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tv   News  RT  February 3, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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the the 30 full of people that killed as us as strikes rain down on top gets across the syria and iraq. the use that the situation in the middle east is at a tipping point to meet the lease is volume that, that candice broke it. i can see the activity that i couldn't just read. see is a domino a domino effect. russia slabs us as drives on syria and iraq saying washington has never looked for solutions. it continues on the part, the so destruction and payoffs across the middle east. on 15 civilian cables and a pair of ideas strikes on the southern gaza city. open that i thought that follows the un morning of the area of may now be the new focus of his rails and military
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prophecies, the pressure of despair. we feel for what comes next to the you seeing it right? there is anger is just boiling over an argentine a police square walk outside outside the parliament against protest since the riot smiled for the sweeping the phone bill before by the countries for our new president, the or we are looking at a busy hour here at 4 pm, locally on saturday at most go, let's kick it off right now. so syria has lashed out, so the us for fueling the i, sol, tara groups activities in the middle east, and also highlighting americas involvement in having a strong uber un from bringing peace to the region. all that,
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as well as washington strikes multiple targets across iraq and syria. overnight. it is not surprising that the american attack targets the eastern region of syria, where our syrian forces are fighting against the remnants of the dashed terraced organization. while the united states is working to revive isis terrorist activity, the syrian arab republic expresses its deep concern over the state of paralysis of un security council. as to us, henders, its ability to assume its responsibilities in halting such dangerous violations. all right is about 4, 32 pm on saturday, entire on requesting live. now to use of july, the study by for us right there in the capital use that to, to us about reaction and then coming from across the middle east. if you would this yes, we're already doing. i'd say it has made it yet another world, one in the middle east, by unleashing a wave of air strikes against what it called, the targets and the positions of the wrong. back to miller,
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shes in the garage and syria, of course, or the west has justified its uh, air strikes in those countries. uh, by saying that uh, these trucks actually are a retaliation for all the sundays. um air of drones strikes by the rocky as well because that's the scope and iraq, of course, that killed 3 american troops on the jordanian syrian border. but this as well all different countries and they have different observers have condemned the attacks by the united states. thing, for example, syria said that the attacks are aimed at reinvigorating the ice and stair group and syria, as the air strikes targeted exactly the areas where the syrian army was actively trying to fight and combat isis. terrorist of course few are you is also boiling in iraq and baghdad, the iraqi prime minister mohammed us who dani also said that this tried this rights are a violation of the rocky sovereignty. now we have heard that the rocky government
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has is going to summon, did us charge that the affair in baghdad to hand him a note of protest over the american air strikes on the rocky territory. the time of our claim and the bold areas of iraq are being targeted by us as strikes at a time when iraq is seeking to ensure stability in the region. they represent the violation of a rocky sovereignty and disruption of the efforts of the rocky government and the threats that could endanger a rock and the region with unforeseen catastrophic consequences for security and stability. what of course washington has said and claimed actually that it has it had issued prior warning to the erotic government informing iraq and baghdad of the air strikes. busy overnight this as well, iraq has rejected all those claim saying for example, be it walk you prime minister mohammed us, we'd only call those claims
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a lie and the rocky government sports person has also said these claims are false and are on the aggressive air strikes. he said by the united states, well, catapult air, walk into whole regions to the brain, copy of this, and then this as well. iran has also reacted to those of strikes on the rocky and syrian territories. first of all, um in the united states claim that it had targeted the positions of all your gc boards for us, which is our, the external operation wing. be iranian is a lot of companies and guards core, but the i r g c here into ron has dismissed those claims saying that it has not lost a single member of its forces in syria. they are one and foreign ministry has also react is saying that the united states airstrikes are a clear violation of international law and a breach of all of those countries. a territorial integrity. this is as ports by
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the iranian foreign ministry spokesman, us working on in addition to americas, full support for full month's design is through reading through the emphasis and brutal attacks against the residents of gaza and the west bank, as well as military attacks and gm, and a violation of the 70 and to the total integrity of the country. last night's attack on city and the rock is in other adventures and strategic mistake by the way as government, which will result in nothing but an escalation of tensions and instability in the region. such attacks would further involve the us government in the region and undermine the claims of design is to jean and god left. as well as how mouse with job is directly involved in a fight with. these riley military has also reacted calling the american overnighted air strikes on syria and there was a dangerous escalation and an encroachment on the territorial integrity and of sovereignty of those 2 countries. of course, on the united states size. now,
