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tv   News  RT  February 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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the, the sweden, it shuts down its own investigation into the north stream. blast, well village surprised splinters. tie her sledges. that swedish, and the danish hands were dirty and what you concluded was us lab, sabotage. freedom of speech is our birthright. we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away the matter who is in the white house. oh, that says tucker. carlson sits down with the russian presidents and an exclusive interview, creating a frenzy across the western media. and some outlets calling him out for doing his job as a journal. the chief of the international atomic energy agency makes is a 4th visit to europe largest nuclear power plants and mid year long russian
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accusations of ukraine rising at nuclear disaster by selling the area the canadian prime minister invited and s as a veteran to the countries parliament where he was rated with applause last september. that's according to the russian embassy in ottawa, the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. we're covering the top news stories from around the world to begin in sweden, where the state prosecutor's office has officially pulled the plug on its investigation into the sabotage of the north stream. it gas pipelines in 2022 stock . com implied it has failed to identify any suspects or leads will openly sign it now lacks any further jurisdiction. for the case, the russian foreign ministry has condemned to the move of the see if see i see this with these prosecutor's office has officially decided to stop the federal investigation site. and the lack of swedish jurisdiction indicates that if we might
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substitute just before the end of the investigation by science with them has nothing to do with it. and on the other hand, you happily of meet the politics who have something to do with the investigation did not receive anything from you during the course of the investigation. well, it's kind of a math houses this. let's remember. house with them. captain bolton didn't know the chunk story didn't have anything to do with style colors to absolutely nothing. and the sabotage of no streams took place in sweden so they can amik zone and their favorite subject ecology. what about it? well, this within believe that there was no environmental damage caused by the bloss, this we just saw. it is initially demonstrated that they will not serious about bringing the case to a conclusion or even investigates and the dental. so just to give a little bit of background on the situation, several attacks were carried out to destroy the noise framed pipelines back in september of 2022. now these pipelines was built to deliver russian natural gas to
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germany via the baltic sea. but the question of who did it and who was behind these attacks remains unsolved. germany, denmark and sweden have all carried out each their own investigations. and now sweden has conducted the investigation into these mysterious explosions, should be closed, at least from its side. according to the swedish authorities, they now finally have a good picture of what happened. the preliminary investigation has now reached such a state that the authorities have a good picture of the incident and that nothing has emerged to indicate that sweden or swedish citizens were involved in the attack that took place in international waters. they've also added that there has been international cooperation in the investigation with several other countries named lead denmark and germany. now the german investigation continues, but because we didn't, has essentially pulled the plug from the investigation as they seemed no more reasons fit to continue. they've handed out their findings to germany,
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but no further information came out. now after the attacks washer, as the you went to carry out some independent investigation on the matter, the un declined the proposal. the us and nato call these attacks and acts of sabotage while moscow calls them an act of terrorism. previously, russia has blamed the us the u. k. and ukraine to be the culprits behind these blast. and it's really not surprising because when you look at what happened after the destruction of the pipeline, russia was essentially cut off from the european markets. and europe went to look to work with other energy suppliers. namely, the united states, sweden as also confirmed that whoever was behind these attacks has done it in a deliberate acts and beyond the jewel politics. the leaves that came out from the pipelines were huge environmental disaster. so who ever really turns out to be behind all of this will have
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a big price to pay. how many miles sweden and denmark know exactly who is behind the sabotage of north stream? as according to feel, it surprised winning investigative journalist seymour hersh, who was the 1st to claim that the us was responsible for the destruction of the gas pipelines, linking russia to europe. back in 2022. a one year ago, he published a report accusing the ca, in norway of carrying out the underwater bombing. mister hurst said that the operation was personally approved by president biden. the plan was allegedly set in motion in june 2022. when the pipelines reminds by the us, maybe according to hers, the nato ball tops drill in the baltic sea was used as a cover for the bombing scheme. for the perpetrators apparently waited a few months until the dust from the military exercise had fully settled. well, then, the mines were allegedly designated remotely in september, the pipelines passed through danish and swedish economic stones, and the countries had been cooperating in the blast investigation along with
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germany. but so far that probes failed to turn up any suspects or leads. mister hurst also said the sabotage aimed to deprive europe of access to cheap russian gas . well preventing berlin from developing relations with moscow at the time, biden ordered the destruction of the pipelines. the american fear was the chancellor schultz who at the request of washington, had shut off 750 miles of russian gas in the new north stream to pipeline that was ready in the fall of 2021 to be delivered to a port in germany. might change his mind and let the gas flow using german economic worries and reinstating an important energy force for german industry that would not be allowed to happen in germany has been in economic and political turmoil since we spoke to you on over a good director of the trans national foundation for peace and future research, he believes sweden is politically motivated to curb the probe as it prepares to
