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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  February 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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the the, the, the so most good case is the was so sponsoring a crane tires attack. what a basically in this, in terms of the strike has taken the lives of at least 20 civilians and wounded 10 of those thousands will remain track of the rebels vs good. i said i understood but of the, of the power a. well, the latest that you think site some of the, the top has been given over into washington. also at the i will go visit a call on the nathaniel who government has been down and made the administration paid yet to bring back cost of his health. why i'm on the
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line for a month ago. this is on see why as well as of all man. so anyways, of news our own news. so now was all i thought the story place of it is have been killed, antenna was wounded, and the for any attack on a, basically in the city of listen, johns, in the against the public, russian emergency services are on the scene and efforts are on the way to rescue anyone's suit buried beneath the deputy must go calls to strike an act of terror. swanson, by the west. the new terrorist attack is the gratitude of the extremist and key. as for the generous financial support of european union countries, you citizens should know how that taxes are being used to buy deadly weapon systems and send them to the key of regime which uses them to kill civilians. it seems to me they are done last cost. one of those has the latest developments on the as an,
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as isn't it? well, it's another deadly in don't bust. ukrainian, a top struck a bakery in the city of mister chuncy little dots republic uh this afternoon. now this of course would have been a busy time when a many people were believed to be in the body agree then upfront, under the rubble, we know that doesn't subtract under the rubble, at least 10 people have been pulled out. now emergency services all working hard on the same, at least one of those is very critically injured. now this is a developing situation. so this test whole unfortunately is likely to rise. now, according to the preliminary report, so ukraine attacked was kindly that with a high miles missed all these of course, the united states supplied long range weapons that we're seeing an optic of these kind of attacks and don't boss a own heavily populated civilian areas. this is a developing a situation emergency services have been working very hard the often noon to try
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and rescue people from the rubble that the whole thing, of course, that that will be survivors from that. but of course, the longer this goes on the high, that desco is likely to be, so that's another day, another terror attack on more crimes are being carried out in the don't boss with western supplied weapons. nearly heard from human i labor lawyer dime colwell, and he's of the opinion that in cuba is targeting civilians to compensate with fame is on the battlefield. i'm not sure they have much of a strategy left. i think this is the act of a very desperate regime, the nose, it's losing this war that is just trying to inflict as much damage, frankly, on civilians as it can. i mean, it seems to me that really they're trying to punish the people of the new russian republics for deciding to go with russia and why? because they cannot, you know,
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go toe to toe with the russian military. they lawsuit this more. so now they're just engaging and ran and maximum terrorism. and also when the prank the, the west pays a little attention to them as things heat up in the middle weeks may be, their calculus is that they want to provoke greater attacks by russia to get the west interested again. right. i mean, the west is not interested in ukraine as they were before because of the problems in the middle east. and may be these attacks. could this be seen as a cry for help to the west? like somebody hitting you from the middle east, where in a so called big to restore peace to the region. the us honors i lies how struck a 36 congress in 7 different locations across you haven't all think on the phone. okay. move in as all the details the hi states as confirmed in a joint statement released with a number of allied countries that they have hit 13 different sites hitting 36
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targets and who's the controlled territories of yeah, they are calling itself defense protecting against what they say, are imminent threat, suppose to us naval vessels and maritime ships. now it's important to know that the, who's the forces in yemen, they've been stopping ships because they say that israel is a tax on gaza, must stop. they are calling for a ceasefire and they're stopping ships as an active solidarity with the palestinians. it's more or less a picket line in the red sea trying to enforce a naval boycott of israel until the attacks on gaza seats. now this comes on the heels of the united states striking targets in iraq and syria. 85 targets were hit in 7 different locations by the united states states. they say these targets were run back. the militias for sites of these vondik revolutionary guards include sports. now. the bottom administration maintains they are not trying to escalate
