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tv   News  RT  February 4, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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spanish is it possible to have peace in this region ever? again? at least 28 civilians, including a child all killed and 10 wounded off the key of strikes, a bakery and little guns red top black brown to a terror attack and says the west is complex. both sides. washington claims its only looking for the escalation on dependency. yes, the teeth that strikes rain down on the safe targets in yemen is such cognitive yeah. moons the last all pets president hailed as in liberation icon by the country you into any new task. and it's constant dudley from pod minutes, 12 ation and cold. they're ready, grand reality of life the gardens could rapidly get what is funding is not put p
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reinstated to the u. n. square news agency that us the warning from one right and an exclusive inch to, to update us or us deal tentative plan is to resume support. otherwise there will be certain disaster in the gaza strip. was the lifeline for the people the mid day and most ago. and you've joined us the week today, which is all summary of the headline grabbing the stores of the last 7 days as well . of course, as of the latest developments, one of which is the 28th civilians, including a child, had been killed and tenant was wounded in a ukrainian attack on a bakery in this a chance both to city and the accounts to the public emergency services are the same assets on the way to rescue anyone still buried under the russell moscow has the stripe, an active tara sponsored by the west. the new terrorist attack is the gratitude of
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the extremists and key for the generous financial support of european union countries. you citizens should know how their taxes are being used to buy deadly weapon systems and send them to the key resume which uses them to kill civilians. they had opened the guns for public, has also condemned the attack, saying that he has a knew very well that the basically would be packed with civilians up the weekend on the estate of a sweeney house. the latest on the incident. well, it's another deadly in done vast su creighton either a top struck a bakery in the city of listed sounds good little dots for public us around for 20 . this of course, would have been a busy time when many people were believed to be in the body agree then upfront, under the rubble, at least 10 people have been pulled out. now emergency services are working hard on the same, at least one of those is very critically injured. now this is a developing situation. so this, this whole, unfortunately is likely to rise. now,
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according to the preliminary report, the ukrainian attack was kindly that with a high miles missed all these of course, the united states supplied long range weapons that we're seeing an optic of these kind of attacks and don't boss on heavily populated civilian areas. this is a developing a situation emergency services have been working very hard to, to try and rescue people from the rubble the, the whole thing, of course that, that will be survivors from that. but of course, the longer this goes on, the high about desco is likely to be so it's, that's another day. another terror attack on your crimes are being carried out in the don't boss with western supplied weapons rate to host political commentator. steve gill says the west and press will continue to turn a blind eye to climbs like these. that is absolutely intentional and we can ignore the human tragedy. the loss of, of dozens of civilian lives that are simply,
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you know, enjoy based goods on a, on a cold afternoon, only in the barbaric mine of a lot of mirrors on wednesday. and his generals with this be considered a legitimate military target. and again, that the continued atrocities that are being committed by your brain and ignored by western media, ignored by the international courts of justice, ignored by the us. as we get in the daily criticism of israel for, for a legs depths and gaza that are being called war crimes, the western media, the united nations and others ignore the continued atrocities committed by ukraine with american weapons that deserve a lot more attention. but you're not going to see much of this story most in western media is any, is again, they'll just ignore these atrocities and pretend they're not happening. iran has elapsed out of the us football me. yeah, man, the keys in washington are fluid entail sound disorder in the middle east overnight
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and us flats coalition struck a report to 36, her feet tall kids, including in the countries capital, the son of a member of the fees political council branch of the attacks a declaration of rule by the wes in american british attacks on the many capital as well as on other governor. it's an ongoing aggression and it is an open war. so they have to bear the human. he strikes and responses and their ongoing will not be delayed. human has the upper hand and has the capabilities human and will continue to support palestine in gaza. no matter what, until these really american british aggression stops. and the see just lifted. united states as confirmed in a joint statement released with a number of allied countries that they have hit 13 different sites hitting 36 targets in who's the controlled territories of yeah, they are calling itself defense, protecting against what they say are imminent threat supposed to us naval vessels
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and maritime ships, recognizing the broad consensus of the international community. our coalition of like minded countries committed to upholding the rules based order has continued to grow. our aim remains to de escalate tensions and restore stability in the red sea . now it's important to know that the, who the forces in yeah man, they've been stopping ships because they say that israel is a tax on gaza, must stop. they are calling for a ceasefire and they are stopping ships as an active solidarity with the palestinians. more or less a picket line in the red sea trying to infer. busy as a naval boy kind of gives rail until the attacks on gaza sees the bottom administration maintains they are not trying to escalate things in the region. they're not going on for a full confrontation with the ron. however, there have been many speaking of questioning, biases in chance and highlighting the danger of taking these kinds of actions.
