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tv   Documentary  RT  February 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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sions, under international law that these 2 force is wise to stop genocide and gets it to establish an immediate cease fire. and the presence of us forces in iraq and syria, and to exert pressure and the completion of posting entity by the easily division. and this, the, the blaming others assumed because he was doing this thing from other members. the us must force you to get these right. imagine to halls the genocide and guess i'm comply, which is obligation on the international to many teddy on low like twice the us must and it's up struction of the un security calls it along with the adoption of the did off the solution proposed by a jerry a focusing on the seas fighting guest. this approach align with the but all the goal of restoring peace and stability in the region. why addressing to humanitarian concerns attend, find that the more than president. i would like to say that if you on face any kind
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of attack or accusation of foot, think it's security, national interest or people. it's a lot facilitate. exist size is in here on provides on the international law and the you and charles to, to respond firmly think i can save or right. we have been following developments in the ongoing meeting of the united nations security council. your iran just finished . it statement there before then what the rog before then was syria and they have all been condemning the united states for the unlawful aggression in the mid lease . and they have also condemned the u. k. and as well as eas, well, i'm calling them them to and old escalation of the tensions in the middle east, of course will bring you details of all of those. again in subsequent will the things are all right, that's all for me. now my colleagues more on him on me will be into bring you more
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stories of this all over. yeah. by down, the independent journalist mike jones says he constantly monitors the news west and media presents about the russian troops, special military operation in dumbass. they often travel as to the front line and meets people in the liberated territories residents here. so i don't know what happened so that he moved from marketing to dunbar and it was bone of the the blocking of russian media. so in gaming,
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when i did see 2 videos, i'd often cover updates of the games and i, i live in use anyway. but i found with my friends privately messaging me and asking me how things are in russia and, and the difference is i decided that i would actually make a sort of records one day. they're saying one thing the next day, this thing. and now the, so i wanted to create a, a catalogue of the stories and events as it was going on for my own, my own interest ends so that i could refer back and share, and some of those lights being deleted as well. and so i have that visual record and i was usually popular, my chattel went from 10002800000 subscribers in about 6 months. was it like natural growth? absolutely, yes. yeah. and then people sharing and you know, showing that friends. so people are still curious about what's going on that's not ever produced. brainwash and that's right. and the main thing, i think the feedback that i've got is that i don't actually say this is the truth.
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i simply say, well, here's the western version and his the other version. and then we can put the 2 together and decide where the facts lie and use these beautiful kind of decides for themselves. they, yes, they can. and equally, some of the most popular videos i had with interviews, speeches by present due to no sec, a level of henry is the height of these not readily accessible in the west and yet the woods, the so please. yeah, yeah, they're often twisted when they do, if they do reach suddenly the british public. but the, the, the woods have a lot of wisdom behind them and the ability of these states and then diplomats to pull out the facts and figures off the top of that heads, the mental agility that they often demonstrate when compared to the likes of boyish johnson pamela harris. my jones is a youtube channel,
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a popular with west and audiences with shut down with no explanation so much too much warranted, western democracy and freedom of speech. but this didn't stop him from continuing to share information with the west by any means possible. so the transition from gaming to eventually to done this, which came at a point when i have lead criticized russians for freeing the country. often mobilization in september, i was heavily criticized for being so outspoken in my view points. and the many of the comments were quite valid, so they said you a privilege to be able to criticize others because your not likely to be mobilized. you celebrate your citizen and your not going to be pulled up. so it's all right for you and the safety of your home in your chair a to point the finger, others and judge them. right. i took the criticism to hop and i said fine,
