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tv   News  RT  February 7, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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and will never, when the only mission left is to deny russia victory the sweden shuts down its own investigation into the north stream, bloss 1200 surprised when is so i have selected the swedish and danish hands with the t. we didn't what he concluded was us lead sabotage. freedom of speech is our birthright. we were born with the right to say what we believe that right, cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house, or that has tons of calls. and it's, it's done with the russian president and an exclusive interview. create, think of financing across the west and media on some outlet, putting them out for doing his job as a journalist. and the pro long sanctions against is involved when defense industry for another year. the
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very welcome at 7 pm here in moscow when you're watching all the international with the latest world news updates and insights, as always, is great to have you with us. and we begin in sweden with the state. prosecutors offices officially pull the plug this investigation into a sabotage of an old stream gas pipelines in 2022. so kind of light. it's failed to identify any suspects or leads. well, oh police saying it now like clinics, the jurisdiction for the case, the russian foreign ministry is condemned to the move in the see if see, i see this with these prosecutor's office has officially decided to stop the federal investigation site and the lack of swedish jurisdiction and the case to be 3 months asked you just before the end of the investigation by science with them has nothing to do with it. and on the other hand, you happily meet the default is who have something to do with the investigation. did not receive anything from you during the course of the investigation. and what
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kind of a math houses this. let's remember house we didn't get involved and didn't know the trunk story. didn't have anything to do with the colors to absolutely nothing. and the sabotage of no streams took place in sweden so they can amik zone and their favorite subject ecology. she wanted outage for people this within believe that there was no environmental damage caused by the bloss, this we did just florence has initially demonstrated that they were not serious about bringing the case to a conclusion or even investigates. and they don't always know just to give a little bit of background on the situation. several attacks were carried out to destroy the noise framed pipelines back in september of 2022. now these pipelines were built to the liver, russian natural gas to germany via the baltic sea. but the question of who did it and who was behind these attacks remains unsolved. germany, denmark and sweden have all carried out each their own investigations. and now sweden has conducted the investigation into these mysterious explosions,
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should be closed, at least from its side. according to the swedish authorities, they now finally have a good picture of what happened. the preliminary investigation has now reached such a state that the authorities have a good picture of the incident and that nothing has emerged to indicate that sweden or swedish citizens were involved in the attack that took place in international waters. they've also added that there has been international cooperation in the investigation with several other countries, namely denmark and germany. now the german investigation continues that because we didn't, has essentially pulled the plug from the investigation as they see no more reasons . 5th to continue. they've handed out their findings to germany, but no further information came out. now after the attacks washer, as the you went to carry out some independent investigation on the matter, the un declined the proposal. the us and nato called is a tax and asked of sabotage while most cold calls them an act of terrorism.
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previously, russia has blamed the us the u. k. and ukraine to be the culprits behind these blast. and it's really not surprising because when you look at what happened after the destruction of the pipeline, russia was essentially cut off from the european markets, and europe went to look to work with other energy suppliers. namely the united states. sweden is also confirmed that whoever was behind these attacks has done it in a deliberate acts and be on the jewel politics. the leaves that came out from the pipelines were huge environmental disaster. so who ever really turns out to be behind all of this will have a big price to pay. meanwhile, sweden and denmark know exactly who was behind the sabotage of norwood stream, as the holdings of pulitzer prize winning investigative journalist, single house, who was the 1st to claim that the us was responsible for the destruction of the gas pipelines linking. brush it to you are back in 2022. 1 year ago he published
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a report accusing the c. i a as no way of carrying out the underwater bombing. mister hodge, i said the operation was positively approved by president biden himself of the planet set in motion with allegedly while the set in motion in june 2022. when the pipelines were mind by the us navy, according to has the nature of ball tops due to the both dixie was used as cover for the bombing scheme. so the perpetrators apparently waited a few months until the dust from the military exercise which slowly settled in the minds were allegedly designated remotely. in september, the pipelines passed through danish and swedish economic designs in the country. they've been co operating in the last investigation along with gemini, so far the pro pass claim to turn up any suspects or leads mister hoshal as, as the sabotage and to deprive you of, of access to cheap russian gas. while preventing boiling from developing relations
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with mosca at the time, biden ordered the destruction of the pipelines, the american fear it was the chancellor schultz who at the request of washington, had shut off 750 miles of russian gas in the new nord stream to pipeline that was ready in the fall of 2021 to be delivered to a port in germany. might change his mind and let the gas flow using german economic worries and reinstating an important energy force for german industry. that would not be allowed to happen in germany has been in economic and political turmoil since well, let's discuss this with, i guess. now going on back member of the european parliament will be alternative to germany policy many thanks for joining us on the program of best up. i'd like to know what your thoughts are on the swedish probably been to the node stream blogs on the final result of lack of it rather. well, i think the light could be a and the decision to bring it to an end. i don't think it meant as much. i didn't
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see anyone at or who's lost an investigation has so far displayed any really serious intention of finding out who was behind the attack. so we don't know, there's an investigation, so called investigation going on all these to make no difference as to why is we try to get you a result. so i'm not sure it makes any difference we was, we didn't is that is not going to hand over its evidence to burn and given to germany was posted as a personal interest. it was directly and massively impacted by the newest dream bloss. do you think we can expect to more details to a much the opposite of that is news. the job has had the biggest desire whatsoever to find out who is behind via text. does this occasional rumors have been spread about this whole thing being a $10.00?