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things in the region. they're not going on for a full confrontation with a ron. however, there have been many speaking up questioning, biden's intense and highlighting the danger of taking these kinds of actions. among them is independent presidential candidate, robert kennedy, as well as the speaker of the us house of representatives. if we do not see conflict, then let's get the troops out of the, the not welcome. they are not needed the indefensible targets for anyone in the region who wants to prove all the conflict, get them out. there's something that we do for the button, the administration to admit that the strategy of appeasing around has been disastrous for the international community. and regional stability now is the time for present bought into wake up to the reality that his policy, if like he think iran has failed to promote peace, america must project strength it. however, among many sections of the american political establishment, war mongering is always popular. and while there is a way of,
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of those criticising binding for potentially escalating towards a full boer was iran. there are some criticising bite for, they say not doing enough. not striking hard enough, not getting these forces with the necessary for ra city. i salute the brave u. s. military members who carried out today strikes and i support present biden's robust action. the strikes in concert with wise diplomacy set a clear signal to the united states will continue to take appropriate action to protect our personnel and our interest to stop attacks on americans. iran must know its support for terrorist proxies comes with a heavy price. the strikes announced well in advance, likely to not accomplish nearly enough to stop the runs access whatever next steps the president takes, must be significantly stronger. finally, iran needs to know the price for american lives. so the question is, if these strikes that we're seeing from united states could escalate into
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a full scale confrontation between the united states and iran, and many forces are wondering what the implications of such escalation could really be. this is a rather dangerous situation as the i states continues error struct throughout the middle east region, syria has last outside of the us and to the end of funding the i so tara, grouping them, at least them off, is also emphasize washington's role in obstructing peace in the why, the middle east is comes as american both as little strikes in iraq city. i'm the m and on saturday. it is not surprising that the american attack targets the eastern region of syria, where our syrian forces are fighting against the remnants of the dashed terraced organization. while the united states is working to revive isis terrorist activity . the syrian era republic expresses its deep concern over the state of paralysis of un security council, as the us henders, its ability to assume its responsibilities in halting such dangerous violations. you know, since has made it yet another world wind in the middle east,
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by unleashing a wave of air strikes against what it called the targets and the positions of the wrong back to miller shows. india wrong, and syria, of course, or the west has justified. it's the air strikes and those countries by saying that these tribes actually are a retaliation for all the sundays um air of drones strikes by the iraqi as long because us and it's cool that killed 3 american troops on the georgia indian syrian border. but this as well, different countries and they have different observers have condemned the attacks by the united states thing. for example, serious said that the attacks are aimed at reinvigorating the ice as their group and syria, as the air strikes targeted, exactly the areas where the steering army was actively trying to fight and combat isis. terrorist of course few are you now is also boiling in iraq in baghdad, the iraqi prime minister mohammed us,
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who would only also said that this tried the strikes are a violation of the rocky sovereignty. now we have heard that the you want the government has is going to summon, did you was charged at the fair in baghdad to hand him a note of protest over the american air strikes on the rocky territory. the turn developed for him and the bold areas of a rocket being targeted by us as thrice at a time when a rock is seeking to ensure stability in the region. they represent a violation of a rocky sovereignty and disruption of the efforts, the rocky government, and the threats that could endanger a rock and the region with unforeseen catastrophic consequences for security and stability. but of course, washington has a claim back to me that it has, it had issued prior warning a to the or warranty government informing iraq and baghdad of the air strikes overnight. this as well. iraq has rejected all those claim saying for example, b r a y, p prime minister mohammed us, we'd only call those claims
