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tv   News  RT  February 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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or the talker coffin confirms an upcoming interview with russian president vladimir put it in, and he wants americans to get the full picture on the crate in conflict. americans have a right to know all they can about a war there, implicated them. and we have the right to tell them about it because we are americans to freedom of speech is our birth right? we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house. hi, front of us is february, the 6th 2024 units involved. so it helps our to contribute to come on. so our show mind, we've got pursued contact with our team for the 1st time in 2 weeks. and that that's nearly 100000 policy needs that needs to be dead one day or mess again,
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guys. as a result of these roles for month long the bombing campaign. this baby girl is 39 days old today. so far, no one has come to collect her. the girl has no name, and none of her family members have appeared. a guys, all ward takes a heavy tool on the innocent, has newborn's legal alone in the hospital with family members knew where to be found. the it's midnight in moscow. welcome to a global news um coverage on arch international. hi, i'm michael fortune with the latest that would may not come like a surprise, but there's room was a true us john list tucker carlson has confirmed. he will be interviewing russian president vladimir, put in the form of fox news headline. i says he wants to share the office side of the call, ukrainian conflict,
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something western media have yet to do. a sick day. the warren ukraine began american media wetso spoken to scores of people from ukraine, and they've done scores of interviews with ukrainian presidents lensky. we ourselves have put a request for an interview with so i'd say we hope pete steps. but the never easy is already done in the united states or not traditional interviews. they are forming pep sessions, specifically designed to amplify. the wind speeds demand, the thing us enter more deeply into war in eastern europe and pay for it. that is not journalism. it is government propaganda, propaganda of the ugliest kind. the kind it kills people are to correspond that and donald quartet, john's me now, and this to, to, to discuss these developments. don, you'd been following this development all the while. what can you tell us about a coffins announcement? well after several days of wild speculation and tucker carlson, becoming the most discussed topic on. ringback her alone side vladimir putin tucker
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finally announced we confirmed that this interview with the russian president is going to go forward. this announcement, along with his explanation for the decision, came in the form of a 4 and a half minute video that he posted to his twitter account. and in that short window of time, tucker was able to shed the spotlight on western democracy for the entire american public to see the fact that there have been so many interviews in the western media with ukrainians which support the key ever seen with new brand new presidents, myself, libraries, the less the and not one done with russian president vladimir, people loud at the same time are politicians and media outlets have been doing this . promoting a foreign leader like he's a new consumer brand, not a single western journalist, his father to interview the president of the other country involved in this conflict. flooding or putting. most americans have no idea why prudent invaded ukraine were just goals are now they've never heard his voice. that's all the
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americans have a right to know all they can about a war there implicated in. and we have the right to tell them about it. because we are americans to freedom of speech is our birth right? we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house. and is video tucker said that this interview is going to be open source and he also went over some of the ideological motivations he has for this interview. first and foremost being the fact that it's the duty of a journalist to inform people. and it was very good to see tucker calling a spade a spade. when he said that the american people are not informed when it comes to the ukraine conflict, he said that it's because the main stream media generally lies mostly through our mission. and it's created a situation where the american public doesn't know why russia launched its military operation. in the spring, but as far as we know, this is not the 1st time talk of costs on the east pines is attempting to interview, let them of put in. right. that's right. several months ago,
