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tv   News  RT  February 3, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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the the the yeah, just seeing the results, right. there is 34 people are killed as us as strikes rain down on targets across the syria and iraq. the you says the situation in the middle east is as a tipping point. meet the least is a boy that then can explode it. i can see the right back to the dog. back to the right seat is a domino, a domino effect in russia, slums that us as strikes on syria and iraq. sec, washington has never looked for solutions and continues on the part,
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the so destruction i. k os approximately 15 civilians are killed and a pair of ideas strikes on the southern gauze and city of photos that you and boring. the area of maybe the new focus of israel's military, compact prophecies, a pressure pulled out of despair. and we feel for what comes with the boiling over an argentine a, as the police square off against protest. his right outside parliament of the riot . the spot by the sweeping reform bill put forward by the countries brand new press, [000:00:00;00] the pushing back on the main street narratives and getting to the root of your top stores. today. let's get started here on
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a t. so syria has lashed out of the us for fueling the i sold tara groups activities in the middle east and also highlighting americans involvement in hand. stringing the un from bidding piece to the region old as low as washington strikes, multiple pockets across iraq and syria. overnight, it is not surprising that the american attack targets the eastern region of syria, where our syrian forces are fighting against the remnants of the dashed terraced organization. while the united states is working to revive isis terrorist activity . the syrian arab republic expresses its deep concern over the state of paralysis of un security council. as to us, henders, its ability to assume its responsibilities in halting such dangerous violations, even though it says has made it yet another world, one in the middle east, by unleashing a wave of air strikes against what it called, the targets and the positions of the wrong back to miller shows in the garage and syria, of course, of the west has justified its uh,
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air strikes and those countries, uh, by saying that uh, these trucks actually are a retaliation for all the sundays. um air of drones strikes by the rocky as womic resistance groups that killed 3 american troops on the jordanian syrian border. but this as well of different countries and they've different observers have vol, condemned the attacks by the united states thing. for example, syria said that the attacks are aimed at reinvigorating the ice as their group and syria, as the air strikes targeted, exactly the areas where the syrian army was actively trying to fight and combat isis. terrorist sports few are you now is also boiling in iraq. and baghdad, the air warranty, prime minister mohammed, us who dani also said that destroy the strikes are a violation of the rocky sovereignty. now we have heard that the iraqi government
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has, is going to summon, did us charge at the affair in baghdad to hand him a note of protest over the american air strikes on the rocky territory. the turn of our claim and the bold areas of rocket being targeted by us as rice at a time when a rock is seeking to ensure stability in the region. they represent the violation of a rocky sovereignty and disruption of the effort to the rocky government and a thrice that could endanger a rock in the region with unforeseen, catastrophic consequences for security and stability. of course, washington has said and claimed back to leave that it has, it had issued a prior warning to the rocky government conforming. you're walking back that of the air strikes overnight, this as well. iraq has um, rejected all those claim saying for example, the warranty 5 minutes or mohammed us would only call those claims a lot. this as well. there. ron has also reacted to those of strikes on the warranty and serious territories. the united states claims that it had targeted the
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positions of all your gc voice for us, which is our, the external operation wing of the iranian is lot of companies in gar score, but the i r g c here into one has dismissed those planes saying that it has not lost a single member of its forces in syria. they are wanting foreign ministry has also reacted saying that the united states air strikes are a clear violation of international law and a breach of all of those countries. a territorial integrity. this is as put by the whiny and foreign ministry spokesman us working on, in addition to america's full support for full month's design is through reading through the emphasis and brutal attacks against the residents of gaza and the west bank, as well as military attacks and gm and a violation of the 70 and to the total integrity of the country. last night's attack on city and the rock is another adventures and strategic mistake by the way as government, which will result in nothing but an escalation of tensions and instability in the