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a lie this as well. the ron has also reacted to those of strikes on the warranty and syrian territory. the united states claimed that it had targeted the positions of the all your gc or its for us, which is our, the external operation wing of the iranian is lot of companies and guards core. but the i r g c here into ron has dismissed those claims saying that it has not lost a single member of its forces in syria. they are wanting foreign ministry has also a reactive saying that the united states air strikes are a clear violation of international law and a breach of all of those countries, a territorial integrity. this is as ports by the iranian foreign ministry spokesman, us working on. in addition to americas, full support for full month's design is through reading through this and brazil attacks against the residents of garza and the west bank, as well as military attacks and gm, and a violation of the 70 and to the total integrity of the country. last night's
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attack on cdn and the rock is in other adventures and strategic mistake by the way as government, which will result in nothing but an escalation of tensions and instability in the region. such attacks with foot are involved the us government in the region and undermine declines of design is to team and gaza united states. so it is now planning to expand its operations against the iranian back targets embellishes in the region. now the republican senators were hearing that those senators are the republicans, not that senators the r, calling for a more serious and more effective a campaign against the want in back them pro iran villages in the region. um and what happened last night, they said that it was just the start of a string of attacks that were targets and punish those. they've gone back to groups . what this is while that one has time and again said and recently i've heard from the warning, or do you see that any provocative measure by the united states will not go on as
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moscow has demanded. an urgent un security council meeting be held to address the wrong thing, situation in the middle east, in columns as a russian. the following message is for influenza in washington is flaming tensions in the region, leaving it on the cost. okay, um, i mean, it does keep ideal data, it is obvious that the strikes are specifically designed to further inflame the conflict by almost without pause recently attacking targets of allegedly probably ronnie and groups in iraq and syria. the united states is purposefully trying to plunge the largest countries in the region into conflict and liberty, washington believing, and it's impunity continues to so destruction and chaos in the middle east of shock . good recent events confirm the united states is not to go and has never been looking for solutions to problems in the region. to audio is folks adjusts idle driving l, as he says, u. s. foreign policy is confusing as more focus is paid to escalating tension in
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the middle east. i. there are very few people who are not hawks and congress. there are uniformly militaristic, belligerent pro war, especially as regards the middle east. and as regards a ran or israel, the us is determined to protect israel, to stand by israel to defend israel and alliance of the biden is feels ins under intense pressure to respond to this. uh this of these attacks in the most um, a militaristic way possible. so he attacked various pro, raining and forces, but he was very careful not to attack or ran himself itself. therefore, somehow, invading syria and then announcing that it is, it is combating terrorist, you know, attacks and syria, and a rock that doesn't make any sense. it doesn't add up. it's a very confused policy. meanwhile, files as of right instead of the it's
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a condemned. but anyway, nathan, yahoos, government, i'm how cool i have cooled on his cabinet to step down. the process is called on the government to hold new elections. that sounds like the color of them is, are you gonna have sales or it's an oil house, which is a devlinson. why? how much more than 3 months ago, we have a chance to hear from some of those at the right is all they have to say. we believe that this government, which has lost the trust of our people, cannot go forward. we're here because we believe in a better tomorrow. we believe that this governments cannot bring us to a better tomorrow. and that's why we need a new leadership, which will actually unite us and make rushing on good decisions. so that we can
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hill, rebuild, and reform from these situations is horrible situation we've got into we need to stop the war now and closer ceasefire in order to bring those people back home to their families. and sorry to repeated them and take care of them. that's the most important thing for us to do. this is of the house. it is gathered on a separate and protest instead of them all need an immediate deals with the man, the one from gaza. a 136 of these are still believes to be held in the old address on the list of a lot. oh it, it doesn't matter where a pair of overnight is race lives have taken the lives of the 24 civilians in the southern city. of rafa, the initial attack destroyed a residential good, local official say to the full limit. 93 children were among moving to the 2nd flight, follow through the refugee camp in the area. this is how once of live
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a describe, what happened. these rules still get so clear. during the children old people and women, the children were just sleeping and suddenly the bomb and happens. got sick. one of my children and 3 escaped deaths as well as tail people will leave your homes, go to the zone is considered safe. but at the end, wherever palestinians go, they get bombed. why? who knows? he's just revenge. they just want to bring destruction to people. that's it. is there any sikes, a follow a warning from the united nation available, as agent says that ra from may be the new focus of israel as well as the campaign ad is concerned over what comes next? in recent days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting a hostile gas us population of some $2300000.00 people. most are living in
