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tv   The 360 View  RT  February 6, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EST

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the rest of the way we used to do it for another fall, by the way, what's all about them, amy? but our juliet's that going to be is the to some years considered a modern day. no. start on this to others. he's considered a provocative or a pate and conspiracy theories, but whether you like him or not, his predictions have been more right than wrong, and he has been punished greatly for them. i'm scared now. here's it. on this edition of $360.00 view, we're going to have an honest conversation with the most a centered man alive. alex jones, let's get started. the
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what once was considered to be a treasure by the leader of the land? the fortune teller, prophet, or adviser, was given a place of high stature in the kingdom, the more accurate they were able to be, the more they were rewarded. however, if they were wrong, banishment or even death was their consequence. well, we've come a long way from those times as now a man who has been proven right more often than shown wrong, is suffering the punishment, both in his ability to make a livelihood, as well as his reputation under attack. by those he continues to expose. it is easy to dismiss alex jones if you're comfortable with accepting everything which is told to you by those in power. in fact, how would actually be the easy way to approach life today? but as history has shown time after time being oblivious to your surroundings and blindly trusting is that only ignorant but dangerous for
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a society. born and raised in dallas, texas by a middle class traditional family. alexander edward jones was 1st introduced to the idea that american politicians were controlled by global bankers rather than by the people who elected them. following is a reading of none dare call it a book by john birch society conspiracy. there is gary allan as a teenager. now during his senior year of high school, jones, suspicion of the government grew even more following the stand off between the government and the branch davidian church in waco, texas. and this ended in the fiery death of 76. the variants, including $25.00 children wanting to shed light on what was going on. jones turned to talk radio and his popularity eventually developed into one of the 1st online media conglomerates which included a syndicated radio show in all my publication and eventually an online new ship. it was hard estimate how large jones audience is conservative numbers to be as little
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as a $10000000.00 monthly visit. this is far outpaced, is even the mainstream website. but for this popularity, alex jones and his website and for wars, has paid dearly with most platforms, de monetizing, and de platforming all involved with the network. but that was not enough. as alex jones found himself a reset target of a lawsuit involving the parents of the victims of the sandy hook shooting, which led to many businesses, including banks and vendors, disavowing and separating from the network. all of this happening in the country were freedom of speech and the press is supposed to be guaranteed by the united states constitution. welcome to 360 view alex jones. now there are so many areas we can discuss. so i want to try to keep this kind of as organize as possible, but i want to start off with you. there are provoking tears all over our country right now, all over the airwaves. but you seem to be the main target of so many. well,
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i do my research and so i study the different level of sources around the world. i study the you in the you and the federal government and black rock and what they're doing. and so because i actually know their operation, they to in and i hear they allow the public listen to this is going to be game over, but now we've got you on must coming out. so you're coming out against our operations. we've got president trump. now way more informed than he was when they saw the election from him 3 years ago. and so i think they saw in me the awake populist american that they feared. but in their attempts to shut me down, i think only mag to 5, but i was going. so i really, i mean, i don't think i know it backfired. what's interesting is our part out our opening monologue is the fact that your site gets more hits. the most mainstream media precedent, it's got to be a little humbling for some of those other sites to put a lot more time effort, more importantly, more money into promoting their brand. yours is just more, i guess,
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organic when it comes to how people get to hear about alex jones. but i want to look at one of the things that you're talking about the rest, which is obviously this administration. do you feel like present bite is just a mouth piece for brock obama, or is there even someone even more nefarious? that's moving the lips. obama himself is a global poppet, but he's somewhat cognizant. is in charge of this position as a marion ad or, or as a puppet with bite, and you've got somebody that doesn't even know where he's at half the time. and so, absolutely, that's why it's now mainstream news with roger stone set on my show 2 years ago that are pressuring right now. the new york times are the, the wall street journal. they're all reporting. they're pressuring by them to step down so that michelle obama can be inserted coming up at the democratic national convention this summer. so, so absolutely, i mean, by years, in one of the greatest examples ever a total pub it. but it's interesting, you bring up michelle obama. i mean, we know gavin knew seems like for off and even though he won't admit it in his
