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tv   News  RT  February 5, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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on the and got a roberts on the streets of senegal hopes and use a much is that the upcoming presidential election has the website has a full list of more us and u. k. problems raining down on you haven't come in the 1st phase one. that subtraction will only boost hatred to will to west. we got reaction from a time to maximize they use every device do a big lot on the dr. me and, and make it to be a crisis. so united states is taina states of bankruptcy. it seems to be addicted to this imperial mindset as taking the will to the heart of ukraine's
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governments. president polanski confirm, peace considering firing has come on in chief and made a high profile between the 2 the morning from moscow it is h. hey, i'm here in the russian capital for myself on the team. welcome is good, happy with us. but we also use our in west africa because that have been violent scenes on the streets of san a goal. now the unrest rock did when police clashed with protest is a big thing demonstrates an open use of this month. presidential election had been postponed with all the details ought to use motor vehicles. the only thing with me to say is that a government stripping away the rights of citizens instead of go with the president, decided to announce to postpone me up to provision issue was
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a scheduled on the 21st of february, protest upcoming t rocking in costs of cynical as the population expressed it and who was that decision that the president may do? i'm sparking, i'm going to various locations in response to this democratic research before the announcements of many, what hold pull back to the wouldn't be any pre election violent. despite 8 certification stand to date and validation, prostate, there are things all coming to starting to change the 5 amendments. as of the slides, a growing trend in the surrounding region pinnacle has never experienced a clue. leading wisdom powers to praise the it's the ability it's democracy and its history. critics have how if the rate is close to is the policy decision i'm considering that to the piece of the sauce has the history way. he sometimes a means or rather changes the constitution is pinnacle. so he could extend, she stay in office and of course federal positions because the rejected the
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decision to postpone the election saying that to the will to proceed with the owners can pay use as some calling the president's decision. um to postpone the election, a constitutional crew. some members of the opposition party even said that if the elections were not postponed, they would shortly when these elections that move on back. we feel this is a constitutional cool. mackey sol is not doing this for us. he's doing this against us. mackie sol understands that if we go to elections, we will win by a landslide, but he wants to stay in power or have someone from his party be elected. this is why he plays these kinds of games to come and manipulate the institute since illegally. of course, this must the 1st time send a go has delayed it. presidential election has been gained independent, is from prompt and 9 to 60. and we have seen reports as well we from is calling san a go to in the the of the search into created by princes,
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debbie mathew. so i but also um the pro, to but i the then the protesting citizen, some citizens, it's been a go, have also expressed their own concerns over the decisions that was taken by the president. that's a move on that we didn't bother. should the candidates who have declared that they have only one nationality? i'm now off to verification. we discovered that one of the candidates holds to nationalities. that's a problem. as for the senegalese democratic party, they have also being suspected of corruption on behalf of the constitutional counsel. these old problems that have led to the postponements of elections incentive goals. no separate. and for this it's not a good decision. whatever he might do, patient have respect to the electoral calendar. and let's us go to the polls and let the best man when really, i feel really sad. it's regrettable that 24 hours before the start of the campaign . the elections could be postponed. it's deplorable. oscar, we've all ready to start the process, was it would you let replace?