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among them is independent presidential candidate, robert kennedy, as well as the speaker of the us house of representatives. if we do not see conflict, then let's get the troops out of the, the not welcome. they are not needed. they are in the sensible targets for anyone in the region who wants to promote the conflict. get them out. however, among many sections of the american political establishment, war mongering is always popular. and while there is a way of, of those criticising binding for potentially escalating towards a full boer was iran. there are some criticising bite for, they say not doing enough. not striking hard enough, not getting these forces with the necessary for ra city to stop a tax on americans, iran must know its support for terrorist proxies comes with a heavy price. the strikes announced well in advance likely did not accomplish nearly enough to stop the runs access whatever next steps the president takes, must be significantly stronger. there's something that we do for the button
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administration to admit that the strategy of appeasing a wrong has been disastrous for the international community. and regional stability now is the time to present bought into wake up to the reality that his policy. k, think iran has failed to promote peace. america must project strength. so the question is, if these strikes that we're seeing from united states could escalate into a full scale confrontation between the united states and iran, and many forces are wondering what the implications of such escalation could really be. this is a rather dangerous situation as united states continues error stress throughout the middle east region of this comes on the heels of another round of us as strikes on syria and iraq. damascus has accused washington of aging. i sold off the american as strikes lounges in the region west syrian armed forces of pointing the territory . the rocky government also called the strikes an open act of aggression.
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moscow house demanded an option to un security council meeting, be held on monday to on address this on folding situation. and them, at least it comes with the russian foreign ministry. so the washington was finding the flames and the region, leaving edge on the cost of too many cars, key deal data. it is obvious that the air strikes are specifically designed to further inflamed the conflict. produced by almost without pause. very simply attacks and targets allegedly pro running groups in the rock and syria war. the united states is purposefully trying to plunge the largest countries in the region into conflict in that. but washington leaving its impunity continues to distraction in chaos in the middle east of recent events as firm in the united states is not and has never been looking for solutions to problems in the regions. that'll also live now to jonathan political unless he's a sophomore. here's a for, it's nice to see you. i mean, the 1st thing i have to ask you, i mean, washington says, this is all about sending a clear message. i mean,
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what's the message that you'll get saying and it, is it walking? well, the clear message that to us is sending to the middle eastern region. yeah. man. and perhaps the rest of the most of the world is that if the us doesn't get what it wants, then they feel that they have the right to kill. they have the right to bomb, they have to the right to support a potential genocide, a genocide that is taking place in gaza in order for them to continue their spread . their expansion of the western had demonic architecture across the world. and the message that you've started with the air strikes on the m, and is that even the red sea, even with the territorial waters, is and will operate on behalf of the us. and the british governments, pinterest, if that's not the case, then they will go to war with government. they will bond them and they will kill innocence of human ease. just as they have done any years of war. decide you love
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the board in order for them to maintain their dominance, their supervision of young men, of all the international waterways of all the political affairs of the middle east . but there's something different happening in human human. it's taking a stand, not just for the read, see, not just for you have a vote for perhaps the rest of the region leading by example by sending the message loud and clear that the us will not get what the warranty i'm and they will not get what they want in the red sea, and when it comes to the genocide that's being perpetrated by the use really redeem and genocide the west is not getting is not going to get what it wants in terms of allowing genocide to continue in terms of allowing these re we gene to expand its occupation into the seat guys for been this, this is why the are traits. this is why the missiles continue to launch targeting us leak chips targeting british and continued to target is really ships in the red sea nearby. that meant that in the gulf of aidan and in the mediterranean sea,
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i can tell you that the sort of luck with the officials, their response to these latest attacks. because these were the most intense attacks that have happened since these military operations by the laws. they said that as, as the us continues to escalate their military activities in the region and on young men, we want more holistic messiah. we was more on man drones. and no us or british is really ship will be safe in the red sea. that is a very prominent message that's being delivered by the many on sort of luck with the official. and they want to lead by example and send a message to the rest of the all regina and the, and the rest of the rule is that you no longer have to hear america. because america is, has overstretched bits milch presence across the middle east to the point of exhaustion. they can no longer bear with wage award in yemen region, more in syria,