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tucker said that publicly that he tried to organize an interview with russian president vladimir put in. but he says that the us government actually stepped in and blocked him from doing that. was like, it was almost 3 years ago the by the ministration illegally. spied on our text messages and then link the contents to their servants at the news media. they did this order to stop a put interview that we were planning last month for pretty certainly did exactly the same thing once again. but this time we came to moscow anyway. now the white house itself has said that it didn't try to do anything like that. but if what tucker says is true, then this goes back to what he said about the duty of a journalist to inform people. and if what tucker said is true. and he tried to inform people by organizing an interview with the russian president, then it, it looks like the same people that are constantly pontificating to the rest of the world about democracy and freedom. if they stood in his way, then that would look really bad on their part. that's all right. now,
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call sounds visit to moscow. a send a shock waves, you know, through the liberal media and eval on the general public. you know, when, what about what do you think you're going to be the reaction to following this, this confirmation? well, we've already seen reactions based on the from when people understood that he was in moscow in general several days ago. and that caused liberals to throw an absolute fit across the internet. some people were saying that you shouldn't be allowed back to the united states simply for setting foot and russia, while others accused the republican party of taking marching orders from moscow. perhaps we need a total incomplete shut down of tucker carlson, re entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. tucker carlson has spent 3 days in moscow. 8 g o p senators spent july 4th in moscow. mike johnson is killing ukraine aid republicans do not serve america. they serve, put in, he is
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a traitor. now if that's the kind of reaction we saw after people just understood that tucker carlson was enjoying the ballet at the balls troy theater and hanging out in restaurants in moscow. we can only imagine what the reaction is going to be after this interview goes public. but we also have to wonder why it's causing just a simple interview, so much hysteria in the mainstream media and more importantly, so much fear in washington. it could very well be because after years of painting this caricature of an evil dictator allowing vladimir putting to show a human face to the american public could be more dangerous than washington might right. hold on. we'll have to leave you here. now wait to see how things play out to our teachers, but i don't know, coach, i thank you so much for bringing us up to speed and putting things in perspective. get. thank you. great. all right, doll for more. let's trust now to legal a media on the list and donald in new york loudly. good to have you join me now. i know you've been following this development now. it is announcements. proper
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kaufman said that the bottom, the ministration previously made some sort of a way an attempt to stop him from interviewing the russian president. why do you think the white house has so intent? all this kind of intent on preventing this? well, as i say, i can neither confirm nor deny that you are really and we're just told me that tends to stifle free speech. but i must say this. when i 1st heard this may 1st read, you know, the 1st couple of words i thought, oh my god, something happened to tucker carlson. let me read. he just, he's going to interview reading me a button and, and that's it. that's it. oh, wait a minute. i must be missing that can be the subject of all of this stuff and drum, there's gotta be something else i'm missing here. that's it. we're going crazy over journalism. the same folks who don't understand that julian, the son is
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a journalist. i, i mean, i don't understand that out. if ever there was the luckiest man on the plan. it is a guy who leaves fox news after making how it was millions of dollars he leaves. there's some kind of a here all for i guess, walking away from the corporate to buy the waste. and the funny that you said, the liberal media would want to quash free speech, but in any event he leaves. and now, after interviewing a variety of addressing people, he is now elevated to this bad boy stablished this, this, this pioneer, the 1st person in western media. well, i don't believe he's the 1st what i mean oliver stone and megan kelly and other people interviewed president point, but it doesn't matter. she's going there. and we're going to cover. and what does
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this mean and have people actually say, i don't think you should come back because he said, trader, i haven't heard one thing he is said, a journalist who wants to ask a question, do you hear what i'm saying? we are actually questioning journalists who raise yourself, and a lot of kids actually wants to interview people of note and ask, what is going on in the world, which is the, the essence, the gravamen, if you will, of journalism. and that's the story, or of course, talking about questioning even more. that is what it all means. not causing also mentioned that he had been given, express confirmation from eli and mosque about the interview would now be said on ex, what do you make of the talk of censorship concerns? are you telling me that it's the 1st thing. where do you have ways not