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interviews to be the nominee. because shell obama, she's popular enough that she can actually run on the campaign trail. so is it just laziness that the democrats don't run or that's who the ultimate goal is to put into office? well, they don't want michelle obama to get a question about our policies in our history show as a wait until july until the d and c of and then they can have a crisis and basically have the public call for her to be draft. and are democrats to call for her to be inserted, and then there's not a lot of time to expose, or they think it will be the honeymoon. and then she gave me and started in, so they don't want to run her more than just a few months. and so that's why they're, but they're holding back, but we have inside sources. we know for a fact now they're playing around michelle obama and any are probably a gavin newsom as are running make. well, that will be interesting because both of them probably have bigger egos in the state of texas at times. but when we're talking about the deep state,
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we're talking about all of them, just like their goal is to actually and even global is do they want to destroy america? or do they just want to re shape? because there is a big difference between the 2. is a good question, i don't think they want to destroy american power completely. but they want to destroy american institutions and fully take them over and, and turn america to do a vassal state where they are, all the guards, basically to be used and abused and, and squeezed to fund their larger operations around the world. so they don't want to destroy america as in whole countries gone, but just wanna co opted and control it. well, one of the things that you've already kind of a related to, one of the reasons why i think donald trump was elected, and conservatives were hoping the trump would help stop the swamp and its intentions. that was back in 2016. i think we even conservatives can agree very little action was done. i blame it on those who actually surrounded trump during
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that time the people that he put in from day one to make his administrative sion at knowing what you know about president trump being the student that you are. is there a guarantee? do you think if president trump is elected in 2024, that he's not gonna repeat some of these same mistakes and put some of the biggest adversaries in snakes and some of the highest positions around them? like we saw in 2016 and i firmly believe is the reason why you lost in 2020. well, that's another debt on question from. so a lot of good things and some bad things. but, but one of the worst things he did was put the entire neo con level as establishment in his 1st administration. and i can tell you from folks to talk to him alive when they tried to put nikki haley and is vp said, hell no. but they keep promoting it as if he's going to do it. and he's i sent months ago, he'll never do it. he came out 2 days ago and said, never, he hates america, the worst interest there destroying our country are behind our. and so he'll never do that but, but so that's why they're so scared is because probably never run for office. he
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never one office. he ran one to one the presidency. nobody ever did that, but george washington, when i tried it, was founded so out of all these presidents out of 45 prizes, not 46, but for up with 45th. no one ever done that show show trump really got informed on the job. and now he knows how it works, you know, understands that each day. and that's why they've said, oh, it's over for us. we get to what, yeah. because what they're doing is illegitimate. the fod. it'll be a dictator using arrest as all, well, they've committed crimes. it is hard to be arrested, but he said that he doesn't want to arrest them. he wants to remove them from power and just get all covered or moving forward. not on a war economy and economy, a free market expansion around the world, which would be good for the planet. absolutely, but here's the issue that i have and you're already kind of seeing it with this campaign right now. you have people and i don't know if you feel that way. they look at the example that's a made out of you basically bankrupting attacked by everyone. and i think are you worried or as trump, or do you feel like the people are knock this stick up for more importantly,
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they don't want to become target himself is the same reason why good people don't always run for office. they are worried about becoming an attack, being the target. and unlike you, most people don't have a team of people behind them and you barely have with sand. you're still standing. but a lot of us would take out any common man that defended trump. well, that is why they reg cords and came after me and try to shut us down. is they want to send a message. everybody else that we stand themselves as we're gonna scroll you. but we're stronger than ever in many ways. it's all about him for words itself and, and, and, and so as president trump, so quote, bankrupted i, i never had that much. we had a powerful media organization, but i individually didn't have all this stuff they claim. so i filed bankruptcy to show that. and also that protects you by the federal court as bad as a perm record for these local state chords in texas and in connecticut, the democrats control are totally weaponized. but we've seen in new york in georgia, i guess president trump was there open george soros operatives. and so that's why i