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interact and potentially wage and awards against the wrong in the government. so there's this joint coalition movement, the axis of resistance that's taking form as we see before eyes where they have decided that the us is no longer allowed in the middle east. us military bases must leave as soon as possible or else they will continue to target us, british and western interest. not just in your mind, but throughout the middle east. i'm going to kyle and stuff. i mean from, from where you stand, don't washington look. we can, does it feel that the tide is turning? i mean, we have pressure all busy on his ally is ro, we've got bummer bullets in shipping. in the red sea, you have soldiers killed. you have a rock saying guys get out. we don't want your troops anymore. i mean, it don't, it's not a good look for part of the walls or the super power. and also highlights the us political and diplomatic failure across the board because you have the you wrapped,
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rocky government basically ticking the us out of iraq. right. and you have yeah, man, basically a blacklisting and preventing us link ships from crossing the right seat. the message is very clear to us is no longer, you know, the, the middle east is no longer interested in us as form policy of chaos and destruction. military occupation and the distortion of natural resources in the middle east is not something that has benefited the middle east is only something that has a low stir the entire region into decades and decades long of chaos at instability. so i think it highlights a wide spread. we are failure of us is diplomatic and political approach. because what i'm, you know, the message here is that if the west does not get what they want politically or diplomatically. the only thing they know how to do is wage wars. there's, there's,
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there's different ways of engaging in the conflict here in yemen. they do us about have to bomb, does not have to not just only bob, but other, you know, the most powerful nations in the world to joining its military campaign in yemen, syria interact. but why is it that the us always feels the need to wait wars across the middle east wage wars on you got my way words into racking against then, and so on and so forth, while, as you know, in the same hand, and it's the same token enable israel to continue mastering palestinians. the deceased gotten the strip there is simply, this is the, you know, the, the public diplomacy in the middle east is that the us is hell bent on spilling blood across the middle east. and now the time has come to resist. this had demonic architecture that has done 8 of the affairs of the middle east. and now we see this a new who's been gravitating towards establishing diplomatic and military unity
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across the most of the world. we see this with the young men, syria rock, iran, obviously in the united with the past has been lost. all of these forces are joining together to counter the expansion of us interest and us butchered in the middle east. well, as we get out for those notes on the election, things are definitely going to get interesting american politics and have a full sort of drama. that's one thing that see if there's any shift in the, in the policy. but that was the journalist. i'm flexible on the 2nd. here's a 4 a thank you so much. is a for one of your comments and inside the desk of the movie and president has been announced. how good going gold was a to 2 years old, the vice president. and i'm going to move, i will now stuff in the interim meta and he paid tribute to his previous us, the new maybe a nation whose low state distinguish 7 of the people liberation struggle. i call them the chief architect to the constitution and the pillar of the num maybe in the
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house was qualified now to him. the quartet timothy. yes sir. uh timothy just you know, tool cuts through a little bit about the details. i mean, the late president had been very active at an international level right off up until the end. um, so just one of his achievements, how would people remember him? i thank you for that. now, what the vice president described him as is what he's saying. he's how he is cnn perceived by the people his thoughts unimportant um, you know, politician and an active is politician and active is in the media because of the roles that he played, you know, in the countries independence many years ago. it was a 19, i'm in 1990, but then he's also someone has seen as a camp in r for f, which he a campaign out for you don't shred prosperity and that's what he has carried on,
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you know, for the longest given onto uh, his pass and are the hours of up to date in just recent days or recent weeks. you know, uh before his pass it will stick also send him, you know, voice his support, you know, for the power steering and people. and of course a gains you know, um ease rose from apartments that um typically sense of what you have to say recently is less than human being can eat and all the time each that is waged against that. if it is in the guys they, they will in gaza, is telling me that there are 2 types of human beings. those who can be kidded lat drops. and those who allowed not stop was also in response to germany, support for ease or upper south africa. and you know, suited ease or