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make shift structures tense or out in the open, proffers a pressure of despair that we feel for what comes next. amanda, the usa and crisis on unfolding israel's problem is i have quoted for the closure of the un through the, from work agency for policy refugees. many western states have already cut the funding to the you and ages the following site. and the some of this, the often involved in the 7th of october, i must attack, however, some 800 civil service from the us. i'm you have now published and that's a process they say west and support as well. a mouse, great violation of international ma'am is of the anti war acts of his route. cool. think have confronted the us call with one who previously of all of the with the is really nancy. this comes off of the know, make a state who the dead children in palestine and not innocent in
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the pictures. these are not innocent palestinians. the half a 1000000 people started to the are people that should go out there and for the government in place that doesn't go out there and attack the meaningful and immunizations. wise's in garza is the focus of the latest episode of the dean of how the kennedy school of government says that the american civil as well is damaging washington singled full power. you can watch the entire show on
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our website on to the com, but it's equipment. you can win a battle as lose a war. and now there's in terms of tactical successes of these release. it demonstrates that they have a good deal of capability. but in terms of a soft r and the ability to attract others, i think the disproportionate number of casualties of gaza has indeed damaged their soft power and washington's soft power in recent years let alone uh, gaza. as well as if it did again. i, i think the american sauce power has been damaged by the disproportionate the killing of civilians in the cause of war. uh, vitamin has pleaded for the israel east is take a more measured approach,
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but it, there still damage to americans. sauce power, several family members of the how must hostages on victims have filed the lawsuit against the group to kind of the exchange of biomass is accused of facilitating transactions which we use to finance terrace groups. defendant finance process numerous transactions associated with him. austin related palestinian terrorist groups between 2017 and mid 2023, providing a clandestine financing tool that finance deliberately hit from us regulators. but also it was filed on behalf of us citizens who according to the legal claim, was murdered main, taken hostage, all injured as a result of their harmless attack on the 7th of i'm fed up according to it will fit general report within the span of to use a policy and as i'm sure hadn't received the equivalent of $93000000.00 via group to the same review things, how much was it for the 1000000 dollars or in the same period?
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and as of now, why not as, as frozen over a 100 accounts and allegedly leads to how much other requests of is ready? law enforcement by calling raleigh, sushi, discuss the potential misuse of clips. the strangest pilot of expert guests are these black forms of good, but it is the art of playing that walk with the lives of people. these love platforms are being used by money, loaners of dealers that are funding not to go to drug money. all those things that are no genuine dig shows and people out of the drive that the money through these black phones, no matter how rude something is, the only is the 2nd percentage you're going to use. so she wanting to run us, the spouse is significant. i mean, every kind of war situation i wanna always comp being that should give you access to resources to buy data needs,
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especially food i to name which is which are necessary for the device. you're suggesting that a lot of crypto dealing risk, it's almost like the black market, all the doc where people are using it, the various and it into various means, wet weapons or drugs or whatever it is. but, but all off to offend me, just said, would i be deduced to see some kind of middle, middle ground for support. i mean what, what, you know, people trying to get, you know, food of fuels and water perhaps using these crypto platforms. i but the thought of inside me to the extent that i know that what are you saying click book as he can be used for the, for the border. he does as well as providing food show data, but his bins and so many of the things that are already getting me is for providing any, you know, money for these kind of relief activities are probably because the other, the many other that they need for my dish and worldwide they provide these that leave the people who are already protected, not in the water. so that's the situation that the,
