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tv   News  RT  February 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EST

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the virtual defense, it's all we going to let that stay. the syria rejects the idea that the territories of member states and the blood of the people have become a platform for american election campaigns. washington is a case of infringing on the sovereignty of middle eastern states with this as type . i'm kidding, innocent. people for the us claims a little bit targets hits and syria and iraq plus tag game. we do not have it this time. any confirmation of any civilian casualties of targets, we hit absolutely valid targets, but that's in sharp contrast to what families of those killed in those very strikes . i'll say i lost the sister and 2 brothers, their children are now or friends. i still with my own eyes, how my family members died. my daughters and run children were killed into strikes
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. it was devastating. hail takes pains inside of goals. paula montage and he is comfortable actually both to postpone this month presidential election until the end of the yes. and this baby girl is 39 days old today. so far? no one has come to collect her. the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared. the horrors of will weigh heavy on the and a sudden with new 4 phases of the golf line, a band and impulse control the on the hour every, all this is all to international. next, but choosing us this chooses to talk with us about the russian envoy to the un has accused washington on it's on ice of escalating tensions, and them at least fussing. and events is comments came during an emergency,
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they one session of the you and council cooled over the recent us strikes on syria and iraq. you, there's so many points by striking a rock in the syria, then not just stays, is deliberately trying to drag the largest countries in the middle east into a regional conflicts at the same time. the fact that such actions lead to an escalation of tension on the depth of civilians does not concern strategists in washington. the largest usaa operation in the region since 2003 presented by barton is an act of retaliation for an attack by drones of unknown origin on an american base illegally located in syria has no justification. we see in this an attempt to influence the domestic political situation in america and a desire to somehow correct the file image of the american administration in the international arena in line to the presidential election rights. russia emphasized the legality and unacceptability of recent us accents. now, the united states carried out strengths on both syria and iraq,
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and they said these actions were self defense in response to the recent attacks on us troops in the region. however, the results of these us attacks were injuries to civilians, dest, etc. now syria touch the floor of the security council, an act of some of what process that saying is an example of the lives of people in the region being sacrificed for political gains with towards your who else to be that the american aggression has led to the killing of $37.00 civilians and military personnel and the destruction of several residential buildings. even historical sites were not spared from this aggression. the u. s. administration repeatedly uses the same deceptive pretexts to justify its attacks. the root causes of conflicts suffering and instability in the middle east are the destructive policies of washington. the us invests in terrorism, by supporting eyesore and other terrorist and separate his groups. successive
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american administrations have misused their permanent membership in the un security council of interfered and the dom. caustic affairs of other countries, including syria, syria rejects the idea that the territories of member states and the blood of that people have become a platform for american election campaigns, you know, but the damascus asks the us administration to end it's illegal military presence on syrian territory when iraq took to the floor of the security council meeting, they lined up with series and emphasizing that these attacks. and the presence of us troops throughout the region is a violation of the territorial integrity of the internationally recognized government. this is and that the united states is simply disregarding the rights of other countries with its continued military act, somebody in the regions presents. however, when we heard from the united kingdom and the united states, both countries said these attacks carried out by their armed forces were somehow
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self defense. and from there they went on to point fingers at the as long as public of the ron pressure called this meeting, under the false pretense that the united states has no ground to respond to attacks that have killed us personnel. it bears repeating, therefore, actions us forces took on february to are necessary and proportionate is consistent with international law. an exercise of the united states inherent right to self defense. the united states has repeatedly and in some instances, directly warner, on a better tax on us personnel on the country around continues to escalate trojans across the region by enabling these proxies. definitely attacks when the, as long as republic of the ron address the meeting, they emphasize that this version of events that we've heard from western media. where all these resistance forces throughout the region are simply on orders
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frontier on and taking your ron's directions and everything they do is just not factual. that these resistance groups have their own autonomy, the us and you can meet. i know that dissipate attempts to distract the attention away from the root cause of the current situation in the region by fall asleep, putting the finger and blame on you on all of the resistance group in the legion of independence and the decision and actions. multi rated by the legitimate device on the international low that are handling the, the gold presence of u. s. in the territories. many countries spoke up and agreed with what rush, they had to say that us actions are unacceptable. it was quite a meeting to see a difference of viewpoint when it comes to geo political events between major countries represented on the council. they agreed to boost to be a co direct sale of the international action. the send to us our from to is believes strikes to gain, syria and iraq, with nothing mold and a bid to boost biden's pulling ratings. well, certainly bombs,
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don't bring peace. an escalation doesn't bring the escalation. the us plan is for wider war, and they are more determined than ever because this war is disastrous. so there's real desperation in washington at this point as to how to, along with pumping more and more weapons and money into israel, how to defend their whole political and military position in the entire region. and that is what bombing syria forming a rock, bombing yemen, or all of this does one step after the other. it's a desperate effort to maintain their own control and it's fail and it is absolutely sound for buying is desperate to somehow improve his ratings. and he has been a completely ineffective president and the president of one more after the other.