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region. such attacks would further involve the us government in the region and undermine the claims of design is to jean and gaza united states. so it's now planning to expand its operations against the iranian backed targets embellishes in the region. now the republican senators were hearing all that, those senators are the republicans. most of the senate are, is our calling for a more serious and more effective campaign against the warranty and back them pro iran villages in the region. um and what happened last night, they said that it was just the start of a string of attacks that were targets and punish those wrong back groups. what this is, one other one has time it against said, and recently i've heard from the warning, or do you see that any provocative measured by the united states will not go on as for that must go, has demanded an urgent and un security council meeting to be held who address be a rocketing situation in the middle east and it comes as the russian form
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industries folks, one more is a hot of us that washington is, is flaming tensions in the region, leaving it on the cusp of chaos. it is obvious that the strikes are specifically designed to further inflame the conflict by almost without pause, recently attacking targets of allegedly pro iranian groups in iraq and syria. the united states is purposefully trying to plunge the largest countries in the region into conflict. washington believing and its impunity continues to so destruction and chaos in the middle east. recent events confirm the united states is not and has never been looking for solutions to problems in the region. so it may sort of, it's, i had to off, these are shape voters and i sure do with me a bit out or in the program. he basically takes a broader look at how the west views the latest strikes. you also highlighted the roots of the matter. here comes a bit of shapers, 4 you in this latest escalation in the middle east, and of course, this story of middle east and instability. it didn't begin on october 7,
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but this latest episode certainly did with the headmaster tax and the as well as israel's punitive attack. then on gaza at the who the melisha in the admin. uh there. um, you know, you had a lateral blockade of the red sea, the attacks on shipping. and most recently this attack on this very interesting shady as a post 22, which is an american base on the, on the border between syria and jordan, which killed 3 americans service people. now this a tragedy, of course, and it's always a charge of you, anybody dies and these types of conflicts and was going to lead to an inevitable us the response. i remember this is a and election year in the united states. and it was inevitable that the fight and would have to respond and he has responded in this way. so let's actually have a listen to lloyd austin's comments on the american position regarding the attack. we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict than a region,
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but we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our interest, and our people. and we will respond when we choose where we choose and how we choose pretty predictable stuff. but what about, what about the here opinions and um, what are they saying about this a tinderbox that's just being set on fire? yeah, will of course predictably, given the geo political and geostrategic alignment between the you and the united states very, which we're all very much aware of now. you is broadly aligned itself with the america is really to intervene. essentially, they supported this at, on monday to mission into the red sea at to protect freedom of navigation as the americans and the british of porter. and i suppose it is predictable again that they would follow the lead of the united states that some of the sheets that to joseph burrell, the top, the diplomat. see what he ups say to me. the lease is
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a big boy and i think kind of as broad as sort of the lady there is a fact bowles and leave a number with on those and solve it that can see the effect, any dog at that. couldn't do it right. see, one thing is related with the other, is a domino a domino effect to region. you'll separate oh, the mounted very famous, the proclaimed europe a garden. the garden has a few troubles of its own at the moment, rory, as we can see with the firing protest. but he, of course, mentioned something interesting to, i think, interesting language. the other this domino effect on was suppose we have to ask ourselves to start with you who, who was the 1st person to chip with domino's in the middle east. boy, who are the architects of a lot of the difficulties there at the subject of the state of israel and policy and territory. i mean, if we were to go back beyond october 7th, this culpability here from lot of europe's member states and united states also take us if you will, across the atlantic state side off the visa american bomb. it's been raining down on a rock and syria. i'm assuming that the republicans are going off,
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it drove bite and i, i said, getting the hold on so to speak. it's an election year movie and very uh, a few things will occur on the geo political stage. the world stage, which has been very fractious over the last year, and that won't be manipulative and weaponized if you like. and of course, the speaker mike johnson has come out. now instead, it's about time the, the brightness been soft on a run. you know that davis sat back and allowed these a rainy in a line militias, free rain in the region. let's have a listen to what he actually had to say is something that we do for the button administration to admit that the strategy of appeasing a wrong has been disastrous for the international community. and regional stability now is the time to present bought into wake up to the reality that his policy, it, but casing of rome has failed to promote peace. america must project strength. and then i can say it's, you know, they, they always love to have like a full time president time. the, you know, if the economy is in trouble, if they needed destruction, they go to war with some pull on within country and some part of the world. but as
