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tv   News  RT  February 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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the, the need to you for people are reportedly, it kills out to us as price rain down on target in syria and iran. the used for and for us to cheap says the situation in the middle east milestones acetate for to coal junction. these, these are all you that, that kind of slow that i can see the attract any doc, if i couldn't do it. right. see, there's a domino, a domino effect. the red pressed to this has one of its walkers has been killed along with 3 civilians. and is ready to shutting off the southern dawson city of upon unit and the
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time the portals and origin tina with police class cheng gains protests as outside parliament 1000, sweeping with the bill by the college of new presidents class. it's cost titled the out of salt to international for myself, the whole team here in moscow. welcome. it's good to have you with us. well, let's get started with the latest from the middle east media reports a claiming that 18 people have been killed in syria. and the 16 in a rock and those overnight and us strikes, washington sat, it came in response to a drone attack that killed 3 of it saw this one, the punch guns wound. that's going to come the we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict in a region. but we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states,
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our interest, and our people. and we will respond when we choose wherever we choose and how we choose. a rock for its part has criticized washington's committee's bombing campaign. according to back to us minute phase folks past and the situation might have serious ramifications of the whole region. this air strikes constitute the violation of the rocky sovereignty undermine the efforts of the rocky government imposed the threat that could lead iraq and the regent into dire consequences. while we understand that the us central command has now confirmed, the air strikes have taken place in iraq and syria. the united states is saying that it targeted your ronnie, in fact forces. and at this point on $85.00 target square hit according to the united states, that's what the us central command is reporting. in addition to that,
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they say that a total of $125.00 explosive munitions were use. some of these attacks were launched from bombers that were based in the united states that flew from the united states to carry out the strikes. and this comes on the heels of the usa, that knowing that it would retaliate for 3 us soldiers that were killed in georgia . now from what we understand the white now says this entire situation lies squarely on the shoulders of the as long as republic of the wrong, and they blame iran for this entire situation. now the islamic republic of iran said prior to the actions that we recently seen that the united states continues to escalate its activities throughout the region. they will retaliate against the united states. you know that we do not leave any threat to announce that on. so we don't offer a war, but we need a fair will nor escape it. and now it's important to know that a number of other ronnie and a line forces throughout the region had been targeted 5 united states allies,
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united states, and by israel waters. the number strikes carried out a number of prominence. iranian military leaders and seniors aligned with iran who have been targeted. and the us forces that are operating in syria are in syria, with out the permission of the internationally recognized syrian government. they are in violation of serious territorial integrity. syria is now back in a membership of the era league. there is a fully recognized country, but the usa is violating its territorial integrity, occupying in space. meanwhile, the iranian forces that the usa has struck in syria. are there with the syrian government permission, they were welcome to get into the country in the fight against terrorism in the fight against isis. and that's a context to this confrontation that we're not hearing in western media. they're leaving this detail out of their reporting. but many seer, this situation could very soon escalate. iran has that it will retaliate against the states united states as it was retaliating for 3 soldiers killed in jordan.
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this could all spin out of control very quickly and many around the world are holding their breath to see what comes next. well, let's cross live now to political unless on academic isabella site. and let's see if we can get contact with. huh. um, isabella, can you hear me? yes, i can hear you very well. i'm thank you for having me today. okay. oh wonderful. um . so the 1st thing i want to ask you uh, 18 people killed in syria. 16 in a rock. washington obviously says that it's invested in peace in the region. how do those 2 actions fit together? i actually, um, if we would look at the, the situation from 2 perspectives. first of all, it is not something new to syria. i keep saying this on all of my interviews of the
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bombing around damascus, whether it's to damascus or about god, where there are some basic basis for the axis of resistance. a lot of be serious. it's not stuff. let's say more than like, if they 1st it was the aim, those to try and i'm, and i'm asked me to break the alliance between these axis of resistance countries, which america and israel are trying to. let's say i'm breaks, stop them from doing what they are doing, which is a fighting the tourism alone on the, along beside with russia, finding the toner was and i says, dash, based around c, i based on the and being off ne, syria and did a bit goofed by boxed by the american, the americans and some of the repeating countries. so to us, did,
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did any of these strikes stop syria or a mom or let's say, and i've been on fell off. i'm doing the doing? no. and i think now the strikes are helping only one person, which is a b, b and it's in yahoo. who has the faith so hard inside of his country. let's say we don't see the country and see how we actually we don't recognize this, right? as a country, it's also some entity, so who have faith in this entity of the scenario. so it's sort of jumped to drag these countries into real estate or regional war, as i would only serve the failure of the beeping. it's in yahoo also it's, we're also in check the mm hm. so, um the, the, the country is of the excess of resistance. um,
