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tv   Documentary  RT  February 7, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards severely armed, dead for lead drain, chinese army was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england and open it sports for trading. the leads of the, in 1856 branch and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynastee and the dew opium wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of your to be in states and started the age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese. the
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hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered on peter lavelle just enough to keep the lights on and camp? this seems to be the new approach adopted by the e. u, and possibly even the united states. one thing is clear, ukraine is losing and will never win. the only mission left is to deny russia victory, the cross fucking ukraine. i'm joined by my guess. people cousin, they can with us they, he's a professor of history at american university as well as co author with oliver stone of the untold history of the united states in new york. we have jim cabinet.
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he is a political analyst, and in philadelphia we cross who are in good state as a political scientist historian, as well as author of american exception empire. and the deep state are a gentleman, cross lock rules, in effect. that means you can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate peter. let me go to you 1st and with us. so thank you for coming on. the program is, as always, we just had the european union after black mailing hungry to, to agree to an, a new 50000000000 euro. a package for ukraine has come covers for years. it's a some direct um, of revenue injection and some loan guarantees which i doubt will ever be paid back . i'm calling this program care of on life. so the support is this live support in the for, in the wrapped up in virtue signaling from the you. right now, life support is pretty welcome. any and cave way you're what it looks like. you're almost dead and you've got very few options and you're running out of
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money and you're running out of how munition you're running out of manpower. a little bit of live support looks like a welcome gift right now. as you say, is 50000000000 over 4 years, which is not very much to us. proposal is a said 60000000000 immediately. and that would make that being a fusion that would make a little bit of a difference. well, this is not what, what difference would it make? it would keep it going longer. it would prolong the fighting for long. the slaughter and the word in the west is if we can get somehow through 20242025 will look much better. so that well then that you can to be ready for a count, a new count or offensive with new weapons. and this one will work, and so we just have to get through bite the bullet since we don't have very many bullets have to be careful that which was providing and ad in the short run. and so
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it's. busy the strategy of throwing more and more human manpower into a desperate situation. that's good a year from now or 2 years from now. certainly not be any more promising from ukraine is standpoint for any kind of so called ukrainian military victory. yeah, but jim, people in washington now there's people in brussels know knows this and people in camp. no, that's so this is kind of few tile. i mean it's almost to the point of just being cruel jim. well, this is this strange frame of mind that people get in. you've got to believe it. even if you don't know if you're, if you know it's not true. and they think that the, you know, they're writing up ed saying all we're going to pull back and go on defense. we're going to build up ukrainian drone industries. and we'll come back as p s as in 2025 . and they've got to tell themselves this and, and, you know, it is
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a strange think it's, it's one of these, the, with the world is getting more absurd, as well as well as more horrible and more cruel. you have this vision of you watching people who know and say that they are losing and then they dream up the scenarios. they think they're talking to themselves about this and they're telling themselves, well, it ain't over yet because we can do this that and the other thing. and we can imagine certain scenarios that will come back in when the day in the meantime. they really discount the fact that there's this other party val, russia, that's going to act. i'm going to do things that you know, disrupt, where the fantasies of what's happening and not only russia vero, the ukrainian, fascist who, they think they have under control over time. and they don't, do you know, you have this, this uh drama going on between the lensky and you're losing you right now. which as and when were you trying to bend heiress or in the background?