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i'm creating an amateur di buzz. it's not a credible and schultz has never really condemned the attacks. so whatever evidence the swedes may have to do, but the job and the i think it might be to disappear the somebody that draws off charles charles re to, i'm afraid i wish i could say something else, but i'm afraid the fact that he missed occasions i don't know if you're ready to continue by the day it's entire house. i want to use these doesn't mean that they really have any serious bizarre to find out more and i'm afraid i'm skeptical not being skeptical or at all. so we'll see you investigated. the job is it's
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a source of embarrassment for windows made it the job and say you all parties at noon for a long time either who's the id to tax and they just just do want to review this. so it seems like, you know, sweden's taken all of this time and now both sweden and deadlocked. i've only been able to confirm that they sabotaged the noise stream was caused by explosion. they have no inkling apparently as to who carried out the attack in that own waters. meanwhile, we have a single house here, the pulitzer prize winning doing it is saying that all sorts he's in denmark. and so we didn't know exactly who was involved in the bombing and what can he possibly know that official stones as well uh its this will be a see a difficult question i do. besides the he spoke to he must have all this the uh, had 1st rate uh sauces. uh pardon me,
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have the occasions there's the 4 biggest uh the uh, 4 biggest of the you for the rest of the he treated king the united states for the tax would be $24.00 of the attack he made a weeks to history lets you know why would we uh why this is sikowski is received guest of the united states on a regular basis as well connected there. uh i did see he was just out of control. busy you know, we should comedy evaluate, whenever the cations we've had to see more harsh. oscar is one such deviation. it gives the most of the chance which no one has here few teeth. i think if we look at the positively available information can each make, i'm just what was most probably behind these attacks and i did thing and i think sadly will probably never know more. but i think for
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a rush to judgment, we already have the information. we need in order to make a very informed guess, like i say it will never, never be an official and results from an official investigation as to who and blew up the pipeline. so you think it's just going to be single pointing forever as well? yes, because i do see that any, any of the government is involved right now. uh, really has any interest in revealing what he needs. uh, any information will that be classified, so we will no, for very long period unless there is a leak. uh, eventually in 20 or 30 years we may know that that smile too may tasha see all the time. we have very skeptical idea that those who are involved obviously have new
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interest in becoming noon. uh they may, uh, and those that are 55 especially johnny, i should be 2 weeks to investigate. we uh and, and that kind of which is basically covering up the operation has new interest in the to speak with you said yes, i suppose if we think of warranty at all right. uh, and it might be for a long period this time. and then we actually, we know for certain, i think for the time being its just informed guess what? i'm afraid unless there's a leak, that's always possible. but it'd be a very risky business for anyone to be can be official documents. yeah. very speaking. so you're gonna back, man for a fee, we're paying parliaments for the alternative for germany policy. thank you for your time. the the, the,
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the you how does extended sanctions against, as in bob way, defense industries for another? yes, the involved go on. weapons that can be used against, as in pop, wins on the specific assets for ease of a z d. i will remain in place. the accounts will expressed his willingness to review all of his policies in the country and will continue to follow developments closely . paying particular attention to potential human rights issues? well, that's a plus live too far, right. mario para now is our new policy information on public visit the director. many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very good to see you. so then your opinion has extended sanctions against him, but until 2025. what has the council taking these actions? thank you very much. it is a given that the size of the guests above we have never been to do with the locations. that's a big us day to day and it's a new a paper. the sections have always been about the length of the issue. we have by
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way of reading, photo people by um, pretty connecting them to the and that's what it is, let's see. and this does not seem to be in sitting well with you and the american government and the roots, us because they didn't put us in sections. but if they're going to put sections on us where human rights abuses, bennett and his mama, because what you've actually done is we are pre aligned to reconnect to the people . we, the land, which is quite a symbol for human rights abuse. mutual could win a colonialism such a didn't some public. furthermore, this is very what im considering that the president was uh, as being politically speaking on the issue of engagement into the engagement. and it's open door policy. if there's any time people can cause evidence that you can provide which substantiates this continuum bubble, then we challenge them to bring it forth in the lights out in the public for all the world to see. so this is just an unfortunate case of uh, the flooding policy,
