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tv   News  RT  February 7, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EST

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the, the not a single western journalist, his father to interview the president of the other country involved in this conflict when we're putting 62000000 people to the top. now watch tucker carlson, teaser, all these upcoming interview with president flying in the face of the main stream media is attempts to ignore the russian perspective. the lights are prize winner sy hersh elijah's that sweden and denmark word and so on. what he concluded was the us led sabotage of the north stream gas pipelines, linking russia to grow. and also ahead that's due to the american attempts to turn the iraqi territory into an arena for settling geo political scores and accomplishing it to narrow mind domestic political task. moscow slums,
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the re send us the bombing of iraq, the killed the number of civilians up the weekend with washington cleaning and targeted militant sites in response to attacks on the spaces in the region the mid day and center in us mazda of here in moscow. this wednesday, february, the 7. welcome to the news hour on the archie, prominent u. s. journalist tucker carlson has teased his upcoming interview with lot number putting your in moscow. now here's the video. another thing that's already has over 60000000 views on the x platform. it will be the 1st time the russian presidents that's done for a one on one with a western journalist since the light break of the ukraine conflict not almost 2 years ago. at the same time, our politicians and media outlets have been doing this. promoting a foreign leader like he's a new consumer brand. not a single western journalist has bothered to interview the president of the other
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country involved in this conflict. flooding or putting. most americans have no idea why put an innovative ukraine or what is goals are now they've never heard his voice. that's wrong. the americans have a right to know all they can about a war. they are implicated in and we have the right to tell them about it, because we are americans to freedom of speech is our birth right? we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house. now let's discuss the story with our t corresponding marina cost rivet, who joins me in the street. you mean a good to see you this still gnashing number of views for, for just an interview? tce are there appears to be real hungry right there to here on the filtering fees of course, on the filter views, and also any needs coming from vladimir boots. and because we haven't heard from him in the western media, at least at, of course, right now, talk across and as most of all, the journalists are having a field day when it comes to russia. foss enjoying the rest of focusing on his stay
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here. as like a, just this morning for example, that we're ready at his hotel wondering when will this interview air, which is something that we all want to know. but of course, so talk across and in his humorous way said, what interview, what are you talking about? oh, where the journalist sikes, it didn't even know what to say, but of course, talk across him is not revealing when that you will air. but we know that in the western media he is being portrayed as a villain as a boots in sympathizer. as doing the kremlin split, this is what the headlights in the west uh, that's what they're saying right now. all because tucker carlson has a journalist, decided to do his job to interview uh, vladimir putin, something that he says in his caesar as well. and why is it being regarded as a crime that a person just wants to do what a journalist is supposed to do? of course, calls them is now just a nother far right. conspiracy pat there with the show and the internet is no
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longer on fox. as we all know, perhaps we need a total and complete shut down of tucker carlson. re entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. so it seems that western media believes that it's ok when somebody has let them, or as lensky comes to me on and on where they are showing him begging for money begging for weapons whining about he's not getting enough money that he's not getting enough weapons. and now he's desperately needs more constantly emphasizing that ukraine in europe and the united states share the same values. but again, we're not seeing the same amount of time given to vladimir putin and also no one questions. blood embarrass lensky. any of his statements or the favorites sales that he sells to the western audience. so let's take a listen for dana warren, ukraine began american media wetso spoken to scores of people from ukraine, and they've done scores of interviews with ukrainian presidents, a landscape. we ourselves have put a request for an interview with so and see if we hope it steps. but the,
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you never use these warning done in the united states are not traditional interviews. they are forming pep sessions, specifically designed to amplify. lensky is demand that the us enter more deeply into we're in eastern europe and pay for it. that is not journalism. it is government propaganda, propaganda of the ugly, as kind, the kind it kills people. people in the west have to recognize it. not all, not all wireless coleman to that is not our wor coleman for. we pay the highest price. it's through. what is vladimir putin trying to do? so much to break us? yeah, a couple this law person who has made his way with such a bloody accidents going on with everything he has said cannot be trusted. there is no trust in such a person because he has not been a human being simple for a long time. yeah, that wasn't even challenged or marina at,
