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tv   News  RT  February 3, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EST

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a $0.17. it's all we going to let that stay. the c u. s. claims it's promoting peace by hitting hodge assets, missiles, rain and town on 85 talk. it's in a rock and syria. a fact that wants to move, threaten stability in reach at allstate. com. the red crescent says one event was, has been killed along with 3 civilians in his radius, shutting off the self installs and sitting upon eunice and the on the boil to knowledge and teen. um nav lease class with protesters outside parliament purposes. we paying reform bill by the country's new president class.
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it's past the crown, the top bring you all the latest developments that says on the international real life from moscow. and it's good to see well starting off with the late news from the middle east, where the us says that it has struck at least $185.00 wrong linked targets in both syria under rock, in response to a drone attack that killed 3 of it saw this one to moscow says yes, probably fled to the desk of civilians and military personnel, so it did not specify exact numbers. depends because wound that virus. what's a calm? the we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict and origin. but we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our interest,
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and our people. and we will respond when we choose wherever we choose. and how we choose for it, spotted rock has criticized washington midwest bombing campaign, according to $5000.00 military spokes, pass and the situation might have serious ramifications for the whole region. this air strikes constitute the violation of the rocky sovereignty undermined the efforts of the rocky government imposed a threat that could lead iraq and the regent into dire consequences. while we understand that the us central command has now confirmed, the air strikes have taken place in iraq and syria. the united states is saying that it targeted iranian back forces. and at this point to $85.00 target square hit according to the united states, that's what the us central command is recording. in addition to that, they say that a total of $125.00 explosive munitions were used. some of these attacks were
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launched from bombers that were based in the united states that flew from the united states to carry out the strikes. and this comes on the heels of the usa, that knowing that it would retaliate for 3 us soldiers that were killed in georgia . now from what we understand, the white now says this entire situation lies squarely on the shoulders of the as womic republic. i'll be wrong, they blame iran for this entire situation. now the islamic republic of iran said prior to the actions that we've recently seen, that the united states continues to escalate its activities throughout the region. they will retaliate against the united states. you know that we do not leave any threat to announce that on so we don't offer a war, but we need a fair will nor escape it. now it's important to know that a number of iranian lines forces throughout the region have been targeted. 5 united states allies united states and by israel ladders. and a number of strikes carried out
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a number of prominent iranian military leaders and figures a line with iran who have been targeted. and the us forces that are operating in syria are in syria, with out the permission of the internationally recognized syrian government. they are in violation of serious territorial integrity. syria is now back in a membership of the era league. there is a fully recognized country, but the usa is violating its territorial integrity, occupying its space. meanwhile, the iranian forces, the usa has struck in syria, are there with the syrian governments permission. they were welcome to the end of the country in the fight against terrorism in the fight against isis. and that's a context to this confrontation that we're not hearing in western media. they're leaving this detail out of their reporting. but many seer, this situation could very soon escalate. iran has said, well retaliated against the states. united states says it is retaliating for 3 soldiers killed in jordan. this could all spin out of control very quickly and many around the world are holding their breath to see what comes next. for us on the
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resolve of scope, bennett believes the washington lashing out in the middle east is this will move in the buys and ministration. during the time. it's important to understand the iraqis have said for multiple years now that they don't want any american military forces . there, they don't mind an embassy, although that's might be needed to be removed as well. but the us forces there have no business there of the nations of those countries are rac, syria, iran, yemen, you know, even palestine. they need to recognize this is all emotional flatulent child like tantrums, from a dying regina, the binding administration, the binding regime, and a disintegrating united states of america, the west. and it's a current soldiers and bases and all of that that are in a rack that are in syria. they're doing nothing good. they're doing nothing that represents the hearts and minds of the american people. they're doing nothing good
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. that foster's friendship or economic ties, or alliances, are peace and stability, or does not pay if you media reports in syria now plain but overnight strikes killed $18.00 people in the mean time and liked to the latest developments. us house speaker mike jones said, playing vitamins, know tom stretched 2 of appeasing iran was saying, yeah, he says american needs to protect strengths. instead, there's something that we do for the button administration to admit that the strategy of appeasing a wrong has been dissolved for us for the international community. and regional stability now is the time to present bought into wake up to the reality that his policy, if casing abroad, has failed to promote peace, america must project strength. and it's actually a good thing that's a they realize attacking it on would be quite costly. today or later, the states they should think twice before affecting you done that i think the, the delay is probably too new to the fact that you have some people in washington
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that a lot of longer is trying to sort of buy 3 if they engage and decide go buy services and then you have quite a heads that's a realize that that can get on would be the quiet mistake. and the debates, i think, continues and this is one reason that you have this type of a delay to, you know, the people you don't in person have that when it's in the city of very insignia, because of the invitation of the city and government attacking, say, the attacking you, i mean, since it is against international law, but to, you know, be talking about the countries that engage in genocide. the wireless and international law is nothing important to them. they take it in some database as an hourly basis. well now to go, so it was 3 civilians were killed and 6 wounded and is ready to shutting upon.