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but actually america nothings uh over what your previous guest service cv, amount is a fully recognized country. the country is the one i'm the shop, are there on the lands on this to liam labs, and based on the, the emission and the request of the syrian government who are truly there just for i. mm. cool to fight is this like what the americans are doing now? the they're the biggest evidence for that is their denials that deny are the one they're one of their base as an update on the inside of the cm bone. there's the bombs, they said it was in jordan because of the way they know i'm, they know for, for their existence and on the serial is not be, not, does not apply to or let's say abide with the international law. well,
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is it going to, we seem to have had a bit of a pool connection you were cutting in and out. we do appreciate what insight you could provide us. what we understood from not about was up, it's gone to some academic, isabella, zayden, just a moment, talk to you as well as i did respond to as well as an entity. just i'm doing much intelligence. it was a state, an independent country, created by the one in 1948. thank you very much. i is about a foot field time. absolutely, absolutely. this is what i have said. almost like is now to goes west. 3 civilians were killed and 6 wounded in his radius, shutting upon eunice. not as according to the red crescent which has also confirmed the death of one of its own employees in the attack as well as defense. smith says, said the idea of submission and hon eunice is nearly over with the southern my city of rock for the next call. good in the minute. truth cross has on, despite the fact that the southern parts of the enclave was previously designated
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as folks. so people have floods the little touching for safety that yet have found not the easiest foreign policy chief. so this roused creating a dire situation in the south. these ran this continuous military activities in this house, pushing people against each in both other though one medium people in the south that has been displaced, proven actively engaged this egyptian border and the claim that the west saved zones. but in fact, what we see is that the palm beach affect and disagree, the relation continuously that is creating a very dire situation. meanwhile, in the normal solve the and baffled and case clip law struggling to rebuild the shots. it lives off to the withdrawal of the i. p. s. you can see a sense of destruction with homes and buildings which is to, to level a few remaining locals can be seen assessing the scale of the damage was the,
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the area was heavily damaged. there were no homes to live in, so we would live in, tends to get houses were destroyed and our families and children were killed. we don't know where to go. we call on the arrow button world nations for immediate cease fraud because they've been a genocide. they must spend no efforts to conclude just the sign. we don't know what this does. your monetary and situation is where any prime minister has come onto the place of and run over the united nations relief and walk agency, the palestinian refugees. many western states had to read a cox ending to the un agency following allegations. but some of that stuff were involved in the 7th of october. i'm off a tax popped $800.00 civil servants from the us on europe have now published to laptops of protest. they believe west and support as well amounts to a grave violation of international dam folding humanitarian crisis in gauze is the focus of the latest episode of going on to ground floor routine of
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hobbits tended to school of government. profess such as if knife is that americans on questioning support for his role is done. treat damaging washington. so soft power. you can watch the entire show on our website on to, to come. but now has a quick look. uh, you can win a battle and lose a war. and now there's in terms of tactical successes of these early to demonstrate that they have a good deal of capability. but in terms of the soft r and the ability to attract others, i think the disproportionate number of casualties and gaza has indeed damaged their soft power and washington's soft power in recent years. let alone gaza. well in it again i, i think the american sauce power has been damaged by the
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disproportionate, the killing of civilians in the cause of war uh, biting his plead for the israel east to take a more measured approach. but it, there still damage to americans. sauce power, the model eyes may be on gauze or right now, video is has a much on line from the west. bank of an idea of soldier reportedly assaulting a child based on verified to put to it shows the moment of the attack, the boy who was allegedly bates not by that idea of sold, right. that had been on his way to buy some bread. the victims brought the laser, gave an interview, claiming its own office, where the full says is put in still fast and the last connections in the, in the house on last week. and then what happens with my brother is as follows. my brother was at home, i went down to the supermarket to buy bread, and encountered the soldiers at our house door where they told him to go back home to be. my brother stopped at the door. they bid him and assaulted him. i was then
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she went out again and stood at the entrance door of the house. they came back and i saw the team again. they were bidding him to for according dsl. this is not usual in our area, the shuck in the want to create a general sense of fear among us. so when we see the soldiers, we go inside the house who is forbidden to stan industry. they want to instill, feel like this done so in general, for everyone in our area, whether a child, adult or young man too, is generally solved. yes, yes. did he the child from our neighborhood, but he escaped. they slapped him. he kept trying to see, my brother stood still until the bidding phones fillings built and it was built in 10 days ago. was my cousins factory who was sitting there on 5. so just after you started breaking things in the shop and began beating us, who are 3 man, and they cornered us in the shop for about an hour and they came to us. i mean the red cross, as well as several associations from jerusalem and on. they came to comes to good
