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tv   News  RT  February 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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this my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the suite and it shuts down its own investigation into the north stream. a blast will filter prize. winner sy hersh elijah's. the swedish and danish hands were dirty it and what he concluded was us lab sabotage. the us senate fails to adopt a border security bill worth $118000000000.00 tripping ukraine and israel of lump sums of military age. and the canadian prime minister just intruder, reportedly personally invited ukrainian boffin assess the veteran hung up for an official reception. in september last year, russian embassy and canada has condemned the move. the
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rates of rouble live in moscow. we are watching our t international. the swedish prosecutor's office has officially pulled the plug ins investigation into the sabotage of the nordstrom gas pipelines in 2022, stockholm claims that failed to identify any suspects or leads saying it now lacks any further jurisdiction. for the case, the russian foreign ministry has condemned to the move in the city of c. i see the swedish prosecutor's office has officially decided to stop the federal investigation site and the lack of swedish jurisdiction in the case. it says to justify the end of the investigation by saying within has nothing to do with it. and on the other hand, you happily meet the politics who have something to do with the investigation did not receive anything from you during the course of the investigation. well, it's kind of a math houses this, let's remember house we didn't get involved in. didn't know the chunk story. didn't have anything to do with style calls to absolutely nothing. and the sabotage of no
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streams took place in sweden so they can amik zone and their favorite subject ecology. what about it? well, this within believe that there was no environmental damage caused by the bloss, this we did just for it is initially demonstrated that they will not serious about bringing the case to a conclusion or even investigates and the dental. so just to give a little bit of background on the situation, several attacks were carried out to destroy the noise framed pipelines back in september of 2022. now these pipelines were billed to the liver russian natural gas to germany via the baltic sea. but the question of who did it and who was behind these attacks remains unsolved. germany, denmark and sweden have all carried out each their own investigations. and now sweden has conducted the investigation into these mysterious explosions, should be closed, at least from its side, according to swedish authorities,
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they now finally have a good picture of what happened. the preliminary investigation has now reached such a state that the authorities have a good picture of the incident and that nothing has emerged to indicate that sweden or swedish citizens were involved in the attack that took place in international waters. they've also added that there has been international cooperation in the investigation with several other countries, namely denmark and germany. now the german investigation continues, but because we didn't, has essentially pulled the plug from the investigation as they seemed no more reasons fit to continue. they've handed out their findings to germany, but no further information came out. now after the attacks washer, as the you went to carry out some independent investigation on the matter, the un declined the proposal. the us and nato call these attacks and acts of sabotage, while most cold calls them an act of terrorism. previously, russia has blamed the us the u. k. and ukraine to be the culprits behind these
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blast. and it's really not surprising because when you look at what happened after the destruction of the pipeline, russia was essentially cut off from the european markets. and europe went to look to work with other energy suppliers, namely the united states. sweden is also confirmed that whoever was behind these attacks has done it in a deliberate x and beyond the jewel politics. the leaves that came out from the pipelines were huge environmental disaster. so who ever really turns out to be behind all of this will have a big price to pay. meanwhile, sweden and mark know exactly who was behind the sabotage of north stream. as, according to phillips, are prize winning investigative journalist seymour hersh, who was the 1st to claim that the us was responsible for the destruction of the gas pipelines linking russia to europe in 2022. and one year ago he published a report accusing the c. i a and nor way of carrying out the underwater bombing.