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a b international court. i'm just. ready saying these are have carried out to you to add some genocide against palestinians in guys are east broad defend that these are rejected. you know, the allegations thing about, you know, south africa was making discharge discharge that i allegations against him against it. but now um the pricing on the best price then also, you know, or has been responding or has been voice same his support for the palestinian and also that, you know, is a reflection to what the, what had happened. but you know, between the german colonial forces and um, let me be honest in the early nineties where you know, the german forces carried out atrocities against them. didn't know me being people what has been described as the 1st genocide of the 20th century. and um, you know, around last month this would have been around 120 years since that incident
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happened. so it was some sort of reflects on, or reminder, for the not me be on people again. you know, um let me be as a president had this to say the german government has chosen to defend in the international court of justice. the genocidal and gruesome acts of the is really government against innocent civilians in gaza and be occupied palestinian territories. germany cannot morally express commitment to the united nations convention against genocide, including atonement for the genocide and the media while supporting the equivalent of a holocaust and genocide and gaza. so that's the price then very vocal um you know, in his support for the palestinian people and the games to you know, the easiest one bottom and in guys are these where his last days i mean over say describe that as the peroration icon. so specifically, what role to define, go play in the move, retaining independence. so even before he became a policy,
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certainly he was widely known as an active. it's, you know, before driving politics. and he was part of the team that negotiated unless you know the country to independence and in 1990. he also was the prime. he was on a point that the prime minister for the country, a position that he occupied for 12 years and um, before he much later became the president of the country. so he also played a very important role. in fact, he, he was the chair of, you know, it seemed that point or put together the constitution of the media. so that's how important key is that the politician also have an active is to the people of the media. and finally, i mean obviously because i'm here in moscow. well, can you say about the relationship between boss and namibia during during the presence lifetime? yes, president hagi general was very vocal about um you know, uh,
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multilateralism and then he wanted, you know, like i said earlier, he use a campaign or for you know, shirts, development, stretch, distribution of wealth. and that was part of, you know, his main points last year when he participated in the russia, africa stomach in the not about was an indication, you know, that he was very much interested in russia and the media release on. and he was not that he was much side, you know, about talking about this on this is what he have to say. the world is becoming very difficult for small countries. i worry that the world is becoming a unipolar system with one center of power that dictates its will. and then small countries like ours are finished. so we believe in a bipolar system or multilateralism. we believe that meetings like the russia, africa, summit, strength and relations or so that's why the advocate leader and why does he have to
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say about multilateralism and um, uh, the vice president, voice now acting as the president has step up. that would be state arrangements um you know, um that it will be communicated to the entire country. what happens next from here? but then uh, in my opinion, i think um uh, the president of the hagi gang up will be as practiced before, especially for the contributions that he's made over all these years in the media. wow, thank you very much for giving us thought of here for those who might not know of his details about the the late know who the president thought was. look for, pull touch and see of us. thanks for timothy. they use foreign policy chief says that costing funding to and wrap up for united nations relief and walks agency for palestinian refugees what amount to the collective punishment of 2000000 people. joseph browse warning came off to a number of western states. suspend his payments to the party following his way and
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the claims that a dozen of the agencies employees took part in the 7th of october and lost the tax was feeding 2000000 people. but a wedding 3rd of the site was medical assistance, but they who can substitute that overnight from dice playing a critical role. it's true that they've been in a case where the government has been very crude to go to not now from many times of all, but we cannot punish 2000000 people my depriving them from the support of doing that is providing school when they get with that they said, yes, this is the beginning of health because there are 2200000 refugees. people displays from the north through the south and they are without shelter, food drink for anything you food is not available for these people. then we are
