tv News RT February 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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the, the, the guy from the is february, the 6th 2024 here in kind eunice in law. so those are to contribute to amman. so it should mind re establish contact with all the cheaper the 1st time in 2 weeks. and that's of nearly $100000.00 policy the and the believe to be dead wounded or missing in guys as a result of these roles full month long bombing campaign. this baby girl is 39 days old today. so far, no one has come to collect her, the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared in guys all want take so heavy total on the innocent as newborn's legal load in the hospitals with family members know where to be found. at all for you 3 and m. p reveals the
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landscape plans to dismissal. great. it will all meet your mother and see if it needs a media reports that the president's here is admitted. tree mute the why this is our to international reaching you live in moscow. welcome to the global update this our i a michael fortune. not the united nations relief. it was agency for palestine. refugee said that with nearly $100000.00 palestinians have been killed wounded or messing them together. since the spot of easels ministry inc cushion 4 months ago, are to contribute to advance are issued by and had been one of those missing, but re established contact with us after 2 weeks of no communication. he sent us this report. over 2 weeks of the 1 in the morning had gone out with a table for them to use our city to check tense
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to come into the area i talking specifically is we have to run for cover and for the last 2 weeks had been going from house to house, out of 16 homes, snipers phones armed with the items and see 4 phones that kept going to different houses. how still house, after several attempts, you were able to make it back to the hospital, to thank you for all the support to a fill in the and the supports for the work that has continues over the last 2 weeks. which needs to continue with my absence. all
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right, let's take a look at how the destruction has spread across the guy. this is the war broke out in october. of course it gets it the break down the glowing red zone. the mob the show, the areas that is really splice of turned to rubble. now reports say that it just full months more than 60 percent of the enclave. buildings have been damaged or destroyed by in the north, by the amount has reached 75 percent. not let's take a closer look at what's a it has looked like we know, but that's free goes in here. now, over 360000 residential units have suffered the bronx. not on top of that. hundreds of educational facilities, places of worship, and hospitals. no longer exist on the scale of gas of destruction into a clear up perspective. 85 percent of the entire enclaves population has been displaced about sold in and gas. i have bearing
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a heavy burden during the war. now in the central part of your inquiry, if hospitals have done the best they can to care for newborns and some have been often wides after. but while others had mothers who never saw them, one does shed a tragic case. the snow has been this baby girl is 39 days old today. so far, no one has come to collect her, but she was born in an all water hospital. after her mother died. the doctors had to perform an urgency section. just babies and miracle has she merged from her mother's ones without a heart beat and after a solicitation and 3 weeks and intensive, dear, the baby is stable. so far the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared to come under the number of new bones that need health care with our hospital doubled after the mess displacement from the north. yeah, we are experiencing a shortage of medical equipment and facing problems we have never face before. for example, giving birth in very poor conditions such as displacement tents,
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when it's cold outside. children must be born in a safe environment on meeting a closed warm place. but unfortunately, there are no such conditions for babies and the displacement tense. ringback now, for children who haven't lost their parents, the struggles remain essential, supplies a critical short. now overcrowding has also led to the spread of diseases. despite all of these, now the remain they remain at the locked one can see now, guys of which the united nations has called quote, graveyard for children to be asked to grim statistics. 817000 children are completely alone during the to national court of justice. gary's on the case against ease. well, the acronym that was established in gab of hospitals to describe the apply to the youth was highlighted each day, yet more desperate people will be forced to relocate from where they are sheltering . a will be bombed in places where they have been told to evacuate to entire
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multi generational families will be obliterated. and yet more palestinian trip children will become w. c. n s s. the wounded child's no surviving family. the terrible new acronym bore now to these vows genocide will a search on the palestinian population in gaza. the u. k. activist of truly a, to the possible image on the beach, on the south coast say out, i'll say got more than $11000.00 sets of close to it, the symbolized the children lost in the war, which is the same number according to body seen in the health ministry of the installation stretches will 5 kill them. it does subbing as a point in reminder of the tragic toll and also the honda prizes in gathered reaches unprecedented levels. attempts to get relief into the enclave has