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you say, with the election coming up just around the corner of the united states, i guess america has to tread very carefully now in the middle east. would you think this is an obvious deflection? but in the meantime, it's a balancing act and inflamed an actual full on war with the run around so very capable, well, resorts, the regional super power, if you like. and if a hot war with boots on the ground was to begin in an election year, that could also be catastrophic for the bite and administration really well according to our political and less than academic, isabel, as i've done, it doesn't believe us strikes will stop the groups in carrying out their operations and that entire region. actually what happened? what took place it's, i'm at, it's a 3 just violation. i guess the syrians southern tim integrity against the syrian, the rocky southern to it's against all the items, every items of the international law. i mean, this one stop the, the factions of the resistance,
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the public factions of their existence because it is something forced from the people. it is source from the hearts core of the people who are resisting the, the what's the, what's huge him on his power to like america or the american beauty is trying to do . so. this one stop the resistance factions from doing what they are doing, which is fighting terrorism, retaliating to be what these really are doing against our fellow brothers and palestine. i mean, the seems that they are doing to our fellow brothers palestinians affects us really teaching. so i'm talking as an arm because to us the palestinian cause is a syrian cause. not just like it's a rocky cause and yeah, make me cause i love and he's gone. so to us, this will never stop c, a, d b i like the alliance of the resistance from doing what they are doing. all
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right, so you guys are now where a pair of overnight is ready as strikes, killed, 15 civilian send, the southern city over the phone will show you a residential building. has basically been a police or a local health officials confirmed that were for women and 3 children. among the victims, bath and other stride targeted, a refugee camp in the area. we heard from some of those to survive. but good of israel still gets a clear to the children to old people and women. the children were just sleeping and suddenly the bomb and happens. got sick. one of my children and 3 escaped death as well as tell people will leave your homes, go to the zone is considered safe, but at the end, wherever bel, cnn's go, they get bombed. why? who knows is just revenge. they just want to bring destruction to people. that's it . while the deadly stripes follow up warning from the united nations,
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the 5 may now be the new focus of israel is military campaign. in recent days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting a hostile cost us population of some $2300000.00 people. most are living in make shift structures tense or out in the open profit as a pressure of despair. we feel for what comes next and that that pressure, coca, the bodies are literally piling up. the is ready, prime minister has the mind at the close out of united nations relief and location . so if a palestinian refugees are many western states have already a cut funding to the un agencies for the following their orders from washington, it comes off the claims that some of its stuff were involved in the october hom assets pack. however, the 800 civil servants from america in europe have not publish a letter of protest. they say western support of israel amounts to
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a grave violation of international law. and the unfolding tremendous herring cross isn't geysers. the focus of the latest episode of going on the ground of the guest is a former dean of hobbits. kennedy school of government. he says that america's support for israel is damaging washington's so called soft power. you can watch the entire episode, adoptee dot com for now you can win a battle as lose a war. and now there's in the terms of tactical successes of these early so demonstrating that they have a good deal of capability. but in terms of a soft r and the ability to attract others, i think the disproportionate number of casualties and gaza has indeed damaged their soft power and washington's soft to power. in recent years. let alone garza well and if it did again, i,
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i think the american sauce power has been damaged by the disproportionate, the killing civilians and the cause of war. uh, vitamin is pleaded for the israel east is take a more measured approach, but if they're still damage to americans, sauce power. and while all lies may still be on god videos emerging on line from the west bank showing an idea of soldier apparently assaulting a child will show you the video itself. and although the footage is on a verified, it basically lays it bad right here. the victim who is beaten, not by the idea of soldier, had allegedly been on his way to buy some bread. his brother later gave an interview and highlighted what he thinks is the goal of his railey soldiers was in the house on last week. and then what happens with my brother is as follows. my brother was home, so we went down to the supermarket to buy bread, and encountered the soldiers at our house door where they told him to go back home
