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tv   News  RT  February 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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show new to these all 3 the, the the on grafted invalid and spills into the streets of san a goal for a 2nd day in a row at the country phases of political prices summit the president postponing election also ahead. we do not have at this time uh, any confirmation of any civilian casualties. the targets we hit were absolutely valid targets absolutely valid target. that's what this phase washington says. air strikes. so siri, i do not the courts civilian casualties, a claim colliding with the reality of families whose relatives had been killed in the heck it, it's so hard to describe. i was near them when it happened. i saw with my own eyes
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how my family members died. i wish i could forget it all over my head will be us central command brands, these roles and military operation and gather as unsuccessful. and that's, that's the enclaves, deaf sol surprises $27000.00. with a huge rally media upholding for more casualties, we would be forced to kill a civilian population in order to kill him. us. we will have to do this step up with the objectives as well, which is probably the most terrible step up. we will have to do jordan security services and to set up the training and it has this level 14 kiddos of explosives into russia through georgia in territory. adding the plan was a frame, it's country for the app, the international reaching you live in moscow. welcome to the global update this our i
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have mike up watching, smell, taking all those hours, bullets in west africa on rest instead of golf shows no sign of stopping as the country phases of political crisis after the president misspelled upcoming elections. of the opposition close that and in addition to move, the almost cause deployed to a gas on the protest as in the streets while locals kept proceeding, throwing those back of the police. later on, on the inside the countries, parliament debates were held this monday on the elections, where members from both sides of the i'll argued over the case are, there is no the wheel coon, gay has more on the story. i never, that's why so far we understand that tension has continued to ride through the car as the standard these national assembly is expected to adopt legislation to postpone the country selection for probably another 6 months. the election were in mississippi, scheduled for the 25th of february, but cynical has been in the a political tell us since prison to match. * announced that those presidents of
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evictions, the would be postponed indefinitely. sightseeing, a disagreement over the candidate list and other cases of corruption among constitutional judges. some opposition indeed is opposed the postponement of the presidential election including former prime minister. i'm mean that on to a bridge who has also been arrested to read these and read through the cabinets, we looked at the cos that's the code is the for heard. it's on team map to start a big data referring to the incumbent, president of diabetes get to the 5 for these forces every way. i'm sorry to as well, have also been a seen or rather heard just announcing a step down of the internet. and as soon as we get that so far, the internet's set down was announcing this statement and sundays by, it'd be seen. it could be minutes or so many cases and due to the physics, and that was a day off the thing. and if she wants to go into buy depleted and also understand,
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that's the common key. it's to protect ads, the risky it's, it's the over the internet set down your physical image. it's the postponement. it's only on government to restore the internet. did the pond them into the inner goal? is considering extending the 10 now i'll be coming in to matthew. so by about 6 months and minutes dave, this is exactly how democracy, gradually diving any parts of the applicant, continent upon them, and also debated the presidents of election delays. and it wasn't that particular moment off the debates with the police forces used to get to display. and the positions on the outside the parliament to african union has also joined a number of pools from regional bodies and wisdom. governments for a new election day to to be seen as soon as possible. and what we do understand so far is that legislature on now c a 2 debates. it's a both in parliament. again,
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that would reschedule the election for a later stage and the list to continue to say that the crisis incentive goals say the threat to the west africa, the disability at a time when the region is already struggling with a recent search includes the and threats to to democratic institutions of the us national security advisor has said that old flog hits the washington hits in the middle east are legitimate and don't affect civilians. we do not have at this time uh any confirmation of any civilian casualties or military is still looking at that. what we do know is that the targets we hit were absolutely valid targets from the point of view of containing the weaponry and the personnel that were attacking american forces. non friday, washington, on least a massive bombing campaign on the rack and syria federal people were killed. more
