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tv   News  RT  February 3, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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the, the, the, the us flashes out in the middle east hitting $125.00 tall gets in a rock serious, but backed out who owns to move right to the regions to pay to take total set as well. says it's wrapping up it submit a treat campaign, and con eunice with that site now set on the southern city of rough. it needs behind the trail of construction p. m. b a which one area in west of northern gauze was invaded by is ready all my at the beginning of the ground operation with the shocked by the extensive destruction of building streets and infrastructure phase. or think we're a fan. yeah. man strikes targets in is around what i calls a show of supports
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a golf though, not those thousands proclaim solidarity with the palestinian people and a huge march in the capital. the we're going on welcome to our, to international real life wage q here in moscow. it's great to help you with this . while we are getting with the latest news from the middle east, where the us says that it has struck at least a t t 5 it wrong linked targets in both syria underwrote in response to a drone attack that killed 3 of its own saw this month it radian media reports and these 10 people were killed in easton, syria, with president joe biden wanting that does move to com the this afternoon at my direction, u. s. military forces, struct targets and facilities interact in syria that the i r g. c and affiliated
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militia used to attack us forces while despite old fashioned us national, secure. busy t spokes pots and john cobb became the washington is not seeking conflict and at least, but blanked out, who in the situation could have serious wrong stations for the region. us military forces struck more than $85.00 targets at 7 facilities utilized firearms, islamic revolutionary and article. and another thing, groups that they sponsor 3 of the facilities are rec for them are in syria. these targets from carefully selected to avoid civilian casualties and based on a clear, irrefutable evidence that they were connected to a test on us personnel and the region united states does not see conflict with the wrong or in the brother middle east. but as president biden has made clear, we will not hesitate to defend our people and hold responsible all those who harm americans at a time. a place where choosing of this aaron strikes constitute the violation of
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the rock. the sovereignty undermined the efforts of the rocky government imposed a threat that could lead iraq and the regent into dire consequences. while we understand that the us central command has now confirmed, the air strikes have taken place in iraq and syria. the united states is saying that it targeted iranian back forces, and at this point, the 85 targets were hit according to the united states. that's what the us central command is reporting. in addition to that, they say that a total of $125.00 explosive munitions were used. some of these attacks were launched from bombers that were based in the united states that flew from the united states to carry out the strikes. and this comes on the heels of the usa that showing that it would retaliate for 3 us soldiers that were killed in georgia. the president will not tolerate a tax on american troops,
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and neither will lie. our teammates were killed by radical militias, backed by iran. and operating inside syria and iraq. this is a dangerous moment in the middle east. we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict than a region. but we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our interest, and our people. and we will respond when we choose where we choose and how we choose. now from what we understand, the white now says this entire situation lies squarely on the shoulders of the as womic republic. i'll be wrong and they blame iran for this entire situation. yes. i do now the
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islamic republic of iran said prior to the actions that we've recently seen that the united states continues to escalate its activities throughout the region. they will retaliate against the united states. you know that we do not leave any threat to announce that on so we don't offer a war, but we need a fair will nor escape it. now it's important to know that a number of iranian lines forces throughout the region have been targeted. 5 united states allies, united states and by israel ladders. the number of strikes carried out a number of prominent iranian military leaders and figures a line with iran who have been targeted. and the us forces that are operating in syria are in syria, with out the permission of the internationally recognized syrian government. they are in violation of serious territorial integrity. syria is now back in a membership of the era league. there is a fully recognized country,
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but the usa is violating its territorial integrity, occupying its space. meanwhile, the iranian forces that the usa has struck in syria are there with the syrian governments permission. they were welcome to the end of the country in the fight against terrorism. in the fight against isis, and that's a context to this confrontation that we're not hearing in western media. they're leaving this detail out of their reporting. but many seer, this situation could very soon escalate. iran has said, well retaliated against the states. united states says it is retaliating for 3 soldiers killed in jordan. this could all spin out of control very quickly and many around the world are holding their breath to see what comes next. for us on the resolve of spot, bennett believes that washington lashing out in the middle east is little more than the by to ministration for an a ton of trump. it's important to understand the iraqis have said for multiple years now that they don't want any american military forces. there, they don't mind an embassy,