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and all of this time she hasn't said anything. so why not to eliminate the candidates who may have julia chanel? it just says that to me because i'm continue the process by turning it on. even when i heard the news, i was even a little surprised like old have sent a girl. i think president mackey, silas the defender through a public defender of its institutions. we all know that he had already announced he will not be running. and that reassured us. i'm well aware that the mackie style has really defended the values of the republic and the institution since 2012. maybe if we wait a few hours, we will see whether or not the rules and laws of the country by this decision us british forces have jointly launched and now the 15 attacks on the yeah, and that's according to media reports to provinces. what talk to it, including the chief port, a valid data. and it seems that president, job item is convinced by the operation the
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washington claims it strikes in the middle east or in self defense. us sense, come on, says the attacks on. yep. and we'll put protect, freedom of navigation, we're far into the red sea shipping lanes, but who's the rubble of say, but that low nate, increase the hatred towards americans. the continuation of the american british aggression on our country will not achieve any goals for the aggressors. will increase their dilemma and problems at the regional level, airstrikes on our country or on the rack, and syria will increase the hatred of the people towards the american presence. this latest round of escalation began on friday when washington on least a massive bombing campaign on folks that walk in syria. so t 4 people were killed, more wounded. all t shapers has been looking at how american diplomacy is turning out and released as well. so us as allies embark on yet another round of gunboat diplomacy in the middle east. you might find yourself thinking, i've seen this movie before,
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and more importantly, i know what's next wave. washington's no telling us it's bombing. yeah, there's a rock on syria, deescalate tensions and live at least yet, much like israel is telling us that civilians are being massacred in gaza. so we can to feed him us, hey, they even managed to mention the so called rules based order. recognizing the broad consensus of the international community, our coalition of like minded countries committed to upholding the rules based order has continued to grow. our aim remains to de escalate tensions and restore stability in the red sea. and of course, the usual hawks in washington, lindsey gray and nikki haley. i'm paying for blood. well, now that real estate site is convinced that us boots on the ground are a good idea. maybe the fact that american troops are now being targeted across the region is a less than simple reminder that uncle sam has worn out his welcome in the neighborhood
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. if we do not see conflict, then let's get the troops out of the, then not welcome. they are not needed the indefensible targets for anyone in the region who wants to prove that conflict. get them out. and well, moderating voices are shouted down in washington. war words, you're going to hear a lot more off. is iran? every scripted narrative need a bowl game on i don't, right now you're radians. are most definitely if, of course, rather than actually engage in dialogue with tech who run or it's opposed proxies, the who these us as yet again decided to resort to military escalation. meanwhile, the uranium and who the positions are quite clear, the military campaigns of the us and the u. k. in their attacks on the countries of this region are the continuation of their policy policies. an approach of using militarism to advance scenario, legitimate goals in the region. this is in clear conflicts with washington and london's repeated claims that they do not want to spread war and conflict in the
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region. american british attacks on the many capital as well as on other governor. it's an ongoing aggression and it is an open war. so they have to bear the human who strikes and responses and their ongoing will not be delayed. well, it seems the western lack of imagination when dealing with the middle east is rooted, and it's post colonial culpability for the very problems that now seeks to resolve . but how do they seek to resolve them when you get it by bombing and threatening the people of the region? and as marie is a hire of, of the russian foreign ministry points out potentially whitening a conflict with catastrophic consequences. it is obvious that the air strikes are specifically designed to further inflamed the conflict by almost without pause, recently attacking targets of allegedly pro running groups in iraq and syria. the united states is purposefully trying to plunge the largest countries in the region into conflict. washington,
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the leaving its impunity continues to so destruction in kaos, in the middle east. recent events confirm the united states is not and has never been looking for solutions to problems in the region. but meanwhile, as rush on his allies point out, the escalating dangers, you'll set burrell views, chief gardener on top, diploma with heavy on the analogies. exploding boilers, unfolding dominoes featured heavily, but accepting europe's historical responsibility for many of the regions troubles was notably absence. it's all about the now, the how we got here. peace, well that's conveniently forgot to meet the lease is a boy you that, that kind as broad as sort of the lady that there is at bags and balls and leave a number with on northern solved the can cd right back to any dog i couldn't do it right, see, one thing is related with the other is a domino, a domino effect can reach you. so as we watched the merely simmer on the verge of a wider and potentially catastrophic conflict,