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and the americans don't really have total control of that. so you have this situation where people of lost control of things they're putting them on life support. is that like i'm ventilation? sure. now you know it's like the cobra dog do want to ventilate as the ventilator is killed that literally. yeah, you're giving them life support is a given in ventilation and it's going to end up just making them go down harder. and uh well, i mean change him out of him with this. this an influx of money will just continue the conflict, kill more people and ukraine will just get smaller. i can see how that's a winning propositions. aaron, let me go to you. there is an alternative theory to the case though, of course, and it's called the grist. okay, keep it going. so the money is sent to everybody gets their card. okay? and then you wait for the next front, okay? and this is the same leadership in, in care of that is completely indifferent to the destruction of the all very young man. i mean, you can say that's an opinion, but that's actually a reality. if you look at the demographics, aaron, the yeah, they are the,
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the leadership is a position where it is a gift for them. and there's been a considerable amount of corruption. we don't know where all the money has gone that we have sent them. and for them, the incentive is to keep this going. and also the distance of is that if they were to go against the war effort, they could find themselves, you know, ousted or murdered. i think they even murdered some of the piece negotiators in the early days of this war when they returned for dubious reasons. so we're now in the stage where what the us empire wants is totally in feasible and not pop possible, but they cannot adjust to this reality. and now they're just wanting to apparently keep it going. it perhaps until the election. i don't even know if that is possible . the age, the average age of the ukrainian service mean keeps going up, which is on the one hand and thinking how sad it is that there's these 50 year old guys or 60 year olds, even if the average is 43. and some of them have to be
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a good bit older than that. and then that, but then you also stop and think about it. that's not as to how does these 20 year olds who have already died, because at least the 50 year old as we were to see 50. now what we've done to this country is beyond imagining we and we're upset about the people coming home from a rack and afghanistan. but those numbers are miniscule compared to what you're trying to see with a much smaller population. i don't see how they can disguise what a horrible, horrible disaster this has been and how it's a total failure on every level, including their ability to or their uh, the imperative to always establish the parents. right. so that no one will challenge you again. well, they look so bad in every way, and it's a, it's a strategic failure on pretty much every level for the us. and now they're just wanting to extend it so they don't have to not acknowledge with it's happened. yeah, well aaron, and you forgot that other category of people that it really benefited and profited
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off of this conflict. okay. which goes there is no accountability. the a where the money in weapons have gone. peter, i i'm sure you a came across the news that victoria newland visited care of 10 years after the crime of the mind onto um and she said it had some really kind of quizzical things to say like, um i can't, i can't remember the exact words but there's could be some really unpleasant surprises for russian this year. what do you think of that? the, what do you say? yeah, well then, i don't know. what did you say? that's why i asked do, i'm sorry, go ahead. oh, it is. which is, which of the, where is, it's just heartbreaking to, to watch this. and the thought that, you know, is maybe russia had breakthrough, maybe the ukrainian army collapses. maybe the jim is telling you about losing the and you know so, so that's key says he's gonna replace illusion a and asked,
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so there's nature to resign as religious a tells him it. i'll forget it. i'm not going to resign. mean there's a possibility of this unraveling illusion is more popular than so. lensky is right now and then the military men, could there be a military rebellion against the landscape if he were placed them? so it's when that that whole thing was breaking that newland quickly rushed over them. yeah, yeah. i'm not sure what she's trying to do if you keep on hearing the word coming out of washington, is that well this is a you internally ukrainian matter. the get involved and we're happy, whichever way this turns out. like clearly that's not the case. so is going over there to do damage control, but it might not be possible to do damage control every day. there's more rivers and it also is the landscape does goes ahead and fires him. so who did you put in
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charge? would not let him in this situation there on top of the military style made to disaster, whichever is going on as on top of the kid, failed counter offensive on top of the manpower crisis and the arms crisis. and you've got a political crisis. so it's looking increasingly bleak and it's very hard to paper it over now. it's very hard to put a positive spin on this for the united states. the only thing that saves the united states from being appropriately chagrined by this whole thing is that the focus in the u. s. is totally on israel and guys, that right now is headlines. they're no longer about ukraine. they're not even a bad taiwan anymore. now it's really about israel, it was also looks pretty terrible. so the vitamin ministration is a real bind because more than 60 percent of the american people are strongly
