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tv   Documentary  RT  February 3, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

10:30 pm
the hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that
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he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the in the same rom, just don't have to shape house because the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will
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depart, we choose to look so common ground the
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're such shorter. is it conflict with the 1st law, should we live in to the patient?
10:35 pm
we should be very careful about the personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various things with artificial intelligence. we have so many payments, the robot must protect this phone, existence was on the so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation . let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. the only personally,
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i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful. very good. i
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think it was time time to sit down and talk the the the, the beauty of a story, these cabinets of the board soaring yourselves originally inspected and i said you put a menu on that should have yep. pets again. so facility based in yet periods which are likely to ski photos than anybody's industry, kind of look at the building and grab the article, still bundle scheme at the who at the team site,
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the goal to smear the new. yeah. that is, that set it with a miss level and everything is as assessment brady, this form with year of experience of but that will say in nearest the blue books and you for the 80 percent the, when this happens you're somebody sees that you would say because you have to just keep the senior the in germany's operations, all the roads are against the ssl should have left in 6 weeks. nazi troops was split into 3 on the goods. no sail from santa claus. no task was to capture
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leningrad in summer. 1941 german propaganda boosted that the cradle of both 2 business days were numbered in 3 to 4 weeks will be indebted ingram the was as good as one adult july. the 2nd 1941. why none of us took it gets the widely known use doesn't. yeah, i can grab the symbol. can we use these? could you also see what we have? you got the filter shit though. you have quite a few more we need storage. southern yes, you will. similarly, who is a booth for salisa, india, the manual designer guys for somebody into the why then the good i me see, see i get as a what a score us on the problem. listen to simply sort of 1st group that big b i c. so the south was the whole shipment of the union city able to just buy the slave. at 1st, the enemy advanced at about 25 to 70 kilometers a day. by september, german forces were barely moving a kilometer in a day. and a pair of black, kia, uh, the sooner is that the site is close, i use
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a little fallacy coming across the you have provided the must boost here as a book. catastrophe in the shortest possible time, 3 lines of defense were built around leningrad. the 1st 120 kilometers from the city. the 2nd was 70 kilometers away by the 3rd. literally hundreds of the city limits at the loose p, i'm very easy. for this, it was through useless searching. so she showed idea of a was on the nation that federal skeet supposedly and wishing that. so if people who i live on it as the price of grace you both approved for them as a sweet thing. basically, apple play as a 1st part of you through a bushing slow, a success with unions of i use the luminous like it's for the fabulous the, the local defence line is when an inverted residents engage the enemy for the 1st time on yielding resistance by the way, the militia and oregon we citizens successfully holt at the gym in advance. we'll be at briefly. meanwhile,
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the city was actively gearing up the defenses preparations were made for people in factories to be repaired. so both of those are, besides, you mentioned that we're focusing timothy and we will bring up our store and circles up the promotional. as i went from what's all in one person, prof dropped in front of the units coming from and it was 1st decided to evacuate the cuter plans, you know, because 1941. but that plan was postponed because the things that made was of unique. the risk was justified by one of those on passing in which the all of the the was a military. but we're still trying to come with you. we continue was the bushes. the result of that was that she from russell and what i'm doing actually just from the k b 110, good. it's combat stripes. when 1st tested in battle, the been knocked out of you have to develop any time to match it. the heavy soviet tank could only be still difficult to close range the, the kid up lump didn't stop working even for
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a minute. work has been days and sometimes weeks. if their machines tend to exceed production tasks, they were forced to leave the children at home alone. the good idea, the children so that it's less from the adult to be a credit of a number to less beloved or go to the destination of mom or put the kid us comes on . would you? i have the left hand side slip is for the legit. malone and is not covered down. those are list of names. that's good. risk are closed, you know, started living your useless them up so you know, when you go to them, i'm just let them we use a bit of a citizen and the general if school could be obtained by 3 in his last school camp, her beloved, not the metal was with me, no blue color this i drove and there was nothing to say that you've been look at them and get through when you can spin, yet you in the show
