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tv   News  RT  February 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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with lower faces, which especially the 5 problem is february, the 6th 2024 units in loss of holes are to contribute to a non sort of showed my re establish contact with our chief for the 1st time in 2 weeks. and that's us nearly $100000.00 policy needs, if it needs to be dead winded or mistaken in gaza as a result of the easels full month long plumbing campaign. this baby girl is 39 days old today. so far, no one has come to collect her, the girl has no name, and none of her family members have appeared. in guys, all war takes a heavy total on the innocent task. newborn's lay alone in hospitals with family members nowhere to be found. a talk
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a calls on confirms on the upcoming interview with russian president vladimir put in a he wants to american to get the full picture on the great income. the outcomes of the global news updates in our to international i a might cope, watch it. now the united nations relief in the works agency for palos bond refugees . as the nearly 100000 policy unions have been killed, wounded or missing. and together since the start of these roles, metric and caution 4 months ago, or do you contribute to the months or show might have been one of those missing, but re established contact with us after 2 weeks of no communication. he sent us this report over 2 weeks of 1 in the morning. have gone out with a table hold on to use our city to check our
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tense projects, them before most of us because we own anything else because it was as you go up against it has noises if anyone at any time these devices sometimes so we live developed over technology and one of the tents. we were surprised to see several drones, a little all to choose and immediately lots of stuff and advanced tax except to
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come into the area attacking the civilians have to run for cover. and for the last 2 weeks, had been going from house to house, out of 16 bombs snipers tunes armed with an items and see 4 phones that kept going through different houses, house the house. after several attempts, you were able to make it back to the hospital. i want to thank you for all the support that you have to support and the supports for the work that has continues the last 2 weeks, which needs to continue with my absence. all right,
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let's take a look at how the destruction has spread across the gather since the war broke out in october of the brain, red zones on the mob that you can see here. they show the areas that these really strikes have tons to rumble. that reports say that in just 4 months, more than 60 percent will be in place. buildings have been damaged or destroyed, not in the north, but the amount has reached 75 percent. now let's take a closer look at what's being hit specifically if we have to run the numbers. so you can see the difference. yeah. now over 360000 residential units have stop at the bonds. have to have the bronze right up on top of that. hundreds of educational facilities, places of worship. hospitals no longer exist on the scale of gather the destruction into a quite a perspective. issue 5 percent, all the time and police population have been displaced for children in gaza,
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bearing a heavy burden during the war. now the central part of the enclave hospitals have done the best they can to care for newborns and some have been off and right off the bus fall. all those had mothers who never saw them. one does. she had a tragic case. the snap has been this baby girl is 39 days old today. so far, no one has come to collect her. she was born in an all water hospital. after her mother died. the doctors had to perform an urgency section. this babies and miracle has she merged from her mother's one without a heart beat, and after resuscitation, and 3 weeks an intensive, dear. the baby is stable so far the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared on the number of new bones that need health care with our hospital doubled after the mess displacement from the north. yeah, we are experiencing a shortage of medical equipment and are facing problems we have never face before.
