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tv   News  RT  February 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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hello and welcome to cross the full doors. here we discussed some real in the on rested in valen spilled into the street to set a goal for a 2nd day in a row at the country phases of political crisis. i met the president, postponing elections before my head of the us central combined the brand diesels, military operation in gather as unsuccessful. and that's the employees desk toll surpasses $27000.00 were these old media calling for more casualties? we would be forced to kill in order to kill how much we will have to do this step up with the objectives as well, which is probably the most terrible step up is that we will have to do a trip to moscow has never crossed such a frenzy,
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the washington public houses visit to the russian capital gets him branded as an american trader. as freedom of speech stateside gets lost in a day. and georgia and security services, a just up to ukraine, an attempt to smuggle 14 kiddos of explosives into russia through georgia and territory. adding the plan was a freebie country full era at the, at the hello. welcome to origins, national reaching you live for my new center in moscow. i am michael, quite yet with the updates. i'm taking all of this off the bullets in west africa unless students set a goal shows no signs of stopping as the country phases of political crisis after the president postpone upcoming elections. the opposition close it and then the do to mid move across, deployed to a gas on the protesters in the streets while locals can be seen throwing stones
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back at the police later on inside the country. is parliament debates warehouse this monday on the elections where members on both sides of the are all due to over the case. all right. or you know, the we oakland gay has more on this during i never while so far we understand that tension has continued to rise into cost as the standard these national assembly is expected to adopt a explanation to postpone the country. the election for probably another 6 months. the elections were in mississippi scheduled for the 25th of february, but cynical has been in the a political tell us since prison tameka saw announced that those presidential evictions would be postponed indefinitely. sightseeing. a disagreement over the candidate list and allegations of corruption, a mom constitutional judges. some opposition indeed is opposed the postponement of the presidential election, including former prime minister. i'm a mean um to
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a bridge who has also been arrested during these and resumed the capital, looked at the cost thousands of protesters that's for her to talk to. matt, to stop dictates that's referring to the incumbent president often being scanned to by police forces every way. authorities as well have also been a seen or rather heard announcing a set down of the incidents in the synagogue. as we gathered so far, the internet's sat down was announcing this statement and sundays by the syndicate, these minutes of communication and digital, the physics, and that was a day off to the left. you must have spoken to by the president. also understand that can be common to you. um to protect. uh, janet is to send it to it's christy, if it goes over the internet set down your physical amid it's the postponement, it's only on government to restore the internet. dick says the parliament to the synagogue is considered and it's sending me 10 now off the coming president,
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matthew selves by about 6 months and minute say this is exactly how democracy gradually died. the many parts of the applicant continent, the parliament also debated the presidential election delays and it was in that particular moment of the debates with the police forces used to get to display and the positions on the outside the parliament to the african union has also joined a number of pools from regional bodies and wisdom governments for a new election day to to be said as soon as possible. and what we do understand so far is that legislative on now said to debate to a both in parliament again, that would re schedule the election for a later stage and the list to continue to say that the crisis and senior goals say the threat to the west africa, the disability at a time when the region is already struggling with a recent search and cruise and threats to democratic institutions.
