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tv   News  RT  February 5, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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and the, the, the headlights on off the international, the former head over us central come on live with its verdict. riding the is really military operation in gaza as unsuccessful. while the number of palestinian civilians killed across the enclave. cost is 27000. is really media says more dest, anita, we will be forced to kill us, and in order to kill him, us, we will have to do this step up with the object to use as well, which is probably the most terrible step up. we will have to do more us on u. k. bobbins, right down on yemen who these won't, it'll only boost hatred towards the west. also in the program to send to the ukrainian ryans by president, the landscape confirms this country needs
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a reset with a new armed forces come under in chief. his talk general refuses to step aside and made a very high profile public stock at a trip to moscow as never called such a frenzy in washington and tucker carlson. this visit to the russian capital gets in front of an american traitor as freedom of speech stateside gets lost in a day. the wide lot of stories lined up for you this hour on oxy, without the predictable mainstream narrative. let's kick it off right now. so it's relative to being in the war now with hamas for nearly 4 months, but so far managed to eliminate only about 20 percent of the groups forces that's according to us estimates and a former american come on to commented on israel to lack of what he called success so far. i think they set themselves a goal of removing the political edge on and the military leadership edge on of,
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of a marsh when they went in and they have not been successful today doing 8 or to pass . i'm going out across the lifetime at least bureau chief marie, if an option are standing by on this. i'm already some pretty strong comments. they have from the former us central come on, come on or i should say it also. you know, when it comes to be, is ready operation of how is it going so far to you? the well hello to your raleigh, almost 4 months into these really mil to operation in gaza with intensive air strikes and grounds combat questions, a logical the reason on what is the progress and how successful the offensive has been. so far, the army managed to cut the guys a sweeping 3 surrounding guys, a city in the north of the inquiry of an isolated hun, eunice in the middle office, 3 base rail reports about significant losses and militants around 9000 fighters were eliminated. israel also claims a dismantled have mass units in the north. so some reports say that's
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a mass is now rehabilitating and building new battalions. and the vision is bringing new commanders. it's hard to evaluate the military success of these really army, while the impacts on ordinary gallons is office. 1.5000000 palestinians had to flee to the south to the junction board or with a now crowd around the rough um and unbearable conditions of the state in house minister reports of israel's offensive claims. so far, the lives of more than 27000 people, including civilians, many of whom were just children, while almost 17000 others have been injured including severely. and it seems the war will continue no matter how successful it is. israel doesn't seem to be ready for a comprehensive ceasefire kind of scenes. bill it offered to have mass just recently is rarely hosted useful power steering and prisoners. housing is rarely jails is still reviewed by the militant group, and it only includes
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a short pause in financing was fond of students in yahoo. stressing repeatedly 6, holding just for some say once again, that's will most likely to every jail and not at any price. so how is this phase in a way that the play of the hostages is a priority for israel? wow, it seems to rather focus on is seconds. declare a mission, which is illuminating a mass. that's the sentiments that's workers. here are the local media as well in a show called patriots on israel's far right wing channel. full teen. have a little analysts seems that perhaps israel will be forced to intensify it's military efforts to collapse. have mass that may lead to pain heavy price. let's say there is no unity for him. awesome. it doesn't matter what it does, it go up, is it hiding in a civilian population? we will be forced to kill a civilian population in order to kill him. us,
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there is no immunity printed. it happens, and that's why there are close to $30000.00 declared that we will have to do this step up with the objectives as well, which is probably the most terrible step up is that we will have to do it, demands heavy sacrifice. and sometimes in order to defeat terrorism, and to prevent the next kidnappings and the next murder, we need the hardest possible resolve. whoever tells you otherwise, even if there's a deal now, is simply lying to use. okay? because that's the price of a promiscuous deal or more of that, these more deaf, more blood, the thinking about those pig naps, $136.00 people still remain incompatibility in gas or that's after 110 hostages. were released following an exchange still with a mass in november in december and a tragic incidence that sparks public condemnation of the idea of when it's operation. and the guy who has 3,
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they really are mistakenly identified 3 hostages as militants during a calm. but in the northern parts of gaza, so they were waving a white flag and all 3 were killed. there were also multiple victims and one is really military kills and accidents and friendly fire. and guys, that's another reason for a criticism of the operations that goes on. no matter was lost with the idea of sab, that's more than 9000 have mass fighters and members of other militant groups faced in the streets, had been killed in the guise of 3 since the beginning of the offense is less than other around thousands, 10 side israel off to they cross the village of from guys on october 7th, queuing around $1200.00 people according to israel, and taking as far as hostages is also flames. it's wanting that around $16000.00 spiders so that they are no longer able to take up arms. but it is still a long way to go, here's what's prime minister has to say about eliminating some,
