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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  February 5, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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with a major newspapers including them, you will find often quoted in the wall street journal in the washington post and core e right wing media love and embrace the narrative created by these organizations which are connected at some level. for example, the media of research institute memory is connected with daniel types with these for this very good relationship built or linked to this, but you do lobby a box and so forth. but the is we're going to use people who are it's, it's still has it through years ago. that is really military and is we get a government stop of monitoring supposedly at the end because we'll send 2 months in middle east media because of this organization. so the, or the serving as the intellectual or over the is we the government more or less? i slice, if you like this article. now, why did he write it now? and i think he wrote it now because they find that there's a great opportunity to mix the cards between what's happening in gaza between them
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was implemented to the standing and sort of everything with palestinians in gauze. that's an interesting, interesting point. the coming from younger i'm see, i mean, luckily i, i honest that we think about the all of us steven spell in sky. you know, he's got a clear platform. it's, it's biased and his link to be is ready low. but the w. s. j piece that the also i should say also are branded dibble and quote america cuz she had capital is that they're all good tree in itself. do you think i a sports? i mean the academy members started or, or florist often 911. and if you look at the legacy that they have created behind, so the legacy of hate and racism and, and, and sadly, it's of the very good purpose of doing that. you walk war and the post you want, what now the or kind of popping up again and swipe just to confirm those. he's going after dupont. michigan in particular is very important. politically, it is a state that the democrats have lost when some grant against hillary clinton bye
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didn't barely broke it, but now we are actually losing according to penny and pulls. so he's trying to or they are trying and memory to come to read this controversy. again, to become a big deal to become and indeed that's exactly what the bought. i mean by that himself, me, department, when this the middle of the city do the trying to still put diversity and benefits of it in various ways including financially, in terms of donations. and that's what, what this is very dangerous because there's so many n t was slim tax and to our attention the united states right now, as reported by peer d and d, r of the american anti discrimination. for many, it's a committee of, even though it's so is it that they have been facing read to attach the most names, and are you into this time that actually do what it is? range, ramsey, how so many of these western societies enjoy having a divided public that is about to be said for that's being a very useful situation for various politicians, ramsey borrowed as
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a palestinian american journalist and the editor of the palestine chronicle. really appreciate you setting light on this story, but obviously thank you for your time. thank you for joining us there for this program live for most, but this is odd international. thank you for joining us for this live grow a cost of like a quite cheated through the desk and pop it out the time. i do hope you can join the hello. i'm manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi in a run off election that's done to the world, a political novice, and sub styled and our co capital list. walk it to the highest office in this major or south american country, just who is heavier mulay. and what will his presidency mean for argentina, as the brits nations brace for, fall out. all right, let's get into the m o the
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he's rash wild and we'll be. he goes on tv and alicia is what many call maniacal tirades. he's never help political office before, but somehow he managed to become president. most my think i'm referring to donald trump, but today we're talking about argentina's new president, heavier mulay, who by the way, also ran on the slogan of maga, make argentina great again. now, in what most around the world would describe as a political outsider who seemingly came out of nowhere, malays done the political class around the globe with his decisive victory over a 2 party establishment in argentina and making himself the 1st self proclaimed libertarian president. in the americas, now will go on the ground too, but us ires. now with our next guest, he is
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a political journalist with expertise covering domestic issues in origin data. a loud auto fernandez. e meshawn, you can follow him on porter. i still called twitter. it's x at loud that f y, and thanks for being with us about the auto 1st, i have your relay has been described by many in the mainstream media as far right? however, he considers himself a libertarian and, and our co capitalist. he's an economist, he's an academic and a political outside, or where do you see that he falls on this political spectrum? is he truly a departure from the political do all police so many have complained about in argentina? it's a really good question and we have to separate mulay between his philosophical speech and he's the top yeah. um what she has put into practice in the short time, she supposed to be in an office. first of all, the mosse,
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the say that when me, they begun to embarrass uh, saw, or did you go figure? she's a rhetoric, was it totally lever tati? ah, no, no, not going to be the least. and the philosophy brooklyn was in general terms and the state's ease of div dot takes money from the people to the dock sees that do the show only. it says to guarantee the private property that to all commercial relations between people, it should be handled by different markets on, in the way for you. that is going to be a cheap actually cost made, extreme compar, uh comparisons such as that the state is the, the fun in the kindergarten with the babies change the very bites.