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join nato. i'm not surprised more surprised by the single argument being used by the prosecutor named me, that sweden does not have jurisdiction over this. i'm not a lawyer, but i can say you from legal expertise and sweden that you can claim your addiction in this area because it's an exclusive economics on a sweden. now i would see it in a lot of frameworks. sweden has just is just about to join nato and it has accepted 17 us space, is through a bi lateral agreement. on the i think that it's understandable and that would be my products that says we just go when does not want to have any conflicts or antagonizing whatever by saying that we have seen losing back to that point to the us. and also, i mean if it's yours, diction was
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a problem that possibly know the last one and a few things that happened. so i think larry is a political, political motivation behind this type of closing down. what is an extremely important investigation because of destruction. i don't know what streaming is, not something minimal, it's, it's unique and in modern history plus way to enhance its evidence over to german investigators. the kremlin says it expects a reaction from berlin since it has lost the most from the blast. a bit of money interest and then go to germany is a country that has lost and very important asset. a lot of data that has been released about who might be behind the sabotage. it's a remarkable decision by sweden and it's remarkable how it was finalized. we'll have to see how gemini itself, we actually 6 years of the country has lost a lot with these at tech. and given up a lot of the tech space in germany, a soft grateful in the middle german companies are also suffering, losing that competitiveness and profitability without these gas,
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i want the house style really, the german activities will approach these investigation. so the north spring pipelines had been germany's main source of affordable energy for years. the sabotage, apparently impacted the country's economy with a series of farmers of protests ongoing in the country and elsewhere in the u, with agricultural bar for his anger and by high costs and taxes. members of the european parliament sailed turner, the for germany party, who in our back says politicians have never taken interest in finding the truth when it comes to north stream. the job of this new desire whatsoever to find out who is behind the attacks is occasional re, most happy to spend about this whole thing being a $10.00 credit union to die. but as it's not credible, schultz has never really condemned the attacks. so whatever
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evidence the suites may have to do but to job and the, i think is likely to disappear somewhere in the draws all the charles charles re, to, i'm afraid i wish i could say something out of this, but i'm afraid the fact that the mester geishas, i'll see a ready to be continued by a, as in charlie, how so are these, these doesn't mean that they really have any series to saw to find diamond hole. and so i'm afraid i'm skeptical not being skeptical or no. i didn't see the e who was so we'll see you investigated. the job is it's a sort of embarrassment for windows made the job and say thank you. all parties have noon for a long time, either via text and they just just do want to review the,
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the international atomic energy agency delegation headed by director general rafael grossey has visited the separation of nuclear plants under russian military protection. are these eager stand off reports of the war and ukraine brought the issue of nuclear safety back into europe. spot lies in the very 1st days of the military operation. russia established control over these up the roads. you atomic power plant. since then, the facility became the target over regular shillings gifted as the crowds are, the key of regime continues provocations in order to create a nuclear disaster at this. it powers you powers on to the on august 28th from ukrainian troops used to try and to attack the territory of the pond to the the drum was shut down while approaching the special building. number one, the lord which stores american made nuclear fuel in solid radioactive waste, and the international atomic energy agency took up the task to put out the fire. mr . quasi, the head of the i a is here. it is full of visit to the zip. a rush,
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you nuclear power plants and the expectations. uh well, they are mildly high because he's next like of the journey is most cool. it's been over a year since the 1st visit over off i and crossing director general of i a, a to the plant in a conversation with me. he admit that he hasn't got much closer to the goals of his mission. well, unfortunately, we have conflict in the world. this is the role of international organization to provide even the most difficult circumstances, this bridge that allows even if it's difficult for ideas to be exchanged. and then of course, uh, finding the best uh, solutions in this case uh, we talked technical, technical solutions because we are not discussing politics here we're discussing technical issues. this is how i see it. yes, we are concerned if there is no direct dialogue,
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we hope these weekends. but what is important is that these bridge through the each month and i told them, would you say that the boat visit you have come closer to the mission? just very quickly said, no, i think to my, my mission, i would come on mission. would it be accomplished when there is no danger anymore when there is no uncertainty anymore? and of course, the relation between the i e a and somebody will continue forever or for at least this plant is operating. so, but it, in the current, extraordinary circumstances are our, our mission is, is, is far from accomplished. we have to make sure that there is no problem. there is no accident. there is no inconvenience. indeed cost and to tax is the biggest, but mostly only challenge the facility faces for months to be planned has been starving of the water. 2 coolants reactors, that's off to the dam,