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not necessarily gold rewards. first of all, the elimination of some of the things that we have taken down 17 out of 20 full battalions. most of the remaining battalions are in the south and got a statement in rafa and we will take care of them as well as well. again, the slides, israel's promises to read and k, have masses fights and pay facilities. us intelligence agencies, reports of the estimate that just stopped to study for science of the milton groups fighters had been killed or injured, and with, from one hand military success of these rarely army on the ground. not exactly all this end from another. had hostages still remaining and contribute to public discontent and disappointment, over the countries offensive in gaza is on the rise. i have to say back to you right on the list for your i. j. murray. if an officer. thank you. so it wasn't all that long ago. the israel was telling gardens to head south for safety these days
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that part of your bank life is proving just as dangerous as the leveled, nor displaced and wounded people of packing out, not hospitals. but the facility itself has come on, come under, i should say in 10, says railey fire in recent weeks. shortage of stock means they can't get the medical care. the victims so badly needed a frustrated parents of the patients there as well as the spoken out of the diet situation. they're trying to survive in day in and day out a 10 days ago. yeah, we received an order to evacuate the facility because the is really army was getting closer to nicer hospital for the children went through difficult times as they were afraid and couldn't sleep due to the ongoing bombing all night long. even the patients couldn't sleep because of the heavy showing. he has a least we could find something to eat here. there's indeed a water crisis and a lack of cleaning stuff. they don't even provide enough medical services. if i have a cold or a sore throat, they tell me it's not their specialization,
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but it's the only advised me to drink boyles cameron meal. however, neither gas to heat things, nor channel meal is available. let's bring up this disturbing map for you right now to show you the level of destruction across the enclave and the civilian infrastructure, taking a pound and let me just have a look at this. right. the reports are telling us dozens of schools, universities, and mosques and hospitals have all been destroyed across the enclave. con eunice, dots in the south, multiple most x rays to the ground valley, a single part of the main road you see right here. this is the main entree where all the palestinians have been fleeing south will that roads been getting bombed, even receive the grim nickname as the road of death. people had been heading along this road or looking for safety in shelter and a refugee commerce. but guess what? those records do comes also i've got the phone. now that instruction has displaced, not only 1900000 people, but it's basically made it impossible for them to return home. and then the last of the ink life, which it had been the initial focus will be as ready campaign or military and
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college. and so many buildings now just late in the room. and i can also city get this and used to be the largest urban center and the entire rang clay with more than half a 1000000 people living that it would be impossible now for that number to live there again and other cities. i don't know if i've also seen immense destruction, schools and hospitals as you know, blend to pieces. so overall, 300 on to 86 educational facilities have a well take really bad damage is to solve this conflict. that's in addition to more than $200.00 places of worship being destroyed along with the $22.00 hospitals. and among the buildings that was a level by the idea is the headquarters of the palestinian red crescent society scale of the destruction. well, you can see for yourself a spokesman for the united nations relief and walks agency of, of palestinian refugees. war one is that the state of affairs is now going to get was now the funding to the u. n. body is all being cut off the yeah,
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that's a behind the decision to suspend assistance to the agency was made as far as i remember by 16 countries, despite the fact that they provided approximately 840 $1000000.00, we now have a significant lack of funds the united nation is relieved and works agency is over the constantly suffering from a lack of financial resources to do the growing needs of refugees. it is possible that the situation continues. we will have to stop our operations not only in guidelines, but in all 5 regions that we operate in. these are guys on the west bank, including the jerusalem, jordan, syria, and lebanon. israel views the united nations relief and works. i didn't see as a witness to the problem of palestinian refugees survived and not bought in 1948, which was caused by the decision to create the east real estate. the existence of such a with this reminds the entire world that there is an important impression issue that requires consideration and a political solution. this is perhaps one of the most important reasons why israel
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is trying to stop the agency. we have enough liquidity to last through february. if there is no additional funding, we will have to stop our operations. if this happens, i will ask the whole world where the israel will step in to replace us. if so, please let the problem be so this way, these countries have a very independent position, but they are united by the assumption that us employees may have taken part in the service act, violent and rules. and in particular, the principal of neutrality, in the work of you in representatives, in any case, they should continue to provide assistance, been in the results of the investigation into the activities of you and employees. us on british forces of jointly launched a another 15 a tax on yeah. maintenance according to various media reports a to preferences with targeting, including the keep port of alpha with data. it seems president joe biden is convinced by the operation, have a look at this or the
