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tv   News  RT  February 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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hello and welcome to the cost of full doors. here we discuss the wheel and the, the headlines one off the international, a full my head of a us, the central come on that deliberately is verdict. brand thing to be is really ministry operation and gaza. as unsuccessful. the number of palestinian civilians killed across the enclave. pauses 27000 is ready. media says more death on need. we will be forced to kill a civilian population in order to kill him. us. we will have to do this step up with the objectives as well, which is probably the most terrible step up. we will have to do more of us and u. k. bob, who's rain down on yemen who these won't, it'll only boost hate truth towards the west. the kind of
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trip to moscow was never cause such a frenzy in washington and tucker, costs and submitted to the russian capital gets in branded and american trade to as freedom of speech stateside, gets lost in a day at georgia and security services intercept, ukrainian, attempt to smuggle 14 key loads of explosives into russia through georgia and territory. i think the plan was the frame, georgia to the tara, the for the very good, anything to hear more of us here at all to international and most go just office 7 pm before we take office hours program. we do have unconfirmed reports. we understand the talk across and at a presidential administrative building here at moscow. he has wrapped up his interview with whoever he was interviewing. it took over an hour. we understand he's more than likely now heading back to his hotel. we'll give you more details as this evening. progress is that the mean time israel and of course now has been it
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will become us for nearly 4 months, but so far has managed to eliminate only about 20 percent of the groups forces, according to american estimates. and the former come on to the us central come on, commented on tel aviv lack of success sofa. i think they set themselves a goal of removing the political echelon and the military leadership that's actual on of, of a marsh. when they went in and they have not been successful today, the doing either question is a logical or reason on what is the progress and how successful the offensive has been. so far, the army managed to cuts the guys as creeping 3 surrounding guys of safety in the north and being quite an isolated hon eunice pace, rel reports about significant losses and militants around $9000.00 fighters reports of the eliminated israel also claims a dismantled have mass united in the north, the some reports say that a mass is now rehabilitating and building new battalions and the vision is bringing
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. new commanders is hard to evaluate the military success of these really armies. while the impacts on ordinary gallons is office. i'm assuming house minute story pool. it's beth. israel is offensive plain so far. the lives of more than 27000 people, including civilians, many of whom were just children, while almost 17000 others have been injured including severely kind of things. the war will continue. no matter how successful it is, israel doesn't seem to be ready for a comprehensive ceasefire and exchange bill it's offered to have much just recently is rarely hosted useful, palestinian prisoners housing is rarely jails is still reviewed by the militant group and it only includes assurance pools and fine to with farm and a certain yeah. how stressing repeatedly, including just recently, once again, that will not agree to every detail and not at any price. so how it was faith in a way that the player of the hostages is
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a priority for israel. while it seems to rather focus on his seconds, declare a mission, which is illuminating a mass. that's the sentiments that's workers. here are the local media as well. now that there is no immunity for him, awesome. it doesn't matter what it does, it go up, is it hiding into civilian partners? surely we will be forced to kill a $1799.00. in order to kill him. us. there is no immunity. it happens. and that's why there are close to $30000.00 declared that we will have to do this step up with the objectives as well, which is probably the most terrible step up is that we will have to do it, demands heavy sacrifices, sometimes in order to defeat terrorism, and to prevent the next kidnappings and the next murder, we need the hardest possible resolve. whoever tells you otherwise, even if there's a deal now, is simply lying to use. okay? because that's the price of a promiscuous. you'll get a more objectives or more death, more blood, the holly middle in december, and a tragic incident inspect sparks public condemnation of the idea of and it's
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operation. and the guy who has 3, they really are mistakenly identified 3 hostages as militants during a calm but in the northern parts of gaza. although they were waving a white flag and all 3 were killed. there were also multiple victims, and one is really military kills. and accidents and friendly fire and guys, that's another reason for a criticism of the operation that goes on. no matter was from one hand, military successful days, rarely army on the ground. not exactly all does and from another, had hostages, still remaining, and connectivity, public discontent. and disappointment over the country is offensive in gaza is on the rise. i have to say, as i'm sure you remember the stock of the complex israel told gardens to head south for safety. these days that part of yank say if it's become just as dangerous as the leveled nor displaced on who the people are putting out but not sort of hospital. but now the facility, as you know, has already come under intense,