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only in, in here in, on social media, she'll could be centered for a nice thing for daring to suggest perhaps an alternative treatment to i don't know colvin symptoms or may be questioning as an election that you might think might not be on the up and up. are you kidding me? i mean, the question is, the thing is, what's not send search is this hate speech. is this propaganda? is this giving aid and comfort to the enemy, the enemy? what are we talking about? i'm not involved in this. there are, are we involved in some kind of a war? i don't understand it and if there were other, i'm sure if mr. zalesky weren't were uh, interviewed or if perhaps of individuals involved in the is rarely palestinian a conflict in and issues that wouldn't be perfectly okay. what is different about
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this? i don't understand. again, what ever status? tucker carlson has. he's now been elevated to this apotheosis, this elevation. is this d a vacation of this journal listed? got, let me tell you what i would do. if i ran a organization or a government that wanted to completely kill dilute limits, any kind of a fact that tucker carlson pad, do you know what i would do, mike isaac norris? does it mean anything? i will talk to about the super bowl here in taylor swift story. talking about the grammy award jord, this terrible weather we're having in california. i would just look the other way because as you know, maybe not for richard. national audience has been, as somebody is, is the honest, as like a child crying. and if you take out some keys and say over here,
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it looks and orient yourself, can forget everything. but no, by virtue of what i'm sure is going to be the, the reaction and by the, by, i must say that if you're a part of an industry that is dying on the buying that nobody cares about. with news room shuddered in morning shows cancelled. and when you realize that your advocacy and your importance on the, in the realm and in the, you know, there's the, the world view of the information that it's being decimated in desiccated edits and it's shriveling into nothingness. of course, you're going to feel complete and total contempt and jealousy, which i respectfully submit. my good friend is one of the greatest motivators in this over reaction by a lot of media folks who would give their their, their, their heart and soul and their fortune to be and tucker, carlson, visitation. because people think about this was the last time you ever heard of
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anybody commenting on somebody commenting somebody just interviewing. i mean, this is, is it because journalism is so rare that we don't know what to do, that we don't know the basics, the rudiments, the scenario aspects of what journal as a means by asking questions. questioning more. just just just being curious, is it the fact that we are so disconnected from this that this seems so revolutionary? my god, he's as the leader, he's asking only can he do that? can you, can you actually, yes, you can do it. you're supposed to do that? well, i, i don't 100. i mean, it's, i mean, i, my, my, my fascination is with their fascination and a lot of people can't agree more. now, talk a coffin, chalked it up to propaganda. how, how would you explain new western journalists?
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choosing to interview is the last key, and not put it in. how do you, what do you make of that though? look, i, i don't normally the idea in a perfect world is you want to interview every one. in fact, you can interview someone and be biased, interview them and treat them on fairly interviews. i'm on that and give somebody all the consideration and to help you can. but the ideas of interviewing that is normally seen as being the norm. that said, the question we normally ask is, what was the interview bias? was it fair? now we're questioning not the form of the interview or whether there was an interview as though interviewing somebody and you determining a priori that this is going to be some kind of a, of a, providing the propaganda or endorsing a particular countries position regarding
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a military operation i mean, no, nobody's asked question number one, and how many times have you heard somebody say look, we're going to give it to you on, edited, on expert gated. you know, raw here is pages, you know, free. don't you. how many times have you heard that? how many times of we heard about editing and special special considerations in post production, you know, fix it in the mix type of, of, of, of, of, of, of, you know, post editing is what your rules of thought. i mean, this is perfect. can you imagine if there was a station, a network that said, all of our interviews are not edited, we don't have editors. here we go live, we turn on them. but i hope if nobody says anything bad, but it wouldn't that be that that couldn't be why not? because it's not done. well, why isn't it done?