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in terms of watching this interview though tucker carlson says he will publish the full video on his own website as well as on his x account and also notably said that the platforms owner 11 must cuz page not to central, exactly, this is very important. yeah, that will show the end. so we 1st of all info and also talk across and set that equal mosque has from, is that there will be no suppression and no blocking of this interview on x, which that in itself shows american viewers of western audiences that there was suppression in the united states in the media, of course we're only seeing one side of the story as we've seen before. but now we're also hearing from people in the media, in the west say, hey, there's restrictions being impose, there's suppression, the block, and it's made sure that not many people see it all this time around. that will be impossible, of course, because of the teaser alone, as we've said, has gone there now over $60000000.00 views. and also we're seeing a more, more support for talk across in the guest are those who are paying for them to be
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a sympathizer. all students propaganda, but there are those who are saying finally someone who's seen the lights and is given us what we want the truth or at least the other side of the story. the only reason tucker carlson in russia is controversial is because the rest of the media has been all the way over for the censorship regime. why are they so afraid of tucker, talking to put in the corporate media does not want the american people to hear both sides. they are mouth pieces for the us military industrial complex and the washington d. c. political establishment. their fear is rooted in tucker's criticism of the military industrial, complex and government. i'm grateful for the stupidity of rupert murdoch, the wisdom of elan musk and the courage of tucker carlson that resulted in the most important interview of our time. i'm looking forward to watching it. if everything they say about vladimir putin in the war and ukraine is true, then why is the media so scared of us? hearing him speak. so there, there we have,
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and now we're waiting to see when that interview will be aired and we'll see what comes out of that. okay, read the customer. it brings us right to up to date, to all, not we. indeed, we'll wait and see what comes from it. okay, uh, another reaction we got to this was from us journalists on unless what read, who says the highly anticipated interview with the russian president could become a game change and experience for the last a standard housing has always been under attacked domestically, especially from the buying administration, specifically for his efforts or attempts to uh, to allow western audiences to hear what the russian president passed to say in terms of western media coverage of. so i was the ukranian redeem. finally, it feels like the mask is off. all of the things that we were accused of being put
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in puppets for the past 2 years for saying, well now finally, the mainstream media is saying i'm, i have the feeling that we may look back at this interview as and as the beginning of the end of the ukrainian project, the ukranian proxy war in terms of the, the media atmosphere it's, it's never felt quite this way before. and i think we may look back at this interview as a bit of a turning point. well, tucker carlson saves the full on the only cut interview will soon be posted on his own self titled network before appearing on the x platform where he's on most cars apparently promise not to censor the conversational. and if you're eager to join the discussion yourself, k to our website r t dot com, with a comments section is always open to you without any need to create a separate. the
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no sweet denmark knew exactly who was behind the sabotage of north streaming spouts . according to p, let's or prize winning investigative journalist seymour hersh, who was the 1st to claim that the us was responsible for the destruction of the gas pipelines linking russia to europe. back in 2022. the one year ago he published a report accusing the c i a in the way of targeting, i think on the water bombing that mr. hurst said that the operation was personally approved by president bible. the plan was that allegedly set in motion in june 2022 . when the pipelines were mine by the u. s. navy, according to her, as the nature of bull tops drill in the baltic, sea was used as cover for the bombing scheme, while the perpetrators, dan apparently waited a few months until the dust from the military exercises had fully settled. then in september, the bones were allegedly detonated remotely, denmark and sweden, whose economics it was the pipes passed through,