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although that's might be needed to be removed as well. but the us forces there have no business there. the nations of those countries are rac, syria, iran, yemen, you know, even palestine. they need to recognize this is all emotional flatulent child blight tantrums. for me, a dying regina divided administration, the binding regime and a disintegrating united states of america, the west, and its current soldiers and bases, and all of that that are in a rack that are in syria. they're doing nothing good. they're doing nothing that represents the hearts and minds of the american people. they're doing nothing good . that foster's friendship or economic ties, or alliances, are peace and stability. what do you like to basically test the bottom of the us house of speaking mike johnson claim the biden's long term strategy of appeasing around with a failure. he says that america needs to project strength. instead. there's
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something that we do for the button administration to admit that the strategy of appeasing a wrong has been disastrous for the international community. and regional stability now is the time to present bought into wake up to the reality that his policy casing. iran has failed to promote peace. america must project strength. it's actually a good thing that's the realize i can't get on to be quite costly for the life of the states. they should think twice before affecting you done that? i think the, the delay is probably to the new to the fact that you have some people in washington that a far longer is trying to the side room by 3 if they can gauge and decide direct services. and then you have to the heads that realize affecting you on the quiet mistake and the dates i think continues. and this is one reason that you have this
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type of the day that you know the coupon guardian as an investment hits in the city of that and send you that because of the invitation of the city and of attacking, say, the attacking you, i mean, since it is against international law, but you know, we have talking about the countries that engage in genocide. the wireless and international law is nothing important to them. they take it in some database as an hourly basis. well, the us state department meanwhile, has said that a rock must do more to protect american citizens in the country. we have made clear to the government of rock for months going well back the well before this attack over the weekend, we wanted to see the government of iraq do more to police attacks on our forces to hold accountable those responsible for attacks on our forces and that if that we would not hesitate to take action to defend ourselves,
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urology government has long uh expand us to which towards remaining $2500.00 strong troop presence in the country. over at the pentagon, once again disregarded this on the, on the stating that it's not going anywhere fact as sizable. so adults with washington, when it comes to financing, when the country's parliament demanding the use of, we're trying to, to currencies for oil sales. the us treasury is still using the pretext of money laundering to impose its sanctions against the rocky banks, which requires a national stance that puts an end to these arbitrary decisions. we renew our call to the government and the central bank of rock to take rapid measures to get rid of the dominance of a dollar by diversifying our cash reserves from foreign currencies. washington recently slap sanctions on several iraq. st. banks for activities alleged to have benefitted iran about is complicated energy payments to tell. ron spiked out relies
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on gas and power from its neighbors. independent, rocky politicians solved. i'll probably be says the fact that may have to turn it back on the dollar of all the rockies i had because of the dollar. and it's because of the lack of the dollars and the market, because the americans are withholding iraq, keeping money, which is kept in american bands and the american refuse to send that to iraq. you money, your property, refusing to send it to iraq for so iraq could use. it's basically it's a black black man. i really vicious black man against the ordinary man in the streets. we have a commodity which is oil. we need the return of the sales of this oil to come to the country so we can invest it in the people themselves invested in, in the local economy invested in industry and so on. and now we cannot,
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because we are off on the economic system in new york, i'm to trace system is being taken out by the americans using vent dollar as a, as a weapon against a nation. so yes, we do probably have to work out a system where we could move away from the dollar. and uh, definitely to save that, you're all key economy from the americans. we may have to move into another direction and another, a boss gets off of the new car and says, well that's now time to golf with 3 civilians were killed and 6 wounded in is radiating upon eunice. according to the red crescent, which has also confirmed the death of one of its own employees in the attack, as well as the defense minister has said, the idea of commission in hong unice has now made it over with the southern, the city of rasa, the ministry is next focal point. the mazda is con. eunice brigade boasted that it