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one thing is absolutely certain when it comes to the west, much quoted rules based order on the middle east. it's now obvious that it's the united states that makes the rules an uncle, so that gives the orders and that's not up for discussion in washington. while we got more opinion on the issue from a panel of experts from region, it's very strange when united states, uh, it was a sell debris in the united states, a accumulation. and the doctor is in uh, seeing you on the stone already on the uh, from uh, a certain see a on a to ration uh many places that lock on the make and many braces are to get remain to and you will have to do about 290 to stay every
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time and make the halls negotiation were eh, like your roommates are on the they don't leave here are, i'm, they is and to many early charge by far the gates against the argue for us in the united states. leave that with the i is do a big lot on the dr. me and then may and to be a crisis economic, isis global increases. so i think there are the restrictions that he's trying to, if it's such as why someone before the elections and the, i think that's a, this may lead to, to do something big. i don't think for us right now is actually the strikes directly around. i think what they're doing right now is addition to showing for the user to be one of the boarders just coming straight away straight from the us and not using video since middle eastern compatibility is the united
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states is in a state of bankruptcy. the simple reason it's, it's a pity it appears to be addicted to the home positional policies. it also appears to be addicted to standing with these allies, even if that means that firing against the us, the 1st itself and i think the most affordable it seems to be a big thing to these imperial minds that what you're seeing right now is the beginning of the new attitude here right here in campaign without actually striking audi, ron, and so i think that where they are on would indeed prove to be too risky for the bite in ministration. even the george bush, junior administration, abstain from carrying, attracting, deem that to be too risky, but at the same time, it has to be admitted that while he is really prime minister, benjamin netanyahu has not succeeded in his military campaign against amassing does so. he has succeeded to a large degree in dragging the west into
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a fight against israel's enemies who don't necessarily have to be americans. and he's been in a bind administration is by taking them there entities the new york times has provoked a rule of and for using animal metaphors to describe the crisis in the middle east . let's listen to how it views the natural world to us as like an old lie and we are still the king of the middle east jungle. more powerful than any single actor. but we have so many scars from so many fights that we just can't just show up roy loudly and expect that everyone will do what we want or scamper away. iran is to jail politics. what are recently discovered species of parents? the toyed wasp is to nature these law mac revolutionary guard corpses. the wasp, the who is these has the law from us and could type has blood or the eggs that hatch inside the host, loving on yemen, syria and iraq,
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and eat it from the inside out. we have no counts of strategy that safely and efficiently kills the last without setting fire to the whole jungle. while the new york times doubles in analogies that a canadian agitation minute step was initial move direct moved along. when describing the land is route was founded on they don't understand that it was a crappy piece of land with nothing on it. you know, they were, you know, several 100000 people. but other than that, it didn't produce any economy. it didn't have a couldn't grow things that didn't have anything on it. and then it was the folks who were displaced that, that, that came in the people who have been living there for generations. and together they worked hard and they have their own battles, right. we know the history without official late to apologize, but any off that pro palestinian groups that cooled for how resignation? canadian political on the sound john as well. but in the past says that they're of the double standards and say,
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it's the typical sort of rhetoric which we've been hearing since the 1700s from philologist in europe and racist to try to intellectual lies. why they need slavery imperialism, and to mass murder people into submission. and it demonstrates that those in the west are media and that as well. the editors there in these rec, beautiful paper, just like the new york times, can past the sort of bread recall because they truly also don't think there's anything wrong. imagine the jewish people were referred to as insects. or, for instance, there is depictions which are shared in western and sorry, middle eastern use papers of twos as, as raps. like if this happens, it's cold out and everyone sees that this is racism. however, when that happens in the west and when palestinians are presented as rach, borrowing underneath the gauze and insects and long bay that are
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hatching inside of a host and the palestinians in the opposite are somehow we can, sir. and this sort of rhetoric comes from the west. we don't see it addressed in this way when it clearly is racism to. it wasn't all about long ago. that is where i was heading daltons to head south for the safety. but these days that part of the end cape has proven just as dangerous as the knolls displaced on wood. people are crowding out now, so hospitable, although the facility itself has come under intense ideas file. a shortage of stuff means that people buy con, get symmetrical cabinet. they serve desperate need. while the lack of clean, as has resulted in on signed a treat conditions needing close to the spread of disease, put straight to patients have spoken of the dire situation. they are going to ask you about 10 days ago, we received an order to evacuate the facility because the is really army was