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embosser, liam, i doubt if she has to choose between the states and the mafia. she stays with the mafia because the mafia house calls, the mafia complies the most feel does not lie. the most difficult beats. she has been even dare to feel. suffice about the both of those sales or guns or somebody and news of such as dense or the sale of babies or the dis, they cannot forgive you to like drunk for the summer, the owner of the stone, those more eh, extreme statements she felt say at a time when no one believes she who ever become president of the time the real dispute was between, but only seen on the comm. yeah, that's mean it together for the change, which is a party that goes from the send the right to the right. after that,
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should it elections when reality shows that if you have a real chance of becoming president of product and being a team? well, the rights issues speech about he always uh came the basics of his thinking. like every night on the dock sees a free market. reopening of imports and exports during ice. the economy low or inflation destroyed, isn't the bunk. and that's all they have. sturdy was going to for it. and what she goes like of that which is conception, is that what do you think are glass? was she with the by the gosh, the games. so if you mess up the candidate of the really about the, the time she does, so with this please, it's a part of
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a part of that got stuck using to or previously of that, but all which is the most of right wing sector of the you with there's a bottle of eh, the candidates, but do something. outage carefully deductibles, former president movies your marketing. and once she assumes the presidency, she a point. nice couple thought us minister of economy who has been a minister in the government of a former president marjorie on cheese fis 1st actually goes phone more to the traditional right or a stream right that. and we were trying to remove as to see this to, to support ation. another sheet, the value of the festival ranges use in the income tax work of
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they are really guides, consumption docs among us and missions. in addition, if you tell us, if you have phones in police where rich ask the minister of security on the 1st thing she's do was to prepare a protocol against brought this does in the regression. you know, there's some disease, many off, excuse officials, including if she's vice president victoria shotwell, defenders of the show side is all very big. but she, you know, shouldn't you know, at that took place in the seventy's summary for now the edits. everything indicates that the keys to be less of the east, another goat zebra. another company that is but she's government,
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it in this chart. time is off extreme, right? i'm just recently inaugurated as argentina's, new president with inflation hitting a 161 percent one. and for origin times live in poverty, he immediately took the draconian measure of slashing value of the origin times best. so in half, at this point it's already lost around 90 percent against the us dollar. now it's a 1000 vessels to one us dollar. he says he wants to do away with the best so and, and argentina central bank entirely and make the us dollar the official currency. how are origin opinions responding to this? how is the market responding most and most are some things. so with this new evaluation, how the prices of everything went up, you know, a very short period of time as someone up by 50 or 100 or
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set percent in 2 days, like gasoline. and so for the stops that is to say the saturday of the are some things, it was the use my house, you know, few days, you know, thursday the, the day such a freeze mos on new year. and some are as but as big funds with faith that everything will improve on others are we afraid to new by the future. but i will say that everyone knows that the money is not going to reach them, at least in the short term. regarding the markets, the resolution of the gulf between day off, you see all the on the bottom and or, or league lot, whatsoever. i do. now is between the 20th and 25 percent. got they
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to beat us. i will sign. in fact, the evaluation was sort of ideas by the international monetary fund with the purpose of the region. she's got the room to. okay, so it sounds like the major multinational companies and corporations and the bankers are all pretty happy about this. well, lawyers also known for his wild tirades on argentine tv ranting about socialism. pop culture. he's anti woke. he complains a lot about political correctness and snowflake culture was that his social commentary and the bluster that won him this election or the fact that he's an economist and, and wants to take drastic action on the economy. and also what does this going to do to the areas of, of civil or human rights across argentina? okay, i think the 1st question, no, i think boats in the beginning and i will say the,
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he's on the so silly systems. for example, if you called the polk, then boy of the evil one or not during his appearances every scene does, it does not seem like jim was permanent or so. so at least you mean, what do you think? i believe those. why can see the here awesome, right? or center was going is or so she all these fucking and she's on defending these issues. and she's a nice dish and or somebody got it sees for example, she also the nice if i my to change she's was how t it speaks how he insults puffy, show how he gets angry. well, an hour from the month the you, she's a link to the base, those who boats for a shim with conviction. you show how they are, ma'am,