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to be. my brother stopped at the door. they bid him and assaulted him. i was then, she went out again and stood at the entrance door of the house so that they came back in a solid team again. they were bidding him to for according dsl. this is not usual in our area. the chuck is the one to create a general sense of fear i'm on us. so when we see the soldiers, we go inside the house who is forbidden to stand in the street. they want to instill, feel like this and don't so and in general, everyone in our area, whether a child, adult or young man too, is generally a solvent. yes. yes. he's a child from our neighborhood, but he escaped from florida on. they slapped him. he kept trying to see, my brother stood still until the bidding phones can hear. the feelings opened. it was built in 10 days ago. i was my cousins factory who was sitting there on 5. so just after you started breaking things in the shop and began beating us, who were a 3 man and they cornered us in the shop for about an hour and yet they came to us . i mean the red cross,
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as well as several associations from jerusalem and on they came and took a report. and after they left and the soldiers came again and sold it for you, and we have filed a lawsuit and a complaint with the violence cars only increased the entire army uses warning cause a current and the result army is made up of the saddler from the areas from colorado arbor, they go out and room, our area, full time, everywhere. and without coordination like a gang or something. well that thousands of protesters that marching through central london this saturday in support of gaza. demonstration coming as the enclave total debt folder, as well as well above $27000.00. now since the beginning of october, the demonstrators are holding kind of thing and flags and banners quoting for a ceasefire and a 2 state solution. it is the 1st large scale protest and the u. k. since the international court of justice rule that israel must prevent active genocide in
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johnson point 20 volunteer and most go to south america. we go away and it has boiled over on the streets of when i thought i was once again, protest as caution with ride police off for a sweeping reform bill was put forward by the country's new president heavy. i mean, [000:00:00;00] the gulf roads or some law enforcement approach with their guns drawn and others line up behind riot shields. legislation which spots to fury, profits for a total in congress. it contains a hundreds of points which would usher in sweeping reforms. the new president said it's simply aimed at reversing years would be economic decline. we heard from some of that who have no interest in the chain. this is all part of mind. these grand plan which goes against one on needs every day. everything is getting worse
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and worse for us with these laws, he shows because this has already happened in argentina. that everything will only get was we believe that the omnibus law cannot be appointment. just as the introduction of repressive practices by patricia bull rich cannot pass, but i think it is we are deprived of our rights and negotiate and here on the street we came out to defend what we really have. is it just this? i think, i mean, we spoke with a journalist that sort of g o n b and even his take on the, at what's on folding of the country since as new lead, it came to power. bottom line. it's all going down hill. i will listen for years. the daily is today is truly one of the darkest days for our gene team, at least since the military dictatorship, a number of loss have been adopted. that completely changed the argentine reality. and in many cases, we can talk about unconstitutional issues. the core of the problem is that these deputies, the deputies in quotes who voted for heavier, my lease, gave him part of the powers that turned him into
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a vis roy. because even beyond what congress just voted and beyond the restrictions that these law makers think that they have set after voting to grant powers, the president found himself in the hands of a certain number of very influential tools to implement. what comes to his mind to recently defeated pro badging presidential candidate from ty, one's largest opposition party has now been elected as the parliament new speaker. now that could be a bit of a problem for the new presidential administration, which is defiantly pro west. and that's wonderful. now with all these field, all that is about a hi, once future has been on the west as radar for quite some time. as the u. s. continues to oppose china via taiwan. and when the islands pro western separate pissed, william, why won the presidency on january 13th, the entirety of western main through media wasted no time inhaling it as a huge victory against communist china overseas now and
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a resounding victory for the ruling party candidate in ty, one's presidential elections seen as a blow to china, william ly campaigns on the status quote, to appeal to voters who want to. i want to stay the same, not independence and not warmer relations is mainland china, which is why his victory is a set back for being night has been labeled, a troublemaker like china. amazing, want people against voting for him, but that's the only painting part of the picture. for one, the beijing friendly k m t candidate secured the speakers chair this past thursday, a position that will give the chair substantial power to check all of life policies regarding china. thanks for the support of the k m. c. legislative focus and 2 of our independent colleagues, i was able to, when the speakership was 54 votes, i shoulder the responsibility of initiating reforms in parliament. and i will devote myself just driving for the interest of the public. the people are expecting