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. well, the question does, does claim that it's a strikes in the middle east directly in self defense, but also to protect the freedom of navigation referring to the shipping lanes of the red sea. however, who defies, say, the only goal the attacks are achieving is increasing hatred towards america. the continuation of the american british aggression on our country will not achieve any goals for the aggressors will increase their dilemma and problems at the regional level. airstrikes on our country or on the rack and syria will increase the hatred of the people towards the american presence of this latest round of escalation back out on friday with washington. not least of massive bombing campaign on both iraq and syria. 34 people killed many more wounded. so that's have a really good look now at how is american diplomacy playing out across them? at least, is all these shape of most of us at his allies embark on yet another round of gun
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boat diplomacy in the middle east. you might find yourself thinking, i've seen this movie before, and more importantly, i know what's next wave. washington's no telling us it's bombing. yeah, there's a rock on syria, b escalate to engines and live at least yet. much like israel is telling us that civilians are being massacred in gaza, so we can to feed how much, hey, they even managed to mention the so called rules based order. recognizing the broad consensus of the international community. our coalition of like minded countries committed to upholding the rules based order has continued to grow. our aim remains to de escalate tensions and restore stability in the red sea. and of course the usual hawks in washington, lindsey gray and nikki haley are paying for blood. when the real estate side is convinced that us boots on the ground are a good idea, maybe the fact that american troops are now being targeted across the region is a less than simple reminder that uncle sam has worn out his welcome in the
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neighborhood. if we do not see conflict, then let's get the troops out of the, then not welcome. they are not needed, the indefensible to august for anyone in the region who wants to prove that conflict, get them out. and well, moderating voices are shouted down in washington war words, you're going to hear a lot more off. is iran? every scripted narrative needs a bowl game on i don't, right now you're radians. are most definitely if, of course, rather than actually engage in dialogue with tech who run, or it's supposed proxies the who these us as yet again decided to resort to military escalation. meanwhile, the uranium and who the positions are quite clear, the military campaigns of the us and the u. k. in their attacks on the countries of this region are the continuation of their policy policies. an approach of using militarism to advance sir e legitimate goals in the region. this is in clear conflicts with washington and
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london is repeated claims that they do not want to spread war and conflicts in the region. american british attacks on the many capital as well as on other governor. it's an ongoing aggression and it is an open war. so they have to bear the many strikes and responses and they are ongoing and will not be delayed. well, it seems the western lack of imagination when dealing with the middle east is rooted, and it's post colonial culpability for the very problems that now seeks to resolve . but how do they seek to resolve them when you get it by bombing and threatening the people of the region? and as marie is a hire of, of the russian foreign ministry points out potentially whitening a conflict with catastrophic consequences. need to cause key dissolved. the air strikes are specifically designed to further inflame the conflict. like almost with that pause recently attacked and targets of allegedly pro running groups in iraq and syria. the united states is more purposefully trying to plunge the largest
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country in the region into conflict about washington, believing its impunity continues to so destruction and callous in the middle east coast of recent events confirmed the united states is not and has never been looking for solutions to problems in the region creek, but meanwhile, as rush on his allies point, though, the escalating dangers, you'll sep burrell, the chief gardener on top diploma with heavy on the analogies. exploding boilers unfolding domino's featured heavily, but accepting europe's historical responsibilities from many of the regions troubles was notably absent. it's all about the know, the how we got here piece. well, that's conveniently forgot to meet the lease is a big boy. you that, that kind as broad as sort of the lady that there is at bags and balls and leaving them both on northern solved the can see the right back to any dog. i couldn't do it right. see, one thing is related with the other. this is a domino, a domino effect integration. so as we watched the mid lea simmer on the verge of
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a wider and potentially catastrophic conflict, one thing is absolutely certain when it comes to the west, much quoted rules based order. and then the least, it's now obvious that it's the united states that makes the rules and uncle, so that gives the orders. and that's not up for discussion in washington. well, we discussed it with john lift and political. i looked at that would cool top enough. he believes the best way to actually deescalate, and it's not that complicated. frankly, it would simply be to stop the violence in god's the americans don't see it that way and they're attacking without realizing that every attack will bring about another retaliation. and the spiral of violence will continue. so we are in the, in the situ. busy ocean where the sites of violence is moving and retails more original concepts are increasingly rather than decreasing despite what the americans are saying. so i think a comprehensive ceasefire in gaza that includes the red sea. i think we put it in