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especially young man. and this is the be some charter, a lot of shoes to gain majority. i'm hopeful already. d 4 is ways use a barn in the taylor. well, so hoss um ms. janet dodge, i thought it was a she prophesies i do the signs of above um, just the multics, almost prophetic was the shown of the going to me if i saw. so i'm going to ask you to parts base and w scheme uh on update the mystic, i base to his chart that ok what we were to see if it's sustained and doing just especially on c. okay. this, this thing about the phone, but not enough for him to we and many vote to ask him and simple
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because they bought the tire of the traditional politicians or parties of the last 8 years. as far as the presidency. our model is your marketing and then a dot of them that owns a lot from now on this. well, just thought our use of the majority votes, government. eh, of little pleasure. what do you manage show on above? oh, well the biggest complaint was installation date on both of them on is most of marketing is government on a lot of them this oberman and i think the east was mother the most and then station it on try. you know, they knew they call, i want something, you know, the additional part this year. okay. so what are,
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what are of what they were going to do for others just to change and see what's happened. and that's remember dot mulay one in by the tosh. you know, have 2 heads games. so if you're mazda, initially, of electors, elections as far as of october relate, got 40 percent of the vote on set your muscle on most and try to 7 percent. and the support of bodies you might be about the trouble each part of the it was from the mentor to formulate we in the tosh by a 55 percent. again searching most of the 44 percent. okay. i'll sort of what will happen to human rights, you know, you know, it's still difficult to know by but visible. eh, we can say that the alonza nice party is composed of many members who the night
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the sheep on the, the security minister is no for her. i don't know. the announcement of reputation against socio brought this gives up issue. that violence would be an option in lives. governments. and coming up next malays says he hates socialists. but argentina's biggest trading partner is run by a socialist government. well, the bad blood between malay and luba distola lead to more devastation in the economy. we'll discuss it when we return with last auto fernandez, a my sean sit tight, the em all will be right back. the
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the, the, the welcome back to the m. o. i am manila champ locked auto fernandez. e meshawn is back. thank you so much for sticking around with us. so going back to what we're saying, you know, given his views, especially on this anti a socialism thing. how well do you think he'll play with neighboring social if leaders like brazil is lula and is the relationships is affect you? i don't think is because he's on the socialist. if this because of relays more personal note statements, the games lose out on a, he's close and these with the former presidential for
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a few. if i you want to sonata and thought was not a, went to release the president shot, you know, ration a lot, the not a i was like, oh, i got to do that because he said, personally offended by malay comments among this, those statements during the campaign malay say that he will not eh, trade with the by seal because it was governor of bothered by companies. he also said the law, the size being communist is corrupt. and the lady said that from keys don't want to seem bought the idea that the best to you is obviously enough main trading partner. good enough that's relations. she would be detrimental to votes, especially for us from being it after winning the elections. mean they became more
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but monday on a few left the unbox, a lot of they are going government investor, you know, certainly disposition, you're not attempt to avoid generating and conflicts. we do know there are some kind of foreign minister in general, whom do you know presently meet with the rest of the um, for a minister and most of the data on assured that the relationship reduction dina is essential for russell independently of any eh, the, unless she got a position. okay. eh, on the home left off at the former president of why and of course, i mean if you go to in the said, it does say you the same as to restore the close of relationship with r and dina. and we don't do now, i'm president for you. i'm really so they are trying boats to get closer. and for
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the trade, the concert hall, george, i believe a dot in day. the mob this there will be agreements, but there will always be the deluxe. you go to insurance in the mover and with some live being i'm out of your post or not. oh, i love bean, i'm all your former busy and it's been happening on an occasion now. okay, so he level personal attacks on low. i didn't realize there was bad blood there. so in the late seems very, we'll call it pro west the us specifically during the last brick summit in johannesburg in august of 2023. the official invitation for argentina, iran, egypt, if you'll be a saudi arabia and the u. i. e to join the block was all ranted now on the campaign