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eunice, that is, according to the red crescent, which has also confirmed the death of one of its own employees in the attack. as well as defense minister has said the only do you have commission in hong eunice is near the, over with the southern most city of rough. uh, the next target in the mid it trees cross has the mazda is con. eunice brigade boasted that it would stand against the idea. now it's falling apart and i'm telling you, here we are completing the mission and con eunice and we will also reach rafa and illuminate everyone there who's a terrorist who's trying to harm us. meanwhile, in the north of the in baffled ang, place people all struggling to rebuild the shattered lights off to the withdrawal off. the idea of you can see extensive destruction with homes and buildings, which is to revel a few remaining. lopez can be seen assessing the scale of the damage was the, the area was heavily damaged. there were no homes to live in. so we will live in,
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tends to get in. our houses were destroyed and our families and children were killed. we don't know where to go. we call on the arrow button world nations for immediate c side, because they've been a genocide. they must spend no efforts to conclude a sweet spot. despite the da she monetary and the situation is really prime minister has to onto the pleasure of enrol over united nations relief and walk agency for palestinian refugees. many western states had already caught funding to the un agency following allegations that some of that stuff were involved in the 7th of october, come off a tax, but $800.00 civil solvents from the us in europe have now published a lot of protest. they believe that western supports as well and mounts to a grave violation of international will be unfolding, humanitarian crisis. think also is the focus of the latest episode of coming underground fluid being on top of kennedy school of governance. professor joseph nice is that america is on questioning support for as ro is damaging washington's
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soft power. you can watch the entire show on our website or to, to come. but for now, here's a quick look. you can win a battle as moves a war. and now there's some of the terms of tactical successes of these release of demonstrating that they have a good deal of capability. but in terms of the soft power and the ability to attract others, i think the disproportionate number of casualties and gaza has indeed damaged their soft power and washington's soft to power. in recent years. let alone garza well and if it, again i, i think the american sauce power has been damaged by the disproportionate, the killing civilians in the cause of war. uh,
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biden is plead for the israel east is take a more measured approach. but if they're still damage to americans, sauce power. meanwhile, belgium has some and the is randy. i'm boss of the following. the destruction of the country is development agency in garza, the attack on the agency took place on wednesday evening. no employees were present at the time. the strike comes off to brussels, gave it's backing to the recent rulings, the international court of justice and to for its findings to be implemented in full war. but the country is decided not to pools funding for the human agency, for palestinian refugees and contrasts to thousands of what the west of nations. the belgian for in minnesota was highly critical of tennessee over that booming of the office building of the belgian agency for development, cooperation in gaza, has been bombed and is completely destroyed. attacking civilian buildings is and
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remains totally unacceptable. jerry political ex, spot pay. i'm like, well, to london believes as well, this comes up to go on to for on either way like just own the very specific joe persaco objectives. and uh, we'd like to have a week and a withdrawal and you cost and of course it's uh, there's a lot of consequences on populations. and also be your target to cbd engines cost structure because they pretend to be awesome terrorists to hiding a niche. but they are going to fall because or it looks like your very your, the race to attorney regardless, tripped, and some of many still. so you can use when would like to and getting the where to take these territory part to take part of great or either way to use radio targets or done the um they maybe don't take into account to the you are
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the interest of the some of your kind of member states to offer you a push to well policies you tap into roy eagles stopped. i remember when weird was the chinese and bessie bum by you are they to it's your site to see, meet our procedure. why the allies may be on call so right now. videos have a much on line from the west. bank of an idea of sol joe reportedly assaulting a child. this on firefight footage shows the movement of the attack. the boy who was allegedly beats not by the idea of soldier, has been on his way to buy some bread. the victims brought the late gaven into the play me with the gold of his rifle says, as twins still fair in the local population and just lost on last week. and then what's happened with my brother is as follows. my brother was home, so i went down to the supermarket to buy bread, and encountered the soldiers at our house door where they told him to go back home