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to the attacks against ships on the red sea is very sensitive and watch a way that connects asia with that with europe. and it was so for all kinds of countries concerned, including our country, including many of their countries and ship oil and other things at the tensions on the red sea res insurance prices and makes things difficult. so i hope that the americans understand that the best solution is a comprehensive ceasefire. so he may be at war on the front lines, but ukraine's president is also facing a baffled within his own ranks. after a southern visit from america is victoria newland aka the midwife of the 2014 my dad revolution and key of what's the difference he has now confirmed for the 1st time that he's thinking about replacing the commander in chief of his armed forces . that admission coming off for a folder quite as tim about rumors that have indeed been circulating a default, a set of miles
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a request. there was much talk about the role of the commander of the armed forces general was allusion and his possible removal fact. okay. so headed to police concerns, the people who need to crane a reset and a new beginning are required. and not only in the military sphere, it's true. i am thinking about a replacement. this issue concerns the entire management group that drives the whole country. you'll still be expecting ukrainian president, one of them, is it letting ski and come, audrey and chief other reason recently have been that long as for months that spot . but when it became clear, the credit is much higher. would it come through the fence? they've had failed, just like in the 1st world war, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. that will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough in my a. a should be responsible for the results on the battlefield. there can be complicated personal relationships, but ukraine is not about the personal. i expect very concrete things on the battlefield. because illusion the for his ball chris,
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the size of let skis were phones to the mobilization process. he was particularly on good by the presidential decree, which recommended the sacking of full regional minutes. recall massage. they were professionals, they knew how to do it. and now they are not there. in terms of mobilize ation issues, it's not that it needs to be strengthened. it just needs to be brought back to the framework in which it was in which it worked before the ministry leader also set the drum store mobilization, did not meet the interest of the army. so loosely wanted an additional $500000.00 troops. so the landscape said there was no money on the lock of equipment to facilitate this illusion. he was also particularly critical of the decision to mobilize women, something which so worldwide the original, and then doing routine inspections. eaves dropping devices were found in solution use office according to opinion polls permanent crossings and usually is an 82 percent compared to 72 percent the licensee for the cold election. the schedule for
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this year being postponed, illuminating the potential threats of a defeat at the polls. it wasn't just in ukraine where panic, setting western leaders were also shocked by the news. with some suggestion that let's he had been lens on by his supporters forcing him to roll back from his decision, highly placed european diplomat working on the ukraine. and she messaged me last night in horror and bewilderment, saying that their embassy and cube had been sounded out yesterday about a military re shuffle this morning. they reported the bunk of a sling for the presidential administration, whose offices are on the street. by that name seems to have regained its senses. what were they thinking? whatever the situation isn't clear, how with changing ministry come on to wanting to success on the battlefield without the increase weapons and so does the illusion he demanded. the netscape will face a number of challenges off to sucking his army chief. the potential impact on military aid is just one of the ukraine's wisdom pauses have constantly pressed to
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the landscape to switch to a more strategic defense. exactly. the policy put forward by the lose me find it to do this by using the cash dry up. second me the issue who will replace that solution is unclear with no, not for success or apparent. it is far from clear. the new commander will be able to improve agrees, difficult situation on the battlefield without significantly more forces and weapons. precisely was the illusion it has demanded over the last k. i think, tash and what was already frame relationship. those nice popularity, both within the military and among ordinary citizens, makes his removal a political gamble for his last k. the crux and the leadership are a cause of concern for ukraine and also is western support is where patients, unconscious starting to run very se. piece deals and now being openly discussed in some parts of the western media on the sucking of illusion. e, now you see some of caps. most audit support is asking some very tough questions. a
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lot of them up had to go in security unless the michael and lou fee believes that presents the landscape at the end of the day is now back to himself into a corner. he doesn't know how to proceed here with this, with his own. with this war and i think he's up and he's got a back up against the wall. he's. he's lashing out and he's been told by she'll lose me that now you got to face reality rushes or you're you, we don't have like, we don't have that capability to launch counter offensive. and we need to settle. and that, that is unacceptable to us on wednesday. again, he's living in his own bubble and people have told him that. but he refuses to consider reality and, and i think he's ultimately going to have to leave the country. he's already postponed elections so that that's probably the wrong movie,