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opposed to what u. s. is doing it israel now. and among young people is, is it's like 80 percent are opposed, so bite in front of a political standpoint. his hands are of that, then i type it is not doing well. i'm worried about. well, peter, i would say and you know, they, if they're tied, let me go to the gym here. they're, they're tied by his donors. it's obvious on both complex here. ukraine in the slaughter in gaza is the bidding of the donor class. they the hell with public opinion. that's exactly the message that by the ministration of sending jim yeah, look, you've never seen it more clearly that the, the representatives don't represent the people they represent the donor class. look, the democratic party has shut down any democracy within the party. there are no elections, there are no debates. you see now there's no question about the fact that this president, who everybody says, we don't want him to be president stable. you know,
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everybody knows can't really and isn't really doing the job, but we're going to stick with them. i don't think they will, i think, to replace them, but they're gonna not allow anybody to be helping choose to want to replace them with. uh, they might do it at the convention, but they'll do it behind in a closed room with the donors. so we've never seen this discrepancy in all of this in, in ukraine. and, you know, nobody asked for this. nobody wants to send 10 hundreds of billions of dollars to you call rain when people in united states can have health care can as well. jim, jim is we, for as we approach the break, as we approach the break and then the media, mainstream media gives him coverage every step of the way ukraine guides and, and then impoverishment to be american people. gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here and we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine. stay with our team. the
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. i think it will have chevy and it shows the fishing unix. but then you put the stopper won't even go in and they put me on a couple days appreciate it. but if you knew josh, but then you would just give them a one shot the love of selling. so that's it for me to so, so, so that's where, you know, we have them step is just a little bit slow. so no components. the console phone is a visual i'm losing in, but i do have to make sure that all of the you have literally so frustrated with as much. it's gonna get that praise. i show you a different level may assist you with when you do it. i'm going to insure it and which the technology you can throw in the let's just sponsor suspicious go out. i don't know if it was a go or you don't wish to just go in and put in the
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see, the good thing is done with this or fix it on this was was if the control so sort of all the welcome back across the square. all things are considered on people of l to remind you were discussing ukraine, the . okay, let's go back to and in philadelphia, and it's quite remarkable after the conversation, they've already had them this program. to mention that there were still voices inside of nato land and say yes, on the 75th anniversary of the name of nato's creation. we should invite ukraine to the alliance here, which of course is the present good for the russian special military operation and denying ukraine membership in a, in a line switch, right?
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russia sees as an adversary here. it, but nothing seems to penetrate these people. facts on the ground reality and plus there's so much on, on social media and alternative media that you can get. the story is getting out. it's an order of failure here, but it's not stopping the decision. making people in nato and in washington, a writer for a while. it's been pretty clear that the only way you would have a dramatic reversal in on the battlefield would be if you took measures that would invite nuclear war. it's one of the more bizarre spectacles in the history of us foreign policy. it's a more clear failure and more on winnable, i think from the beginning with it should've been clear to everyone of in vietnam or a rack. i mean, these are it just as a more ridiculous conflict than anything that i could that i recall seeing in my life time. it's so many people died and it's been so steady. we don't even know
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what the number is. is that a half a 1000000 perhaps of ukrainians, and they can, they're still going to be, they still are out there putting out little stories of military successes and so on that you can see read this on online. i don't understand what the thinking is because it just seems that it will ultimately make the humiliation worse and more obvious to everyone. and it will make all their narratives about everything else, even less credible if they care about this. and yet they are going on acting as though they have some basis to speak optimistically or the the hoping victory here at all. it's it's, i've never seen anything like it. yeah. painter. because at the end of the day, that certainly has almost nothing to do with your training ukrainians. the reason why the, by the administration in the you want to keep this going is that they will somehow want to deny russia a victory or satisfaction. but they're willing to use the ukrainians as they are