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israel has been a war with him, asked for nearly 4 months, but so far managed to eliminate only about 20 percent of the group's forces, according to us estimates for more. come on, come after all the us central command commented on, tell a v is lack of success so far. i think they set themselves a goal of removing the political echelon and the military leadership that schedule on of, of a march when they went in and they have not been successful today doing 8 or questions a logical reason on what is the progress and how successful the offensive that had to go is destroying a mass on returning the hostages. as being so far, the army says admitted to cut the guys of the tree, paying 3 surrounding gaz, assisting the north. then isolating for newness is ro, reports about significant losses among militants. claims have mass units in the north have been dismantled. though some reports say that have masses. now building
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new forces, bringing in new commanders. it's actually hard to evaluate the military success of these really offensive while it's a impact on ordinary g. as in his office. apparently student health, administrative reports that israel's offensive plane so far the lives of more than 27000 people, including civilians, many of whom were just children, while almost 70000. others have been injured including severely. and it seems the war will continue. israel doesn't seem to be ready for a comprehensive ceasefire and exchange deal it all for it to have masters tourism. claim is rarely hostages for palestinian prisoners, held in his rarely jails is still reviewed by the militants group with law chances of agreement as experts say. and it includes just a short pause and finally said with prime innocence. and yeah, it was stressing repeatedly including just recently, once again, that will not agree to every detail and not have any prize. who pays for it in
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a way that the player of the hostages is a priority for israel? while it seems to rather now focus on is seconds, declare a mission, eliminating him as best so sentiments that we could hear, and the local media as well. there is no unity for him. awesome. it doesn't matter what it is, this or up? is it hiding in a civilian population? is we will be forced to kill a civilian population in order to kill him. us, there is no immunity. it happens. and that's why there are close to $30000.00 declared that we will have to do this step up with the objectives as well, which is probably the most terrible step up. we will have to do it, demands heavy sacrifices, sometimes in order to defeat terrorism, and to prevent the next kidnappings and the next murder. we need the hardest possible resolve. whoever tells you otherwise, even if there's a deal now, is simply lying to you. because that's the price of a promiscuous deal. more of that, these more deaf, more blood, the cleaning point,
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talk to some people hearing tel aviv. this is what they think about this rather a can the army success in general. let me successful on the insulting the bus, the i'm against the blantan. so awesome folder. people say they swap those once it's all politics. i don't think it's anything more than that . we have the capacity to win the war, but we're driven by politics and money. i think that's what's going on. the other one solution is i think that it's successful because my brother is fighting for idea, so i know they're doing everything right and moving forward. it's bad that they want to stop it. i think that they need to free the hostages element a to mass, so they won't be able to influence gavin simple anymore. so just wo, i don't like 10 or 14. i don't watch it. i don't like it. i don't agree with none of them. i have a situation,
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i hate this war. i don't want none of any sites to get hurt. and um, i just want us to feel safe as human beings. i wouldn't never say that operation to, to be that long. i never expected the war to be that long. it really affects us. it really affects our hearts and our souls. it's really, really hard. like you, you feel you're not living. it's like you live, but you're in your bed. so it's really, really hard. i, i never thought it won't be that long in december and a tragic incidence that sparks probably condemnation of the i d f. and it's all peroration in the gaz us through these really army mistakenly identified tweet hostages as militants are in a comb with northern guys. i'm although they were waving a white flag, all 3 were killed. they were all so multiple victims and one is really military killed in accidents and friendly fire and gaza and other reason for a criticism of the idea operation. and with that from one hand and hostages
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remaining incapacity from another hand. we see the public discontent and disappointment over the countries offensive in guys i'm and the government's strategy in general. continue drawing about the start of the conflict. these are told guys and is to head south for safety. but these days the potto vancleve has become just as dangerous as the north, a display east of when the people are at the nozzle hospital. but now the facility has come on the intense idea of fire as well. i was salty jobs. last staff means people that can get the medical care, they desperately need frustrated patients spoke about the dire situation. 10 days ago. yeah, we received an order to evacuate the facility because the is really army was getting closer to nicer hospital for the children went through difficult times as they were afraid and couldn't sleep due to the ongoing bombing all night long. even
