my at the beginning of the ground operation. with the shocked by the extensive destruction of building streets and infrastructure phases.


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