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is really via the shortage of stuff, means people to con, get the medical pad a so badly need frustrated patients spoke about the dire situation. 10 days ago we received an order to evacuate the facility because the is really army was getting closer to nicer hospital. lots for the children went through difficult times, far as they were afraid and couldn't sleep due to the ongoing bombing all night long. even the patients couldn't sleep because of the heavy showing. he has a lease, we could find something to eat here. there's indeed a water crisis and a lack of cleaning stuff. they don't even provide enough medical services. if i have a cold or a sore throat, they tell me it's not their specialization, but it's the only advised me to drink boils campbell meal. however, neither gas to heat things nor campbell meal is available to bring up this disturbing map for you. so you get an idea about the destruction done to the
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civilian infrastructure. so many reports here at odds e, from dozens of schools and universities, mosques and hospitals just being destroyed across the anxiety. it con units, for example, in the south multiple most x rays to the ground, well, barely a single part of the main road running south is being left untouched. this road right here, it's even been nicknamed the road of death. people have been heading along that road, looking for safety and shelter, and a refugee comes. but guess what? yeah, those shoulders and refugee comes got bottomed by as route as well. of the destruction is not on the 4th 1900000 people to leave at home is basically made it impossible for them to return. and then north of the enclave, which of course had to be in the initial focus of the as riley military incursion. many buildings now lie and ruined garza city, believe it or not used to be the enclaves law just up in the city center with a population of half a 1000000 homeless for them. well, they no longer exist. other cities have also seen immense disruption. as i said, schools and hospitals, basically blown to bits, well, overall 386 facilities,
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educational facilities have been damaged since the start of the call look at the numbers for you right here. that's in addition to more than $200.00 places of worship being destroyed along with $22.00 hospitals. and among those buildings, the palestinian red crescent societies headquarters. we can show you the scale of destruction. recent stripes on the all amount of hospital and han units claimed the lives of 3 palestine red crescent workers. humanitarian organization has condemned the idea of a tax emphasizing the need to protect those, providing really under international humanitarian law, hospitals, ambulance, as health care workers, and their patients must be respected and protected in every situation. any attack on health care workers, ambulances, and medical facilities is unacceptable. we strongly reiterate our call for unwavering respect for the red cross, red crescent, and red crystal emblems, and the crucial humanitarian services they represent. all right,
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let's have this conversation further on crossing live balance of tomas. so the longer spokesman for the international federation of the red cross and red crescent society. so to i'm also a very well welcome to and a very good evening as well. i know that i've been keeping an eye on your reports. i know you know the whole scoop, but based all of the accounts of your colleagues in gaza. do you believe tomas or the, the international humanitarian law or to safe god, health care is being observed in god's the official thanks for each day when we saw in uh in different incidence that the international you might have uh no was uh uh, not the respect its clear that when uh and then once uh is uh to get the, the, when up. uh, all speed goes to money that in payments is that the, it's clear that there is a, there is an issue now. i'm not a lawyer or no expert. so, and, and also that i don't get these issues that other than that costs to seek for
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responsibilities and also to get them on the dates about what this up. and what i can tell you though, is there, uh, the mazda. she was that one colleague, she was the beautiful them 2 years on the side of crescent. that's the the last the sake on when day i'm out of the day. me see, swear to eat the last friday she was the tweet to displace the one the, the by the by the conflict. and she was cute. and she's not pretty mode. we dies. and these, the last, the strategy a call for the number of 14, the women in man that we lost the seems the beginning of the call and sick. this 11, the members of the policy side, recursive society being the guys us 30, and 30 members of the market and the use that and again, this is a shocking, awful, unacceptable. that reminds that where the level of violence of this conflict does not either way, not even, you might, it doesn't work as a, as i need respect. and you know,
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you bring those my next question because i wanted to ask you to him also about your 14 colleagues killed in gauze, as you say, shocking, unprecedented, totally unacceptable. so what can you do or what kind of forward he's do to prevent any more of your colleagues to monetary and workers from being killed and the conflicts on as well. first of all, that is supposed to be you guys in the past you signed in. so the 5 piece of the call and see if any experience with the 5 piece of the policy, there's a responsibility for the spect faith and to show you money that i know international losing didn't have a good. so what i did for that is on to be respective the end of your life and open a dock as moment of humanity, like a missed call. and then of course, on our website the is the, i mean, this is not, is not enough, but only to edit you on, on, on the weight of the what devices will complete. so once we have doing the, i swear the not in any other, based on the word useful, disseminate that these are the ones to create awareness. but thoughts are most important to talk with about this, you know, by that, that of talks in
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a confidential, to make sure that these are the ones that implemented didn't even effect when that is not the means. we even use the most of these do both by continuing to work because it's exactly what we have to do. and then the last but not least we, i don't even even be spying working with our themes. and we thought what volunteers, we thought was faster in policy and he's there and as well, i gave you the competition to work, to make sure that the, the taking they take into account and they have in place all the possible safety measures that can be done in the candle on sunday seagly. so now i want to make clear that i would ever blame easily the assign of protection. so no one should ever try to get the phone pointing done to a woman what amanda would be. you know, i would predict the ambulance on the shoulder sweat. i mean, as, as you say, you're able to me, it is a sign it protection. but we, we've seen too many reports about you, monetary and convoys. an ambulance is