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a 3rd to november quotes. so children when mainly evacuated and organized groups from schools and daycare centers, that teachers and care has went with douglas here for your school can as well as the to you and his learning desires. to take that session for the most expensive. but when you get to them, will you see the display of procedures on the not a listed in there? did you get the local user under mile encourage you to when the war broke out, more than 850000 children under 60 and lived in leningrad? molden huff with preschool age stuff said due to those that are due to the cook beverly and you know, the cook with a joke. got the beside the doing to register or someone that can get the creative withdrawal can do to make sure i'm subbing sure. your business and the
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cool. good. it's the beginning. you come on, your new device, the cap. invest ethan angel. this do you have an investor at the just the phase from just on the what's cuz then this is an easy display. universal gene for this thing. that's done, so let's go with the rest and so did the cheapest to do it. never mind. never got a 1000000 in unit. so the coaches you t is get, are you on for the year for the dates in the us and the machine of the school will have done the social media center. i'm giving you a soft core. the materials on the left to get them are going it you someone will be scared of of i'm going to jumbo, fully flip my music across cuz i beauty perceptible. when did you get somebody go to the deal? if i got to them joe junior service instead of going testable, use it as
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b p. a kid does. the goodness that is i just did. so when you took the version, you use up what is patient's jamie, you escape to do to come to them regarding the eclipse they are brought to the building got on the storage instead of the spirits to open it them, but to familiarize all again, nobody do ma'am, i'm going to because you might put them to his desk. let's get put into the limo chelan, we're not going to share blame as much. she just sold, give magic. we have some of those skills that are push the stuff i was posted it as meet the visual or nothing when the symbolism was each individual, but the man just go to got the different can i see really cool. so initials to even the commodity measurement system can cause understood because that the below never even done with the showing it is, but that of so live and i mean you can use thinking a black box of should you my media newsletter practices or this stuff and can you bring that kind of whats on us,
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a costly to us because they've been reading the book out there, but now i'm on the scrub bush and i mean you could then test, but one minute the note's too much in different mist stripping also seems to be the sort of good of what it would have to mention a few of our perhaps 3 or you could either done this through because the old thing, steve, or that you length of july 1941. so the 1st day rates on the city in just 2 months, the will have to have a bump leningrad, 17 times the cause you must layla me a bullet you through the 30th you or i'll put you momma. it will be. yeah. that's the kind of totally on his power and somebody proceed. just leningrad
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was a teenager. he kept a journal and almost each one of the and 172 things in which he recorded life in the city. september the a massive advertise on leningrad at 6 55 pm. the plains trump 6000. 327 in century bones on the must go skate. pressing a god. this gate. as opponents gate districts $183.00 files across the city by smaller sensitivity to make sure that it's blocked at the meeting, but either quit the, the littlest to be some sort of idea is not a social class nichol subsidy. but even though this for the sheets, the school is up to, this is a good number for someone to talk to somebody else where they pick whatever will castillo from you. i should be focusing on you was without us. but i do want to look for crucial by the condition i didn't assume the guidance and for the color, is it the double explain place to go out? and if that goal is to produce a warrant because he's got
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a guy for one and most of them go struggling to get out of the machine. and the brother machine frustrates spoke. i see it's quite you too young. if i for those to usually missions, i hear somebody have a list of the guys and then when you buy pallet the for sure knock, he was a little closer to leave it in the door. but you're off, shoot of me. ask you not muscle. cool. move typically the most loosely assessed what he's saying is if we assume he's pushing it to the same as the ac me with that of us. less good he'll oh yeah. welcome. most sounds like you below. oh boy. yeah. this, if you feel of you right. you know, he's part of seen the study skills, daniel photos,
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dental. he's not of the small local authority to putting out for little from the general citizen freedom, excuse me, with this issue for us. that is no different stuff at the school committee, such as comes on board as to the gym for the school because neither of the fee with no new school must be someone that you're defining. and that's what i was to be a com food. she was for the, for not only me, it's q one of the did you really above much, much to bring in on think it would be to be a month or 2 were, could i mean like, you know, as well as your local fall? i used to the lady that i mean a couple of short short of studio of substance abuse you have you will of a sudden those are the true screen. it took of paula who took to watch me in some buildings. what kind of loan, even before the seats began dyes ex cathedral was one and it became a sort of testing ground for letting drugs architects. people will. is that good?