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down the river stream collapsed. previously, it was repeatedly boomed by cuba forces. the plant also has been understaffed and its existing employees receive threats from ukraine, 3 or 4 months of police. according to the information we have, the pressure on personnel through threats, continues there still attempting to scare people. same time i, a director general does not hold back from praising russian personnel for securing the power plant on the ground regarding the, the safety and radiation monitoring by the self that at, at the plant. we see them as adequate. we are, of course, uh was going to be looking at this. what is that work is it's an effort which is extremely professional here that i see at. but of course, because of the reasons i mention, we gotta was, there could be a fact that black house that could be many things that are beyond the capacities of
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people here we cannot say is absolutely stable, but we see i'm extremely professional to work here given the size of this i propose your power plant a nuclear meltdown. could have the 2 new lucas passed the feet pale in comparison. experts agree. this is from an actual possibility. for now, a fragile liquid librium that might be one unlucky strike away from collapsing. i'm a guess done of reporting forms of pearls. you will see the canadian media reporting that prime minister. dustin shrewd though, personally invited you print in boston s. as a veteran who got for an official reception in september last year, the russian embassy in canada has responded to the latest revelation. now, what's especial, he was prime minister justin to don't mean bought to desktops criminal to the parliament last year. as recommended by the ukrainian cannot in community,
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that's 5 months later, still that silent, don't you of whom cause nancy post. no condemnation equals justification. was kind of like everyone's the while here in france. i'm designated world war 2 or that it's just simply pops up. usually when there's an excavation involved, it shows up in passing on a work site somewhere. and the same thing seems to be happening right now to canadian prime minister justin to go except with actual nazis or rather one particular nazi who fought for our ukrainian watson ss volunteer unit. so the episode involving a 98 year old yellow slab hunk of being celebrated and cheered in canadian parliament during a visit from your trade in president buyers. when's the last haul? just as not being put to rest quick reminder of what happened there. we have here in the chamber today ukrainian canadians, increasing canadian world veteran from the 2nd world for from fort ukrainian independence against the russians.
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the hall and no information has come to light in the canadian press in a form of an e mail to hung from through those office of the prime minister, inviting hunger to a private reception which includes the entry door together in toronto on the very same night as of these visit department in ottawa, okay, never actually attended that event about a 1000 people did go, but it's the fact that the invitation was sent out from through those office that put 2 days behavior back under the microscope. liberal party line was that to go had absolutely no clue. it was all wrote as false. so you know what that means? speaker was solely responsible for the invitation. in recognition of this man and his holy accepted that responsibility and stepped down. this was a mistake that has deeply embarrassed parliament and canada. this initiative
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was entirely my own individual in question being from my writing and having been brought to my attention no one including you, my fellow elementary ins or you create in the ukraine delegation was privy to my remarks prior to their delivery product. threw himself in front of the boss to prevent trio from taking a direct hit from the scandal, or even the liberal party's electronic chances for taking a hit or even canada more broadly for taking it because the incident had definitely gone. international and apology is out. every holocaust survivor and veterans of the 2nd world war proof what the nazis and an explanation must be provided as to how this individual and to the hallowed halls of that kind of idea empowerment and received recognition from the speaker of the house and the standing ovation in view of the scandalous events in the canadian parliament, which involved honoring
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a member of the criminal nazi escalades, the information in the presence of president zalinski, i have taken steps towards the possible extradition of this man to poland. it was wild to see this terrible situation in the canadian parliament when everyone stood up together and applauded the former nazi a soldier of the school is c. a division. please go ahead. it's simply disgusting. canadian, ukrainian congress such as a ukrainian lobby group, put forward honk his name for the reception with to go and zalesky. i wrote it now says that the parliament's protocol office wouldn't have the whole list invented by the prime minister's office with a fine tooth comb before the invites, were finalized and ultimately sent out. and it's all being characterized as you have another screw of applied to go with the opposition demand me to know why to go was not for coming about all of this at the time. so true to live again. for months he's been saying that only the speaker invited before my nazi to the crane presents to visit it goats,
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global embarrassment. and the russian propaganda when true to through this became another random liberal under the bus for his failure. now we'll learn to this office invited the form and not say to meet the crane president. keep in mind that the canadian press, notably the ottawa citizen, already underscored canadian defense department reservations. when they showed up in 2018 to train ukrainian as off the tale and fighters ultimately to eventually fight russia. i noticed that they were covered and not nazi tattoos, and in that case, and also in the case of to those, they seemed more worried about public perception then the problem by nature of their own actions. hello, russian president spokesperson has confirmed that vladimir putin sat down with american journalist and tucker carlson here in moscow on tuesday. dimitri pascal, i've explained why president put and accepted carlson's interview request and you want me for you to talk a color. some stones differs from the west and media. it's not for russian at all.