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a getting caught up in the strike somebody. let me ask you, it's a mazda, i mean the idea of attacks continue to hit severely and infrastructure and gaza. despite the international court of justice, ruining the israel must do everything to prevent a genocide. you know, the court 100 down basically between 6 and 9 measures to be implemented by israel to prevent the genocide prevent though. so according for a genocide to allow for the excess of all aid and basic services as well, there are a number of instructions for israel to follow. and then report back to the i c j in about 3 weeks time. but i guess to my so what steps the international community take to try and put an end to this boy, it does seem, i'm not trying to get political with you here, but it does seem that washington is now almost backing off from his support. is there a right now bite and seems a bit disappointed in this? and y'all, whose behavior, what can the world do to them also to finally bring this war to a close of what the word that the international community did the bottom of the community. they must be doing what they are supposed to do. i mean,
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people of the community i think exist exactly to bring dialogue. even they do it in conflict that and do it in difficult times. and i mean, we, we, you know, in the past, i think in the past the 2 big a, they big, big aids or, or even more, we thought that the, so we do for granted the some, some word said that then became auction to feel like and once the that, that at least my move to that, that approaching from national study, that is the respect the for do you mind that in what it gets that and we're seeing in dc based on as well as the many other side to the many of the complex stuff that these words probably of the cannot be difficult to get on to the anymore. so again, that what they should do find the solution being that they 5 piece of the conflict that many of you do not state goals, they don't international as they part of the table and find what do you think of sort of done for the for this conflict that you know, which is the problem. first, the problems 1st step, that wouldn't be not easy. but 2nd,
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because i need to be optimistic. so even if it's not these a, of that, these read up insight on these, the people in gaza as well as the all studies that i left the so they also do, you still don't have any more time. so we need to see auction and we just the actual now, because when you're going to have access to thousands of people in the north of guys, when you see what the speed of the mother said aggressive previously is when you see all cities that does not get the more they need the or they can not be getting connected with the family. of course it's clear that something is not going well, so we don't fall for the diploma guess what would it be there? and with that, the international community we find that we need to go through something as soon as possible. yeah, great, absolutely. it's a very strong comments as well from tomas, so that along the spokesman of the international federation of the right across joining us from geneva. thank you very much. thank you. the us signed up british forces have joined the launch another 15 attacks on yemen, according to local reports to provinces with targeted, including the key port of alpha with data. and it seems,
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perhaps president joe biden is convinced by the effectiveness of this military incursion. the washington sizes that strikes in the middle east are in self defense, but also to protect the freedom of navigation, referring to the shipping lines of the red sea. however, who the fighters say the only goal the attacks are achieving is increasing a hatred to what the americans have and listen for yourself. the continuation of the american british aggression on our country will not achieve any goals for the aggressors, which will increase their dilemma and problems at the regional level. airstrikes on our country or on the right and syria will increase the hatred of the people towards the american presence. and so, like as round investigation back out on friday when washington at least a massive bombing campaign across 2 countries, iraq on syria, at least 34 people killed, so many more wounded. so let's have a good look. now,
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how is american diplomacy now rolling out across the middle east with all what is being called carpet bombing of salt written nations? here's ortiz shape of, of us to us as allies embark on. yet another round of going both diplomacy in the middle east. you might find yourself thinking, i've seen this movie before, and more importantly, i know what's next wave. washington's no telling us it's palming. yeah, the rock on syria, deescalate tensions and live at least yet, much like israel is telling us that civilians are being massacred in gaza. so we can to feed him us hey, they even managed to mention the so called rules based order. recognizing the broad consensus of the international community, our coalition of like minded countries committed to upholding the rules based order has continued to grow. our aim remains to de escalate tensions and restore stability in the red sea. and of course, the usual hawks in washington,
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lindsey gray and nikki haley. a bang for blood. when the real estate side is convinced that us boots on the ground are a good idea. maybe the fact that american troops are now being targeted across the region is a less than simple reminder that uncle sam has worn out his welcome in the neighborhood . if we do not see conflict, then let's get the troops out of the, then not welcome. they are not needed the indefensible to august for anyone in the region who wants to prove that conflict, get them out. and well, moderating voices are shouted down in washington. war words, you're going to hear a lot more off. is iran? every scripted narrative need a bowl game on i don't, right now your radians are most definitely if, of course, rather than actually engage in dialogue with a run, or it's opposed proxies, the who these us as yet again decided to resort to military escalation. meanwhile, the uranium and who the positions are quite clear,