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none of them have succeeded. i don't think it will be very effective. will it read or one day bump in rate ratings? it might get uh, but that is the basis for us really for anything in the us or globally that's in our strip. the us national security adviser has claimed that recent strikes and them at least have all being against legitimate targets. we do not have at this time uh any confirmation of any civilian casualties or military is still looking at that. what we do know is that the targets we hit were absolutely valid targets from the point of view of containing the weaponry and the personnel that were attacking american forces. despite washington insisting that it's received no reports of civilian casualties. iraq and syria say a total of $32.00 people were killed and us strikes the families of victims all morning. the desktop, that loved ones,
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we had some of the tragic stories in the midst of the phone. i lost the sister and 2 brothers. their children are no or friends. what was the goal of the strikes? we don't know the just target civilians with the see when people are tired of force, but who will remain steadfast to a whole. and the shuttle district took the lives of my brothers, their children, and my daughter and wife. there was a lot of chaos. people running and they didn't let us enter the scene of the strike because it had just happened. this was the 1st time we experience targeting like this. and the victims were mostly civilians, not military. the impact of the calamity is strong. we can't forget it. and i'm asking you this lexmark i saw with my own eyes how my family members died. i wish i could forget it all, especially the sounds of explosions. my 8 year old daughter was injured, the us and israel having plodding industry our country for over a decade and nothing satisfies them or stops them. they have neither conscience nor
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humanity. they no longer care whether it's military or civilian. solve it, the gun, my daughters and grandchildren were killed into strikes. it was devastating. and there were many serial in victims. when i heard about what happened, i went to check on my relatives, my son for some had a large family with 6 children. what is he supposed to do? know that his wife and daughter are dead? such things should not happen to anyone. the same with me now took also children of becoming difficult to inspect and resolve the conflict and the central part of the place struggling hospitals are doing the best they can to cat for new bones. many of them have been intentionally left behind right off to being born while others have been born to death mothers, one baton snapshot. and extraordinary but tragic story books. now this baby girl is 39 days old today so far. no one has come to collect her. she was born in an all
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water hospital. after her mother died, the doctors had to perform an urgency section. this baby's in merkel has she emerged from her mother's womb without a heart beat, and after resuscitation, and 3 weeks and intensive, dear, the baby is stable. so far the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared on the number of new bones that need health care with our hospital doubled after the mess displacement from the north. yeah, we are experiencing a shortage of medical equipment and facing problems. we have never face before. for example, giving birth in very poor conditions such as displacement tents, when it's cold outside. children must be born in a safe environment. i'm meeting a closed warm place, but unfortunately, there are no such conditions for babies and the displacement tense. that i made a conic lock of humanitarian aid on the decision by a number of western countries to hold to funds the united nations relief. and we. 8 sage and see desperately hungry palestinians have resulted to desperate measures
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replacing food with animal feet and northern gauze of the area of the place. it's been isolated for months, change the most intense itf operations. stopping locals have time to feed instead of flour. for example. now it's asking you n sounds long over at least $400000.00 and is being put actually in spam and we have some, some, the light is not 1st we had white flower, then there was new week, now were forced to eat with animals each week bonnie and cooling and this is very difficult for us. well, i have a family of 11 managing somehow. we've come to divide by 10 to quarters for our children in the morning. we're suffering a lot of children are very sick and ready to start and then we'll have a family of 13. my sister suffers from kidney disease. my daughter has cancer and i have heart disease and diabetes. i don't have money to buy food. there's only animal feed is good. i am hungry money. i barely 8. okay. do you monetary and aid