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which is aggressive, which is being a perpetuated based on false means, but by my linkedin corruptions. i see a number of african media outlets are reporting to the policy and the cases in baldwin government's failure to establish relations with europe. the ruling policies on a p s has made efforts to establish a dialogue between is involved when you are, why do you think you haven't changed this position in the those? so it seems i do not know whether it is a mental surprise to or just that's our dental visit to change the foreign policy. but let's clearly the policy uh, when they put the sanctions of dissension us until it will not be too late for our lender, for under the guise of uh, studious on occasion such as the human rights abuses and so on. it's really, really nice abuse things about what we are doing. oh, is it? well, we are law abiding. we're landing on most of the constitution. but clearly the issue
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is with the european union, because they did not accept our institution of the lens to the people when this was one of the central cent eastern states. and it's the independence negotiations. we mentioned $17000.00 mentions of it tonight. it's like us to house is that some commentators would say it makes no sense to have a dialogue with europe as if, especially when the united states is influencing the sanctions. decisions is, would you agree with that statement? we always have a positive open you mind if you like, a visitor does say no, that's why you those cookies door open in the hope that's us, i'm sense of sanity. so pizelle eventually and because it does of power in wisdom, capitals, whereby they would have to realize that africa can no longer continue to pay subjugated the continue to be treated. the 2nd rate a citizen and within its own environment. big simply need to understand that we need to have dominion over all of the solutions just as they have dominion over his
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listings in the actual countries. we are willing to work with people from all over the world, but we have to work on, on what terms and the terms which gratify our indigenous people. we cannot be split contrib citizens within our own countries, simply because it fits definitely and policy. we have to put to a sales specialist. we only have one of the above which we have no other country to turn to. so we have to make the best for country for people. and we hope that this is something that the wisdom comfortable. so eventually realize as time goes and how does this involve way being managing the western sanctions as well. um we have the jims and, but that's uh, the boat is leaking, no seats, a wedge, but we are not thinking uh, it has been difficult. uh because, you know, sanctions, it's cheaper to follow a power to compete. so you've got tons of other nations in this into this most view of wanted to extend the course. but however, i'm of the policies are present number,
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but we've seen one of the 1st is the growth of percentages within static itself. so it's also high time based on the realize that for the functions, but they're not deliberate. and the important impulse that they expect to them to do. we also have iving, we have prizing and red, develope. oh bait. it's an even a starting point compared to other countries, you can emerge. one can imagine lives above wood and the country like russia. we're kind of like you're not allowed to do columbus on an even keel with the rest of the world. it would be so amazing because the wakes that are happening under prisons. you didn't montalvo amazing. let's a lot. it's within doing them. in the opposite of the sections, so we only cried end of demand. and because the thing with other nations on the table, of course. yeah, you mentioned a ron and russia, the also countries which have been hit with a slew of west and sanctions that do you find that that because you have missing
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colon, it's bringing these countries closer together. it definitely doesn't matter. so we have an example of also it as a company which is coming to dissidence above with. so simply investing that it does well in the united states functions. this is just one of the companies i mentioned to, to save time. but this is the nature of a lot of the united states, so to pinch it to unit the world, which is why we also agitate to put a multiple no, we cannot continue to allow other countries to a big suddenly imposed the legal sanctions. but you want to try to simulate that functions should be imposed upon the treatment of the un, but no, as in other countries, putting this functions unilaterally without consent of the un. so this simply process and tells us that is, there is no democracy. we've been international politics, so we need to really correct this and such as the countries we tend to put together