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where would that a day later? western bombs range down on who the positions in yemen are. the red sea coalition reportedly conducted more 15 on sunday nights. this attacks have been branded as retaliation to the depths of 3 american soldiers and to drill and attack in jordan . now, washington's claims that they have been no civilian casualties contradicts testimonies from the ground. one of the strikes took the. 2 gives of my brothers their children and my daughter and wife. the victims are mostly civilians, not military. what are we to do the entire syrian people were affected by this war . there isn't a family that wasn't affected. we've come to accept, it's become normal for us. the depths, become numerous, and i'm asking you the flex market. i mean, it's so hard to describe. i was near them when it happened. i saw it with my own eyes, how my family members died. i wish i could forget it all the gun,
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the gun with the strike made many civilians victims. my whole family was affected after the strike, i found my daughter as indeed attend cisco unity. sudden that such things should not happen to anyone. and when the happens to us, the united nations, a humanitarian association, so just turn a blind eye to the phone. i lost the sister and 2 brothers. their children are now our friend and what was the goal of the strikes? we don't know the just target civilians the see when people are tired of force, which will remain steadfast and smaller on the story lives across live to lead attorney and the founder of muslim legal has been shipley, has on his good. you have you join me now. now in practice, how difficult is it to avoid civilian casualties and strikes similar to this one? the us is now conducting in the middle east. as we saw with israel's bombing and 11
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on that managed to take out a. somebody big thing was a militant leader in the middle of love and on there were able to take them out with the precise precision. it isn't easy to avoid blowing up civilians. if you actually care about civilian life problems, the united states as long had a shock and awe approach to the middle east because they simply don't value the lives of brown children. of most, some children are children of palestinian children and therefore the depths of civilians. the murder of civilians in the middle east by the united states is seen as an acceptable casualty of war. it's really horrific. the united states has killed exponentially more civilians in the middle east and they've ever killed anyone that is armed. and even the armed individuals that they've killed, it's often been illegal wars. i mean, let's look at the war at an attack against a rock. this was an illegal aggression and invasion of
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a sovereign state by the united states that led to the desk of millions and even before their bombs killed the civilians. the us sanctions against iraq killed. or they say over half a 1000000 civilians, many of which are children in the us as a track record of not hearing about the deaths of middle eastern children. and that is why they take these military actions and they support what israel is doing. so this is just continue with the track record that we're seeing of america historically. and what we're seeing of israel currently. and now with these recent bombings, the us just doesn't care about the lives of women and children in the middle east. and that's why they hear things. washington is determined and desperate to deny a, the civilian casualties in this slide cleanings. there is no evidence because it falsely wants to claim it has the higher moral ground. it wants to claim that it is a nation that stands for liberty and justice globally when it's actions prove otherwise. and it's,
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it's laughable mouse before when they had greater control media. when social media was not as prevalent, maybe washington bought it could get away with the hundreds of thousands of civilians that it, it kills in on just was either directly or through supporting corrupt regina and dictatorships world wide. but that's becoming increasingly more difficult than i think the hypocrisy is in raging. what we're seeing happening is gaza and it is in raging. and, and you know, the crazy thing is the united states is giving israel weapons to kill civilians. and when people resist like the what these they, they stood up and they resisted not by killing civilians like israel is doing. but by just stopping tanks or ships and not even telling people on the tank or ships, they didn't even tell when you want to take over these 10 projects. the us responded not by stopping israel's aggression, not by stopping to provide arms to israel, which it's using in violation of international law in killing civilians that are responded by killing me now, which was funding by killing syrians. america has lost its moral compass and how
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it's tackling these. and i think this is gonna lead to further the stability in the region in the world. and frankly make america, let's say an instrument is realistic, but ultimately it's crushing the lives of beautiful and innocent, defenseless human beings. that's the view of most part of the world. now what the un security council meeting on the, the middle is set to take place admittedly, well, what are your expectation from these tools to? i mean, i think it's an important step. uh, you know, most call did initiate these conversations, but unfortunately, i think the world is also cognizant that with the veto power, the united states has a and the influence it has in these proceedings that it's going to be unfortunately more talk, but little action. but i will tell you this, the us is losing it tomorrow, standing in the world, and every condemnation of israel and it's enabled to the u. s. is further