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planning to expand its operations against the iranian backed targets embellishes in the region. now the republican senators were hearing that those senators are the republicans that have to send it towards the are calling for a more serious and more effective a campaign against the warranty. and back them pro iran villages in the region. um and what happened last night, they said that it was just the start of a string of attacks that will targets and punish those. they've gone back to groups, but this is one of the wrong has time it against that. and recently i've heard from the one, you know, you are. do you see that any provocative measured by the united states? well, not go on, answer. all right, yourself. thanks for that. well meantime, damascus says but us just trying to revive its terrorist on the ease in syria, by god, colby strikes an open, active aggression. it runs for ministry,
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says that washington's actions are a threat to peace and security in the region. meanwhile, the russian foreign ministry spokesman says washington is flaming tensions in the middle east leaving the region on the very cusp of chaos. it is obvious that the strikes are specifically designed to further inflame the conflict by almost without pause, recently attacking targets of allegedly pro iranian groups in iraq and syria. the united states is purposefully trying to plunge the largest countries in the region into conflict. washington believing and it's impunity continues to so destruction and chaos in the middle east. recent events confirm the united states is not and has never been looking for solutions to problems in the region. as the regional tensions continue to rise, i was discussing it earlier with policies are shape o is here in the studio. he basically he took a broader look at how. busy the west views the latest strikes pretty well. so highlighted the roots of the mass. i haven't listened to what shay had to say this
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latest escalation in the middle east. and of course this story of middle east and instability. it didn't begin on october 7th, but this latest episode certainly did with the homeless attacks on israel ad israel's punitive attack. then on gaza at the who the melisha in yemen. uh there. um, you know, you had a lateral blockade of the red sea. the attacks on shipping and most recently this attack on this very interesting shady, a post $22.00, which is an american base on a, on the border between syria and jordan, which killed 3 american service people. now this a tragedy, of course, and it's always a charge of you, anybody dies in these types of conflicts that was going to lead to an negligible us response. remember, this is a and election year in the united states. and it was inevitable that the fight and would have to respond and he has responded in this way. let's actually have a listen to lloyd austin's comments on the american position regarding the attack.
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we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict in a region. but we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our interest, and our people. and we will respond when we choose where we choose and how we choose pretty predictable stuff. but what about, what about the here opinions and um, what are they saying about this a tinderbox that's just being set on fire? yeah, well of course predictably given the geo political and geo strategic alignment between the you and the united states story, which we're all very much aware of now, as he was broadly aligned itself with america is really to intervene essentially the support of this uh, on monday to mission into the red sea at to protect freedom of navigation as the americans and the british of florida. and i suppose it is predictable again that
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they would follow the lead of the united states and the technician fed to joseph barrell, the top, the diplomat. see what he have to say to me, the lease is up the ball you that, that kind as broad as sort of delayed there is that batch and bowls and leaving them both on those and saw it. i can see the effect, any dog at that, couldn't do it right? see, one thing is related with the other, is a domino a domino effect to reach your set burrell the mountain. very famous, the proclaimed europe, a garden, and garden, has a few tools of its own. at the moment, rory, as we can see with the farming protest. but he, of course, mentioned something interesting there, i think, interesting language, the other this domino effect. i'm suppose we have to ask ourselves to start the who, who was the 1st person to chip with domino's in the middle east boy who are the architects of a lot of the difficulties there at the stablish with the state of israel and policy in the territory i mean, if you were to go back beyond october 7th, this culpability here from lot of europe's member states and united states also
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take us if you will, across the atlantic state side. often these american bottoms have been running down on a rock and syria. i'm assuming that the republicans are going off the joe biden as they're getting the hold on, so to speak. it's an election year boy, and very uh, a few things will occur on the geo political stage. the world stage, which has been very fractious over the last year, and that won't be manipulate as a weapon. i used to feel like, and of course the speaker and mike johnson has come out now and said it's about time. the, the bite has been soft on a run. you know that davis sat back and allowed these a rainy in a line, malicious free rain in the region. let's have a listen to what he actually had to say is only reducing the button, the administration to admit that the strategy of appeasing around has been disastrous for the international community. and regional stability now is the time for present bought into wake up to the reality that his policy, if like he think iran has failed to promote peace, america must project strength. and then i can say it's, you know, they,