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cultural here. and that's what makes it even more cool. because at the end of the day, you claim it's not about ukraine. it's about denying russia security. peter of the . well, that's from a russian perspective. yeah. yeah. well, it's good to hear the russian perspective once in a while, but some other perspective, you know, you, cuz you can see it. so it definitely the ukraine was invited. that was rushed to provoke. absolutely. i've read from the ukrainian perspective, you don't, you can't understand why they're resisting and why they flowed very, very bravely and had an initial battlefield success. yes. but then they also have the opportunity that they also had an opportunity to make peace. in a april, after the february of this special military operation, they had that opportunity and it was denied them, but not by the russians by the west. go ahead, they had the opportunity to prevent this from happening. the 1st place mean that
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we've known since of, of the 20072008 food and made clear that he was not going to tolerate this. and we ignored all of his warnings. and we ignored what he offered on the eve of the invasion. and then as you said, there was a chance to end this in early 2022. and, and the we pass that on that are boris johnson goes in there. and under cuts that and then the united states reinforces that. so there's, that's what we're say from the ukrainian perspective. there was a reason for them to try to resist up to a point. but at this point they've got a lot reality get in there. because as aaron was saying that their losses have been catastrophic and is only going to get worse. and there is a lot of the said within ukrainian society and they see their system sending their young men there and not so young as we were saying. as cannon fodder and they're
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going to the front lines and they're not trained and they're getting slaughtered. i mean, we're going to be back here a year from now from ukraine, the perspective the that so they get hold for this down night. and the likelihood of that happening is very negligible. they're going to be in worse condition. so this fantasy about 2025. the reality is probably whether it's biden or trump. after the election, they're probably going to find a way to end this. we should end this before because we could save 10000 scores of thousands of lives and destruction there. but we don't seem to have any wisdom and it statesmanship coming out and now the focus is elsewhere. yeah, been tim, i mean, peter just said, you know, the, the ukrainian perspective will i, i don't see where the ukrainian is perfect perspective is if it, tory had new and is flying in to adjudicate a power struggle in care of where is the ukrainian perspective. okay. i mean, they're on live support. i mean there is no agency,
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they've denied themselves their own agency. the only thing they have is the give blood. this is the, this is what empire does jim know? all right, yeah. i think you're right. this is a completely quiet state. the united states has taken it over. the war is run by american generals. i mean, the french correspondence to this year and a half ago, i went over this whole thing is being run by americans and, and in the, what the and the again, the americans. well, there was a ukrainian perspective has been there i perspective, which is there, which is a very strong, a political movement in ukraine that has a kind of vito power of what happens in ukraine. and as we see what the americans didn't, they invented this character of zalinski as a, as a celebrity, as a kind of rock star. and that's why, from their point of view, if he goes away, that's a bad thing because the, the, the western public and the american public was nourished on this with the, you know, look at what, look at this heroes zaleski, but in ukraine there are other things going on to the discrepancy between your
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zalinski and to lose me and what they represent. people are very upset with what's happening with the, with the loss of their funds. it and even daughters and father is now in the, on the battlefield. that's going nowhere. and nobody seems to have a plan because there is no possible plan to do anything about it. so the americans are isolated from they don't really know what's happening in ukraine, but you've got american foreign policy watts who think they can manage everything and think they're gonna figure a way out of this. and we'll find it, we'll, we'll put it into it when we want to put them into it. and i'm just gonna say, you know, russia has actually has agency and they've got, i think it's going to be putting in to buy rush. and, you know, frankly, at some point, rush a must, you know, actually have a defensive that when serious territory and makes clear that the, the reality on the ground is irreversibly different. and it's never going to be change. well, it's not going to be managed way in the gym. there seems to be growing indications
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that that is the case that the an offensive is in the works here. um, uh, i have no insight information about that, but even it's coming out in some western media outlets that there is a build up going on. you know, it, aaron is a, one of the tragic things about this, and i'm going to agree with peter in bethesda is that, you know, the longer this goes on, the more people they lose. and i would even say the smaller ukraine gets. and the if they are cut off from the black sea, then it's a run state. and then at the end of the day, brussels, i guess we'll get there, which should, it will be some kind of adopted bastard state, which will all be encouraged to continue to be against russia. but i mean, this is again, has nothing to do with ukraine has to do with policy makers in the west. aaron? well, you would, it's hard to say exactly what it will end up looking like i had figured for some time that the 2010 election map is going to end up looking like what the rump state