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reports, and after they left and the soldiers came again and saw that some of you have filed a lawsuit and a complaint with the violence cuz only increased the entire armies at war and cause a conflict. and the result farm is made up of the saddler from the area. this is from colorado arbor. they go out and roam our area full time everywhere. and without coordination, like a gang or some things that have been on gray seems on the streets of one of the iris. as pro testers, plastered with police demonstrators have been out in full serve. a sweet thing were full though, but for what? by the countries noon, if a terry and president have yet me like. the police tried to break up the crowds with tear gas around the bullets, unable to count on the, on the boston bill which passed its pass pass. and congress contains hundreds of
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all schools that could usher and sweeping freight and well, okay, well since the new president has that a full name that was lost in his ok to make a decline, a protest as a file to continue. that's why they hit me. they threw gas at me because it is the only way to contain us, retirees. and what is because we are defending ourselves because the feels that is the inside the congress does not defend us and not defending all rights. we have to get out. i had contributed for 40 years, so that today i did have a dignified old age and yet i have to continue being beaten by that. we're not going to change a government has just the right and that tells us you're going to suffer. you're going to have a bad time, and that's just making a sufferer and making us have a bad time. and due to this is a disaster. besides, this thing is the hardest, the situation is now critical to be able to have $12000.00 or $15000.00 pesos per day to be able to really have breakfast, milk,
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everything every day. something goes off every day and i have to work for myself because i didn't receive a subsidy. a recently defeated pro patient and presidential candidate from ty, one's largest opposition party has been elected as departments, new speaker, and i could put a spoken wheels of a new presidential administration, which is per western on his front as well as the story a hi. once future has been on the west as radar for quite some time, as the u. s. continues to oppose china via taiwan. and when the islands pro western the separate test, william why won the presidency on january 13th, the entirety of western main 3 media wasted no time inhaling it as a huge victory against communist china overseas now and a resounding victory for the ruling party candidate in taiwan presidential elections seen as a blow to china, william ly campaigns on the status quote,
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to appeal to voters who want to. i want to stay the same, not independence and not warmer relations is mainland china, which is why his victory is a set back for being night has been labeled a troublemaker by china, as being warmed people against voting for him. but that's the only painting part of the picture for one, the beijing friendly k m t candidate secured the speakers chair this past thursday, a position that will give the chair substantial power to check all of life policies regarding china. thanks for the support of the k m. c. legislative focus and 2 of our independent colleagues, i was able to, when the speakership was 54 votes, i shoulder the responsibility of initiating reforms in parliament. and i will devote myself just striving for the interest of the public. the people are expecting a fresh start and a reform at the legislative one, which will solidly bring happiness to time when he's. that's my responsibility. and
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now while the speaker is required by law to remain neutral in parliament, she decides which bills are put up for a boat in the legislature, which controlled spending. so he could block the ly administrations, legislation regarding defense budgets and domestic spending. everyone should be loyal to the republic of china and taiwan. if it is an opposition party, it should be the republic of china. taiwan z low, we allow possession. we must find ways to protect the sovereignty and security of the republic of china and taiwan. some people in this country still don't 100 percent agree that taiwan is their country. the idea of the loyal opposition party comes from the u. k. and as a norm among the democratic countries inside, ty, ones 2024 presidential results were weak for a lie with the pro west candidate grabbing only 40 percent of the vote, a 17 percent dip, and the 2nd lowest winning share for an elected president. since 1996 this past
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presidential election was actually opposition to lose because of the php uh set to terms as the president's and they were deeply on hawks or i'll tie one day because their corporate policies and to because the guy when the economy is not doing well because of the us sanction mainland china, which makes a lot of upside one for april to sell to their mainland customers. current president of the last one, the presidency. the size of the opposition is divided. however, the party lost the parliamentary elections. so now we have a situation where the main opposition party, they just align with 2 independent party members. they were able to lock in for the speaker of the parliament. and which means the new deep president of who is telling me into the office who will face a hostile legislature. and basically you will be elaine dot president for the next
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4 years. the election also didn't see the democratic progress party d p, p, or the coolant tang k m t. when a majority in the legislature with the g p. p losing its majority from 63 to 51 out of a 113, resulting in a home parliament in a clearly divided region. now this happened in the 2000. so as the saying goes, history could be repeating itself of the election results have fully showing that the p. p did not represent the island, nor did it represent the mainstream public opinion of taiwan. the p. p. u remains in power, but it will not change the basic pattern and direction of cross straight relations . it cannot prevent the historical trend of the reunification of the 2 sides. what's more, a survey by ty ones, mainland affairs council in october 2023. found that over 60 percent of voters support the current status quote of the islands on determine political status and