10:50 pm
awesome. yeah, it is cross q 3 stores, yours, e bus to, to bottle was it was in the book, the critic tudor, which is a senior food. it's a tool for you mosquitoes to the hub. you almost get over to you if i look use um, which is the most easily good stair to push out the middle teeth to pick that up. i was just double. it was really up to 3 unless you can use not see it was it you were suffering. and so what you can, especially what i'm, can you find me think a little hard example to perform your carlos goes unconfirmed due to where your status. but there's a couple others able to push and it talks to talk is when you to pull them and go to school, people know in your school, most of you just got part of the website down. you must get. i went to school, i'm interested to provide a find me. thank you. is kindness, disciplined, visit, and image should not be one of the social pharmaceuticals are going to be looking for me and you call a funeral. really? it's like you did it on the stuck on the i'll follow you just have somebody who move before then your initial book on your thing is possible with the, the kind of as most decision which she thought was by us and will be to assume performance if you will, could of course,
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you. so the guy she really gave me the idea is it is sort of the new story because it is sold at some point we just moved from you sure did not belong to you will that you're going to see just group you guys will. so sydney and then you're supposed to believe over somebody, so it's nice not because there is the on the very 1st day of this age, the food warehouse has been down and off the german plains drops 208 and centrally bombs on them. see to watch this product simulate, show out and let you know what's left. now, some issue tonight, since you may have sort of get older, others are which will send it to somebody in your ocean. so when you get all that old as deputy to describe the product of this book,
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so we'll kind of in september let in grades all thirty's took stock of remaining food supplies based on normal consumption weights. the estimated it would last no more than 3 months, as well as constant shilling and looming, some in the city face and abnormal cold snap. in 1941, winter came very early to live in grid. the average temperature in october never went above one degrees celsius. november to freezing. the decision was finally made to evacuate the killed bombing raids made sure it was no longer possible to work at full force. the machinery was packed urgently and the loss groups left the city and all of them under heavy shilling for with the strength to split for clear cut up order. for example, i can get to the kitchen for the afternoon. so why would you propose to georgia, jacob del flag, and yet i'm going to just trouble doing this on the 5th of this on the edge coming as i'm right. so we'll put them on used to which even though some of that factor into those long after which move to the up into the plan,
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didn't close and kept working until the war ended confirming that there was a when you have that, we will post clarity before you can have general spinner a few extra as much now as for stumbling on these i shoot you a slide for the cheese can probably ship. you are sticking. leslie is going to talk to the state of unless the landlord put everything into oblivion. $15050.00 springs our cd front. the work as children who stayed in the city went to 24 hour kindergartens and boarding schools. now with the list of global change, yes, is that it is also check with the system in this of which is you can it's scarlet that's good. judging from woodson assistant but other kids knowing that i bought the lead to the and that the company is a bit alex v a. c, and i just played in active in the cities defense with adults, they build fortifications, cleared rubble from shelves, sites that often manufacturing machines but of condition to destroy their commercial flow. if give
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a squeegee region that will go up auction countries and show that you've given me, if i have to get them out to to be specific. you know, so for mr. steve, i've seen a really weird over there should items for you system the to what she missed, the company a customer by this is a problem. notice what's the range? and i mean each group fills up all of those things. i smoke around with the vegetables, total nations, and i'm still frustrated this, but the, the actual that's really good to just to me right now. i know i seem to be, you know, go to a cause also because you have so beloved could not slip your blood. she says 3 of do not assist me. i guess i get to the best price of luck of them. good deal, but i'm booked with enough numbers about one p a t then grabbed the e to some instructional, resemble distributed. so sort of get over sort of start over with the on when the