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would stand against the id f. now it's falling apart, and i'm telling you, here we are completing the mission and con eunice. and we will also reach our office and eliminate everyone there. who's a terrorist who's trying to harm us? meanwhile, in the north of the bottle, then place people off struggling to rebuild the shots of law as often with withdrawal of the idea you can see for yourselves extensive destruction, havens and buildings reduced to rubble. a few remaining locals can be seen assessing the damage of the idea of withdrew from the northern parts of gaul. some local john this my can stop by when to see for himself what remains. he sent us this report when the comes out to be a lot to them area in west and northern gauze, it was invited by is ready all my at the beginning of the ground operation. israel did not withdrawal from the re even during the humanitarian 1st. today we reached this area off to the idea of withdrew last night. we were shocked by the extensive
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destruction of building streets and infrastructure. here we see a factory which shows that economic life is also being destroyed here. this is a newly built area, previous date was a vast agricultural land. in recent years, it was transformed into a residential area. so it's newly built and relatively upscale area away from the noise of the city. but now it's been partially or completely destroyed as if an earthquake hit this morning, medical teams came back here to retrieve bodies from the houses and the streets would be due to the pool state of the roads. they have to transport the manually. they'll try them area connects the sultan's to the north, the sea to the west, the 17 area to the east, and l just right to the south. so it's a vast geographical area where it's ready. alma was station for no less than 3 months in the distance on the is right. he bought it from the north west of bat. last year is ready um, a rolled in fest baffles. took place between the resistance and the id f,
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and they would dozens of 5 belt bombings. they had to be advanced by. it's really all about these ready occupation forces. use the policy of 5 belt bombardments a score of policy before the advance of ground forces. this results in extensive destruction and today citizens return to search for the items of belongings hoping they might find something that would help them in the tragic conditions they faced here in northern garza and i have 2 houses, one of them, north male goal and the one in the golden hole, they were both destroyed. when i returned, i found everything had been completely destroyed. i wish i hadn't come and seemed as life is depressing. looking at the tower, seeing how people are scattered and in disarray. it's been comprehensive of a tragedy in its with sense of the word completely unimaginable roxanne, i can't explain how terrible the destruction is. there's no way to reveal or repair no hope to fix anything from total destruction. these new towers that hadn't even been inhabited yet were destroyed. so the error has become unfit for leaving
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completely uninhabitable. not suitable for life at all on the streets alleys, even the environments here. this changed. i called the arab nations to see the situation were written in stand for the may god guide everyone. let's really think about ourselves and our people for living, for the strategy and experience, and just as a and lost her family because somebody in elk saw somebody from the far north of gauze or from the city of bella, here in front of the egyptian city. this city was established and built by the egyptian reconstruction committee in gauze at one of 3 cities. there's another city in co rama and another ins offer and central goal is that these ready occupation made it the legitimate target for its full place and completely destroyed the city . we're talking about approximately 60 residential buildings with a total of $1500.00 housing units. the city was still under construction and had not been completed. it was planned to hand it over to young people and publish the new families. they need to provide a safe, i remember the full families in golf, but the is where the occupation prevented that and destroyed all those housing
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units as well as the residential cities and central goals up in the housing units were destroyed that were built, the young palestinians and families, a city developed by the egyptian reconstruction committee. this is an international committee far removed from his reading military targets. however, the policy and arrogance of the occupation is due to get everything intended as relief, palestinians here in gossip. as the idea of his father towards calls a southern those city hope is actually blowing up a potential spot. people are being seen celebrating the news that a potential piece still is close to being great. between the war in size, there is several holes. the house is tonya to release some of the hostages. it's still holding council, which has been mutating between as well and from us indicated that the minutes a group has given its tentative support to an appointment by the time humanitarian situation is really prime minister has been long to,