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proven to be a dangerous task that you, that the nation's really is agency g. as i said, the one of his talks waiting to take aiden to the north was headed by and is ready as like on monday to the cross between please, and he's ready, protest, as i've reported the broken out at the board. a check point of like carry me so long. i demonstrate does have been trying to block a trucks from entry bank raid. i met the crisis palestinians ever sold it to desperate measures. in northern gather, for instance, i'm area that's been isolated for months due to idea of operations, stopping locals of charge to red feed for sustenance. and that's asked the un sounds the alarm over at least 400000 gallons. being, quote, actually is finding out with heard from some of them when the 1st we had white flowers and it was new week. now we're forced to eat what kind of movie tweet bonnie and cooling. and this is very difficult for us to smoke. well, i have
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a family of 11 managing somehow and we've come to divide by 10 to quotas for our children in the morning. we're suffering a lot of a not children of very sick and what we're ready to start and then we'll have a family of 13. and then with my sister suffers from kidney disease and i want to get my daughter has cancer and i have heart disease and diabetes because i don't have money to buy food. there's only animal feed is good for you. i am hungry money, i barely 8. okay. do you mandatory and aid comes through egypt, but in the north of gaza we don't sat yet for the hunger and living situation among people are not normal squares. washington has breached the norms of international law and using the rocky territory to conduct its own geo. political game, and that's the main message from moscow as a un security council convenes on the middle east prices of this month and investing with the bug that then was the shift. so despite the fact that the shipment and the security field,
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the situation on the ground remains fragile. and among other things that's due to the american attempts to turn the iraqi territory into an arena for settling geo political scores. and accomplishing the narrow mind, different domestic political tasks associated with that, somebody in washington is failed policy on the middle, the settlement and the upcoming us presidential elections. our american colleagues continued to see themselves as the self proclaimed, as an arbiter of humans estimates about in the worlds of john jar those allowed, took on any lawless, innovative in any violations of international law. and that's also on friday, washington hate over 85 pockets across iraq and syria, claiming lives of at least 34 people iraqi or fault. would you say both civilian and state troops were killed in the attack? even though the us as the was targeting iranian prophecies now following the attacks of pentagon spokesperson call the rag quote, a valid point. we've been very clear in terms of what we're,
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the groups that we're targeting, and the capabilities that we're targeting, that are associated with the i r g c. and i ran in the back proxies who are facilitating and conducting attacks on us forces. and that, that is our focus. obviously, when it comes to the iraqis, iraqi security forces me iraqi government, iraq is or value partner. continue to work closely with that rack on counterterrorism efforts. and i'll just leave it at that. i've been us added to the action in response to the deaths of 3 american soldiers and they drilled in the attack along the syrian jordanian border. in late january washington, initially claimed to gave baghdad wanting on the tax was on the way, but laid out walks that backs a notification came out of the campaigns as we did inform the iraqi government prior to the strikes. securing. as for this specific response on friday, there was not a free notification. we informed the iraqis immediately after the strikes occurred . by that side of washington's 1st narrative was a lie, don,
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to create the perception that its actions where not the legal i call the american side, deliberately deceived and falsified the facts. by announcing prior coordination to commit this regression, which is a false claim aimed at misleading international public opinion and disavowing legal responsibility for this crime. in accordance with all international laws, independent politicians side of will to lead the size of the risk between washington and mid lease rose wida with every show of force. the women and children that do have their names and their dates of the have their actual bodies civilly. and so i live in close to about the, the basis and they were definitely not accurate in their attacks. whatever they are saying. now unfortunately, we cannot take any american uh, community k,