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say they have been investigating the bombing together with the help of germany on some used report leg just in from the swedish prosecutor's office. just a few moments ago saying that they're shutting down their probes into the incident, claiming they have failed to identify the culprits. mister hurst also said the sabotaged him to deprive europe of access to cheap russian gas, while preventing germany from developing its relations with at the time biden ordered the destruction of the pipelines. the american fear was the chancellor schultz who at the request of washington, had shut off 750 miles of russian gas in the new north stream to pipeline that was ready in the fall of 2021 to be delivered to a port in germany. might change his mind and let the gas flow using german economic worries and reinstating an important energy force for german industry that would not be allowed to happen in germany has been in economic and political turmoil
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since the north stream pipes are being germany's main source of affordable fuel for years. the sabotage forced berlin to resort to more expensive supplies, including liquefied natural gas from the us itself, leaving the german economy. it's a health struggling to cope as the real trust ministers act. the minister of government says that we're no longer competitive. also in terms of taxation, the finance minister says that we're getting for because we don't have economic growth. we've fallen behind. and when such an analysis voice by the administrator economy, chief, it is inconceivable to me that the government would not draw any conclusions from this analysis. yeah, that's totally why germany is a competitive because of its corporate taxation and not because of dreams of powering industry with sun and wind or because the chancellor offshore just stood there glitching besides a bite. and when the us president threatened germany's pipeline to keep gas from russia before it was mysteriously just blown up,
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there is no evidence that president biden, in the 16 months since the pipelines were destroyed, has tasked a word of art in the american intelligence community. it's experts to conduct and all source investigation into the explosions and no senior german liter, including chancellor, olaf schultz, who is known to be close to president biden, has made any significant push to determine who did what. so germany is another place where farmers are part of the canaria nicole line, occupying the streets and highways with tractors, lake in about another dozen or so you countries just the tip of the iceberg of much deeper economic trouble with devastating impact on citizens and industry. ukraine is flooding the you with cheap grades and poultry walls cleaners. so as per data paper cut, purple hearts imposes a regulatory strait jacket on its own. farmers. ukraine and europe have shown is that we are willing to fight and pay the ultimate price for the things that we
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believe in. that's quite the escalation from the turtle. next, they were telling us where to save energy. i mean, look, it's not required to meet quality standards for the you this chicken that's coming in, but i'm sure it's just fine, right? i'm not going yet anyway. and here in france, i've eaten a lot of that chicken, probably over half of which comes from ukraine. but the plane of you, farmers is just one that manifestation of the hardship that the you is imposing on europeans for ukraine. and the russian foreign ministry was quick to put its finger on yet another one in the wake of cleaners was speech. give also the malta do whether you crane do it like ukraine. the battery has any crane. by the way, germany, judging by the statements of the german ministers of the economic block, has already succeeded the european voters who do have a say this coming june in the makeup of the parliament with anti establishment populace. already expected to make gains and who could make cleaners. it was rain
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at the head of the blocks powerful bureaucracy more than a bit uncomfortable. anyway, zalinski is probably like, yeah, blah blah blah. that's nice. just give me the check already and it's coming within a matter of weeks. the says after block meters approve another 50000000000 euros for t f. just last week cleaners will threw down a royal we went talking about the quote altima price for the things that we believe in that they're paying. it's not like anyone asked europeans, but it's not like she's paying the ultimate price, crossing and rent for a room next to her brussels office. sponging off the buildings utility bill was still taking a $2600.00 euro a month. housing allowance, a rachel marston, well, part of space, political extra commented, or john laughlin told us that's hard working europeans who, being protesting against what they call on for you. academic policies are being ignored by brussels. the no stream pipelines were, of course,
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intended to break the increased capacity and the fact that the basic life lot the basic life blood of a company, namely energy, has been shut down, which of course not only meant that prices go up in germany, but to cope you know, obviously created havoc in the markets in full stuart to get energy from elsewhere that has had a, a uh, effective sabotaging. and that's because the right occasion to use the word an native of logically based as we will know on, on industry, on, on energy hungry industry. you have hardworking people protesting. and they have been systematically insulted by the german, political to us and by other publications across europe as an extreme rights. occasionally, even as russian assets. i mean nobody, i don't think anybody could really take this seriously. this is, this, these are the fantasies of an up and metropolitan. the lead, which governs,