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alienating us as americans, i think, in the global community. and, and i think americans really have to work hard to get elected officials that actually represent the american people. because i will tell you, the majority of americans do not support the military actions that america is doing around the world. the majority of americans do not support the carnage. this realism leasing into the policy and people. the problem is those in washington have sold their souls to special interest. groups like a tax is real lobby. they want america bombing, iran bombing the syria. they want americans use stabilizing the regents, this is real lobby, has hijacked the united states to further israel's interest ethics. and so the interest of the american people and it's shameful and it's disgusting and was elected officials and frankly, should be held accountable for freezing. and for war crimes, for putting the preference of the is really to lie as an aside, will state of the interest of the american people. all right, we have to living here now has on should be her lead off any and the founder of
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mazda, the legal, thank you for your insight. thank you for having us. god bless you as well. it has been out of war with him asked for nearly 4 months, but so far managed to eliminate only about 20 percent of the groups forces, according to us estimates from our command at the us central command commented on television, lack of success so far. i think they set themselves a goal of removing the political echelon and the military leadership that schedule on of, of a march when they went in and they have not been successful today to doing 8 or questions a logical reason on what is the progress and how successful, the offensive that had to go is destroyed by mass and returning the hostages. as being so far, the army says admitted to cut the guys as 3 paying 3 surrounding gases facing the north, then isolating for newness israel reports about significant losses and militants
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claims have mass units in the north have been dismantled. so some reports say that have masses now building new forces bringing in new commanders. it's actually hard to evaluate the military success of these really offensive while it's a impact on ordinary g. as in his office, apparently the student health administrator report israel's offensive claims. so from the lives of more than 27000 people, including civilians, many of whom were just children, while almost 70000 others have been injured including severely. and it seems the war will continue. israel doesn't seem to be ready for a comprehensive ceasefire, an exchange deal. it all for it to have mass just recently is really hostages for palestinian prisoners, held in his rarely jails is still reviewed by the militant group with law chances of agreement as experts say. and it includes just a short pause in fighting with problem and assumes and yeah,
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was stressing repeatedly including just recently once again that we will not agree to every detail and not have any prize. who pays for it in a way that the player of the hostages is a priority for israel while and seems to rather now focus on is seconds declared mission, eliminating him as best so sentiments that we could hear and the local media as well. now there is no and unity for him. awesome. it doesn't matter what it just go up. is it hiding in a civilian population? they will be forced to kill a civilian population in order to kill him. us, there is no immunity, it happens. and that's why there are close to $30000.00 declared that we will have to do this step up with the objectives as well, which is probably the most terrible step up is that we will have to do it, demands heavy sacrifices, or sometimes in order to defeat terrorism, and to prevent the next kidnappings and the next murder, we need the hardest possible resolve. whoever tells you otherwise, even if there's
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a deal now is simply lying to use. okay, because that's the price of a promiscuous deal. more of that to use more deaf, more blood, the cleaning point, talk to some people here in tel aviv. this is what they think about this ras or a can the army success in general, let me successful its own. then move insulting the bus to against the blantan. so awesome folder people same gone size based off those ones. it's all politics. i don't think it's anything more than that. we have the capacity to win the war, but we're driven by politics and money. i think that's what's going on. the other one solution is i think that it's successful because my brother is fighting for ideas. so i know they're doing everything right and moving forward is bad that they want to stop at 5 things that they need to read the cost of his element a to math and so they won't be able to influence guidance any more. it's just wo, i don't like 10 and 14. i don't watch it. i don't like it. i don't agree with none
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of them. i have a situation, i hate this war. i don't want none of any sites to get hurt. and um, i just want us to feel safe as human beings. i wouldn't never say that operation to, to be that long. i never expected the war to be that long. it really affects us. it really affects our hearts and our souls. it's really, really hard. like you, you feel you're not living, it's like you live, but you're in your bed. so it's really, really hard. i never thought it won't be that long in december and a tragic incidence that sparks probably condemnation of the idea of a new population in the gathers through these really army mistakenly identified. we hostages as military or in a comb, with northern guys on hold. so they were waving a white flag, all 3 were killed, they were all so multiple victims and one is really military killed in accidents and friendly fire and gaza and other reason for