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the patients couldn't sleep because of the heavy showing. he has a least we could find something to eat here. there's indeed a water crisis and a lack of cleaning stuff. they don't even provide enough medical services. if i have a cold or a sore throat, they tell me it's not their specialization, but it's the only advised me to drink boyles cameron meal. however, neither gas to heat things nor campbell meal is available. all right, let's take a look at the destruction to some of the civilian infrastructure. report showed thousands of schools, universities, mosques, hospitals have been destroyed in the enclave. in con eunice, in the south. for instance, multiple mosques have been raised to the ground while barely a single part of the main road running to the south has been left on fast. if it wants to receive the grim nickname from locals of the road of death, that people have been heading along this road looking for safety and shelter, investigate camps. but those sites have also been subject to strikes. and now the
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dysfunction has not only forced 1900000 people to leave the homes, but also made it impossible for them to return. now with the noise, which has been the initial focus of the ideas can pay many buildings now lie in ruins. g, as i say, to used to be the and please largest of incentives with the population of more than half a 1000000 people homes for all of them, no longer exist. the other cities have also been immensely destroyed with hospitals and to help them and schools blown to pieces. now, overall, $386.00 educational facilities have been damaged since the spot of the conference. you can see the figures right here. that's addition to more than $200.00 places of worship being destroyed along with $22.00 hospitals. now, among those buildings was the policy and reg, preston,
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societies headquarters. here you can see this k all the destruction for yourself. we sent strikes on the altamont of hospital and they found you. they claimed the lives of 3 policy to red crested workers. i think you might need care of the organization has condemned the idea of a tax emphasizing the need to protect those providing release under international humanitarian law, hospitals, ambulance as health care workers and their patients must be respected and protected in every situation. any attack on health care workers, ambulances, and medical facilities is unacceptable. we strongly reiterate our call for unwavering respect for the red cross, red crescent, and red crystal emblems, and the crucial humanitarian services they represent the mazda. she was that one colleague, she was the beautiful them 2 years on the side of the crescent. that's the the last the sake on when day i'm out of the. but i me see, swear to eat the last friday she was the tweet to displace the one the,
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the by the by the conflict. and she was cute. and she's not pretty mode. we dies. and these, the last the strategy a call for the number of 14, the women in man that we lost the seems the beginning of the call and sick. this 11, the members of the body side request and society, seen the guys us 30 and 30 members of the muggy and the only needs that are integrating disease. so a song king awful and excitable. a mind that when the level of violence of this conflict, those are the people in gaza as well as the all studies that i left the so they also do, you still don't have any more time. so we need to see actually, i mean just the actual now because when you look at access of 2000, so people in the north of guys. so when you see what the lead speed of the other side of just and previously is when you see all cities that love getting what they need, the or they can not be getting connected with the family. of course,
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he's clear that somebody is not going well, so we know full for the guess what would it be there? and with that, the international community, we find that for the best solution as soon as possible on our media outlet has dismantled the idea of playing that to discover the have mass terminal on the gas a city hospital 3 months ago about what had been presented as tunnels on the territory of kotob build shape come od hospital is apparently a reasonable i for what that the space of the so called tunnel was reviewed by the r i b as investigated, report which side of the construction company, the bills, the hospital, the idea of how that continues to insist, it's a mass tunnel on each roll has a latch, the presence of command, bomb goods and tunnels beneath guides the hospitals and schools using the plane as it protects to target health facilities. during war time, i'd be expensive on the ground system being guides, us funds, approximately 700 kilometers. but only
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a fraction of them have reportedly been destroyed in the full months of id of action. that john list above above man, imbedded with the idea that brings us this latest report here at the outskirts of hard eunice where last night the id i blew up this panel. they don't know exactly where leads a sent in technology before they blew it up to make sure there were no hostages. there we have hundreds of hundreds of miles of the tunnel underground. interceptor of the from us the swab doesn't. some of it is for their own use for, you know, for defense of what it is for attacking us. so this one here, the shaft reaches all the way from here behind us to continue on. eunice, this tunnel was blown up last night. they just haven't bedded with the paratroopers 55th brigade, 98 divisions, still guarding the tunnel because even though it was blown off, there are many different the um, existing entrances, it's a network. i mean,
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if you look at the, i don't know the new york or the bundle underground, it looks more or less the same different colors, different line somewhere for commanders that were for passing the munitions infrastructure summer for incorporating israel's. what's very interesting about this shaft that they found leading to the tunnel is a shot, had no cover. in other words, why would they be a shot and expose the was and expose? they've been a doctor in the but i'm either away from the top. this is an attack tunnel attack shop, so i'm tunnels and guys are used to transport weapons and terrorists from place to place and move hostages. this tunnel and this job was clearly an attack tunnel. how do we know this? a proximity to the board or fence that you can see behind me only a 100 meters away and be that is exactly one of the spots where the focus was blown up by how most terrorist this is robbie plummer reporting from gaza for our tea.