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heading towards the salmon and the disaster that is the worst and the history of humanity. we are in peace time. we was 70 percent dependent on on the aid under was schools and free health services. what do you expect to happen to us now? that when many countries reduce the aid provided to underway will say it is a major disaster, any catastrophic situation. but he's the only buddy to support the boosting and people. and it's the only one that has the ability to provide systems b, u n, as file to investigate as well as crimes. a claims bought it who owns all of an impending collapse of humanitarian system. and also if a and to and right is permanently halted despite the die situation on the ground be is really prime minister has a dom onto the parties, close shot and an exclusive interview with all the a spokesmodel for the organization. and gaza says a funding phrase would threaten countless lives. and then how does come out of this
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decision to suspend the financial contributions of 15 donor countries, including 6 of the major donor countries to why will have serious effects on the services provided to millions of palestinian refugees not only and gaza, but also in syria. and lebanon, and jordan, and the west bank and east jerusalem. and this decision was based on allegations, the while commissioner, immediately decided to terminate the contracts of 8 on why employees an investigation committee will investigate each of these incidents. but it is absolutely unreasonable to claim that while participated in the event of october 7th, because of 12 employees, this decision will affect the millions. it will also affect more than $30000.00 why employees who are fully committed to the values of the united nations and international humanitarian law with documents proving their commitment. the alternative plan is to resume support. otherwise, there will be certain disaster in the gaza strip. was the lifeline for the people.
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today we talk about hundreds of thousands of hungry people. later we will talk about the entire population of the gaza strip, facing an unprecedented humanitarian collapse. we're talking about 1700000 displays to people in various areas of the gaza strip. we have about $1000000.00 of them either in our shelters or around the shelters and registered the volume of 8 entering constitutes only 8 percent of the needs of the population of the gaza strip. there are tens of thousands of hungry families in the northern gaza strip and gaza city. there is a real hunger situation there. they are losing everything in that place. the humanitarian situation is continually deteriorating. continuing in this manner will lead to a collapse and services. the idea took him and finally, he is the man who has now spent a whole time away from us than anyone else. as a history russian cosmonaut or like calling in co has just set a new record for the total joy, some of the space flights. his car and the on his 5th trip to the international
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space station, by the time it started by, he'll have popped up a walk in $1110.00 days floating along the stalls. i'll take a chance to talk to the intrepid explorer who lifted the lid on what life is really like as a space one. and that's what i'm, what all i work is work on the stress and all are changing a string for a large number of emergency situations with time constraints on decision making. we're being selected, we're being told to live with stress. and there is only one method of dealing with fear, a thorough knowledge, one who will work with in space. look at the home is a place where your family and your friends lay of many of my friends that cost me. now it's an officer now it's the full in the sense the international space station is my home, as well as we're just going to go to the wide space science is developing new experiments on being conduct a maybe this has not done so quickly because that
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a very serious requirements for the equipment with region, the officer not working space and this flight for the 1st time in the world. and experiment will be conducted even more, more than technology eating. wait. it is planned to obtain equivalence over to below organs. so what i'm able to do is i'll look at modern technologies made life and one of the foster now it's much easier today. we can not only use social networks but also communicate with a live video communication. if there is a satellite connection, we use messages to send large amounts of data in real time. but for me, this is an additional opportunity to tell people who are interested in space science. and of course, my profession in general about my profession sooner or later to manage it will begin to master living in new plants. as for me, i would very much like to go to the products exploits, but where it sense of south an expedition is completed. the able she has, if i was happy and i would say if you're doing everything right,
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you're on the right track. keep dreaming because dreams always come to well, that is our but a sense that this all of that style adults too much. it takes a time, you know that why peace has a new to the ravens guys for so long. and how does the guy talk to the 7th and let him go from here? that's when coming away. now, the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to division we.


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