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to be my brother stopped at the door. they bid him and assaulted him. then she went out again and stood at the entrance door of the house. they came back in a soldier's him again. they were beating him before, according dsl. this is not usual in our area, the check in the want to create a general sense of fear. i'm on us. so when we see the soldiers, we go inside the house is forbidden to stand in the street. they want to instill, feel like this done so in general, everyone in our area, whether a child, adult or young man is generally assaulted. yes, yes. he's a child from our neighborhood, but he escaped. they slapped him and he kept trying to see. my brother stood still until the bidding fillings open. it was built in 10 days ago. i was my cousins factory who was sitting there when 5 soldiers entered, started breaking things in the shop and began beating us, who were 3 man and they cornered us in the shop for about an hour. they came to us,
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i mean the red cross, as well as several associations from jerusalem. and they came on 2 good reports and after they left and the soldiers came again and sold it, us fee and we have filed a lawsuit. and a complaint with the violence has only increased the entire army is at war and cause a currently and the result army is made up of the settlers from the area from colorado, our button. they go out on rome, our area, the whole time, everywhere. and without coordination, like a gang or something. yeah, man's on to say were struck, something is well on friday with several ballistic missiles. and it claimed that it's packed was still off until a c spine involves or is reached. no further, the many armed forces will not hesitate to carry out further. military operations against design is enemies on land. and let's see until the aggression stops in the siege on the posting and people in the gaza strip is lifted and yelling itself.
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that was the last display of solidarity with the palestinian people. crowds demanded that because if your tax on red se shipping actually continue until as well, and it's a fence from gaza, an orthodontist sent this report. if you're in a capital software, another fridays have a free savings with hundreds of sales, or you said not even a 1000000 jobs where it goes over the same message that they have been sending for tours or processing. that message is cleared to call you for the direct to the at the west side of the british government. and of course, the government processors are condemning these pages. me saves me for what they are referred to as genocide. genocide will see how many people are standing against. i called another, given the military forces to step up that escalated military activities when it
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comes to british ships. that, of course, is really link chips and the red c a c. we came here for our brothers and goes to protest against the oppression happening in the all messages to the us and the u. k. no matter how much you try, no matter how much you strive, no matter how are we going to you all we are here ready to tell you. we have steadfast and will not back down 5 l man dab is a red line that they cannot cross until the aggression on bills ends and 8 inches the inkling today we came out to on to the colon, support our brothers and goals are. this is a religious duty for every free m and a to go out to the square s. my message is to the aggressive intelligence forces in the us, british, and this really aggressive. we will attack your fleet single. your results is your attempts to hit all ports and all results is do not scary. so in the slightest, the sea will be healthy. you and your ships. the many military operations continue
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in the red sea america, the sons of israel, and those from the countries normalizing this will face of a misery. they also call the countries like saudi arabia. so you, we have other, other regions in the region and to support. that's how senior diesel. oh, economic ties with the us, british governments because here many people are holding the us are holding fee, but it's government. uh you personally responsible for these attacks. the said, the guy, the 4 dozen times they will be forced to review only weapons or just be treated for miss files. and targeting was really chips. and this is a limit of the us new calling for the or the ending of these military operations in the red sea. in fact, the u, as in the u. n. b,
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e u brand to listen to attractive and despair mc yeah, most outside of lucky be moving to, to new targeting ships and the resi. and of course you have a follow up with as a nose. they will continue to do so. it's quite any attacks on human as the smart thing was the threats of imposing a sprinkling rocky hardly ever. the economy is the probably recording from the capitals on that are being on great themes on the streets of witness iris as protest is classed with police, demonstrates has had been out in c. so for a sweeping were full. they'll put forward by the country as near another. terry and president have yet many the police trying to break up the crowds with tear gas rubber bullets on who to count on the only boss. so which positives plus testing congress contains hundreds of all