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while an american citizen visiting moscow would normally never make the headlines went up, mine is stuck a coffin. the western media goes into a frenzy. as we understand, he wrapped up an hour long, the meeting in the honda of the russian and capital this monday evening with who that still seems to be under wraps area. my colleague where we associate talked about the west friends, the reaction to talk us visit with archie is donald cortez. it's definitely been quite interesting to see just how social media has exploded with all different shades of speculation. after just a few pictures surface, the tucker carlson, enjoying a ballet at the ball. so theater, i mean, although tucker himself has said that he's in the country just to see russia. the main theory that most people are spreading around is that he's here for an interview with russian president vladimir putin. something that tucker himself also has neither confirmed nor denied. but whatever the case is, we've seen a lot of liberals throw in absolute fit about this,
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saying that he should not be able to return to the united states just for setting foot and russia. others are saying that the republicans are taking marching orders from the kremlin was like a list. perhaps we need a total incomplete shut down of tucker carlson. re entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. tucker carlson has spent 3 days in moscow. 8 g o p senators ben, july 4th in moscow. mike johnson, his killing ukraine aide. republicans do not serve america, they serve putin. he is a trader. i was just astonished and how quickly the political, immediate landscape tons on talk a cause and he used to be a darling of america, fox news. i think he was most nbc as well. we used to both work at cnn. i mean, my goodness me, but i guess at the end of the day don't it's not the 1st time we think controversy regarding a potential tucker carlson interview on. that's right. of several months ago. tucker, carlson said publicly that he was trying to secure an interview with the russian president vladimir put in. but he also said that the us government stepped in
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active. we stepped into stop that from happening. so let's take a listen. what do you set up a time when i try to interview flat of your team and the list never would stop. think about that for a minute. nobody defended me. there is not a time. i don't think you really anybody else can use me to use the 22nd. you know, i may not like this guy, but she is right to interview anybody want to we have a right to you. what do you know what what you know? i think lucas voice because why? you're no vote on, you know, no one asked me. i'm 54 years old. i pay my taxes and follow the law. i'm an american citizen. how much more loyal americans a job. i didn't even brought to this country suburban canada. they're telling me what to do to be a loyal americans, like i'm just not even interested at this point. it really makes you wonder why. just a simple interview with vladimir putin as creating so much hysteria in the mainstream media and, and more importantly, so much fear in washington, perhaps after so many years of trying to paint this evil caricature of when evil
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dictator, allowing the russian present to actually show a human face to the american public is much more dangerous for the status quo than anyone in washington would want to see any double charms. attempt to return to the white house is more than the few with nature worried about what his re election could mean for the lions. and that's apparently pumping jeremy to think about the need to wrapped. they'd be wrapped up in so defensive harris archie, contribute to rachel marsden with taught a goodness in the western process. reporting that the german officials are talking up the need for berlin to arm up, not just against russia, but also in anticipation of a return to the office of former and potential future american president donald trump. while i'm, well, here's a clue. we're paying for nato and we don't get so much out of it. and you know, i hate to tell you this about nato. if we ever needed the help, let's say we were attacked. i don't believe they'd be there in germany with french,
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with everybody. we're paying a lot of money. i don't think it's fair to say, so would it have to do so we just put up with an ad kitchen from the end of the 2nd world. busy or, and all that inconvenient nazi business and right up until the end of the cold war . in 1990, the west refused to let germany play with any sharp knives forcing it to rely on us, lead nato, for its defense. and also the us nuclear umbrella. even now it's treated like a toddler that really can't be trusted around like sockets, or hot stove. so absolutely, definitely no nukes for germany. but what is the trunk? doesn't want the us to baby sit germany and the rest of the nato block any more at the expense of the american taxpayers. in that case, can't just expect the toddler to sit there and wait for a russian president vladimir putin to knock at the door, right?
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so the west absolutely must left, the toddler load up on defense. that is the opportunistic argument that berlin seems to be floating, which would also serve to explain why french president emanuel did not call to the total shock of the entire french establishment. felt compelled, recently to say, during an official visit to sweden, the french quote passed the responsibility to put its new, clear, displeasing capacity at the disposal of the european union. great, that's exactly what cleaners. so it needs a new clear button. but in that case, germany wouldn't be able to at least use a shim influence or play with nuclear power. it just wouldn't be able to do it without parental supervision. but nato secretary general young, stolen bird really just wants everyone to chill with all this. nato demise talk suggesting that he doesn't think that he'll be out of a job any time soon. why?