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for example, giving birth and very poor conditions, such as displacement tents, when it's cold outside. children must be born in a safe environment, meaning a closed warm place, but unfortunately, there are no such conditions for babies and the displacement tense. not for children who haven't lost their parents for struggles, remain essential, supplies that critically short and over. crowding has also led to the spread of diseases, despite all of these, the remain the lucky ones. and guys of which the united nations, as quote, quote, the graveyard foot children be as grims, statistics as $17000.00 children are completely alone during the international court of justice. hearing isn't the case against ease. all the acronym that was established in god's us hospitals to describe the apply to be use was highlighted each day, yet more desperate people will be forced to relocate from where they are sheltering
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. a will be bombed in places where they have been told to evacuate to entire most she generational families will be obliterated. and yet more palestinian children will become w. c. n s. s. a wounded child, no surviving family. the terrible new i put in boy now to this rouse genocide will a search on the palestinian population in gasser in the u. k. activist of truly a, to the possible image on the beach, on the south coast, laying out more than 11000 sets of uploads to symbolize it, sold and lost in the war, which is the same number according to a policy, an in house ministry that the installation stretches for 5 kilometers. subbing as the appointment reminder all the tragic tools as the honda crisis and the guys are reach is unprecedented levels,
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attempts to get relieves. and so the game play is proven to be a dangerous task. lead that evasions, really of agency and guides us as a one of his trucks waiting to take aiden to the north. was head by and he's ready strike on monday and process between police and he's ready. protest, as i've reported the broken out at the board. a check point of kevin shalom. shalom demonstrators had been trying to block a talk from entering the enclave. i meant the crisis, palestinians have resorted to desperate measures. i didn't know the guy that an area that's been isolated for months due to idea of operations stopping locals. i've tried to but feed for supplements, and that's i see you and sounds the alarm over at least 400000 gallons. the quote, actually in 5 minutes we've heard from some of them the 1st we had white flowers and there was new week. now with forced to eat what animals eat, wheat, body,
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and cold, and this is very difficult for us. well, i have a family of 11 managing somehow, and we've come to divide up by 10 to quotas for our children in the morning. we're suffering a lot of children are very sick and ready to start and then we'll have a family of 13. and then we the my sister suffers from kidney disease. my daughter has cancer and i have heart disease and diabetes because i don't have money to buy food. there's only animal feed is good. i am hungry money. i barely 8. okay. do you monetary and aid comes through egypt, but in the north of gaza we don't see it just for the hunger and living situation among people are not normal. it's clear. washington has breached the norms of international law in using the rocky terry tree to conduct its own. jo, political gauge. that's the main method for moscow. as the un security capital convenes on the middle east crisis, his mother, i'm investing with the bug, the other was b, c, c, dislikes baghdad. so she's man in the security field. the situation on the ground
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remains fragile and of among other things that's due to the american attempts to turn the iraqi territory into an arena for settling geo political scores. and accomplishing the narrow mind, different domestic political tasks that somebody in washington's failed policy on the middle, the settlement, and the upcoming us presidential elections. our american colleagues continued to see themselves as the self proclaimed, as an arbiter of humans, estimated in the worlds of john dar. those allowed to commit any lawless incident in any violations of international law. we have a question for you, and that's on the friday of washington head over 85 pockets across iraq and syria, claiming lies of at least 54 people. iraq, you've already said both civilian and state troops were killed in that attack, even though the us as it was targeting you, ronnie, and prophecies now following the a tax dependent on spokes bus and called the rank quote, a valued partner. we've been very clear in terms of what we're,
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the groups that we're targeting, and the capabilities that we're targeting, that are associated with the i r g c. and i ran in the back proxies who are facilitating and conducting attacks on us forces. and that, that is our focus. obviously, when it comes to the iraqis, iraqi security forces me iraqi government, iraq is, are valued. partner continue to work closely with a wreck on counterterrorism efforts. and i'll just leave it at that of the us added to the action and respond to the deaths of 3 american soul, destiny drove an attack along the syrian jordanian border. in late january, washington initially claimed the gave baghdad a warning and the top was on the way. but late a walk that backs a notification came off of the campaign. as we did inform the iraqi government prior to the strikes. securing. as for this specific response on friday, there was not a free notification. we informed the iraqis immediately after the strikes occurred