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as a fax or at face value at definitely the lying and the medley, the losing friends by the day, the, by the minutes i would say they, uh, they made a mess of things in the middle east as starting from guys, the syria, the ceiling, the oil and syria, they, they're meddling in iraq and they don't understand diplomacy. diplomacy is that you don't choose guns in diplomacy. but to assume that the only language they understand, and unfortunately to innocent civilians are paying the price or your training the m. p has let it slip on the social media posts that the country as president hispanic. the sack is commander in chief. but larry, that lose me along with all the generals deputies, if follow the recent interview with a lot of means,
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the last key discuss the shake up a default, a set of miles a request. there was much talk about the role of the commander of the armed forces general was allusion and his possible removal of 5 to okay. so headed to this concerns the people who lead ukraine and creating a reset tables and a new beginning to are required and not only in the military, severe placement. it's true, i am thinking about doing a replacement, this issue concerns the entire management group that drives the whole country we've had for about a week now these roommates zalinski was going to give me the ocean. you co, he sort of to no idea. also talking about it, but they didn't get this in to do to a tally in t v where he oh, but says yes, that's it. he and a bunch of others who are going the times in the u. k. has been to looking at this and saying this is a standoff between the requirements for the political class, basically labeling this as the odd in general versus the country's best saves when
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i think you can guess who's who and not fight. it says what this is really about is how popular major, general symphony actually is in ukraine. and that the time says is a threat to zalinski. it is natural that the president sees a potential arrival in his army cheese and may be bracing to fire him. there is martial law in ukraine, so the not so discrete power struggle between the 2 men is the closest they can come to testing each other strength. so when we talk about popularity, let's be clear. the lens key still has been waiting for some time. it's current, he said, he's down to the room. 62 percent in the opinion polls. so new, meanwhile, is only 90 percent when it comes to popularity. that really gives you a sense of how false the gap is between these 2 individuals. and this has been a long standing wiper rate. now, seymour hersh, who's a pulitzer prize winning journalist, is written about this. he's
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a man who checks to the people in the power at washington. the receipts will they give the information, but maybe not. they details. and he says, he knows what this piece is really about, was told by the official, the concept, envision sustained support for as i lose me and reforms that would lead to the end of the zalinski regime of coal zalinski new. that is the lose that he was dealing with the west, the official site. but zalinski would be a dead man walking with the army, which is in favor of the general. he's going to have him use in a on his hands. so get you pulled cold, ready already? because about exactly what some are doing, including the russian foreign ministry spokesman marie is a however, who said this is like watching a soap on full. she like in the to the us popular sloop, santa barbara, when it comes to the ongoing calls it in ukraine. charlotte, i mean, militarily and politically, it just seems to go from bad to worse. but we do know that this, this dissension among the rang send the ukrainian up a echelons. it hasn't erupt overnight, has a no, that's why i mean, go back
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a couple of months ago to the stall, to be autumn in 2023. and we have this ad opinion piece binds in, usually in the economy, state waste huge only perhaps across the world because he admitted that ukraine was failing this much voted time for a fight and see if that was going to no rush off. it's sort cuz he said, look, we failed, we're not doing it. in fact, this was at a stalemate. the infuriated so landscape because he of course, was still going cap in hand as he is now to western powers. say, look, just give us more money, give us more weapons, we can defeat russia, and clearly is top generals the military command and ukraine. the same story mate, that's not happening. we are not winning this rule. so what we've seen is this big divide between what's the landscape and the solution ac. just like in the 1st world war we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. that will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough. and you
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should be responsible for the results on the battlefield. there can be complicated personal relationships, but ukraine is not about the personal. i expect very concrete things on the battlefield. while it does seem that this is about the personal gift and it's about about popularity. so many things, but also there's this question over the conscription, the mobilize ation of 500000 new boots on the ground in ukraine. zaleski says this was something loose and usually called for solution. he says, no, i didn't. and he's also criticized the new mobilization, the new conscription, new and ukraine, which is going to lower the age of those who couldn't join the army and become scripted. so in the end, the days that lucian has got the popular public support, he's also about the loyalty of various right wing groups as well. but i guess the question is, if indeed is illusion, he really does get fired. could that be some sort of blowback to that landscape and key up, do you think? well, i think that's got to be