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because we have to find one another. and we have to put each other out of the month . and we have to include because as i say, it's been one of the instrumental countries in ensuring that we keep the heads of up to what according to the southern african development community and to the united nations, the sanctions effect. it's in popular as access to basic necessities despise the play, make it impose restrictions because of the human rights situation. that said, this functions actually making the situation even worse. so how is justified and how isn't justified? how can people survive in such conditions? it is said that uh the queue wants to continue perpetuating illegal sanctions on the basis of a light on the basis of the light that has been big since the inception of uh its uh, the sections we know that you met the nice abuses were kidding ins. above until nights and when we go to independence, when black people are allowed to roll fee within the width is above the amount on
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any certain properties within certain neighborhoods in the country doors with the human rights abuses that are happening into bubble as we speak today, i have said this before, we are challenging to you to show any evidence of abuse is that the cleaning that is not this is o putting thinking. this is both propaganda to substantiate and justify the cool faces action against the southern states which has decided to be public, its own citizens. thank you very much for speaking to us today. i really appreciate your time for right and are a para zone. if you have directive information on publish it, say, thank you. thank you so much for having the russian presidency spokesperson has concerns. that doesn't appear to insight down with american journalists. talk a call soon hearing must go on tuesday. the major pascal of explained why president putin accepted constance interview request. and you want me for you to target color
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. some stance differs from the west and media. it's not for russian at all. no. is it pro ukrainian rather it's pro american, but at least he stands makes a contrast to one of those traditional anglo american media. while mr calls and has promised to release the video soon. meanwhile, his teaser announcements posted on the x platform has already gone, and there's more than $76000000.00 views. it also locks the 1st time the russian president has sat down with a western journalist since the outbreak of the ukraine conflicts almost 2 years ago . most americans have no idea why prudent invaded ukraine, or what is goals are now they've never heard his voice. that's wrong. the americans have a right to know all they can about a war. they are implicated in and we have the right to tell them about it, because we are americans to freedom of speech is our birth right? we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away,
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no matter who is in the white house. everyone is talking about this interview. now we have the confirmation from triplet nature, the scope that it actually has taken place. now, lawson journalist have been all over, talk the calls and ever since he arrived here, there's everyone's trying to find out when will that and when will receive the interviews, being coy about it in the, in this morning. for example, journalist ask them and talk across and said one interview, i don't know what you're talking about in this humorous way. of course, what i was seeing in the western media portray and tucker carlson as doing the kremlin spending as a puts in synthesizer that he's in cahoots with the chrome and. and this is all part of the kremlin propaganda and, and finally talk across in the saying, hey guys, i'm only doing my job, i'm a journalist and journalist i was suppose to ask questions from all sides. kaufman is lying from the straits of russia no less. tucker coffin is not a journalist, not even close to her calls and doing the propaganda work of basically russian
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state media for them of course goals and is now just a nother far a conspiracy peddler with the show and the internet is no longer on fox as we all know, perhaps we need a total incomplete shut down of tucker carlson, re entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. so in the last band, the, during the less than doing your job is apparently a crime. and this is why we're seeing all these headlines. that's what when it comes to flooding, where is the landscape everyone over the past few years we've been seeing who has been doing the media arounds in the west. constantly fagin from money of wine and about how he's not getting enough support and not getting enough money. and i'll get enough weapons and all eating and off. no one is in washington in lensky statements oldest, buried sales that he's selling for david warren, ukraine, dan, american media wetso spoken to scores of people from ukraine, and they've done scores of interviews with ukrainian presidents lensky. we ourselves have put a request for an interview with the landscape. we help in steps with the never easy
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is already done in the united states are not traditional interviews. they are forming pep sessions, specifically designed to amplify. the wind speeds demand that the us enter more deeply into war in eastern europe and pay for it. that is not journalism. it is government propaganda, propaganda of the ugliest kind. the kind it kills people. people in the west have to recognize it. not all, not all wireless colemander that is not our wor coleman for we pay the highest price is through. what is vladimir booting? trying to do the slum. like to break us? yeah. couple, this law person, the q has made his own way with such a bloody action. you'd scroll out with everything he has said and cannot be trusted . and there is no trust in such a person because he has not been a human being. what simple for a long time, the interview itself, just looking forward to when it's coming out between tucker carlson and flooding