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because that will be telling the crowd, the truth is dangerous and you, you just don't want people saying anything they want. why not? what you, you want? because somebody in the wrong impression, somebody might learn something. the other truth, all the fact, my good friend that we're talking about this is all the is all the evidence you need of. how rare journalism is, of course. now, what reaction can we expect from the american public and their political representative from this? oh, well simple, 1st from fox news, complete and total of jealousy or, or i, i who, who notes. i have no idea what they're going to do from the rest of the world. they're going to say that tucker crossing is aiding and abetting, giving aid and comfort to the enemy that he's propagandistic. he is citing against the user name and he's spreading. conspiracy varies. i hate speed. sure me see what
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else i'm. i'm lead me something on page page. because there is, is there is misinformation, this information, data information, every kind of non information. i mean it's, they, they will throw the proverbial fuck at him in terms of hurrying you guys again, i say daring to talk about something again clear as free little bid, lucid, devoid of any kind of filtration, any prism, any bias you can't do that that's. that's just wrong, but not for us. so right. well i know it's always interesting speaking with you. thanks for your insights. legal and media, consult a consultant then on a list. thank you so much. thank you sir. right. all right, tyler coffman's visit to moscow pumpkin slip backlash. echoing the experience of media fig goes like alex joe. busy owns known for pushing against mainstream media, facing legal challenges. i like zillow's heads up being silenced and then on the
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censored interview with the screen now hughes, discussing the bible for narrative control. well, that is why they rang courts and came after me and tried to shut us down. is they wanted to send a message to everybody else. so let me stand up told her that we're gonna scroll you uh, but were stronger than ever in many ways. we talk about input wards itself and, and, and, and so as president trump, so quote, bankrupted i, i never had that much. we had a power for many organization, but i individually didn't have all this stuff they claimed. so i filed bankruptcy to show that. and also that protection by the federal court is bad as a federal courts. where are these local state chords in texas and in connecticut, the democrats control are totally weaponized. but we've seen in new york in georgia, i guess president trump, where they're open. george soros operatives and, and, and, and so that's why i saw the safety of a federal bankruptcy board. but frankly, i'm losing nothing doing that because i didn't have all these things. they said i
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had. and what i have now is a bigger audience than ever. so i'm wondering, they're losing a huge gods in charge and all their sanctions against dodge and all their demon is ation is only shown the people that work for real. and so we're seeing a major reassert resurgence now. i didn't know that what happened doing the right thing and not back and down the global as the approach mean the loved approach and said, you know, in, in, in, in, in different settlement talks years ago and said, it just stops your support a problem. what you're doing will leave you alone, but i didn't do that show even was going to lose the side. i would still do the right thing, but quite frankly, i'm wondering. uh, so the warm is turning, the tide is turned. establish what's a deep trouble. commodities winning the war of the right away, getting against the right reset. and so yeah, people that aren't in form to think, oh, i better not speak out all be alex jones. but then people, what about he's still on air, he's bigger than ever. what's happening,
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the why the united nations relief and was agency for palestine. refugee said that nearly 100000 palestinians had been killed wounded or i'm mistaken, and gather settings to start the visuals. military and cushion 4 months ago are to contribute to a month's or should mine had been one of those messing but re established contact with us after 2 weeks of no communication. and he sent us this report. over 2 weeks of 1 in the morning have gone out with a table hold on to use our 10 projects before we leave most of hospital anything else as you go up against
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this has noises. anyone at any time these devices so we live over technology and one of the tense, we were surprised to see several drones of to choose and immediately lots of stuff and advanced tax, etc. stuff to come into the area talking have to run for cover. and for the last 2 weeks had been going from house to house. out of 16
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snipers tools armed with a license and see 4 phones that kept going through different houses. house the house. after several attempts, you were able to make 2 lots of hospice. i want to thank you. thank my family. all the support that you are showing and the supports for the work that has continues the last 2 weeks, which needs to continue with my absence on with the all right, let's take a look at how the destruction has spread across the guy that says the war broke out in october. now the boeing red zone is on the map. you can see here show the areas that use rodney strikes of tons to rumble reports say that in just 4 months,
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more than 60 percent of the young plays. buildings had been damaged or destroyed by in the north. but the amount has reached 75 percent about let's take a closer look at what's being hit so far. i'm going to roll the numbers here here. so you can see now over 360000 residential units had been suffered off at the bronze. you can see right here on top of that, hundreds of educational facilities, places of worship. hospitals no longer exist on the scale of guides of destruction into a clear perspective. 85 percent of the entire please population have been displaced . a not sold on in gaza. i'll be, are in a heavy burden during the war. now, in the central part of the enclave. hospitals have done the best they can to care for new boards. now some have been often ride off the bus while others have mothers