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of course, in every european country. and these kinds of insults simply display that basic hatred and contempt. okay, another story we are across today, washington has violated international law by exploiting a rocky lum for the sake of its own. geo political gains not instant message from moscow hurt during a un security council meeting in the wake of the deadly us bombing of a rock of the we get to see some of the sticking with the bug. the other was the ship despite the bag. that's achievement. in the security field, the situation on the ground remains fragile. among other things, that's due to the american attempts to turn the iraqi territory into an arena for settling geo political scores. and accomplishing its narrow mind is to the domestic political tasks that somebody in washington's failed policy on the middle, the settlement and the upcoming us presidential elections. our american colleagues
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continue to see themselves as the self proclaimed arbiter of human destinies and the world's john's arm. those allowed to commit any lawlessness in any violations of the international law. the u. s. a zip code of the building in response to the depths of 3 american soldiers and the recent drone. it's not going to us based on the syrian border with jordan. washington initially claimed it had given for warning to baghdad about the upcoming retaliatory strike. but later we'll fact on statement we did inform the united government prior to the strikes security. as for this specific response on friday, there was not a free notification. we informed the iraqis immediately after the strikes occurred . well by god sais, washington's initial narrative was a ruse aimed at creating the perception of its latest foaming of a rock was not actually illegal. the american side deliberately deceived and falsified the fax by announcing prior coordination to commit this aggression which
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is a false claim and that misleading international public opinion and disavowing legal responsibility for this crime. in accordance with all international laws in washington instruct, scores of sites across iraq and syria reported the killing at least 40 people, including both civilian and state personnel. the us planes that was targeting what 8 goals are really and proxies recently and response to us support for israel and that's where with come us. so named is lumnick resistance. malicious, initiated, a coordinated series of attacks on american military assets in syria or rock jordan on despite the controversy surrounding its latest deadly strikes on a rock. the pentagon has called by god, i quote valued partner, we've been very clear in terms of what we're, the groups that we're targeting, and the capabilities that we're targeting, that are associated with the i r g c. and i ran in the back proxies who are
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facilitating and conducting attacks on us forces. and that that is our focus. obviously, when it comes to the iraqis and iraqi security forces me iraqi government, iraq is, are valued. partner continue to work closely with a wreck on counterterrorism efforts, and i'll just leave it at that. well along the reaction we got to this was from former local parliament member in baghdad. sons our move to the be. he told us the risk between washington on the middle east, it's growing lighter with every show of force. the women and children dad do have the names of their dates of the, of the actual bodies civilly. and so i live in close to the, the, the bases and they were definitely not accurate in their attacks. whatever they are saying. now, unfortunately, we cannot take any american uh, community k, as a fax or at face value. definitely,
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they are lying and they are medley, they're losing friends by the day. the, by the minute it's, i would say they, uh, they made a mess of things. and them, at least as starting from guys, the syria, the ceiling, the oil and syria. they, they're meddling in iraq and they don't understand diplomacy. diplomacy is that you don't choose guns in diplomacy. but it seems that the only language they understand and unfortunately to innocent civilians are paying the price. now i from platinum to coal mining is crucial to the economy of south africa. and that is where experts from around the globe are meeting to mull over the industries future lot to discuss our teams. miller, you can get it takes us through the main use lines emerging at the end of the 4. richard of 11000 delegates from a 126 countries are attending the investing an african mining in about 2024,
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which is under way right now. in cape town, this is gathering comes on the title, embracing the pol off positive destruction, a bolt new future for african mining. and it is promising the kind of dialogue and thinking that's never been seen or heard before. take starting the proceedings was so that because president still and i'm up, was us the clear cool for collaboration between mining industry and government in a move towards a green of future. our just energy transition investment plan outlines that pathway to create new industries and support more livelihoods in the green economy to the delivery of this plan is premised on stone, collaboration between government and all social partners. also making their voices heard was the democratic republic of congo. is prime minister highlighted investment opportunities in the d. r. c's, mining 6 us?