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comes through egypt, but in the north of gaza we don't see it for the hunger and living situation among people are not normal. it's quarterly. electronic the west african state of cynical now why off to 2 days of widespread per test. the parliament has voted to postpone the presidential election until the 10th of december. so the variables eventually falls, wondering, seems about to come to move in and see in the change of the opposition m. p. 's had tried to lock the boat, which sought to allow the current administration to remain in power until the next selection, the president's decision to postpone the whole small dime go on the speeds of call earlier this week. as well. cool. technically, we must explain one rest and uncertainty persist here in the car for the 2nd day following the postponement of election scheduled for later this month by presidential decree on saturday. this is a 1st for a country often counted as the paradigm of democracy in west africa. and it has
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some observers questioning if it will remain that way. the united states and the european union have called for a new date to be sent immediately. economic community of west african states of which sent a goal as a member echoed that sentiment, but also commended president mackey self sufficient not to run for an unconstitutional 3rd term. the president proposed the 6 month delay to the boat, which a lot of makers are deliberate in the parliament building here behind me in downtown car. and the vote is expected later this afternoon. the postponement is broadly and popular and violent classes are roughly between protesters and police on sundays and several cities in the west, in the country. at least one opposition leader, former prime minister. i mean that the tourist was arrested on sunday as she arrived that are protesting duck are called for by 19 opposition parties amid calls to continue protest. today, authorities have cut mobile internet service and stations law enforcement dropped the car, especially here at the parliament building. police are turning away with the
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protesters here, and the situation is called outside. but there are reports of physical conflicts among lawmakers inside the national assembly. still a decision is expected and is announcement on saturday president so cited the dispute between come to the constitutional court and parliament over the rejection of candidates that meredith further investigation and assertion that is widely rejected by the opposition which claims that it is just an attempt to collect the power legal reaction on the streets of set a goal, what tensions are still running high. so we can also understand the president who has given for 12 years and in one week decides to delay the next election submit button. so that's why i decided to wake up very early and travel free hours to deca . they want to full assess to accept the political will a president should not behave like this. able to fight voted for mackie silent, 2012 and in 2019. and now i regret typically this, even this also some plus says 1960, from independence day to now we have never had an election postpone. i suspect that
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it was not postponed. com. so if that's what they are doing in the low make is a sense what the president, once along with these partners, that means that democracy is neutralized. everything you see today is a dictatorship that doesn't say using the countless illegal migrants logged into the us. the countries of the senate has introduced a new $118000000000.00 bill, the majority, which has em opposite as well as ukraine. the move has not received the warmest of welcomes from republican congressman. this bill is even worse than we expected and won't come close to ending the border catastrophe the president has created. if this bill reaches the house, it will be dead on arrival. let me be clear in the senate border. bill will not receive a vote in the house dead on arrival,
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close our border. so let's talk numbers. the bill designates of a full times more money to ukraine on his row, then to protecting the us pulled up with mexico. now this comes as the price as fast stepping from hundreds of thousands of and equal crossings. lessons by the day is a frequent seems. thousands of states have taken matters into their own hands, sending personnel to patrol the frontier on the that's the red line. according to the republican governor of texas, president by dint has no interest in resolving the situation. we couldn't relinquish control of it tomorrow. yeah, joe biden were to step up and do exactly what we're doing here, and stop people from crossing the border illegally. at the moment, only golfing is like out, but who are furious with washington's inaction. people are also taking to the streets in both the towns, frustrated with all items aptitude we had from some of those protesting who all
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confused by the power and priorities of the white house. this is why we're out here fi and this is why we're asking our governors to uphold our constitutional right article for searching for to ensure the safety of the child trafficking that's happening is it's, it's hernandez, it has to stop the drug and coming across the board. of nevada, is that or wishing to do all these things or destroying the fabric of our nation? and that's why so many people here are in support of the governors who were coming here to support this. now people are starting to actually get used to this from around the country, what texas and the border states as problem on the screen on health care. so it's a strain on new services. if it's a screen on the a massive police on necessary, just do it the right way. i welcome anyone from any race, religion come on and just do it the right way. it's pretty simple. now regardless