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remain neutral. i'm reunification and independence. so contrary to the lesser of western headlines, ty, one's current, political administration, is such a blow to b j. if anything, the current divided climate in the region signals uncertainty with china still holding an upper hand. hey, full s c i. a software developer has been sentenced to 15 years behind falls for the single largest leak of classified information in the history of the intelligence agency. and the revelations, expose the c y as method of attacking phones, communication ops, all that a tonic devices to. so from 20 to 12 to 2016, joshua schultz walked up the center aside by intelligence. he stole thousands of feet per documents by washington's walk, with british intelligence and have some smart tvs the spine purposes. he paused, baffling information on to what to mix for publication. prosecute, have built this
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a digital poll hub aconia, one of the most heinous crimes of espionage and american history. so let's see on this knowledge on some says this whole shows that america's founding principles are on disrupt of what made what the united states was doing. so egregious is that it was spine on its own citizens that was violating constitutional protections. there were many other countries around the world that don't have those protections enshrined in their constitution or under a law. but it is, it does exist in the united states. and here the c i a whose job is they're supposed to spy on foreigners, people overseas. but they were turning their spine onto their own american citizens, to our people, be persecuted and prosecuted for, for speech, for exercising free speech. and the fact that they're going after julian, the saw on the espionage charges and that he would face the death penalty is just
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absurd. he's a journalist who was doing his job as a journalist. he was not acting on behalf of some form of government. and what he exposed expose lies, expose misdeeds exposed criminal acts by the united states and by other countries. so that's sort of what's happened with this was become a tyrannical government, where it's going to punish people, incarcerate them, or even execute them as possible for daring to reveal truths. and it's, uh, that's stop what the 1st amendment was designed to do. the protests by farmers across europe all continuing to take roots and power ends. a nationwide strikes being announced against chief agricultural products and from the union, from kiff, according to part installed at our trade union members intend to block border crossings with ukraine. the inaction of the poli, shall socrates and plans to co operate with the european commission and respectful its decisions regarding the imports of agricultural products and food from ukraine
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. leave us no choice, but to announce a general strike. i went across to a lot of cultural while cuz i'll try to come about storage costs and what they say off somebody from green policies demonstrate has have taken to blocking major roads with the attractive and of the you need is gathered for a summit in brussels, protest this, delta 5 is across the city. the, the global policy institute strong strongly believes that such disruptive actions are the only way to be hard. it demonstrates just how out of touch of the europeans commission is that they've had clear warnings for months and months.
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that bolan's bomb is, and not just bo, this one was, but the problem is in eastern europe, their objections to this uh imported ukrainian green. and they haven't done anything about it. and so when we're now in this situation where they are, they've basically paused due to the general stripe and it's not just the form is it's also the truck of the whole project. the ukraine project is very much in the lead project within the european units. there is no public support for transferring from wells to ukraine, whether it's on funds or anything it's, it's, this is a policy directed by the leaders of the you. they would have to renew the subsidies and they would have to withdraw the uh, the various uh, green new deal. uh, policies that are obviously hurting farm is farmers throughout europe. a fed up
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with it. and this go to, this is the metal emphasis germany. this is bronze, this is poland, hungary, it is throughout europe that the fed up with policies that i cleared it directed at thomas as good buy from us here. and most guy for this iowa on to buy for me for the day for associated will be in this whole tape on the top. you also stopped by lisa and enjoy the rest of your weekend. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the th, by the middle of the 20th century, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis. a particularly 10 situation had developed in mozambique the people of this country were put in a humiliating position, income inequality ramp, and illiteracy. this respect by the portuguese for the local traditions led to a mass unrest. getting 1964, the liberal race in front of mozambie for a limo began its armed struggle for freedom. the regular army was not easy to resist, but the guerrillas inflicted considerable damage on the invaders through the sliders, against the colonial regime were supported by the soviet union and china. whereas the united states and great britain took the side of the invaders,
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the board to gaze responded to the guerrillas attacks with cruel counter insurgency . however, pre limos 10 year courageous struggle was a success after the over throw the fascist regime in portugal in 1974, the new authorities surrendered a year later, lisbon fully recognized the independence of mozambie, but the victory had been gained at a high price during the war mozambique had lost tens of thousands of his sons and daughters the the, the, what happened october. the 2nd was
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a jail breakout for it was the slaves revolting against the master. of course, when slaves revealed against illegitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent terrorist here. and then we'll take that, right, is there is there, there is just surrounding the entire area of the party became ready for the cadillac. driving outside, we saw a lot of the territories. it was very horrible. there is a body over here, there is a body over there and i think i just took my seats really like that. so is there are any terry firing? they won't tom my head a terrible tragedy in terrible revenge. and i hope they may come off the afternoon,


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