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a criticism of the idea of operation. and with that, from one hand and hostage is remaining incomplete to you from another hand, we see the public discontent and disappointment over the country is offensive in guys. i'm and the government's strategy in general, continue growing, qual, an american citizen and visiting moscow. no, never really make the headlines, but when the 9 is progress, coughing, the west and media goes into a frenzy now, so we understand. he's already wrapped up his stop secret interview this evening and his left, the presidential. i've been building or the of my colleague wherever we associate talked about the frenzied western reaction to talk with his visit with the audience don't on core to. it's definitely been quite interesting to see just how the social media has exploded with all different shades of speculation. after just a few pictures surface, the tucker carlson, enjoying a ballet at the ball. so theater, i mean, although tucker himself has said that he's in the country just to see russia. the
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main theory that most people are spreading around is that he's here for an interview with russian president vladimir, put in something that tucker himself also has neither confirmed nor denied. but whatever the case is, we've seen a lot of liberals throw in absolute fit about this, saying that he should not be able to return to the united states just for setting foot and russia. others are saying that the republicans are taking marching orders from the kremlin was single with perhaps we need a total and complete shut down of tucker carlson. re entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. tucker carlson has spent 3 days in moscow. 8 g o p senators ben, july 4th in moscow. mike johnson, his killing ukraine aide. republicans do not serve america, they serve, put in. he is a trader. i was just astonished and how good clicking the political, immediate landscape tons on talk a cause and who used to be a darling of america, fox news. i think it was m as nbc as well. we used to both work and cnn. i mean,
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my goodness me, but i guess at the end of the day don't it's not the 1st time we think controversy regarding a potential tucker carlson interview on. that's right. of several months ago. tucker, carlson said publicly that he was trying to secure an interview with the russian president vladimir put in. but he also said that the us government stepped in active. we stepped into stop that from happening. so let's take a listen. what do you set up the time? i tried the interview part of your team and the list never would stop. think about that for a minute. nobody defended me. there's not a time. i don't think there was anybody else can use me to use the 22nd. you know, i mean, i like this guy, but she is right to interview anybody want to we have a right to you. what do you know? what? well, you know, i think this voice cause why no vote on. you know, knowing ask me, i'm 54 years old. i pay my taxes and follow the wall. i'm an american citizen. how much more loyal americans a job. i didn't even brought to this country suburban canada. they're telling me what to do to be a loyal americans, like i'm just not even interested at this point. it really makes you wonder why.
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just a simple interview with vladimir putin is creating so much hysteria in the mainstream media and, and more importantly, so much fear in washington, perhaps with after so many years of trying to paint this evil caricature of when evil dictator. allowing the russian present to actually show a human face to the american public is much more dangerous for the status quo than anyone in washington would want to say. now for more on this, we are joined by jackson hankle political on the list and the host of the dive with jackson. the shingle jackson is good to have you join me right now. what are you saying? progress. coffman's visit to ross? it has drawn so much media, attention, and state side. well, i think you have to look at all of the people who are funding this war and ukraine . all of the us deep state warmongers who told us that we had to spend hundreds of billions of dollars in tax fair funds abroad to fund
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a nazi military. and the effort of destroying russian civilization destroying proved in. and now they're the ones who are the most up in arms, the most freaked out about the prospects of tucker carlson, going to russia and actually seeing why we said this money to pay and seeing what's actually going on there. they understand that tucker is going to shed light on the truth of the situation. he did that at fox news. i think that was part of the reason why he was fired eventually. and now you're going to hear it from the man's mouth from vladimir, put himself about one into the hypocrisy of the western action. we've been provoking this war and you grange for that part of the news, the public costs. and these in moscow is also gone viral on social media with some liberals, liberal use as suggesting that done live should be banned from returning home. how does that fit with washington's judy to uphold the bill of rights?