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the military campaigns of the us and the u. k. in their attacks on the countries of this region are the continuation of their policy policies. an approach of using militarism to advance sir e legitimate goals in the region. this is in clear conflicts with washington and london is repeated claims that they do not want to spread war and conflict in the region. american british attacks on the many capital as well as on other governor. it's an ongoing aggression and it is an open war. so they have to bear the human who strikes and responses and their ongoing will not be delayed. what seems the western lack of imagination when dealing with the middle east is rooted, and it's post colonial culpability for the very problems that now seeks to resolve . but how do they seek to resolve them when you get it by bombing and threatening the people of the region? how does marie, is a hire of, of the russian foreign ministry points out potentially whitening
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a conflict with catastrophic consequences need to cause key dissolved. the air strikes are specifically designed to further inflame the conflict way. almost with that pause recently attacked and targets of allegedly pro running groups in iraq and syria. the united states is more purposefully trying to plunge the largest country in the region into conflict about washington, believing its impunity continues to so destruction and callous in the middle east. coast recent events, confirmed united states really is not and has never been looking for solutions to problems in the region creek. but meanwhile, as rush on his allies point out, the escalating dangers, you'll set burrell be use chief gardener on top diploma with heavy on the analogies . exploding boilers unfolding domino's featured heavily, but accepting europe's historical responsibility for many of the regions. troubles was notably absence. it's all about the now the how we got here piece. well, that's conveniently forgot to meet the lease is a little boy you that,
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that kind as broad as sort of the lady that there is at bags and balls and leave a number with on northern solved it. i can see the right back to any dog. i couldn't do it, right. see? one thing it's related with the other. this is a domino a domino effect to reach us. so as we watched the mid lea simmer on the verge of a wind and potentially catastrophic conflict, one thing is absolutely certain when it comes to the west, much quoted rules based order on the me least, it's now obvious that it's the united states that makes the rules and uncle, so that gives the orders and that's not up for discussion in washington. this is austin international. so while an american citizen and visiting moscow would never know money make the headlines when that amount is tucker across the western media goes into a frenzy. and that's we understand here at odds a. he's already wrapped up his top secret interview this evening and has left the presidential administrative building. but who was the interviewing? do you think?
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oh there i talked about the frenzy to west and reaction to tuckers visit with us. he is donald cord. it definitely been quite interesting to see just how the social media has exploded with all different shades of speculation. after just a few pictures surface, the tucker carlson, enjoying a ballet at the ball choice theater. i mean, although tucker himself has said that he's in the country just to see russia. the main theory that most people are spreading around is that he's here for an interview with russian president vladimir, put in something that tucker himself also has neither confirmed nor denied. but whatever the case is, we've seen a lot of liberals throw in absolute fear about this, saying that he should not be able to return to the united states just for setting foot and russia. others are saying that the republicans are taking marching orders from the kremlin was taken with. perhaps we need a total and complete shut down of tucker carlson. re entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. tucker carlson has been 3 days in moscow. 8 g o p senators ben,
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july 4th in moscow. mike johnson is killing ukraine aid. republicans do not serve america. they serve, put in p as a traitor. stallnicher and how quickly the political, immediate landscape tons on talk a cause. and he used to be a darling of america, fox news. i think it was most nbc as well. we used to both work at cnn. i mean like goodness me. but i guess at the end of the day don't, it's not the 1st time we think culture of us regarding a potential talk, a cost and interview on. that's right. of several months ago. tucker carlson said publicly that he was trying to secure an interview with the russian president vladimir put in. but he also said that the us government stepped in actively step in to stop that from happening. so let's take a listen to what do you set up the time i try to interview black. you must have a stop. think about that for a minute. nobody defended me. there is not a time. i don't think you're with anybody else can use me to use the 22nd. you know, i mean, not like this guy, but she is right to interview anybody want to we have a right to you. we, you know what to well,
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you don't want to do this boys because why? we're no vote on, you know, no one asked me, i'm 54 years old. i pay my taxes and follow the wall. i'm an american citizen. how much more royal americans a job i didn't even brought to this country suburban canada. they're telling me what to do to be a loyal americans, like i'm just not even interested at this point. it really makes you wonder why just as simple interview with vladimir putting his crating so much hysteria in the mainstream media and, and more importantly, so much fear in washington, perhaps with after so many years of trying to paint this evil caricature of this when evil dictator allowing the russian president to actually show a human face to the american public is much more dangerous for the status quo than anyone in washington would want to get this georgia and security services saying they intercepted a shipment of full teen q lows of sea for explosives it was supposed to be smuggled into russia. got this and here's the part they say,