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mister her, she said the operation was personally approved by president by them. the plan was allegedly set in motion in june 2022 when the pipelines were minds of by the u. s. navy, according to hers, the nato bell top's trail and the baltic sea was used as cover for the bombing scheme. us on the perpetrators apparently waited a few months until the dust from the military exercise had fully settled. and then the mines were allegedly detonated remotely in september, the pipelines passed through danish and swedish economics. those and the countries have been cooperating in the blast investigation along with germany. but the probe has failed to turn up any suspects or leads so far. mister hurst also said, the set of tires was aimed at curtailing europe's access to cheap prussian gas by preventing berlin from developing relations with moscow. at the time, biden ordered the destruction of the pipelines. the american fear was the chancellor schultz who at the request of washington, had shut off 750 miles of russian gas in the new north stream to pipeline that was
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ready in the fall of 2021 to be delivered to a port in germany. might change his mind and let the gas flow using german economic worries and reinstating an important energy force for german industry that would not be allowed to happen in germany has been in economic and political turmoil since we spoke to you on over the director of the trans national foundation for peace and future research. he believes sweden is politically motivated to curb to probe as it prepares to join nato. i'm not so surprised, nor surprised by the single argument a being used by the prosecutor named me. that sweetened does not have jurisdiction to over this. i'm not a lawyer, but i can see you from legal expertise and sweden. you can claim your addiction in this area because it's an exclusive economics on a sweden. now i would see it in
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a lot of frameworks. sweden has just is just about to join nato and it has accepted 17 us base, is through a bilateral agreement. i know, i think that it's understandable that would be my products that we use. goldman does not want to. 1 have any conflicts or antagonizing whatever by saying that we have seen losing that to that point to the us. and also, i mean if it's you or diction was a problem that's also been on the last one and a half years. things that happened. so i think larry is a political, a political motivation behind this type of closing down what is an extremely important investigation because of destruction. i don't know what streaming is not something minimal. it's, it's unique. and in modern history, the us senate has blocked the bill that would include a to, to both to train and israel legislation failed to receive
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a majority as it was not supported by republican lawmakers, as well as a new aid packages for ukraine and israel. the $118000000000.00 bill was aimed to re shuffle us and border policy. the latter was a compromise aimed at the games of florida for publicans after 4 months of long talks. whoever g o p. lawmakers said the bill had no chance even before the vote for their part. democrats sharply criticized a separate bill to 8 israel, which was rejected today by the house of representatives. all right, let's discuss the topic now with journalist and author daniel. this era, daniel, does the failure of this bill come at all as a surprise to you? well, things are really into the disarray on the capitol hill. uh, america is entering into a really strange period, a centrally donald trump instructed the republicans to say no to the boarder bill
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and to do nothing but the border crisis and toby election. and um, the democrats use various techniques to try to capture that. but those have failed, so the democrats are not giving up on a, a border bill and trying to get military a test for the ukraine and for is real. and i think they'll have better luck with is real, but i'm not really sure yet, but i'm biden blinds. trump for the bill falling apart is, is that the reason why it was bought to them as the former president's behind this? yeah, i think that's i think biden's correct. uh, donald trump let it be known that he would not be satisfied with anything the administration would come up with that. he what was the republicans to sit on the problem to use it for political advantage during the election campaign, and that when he comes into office, which is very possible, he will solve the problem himself. so he is decided, there's no, there's no reason to engage and join to action with the democrats. it's better to
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hold off until after the election, when the republicans are able to move on their own. there have been questions about the accountability of how the aid money is being spent with a few answers given so far. do you think tax payers in the us are concerned about this? by the way, their money is being spent? you mean the money and in the ukraine? yeah, yes, of course. i mean the tax payers are very, very, 1st of all americans are very war. we are either tired of all these endless wars. america has been war virtually nonstop since the 19 ninety's. um so, so americans are, are jaded there. they are cynical, they don't believe what they're being told and certainly the ukraine has a long, rich history of political corruption. so therefore, people feel justified being skeptical of the, of the assurance is there being given that the money is being well spent?