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they always love to have like a full time president time. the, you know, if the economy is in trouble, if they needed destruction, they go to war with some pull on within country and some part of the world. but as you say, with the election coming up just around the corner in the united states, i guess america has to tread very carefully now in the middle east. would you think this is an obvious deflection? but in the meantime, it's a balancing act and inflamed an actual full on war with the run around so very capable, well, resorts, the regional super power, if you like. and if a hot war with boots on the ground was to begin in an election year, that could also be catastrophic for the bite and administration roy. or let's say this conversation further now and learn more with sonya event and andrew's. now joining us live for one hour to international a great pleasure to have this independent journalist live on this not to day program. good to see you. sonya, i know you're covering the story you've been on it now for the past 24 hours, at least in the wake of these american bomb is writing down on to silver and countries. i'm a look america's try to send a message once again to the middle east, basically in the form of
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a sending will planes on a trans atlantic mission. the bottom, a couple of stuff in the country is your reaction as to how you think this little panel sonya, of the dangerous situation of the moment. i mean, it is going on already for years. of course, with the start of the arab spring, then we had a set of the color, of course the tennessee because it's already since 1948 or 1967. so it's, it's very dangerous because ice is or dash it is still in the region. and the americans, and that brought this to you, or they to what we can say are still wanting to, to hold the asset, the government. they are still involved in iraq. and, you know, they, they said these weeks that they would, they, that there wasn't a base test in georgia, but actually it's the wrong space. it wasn't serious, serious, going to confirm this as well. so they are not completely honest about this, of course,
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but the whole situation is going out of control and they speak about it in fact groups. well, 1st of all, in iraq that has to put in my have to put in mind that 2 thirds of the population is here. so they are related to the wrong because, you know, it's a she, a nation in syria, the same. and all these people are now united in the axis of resistance and the systems not officially, but they the class that if the u. s. will retaliate in any country. they know that and tell you as well. so i think it's going out of control at the moment and then we can see that happening. ready? mean ready? there are techs from these excess of resistance in iraq on you was add bases in syria. so yeah, and it's not like it's happened today, but to be us now it's booming. um yeah. targets in iraq and syria. i just, i just want to say so. no, i appreciate you clearing up the you know,
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the original attack from about a, about a week or so ago and that american base that killed 3 american servicemen an engine over 38 p. and reuters was saying that happened in georgia. let's cuz jordan is an american ally, it's okay if americans are killed in jordan, but no, it was american skilled in syria, illegally occupying that part of syria. but of course the mainstream media tells you it was without bodies in jordan. you go to try and re between the lines, i'm just talking to anyone who's actually watching right now and try not try to filter or take with a pinch of salt while the ape android has a saying these days. and again, you know, a side by the way, he said that america was targeting in the area and syria. assad's forces are fighting isis or die. s. and we all know that basically western armies of motion aires use to achieve regime change. but sonya, my point is and forgive me for having verbal diarrhea right now, but the pen took on his said this is only the beginning in the wake of the strikes overnight. okay. so it's 30 people killed so far. 85 targets. how far do you think they willing to go with this?
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well, i think they're going to ready by bullying last night. but i don't know if they going much further because they are engaged already in the stein and the guys. so i mean, this is, are the, you know, the, is there any things that you have to destroy the mouse and you know, already on the way to the store, how much of it actually what you hear coming out of the region. that is only, i think 20 percent of a mazda is destroyed. so that's, that's not that love. and if they have what you can say, in other words, actually it was more the is on the middle east, and that's the whole point to you. and these, they go any further, i mean, the very dangerous play, of course is, you know, is days target something inside, you know, then i don't know because the around get us killed sort of money and this, and getting married 2 years ago now. so they said they, what do we tell the age and they will not even tell you straight away,
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but this will go in stages. and this is what we seen happening over the last 3 years. so the us really says this a lot because that's what they, when do they will do another attack, but i'm sure they will escalate what i said before. and most likely we will see some more text or on a text or goals, or look at the text maybe to 9 seconds because they prefer to do it at night. and the whole point is there are many, cecilia is going to die again, and it's already happening since 2011 or because pro probably acceptable collateral damage according to the hawks in the pen to go. and let me ask you this. if i may, i mean sonya. okay, so we've got these us, well strikes are these based bombing campaigns happening across syria and parts of iraq as well. but washington's not directly striking iran. is it possible that washington is trying to tip toe around this a little bit?