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trail malay said argentina would not absolutely not join brooks despite, she's in pink, sending him a hand written letter on this matter. so other se, argentina may do so in the future, just not immediately. brooks, as we know, stands to up in this us let international order. how do you see this all shaking out? it is very difficult to know costs mulay in these strong time of government has shown that what he's saving his campaign. he is not applied when he was in government, or it's on who she from mass and uh, in. she will not remove the foundation subsidy. i mean, it was one of the 1st things she did assume a few to office during the campaign. mulay had the same expression against china and she should have been i'll see how it gains less either that
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or i think though she culminates etc. the us you were saying is position was always more brought up to them. the position for the united states. in fact, a she's willing to my brand is the dollar ice eh, nursing economy, for now. it is an unknown. well, right. in my design, we are we over della she because china is i shouldn't dean of the 2nd lot is just the trading bottom, not of the rush. you. so we've very part of the, a part i'm showing up for i shouldn't be enough. in fact, laid off, and he's direct open, and so if you're mazda or how, you know, i'm working this well with gina, or if you, nancy, and because of these personal knowledge, it is, he said to choose,
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you've been one of the few where you can jump in and to help a friend to so many people don't and she's gonna bring the issue with us to write most work, which i, i don't seem like is users do in showing me the breaks. but the see on this done that the surf says, she's probably saying policies. she was the which i think she's more interested in showing she's alignment with the united states. but he opened it the doors to one of info and the to the organization for economic cooperation and development. okay. and the rates are not be all ready to function. now last in an interview with origin time media mulay called himself 1st and foremost, an ally of the united states. israel and the west. he went on to say that he won't
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put any emphasis on relationships with dictatorships communists. and for those who quote don't have regard for peace. now to that end, he also claims that he's converting to judaism. he backs bb nuts, and yahoo is more on gaza. and welcome to the alarm. here's the lensky to one side is. where do you see argentina's foreign policy heading in the coming few years? every few indicates from his was on, she's manas, dot. he is foreign policy will be one line himself with the united states. and it's obvious allies similar to what to show you ones are not using brought to you in, but it can be not recently a same day. you in the old calling for um and even the a m yet it remind her young ceasefire gusta and on the previous votes
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during adult. none of this and these vision, addison's enough position eh, i've been to vote in favor of ceasefire. so in the 1st hand, both formulae is it was a us thing, me life entire a septic is taken from the united states. she has his follow. where is she on his photo was how tops the say you really make, i can do not great. again, you need me, she's not, she's vase where the she's like here utilized the term. i'm relate the lines on jump to it. awesome. if you want the presidency, she created an account on the social media. so something that was sorry, it's called a oh,
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bit of which means obese of the president, a leg off on a container named relation of they use for this account. you're not going to do it now. well, not at all by all accounts. gay related rate on or if you use the going over the feet of the government is it will have to leave off the feel for the white house you. it's signs off with us, the aesthetics of the communications. it could be say, the keys, i'm a lawyer of the united states, if you so like, man will be a country. obviously, keeper fed tom especially the end of the over by the well, the over by then. but she's going to be, she saw the in the arrest, the ration in terms of the national was yes to. so it's auto fernandez, e,
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my sean, thank you so much for that analysis. make sure you follow him on x at losa s y m. thank you, money to thank you. all right, that is going to do it for this episode of modus operandi, to show that dig deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host middle of chan. thank you for tuning in. we'll see you again next time and figure out the m o, the hello, and welcome to the cross stuff boulevard. here we discussed some real in the,
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[000:00:00;00] the top of my head of the us central command drives these roles mandatory, appraising, gather as i'm successful. and that's awesome, again, blaze desktop. so back this 27000 for these ready in media calling for more casualties. we would be forced to kill a similarly, in order to kill him, us. we will have to do this step up with the objectives as well, which is probably the most terrible step up. we will have to do all the rest of the invalid spills into the streets of senegal for a 2nd day in a row. has the country phases of political prizes, admit that private and postponing election a trip to moscow has


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