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that they don't need that the people that i do for them, that they're both as you're buying lot use. but all the fatty, this activities beast jeopardize, the nation's might of variety that the status of that article groups and the, you know, i got up with you, said the group. so what they had to, you know, of what, all kind of reasons. i would say, you know, we, that's the reason i bring you to use right now is to get this thing shows that people will not explode that to get for the themes such as where phones and what that means that can be used for formats instruction. so i'm really at the do right now to see less access so that people can have access to for the, including the st. jo's and also do our best to ensure that they do who would want to miss use the platform. i would be with some issues. the platform to you now
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is, is it conveyed an urgent un security council meeting as $1017.00 bellwood. i'm cause of mine is that comes as christine. that moves to phase out of a sub in dina. i'm gonna place it with the euro and the majority of a sub in communities because his 1st names on the, which says the buyer will have the consequences. the husband quote to you. you've been curts, he made this decision on his initiative with the following goal. and that goal is the ethnic cleansing of the serbian population. this subject serves 2 and bearable living conditions. kosovo is not a member of the european union. and in 20 o 2, they unilaterally adopted the euro as their currency. the euro is not a legal means of payment in costco emma to here, nor can it be, nor is there a single acts that would enable them to do so, cause it was a long time allies washington island. and i've also students of those photos, courtesy, vines, the use of the euro is wise to i didn't cause with this. why the break way?
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republic not being a part of the you large part of the region. subbing maybe relies on bell lloyd's financial support, which is paid in the notes we had for a 7 guys. it's a research from douglas is usually a fan. so if he says that cost of a will continue to press the bins as long as it has the west spot, maybe behind it to this move is a ladonna, you know, in a clear attempt to continue the process of happening clauses and go, serves the serbian orthodox church is constantly being targeted. it's uh, uh, it's churches are being seized by the legal obedient. all right, these also the post offices of, of the, of serbia. both of these are being attacked. one was looted today, also one in one. the workers were arrested. uh and uh, the serves are being treated uh in they believe in, in fact and leaving
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a bar hide. uh and, uh, i been quote, the is blink. all this uh from day one. uh, since he took office. so uh, instead of, uh, providing some kind of prosperity he is uh, providing more of a of a ethnic shopping ism answer before would be, uh, but what is really sad is this backing that he gets from the west, especially from great britain. and they did camera and visited police to on the 4th of january. and he supported policies of already being for the he supports is basically ethnic cleansing of terms. and it seems to be the friends and the united states are playing the group top here because a state department recently came out with a statement that is condemning. but he's to know that he's combining the separate this so far. these costs a lot of my thought here. however, if serbia does not, uh,
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put uh some real pressure and then uh, i don't see how anything will change the, the west is only accelerating the problems for deserves. and it is also together with the customer albini of, uh, the parts of, uh, all efforts for the after the cleansing, all the service from uh, from the airlines. so while they're on top of this, these outdoor, and i'm sort of like over another in depth interview on the bottom, i'm will be back at the top of them, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome to well, the part, the phone land called history a stable agreed upon a centrally to winston churchill asserted that it was written by the victors. this is both of them agreed that it's the battlefield developments that shape the narrative and all the other way around by throwing the media and military support behind the war effort in your brain. western leaders attempted to secure the right side of history, the victory that goes with it, without even fighting directly in the war. are they likely to succeed? or to discuss that i'm now in join,
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but to reach to real amar associate professor at the courts university in assembled professor amar as richard talk to. thank you very much for time. thanks for inviting. now we are now approaching the 2nd anniversary of the russian military operation in the ukraine. and you wrote recently the tone of western discussions on the possible outcomes or the possible progress of this conflict has started to change in what the weight and what you're seeing is behind a change. i think it's clear that the be now see much more from acknowledgement of the fact that russia is making progress. but if you want to put it very strongly, i think some people are even beginning to be honest enough, for instance, is starting to focus on visiting it. that it to say it's a few crane as long as things of war. yes, i agree with that. we are hearing some voices of caution, but i think for the most part, the american uh, and the ukraine in leadership for sure. a still


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