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schools that could usher and sweep payment free market reforms. the new president has said, oh, and dealt with us and he is a comic decline by protests designed to continue. that's fine. they hit me. they threw gas it me because it is the only way to contain us, retirees. and what is because we are defending ourselves because the feels that is the inside the congress does not defend us, been not defending all rights. we have to get out. i had contributed for 40 years, so that today i could have a dignified old age and yet i have to continue being beaten. well, you're not going to change. a government has just the right and that tells you you're going to suffer. you're going to have a bad time, and that is making us suffer and making us have a bad time due to this is a disaster. besides, this thing is the hardest, the situation is now critical to be able to have $12000.00 or $15000.00 pesos per day to be able to read, have breakfast, milk, everything every day. something goes off every day and i have to work for myself
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because i don't receive a subsidy. a full la c i. a software developer has been sentenced a full 2 years behind falls for the single largest leak of classified information in the history of the intelligence agency of the revelations. expose the c i as methods of hocking phones, communication ops, all the electronic devices to. so from 2012 to 2016, joshua sold what to percent of the side, but intelligence, he's still thousands of secret documents about washington. his walk with british intelligence and hacking smart tvs for spying purposes. he paused stop information on to which indicates for publication. prosecutors have done this and this told paul hall by putting in one of the most heinous crimes of espionage in american history. so let's see, i and this laurie jones has the agencies by going to to insist as a peer branch of the us constitution of what made what the united states was doing
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. so egregious is that it was spine on its own citizens. it was violating constitutional protections. there are many other countries around the world that don't have those protections enshrined in their constitution or under a law. but it is, it does exist in the united states. and here the c i a whose job is they're supposed to spy on foreigners, people overseas. but they were turning their spine on to their own american citizens, to our people, be persecuted and prosecuted for, for speech, for exercising free speech. and the fact that they're going after julian, the saw on the espionage charges and that he would face the death penalty is just absurd. he's a journalist who was doing his job as a journalist. he was not acting on behalf of some form of government. and what he exposed expose lies expose misdeeds, expose criminal acts by the united states and by other countries. so that's sort of
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what's happened with this. what's become a tyrannical government, where it's going to punish people, incarcerate them, or even execute them as possible for daring to reveal truths. and it's, uh, that's not what the 1st amendment was designed to do. a recent, a defeated probation presidential candidate from taiwan to not just opposition party has been elected as the parliament you speaker not could have spoken the wheels of the new presidential administration, which is probably western on his trial, isabel has the story a hi. once future has been on the west as radar for quite some time, as the u. s. continues to oppose china via taiwan. and when the islands pro western the separate test, william why won the presidency on january 13th, the entirety of western mainstream media wasted no time in hailing it as
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a huge victory against communist china overseas now and a resounding victory for the ruling party candidate in taiwan presidential elections seen as a blow to china, william ly campaigns on the status quote, to appeal to voters who want to. i want to stay the same, not independence, and not warmer relations of mainland china, which is why his victory is a set back for being night has been labeled a troublemaker like china as being warmed people against voting for him. that's the only painting part of the picture for one, the beijing friendly k m t candidate secured the speakers chair this past thursday, a position that will give the chair substantial power to check all of life policies regarding china. thanks for the support of the kmc legislative focus and 2 of our independent colleagues, i was able to, when the speakership was 54 votes, i shoulder the responsibility of initiating reforms in parliament. and i will