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of whether the bill actually passes the numbers so that not that much will change. let's take a look at some data from past years since 2022. the same full times move funding has existed for as well on ukraine when compared to that, the home run for the security. these are the 2 numbers he wants to be comparing. that is despite report saying that the number of enabled migraines has doubled since by john took office. boy and legal commentate to david free hate says the bit . it's just too wide in scope to succeed. more than half of the bill goes to funding or providing a to, to ukraine. it's wild that they can actually try to like jan this in a bill that's too long for anybody to re bought for the fact that people advocate knowledge on the internet are going to come together. look at this and say, holy crab apples. this bill of this border security bill for a 180000000000, barely as 20000000000 for the border of granting the president rights or you know,
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progress that he already has under existing law. but then finding another way to slip in 60000000000 to ukraine. the west has been sold a lot. they've been selling a life to their people saying if they, if russia succeeds and it's conflict in the eastern provinces of ukraine folder, and it's gonna be global domination that ukraine will win. this what ukraine can win this for that it's not a proxy one. it's very difficult for the lawyer to get out of the line, so they keep having to double down triple down. they've already sort of a sock $200000000000.00 into this candidates, put in several 1000000000. and now to admit, after a generation of ukrainian men have been sent to the slaughter for a war that, you know, arguably, could've been negotiated from the get go. now they come on say ok, we're going to stop the can't stop go too far in the visit. all the famous top show has tucker carlson to most cars, creating something of a for warry among liberals in the us. despite the actual reason for his visit being and there is much speculation that he is in the russian capital to enter through president putin, that spot some states side to demand. he's banned from as
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a returning home. perhaps we need a total and complete shut down of tucker carlson, re entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. tucker carlson has spent 3 days in moscow. 8 g o p senators ben, july 4th in moscow. mike johnson, his killing ukraine aide. republicans do not serve america. they serve, put in. he is a trader, to now is home to the last time that those be in control, the say surrounding a potential top 10 to the web page. and several months ago, the host revealed a previous attempt to sit down with the russian president was told peter by the us government itself. i tried the interview flattered here in the midst of them in stock. think about that for an nobody defended me. there's not a time. i don't think there was anybody else for news media is 22nd. you know, i mean, not like this guy, but he has a right to interview anybody want to we have a right to you. what do you know what to? well, you don't want to hear his voice because why don't vote on, you know,
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no one asked me, i'm 54 years old. i pay my taxes and follow the law. i'm an american citizen, how much more loyal americans a job. i didn't even brought to this country suburban canada. they're telling me what to do to be a loyal americans, like i'm just not even interested at this point. political stuff. just all see maxwell believes that espn scheme does go ahead. it's going to sent shock waves through the us and scottish month. so we know this big, huge energy utility has not done an interview with the western journalists in quite some time ever since the war. so we know this is a huge interview that notwithstanding the implication of tucker carlson, doing this interview, someone who has a choose teller certainly is going to be disturbing to the regime. there is the resume. i've been trying to control of geo political narrative on a list of subjects. i was in the middle east within eastern europe. so tucker carlson during this interview was going to ask a lot of interesting questions about nato expansion. what was the original goal of nato? why was the previous, the secretaries of defense,