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yeah, i know the bill required a strategy regarding us support for ukraine to be submitted to congress within $45.00 days. is this the case then of cash 1st strategy later, but with no actual strategy insight the what's his situation of the crane is extremely graham from a us point of view. and it'll be even worse if there is no military aid the the, the ukrainians are rationing artillery shells. they're being forced to, uh, to retreat in the face of a growing russian offensive. morale is, um, is, is following, and there are serious signs of a political instability in key of so things are looking grand that started remind me of. so i gone and 1963 when as you know, there was a qu, data in which the president, the wound up getting killed and that in clark, the start of a real nightmare for the us. so it's
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a no longer had any kind of affective governments inside gone. so, so the us is facing a similar situation in the ukraine where the ukraine appears to be cracking, blowing apart. and the us has no idea of what to do. and in order to pull it together, and the fact that congress is impeding the military effort in washington makes the uh, the bod and ministration supplies all the more difficult. what about aid to israel? because it also would have been one of the main recipients from this bill, and it was stripped of some $14000000000.00 as of today. does that? does anything to you about washington's approach toward israel and the war with some us? i believe support for israel is very, very strong on capitol hill in both parties. if anything gets stronger among the republicans than this month, the democrats. so i am inclined to think there will be some kind of
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a package approved for as well. um, uh, but if it's not, if it falls victim to the disarray on capital hill, then the, the consequences for the body administration will be just in that's. so now the senate will go on the so called plan b and attempts to pass ukraine and as well funding separately. what do you think the chances are that this proposal will succeed? i'm there it's, it's moderately good and it's a certainly a good possibility. it will, but things are really, i said this, they are the real, this real chaos on capital help. the republicans are in complete disarray. the democrats don't know what to do. and um, it's not an all clear what will happen and what's happening. some of the american political system is entering into a period of real breakdown and or probably the only get worse in the coming months, especially if the democrats tried to put trump off a bond trial in may or june,
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that will raise the temperature even more. but the point is there is a real crisis on, on in washington. the disarray in on capital hill is growing and is increasingly difficult to predict what will emerge as of this whole mess. right, well, leave it there. daniela's, aaron, journalist and author. thank you. thank you. the canadian media reporting that prime minister just intruded. oh, personally invited ukrainian golfing system veteran hook up for an official reception in september last year, the russian embassy in canada has responded to the latest revelation. now what's especial, he was prime minister justin to don't mean bought to desktops criminal to the parliament last year as recommended by the ukrainian can add in community. that's 5 months later, still in that silent zone, you of whom cause nancy post. no condemnation equals justification. was kind of like every once in a while here in france,
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i'm designated world war to order is just simply pops up. usually when there's an excavation involved, it shows up in passing on a website somewhere. and the same thing seems to be happening right now to canadian prime minister justin to go except with actual nazis or rather one particular nazi who fought for our ukrainian watson ss volunteer unit. so the episode involving a 98 year old yellow slab hook up being celebrated and cheered in canadian parliament during the visit from ukrainian president buyers whiskey last fall just as not being put to rest. a quick reminder of what happened there. we have here in the chamber today ukrainian canadians, ukrainian canadian world veteran from the 2nd world for whom fort ukrainian independence against the russians. the hall and no information has come to light in the canadian press in a form of an
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e mail to hung from through those office of the prime minister, inviting hunger to a private reception which includes the entry door together in toronto on the very same night as of excuse visit department in ottawa. okay. never actually attended that event about a 1000 people did go, but it's the fact that the invitation was sent out friend to those office that put 2 days behavior back under the microscope. liberal party line was that to go had absolutely no clue. it was all wrote as false. so you know what that means. speaker was solely responsible for the invitation and recognition of this man and his holy accepted that responsibility and stepped down. this was a mistake that his deeply embarrassed parliament and canada. this initiative was entirely my own individual in question being from my writing and having been brought to my attention no one including you,
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my fellow elementary ins or you created the ukraine delegation was privy to my remarks prior to their delivery product through themselves in front of the boss to prevent trio from taking a direct hit from the scandal, or even the liberal parties, electronic chances for taking a hit or even canada more broadly for taking it because the incident had definitely gone. international and apology is out every holocaust survivor and veterans of this 2nd world war proof. what the nazis and an explanation must be provided as to how this individual and to the hallowed halls of that kind of idea empowerment and received recognition from the speaker of the house and the standing ovation. in view of the scandalous events in the canadian parliament, which involved honoring a member of the criminal nazi s escalades the information in the presence of president zalinski, i have taken steps towards the possible extradition of this man to poland. it was wild to see this terrible situation in the canadian parliament when everyone stood