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saw the safety of a federal bankruptcy board. but frankly, i'm losing nothing doing that because i didn't have all these things. they said i had and what i have now is a bigger audience than ever. so i'm wondering, they're losing it. you know, it's god's in charge. and the older sanctions against ads and all their demonization is only shown the people that were for real. and so we're seeing a major reassert resurgence now. i didn't know that what happened doing the right thing and not back it down. is the global as the approach mean the loved approach and said, you know, in, in, in, in, in different settlement talks years ago and said, just stopped your support, a problem, what your dealing will leave you alone. but i didn't do that show even was going to lose the slide. i would still do the right thing, but quite frankly, i'm wondering. uh, so the warm is turning, the tide is turned. establish what's a deep trouble. humanity is winning the war of the right away, getting against the right reset. and so yeah, people that aren't informed to say,
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oh, i better not speak out all the alex jones, but it'd be like, oh wait a minute, he's still on air. he's better than ever what's happening. so then when you do your own research, you said you've got people obviously in different parts, different government agencies. where do you, what part of the news that the people get the 5 o'clock news, do you actually have credibility and what do you actually think that people actually should be looking for? besides in for wars, when you look at here is that you can actually trust you know, people don't specter support corporate media now or establish a media. and they really don't even need me to tell them what to do or what to believe. people know i support strong borders, i support low taxes. i support the family and we're in a team, humanity shirt. for a while, i'm asking, i'm of the, the audit allotted to humanity against the global as the one of the populated. don't want us to have children that are good families. well russia is promoting a pro family agenda and other other countries are even china is now show really. i
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just support a pro human agenda and it transcends national boundaries. and i and i have a platform of peace and prosperity, and exploration, and discovery and success. and so it transcends all these labels and all these titles because i'm about id, ology. i'm about ideas about policies. i'm about real things, not about party labels, democrat, republican. and so i don't need just sit there and tell the public what i think they should believe or who i think they should believe. they seem to have a way of figure it out of their own. well, i've always said i'd trust my audience for that. i probably trust half the people that you say you're more majority people you see on tv. at the same time, it's almost like people are expecting you to feed them what they need to know, especially in an election. you're, you see that hence why there are not mainstream media outlets. alex, stay right there,
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because i wanna ask you about your thoughts and some of the quite headlines and what you believed to be the truth and the situation. let's get to that after a short break, the of the 1918. the countries of the west won the final victory over the ottoman empire. the sultan's government capitulated to the end and signed the humiliating armesis of little girls, great britain and france, and italy wanted not only to destroy the ottoman empire, but also to divide the prime orderly turkish lands among themselves. in 1919, their armies began to land on turkish territory. but the west decided to choose
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greeks as the main striking force, seeking to make others realize it's aggressive, bland, for an intervention bravo, mass, indignation among the turkish peoples. the national liberation struggle was led by the experience of general mustafah come all as a 3rd in order to bear down the enemy, a bank on the mobilization of the nation. and the alliance with russia, which acted as a united front, with turkish patriot. at the end of august 1922, the third's army won a decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of doomed living art. and within a month liberated all asia minor from them. the impressive success of the 3rd case, the army, force the west, to make concessions in 1923. the loss on these treaty was signed. 31 of the 1st countries in asia manage to defeat the colonial empires and defend
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its independence. becoming an example for an amelion, sophia press on the planet the malware, but the, the, the welcome back to the 360 view i'm just cutting now. hughes,
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and we are rejoined with alex jones at tv and radio show host of the wars before. before we get too far off on just the ideology, i want to ask you a couple more questions about the spite administration. why you considered to be so dangerous? one word worries you more the domestic or international agenda of this administration . well, that's a hard question because the domestic operation is inflation open borders massive crime, the destruction of our currency inflation the other day. i mean, i think it's like 2 wings and the same bird or it's the 2 arms that either i don't think you can separate either one. but at the end of the day, foreign policy trying to start nuclear war, trying to start larger wars, the middle east is extra, essentially, probably more dangerous of the entire planet. so if i had to say, i'd say 51 percent of the problems, foreign policy, 49 percent of the domestic. but if you're here in america, under the barrage of division and race war and crime and just open
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demoralization and tactics to break are, well it's, it's the main threat. but for the rest of the world, the us only 5 percent of the population. i would say it's, it's the foreign policy is obviously the main threat. but if you, you're all goes to the instincts of these people, black rock and big bangs that walk through the puppets and you feel separated from their actions. they feel insulated from the criminal activity that carry out. that's why it was so good to see day about as last week, where they said everybody hates us. we don't have trust with the public. how do we get the public to trust us again? they're finally figuring out that we've identified them and they can't carry out all these crimes in a vacuum and not get the blame for it. so we're here to bring in town ability to the establishment here in the last. we're the way accountability to black rock in the big bags. we're here to win accountability to any organization or group that is