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i'll mobilize myself. you know, maybe it felt like between death and life, which is probably close at like this feeling is close to your soul because you. yeah. because of your situation in the family. maybe we could like go back and you know, say 2 words about the way you come from, what kind of family and what you experienced in your childhood made you feel this way that i grew up in london back in the late eighties early nineties and i was children's name from the ages 36 years old, and the is adopted when i was by 6. so i, i know what it's like to be and i can't home for children, which was another reason why i was keen to help the orphanages and on the bus and the children that what does indicates the people of the community that age of gifts for christmas and that stuff with me for life. the joy that proved sounds are existed because these gifts this tend up and they're under the tree. and because
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all these kids coming together in a row, i think i hate go. and i love the thing. i had it for years, even though the ties, it won't have to me see what i grew up by. what am i of these memories is hearing a screams as she was being with her and i used in the, in the kitchen. so i knew it was going on and even though i couldn't speak when my grandfather pulled me out and they put me in the car in my, on the ground and i just went as a boat to 3 years old. so it's quite, yeah, it's quite a rough childhood in, in london. and the, you could see it was a good illustration of what a bully,
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someone who's a bully and abuses the power of a someone else. and yeah that, that, that's the big impression on me. and yeah, i always wanted to do, i was powerless to do back them and to help those who were victims of them such a such abuses of power. in june 2023 us president joe biden signed into law an increase in the us national debt ceiling effectively supporting the power of uses. after all, the money serves the interests of the largest american corporations. those playing a dangerous game and ukraine. government inside sales at this point. okay. i'm gonna be so save this to the 3 in global in the condition of september, the coke space. think longer. i need it pretty for the rest of the day,
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but this gives him to begin with. some of those are going just ready to go, but that's the whole idea of shoot us up and just leave me a couple announcement of you know what you post of them on something that semester, but did you present them in a bush? me and oh, great. okay. and the capacity of the 3 print some document or with bush engine as a person for for to know what your measure them to me in this book. ok. there's what else is any else key comfortable available for somebody to claim a personal donors of waste conference can push for at least from vital to claim on the products of or do the boxing can use this when we able to go through when the, the, if they seem to be the greatest level id and that's i me, but i see it just gives you asked me that i was confront, i'd say suspicion him a license that i'm the get the, the easy. but which as, as the by side globally, as in a few days continually. so this kid is neal dollar,
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i checked his door soon and i've always got to go use enough that could age. so the kids that go to the federal, who is a visit, global financial parent that supported by a huge bureaucratic machine, that it created itself, the deep state which lobbies for constantly increasing us national. dest budget's faith, as in the front, as it goes to get ahold of bonus is, i'm, are you 1000000, but trump, of them, those are yes, nice, but i take it good in the, so that's the scope. so it's definitely, you know, pretty slow what they're good being the so that's the way they should move to nice history channel. but i'm really good. i'm the general here. see it in my car and see if the whole list is you put them on top of the last 2 nights. just go ahead and make this with us to. i mean, it can also say it's a 14 year old electricity sub most of the summer borshwitsh just, it's beautiful, correct? how many cars can do it? all right, you have to shut the courtesy still look at the open enrollment,
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but of some the, some of the many types get better. could i do? it's a solution. you're seen yours and careful. it isn't the abuse long to ship this. i'm no, go ahead and say in the middle create it was put his weight so someone should be if the chest, i wouldn't know and you've stayed move in over sylvester, or does that mean? what's the point here when you get to that hip technician, uh like a site to sort of the way for the teachers. but here's just where to start. could i care for that? you can see now. so it is stuff that i took lindsey school for the video and all the new house and get it right to you doesn't go any my thoughts to my video cost could give state to me stuff with a white glove. i'm on by for a very good understand you're saying you put a block on what the words would be and i just so that's what what i'm on. let me got a new problem. let's how little more than would that receive? wouldn't it was it guides us as a guide present jump. this means that old process is in the us. so deep stay
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controlled, congress and not even the president himself able to influence the federal reserve system, or prevented from printing money uncontrollably. despite the fact that, according to financial full costs, it will end in a global economic crisis. why is that the clue regime repeal the 1930 is legislation that had separated commercial bags from investment banks. and once this was repeal, there was no limit all the banks ability to engage in the speculations and the use of the deposits perspective purposes. and of course, this was the beginning of the financial crises that we have experience in the 21st century. because they've prep too much money, they put