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up together and applauded the former nazi a soldier of the escalades here division. please go and it's simply disgusting. canadian ukrainian congress such as a ukrainian lobby group put forward honk his name for the reception with to go and zaleski, i wrote it now says that the parliament protocol office wouldn't have. the whole list is added by the prime minister's office with a fine tooth comb before the invites, were finalized and ultimately sent out. and it's all being characterized as you have another screw of applied to go with the opposition demand me to know why to go was not coming about all of this at the time. so true to live again. for months he's been saying that only the speaker invited before manase to the ukraine prisons to visit. it goes the global embarrassment. and the russian propaganda when to through this became another random liberal under the bus fully failed, that now we learn to this office invited the form and not say to meet the cream
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president. keep in mind that the canadian press, notably the ottawa citizen, already underscored canadian defense department reservations. when they showed up in 2018 to train ukrainian as off the tale and fighters ultimately to eventually fight russia. i noticed that they were covered and not not see tattoos and in that case, and also in the case of to those. they seemed more worried about the public perception that the problem by nature of their own actions the russian president spence person has confirmed that vladimir putin sat down with american journalists tucker carlson here in moscow on tuesday to meet your pest golf. explain why president put and accepted carlson's interview request and you want me for you to talk a tell us and stance differs from the west and media. it's not for russian at all. no. is it pro ukrainian rather it's pro american, but at least he stance makes a contrast to one of those traditional anglo american media almost across and
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has promised to release the video soon. meanwhile, his teaser announcement posted on the x platform has already garnered more than $88000000.00 views and also marks the 1st time the russian president has sat down with a western journalist since the outbreak of the ukraine conflicts almost 2 years ago . most americans have no idea why prudent invaded ukraine. what is goals are now they've never heard his voice. that's all americans have a right to know all they can about a war there implicated in. and we have the right to tell them about it. because we are americans to freedom of speech is our birth right? we were born with the right to say what we believe that right cannot be taken away, no matter who is in the white house. incredible reaction across the main stream media, mainly of cynicism, and they saw idea of slandering tucker carlson, who scored this huge career defining interview, describing him as being
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a person stage a cnn which is full employer for many years ago. describing he was approved in supporting celebrity and a fall right to and that's the way we both know that when you say somebody is a 4, right, anything the connotations are pretty well known with that it's you and taught. triple you baby, one step away from being evil and involved in dictate to ship as proven is trying to court the mag of g o p in the united states. in fact, one of the leaders of the mag of g o. p is in moscow tonight. it's the man you see here with the mag a leader, donald trump, tucker carlson. kaufman is lying from the streets of russia, no less. tucker, coughing is not a journalist. it's not even close to her calls and doing the propaganda work of basically russian state media for them. kaufman is lounging about and again, preaching his record conspiracy theories about the lying media dragging the us into support in mass, the crime involved. they may be wondering what the evidence is that talk
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a call soon is approaching, steerage will be evidence the one of the mainstream media have been given them. i sold this across pretty much every platform, whether this was in a video content on tv or whether they submitted an article is an old clips from took a call, some show when he was a host of folks. that's quite a long time since he last slopes, and this is a clip that comes from a 2 days per fly, a to the stalls of the ukraine. calm. so it gives a chance to sit down with a big supporter to might be worth asking yourself since it is getting pretty serious. what is this really about? why do you, why hate proving so much? it's very from center. there was another very loud and influential a right wing voice that side was put in over and over and over again. oh, so we've got your list through writing colson, as well, saying that he's in nobody's saying that he's trying to reinvent himself and trying to make himself a relevant to us. not last coming coming from jim saki who's
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a former white house press secretary under the by didn't administration. she's now a host on an american main stream network, of course growth, and is now just a nother. far a conspiracy. the other with the show and the internet is no longer on the boxes. we all know tucker carlson has to twine remain relevant the clip of him saying that he was in to things like last person gone at tens of millions of views in just a few hours the whole mainstream need is talking about and she doesn't have to try and be relevant, she is relevant. you gotta wonder when the interview comes out. it's going to break the internet but, but it, but it hasn't come out. we don't even know what the to discuss yet. that's why it is interesting. given that we have 0 idea of what the content is, we don't know what to cost and honest. we don't know what the audience is. what despite that the mainstream media has already destroyed is that this is a propaganda piece. promoting preteen, they've decided judge in jewelry. this is a done deal, was really interesting is cnn, again,