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should have hope for elections and they've gotten defeated and the have someone else replacing but i agree. i hate he. he didn't think that through. so i think that yeah, he's got it. he's got a start coming to terms with his with his own reality. frankly, this is the international. so while an american citizen visiting moscow would normally never make that headlines when not, mine is tucker carlson. the western media goes into a frenzy. earlier i spoke with his donald cool, if you'd like more details it's definitely been quite interesting to see just how the social media has exploded with all different shades of speculation. after just a few pictures surface, the tucker carlson, enjoying a ballet at the ball show theater. i mean, although tucker himself has said that he's in the country just to see russia. the main theory that most people are spreading around is that he's here for an interview with russian president vladimir, put in something that tucker himself also has neither confirmed nor denied. but
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whatever the case is, we've seen a lot of liberals throw in absolute fear about this, saying that he should not be able to return to the united states just for setting foot and russia. others are saying that the republicans are taking marching orders from the kremlin was sick of us. perhaps we need a total and complete shut down of tucker carlson. re entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. tucker carlson has been 3 days in moscow. 8 g o p senators ben, july 4th in moscow. mike johnson is killing ukraine aid. republicans do not serve america. they serve, put in, he is a traitor. stallnicher and how quickly the political, immediate landscape tons on talk a cause. and he used to be a darling of america, fox news. i think it was m as nbc as well. we used to both work and cnn. i mean my goodness me. but i guess at the end of the day don't, it's not the 1st time we think culture of us. it's regarding a potential talk, a cos and individual. that's right. of several months ago. tucker carlson said publicly that he was trying to secure an interview with the russian president
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vladimir put in. but he also said that the us government stepped in actively step in to stop that from happening. so let's take a listen to what do you set up a time when i try to interview black. you must think about that for an nobody defended me. there is not a time. i don't think you're with anybody else can use me to use 22nd. you know, i mean, not like this guy, but she is right to interview anybody want to we have a right to you. we, you know what to. well, you know, i think you're because boys because why no vote on, you know, no one after me. i'm 54 years old. i pay my taxes and follow the law. i'm an american citizen. how much more royal americans a job. i didn't even brought to this country suburban canada. they're telling me what to do to be a loyal americans, like i'm just not even interested at this point. it really makes you wonder why. just a simple interview with vladimir putin is creating so much hysteria in the mainstream media and, and more importantly, so much fear in washington, perhaps after so many years of trying to paint this evil caricature of when evil
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dictator, allowing the russian present to actually show a human face to the american public is much more dangerous for the status quo than anyone in washington would want to say. i was discussing this all day with all to contribute atara read enough. she says that washington is simply stead of calls and the truth. she might show about russia put in, and it's people, a strong the military industrial, complex narrative about the proxy war is that the us and data is fighting against russia via ukraine. it's destroying the need. it's destroying the narrative about a person being some evil dictator. it's destroying the narrative that russia is suffering economically when actually there's a friday middle class. and so tucker carlson came to see moscow and russia for himself and, and that's a good thing and he's a journalist that should be able to interview any one. he wishes americans have been in n date of propaganda about moscow, about russia,
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about let him about president putin. and the truth is, and if you watched even back with his oliver stone interviews on showtime, president, putin is very measured, very calm, very logical. he is quite the statesman, he can carry on interviews for 6 hours at a time. well, the d o j and the powers that be don't want that scene because look at what they have in comparison. i mean, the american president can barely string 2 sentences together, right? um, so the contrast will be viewed by the american people. it will also be heard what a president putin has said over and over again that russia does not want a war with america and has said that probably many times and i'm sure he will say it again. i anticipate that his interview with tucker carlson will bring more knowledge, more education to hundreds of millions of people. i mean, the average viewer could be 302500 1000000 on x smart wrapping up this house program here. and i'll take a quick side note for you, i think you know, the candidates prime minister dropped intruder. he wants to over
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a whole the like toral voting process right before his october elections. and while his writings are in the toilet, he wants to mail in balance to be the main form of voting. and that's what people kind of came because that's the easiest way to harvest and balance and cook the books. it seems the unpopular true. i will try about and the thing to stay empower you make sure you question most with us here at the i'm actually.


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