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getting closer to nicer hospital by the children went through difficult times as they were afraid and couldn't sleep due to the ongoing bombing. all night long, even the patients couldn't sleep because of the heavy showing is a lease we could find something to eat here. there's indeed a water crisis and a lack of cleaning stuff. they don't even provide enough medical services. if i have a cold or a sore throat, they tell me it's not their specialization. the only advised me to drink boils campbell meals. however, neither gas to heat things nor campbell meal is available. a spokesman as the united nations relief and walks agency for palestinian refugees wasn't snared on raw, says that this already tragic situation is already going to get was. yeah, that's the decision to suspend assistance to the agency was made as far as i remember by 16 countries, despite the fact that they provided approximately $840000000.00, we now have a significant lack of funds. the united nation is relieved and works agency is over
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the constantly suffering from a lack of financial resources to do the growing needs of refugees. it is possible that at this situation continues, we will have to stop our operations not only in gaza, but in all 5 regions that we operate in. these are guys on the west bank, including east jerusalem, jordan, syria, and lebanon. israel views the united nations relief and works i didn't see as a witness to the problem of palestinian refugees survived and not bought in 1948, which was caused by the decision to create the ease real estate. the existence of such a witness reminds the entire world that there is an important impression issue that requires consideration and a political solution. this is perhaps one of the most important reasons why israel is trying to stop the agency. we have enough liquidity to last through february. if there is no additional funding, we will have to stop our operations. if this happens, i will ask the whole world where the israel will step in to replace us. if so,
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please let the problem be solved this way. these countries have a very independent position, but they are united by the assumption that your employees may have taken part in the service act violent and you and rules. and in particular, the principle of neutrality in the work of human representatives. in any case, they should continue to provide assistance when the results of the investigation into the activities of you and employees. hey, may be, i will on the front lines, but ukraine's presence is also facing a bottle. within his own rank documents. lensky has confirmed the 1st time, but he is considering replacing the commander in chief of his own forces. thought the commission came off to a report to quist him about room. has there been such a way to a default, a set of miles a request? there was much talk about the role of the commander of the armed forces general was illusion and his possible removal fact. okay. so headed to this concerns, the people who need to crane a reset and
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a new beginning are required. and not only in the military sphere, it's true. i am thinking about a replacement. this issue concerns the entire management group that drives the whole country like de ukrainian president. one of them is the lead scheme come audrey in chief letter. we usually have been that long as from the spot, but when it became clear that ukraine's much, how would it come through offensive had failed the illusion. he described the situation as a stalemate, which earned him a shop public review from the landscape. just like in the 1st world war, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. that will most likely be no deep and beautiful break through or new times past. people are tired regardless of their status, and this is understandable, but this is not a stalemate. i emphasized this once again zalinski into that relationship with strained on that he had. so that's an expectation. psalms that lose me, especially on the battlefield, paving,
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to blame him for the lack of progress. in my end, he should be responsible for the results on the battlefield. there can be complicated personal relationships, but ukraine is not about the personal. i expect very concrete things on the battlefield. you drew is began to circulate that solution. you have been sent, dr. refusing to resign. he was reported to have been offered another job. but you claim, you know, my, cuz i know there's denver tracked to the previous statements with the situation remaining cloudy, withdrawing my previous post about the bid submission about firings, illusionary at this point. multiple sources are saying it's not true because illusion for his fault christmas eyes and let the skis were folded into the mobilization process, saying the chinese were unnecessary. he was particularly young, but by the presidential decree, which recommended the sacking of all regional military commissars. they would professionals, they knew how to do it, and now they are not there. in terms of mobilize ation issues, it's not that it needs to be strengthened. it just needs to be brought back to the
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framework in which it was in which it worked before the ministry leader also said the draft or a mobilization did not meet the interest of the all me. so loosely, wanted an additional $500000.00 troops to the landscape, said there was no money on the lack of equipment to facilitate this illusion. he was also particularly quick to go to the decision to mobilize women, something which so well what the origin and then doing routine inspections, eaves dropping devices were found in solution is office on further investigation. folks will say founding all the rooms, including solutions assistant konstantin bush. i have, according to opinion polls permanent crossings and usually is an 82 percent compared to 72 percent. but let's see, poll shows that list declining trust things and i'd see begun in july 2023. according to writing in a hypothetical presidential election. lensky would poll just as a 47 percent of the folks in the 1st round. was the listening on duty 31 percent.