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no. is it pro ukrainian rather it's pro american, but at least he's stance makes a contrast to one of those traditional anglo american media or just mr. carlson has promised to release the videos soon. meanwhile, his teaser announcement posted on the x platform has already garnered more than $80000000.00 views and also marks the 1st time the russian president has sat down with the western journalists since the outbreak of the ukraine complex. almost to 2 years ago, most americans have no idea why prudent invaded ukraine, or what is goals are now they've never heard his voice. that's wrong. the americans have a right to know all they can about a war. they are implicated in and we have the right to tell them about it, because we are americans to freedom of speech is our birthright. we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house. everyone is talking about this interview. now
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we have the confirmation from driven the nature of the scope that it actually has taken place. now, lawson journalist have been all over tucker carlson, ever since he arrived here. there's everyone's trying to find out when will it and when will we see the interviews being coy about it and do it this morning. for example, journalist ask them and talk across and said one interview. i don't know what you're talking about and is a humorous way. of course. what i was seeing in the western media portray and tucker carlson as doing the cremeans bidding as approaching synthesizer that he's in cahoots with the crime. and then this is all part of the kremlin propaganda and an inside talk across and the saying, hey guys, i'm only doing my job. i'm a journalist and journalist i was supposed to ask questions from all sides. kaufman is lying from the streets of russia, no less. tucker, coughing is not a journalist. it's not even close to her calls and doing the propaganda work of basically russian state media for them, of course, girls and is now just a nother, far a conspiracy peddler with
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a show and the internet is no longer on fox. as we all know, perhaps we need a total incomplete shutdown of tucker carlson, re entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. so in the last band, the, during the lesson doing your job is apparently a crime. and this is why we're seeing all these headlines as well when it comes to bloodwork, zalinski, everyone over the past 2 years, we've been seeing how he's been doing the media arounds. and the was constantly fagin from money of wine and about how he's not getting enough support to not getting enough money. don't get enough weapons and all eating and off. no one is in washington and landscape statements. oldest barry tells that he's selling data worn ukraine, dan, american media wetso spoken to scores of people from ukraine, and they've done scores of interviews with ukrainian presidents lensky. we ourselves have put a request for an interview with so and see if we hoping steps. but the never easy is already done in the united states are not traditional interviews. they are forming pep sessions,
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specifically designed to amplify. the wind speeds demand that the us enter more deeply into war in eastern europe and pay for it. that is not journalism. it is government propaganda, propaganda of the ugly. it's kind the kind it kills people. people in the west have to recognize it, not how well not all wireless goldman does that is not our work. coleman for we pay the highest price is through. what is vladimir trying to do? the slum, like to break us? yeah. a couple this law person, the q has made his own way with such a bloody action. you'd scroll on with everything he has said, and you cannot be trusted. and there is no trust in such a person because he has not been a human being since july for a long time. the interview itself just looking forward to when it's coming out between tucker carlson and loving they're putting and mister carlson says he'll publish the for video on his own website as well as on x. and importantly as well.