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. but that said, washington fast narrative was a lie, don, to create the perception that it's action. we're not the legal lot. first. the american side deliberately deceived and falsified the facts by announcing prior coordination to commit this regression, which is a false claim aimed at misleading international public opinion and disavowing legal responsibility for this crime. in accordance with all international laws, independent politicians sod on with all the b sides of the risk between washington and middle east rose wida with every show of force. the women and children. dad, who have the names of their dates of the us and their actual bodies civilly. and so i live in close to the, the basis of that. we're definitely not accurate in their attacks, whatever they are saying now. unfortunately, we cannot take any american uh,
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community k, as a fax or at face value at definitely the my and the medley. they're losing friends by the day. the by the minute it's, i would say they are, they made a mess of things in the middle east as starting from guys and syria, the ceiling, the oil, and syria. they, they're meddling in iraq. and they don't understand diplomacy. diplomacy is that you don't use guns in diplomacy, but to assume that the only language they understand and unfortunately is innocent civilians are paying the price what it may not come as a surprise, but the room is that true us, john? let's talk a coffin has confirmed he will be interviewing russian president vladimir, put in the form of fox news headline. i says he wants to share the august thought
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of the trade in conflict. something western media have yet to do. on the same day, the war, new crane began american media wetso, spoken to scores of people from ukraine, and they've done scores of interviews with ukrainian presidents lensky. we ourselves have put a request for an interview with. so i'd say we help each steps. but the never easy is already done in the united states are not traditional interviews. they are forming pep sessions, specifically designed to amplify. lensky is demand to see us and to more deeply into we're in eastern europe and pay for it. that is not journalism. it is government propaganda, propaganda of the ugly. it's kind, the kind that kills people. are the 1st button, donald courts or johns me now here, industry to discuss these developments. don is good to have you do. i mean, you've been following this issue right from the spot. now talk to us, what do we know about to the costs of the announcement? well, after days of wild speculation and tucker carlson,
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becoming the most discussed topic on twitter along side vladimir put in the tucker has finally confirmed that he will indeed be doing this interview with the russian president. this announcement. and his explanation for this decision came in the form of a 4 and a half minute video that tucker posted on his twitter account. and in that short window of time, he was able to, he able to shed a spotlight on western hypocrisy for the entire american public to see the fact that we've seen so many interviews with ukrainians that support the key of regime and with ukrainian the president himself but not one such a interview have we seen with vladimir, put at the same time our politicians and media outlets have been doing this. promoting a foreign leader like he's a new consumer brand. not a single western journalist has bothered to interview the president of the other country involved in this conflict. why them are putting most americans have no idea why putting invaded ukraine, or what is goals are now they've never heard his voice. that's all the americans
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have a right to know all they can about a war they are implicated in and we have the right to tell them about it because we are americans to freedom of speech is our birth right. we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house. now in his video, tucker also said that this interview is going to be open source and he also went over some of his ideological motivations. first and foremost, being the fact that it's the duty of journalists to inform the people we had. it was really great to hear tucker, call a spade a spade. when he said that the american public is not informed when it comes to the ukraine conflict, he said that that's because the main stream media lies mostly by omission. and it's created a situation really where the american public doesn't know why russia launched its military operation against you print in the 1st place. and this looked like a great opportunity for people to get to see what is really going on. and then some of the services behind all of that. but as far as we know,
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this is not the 1st time for the cost and this attempting to interview president, lot them to put in. right. that's right. several months ago, tucker said publicly that he was trying to seek out an interview with the russian president. but he also said that the us government actually stepped in to stop him . website goes to what he said at the time, almost 3 years ago, the by the ministration illegally spied on our text messages and then link the contents to their servants at the news media. they did this order to stop a put interview that we were planning. the last month for pretty certainly did exactly the same thing once again. but this time we came to moscow anyway. all right. as it is right now, talk a call since being in, in, in moscow has sent shock waves across liberal media, americans. and he would be on the shores of the united states. why is that? well, i mean, that's a good question, but we've seen that liberals throw an absolute, fed all across the internet. some even saying that tucker carlson should not be let