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they're putting and mr. carl, since he's here to publish that for video on his own website as well as on x and importantly as well. i think it's good to know the most cuz the party said it's going to go on centered the interview. what ever was spoken about? that's what's going to be sure. yes, absolutely. because ever since tucker carlson was ousted from his prime time shown fox news last year, he now launched his show on accident the little moss. yes, she did say that they'll be 0 attempts to block that or to tries to process. that statement in itself shows up the risk depression. there is all kinds of information in the united states, the breaking of democracy you with the assume at which is what they're saying and what they're advertising everywhere. but again, on this one side of the story, this is what leads to ignorance, which is why it's important that they are present as like talk across a core opening up this the imagination for the american public. so they can see
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both sides of the story and there are people, there are americans out there who are grateful that talk across and is not afraid. and he is doing his job properly and interviewing vladimir putin. the only reason tucker carlson and russia is controversial is because the rest of the media has been all the way over for the censorship regime. why are they so afraid of tucker, talking to put in the corporate media does not want the american people to hear both sides. they are mouth pieces for the us military, industrial complex and the washington d. c. political establishment. their fear is rooted in tuckers, criticism of the military industrial, complex and government. i'm grateful for the stupidity of rupert murdoch, the wisdom of a long mosque and the courage of tucker carlson that resulted in the most important interview of our time. i'm looking forward to watching it. if everything they say about vladimir putin in the war and ukraine is true, then why is the media so scared of us? hearing him speak, talk across and himself has said that when he. busy has the prime time host on fox news? back in 2021. he tried to secure an interview with vladimir putin bought that.
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let's vienna say apparently uh, looking into his conversations and even leaking it. i wanted to interview, put in this before the ukraine more. i always wanted to go to russia. i want to be duties of player and roll affairs. why wouldn't i want to interview? and that's my job. so i didn't tell anybody including my company or my producers or whatever i reached out to a friend of mine who i thought might know somebody. we had a bunch of exchanges about this. got in touch with the russians. and then i got a call last summer for last from a very, very quick one of my closest friends in washington say hey, why don't you come up on sunday and watch? i need to talk you about something. what is it? i will just come on. it's actually flew to washington from me to go see this friend who's like, i know someone at and a say, you know, not a low level person at all. all the secretly likes your show who told me that you were trying to get it. put an interview and go to russia. i was like, nobody knew this from one person. it was a sort of hair mire, so not so i knew this was real and they have your e mails in your text and they're gonna lead them to the media to despair to you is
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a prudent, whoever i was rattled by. i mean, i'm not off and rattled just because i've been doing this for so long, but that bother, i'm here we all 3 years later and talk a call. some claims that it happened once again that the by the administration's tried to prevent this very latest interview from taking place. but he said he didn't allow that to happen because he decided to go to moscow anyway. and this is what the white house and white house have to say. we. busy are in the, by the administration potentially meddling for us. you can set it is for you, the ministration has whose comments on the interview? absolutely not fully, not totally, not a comment to be more clear period. all this time around that will be very hard to suppress the interview. we'll wait it, we're waiting to see when will of this interview air, legal, or media, unless line i will say the biggest belief to see a journalist course of science in the west, specifically doing his job by sticking to interview one of the world's most
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influential latest if ever there was the luckiest man on the planet is a guy who leaves fox news after making countless millions of dollars. he leaves, there's some kind of a here all for i guess walking away from the, the liberal media would want to clash free speech. but in any event he leaves. and now, after interviewing a variety of addressing people, he is now elevated to this bad boy status, this, this time to the additional high a near the 1st great 1st and in western media. we are actually questioning a journalist to raise yourself. and a lot of kids actually wants to interview people of know and ask what is going on in the world, which is the essence of the gravamen, if you will.


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