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georgia says ukraine planted in a way that would implicate tbilisi this. normally, socrates did all the details of the case and the actual situation give reasons, the suspects that the use of the territory of georgia and the large involvement of georgia and citizens in this process serve to create the opinion that the planning and implementation of terror stacks would be blamed on georgia, our lives got it. according to georgia and security services, a cargo full of explosives was detained in georgia and he was able to be transported to the city of what it is in russia. the weight of the explosive is, is set to be 14 kilograms and they were hidden in batteries for electric vehicles. now let's break down the route that was taken for this journey for the explosives because they started their journey from i just via romania to bulgaria and turkey to georgia. and if we take a look at the root of the explosives that were used in the crime in bridge attack
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back in october of 2022. georgia also finds itself on the map. so it looks like georgia is the smugglers favorite spot to get to a restaurant, except that this time it didn't work as they want. now how the explosives were detained on the border crossing between georgia and russia, and the other house was left by the smugglers in the georgian capital, leaving the authorities to believe that those were supposed to be used in a terrorist attack inside georgia, as well as the georgian authorities have mentioned that they've tightened security on the board or no, according to the investigation. 7, georgia nationals, 3 ukrainians, and to armenians were identified as potential suspects of being involved. and the mastermind behind this whole scheme is set to be ukrainian national. uh andre. so that she'd say, now this man, just
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a little bit of background about him. he's based in odessa, and this man was also working as a business man in law. so up until 2019. now, georgia has no specified whether it did tell and was rational in this situation or not. but that's not really surprising, considering the complicated relationship between both countries. you know, as georgia leads more towards the western side of things. this whole situation could bring georgia a change of heart when it comes to ukraine. ok states side now in the michigan city of dibble and law enforcement has been put on a hiking to load off of the mayor said, i know all pad has cost a spike. an empty is law makes sent them in the area effective immediately. dearborn police will ramp up its presence across all places of worship and major infrastructure points. this is a direct result of the inflammatory wall street journal opinion piece that has led
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to an alarming increase in bigoted and is lama phobic rhetoric online targeting the city of dearborn. all right, well here's the headline. that's spotted old america has she had capital, allegedly inside the article, they blame local and mom was for signing with her boss to thousands came to the streets during pro palestinian rallies. john list highlighted the local praise he don't have asked for the 7th of october attack and the cold, the hood for the end of israel as a state. he also underlines that dable one is a place where many what he calls she had activists reside in the raising funding source. believe to be tara organizations, the piece is branded as arrow, but i'm racist to the alternator explaining he have no intention to play in any patriot. well, let's take this further. now, of course, live to kind of send you an american journalist on the editor of the palestine conical order, ramsey, but who are joining here on out to us on how to international a very good evening ramsey. it's great to have you on the program. what do you
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think that means that 1st the w s. j piece has been labeled as lama phobic. lots of direct quotes here. october, the 7th. was a miracle come true. for example, the local and i'm off and his congregation to say on man to eradicate design is regime. i mean all those pods is on the phone, the big old just pointing out what's being said. oh hey, i think it's important that we actually go back just a little bit to ask the question about who is the person who wrote this piece and what was the allowed to write it in the 1st page, stephen kolinski is with the memory. memory is the middle east research institute. it exists to find fault in the muslim reg, visit you send that are the points that left the article sometimes taken out of context, sometimes not sticking out of the context. but the point is to create this kind of n team was slim sentiment anywhere in western media have very, very good relationship with a major newspapers,
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including the new types often wanted in the wall street journal in the washington post and core e right wing media love and embrace the narrative created by these organizations. d which are connected at some level, for example, the media of research institute memory is connected with daniel type method is for this very good relationship built or linked to this, but you do lobby a past and so forth. that is where you then use people who are it's, it's still has it through years ago. that is really military and is we get a government stop of monitoring supposedly at the end because we'll send 2 months in middle east media because of this organization. so the, or the serving as the intellectual arm over the, is we the government more or less? i slice, if you like this article. now, why did he write it now? and i think he wrote it now because they find that there is a great opportunity to mix the cards between what's happening in gaza.


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