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goal and the picture. when the pama who publish was stuck participle and i've gotten used to shoot you cause of all the bubbles customers because there's to, to the, well, we had an increase in the get the system picking up to those up. i just got just gotten to should the left. so just on, i'm assuming this is jim, i'm still finding out she has done in the system, but as like you were leasing a new drug test on your theater launch steps to look at the printed just you story. may see that you find me to have like guide you through the notes because the 872 days seems changed. leningrad beyond recognition, the facades of imperial buildings and things and cathedrals, had to become a flash to save them for future generations. we don't see. so that's the most cool
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flaw. what's the, what's the vehicle was sitting. that's cool. sounds good. cool. all right, and with the plan which is own lives during euros. so just you thought it was was the speed because it's a sudden those will let them fight when your zip code are so you can have cards, you mail, the crowds to send them to cool. it's your whole nother cock the deck. now you no problem. we shouldn't, the continues to go to z, e a. so let's just you mullen, you called with a war and use on your pin number of your bottle in hub, yet. it's like a done deal. a card on the form you think of. but if the cards are based, the fluid the city appear to be be good you. but which did it show you where to go from? assume that here. so if you and you go, i think somebody, one of the big was, or why unable us to create them with a whole just a 2nd with you cuz we didn't see them. a lot of songs, theories use them, but these are still much more looking through some of the tv thing. what's really to month me probably because of the bottles guthrie pop all with a group of put them store which is the school is let's go through the system again . she
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a cold on some of the winds and the constant shelling the climb is task was belly realistic to build came from the pilots, dropped the rigging onto the spying performers just to suddenly flip to the virginia. i looked at the pulled form of the street. uh, cool b, c, p m. uh it is, it is uh do you cups? total water keys up just kind of cesar end user. the portal would be more useful deal was cure because of what if used to be the that your boss or service. but suddenly, we're going to get back to the y and we're going to like you, it's a, it's a co op if he go it, you will show us of what the show us concerning them. you know what i mean, a month towards the throughout the siege of leningrad claim is covered smiles and guns and repair. the
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wrapping in november, fell from outside pacific came to a halt. problems that produced 70 percent of the cities electricity ended up outside the sacrament. most of the panel was he was by factories, but there wasn't even enough for them to use the store and sort of get them to move somewhere within that page. because lucas feel free to leave it to a more continued company or brief idea of what this to your pretty method here with my friends. you want to do it, patricia and bear with me 1st to a couple of things of which one is for process. for instance, you, it's freedom of cognitive impulse prep for genius temps to it for the weekend. i'm assuming you want to make sure that you're going to be chest to buy ali december full electric transport. it stops bulbs that consumes more than 40 watts with a bidding in homes. and the pallet was limited to no more than 2 hours per day. leningrad was plunged into darkness by then bred rations. edward used 4 times.
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fremont had begun the co who uh to get swimming pool open to clear. but you said you'll go to the hippo show. yep. we're giving them a bundle. i mean, it wasn't only as long as you have canceled, it will either you called and i shall do. it's a fucking them. we will probably have the cost issues on opposed to nibble the time out in the able of my guy. he, the only thing i knew was a portion could you just do it for the simple what's on the and you have to choose to. uh yeah, i sure used sonya, i thought you were already some reason with the direction to brand available to the people that this each leningrad could barely be called food. it contains all kinds of additives, the most beloved for us to black menial. if i'd be you know, what else to the daughters aboard so,
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but the temple guards upon the goal is for the right and then the to the change given each muscle clear. but you want us to work. the song is up significantly as the school green school stadium. we're just kind of project bring it over here and it can we hear the clips. there's a little bit of bullies and you must spoken. what can you call adult? strictly, just keep with it, but ship them there is up. awesome. looking at school, good. knew what to put your thought, explicit the bubble. that's what goes on board and who's putting a little story were mobile or should we develop it or them to? she wants it a little just because under the conditional dustin or students was upset, i'm ok to some of the best. it's not point able to go pretty often over the internet camera been captured, same as the footage of the tragedy and hall road at the city suffered, it conveys the shell awful nature of what was happening and then and glancing. it's terrifying to imagine what it was that those people suffered to one of those days. the just some of those gets


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