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to the close of the united nations relief and walk agency for palestinian refugees and rock many western states. how to read hancock funding to the hugh and agency following allegations that some of that stuff were involved in the substance of opportunity bucks come off a tax, but $800.00 civil stipends from the us on europe have now published a lot of protest. they believe western support is rout announced to a grave violation of international political on the south filmmakers showing stone . says that concerns. okay. anything, it's not clear that their concerns are bidding nor we've seen that, especially in the when it comes to the us. i don't know exactly every, every country in europe in terms of their support, but we know the us support for israel has been unabated when it comes to military support and, and financial support as well. as you can say, you know, presidential support right, of vocal support for israel's war against a hamas and gaza. and so there are other bureaucrats that are inside of the machine,
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the instrument of government that's are opposed to this policy. and they are basically saying what we saw in the past when we didn't speak up, for example, they cite 911, sorry, after 911 with the iraq war, they talk about how, you know, there was just rushed towards more based on false evidence and a lot of people within govern and didn't stand up and tell the truth, right. they basically knew that there were problems with the yellow kick story with the w and the story, and they didn't speak up until there's so there are so basically saying, well, it's time that we actually use our voice and say that we don't agree with this policy it's not helping to find peace, and that's why i think that they, they, they signed this is this statement a while allies may be on calls right now, figures have a much on line from the west. bank of an idea of soldier reportedly assaulting a child. so this on verified footage shows the moment of the attack. the victim who
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was allegedly beaten, not by the idea of soldier, had been on his way to buy some bread. the victims brought the late, gave an interview claiming, but the goal of the is where he full says is to instill fair and then the population in the house on last week. and then what happens with my brother is as follows. my brother was home, we went down to the supermarket to buy bread, and encountered the soldiers at our house door where they told him to go back home to be. my brother stopped at the door. they bid him and assaulted him. our venture went out again and through the entrance door of the house there, you know, they came back and i saw this him again. they were bidding him to for according dsl . this is not usual in our area. the check in the want to create a general sense of fear among us. so when we see the soldiers, we go inside the house who is forbidden to stand in the street. they want to instill, feel like this, it don't. so in general, everyone in our area, whether a child, adult or young man too, is generally a solvent. yes, yes, he's
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a child from our neighborhood, but he escaped them from the on. they slapped him. he kept trying to see, my brother stood still until the bidding funds, you know, feelings opened it was built in 10 days ago. was my cousins factory who was sitting there on 5. so just after you started breaking, think some of the shot a began beating us who are 3 man. and they cornered us from the shop for about an hour. and yet they came to us. i mean the red cross as well as several associations from jerusalem and on they came and took a report. and after they left, this all just came again and saw that some of the fee and we have filed a lawsuit and a complaint with the violence. cars only increased the entire armies of war and cause a conflict. and the result armies made up of the assessment. some of the areas from colorado are, well they go out and room, our area full time everywhere. and without coordination, like a gang or something. yeah. those on to sit groups struck southern as well on
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friday with several ballistic missiles and a claim that it's a tax one stop until the see spot and goals is reached. no further, the many armed forces will not hesitate to carry out further. military operations against design is enemy on land. and let's see until the aggression stops. and the seats on the posting and people in the gaza strip is lifted, dental, and yeah, and then itself. so it wasn't not the mouse display of solidarity with the palestinian people crowds to mounted exclusive tax on red c shipping. continue until as well, and just spent some gauze. hello to john, listen here in the capital. so we're very soon with hundreds of thousands. if not even a 1000056 square feet message that they have been sent, these forms are processing that message is cleared to call you for the direct to
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the at the west of the british government. and of course, the government protesters are conducting the use of pages they states we forward to meeting or what they are as genocide set aside. we'll see how many people are standing against. i called another given the military forces to step up escalate the military activities when it comes to us here pretty soon. that of course is really link chips in the red sea. the days for the 3 d. c. we came here for our brothers in garza to protest against the oppression happening in the all messages to the us and the u. k. no matter how much you try, no matter how much you strive, no matter how are we going to you all we are here ready to tell you. we have steadfast and will not back down 5 elm, and there's a red line that they cannot cross until the aggression on both ends and 8 inches.