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well, there was a visual address from somebody as president. once he's countries to the 1st choice . when it comes to investment on the continents. we reiterate our government's commitment to making them be a reliable investment partner of choice. be investing in nasa combining the buys, the largest mining investments. you've been to the africa with a proven track record of bringing together. everybody has anybody in the african and global mining industry? it's all up and off. we'll put you in a peaceful, whoever is here, whether you're looking for investments. so you're looking for a new partnership. i think it's for, for new developments and not forget throughout africa is the best place to be, is very important for us, for guns. we don't have a lot of resources to travel around the world. so when everybody goes like this, it is very easy for us to discuss and then to communicate and to learn. what does that mean? you're on the road on one places right now. the mining industry all over the world
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is facing complex challenges. and with african states going through the worst economy crises in tickets. desperate citizens attorney, 3 legal mining to make a living official war and that such gold rushes are not only a crime, but can lead to violence and drive people from the lands. illegal mining is not a mining activity, it is a criminal activity. it is a war on the economy. this 5 be covering challenges and the scramble for the content is critical. minimal resources, and the tools stopping you told to a brewing between the us in china. this they've been problem is to give several african countries the opportunity to stake a major claim in becoming power houses in the industry. and if they couldn't get a with thing reports from south africa. now with fears ever present the wider middle east conflict could explode into life at any moment. what is the view intense level i'm in particular, the powerful militant grouping has beloved will. next, we talk to
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a spokesperson for the organizations political wiggle, not i'm here. his views on what could bring the powder keg situation under control . is that the was running the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, i think it will have chevy and it shows the patient unix. but then you put the just the coupled or is it pretty sure it's what are you doing your dose, but then you would just give them a one shot, the beloved spelling. so got you for me just. so that's where you know you hear them step is just a little bit slow. so no components. the console phone is a visual i'm those are in, but i do have to make sure that all of the you have little really so frustrated with as much. it's going yes. i pray to show you a different level may assist you more and when you do it on google shows and which the technology you can throw in the logistics officer suspicious, go out. i don't really know if it was
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a go or you need the course to just go in and put in the see it is done with this. if you see it on this list, if the control, so sort of all the to say, but i'm a little silly. thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us at our t international. you are the chairman of media until the communication parliamentary committee. now your m p a member of parliament as well as folks for so far as the law, correct. i'm actually one of those who could speak with bill for as little as well as no position as a spokesman sort of spokesman for the party. i'm one of those. what is tied to to speak on behalf of the party, just like to make. this is very correct. what are the 1st matters that you want to take into consideration is, of course,
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as the person who can speak on behalf of affairs of has the law. what kind of communications do you or the party in general have with the leadership of how much? and is there any coordination with the 2, whether it's political, social, military aspects. yes, we have the rest of the nation for most of the time us, all those to fight is what it is or those will 5, the patient was also fight the oppression of the like to give it to a higher place to go into the set of values that we as humans believe, and now when we talk about palestine, we're not talking about that. it's lovely to show a christian to show a judicial or whatever we was talking about purely humane issue. if you out a to human being, you believe in the humidity, then you should side with others. fine, peter, this is what we should know. because is it a represents the other events because as an adverb, presents the completion of the oppression. and that's that what we have seen,
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they are doing of what chevy and this apartheid on this general site and goes up, i believe it's everybody's duty to raise the voice to do everything possible to support until it does know how most is one of the pioneers needing that existence movement functions that are 5 things that compression, of course, we have the best solution. we go to the date on the political liberalism, and at that 11 on every aspect, we are ready to coordinate our efforts. and he, this is about to do a lot of duty. this is there right on us. i mean, just imagine that america comes upon thousands of miles in order to support is a l d. this illegal entity in our region. and we have not to support, for example, our people would have been in the us time. we have the same language, we have the same, but it did. you may have the same geography. we have the same goes, we have the sample compression. we have the same opposition, so we should start together and then each of those guys will not have any intense or even motive to join forces with who it seems right now. they're currently joining in
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a blockade against is really ships and vessels of the red sea. is there any interest on behalf of the party to take part and support the side of the resistance? is what we are one axis of what it is that extends from does uh to 11 on to syria, to either get on to human. i can assure you, i can tell you that the unsettled law. this is what's the name, i'm sorry i want to collect. you look because of houses because they are unsolved law. this is the, the, this is the name that they give to themselves. obviously the respect to the seats. they don't need any help. i can assure you they can do the jump any but the way in a good way. but if the situation, the sites that we need to do it, we would consider this all the us administration claims. at least there are certain reports which suggest that the us government is currently in communication with sizable box. so for starters,


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