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the 2nd round will be much tiny to showings and then scaling 42 percent resolution . young fulton said betty, a cigarette paper between them was a cold election. the schedule for this year have been postponed. eliminating the potential threats of a defeat at the polls. it wasn't just in ukraine where panic, setting western leaders were also shocked by the news with some suggestion. that is, it, let's, he had been lentil and by his support is forcing him to roll back from his decision a highly placed european diplomat working on the ukraine issue, messaged me last night in horror and bewilderment, saying that the embassy in cuba had been sounded out yesterday, about a military re shuffle this morning, the reported the bunk of a slang for the presidential administration whose offices are on the street by that name seems to have regained its senses. what were they thinking? whatever the situation isn't clear how it's changing minutes when you come on to
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lead to success on the battlefield. without the increase weapons and soldiers illusion, he demanded. lensky will face a number of challenges off the 2nd. his army chief, the potential impact on military 8 is just one of them. ukraine's west in palm is have constantly pressed the landscape to switch to a more strategic defense. exactly the policy put forward by the lose me a fight to do this by using the cash dry up. second me the issue who will replace incentives and use unclear with no natural success or apparent it is far from clear . the new commander will be able to improve your greens difficult situation on the battlefield. without significantly more forces and weapons. precisely was the illusion it has demanded over the last k. i think tash and what was already frame relationship is always nice popularity, both within the military and among ordinary citizens makes his removal a political gamble for his landscape, the cross in the shape or a cause of concern for ukraine and also his western supporters with patients
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unconscious, starting to run the very same piece deals and now being openly discussed in some parts of the western media on the sucking of the illusion. e, now you see some a p and suppose all didn't support is asking some very tough questions. full, my pentagon security on this michael maloof believes the presence lensky has now backed himself into a corner. he doesn't know how to proceed here with us, with his own, with this war. and i think he's up and he's got a back up against the wall. he's, he's lashing out and he's been told by it shows me that now you've got to face reality rushes are you. we don't have that. we don't have the capability to launch a counter offensive, and we need to settle. and that, that is unacceptable to us on wednesday. again, he's living in his own bubble and people have told him that. but he refuses to consider reality and,
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and i think he's ultimately going to have to leave the country. he's already postponed elections so that that's probably the wrong movie, should have hope for elections and they've gotten defeated and they have someone else replacing but the heat he, he didn't think that through. so i think that yeah, he's got it. he's got a start coming to terms, so it says with his own reality, frankly, a triumph of upside to say, and that's how so it'd be an actor knows because that has reacted to news, but he's been dropped on the next series of the smash hit tv show the white lotus, the acts fell off to ukraine complained to produces about his perceived support for russia. a targeted campaign has been unleashed against me. external circumstances have started to influence creative decisions, setting a disturbing precedent of eggs dialing the essence of creative freedom. the result
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of this narrative is the triumph of absurdity and the defeat of art. russ, a phobia strikes again, except this time the person being canceled isn't even russian. he's a serbian, the act is to treat popular in x. so countries and that decision to dump him has since social media into overdrive cancel your subscription to hbo because they have put themselves in the service of ukrainian nazi propaganda. i'm cancelling my hbo subscription on monday. my money won't go to fastest. in the case of beaker, which hbo is deliberately made out to be the culprit instead of the real culprit ukraine, which attack the serbian citizen hbo to come to the pressure. but it was ukraine that targeted vacovich. so what's this all about? neil ship just had school days. road in the white lotus would have seen his baby in the west and production when you crane came gunning for him. meet mueller speak of
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which a serbian actor and the kremlin for an mouse piece of genocide supporter has joined the cast of the h. b. o. dark comedy. the white lotus, he gets rushing prizes for humble service to rest. his art and culture participates . assuming tv shows and occupied crimea and justifies it, saw style russian, caesar speaker, which denies democracy and who res rushes terror against you. crazy. so what's wrong with your emotions? if this is the dark side of the comment in hbo just did it really well about the video by t as was a nasty and concerted effort to shame the actor for his place to russia. yes, he does have some. his contribution to russian culture was recognized by president preaching in 2018. that's for is before the new queen will began, amigos has spoken out about the conflict. he even has personal experience. as a child, he suffice the need to bombardment of felt great. i wish there were no wars. now
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eve, i know i was 3 years old when a war broke out in my country, i was 5 when another one broke out. i was 11 when we were bombed. god saved the lives of all those who are now in danger. hardly sounds like someone, a game for a conflict. and when we talk about allegations of genocide, let's be clear. within the last week, a tell you in court said it would be looking at whether it was you pray to preach the genocide convention needle is the low figure in these attempts to cancel culture. she has, has urged its own citizens, never participate in cultural events. where they would share the same stage with russian citizens with god list of what they think while a long list of russian also, some performers have found themselves unceremoniously dumped by the west. even performance is biased.


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