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a lot of money and they caused inflation. they billed at higher and higher and higher and nobody except some there is nobody to stop. the government doesn't know what's going on. the president doesn't know he's not smart enough. so the central bank in the u. s. it has a lot of power to print money, which they have done and that leads to inflation, but they also have the money for their power to add a lot of debt. so they've printed money. they've added that. they've brought inflation. that's the main problem facing the world in 2024, 2025. the dollars power on the global financial market seemed unmistakable, but in the 2nd half of the 20th century, this position was shaken. so this was solved currently the pony is difficult to sort that between me and a citizen diesel that a going to be sold just said to long as well the music i don't i get them if you
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can, please. excuse me, with a clip with one of the most lou to be g m. if he care is cool, this is your mission can demean this also. so the only if you mean that's also all types of free a collect the system to wait on. you can with the, you just don't think with the number we need the thought somebody comes people to totally get you already know instructions here from restaurants who need to ship tiny bit no more where they've got to kind of push the boundary than they do it is a nice concept, symbolic trumbull i need, but only for the reasons and that explain you was a pretty good idea about the what we've done here. what do you mean you need to do more economical control impacts of what are we good? they're moving to legislation, thoughts, so you can do those up to push clear through. i need part interesting. agree just shoot. she wouldn't be a bad, you know i'm, i'm not going to use consumers me to ship. oh, boy can image school because every day, every day in the summer,
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but it consequently stuff. no bureaus go sale solar eclipse glasses that are on those premiums. that those are still the initial, the book of but dr. young was in his ash those, you know, so that's plus the chevy, just suggest deutschen adoption new. or you'll not that i should be in the capital for anyone yet isn't as i told you, but on the exam, i'm going to expedite this. just give me a shout if you need to actually get now probably monday of labor. who did stroke. see i made a company. my us are still not us and all of a bunch of adult exchange out there more than sitting on your system, producing sugar service, which is great to shop. are you good when you say i was gonna say you look at the any fucks i need to do? and if i gotta look at that, i put you on a one year, you're gonna make it at the enrollment period. you fall on your folks and on the sylvania, come down with a use uh, getting the pain from desktops and their costs with some combined computer as well as watch content. yeah, i mean like i showed side is kind of gives the hold of miscellaneous other shops and you're very new offers, depending on how you're going north and you're saying you're starting some, but i'm, i'm from the news wholly could you please see when you're done with the fixture, the immunization record is one good at the item where we live in video,
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and we have to kind of shop latino stuff to fit we boats. we appreciate your patience, your lacroix government, but it also appears to us as things and now for those right here for them. but they really weren't giving it frequently to get a good name because what you always, folks thought i need to, i'm not going to get the substance today in pennsylvania, but let's do this for general. yeah. is question is i wish i would've ingredients, but i really am i this is tim. will i focused on a block on each e cause to be sure which one go do stuff kind of for it as a chart, but other than that. yeah. so the 2 products and then for the console nature policy map. so take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic. isn't just a shifted reality distortion by how us tied to vision with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this,
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but can you see through their illusion going underground can hello and welcome to the cost of full horses. here we discussed the wheel in the until recently, it was hard to imagine that some countries would dish the donor. but this is now happening, russia, china, india, brazil, saudi arabia, and several other nations have started to maintain the economies without the dollar unit claire, the good thing, the course, the book are you out of that whole that were to present the apple store any clear or so you can set the feed folk, let me see. oh,