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so it gets nato expanding. these are questions not happening either discuss, it's not happening in the us media morales that are going to be discussed last by an interview that tucker has to, with the battery. they don't want to have those discussions, they're going to have to work overtime to kind of propagandized those discussions. and that's certainly not what they want to do while they're dealing with so much of a term term. while over on that had been island nation or pay t. v capital has been gripped by wave of riots with people demanding that the prime minister resign. protest is set tie as a blaze blocks main roads on paralyzed public transportation. police responded with take us the full say that fine schools and government agencies will shots an open on something new that has uh since may. but nigeria to save by natural ties between the states from hitting rock
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bottom, it comes off to nam may and now it spits decision to withdrawal from the regional across block. now jerry, and despite our neighborly and brotherly ties, edit its own punitive sanctions, namely cutting off the supply of electrical energy indiscriminately blocking the supply to a new share in pharmaceutical and food products. in any case, new share has no more or less than so much less democracy, governance or petra. it isn't to receive from the core and nigerian authorities. now jerry imposed a series of measures and having functions on suspending commercial flights. often a shot along with malia and book, you know, fast, so extra tobacco us, the trio slight to the blocks failure to combat terrorism on if you support legal functions as the reason make quits for my zip for my bonus, less direct to have, you know, economy from nigeria says a huge amount of what still needs to be done for unity among african states is issues. it's just impossible to develop
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a farm out for companies how purchasing seems to be to not get it. i mean, they do require a lot of diplomatic efforts to get to that point again because of so much bye, lot lot of would say so much about blood that has happened, particularly the recent events leading to, let's say, the disconnection of electricity by an idea of these it as a country, they've decided to violate the across through to, to say when their country decides to leave the organization. it is expected to monday. totally give it one. yeah. not his or his intention to withdrawal. but didn't this logic like is if one looks add to communicate which of these 3 countries issued. they said they were living with immediate effect. that is the same from that date. i sort of the letters i received by the equity commission,
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they have effectively left, which is also a violation of the text. but what do i see use it cause violence that is self by violating is on text. because mitchell, i'm going to show a lot of assumptions imposed on this countries does not also exist in the across text dialogue is very possible, very, very possible. it's all the tests this periods of understanding to be have about the willingness to do. i mean in this case, um, because i'm especially nigeria needs to play much more a role in promoting this dialogue. african countries may be among the poor us on the planet,
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bought the rules. so some of the richest when it comes to natural resources. some people though, well being forced to pay the ultimate price $1.00 locks out on top 12. here's the look at how mankinds and let's con for more resources. affects watching the nigerians, the, the netflix environment in many ways. it damages loans that cookies culture. and it also causes issue on issues and honesty. the most of the challenge we face here is sometimes that security personnel chase
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a south of the site there instances where some fell into the beep. and you see that becomes another challenge because we're only trying to fend for our families. but if the government wants to stop us, then they should provide dropped opportunities for us. then in the, i've spent 7 years doing this mining of business, the profits for me, it is what i used to feed my family. 10 is a natural and minimal results. the gold has blessed our language and is a source of wealth for us. the uh no one loves, honestly. i started the business of selling the 10 because it's very profitable. it has helped a lot of us to take care of our families. it's the reason why we need the labours when they're done with digging. then we buy from them. when we buy the materials from here, we've then sold them off to the directors. it's a chain supply. then they supply to others too. that's how we make our money.
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yeah, yeah. so i have spent 5 years in this area. there are so many narrow pizza around our look to children can no longer move around freely for the fear of falling into dug out piece. our houses are cracking due to begin by minus every day that is all saying to by just the style of boss, if you are interested in how nations are on wells, are increasingly didn't seem to don't on what the patients may be. then i would talk to him, treat as you sit tight, coming away. now the
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look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so charters at conflict with the 1st law show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than to the job without
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a person's health.


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