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a fee is something zalinski is going to be concerned about the least needs of mine who really is popular not just amongst ukrainian people, but amongst ukrainian military. this is a man that's let them for to use this as a man who tells of straight how it is. so you can imagine this idea is that not just he, but also talk military price across the country could be. i was told that a that must be a huge concern to those guys who are on the front line right now. when you get concern like that and leveled up with some of the reports, we hearing about problems with mental health for those who are on the front line issues with the health generally, that might could cause some real problems. and there are some suggestions that could even lead to some sort of meet you need within the army. so let's case taking a huge gamble. here we go. is it leads me not just popular but ukrainian say 75 percent, but they do not want him to be 5 to disapprove with the idea compact. only 2
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percent. that's right. yeah. you know, you could get rid of him. that's not again, it's, it's a big chasm to zalinski, taking a huge political gamble. and if he loses head on, you know, there's a big church that he could, he could be the one that ends up fighting for his political life. now we spoke with auto renew. busy genres from us, little by who says that the outcome of kids passed from lice solely in washington's hands for a long time already that the people in the us want to get rid of it. so let's keep even less time already when, when nato and also and also that they don't want to take to create him. his reaction was quite a harsh and, and the people in washington were not happy about that. he is playing a role. and if, if washington decides that his role is played out, and then he really the question is when the decided, i think this is the best enough time and this is i think, but anyway, it's amazing at the end of the day can go against washington. so i think if it was,
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it would be his own will. he would even try to, to make it cool a to avoid being private and maybe say to become president self. i don't know that the question is again, what does the washington one the indian energy we kicks off in go on. now the event is hailed as the country's largest energy exhibition in the conference, bringing together. how does the participants from the around the globe are these are injured and shaw? my brings us more from the sessions. this is the 2nd edition of india and no gee we where he needs to be inside the sea. does he make us all gather together? all things analogy the signs of the main focus, the agenda, re reading the g, n, n a waste and some 17 and achievement stuff, some across the world. so i'm willing to india. they will be moving by laptop with the indian college box. now they don't fun, so me to shoot that on the line, the indian n o g on steve, remember india did, steve jobs. stan,
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define all west and sanctions against multiples and continue buying more and more or would that be a data establish itself as a song, the player in this newborn or the markets? timing not have ran an events on best engines in the red sea. also, samsung is about what that might do to avoid sizes, whatever, and even to understand from my souls within the indian or the disease. that is something that will be discussed in to find out who apples with an o g twice is analogy security for the leasing ac do on the emails. leadership is able to provide some simulations, some alternative opportunities to the challenge and set all by the world the next few days are going to be to show people tab on all the developments coming out of the in the i n o c. we are in the indian west and see to why we caught
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up with the god of rochester bomb region on the sidelines of the conference. and he says, the mosque of a new data. you can look forward to increasing cooperation into energies fat. yes. so that's the most of what we see great prospects for supply mechanical engineering products. of course, from our point of view, there are prospect some cooperation on the supply of machine tools to the russian federation. we reached a preliminary agreement last year, issues related to the technology of the processing of oil and gas chemistry. on the indian side, they've enterprises that are ready to share their competence. so we have a 2 way interaction that is beneficial for everyone. we didn't see any barriers for ourselves in general. we believe the india and a number of south east asian countries are quite stable, aware of interaction with our country and understand that there are prospects for interactions rather than supporting some strange restrictions imposed by being comprehensible countries have before we go have to follow wrap up now some news,
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just a, they may not come as a surprise, but the room is that true? the us don't. let's talk a coffin has confirmed he will be interviewing russian president vladimir, put in the form of fox news headline. i says that the one he wants to share the other side to be trained in conflict. something western media have yet to do. we were in moscow tonight. we're here to interview the president of russia of latimer potent. we'll be doing that soon. there are risks to conducting an interview like this, obviously. so we thought about it carefully over many months. here's why we're doing it 1st because it's our job. we're in journalism. our duty is to inform people 2 years into a war that's re shaping the entire world. most americans are not informed. they have no real idea of what's happening in this region here in russia or 600 miles away in ukraine. what they should know they're paying for much of it in ways they