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the window was the owner to these old tree community details actual completed obviously. so fast school actually is it does really on june the 5th or is that i should be doing a bullshit. who was at the end of this event was brought them together without a warning bullet. and as you would just need to continue said president, that's not always the show specially good throwing needs to be valuable, reuben funding else. but you might have to abuse underwear, some updates, a gym, or distribution, little bit for scenario rarely is up. and i start my i q was our formal nationalism . mm hm. near was are for most of you know, stuff room wouldn't be speech and activity in bunk. i see our store your front door . what are you? what are the issue of abandoning the dollar is now being considered by the brakes countries? russia, brazil, india, china and south africa. 5 nations with a combined population of more than 3000000000 people. and huge economic potential
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labor expense because it exists ex remote level horsepower level. you've shown yet the shame of appraisal, and is that the impulse silva to have a newborn sonya team. its the, that sick also let me see. what i need to do is get brussel. and yes, your lazy f conditions, so don't worry about me. so we have to some of the neighborhoods and it's definitely they show the whole complex. so depending on data i because it and to see here that is you always know seen is they saw all these issues. they showed me eric requested, you know, so different people in the home when they go to the i don't showing the tv is on top of my name is the soft music. there's a little scholarly from someone who knew it was an upgrade because we were led to the door. right. you've when you die of it onto the little work i need see made
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shots. ok feed. some boyish was more than i labor to say. yeah. it's aging and i'm stuck on my door. it's a shot to swim. i lay sure the girl sleep by you to the mission of the day. so it's very smart. has still got to looking at how russia is being roped when talking about freezing its foreign financial assets totaling $300000000000.00. has called many countries wiring. the u. s. could do the same to them and take everything accumulated over time under any pretext. and people are doing everything they can stay on the good side of america. so they don't get sanctioned. you know, here's something america doesn't like your risk having your money stolen. absolutely. and nobody wants that. and now i see this alliance between prussia, china. yeah, the bricks, nations and now even the opec nations and they
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are going to get off the dollar system. the dollar is going to be just as vulnerable as every other currency after that. and once that happens, what's gonna happen? coordination was 30 trillion dollars and the only reason the team, the dollar for the united states still has an a plus credit rating just because of dollars done with the current, the currency and the rate at any lower is to basically destroy the faith in that. and destabilize the whole world dollars the people i chose difficult to see what was the mile goes for 3 of them, the president of the shop is going to be knocked, presume leave it in full that see, look at the prettiest, if civil stumps, the unlikely to fill a fellow and forgot, told him what else has gone of manuals at the bottom. you know, as i said, just knew that i would get put on this and you can send me unlimited costs. can think of the story of a 30 minute dollars. easy demo balls, voiding the course,
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keep us going up in the run, the big orders, i know say during the course. yes, it may have, we seen do equipment actually. so they'll tub and the city, if it'll be the particular name is particularly is why keys. i order to connie salty google physical by yes, i mean you'll see bags all the single pools or the most heavier can here. and i think it was definitely in general do 2 different states, lee and jeff with me, took off the phone that was over to me. assistant is 50 to who to me, and they probably do it all. mckinney print, the only stuff is what you're going to doing this you'll probably have while to do now. don't use that name. mean that's not capital, this is a degree or do they need to go from what we got the uh the the call form. uh huh. it is a diesel sealing loan beeping. is it? would it be in your door or would it be a hubbard you got it? yes sir. do you think it's on the golf for a preview to blake boyd near the end of the prison holt. i shall to no,
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don't cut the last. see nobody could you take the signal very more. they won't be here. all you and you'll be up with. it's all be the cylinder. that garcia puts his cell as well as it gets close. i use that initially. so how can i stick and then you can almost look atrocities just computer slide is we're going into the democratic expands. could you go to revise yourself with the assignment or guilt to show you what i see is just when you kind of there wasn't words, ticklish fast store that i see? yeah. at the city would be the example that you, i see it would, it bothers me. as soon as i put them, but almost like what do you want? it shuts a bunch of them. it's whenever get a source of global costs or by it's almost a whole nice to just because when you kind of makes plastic request to be as close to you as a banana store left mazda. next it shows you what really try shreds you price and stuff. that's what i bought. but the products that they bought, the lots have to work on it. so i guess the suicide on fornia origin sooner for us