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because they don't want to get straight into a wall with a rod with a presidential election right around the corner. i don't know what are your thoughts? i think so because of course that was so know that, you know, it'd be very dangerous for the new us because they have a lot of width once they maybe have nuclear, we don't own it. so maybe they are afraid. but yeah, and it's all the election i must say. okay, barton is very bad about the trunk is also a for other parts of the world. maybe he's okay, but for to be the lease he's also very met because he's a style scientist, his friends at the moment what's before is nathaniel, we'll load it so the american embassy moves to jerusalem or codes. so it will not stop if they choose drop it might you have binding if you have the drum actually it's all the same. so even the election. yeah. well i don't think it has nothing to influence where the middle east is did so. but of course in the us as a level of influence or yeah, mine in all around. yeah. try. i mean,
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trump has all these christian and yeah, i told them christians island east in the you is a lot of them are there. so, i mean yeah. election or not, they are still going to wage war in the middle east. it's just my opinion because trump visits as well. so it doesn't matter. maybe we see what's happened whole, you can do this, like maybe a robot. can you do the right? maybe he's the right one. okay, we're nothing to so, but i think you to a level of any effects of the middle east itself that the accept in the us for sure . look at and you. well it's, i think it's using you, raise a donald trump just quickly a couple of couple of headlines just so you know, the upcoming potential american president trump is saying that is riley's should be immune from the international criminal court. trump also seemingly abandoning his problem is to seek a peace deal in ukraine. he says he's going to pressure european countries to keep pumping money into your credit. and so all these people with a lot of faith in donald trump, or maybe he think again,
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i don't know. so maybe you should all the was kind of the or i don't know the other candidates, but you know, the middle east has a try, a new cream is on fire. i just came back from oh hall spoke with prisoners award the and it's, you know, it's, it's more everywhere and this is what did you actually start to work with us? we must say. busy more from the west and this is what the west end do you guys are doing at the moment because there are losing power in the world. so this is steaming cables. oh, is it a like for instance, in the middle east and syria, iraq and they set all the groups or religious groups like she and so many of otherwise christians and you know, they succeeded in the iraq. what, but i hope, and i think that what i heard it's been now loops are more or less united because we all know that dash, it's a collection of actually terrorist. it's not really something to do with religion. they use religion and they are fueled by the us. they are now refilled again. and i,
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i so images on the road from outhouse, that's the basement i spoke about. and so there's a road trips going or trying to go to damascus with goods and isis. and they get their orders from, the less is destroying the structures, quotes for the people. so i mean, this is where i'm going. oh yeah, i mean, you know where the best deals are. yeah, well of course i'm a student, you're all from syria now for, for a while, but whether it's ukraine or israel. yeah, man, iran, the broad, a middle east, i mean present preserving the hedge among these days, comedy easy. but it's almost like the hedge, and one is an acting, an anti schuman agenda. sonya i'm going to have to wrap it up. i wish we had more time with sonya event. amanda, independent. dr. john with joining us, live on this stuff that a program. thanks for your time. thank you. have a nice day, bye. shifting. now 2 guys are where a pair of overnight is. riley strikes, killed 15 civilians in the southern city, over the phone. a residential building has just been obliterated. a local health
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officials consult. i mean, they were full women and 3 children among the victims. and now the strikes targeted a refugee camp in the area. so we go out there, we spoke to some of those who so by the good of these rules still gets a clear to the children to old people and women. the children were just sleeping and suddenly the bomb and happens got sick. one of my children and 3 escaped death as well as tell people, leave your home so you go to the zone is considered safe. but at the end, wherever belk, cnn's go, they get bought. why the good notes is just revenge. they just want to bring destruction to people that's, that's it. or they are definitely strikes, follow a warning from the united nation, so in about 5 may be the new focus. so piece, rails, military time in recent days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting a hosp, the gas us population of some $2300000.00 people. most are living in make shift
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structures tense or out in the open, rough eyes, a pressure of despair. and we feel for what comes next. while i made the humanitarian crisis and the bodies literally piling up these right department if they had the amount to get this, the closure of the united nations relief and work agency for palestinian refugees. now, many western states have quickly already cut off the funding for the un agency, probably following their orders. so also off the claims of some of that stuff were involved in the october 7th thomas attack. however, $800.00 civil servants from america in europe now published a letter of protest base. a western support for israel amounts to a grave violation of international law. this unfolding cement his hair and crosses and gauze, or is the focus of the latest episode of going on the ground. the former dean of