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a fresh start and a reform at the legislative one, which will solidly bring happiness to taiwanese. that's my responsibility. and now while the speaker is required by law to remain neutral in parliament, she decides which bills are put up for a boat in the legislature, which controlled spending. so he could block the lie administrations, legislation regarding defense budgets and domestic spending. everyone should be loyal to the republic of china and taiwan. if it is an opposition party, it should be the republic of china. taiwan z low, we allow possession. we must find ways to protect the sovereignty and security of the republic of china and taiwan. some people in this country still don't 100 percent agree that taiwan is their country. the idea of the loyal opposition party comes from the u. k. and as a norm among the democratic countries inside, ty, ones 2024 presidential results were weak for a lie with the pro west candidate grabbing only 40 percent of the vote,
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a 17 percent dip, and the 2nd lowest winning share for an elected president. since 1996, this past presidential election was actually opposition's to lose because of the php uh set to terms as the president's and they were deeply on hawks are outside one day because their corporate policies and to because the guy when the economy is not doing well, because of the us sanction mainland china, which makes a lot of upside one for able to sell to their mainland customers, current president of the last one, the presidency. the size of the opposition is divided however, iep party lost the parliamentary elections. so now we have a situation where the main opposition party, they just align with 2 independent party members. they weren't able to lock in for
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the speaker of the parliament. and which means the new deep president of who is telling me into the office. he will face a hostile legislature. he basically, you'll be elaine dot president for the next 4 years. the election also didn't see the democratic progress party d p, p, or the coolant tang k, m c. when a majority in the legislature with the t p, p losing its majority from 63 to 51 out of a 113, resulting in a home parliament in a clearly divided region. now this happened in the 2000. so as the saying goes, history could be repeating itself in the election results have fully showing that the p p did not represent the island, nor did it represent the mainstream public opinion of taiwan. the d. p. u remains in power, but it will not change the basic pattern and direction of cross straight relations . it cannot prevent the historical trend of the reunification of the 2 sides. what's more,
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a survey by ty one's mainland affairs council. in october 2023 found that over 60 percent of voters support the current status quote of the islands on determine political status and remain neutral reunification and independence. so contrary to the lesser of western headlines, ty, one's current, political administration, is such a blow to beijing if anything, the current divided climate in the region, signals uncertainty with china still holding an upper hand. the home grown uprising is creating a ball field back in europe at the so called fall most defense force has taken its fleet of practice to pluck so many major roadways. yeah, the netherlands belgian border, a belgium farm is complying. below market price is that making it difficult on their living. so wrapped up, they say rising expenses and the limits imposed by the blog to combat the circle. the change agenda and the move comes off. the french fonts began to lift the locations of their own off the concessions from powers. i had just
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a quick side note was a wrap up this i was program of the british fuel tank of the modeling luwanda. the recently got attacked by who these and the red sea was sailing with a transponder turned off and get this. the british tanka was filled to the brim with stone, cold, illegal russian oil heading for europe. and you wonder why no one trusts to your opinion. politicians anymore. this is on the international the, [000:00:00;00]
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the in 1492 this evening, christopher columbus, rates to the bahamas and discovery, the new world for europe. the wealth of america and its fast territories. cosby envy of the europeans, especially the spaniards and the boards of gates. they sought after taking over these lands. however, there lived indigenous peoples with a high culture and their own nation who was there to barbaric colonization of america, which went down in history under the name of con, diesel. that lasted for more than 100 years since 1521 care design. cortez is done with doors captured and destroyed the capital of the aztec empire. daniels practically massacring the local population. following them, francisco pizarro is gone. case, the doors destroyed, the inc and fire. as a result of spanish aggression, the ancient maya civilization collapse,
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the pressing the resistance of the indians. the invaders carried out mass executions. the horrendous genocide was aggravated by the diseases that the europeans had brought to america. the number of the indigenous population decreased at 16 times from 25. so one and a half 1000000 people on keystone became one of the largest demographic disaster fees of mankind and remains an indelible bloody stain in the history of the european colonial empires.


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