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back into the united states simply because he set foot in russia while others have been saying that the republicans are taking marching orders from the kremlin. perhaps we need a total and complete shut down of tucker carlson. re entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. tucker carlson has been 3 days in moscow. 8 g o p senators ben, july 4th in moscow. mike johnson is killing ukraine aid. republicans do not serve america. they serve, put in p as a traitor. now if that's the kind of reaction we saw after people just found out that tucker carlson was enjoying the ballet at the ball, showing theater and hanging out in restaurants and moscow. i mean, we can only imagine what kind of reactions we're going to see after this vit, after this interview goes public. but you saw, we also have to wonder why is just a simple interview, creating so much hysteria and the mainstream media. and more importantly,
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so much fear in washington could it be perhaps because after years of them trying to paint the caricature of an evil dictator, allowing the russian president to show a more human face to the american public might be more dangerous than washington. but like all right, great opportunity to do the work of media. that's what the thing is. don't go into . thank you so much for the inside here. right? the right talk over parsons visit to moscow prompted to slip backslash echo into the experience of media figures like alex jones known for pushing against mainstream media facing legal challenges. alex jones hence being silenced. and then on the sense that the interview with that as quote you new shoes, discussing the bottle for narrative control. well, that is why they rang courts and came after me and try to shut us down. is they want to send a message or a body also to be stand up tells us we're gonna scroll you. but we're stronger than ever in many ways. it's all about him for words itself and, and, and,
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and so as president trump, so cold bankrupted i, i never had that much. we had a powerful media organization, but i individually didn't have all this stuff they claim. so i filed bankruptcy to show that. and also that protects you by the federal court matters. affordable court for these local state chords in texas and in connecticut, the democrats control are totally weaponized. but we've seen in new york in georgia, i guess president trump, were there open george soros operatives until that's why i saw the safety of a federal bankruptcy board. but frankly, i'm losing nothing doing that because i didn't have all these names. they said i had and what i have now is a bigger audience than ever. so i'm wondering they're losing a huge gods in charge. and all their sanctions against us and all their demon is ation is only shown the people that work for real. and so we're seeing a major reassert resurgence now. i didn't know that what happened doing the right
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thing and not back and down the global as the approach mean the loved approach and said, you know, in, in, in, in, in different settlement talks years ago and said, you just stopped your support. i'm proud of what you're doing. we'll leave you alone. but i didn't do that show. even if i was going to lose the slide, i would still do the right thing, but quite frankly, i'm wondering. uh, so the warm is turning, the tide is turned. establish what's a deep trouble if humanity is winning the war of the right away, getting against the right reset. and so, yeah, people that aren't in form to think, oh, i better not speak out all be alex jones, but it'd be, well, what about he's still on there, he's better than ever. what's happening the let's had to india now the country is energy. we kicks off and go off. of the event is hailed as a country is largest energy exhibition and confidence bringing together. how did the participants from around the globe are the is the run doing the strong my
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brings us more from the sessions. this is the 2nd edition of the india and now g week where he needs to be inside those quizzes. he does want to see me, does all gather together to themes analogy, the signs of the main focus, the agenda be reading the g n n a waste in some 17 and achievement list of some across the world. so i'm willing to india the will, the what was in by lots of with the indian college spots on so meters shoot said on the line to steve. remember in the south stand fine old west and sanctions against multiples and continue buying more and more with that name, the update establish itself as a song, the player in the world or the markets. timing would not have been any better destinations in the red sea. also, samsung is about lots of my due to boy incisive what i've been given to understand
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from my sources within the indian or the disease. that is something that will be discussed in to find out who apples with an o g y says analogy security. the leasing ac do on the emails. leadership is able to provide some simulations, some alternatives, some opportunities to the challenges that all being used by the world. the, the next few days are going to be to show we will keep a tab on home and development coming out of the india and now it's a, b, c, r in the indian west and the state of hawaii. and we caught up with the gotten of rochester palm region the on the sidelines of the conference. and he says of moscow in new delhi, you can look forward to increasing cooperation and the energy fat. yes. so that's the most that we see great prospects for supply mechanical engineering products. of course, from our point of view,