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the inkling today we came out to on so the colon supports old brothers in goza. this is a religious duty for every free emanate to go out to the square as my message is to the aggressive intelligence policies in the us, british. and it's really aggressive. we will attack, you'll fleets, and all of your results is your attempts to hate all pull to know all results is do not scarce in the slightest. the sea will be held for you and your ships. the, the military operations continue in the red sea america, the sons of israel, and those from the countries normalizing this will face of a misery. they also call the countries like saudi arabia. so you, we have other, other regions in the region to support the cause. senior people prep the clock. oh, economic ties with the us, british government because here many people are holding the us, the holding fee, but it's government to you personally responsible for these attacks. the if
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the guy bill or doesn't tend they will be towards revealing the web build or this is be created for miss files. and targeting was really chips. and this is a little bit. so i'll see you as you calling for the uh, to the ending of these military operations in the red sea. in fact, the u, as in d, u and the u. brand to listen to a tactic from black despair and see if yeah, most outside of the moving to new targeting ships and the resi it of course give us all of those they will continue to do so despite any attacks on human as the smart thing was the threats of imposing extremely lucky, hardly ever the economy. so probably for 40 some examples or no. i'm fine. is this our protest by farmers with us who are continuing to take root and power? for example,
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a nationwide strike has been announced the games cheap agricultural products entering the union from kids, according to poland. sort of our trade union members intend to grow border crossings with ukraine, of the inaction of the police. you'll socrates and plans to co operate with the european commission and respectful of its decisions regarding the impulse of agricultural products and food from ukraine. leave us no choice, but to announce a general strike across the u. i the cultural well because i'm trying to combat sore and costs and what they say are stifling environmental regulations. demonstrate some take integral major roads with the attractive and as a native gathered for a summit in russell's protest, desantis 5 is across the city the,
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the global policy institute store somewhat a believe the disruptive actions of the farm is the only way to get themselves hot it demonstrates just how out of touch of the europeans commission is that they've had clear warnings for months and months that bolan's bomb is and not just bowling . so i'm is, but the problem is in eastern europe, their objections to this uh imported ukrainian green. and they haven't done anything about it. and so we're, we're now in this situation where they are,
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they've basically paused due to the general stripe. and it's not just the form is it's also the truck of the whole project. the ukraine project is very much in the lead project within the european units. there is no public support for transferring from wells to ukraine. whether it's on funds or anything it's, it's, this is a policy directed by the leaders of the you. they would have to renew the subsidies and they would have to withdraw the uh, the various uh, green new deal. uh, policies that are obviously hurting farm is farmers throughout europe. a fed up with it. and this go to, this is the metal emphasis germany. this is bronze, this is poland, hungary, it is throughout europe that the fed up with policies that i cleared it, directed at farmers while we all saying, defy, just from this our plan to move to come throughout the day of this. but if not,
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we are handing over to action were tons. the in the you a going underground is up next to enjoy the i'm action or time. so you're welcome back to going underground rule cussing all around the world from the u. a. e. so has circled genocide, jo, launched explicit war and energy supervisory. run this up to gaza. resistance forces killed. ok. bank american troops accused debating isis in the middle east and one of the usa is reputation. it's so called soft power. now that the usa backs plausible genocide, that the quote uses for the u. k. u. s. and you nation on back mass killing of tens of thousands of palestinians, mostly women and children and gaza. cauthrin clinton official professor joseph knife when the dean of the harvard kennedy school is credited with inventing the
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time, soft power is they just look at life. and the american century is like a who's who of level security powers. he charts, his rise to become charity usa is national security council, the assistant secretary at the pentagon. he joins me now from cambridge, massachusetts. thank you so much for of as an i for coming on before we get to the book. i suppose i better off give a briefly about who you think would win a war with iran, given that to the debate right around the world. that obviously especially here in the middle east. well, it depends what one means by winning a war. and i think you'd find broad losses on both sides, but american power versus a rating and power. and the simple term, it's not a question, but who will pay? what cost is a more difficult person to figure out? and people are suddenly looking to the by the administration to understand that costs daily you. uh.


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