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harvard's kennedy school of government says that americans support for israel is damaging washington the so called soft power. you can watch the full episode right now with author dot com, but in the meantime, the preview uh you can win a battle as moves a war. and now there's in terms of tactical successes of these early so demonstrating that they have a good deal of capability. but in terms of the soft r and the ability to attract others, i think the disproportionate number of casualties and gossip has indeed damaged their soft power and washington's soft power in recent years let alone uh, gaza. well, and if it, again i, i think the american sauce power has been damaged by the disproportionate, the killing civilians in the cause of war. uh,
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vitamin is plead for the israel east is take a more measured approach, but it, there still damage to americans. sauce power, while, while uh so many eyes do remain on cost of these days of videos emerging on line from the west bank. apparently showing an idea of soldier assaulting a child. you'll have a look for yourself. the video is on verified but will show it for you anyway. here it is. the victim who was beaten up by the idea of soldier had allegedly been on his way to buy some bread, a brother later and gave an interview and highlighted what he thinks is the goal of israeli forces in the house on last week. and then what happens with my brother is as follows, my brother was home, so went down to the supermarket to buy bread, and encountered the soldiers at our house door where they told him to go back home to be. my brother stopped at the door. they bid him and assaulted him. then she went out again and stood at the entrance door of the house. they came back in
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a saw the team again. they were bidding him before, according dsl. this is not the usual in our area, the check in the one to create a general sense of fear i'm on us. so when we see the soldiers, we go inside the house is forbidden to stand in the street. they want to instill, feel like this done so in general, everyone in our area, whether a child, adult or young man is generally assaulted. yes, yes. he's a child from our neighborhood, but he escaped. they slapped him and he kept trying to see. my brother stood still until the bidding funds fillings open. it was built in 10 days ago. i was my cousins factory who were sitting there when 5 soldiers entered, started breaking things in the shop and began beating us, who were 3 man. and they cornered us in the shop for about an hour. they came to us, i mean the red cross, as well as several associations from jerusalem and on. they came on to good reports
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. and after they left, the soldiers came again and sold it for you. we have filed a lawsuit and a complaint with the violence has only increased the entire armies of war and cause a currently and the result army is made up of the settlers from the area from colorado, our button know, and they go out of the room. i work area full time everywhere and without coordination like a gang or something. the hard to south america with anger is continuing the board over on the street to point us out as protest is loving homes with police. demonstrators have been often for so over a sweeping reform bill put forward by the countries new president of the mulay is a ride police to try to break up the crowd. so we have the frontier gas was use even rubber, bullets and water cannon. the so called a home in a box of bail which spot the fury policy, its 1st test in congress. and it contains hundreds of articles that could usher in
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sweeping free market before the new president. amelia is the side. it's all the reverse and use of you can only define for the protests as a vowing to continue that 5 they hit me. they threw gas at me because it is the only way to contain us, retirees. and what? because because we are defending ourselves because the feels that is the inside, the congress does not defend us, then not defending all rights. we have to get out. i had contributed for 40 years, so that today i could have a dignified old age and yet i have to continue being beaten. well, we're not going to seems a government has just the royce and that tells you you're going to suffer. you're going to have a bad time, and that is making us suffer and making us have a bad time due to this is a disaster. besides, this thing is the hardest, the situation is now critical to be able to have $12000.00 or $15000.00 pesos per day to be able to read, to have breakfast milk,
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everything every day. something goes up every day and i have to work for myself because i don't receive a subsidy. a just a quick side note if we run office hours program here on archie, you remember helping us sabotaged rushes north stream gas pipeline. forcing your up to buy american liquefied natural gas at full times the market price. look at this, washington is now looking to stop energy exports due to a so called environmental concerns. but remember europe, america is your buddy right. question but with us that out to you international the i'm action or can see what.


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