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who never saw them. one does, she had the tragic case when the, when this baby girl is 39 days old today, so far, no one has come to collect her. she was born in all water hospital after her mother died. the doctors had to perform an urgency section. this baby's in merkel has she emerged from her mother's womb without a heart beat, and after resuscitation, and 3 weeks and intensive care, the baby stable. so far the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared on the number of new bones that need health care with our hospital doubled after the mass displacement from the north. we are experiencing a shortage of medical equipment and facing problems. we have never face before. for example, giving birth in very poor conditions such as displacement tents when it's cold outside. children must be born in a safe environment, meaning a closed warm place, but unfortunately, there are no such conditions for babies in the displacement tense. for children who
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haven't lost their parents and struggles remain essential supplies that critically short overcrowding has also led to the spread of diseases. despite all of these at the remain locked, one guides of which the united nations has called the quote graveyard for children. best driven this test based now, 17000 children. i completely alone. a german international court of justice. gary's on the case against the easel that credit and that was established in gathers hospitals to describe the plight of the youth, was highlighted. for each day, yet more desperate people will be forced to relocate from where they are sheltering . a will be bombed in places where they have been told to evacuate to entire multi generational families will be obliterated. and yet more palestinian trip children will become
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w. c. n s. s. wounded child, no surviving family. the terrible new acronym bore now to this rose genocide will a search on the palestinian population in gaza. it but you k at service of created a powerful image on the beach and the south coast laying out more than $11000.00 sets of clothes to symbolize the children lost in the war, which is the same number according to policy in health ministry, but installation stretches for 5 kilometers, searching, subbing as a point and remnant a reminder of the tragic toll or as a honda of classes in gathered, reaches unprecedented levels. attempts to get released into the enclave has proven to be a dangerous task at the united nations relief agency. guys, i says one of his truck waiting to take aiden to the north, was head by these where he's twice on monday and the cross between the police and
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he's ready, protest as have reportedly broken out the border check point of care. michelle, i'm now demonstrators have been trying to block a trunks from entering the enclave not met the crisis policy. there is a result of 2 desperate measures in northern gas, or for instance, an area that's been isolated for months due to idea of a patients stopping locals. of charge to. busy feed for sustenance, and that's asked the you and sounds the alarm over at least 400000 gallons, being quote, actually in summit we've heard from some of the one life. no. first we had white flowers and it was new week. now we're forced to eat what animals each week, body and cooling. and this is very difficult for us. i have a family of 11. we're managing somehow. we've come to divide off, bite into quarters for our children in the morning. we're suffering a lot and our children are very sick and ready to start. and then when i have a family of 13,
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my sister suffers from kidney disease. my daughter has cancer and i have heart disease and diabetes. i don't have money to buy food. there's only animal feed, i am hungry money. i barely 8 to monetary and aid comes through egypt. but in the north of gaza, we don't see it. hunger and living situation among people are not normal. it's quarterly. now washington has breached the norms of international law and using the rocky territory to conduct its open geo political game. and that's the main message from moscow. i see you and security council convenes on the middle east crisis of this month and investing with the bug that then was the shift see despite the bag that's achievement. and the security field, the situation on the ground remains fragile items. among other things that's due to the american attempts to turn the iraqi territory into an arena for settling geo political scores. and accomplishing this narrow mind is domestic political tasks
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that somebody in washington is failed policy on the middle. the settlement and the upcoming us presidential elections, our american colleagues continued to see themselves as the self proclaimed as arbiter of human destinies in the worlds of john's army. those allowed to commit any lawlessness in any violations of the international law. we haven't listened to and that's as on friday, washington head over 8 to 5 pockets across iraq in syria saving lives of at least 54 people. iraqi authorities say that both civilian and state troops were killed in the attack, even though the us as it was targeting you, ronnie and foxes. now, following the attacks of pedagogy, his books best thing called the rock, quote, a valued partner. we've been very clear in terms of what we're, the groups that we're targeting, and the capabilities that we're targeting, that are associated with the i r g c. and i ran in the back proxies who are facilitating and conducting attacks on us forces. and that that is our focus.


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