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really happened grinding an axe here, say this is going to be pushing the present propaganda to the rest of the world. colson will effectively humanize the ruthless russian authoritarian whose pass now responsible for promptly stuff. well, 7 is the number to the best selling, which puts in gunship. he's done just propaganda to the american pop like that. well, all you find really interesting is that there's been a lot of questions over this idea, but no other west enjoying this does happen. and it was like me, a preaching since the start of the war. and you quite separate lot let's the bbc, cnn, and others have said look, we will try to have them go to it. but now they're not happy that tucker, coughing has got to interfere, which does sound like sour grapes, you call and have it both ways. you want me to work west, i'm doing this to come here to do is sit down and see which we understand. could fit fit 2 hours long. so probably very wide ranging and then say, well, we're not happy with the person that he chose. so if it's very unusual and interesting that i'm an all not ideas, attendance,
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we know you put requests and it was a time they don't always queen let. and in fact was talk a call soon has asked me to landscape for an interview. there's no results to that . it's the normal part of the job that we do and also some former politicians even going so far as to call tucker carlson, a traitor. what can you tell us about that? yeah, that's why this is one full and the republican congressman. he's actually posted a poll on the social media side x, asking people if they think that talk a cost and he's being paid for bali, the criminal, and he's basically on that pay will. others have suggested that he should move all the going back to america. we've even had current politicians in the european union seeing that he should be sanctioned as a result of sitting down and interviewing the leader of a nelfa country, suggesting that could take the form of economic sanctions or even a travel bond. it is pretty incredible. and let's just be clear, tucker costs and has had a very long career. it's been fairly distinguish,
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he's worked for some of the biggest food cost is in the world. and he has asked the tough questions in his career when it comes to the u. k. more he has criticized president, preaching. he has criticized russia. t says the sole reason you say is because he doesn't feel the american public understand what's going on and give them the billions upon use of taxpayers. money form america has been popping up key as he thinks that they need to understand and need to know where that money is going. the russian president has held a meeting with the chief rabbi and the head of the federation of jewish communities of russia. the president called for russia's efforts and securing the release of his ready hostages, held by hum us in the us to continue. it was the soonest you go to the level if any of us to get following the escalation of the situation in the middle east rusher is doing everything it come to help us being held hostage. it is well known that our foreign ministry is engaging with the political wing of from us. and we have
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already seen some results of this work. of course, especially we pay attention to russian citizens, but then also just as in other countries. this also applies to the elderly and that family members who have been through the holocaust. as i said, some results have been achieved, but it is necessary to continue these efforts. that's what we're doing and i wanted to discuss the details of this work with you. all right, before we go i have some breaking news to report from the middle east. the us central command has announced that has turned out a strike and a rock which it says has killed a senior cut, the post below leader. they did not provide any further details on who that leader is beyond saying he was allegedly involved in planning and taking part in a tax on us personnel in the region. your call last week 3 us service members were killed and more wounded in a drone attack. on an american base in syria, we will keep on top of the story and bring you more details as we get them right. do stay with our teen or national up next our exclusive interview with
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a spokesperson for the political wing of hezbollah. on the warren bozza and the implications by the hi, i'm receptive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed
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and whatever you do, don't my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way it is already those over wide. it's can be started by line piece can be satisfied for the importance of working there. but the kind of a stations that transparency is next for to read, john mystic, patrice then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the was public. i mean, what could be more moving back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the rights for a speech he did. so in the public interest. walsh this or mom realized pen smith
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and golf and endlessly to relate continuously. i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely voltage us has to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence. are we going to let that stay the to hey brian, my little survey. thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us at our t international. you are the chairman of media until the communication part mentioned the committee. now your m p a member of parliament as long as this works for so far as the law, correct? i'm actually one of those who could speak with bill for as little as well as no position as a spokesman, as soon as books for the party. i'm one of those,
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what is the type of.


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