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. let's play a landlord. that's a good point. that's a really, it will be a landlord state and it'd be some sort of basis for arguing for that as the self determination for the people in more russian friendly regions of, of ukraine. so that may be what it looks like. but as far as what the state would be able to do going forward, they could join the you potentially, although that would cause some problems for some of you people with the cheap labor and other problems that they have. but also the, with the, with russell really tolerates in becoming a part of nato at all. i don't think brussel. no, you have them not even joining that. so they would be if they, if they tried to put in the military hardware and there i think that rest of will just, i mean rush that can assist basically on something like the plan amendment for the room to each day to view train where they reserve the right to intervene whenever, if, if there's going to be military installations put in there, it'll be a difficult problem for them to manage. but the thing that makes more sense for people in even in the ukrainian parts of ukraine,
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would be to have some notice of in the, with the rest of going forward. because i do think the whole center of gravity in the, in europe is going to shift towards those the steven as much as the us has been trying to stop that with blowing up the north stream and everything else. i think that we could end up with a situation that's different than people expect because at some point the ukrainians have to realize that the source of their was is not russia. it's really the united states. well, you know, by the, you know, air and the problem, the problem with that and jim is already brought it up. is that the we have this, what scholars wouldn't called deletion nationalism. this s the nationalism, it's very fascist stick and it's nature. and they do have us way in, in ukrainian politics and the americans and the europeans. know that peter, that is a problem for ukraine as well, because russia will not tolerate this kind of breezy mind. it's border because it says pure ha, it's hospitality. peter, of the 5,
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the question is how tired are the russians also know they've got a letter and they're they're, they're less tired than the ukrainians. i can guarantee you that. okay, less tired might mean that they're still tired and, and that they might be willing to accept a deal where they get what they already hold and that they're there. they're ready to be willing to stop the fighting. no, don't believe ab 0. no, absolutely not. then that is a strategic defeat and what was it all for? okay, what was it all for? know it was really, really, really until we talk about agency and this program, but i have to remind everyone i, i'm amazed that i have the russians have agency to. they had agency in the don bass when they were being shelled for me years and the world never recognize that. but in russia to, to this day has agency go ahead, finish it up for us feeder. the feeder rush is also suffering as
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a result of this. russia is also suffering catastrophic losses. this is the long term impact on the russian economy is not going to be a positive one. and, and there's a lot of this. there is also some strong sentiment in russia to want this to end. mean i've, i've lived through the wars in the united states as well, but i can tell, i could tell you and our guest and our audience, there's more of an appetite to win. then to call it off, we'll see how it goes. what is already winning? yeah, right. it's all a win win, and it will be a battlefield solution because that's what nato is determined. gentlemen, we just got into a debate here and we ran out of time. i want to thank my guessing, bethesda new york, and in philadelphia, and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our dc you next time. remember, most of the
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the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify all confused who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can as a result of why this can be started by line, please can be satisfied for the importance of we can never be of
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a station. so that transparency is an extraordinary john. mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, wants to so long realize tends to me uh, engulfing endlessly, to relate continuously. i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought the adjustments for to be on box weighing a 174. he used to do it. you'll get sent. it's all we going to let that stay the, the
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russian president vladimir printing said months ago is working with a mass to secure the release of is rarely of stages. it comes to things ready for a minute. the order is the idea for souls and gas off to continue projecting of these fi. i deal with the mass and respond to the us secretary of state's visit to television. sweden shuts down its own investigation into the north stream, blast wild to accept prize winner hash alleges that swedish and danish cans with jesse in what keep concluded what to do with lead sabotage. the us senate fails to adopt a border secure to build world $118000000000.00.


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