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engaged in world domination activity. that there's so many resources so many ideas . so much human potential. we need to get pass level nomination and have human expansion and domination into space. and we need to go in our stellar. we need to build mars colonies, moon colonies. we just think big. say we're going to, to dominate the secrets of the universe and science and the adam and the secrets of death and the secrets of life extension. and really get motivated on the same team a gives that for that. and so that's really where i stand, alex, i love your big ideas, but i'm also a realist. what you're saying is going to be, do you really believe that that can happen with the level of those that are in charge right now? the structures of already come after you come after andrew, bright parts came after other people from the past to try to accomplish that line. or is that just you might as well have a goal and aim for to try to get even if you had come up a little bit short,
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at least you have somewhere to go. i just, i don't see it actually happening. that sounds like a perfect world, that unfortunately is not perfect for those empower. currently. what i'm saying is the global examination of this chelsea a and war, and poverty and eating bugs and owning nothing and having nothing. we have to offer an alternative future of our families and culture and success and competition to counter that. and and, and so, i mean, it's easy to just say we're going to do, we're working on killing each other and maybe that's gonna happen. but i'm saying by striving for something bigger, we can transcend that. i mean, look, nobody believes by and one last election the dental guy believes you're actually what i knew even question it right now you go in there and question, you know this alex, you go and question and you, they completely discounts you. they completely say, oh you're, we don't believe you like the democrats and the narrative continue to push, and it's very hard to continue. they try to sell it. what do you say to them?
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here's why i'm so positive. i started out 29 years ago and access tv, the local radio show like 28 years ago, got syndicated 26 years ago. and i'm just a regular guy. and all i get to love on the street now. i don't get any have all trump gets his love. he doesn't get any aid of freedom is actually very, very popular. there's still this vestigial hang over that. the establishment is still in control and they may be able to start a manual more and stay in power. i mean, i'm not saying we beaten them yet, but i just bet on humanity. and i see such a great awakening happening that we can just hold on and promote our ideas. i bet on humanity, i believe they're gonna make the right decision. but absolutely, i mean by doing that obama and be able to control them are very evil. they control nuclear weapons. god knows what they'll do. they've done incredibly horrible things . but you're talking about mahatma gandhi or bottles or getting junior or jesus before him. we've been smart. we're not let them practice into violence to counter
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them. and so every time we take the heads, we get stronger with the public day a week or so. all i'm saying is there's a very positive breakout happening around the world of humanity wanting to have a destiny prosperity at exploration and freedom. drawn out here saying we're not in a horrible this w. i'm either saying we're in a hell right now. but when you're in a hell, you can look up to the mountains and the stars and see that haven't. and so i'm simply saying, i don't focus on the pathetic global as that, and the, and the pedal falls that run the sea. and the most corrupt groups never seen the world. i mean, i focus on what they're doing to stop them. but more and more, i'm focusing on the positive things that humanity is doing to the people know there's an alternative vision you are correct on that, but that's a perfect transition because one of those things they've tried to do they did exist is jeffrey, i've seen not to transition too much, but you brought up had a failure but brought up everything he brought through everything that's going on
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behind the scenes. do you believe the jeffrey i've seen had, ties the massage, and was he using info that he garnered using manipulate some of the most wealthy and powerful around the world with his death? is that done? well, we don't believe it. i mean, we know that his father in law maxwell and, and, and here's here's, here's his wife, gray friend of yours lane. they were my side and they were in my sex and they weren't c, i a and it was all 3 agencies running honey pods. were the politicians and other people came to be part of it to be in the club. it was an initiation they didn't know. most of them didn't get con to come to have sexual under 8 girls and get video games with, you know, with all those giant storage facilities full of, of, of hard drives in vh. as the days they were knowingly going to take part in a joining the club ritual or a right of passage and to be part of it so absolutely. i mean epstein is just the