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i think it's good to know the most cuz the party said it's going to go on centered the interview. what ever was spoken about? that's what's going to be sure. yes, absolutely. because ever since tucker carlson was ousted from his prime time show on fox news last year, he now launched his show on accident. the loan must, yes, she did say that they'll be 0 attempts to block that or to try this to process. that statement in itself shows up the rest suppression. there is all kinds of information in the united states, the breaking of democracy. you are the assume at which is what they're saying and what they're advertising everywhere. but again, on this one side of the story, this is what leads to ignorance, which is why it's important that they are present as like talk across a core opening up. this the imagination for the american public so they can see both sides of the story and there are people, there are americans out there who are grateful that tucker carlson is not afraid.
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and he is doing his job properly and interviewing vladimir putin. the only reason tucker carlson in russia is controversial is because the rest of the media has been all the way over for the censorship regime. why are they so afraid of tucker, talking to put in the corporate media does not want the american people to hear both sides. they are mouth pieces for the us military industrial complex and the washington d. c. political establishment. their fear is rooted in tucker's criticism of the military industrial, complex and government. i'm grateful for the stupidity of rupert murdoch, the wisdom of the lawn mosque and the courage of tucker carlson that resulted in the most important interview of our time. i'm looking forward to watching it. if everything they say about vladimir putin in the war and ukraine is true, then why is the media so scared of us? hearing him speak, it talk across and himself has said that when he. busy has the prime time host on fox news? back in 2021. he tried to secure an interview with vladimir putin bought that. let's vienna say apparently uh, looking into his conversations and even leaking it,
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i wanted to interview, put in this before the ukraine more. i always wanted to go to russia. i wanted me to do some player and role affairs. why wouldn't i want to interview? and that's my job, so i didn't tell anybody including my company or my producers or whatever. i reached out to a friend of mine who i thought might know somebody. we had a bunch of exchanges about this. got in touch with the russians. and then i got a call last week, some were for last from a very, very close one of my closest friends in washington say hey, why don't you come up on sunday and watch? i need to talk you about something. what is it? i will just come off actually flew to washington from me to go see this friend who's like, i know someone at and a say, you know, not a low level person at all. all you've seen really likes your show who told me that you were trying to get approved interview and go to russia. i was like, nobody knew this on one person is a so the here my are still not. so i knew this was real and they have your e mails in your text, and they're gonna lead them to the media to discredit you as a prudent, whoever i was rattled by. i mean, i'm not often rattled just because i've been doing this for so long,
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but that bother. and here we all 3 years later and talk a call us and claims that it happened. once again that the by the administration's tried to prevent this very latest interview from taking place, but he said he didn't allow that to happen because he decided to go to moscow anyway. and this is what the white house of white house had to say regarding the by the administration potentially meddling for us. you can send it is for you to you are the ministration as opposed to injury comments on the interview. absolutely not fully, not call it originally was absolutely not a comment to be more clear periods all this time around. it will be very hard to suppress the interview. we'll wait it, we're waiting to see when will of this interview, air, legal and media. and the last line all says it beggars believe to see a journalist criticized in the west for simply doing his job by sticking to interview one of the work. busy most influential leaders, if ever there was the luckiest man on the planet, is
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a guy who leaves fox news after making how it was millions of dollars. he leaves, there's some kind of a here all for i guess walking away from the the liberal media would want to clash free speech. but in any event he leaves. and now after interviewing a variety of addressing people, he is now elevated to this very bad boy status, this, this time to the different pioneer. so 1st, great 1st in western media, we are actually questioning journal those who raise yourself. and a lot of kids actually wants to interview people of know and ask what is going on in the world, which is the essence of the gravamen, if you will, of journalism. and that's the story. the, the thing is, what's not send search is this hate speech. is this propaganda?
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is this giving aid and comfort to the enemy, the enemy? what are we talking about? i'm not involved in this. there are, are we involved in some kind of a war? i don't understand it and if there were other, i'm sure if mr. zalesky weren't were interviewed. or if perhaps, of individuals involved in the is rarely palestinian a conflict and, and issues that wouldn't be perfectly okay. what is different about this? meanwhile, exit platform owner eli mazda says anyone demanding carl, since arrest should be detained themselves. the comic comes and reports the journalists may face and risks after returning to the us from moscow. get more on the story. go to our website to our teams, dot com. and the do say with us up next our teams exclusive interview with a spokesperson for the political wing of hezbollah on the war in gaza and
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implications for 11.


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