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well, there's no legal basis for that. i think it's very ironic to point out the fact that one of the uh, you know, liberal establishment favorites media organizations in the united states is vice news. now bites news in the past in 20192018. they've interviewed isis fighters, they've interviewed all kite and a whole host of other extremely on savory individuals. so they have no problem with vice news doing that. but they have a problem with tucker carlson, interviewing the leader of one of the most powerful nations on the earth. which is a, you know, a member of the united nations security council. i think it's, it's incredible it's, it's laughable. what they're saying. people like bill crystal calling for him to be barred from returning to the united states. other people requesting that the f b. i investigate this matter. i mean, we have
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a rich tradition of journalism in united states, journalists, interviewing people like fidel castro, people interviewing, you know, leaders all across the world that may have been enemies of the united states. this is no different and i applaud tucker for reaching out across, you know, dial in doing this interview because i think the american people need to understand the truth. and as we all know the answer to. ready that speed away if that's how the liberal press wants to categorize what proven essays are nice to me, is not in force asylum. does they tell me it's more speed. so unfortunately they seem to for god and you think we are 1st submitting that all right. got a top of costs and it has today and that the us government is opposed to him interviewing president, put to know why do you think that is? well, i think today we can all look at the fact that since uh, february of 2022,
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we've already seen an overwhelming uh, you know, majority of americans that are calling on the government to stop funding ukraine in this proxy war. and to bring about a peace deal if we can still even do that. the american public understands that you know, we should be focusing on our issues here at home and tucker carlson was one of the driving forces for that title ship and public opinion in the united states. when he had his show on fox news nightly coming out prime time and making the case of so many nights of the week for this to come to an end and to stop the escalation with russia. now that he's going to be able to ask questions directly to vladimir putin, and this is an interview that isn't going to be, you know, it's not going to have some liberal propaganda smear element to it like so many of the other western journalists that we've seen interview vladimir putin in the past . i think that it's going to be the most viral interview that we've ever seen on
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the internet and may be one of the most or the most viewed videos that is ever graced the internet. and that's going to cause a lot more americans to question the official u. s. policy. that is still continuing, even under the house. you know, the g o u at house, where they're sending another 60000000000 dollars to ukraine this week. jackson, hankle, public law analyst and the host of the dive with jackson handle. thank you so much for your insight on this. thanks for having me. on the georgia and security services that reported they intercepted this shipment, the 14 kilograms of c for explosive. that was to be smuggled into russia, as i say that ukraine planted in a way that would implicate georgia. this normally, socrates did all the details of the case and the factual situation give reason to suspect that the use of the territory of georgia and the large involvement of
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georgia and citizens in this process serve to create the opinion that the planning and implementation of terror stacks would be blamed on georgia lives, got it according to georgia and security services. a cargo full of explosives was detained in georgia and he was able to be transported to the city of what it is in russia. the weight of the explosive is, is set to be 14 kilograms and they were hidden in batteries for electric vehicles. now let's break down the route that was taken for this journey for the explosives because they started their journey from i just saw the romania to bulgaria and turkey to georgia. and if we take a look at the root of the explosives that were used in the crime in bridge attack back in october of 2022. georgia also finds itself on the map. so it looks like georgia is the smugglers favorite spot to get to a rush,
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all except that this time it didn't work as they want. now, how the explosives were detained on the border crossing between georgia and russia, and the other house was left by the smugglers. in the georgian capital, leaving the authorities to believe that those were supposed to be used in a terrorist attack inside georgia, as well as the georgia authorities have mentioned that they've tightened security on the board or no, according to the investigation. 7, georgia nationals, 3 ukrainians, and to armenians were identified as potential suspects of being involved. and the mastermind behind this whole scheme is set to be ukrainian national. uh andre. so that she'd say now this man just a little bit of background about him. he's based in odessa and this man was also working as a business man in law. so up until 2019. now georgia has no specified whether it did tell and was rational in this situation or not. but that's not
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really surprising, considering the complicated relationship between both countries. you know, as georgia leads more towards the western side of things. this whole situation could bring georgia a change of heart when it comes to ukraine. so we spoke with the georgia and political analysts who says that the west may know george's findings on ukraine's involvement. if things think issue will definitely prove that though there is a crane in a track, then of course, i mean there will be some, you know, some stories. but i'm not sure whether it will not be attached to the current drug and going, because some of the european american and the loose are not happy with the georgian government. they think they're just not on to russian enough. so they may say that this was actually some mind creek or some of the temple who russian spies to make
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it. julian crane to us just the one it more complicated. so we should wait, but i wouldn't be surprised to the the western media we just from the blind. i will say that, well, nothing is approved. so we should wait. and you why the way to will forget about this information. but the just once more proves that, uh, something that we use to call judging for in friendship, is now on the edge of collapse. scrub a show to get more are based on the archie that comes most stories coming your way . have the top of the out. i'll see you again the, the most people don't understand the global financial system and how financial resources are distributed controlling the world's money.


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