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to get to 0, else if i could only get them from e is up and that, but on each side of the, on some of the contracts, we from the contract, the condition to conduct the serious can save them, which adjusts, and we saw him look at more than one cuz that's what's like what his thoughts, which you won't be to them, but i wish the thought spots. if i just cut the screen just kept by doing it with them. usually in a couple of hours gives up with noodle police a shots and i see it was a pressure lot more mobile if he tries to vince, even though steve or the width of that dealer, we usually put in a grant goes basketball and they normally appear that it moves it as a distribution that what i mean drinks. yeah. and you see a new she bought a city, she didn't split. wait, and yeah, that was the wireless where you were coming to america and its allies have imposed 11 packages of economic sanctions against russia. but even under these difficult conditions, russia continues to develop technologically, including in the defense field, the as $400.00 and as $500.00 and the growth missile systems. an occasional
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hypersonic missile system, like many other weapons, have no power levels in the world. against this background, the us sinks to present russia as an enemy for my job is selling just the fight against the demonized nation of russia has in many ways become his life's work. a lot of people that i mean for the arrives to russia and were super surprised how friendly people are house, streets like name. so people are friendly on the side with was like, you know, really good for us and it was yeah, the main thing that i got from family in the u. k. was be safe. the safe actually i then i've never felt safe or actually and feel, feel safe, the working at the streets of st. petersburg and must go then i did growing up in london for instance. uh so yeah. it was the stereotype. i was walking the streets
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of some pages big looking around this incredible architecture which st. petersburg is 9 full, but beautifully maintained as well. extremely clean and well look tough to i just, i asked myself that question or those will conclude, i know it just evaluated but could ice rise here. and i really felt like god, yes, absolutely. this was kind of the next chapter, an episode of my licensed agent in the world cup. that was this very much this feeling of connectedness from across the world. and now we've moved into the divisions rest of so the end of this tension. now your 3, yes. movie and the russians are that. so this morning we have or what are the friends there are a couple, this goes out seem that the social cards to me, it was really 3 doing just the girls get political, minneapolis to hook up a dollar or something to the should have got what terms of clergy, unless,
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cuz then it got squaring, they tried to pursue this, cleaned up was that i knew you should use at the point to do you ever regret so you had to leave england and come here and do this difficult job. no, i have absolutely 0 regrets about leaving england for many, many reasons base. the quality of life is better here in russia. but yes, some of the, the, what we're doing is very difficult to take the on the front of lines. so he's more truth for the very real it's there will be less horrible. crimes. that's what happened to you know, less people with died from the day. i hope that when people hear the stories and can see for themselves, that they will maybe use the housing tools of democracy to make change the whole day. lead is 2 accounts to try and bring these was the america starts and all of
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the wealth. it seems to an end to end the suffering as long as the federal reserves printing presses are running full tilt, the us russia stand off will continue. america will continue implementing its geopolitical goals at the expense of cot, paper dollars. so us national debt, which today exceeds $32.00 trillion dollars, will continue to grow the sandwich. though let us show us what can i may just be seen as the shaft, but k. p only ceiling by hand or just and i'm always glad to show it in fact on a couple of 6000. 0, i didn't get a 0. so if enough, so what, what process in processing, you know, nice meeting the switch, just so i am the literally stanley but got the little sure voice, i'm just eclipse the stress book pointing out a speed of the source, which it is a new bike showing group extinguishing you're still able to dora, it's just a motor warning it it that it that it got just social stuckey,
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voiding that's got to forget by community when energy efficiency and everything that the little minutes it is for you. i will concise seeing a blue religion that at this time it's funny, i will have some i be as i showed him, the
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the but i was just doing an ongoing un security council. the thing ross is an lloyd fuses the u. r. a. so i'm inside law is of brian, i think the international law i'm to the slides in syria, iraq ended the we do not have it this time. uh, any confirmation of any civilian casualties. the targets we hit were absolutely a valid targets. well, i think then claims that as provide some serious, not through results and as again, facilities are a claim, but conflict for the reality of families and loved ones have been slaves. and i'm asking it's so hard to describe.


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