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because nato is just a giant valve. so for washington's, for a military interest, he says, in case there are any doubts left about it's and he's on that. and he's saying, why would trump, why give that up? one, i believe is dr. gardner's of the outcome of the election. so united states, the u. s. will remain as staunch, unimportant, and they fall off because it is the security interest for the not the state. so maybe stilton bird shouldn't be heating the wisdom of the great neo con oracle, the walrus of war, john bolton, according to bolton, who served as trump national security adviser. the former president is totally serious about piecing out of the nato war collective. i think trump actually says what the, what comes to mind is a very stewed person once said to me, he does not have a filter between his brain and his mouth. and so when he, for example, threatens to get out of nato as he did during his 1st term, it has done since then. i think people better believe it look when both in says it
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would be catastrophic for us national security. what that usually means is that washington wouldn't have a built in vehicle into which it could pile all of its european allies for a joy ride down. there was any change highway periodically reaching into the back seat to smack anyone who swaps. and in the process, knocking some spare change loose to help find the whole adventure. so then, what would your do all on its own without america at the wheel? i guess we would have to find a way to get along with the rush right now. that would be one heck of a hangover for europe to have to recover from having decimated all of its tre ties with russia to the detriment of its own independence. its industry and cost of living with washington's encouragement and ultimately to washington's benefit. one form or trump defense adviser says if nato blows a part, it would be because the us overplayed its hand with russia over ukraine. and
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everything just blew up in washington space. the bottom line is all of this is timothy facade like nonsense. nato is comatose food and didn't kill it. we killed it when we dragged it into this proxy war that made no sense and then gave a rush or the opportunity to demonstrate that it has the capacity to act like a great power. we below that we, we made a mistake after mistake after mistake, and that's why the next mistake is, let's escalate. the nato brain death line is something that my call also said about nato. prior to the you create conflict going red hot, arguing that needle needed another focus besides russia. and while it looks like maybe that is on the verge of happening anyway, because everyone from biden to trump keeps talking about china. and you can bet that if nato is still around, it can expect to reset the gps and be dragged along so that bumpy ride
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georgia and security services have reported b and the step of the shipment. the 14 kilograms of c for explosive belt was to be small, good into russia. as i said, the ukraine planted to the way the would implicate georgia. this normally, socrates did all the details of the case and the factual situation give reasons. the suspects that the use of the territory of georgia and the large involvement of georgia and citizens in this process serve to create the opinion that the planning and implementation of terrorist attacks would be blamed on georgia lives. got it. according to georgia and security services, a cargo full of explosives was detained in georgia, and it was aimed to be transported to the city of what it is in russia. the weight of the explosive is, is set to be 14 kilograms and they were hidden in batteries for electric vehicles. now let's break down the route that was taken for this journey for the explosives,
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because they started their journey from just the romania to bulgaria and turkey. to georgia, and if we take a look at the root of the explosives that were used in the crime in bridge attack back in october of 2022. georgia also finds itself on the map. so it looks like georgia is the smugglers favorite spot to get to a restaurant, except that this time it didn't work as they planned. now, how the explosives were detained on the border crossing between georgia and russia, and the other house was left by the smugglers. in the georgian capital, leaving the authorities to believe that those were supposed to be used in a terrorist attack inside georgia, as well as the georgian authorities have mentioned that they've tightened security on the board or no, according to the investigation. 7, georgia nationals, 3 ukrainians, and to armenians were identified as potential suspects of being involved. and the
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mastermind behind this whole scheme is set to be ukrainian national. 9 andre, so that she'd say, now this man, just a little bit of background about him. he's based in odessa, and this man was also working as a business man in a rush. so up until 2019. now, georgia has no specified whether it did tell and was lost on the situation or not. but that's not really surprising, considering the complicated relationship between both countries. you know, as georgia leads more towards the western side of things. this whole situation could bring georgia a change of heart when it comes to ukraine. right, so we spoke with a georgia and political analysts who says that the west may ignore georgia's findings on ukraine's involvement. if things big issue will definitely prove that though there is a crane in a track, then of course, i mean there will be some,
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you know, some stories. but i'm not sure whether you to not be attached to the current and guardian going, because some of the european american and the list are not happy with the georgian government. they seem to go to just not on to russian enough. so they may say that this was actually some mind creek or some a temple who russian spies to make a julian crane to us just the one it more complicated. so we should wait, but i wouldn't be surprised to the the western media with just from the blind. i will say that, well, nothing is approved. so we should wait. and you know why the way to will forget about this information. but the just once more proves that uh, something that they used to call judging for union friendship is now on the edge of collapse that before we go, some news just coming in says king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. how, according to a statement issued from.


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