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tip of the iceberg and all of that. and it just shows how disconnected as for everybody else, and everybody else operates, because you're most people, it's about what you see on hollywood, the rest of it, you know, we're not running around doing stuff like that. so it shows what a horrible cockroach dest uh the establishment has and it shows what and right the feet of them that 90 percent of people on poles are more. no, they murder jeffrey, i've seen they broke his neck in 3 places. the corner sat and, and people understand now the cd underbelly that is this intelligence agency control system. how important is that list and you have any sort of trust that we will actually see the names on that list. so yeah, i mean, they kind of boil it down to a less, he had all sorts of less because he had facilities in paris and facilities in new york in the caribbean and in new mexico. and he was just doing all sorts of stuff. so no, i don't think we'll ever see all of it. the guy wouldn't grabbed at all,
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including all those hard drives and tapes. so they can engage in black mail just like he was. and, and, and so you got all these agencies in groups competing with each other in blackmail and it just thoroughly disgusting. and so that's how they're holding on the power is using that blackmail again, slowly. people that were involved that well, in the final minutes that i have with you, i have, i have to ask you, you have been called the people that like to do. but i see the most dangerous man today. i think that's a bit much a little dramatic. but i am interested in knowing who you think is the most dangerous person on the planet today. we've got to have a villain and is it justified? you know, i think ideas of the most dangerous thing, an good idea is the most positive, a successful helpful thing. so you know, we can talk about all the different organizations and groups and overrides. but i'd have to say bill gates for what he represents the guy this time the doctor spends
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billions of dollars here controlling the media to try to push to are you in health care treaty right now that says he controls our bodies. when i and i would have to say, not only is he one of those dangerous men in the world today, he's one of the most hated enemy. then they'll be videos with him, with 20000000 views, and 800000 comments. and almost every one of them is negative. so the good news is, is people recognize that he is a tyrant and, and, and really the model of this corporate global domination. we're saying. but you can talk about, you can talk about blog, obama, you, you can talk about cloud. schwab is one of their mouth pieces. you can talk about any of these people. you know, you can say brock obama is really behind the scenes throwing by and that's even come out in the news driving and i'm at now. i mean, these are all very dangerous people because they're a reckless and they've had such a trail of success. living all the fumes of america is grab a task that they feel invincible. even though they can't see the walls closing in on him. but i mean, i think at the end of the day i would ever say something like,
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bill gates is the most dangerous. well, last question for you. real simple answer. personally, are you afraid of the united states government? no. i mean the number one cause of death to your like 50 and i'm 50 next next week or 2 weeks. happy birthday is of is automobiles. thank you. i mean the number one cause of death to learn about fifty's cars and i still get my car and drive 80 miles in our home today. i still put my kids in the car. i still do it. is the choice i make? shall no, i have no fear of the global as i have no fear to present no fear that no, no fear of any internet. it may because i've chosen my course, and i've chosen to be in the arena. and so this is my decision before god. and so no matter what happens to me, i've committed to this course of action. and so the, the, the most people grow up in parts of history and never know the history there. they never know the moment of time they're in, they still do the right thing and then, and they make history and, and they, they, they make the world a better place. some people know the time in history, they're in and decided to serve evil. we have
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a chance right now to know the position we're in in history and make the right decision. and so i am extremely honored to have had 30 years on air and april and to have been blessed and back by so many good people and to be able to make my mistakes, but still make it through it and, and learn to be better. the next time i've always done a requisition to try and tell the truth and proud to promote humanity to and, and so now i have no fear of the enemy. i only have fear of failure and instead i be given nothing but victory. and so i just look to god say, i look at other people that bought tyranny and most of them never saw success in their lifetime. and they mainly sought to sleep with their ideas came through later . well, all i haven't given his victory in my life over and over again. so i have no fear of the enemy's only fear of being weak and being defeated and failing and, and, and i've not had any of that. and so i'm very, very happy. i have to end with that message of optimism and living with no regrets and obviously no fear. alex jones,
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thank you so much for joining me today with this conversation. i'm start out hughes, and this has been your 360 view of the news affecting you. thanks for watching the the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the syria rejects the idea that the territories of member states and the blood of the people have become a platform for american election campaigns. washington as a chance of infringing on this saw friend c o middle eastern states with the strikes. i'm kidding in that some people for the u. s. claims, all the targets had in syria and iraq plus the game. we do not have at this time. any confirmation of any civilian casualties or targets we hit were absolutely valid targets, tops and shop controls to walk families of those killed in those very strikes all


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