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might not fully yet perceive. for example, since the day the war, new crane began american media wetso spoken to scores of people from ukraine and they've done scores of interviews with ukrainian presidents, a landscape. we ourselves have put a request for an interview with so as can we help each steps. but the university is already done in the united states are not traditional interviews. they are forming pep sessions, specifically designed to amplify. the wind speeds demand that the us enter more deeply into war in eastern europe and pay for it. that is not journalism. it is government propaganda, propaganda of the ugly. it's kind the kind it kills people. at the same time, are politicians and media outlets have been doing this. promoting a foreign leader like he's a new consumer brand, not a single western journalist, his father to interview the president of the other country involved in this conflict. why them are putting? most americans have no idea why put in invaded ukraine,
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or we're just goals are now they've never heard his voice. that's all americans have a right to know all they can about a war there implicated in. and we have the right to tell them about it. because we are americans to freedom of speech is our birth right? we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house. for now the visit, all of the famous talk show host tucker costs and to moscow has created something of a pure among liberals of the us, despite the true reason for his visit being on no, not the 1st, there was much speculation that he was vying for an interview with president putting about spots, some people stayed side to denied his bad from ever returning home. perhaps we need a total and complete shut down of tucker carlson. re entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. tucker carlson has spent 3 days in moscow. 8 g o p senators ben,
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july 4th in moscow. mike johnson is killing ukraine aid. republicans do not serve america. they serve, put in, he is a traitor. but meanwhile, republican congresswoman had major retail agreeing claim. democrats, a just running scared of what might come out of such an interview. democrats and their propaganda soon, the media specimen of the prospect of tucker carlson, interviewing ports and they feel entitled to the position of gatekeeper and believe they are the ones who tell you what to think and believe they hate. when someone like tucker goes off, script will have a free press in this country and it's people like tucker carlson. we depend on to speak the truth. it's not the 1st time this been controversy surrounding a potential a talk i interview with put in several months ago. the host reveal the previous attempt to sit down with president with the russian president. i was, it was popular with by the us government itself. i tried to interview for out of
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here to do the with government stop. think about that for a minute. nobody defended me, there's not, i don't think there was anybody else can use me to use 22nd. you know, i mean, i like this guy, but she is right to interview anybody want to we have a right to you. we, you know what to what you don't want to hear this voice because why? i don't smoke on, you know, no one asked me. i'm 54 years old. i pay my taxes and follow the wall. i'm an american citizen. how much for royal americans a job i didn't even brought to this country suburban canada. they're telling me what to do to be a little american, like i'm just not even interested at this point about political is probably just obviously, maxwell said that if an interview does go ahead, it will send shock waves through the us establishment. but we know the 6 huge interview truly has not done an interview with the western journalists in quite some time ever since the war. so we noticed a huge interview that notwithstanding the implication of tucker carlson,
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doing this interview. someone who is a choose teller certainly is going to be disturbing to the machine. there is the resume. i've been trying to control geo political narrative on a list of subjects. i was in the middle east within eastern europe. so tucker carlson during the interview was going to ask a lot of interesting questions about nato expansion. what was the original goal of nato? why was the previous the secretaries of defense and i saw it gets natal expanding. these are questions not happening either stuff is not happening in the us media raderts that are going to be discussed last by an interview that tucker has to, with the battery. they don't want to have those discussions. they're going to have to work overtime to kind of propagandized those discussions, and that's certainly not what they want to do while they're dealing with so much of it for tomorrow. but right, that's it. that's our the show to get more update on on r t dot com, most stories coming away at the top of it. yeah, i'll see you again. the,
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