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there are prospects and cooperation on the supply of machine tools to the russian federation. we reached a preliminary agreement last year, issues related to the technology of the processing of oil and gas chemistry. on the indian side, they have enterprises that are ready to share their competence. so we have a 2 way interaction that is beneficial for everyone. we didn't see any barriers for ourselves in general. we believe the india in a number of south east asian countries are quite stable, aware of interaction with our country and understand that there are prospects for interaction rather than supporting some strange restrictions imposed by inc. comprehensible. countries now people have got an industry to tucker cities to collaborate, those who were killed in the deadly ask way cuz i have gone to the country a year ago. the tracks be claimed the lives of more than 53000 left, maybe more injured from without hope. the
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only has many years since the tragedy killed. 53000 people in packing and the pain is still the. the pain is still fresh in memory safety today, year on a criminal ration. so nice have been home across the country where passions have taken to the streets are the biggest ones, of course in house, high uh, warehouse of the, of those who lost their lives. where friends housing marched in the middle. so not because the earthquakes happened at $417.00 so, so they marched. he made a fine as much as 417 and 7 holdings of flowers. and a lot of things for us to remember those who have been lost, their lives, the president add on, has addressed the nations a earlier while in the ceremony where he opened some to new hospitals and some new housing in gauzy on to. now let's hear what he had to say. the pain of the
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lives we lost in the car. remember, rush sent to the quakes we experienced a year ago, continues to bun or hoss as fresh as the 1st day. may god have mercy on each of the $53537.00 lives we lost and i offer my condolences to the families and the nation. i would like to reiterate, to my condolences to either 107000 citizens who were injured in the disaster of the century. i prayed to god for the speedy recovery of those still receiving treatment . and the construction of the destruction is just one thing. but another thing is just how the nation is feeling. thousands have lost their loved ones. the family follies have been totally killed. we know that some, some finally, some certain names do not exist anymore. thousands have been saved on the rebels for the aids that had been waiting aids for days had been waiting for the rescue
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workers to come and risk q 4 days with us. i personally messed for example, a mother who was under the bubble with her baby and her baby died. and so she stay on the level under the rubble 3 days with her baby in her hands. so those kind of tragedies are still vivid. and it is, it is impossible for, for, for the nation, for, to survive. us forget that. now we have been talking to some of those people. let's hear what they have to say with them that those who experienced this of quake, it's a little difficult for them to return to normal life. i don't think anyone who did experience the quake will ever be the same. again. those who leave on never replaced the place where we look at an apartment building called her cell. then what see blocks. one of them was destroyed, but the other one was still standing, how they demolish the laser on the friend of mine, least that when i saw him coming out of the rubble with his family high, hawked him as he was a part of my own family. i've been thinking about this whole thing for
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a long time. sometimes i can sleep. i survived. but how did we get through there? how did we escape? i can't even begin to explain it sometimes to cure for everything will come and time. and hopefully mistake can speed the top as much as possible. i can see that they're working on it right now. for the people in the quick region, the struggle is still a same, but they're still not fully recovered. and i don't that the nation will recover from this disaster as it has affected 11 cities across se kentucky archie comics, where you can get for the details of the story is we're following this, our more updates again. that's how biase again the the
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the to some years considered a modern day no start on this to others. he's considered a football, kotor of hate and conspiracy theories. whether you like him or not. his predictions have been more right than wrong, and he has been punished greatly for them. i'm scared now. here's that. on this edition of $360.00 view, we're going to have an honest conversation with the most
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a centered man alive. alex jones, let's get started. the what once was considered to be a treasure by the leader of the land. the fortune teller, prophet, or adviser, was given a place of high stature in the kingdom, the more accurate they were able to be, the more they were rewarded. however, if they were wrong, banishment or even death was their consequence. but we've come a long way from those times as now a man who has been proven right more often than shown wrong, is suffering the punishment. both in his ability to make a livelihood, as well as his reputation under attack by those he continues to expose. it's easy to dismiss alex jones if you're comfortable with accepting everything which is told to you by those in power. in fact.


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