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devote myself just driving for the interest of the public. the people are expecting a fresh start and a reform at the legislative one, which will solidly bring happiness to a time when he's. that's my responsibility. and now while the speaker is required by law to remain neutral in parliament, she decides which bills are put up for a boat in the legislature, which controlled spending. so he could block the ly administrations, legislation regarding defense budgets and domestic spending. everyone should be loyal to the republic of china and taiwan. if it is an opposition party, it should be the republic of china. taiwan z low, we allow possession. we must find ways to protect the sovereignty and security of the republic of china and taiwan. some people in this country still don't 100 percent agree that taiwan is their country. the idea of the loyal opposition party comes from the u. k. and as a norm among the democratic countries inside, ty, ones 2024 presidential results were weak for
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a lie with the pro west candidate grabbing only 40 percent of the vote, a 17 percent dip. and the 2nd low was winning share for an elected president. since 1996, this past presidential election was actually opposition's to lose because the deep uh, the 2 terms as the president's and they were deeply on popular alti, when they, because their corporate policies and to because of the time when you come and use not doing well, because of the us sanction mainland china, which makes a lot of excited ones for able to sell to their mainland customers, current president of the last one, the presidency, the size of the opposition is divided however, iep party lost the parliamentary elections. so now we have a situation where the main opposition party, they just align with 2 independent party members. they weren't able to lock in for
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the speaker of the parliament. and which means the new deep president of who is telling me into the office. he will face a hostile legislature and he basically, you'll be elaine dot president for the next 4 years. the election also didn't see the democratic progress party d p, p or the government k k m t. when a majority in the legislature with the t p, p losing its majority from 63 to 51 out of a 113, resulting in a home parliament in a clearly divided region. now this happened in the 2000. so as the saying goes, history could be repeating itself of the election results have fully showing that the p p did not represent the island, nor did it represent the mainstream public opinion of taiwan. the d. p. p remains in power, but it will not change the basic pattern and direction of cross straight relations . it cannot prevent the historical trend of the reunification of the 2 sides. what's more, a survey,
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but i tie one's mainland affairs council in october 2023. found that over 60 percent of voters support the current status quote of the islands on determine political status and remain neutral. i'm reunification and independence. so contrary to the lesser of western headlines, ty, one's current, political administration, is such a blow to beijing if anything, the current divided climate in the region signals the uncertainty with china still holding an upper hand. i'm finding the protest by farmers across europe o. continuing to take root in poland, for example, a nationwide strike has been announced the games cheap agricultural product entering the union from kids, according to your opponents sort of dire to trade union members and tend to block border crossings with you question. the inaction of the police, shall socrates and plans to co operate with the european commission in respect to
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its decisions regarding the inputs of agriculture, products and food from ukraine. leave us no choice, but to announce a general strike across the lack of cultural while. cuz of trying to come about solar and costs and what they say, i'll start seeing green policies demonstrate to stop taking the blocking major roads with that tractors. and as you need has gathered for us somewhere in brussels, protests assaulted phone is across the city. the, the big labor policy institute stores someone who believes that such disruptive. ok, so really the only way to be hard. it demonstrates just how out of touch of the european commission is that they've had clear warnings for 4 months in bonds
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that bolan's bomb is and not just bolt. and so i'm is, but the problem is um, in eastern europe, their objections to this uh imported uh, ukranian, uh, green. and they haven't done anything about it. and so when we're now in this situation where they are, they basically pause due to the general stripe and it's not just the form is it's also the truck of the whole project. the ukraine project is very much in the lead project within the european unit. there is no public support for transferring wells to ukraine, whether it's on funds or anything it's, it's, this is a policy directed by the leaders of the you. they would have to renew the subsidies and they would have to withdraw the uh, the various uh, green new deal uh, policies that are obviously hurting from the.


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