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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EST

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of the, the following, the escalation of the situation in the middle east prussia is doing everything you can to help those being held hostage. precious president reiterates his efforts to mediate the ro link silver full of deputies, still being held by come us coming as the as really prime minister rejects the newly proposed states fire and the prisoner swap tingled with a gas and diligence tucker carlson finds himself in the cross hairs of brussels of some e u. lawmakers called for a sloughing sanctions on the american journalist for his seemed to be released can view it, not in the find. the turbulent parliamentary vote takes place in pockets to commit a security and economic price plus by slash over the recent sentencing a former pm and opposition leader in the
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wherever you're touching the news hour from today. welcome to law school under our t international studio. so let's get into our top. russia is pushing for the safety and release of all hostages, still held by from us after 4 months. so we're in gaps that up to according to president, is hosted russia's top jewish officials for to accept the criminal. it was, there must be an issue to us and nobody can give us the good following. the escalation of the situation in the middle east, russia is doing everything you can to help know is being held hostage. it is well known that our foreign ministry is engaging with the political wing of i'm us, and we have already seen some results of this work. of course, firstly, we pay attention to russian citizens, but then also to citizens of other countries. this also applies to the elderly and to their family members who have been through the holocaust. as i said,
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some results have been achieved, but it is necessary to continue these efforts. that's what we're doing. and i wanted to discuss the details of this work with you. would you mind being well us secretary of state and city blinking is in israel for talks with officials there, but some in the west bank? well, they're not overly happy to say the least to see the american foreign policy chief . i'm great locals rally de la with some burning images of mister blinking ahead of his trip and made a heavy police presence. protesters march through the streets, carrying signs, telling the us diploma. he's not welcome. a number of those rallying said nothing positive can come from the lincoln's trip as long as washington keeps pockets. is real just sold on guess. firstly, this stand emphasizes our rejection of blinking. this visit, as he is a partner in the war of annihilation against the palestinian people, which he clearly expressed since the 1st day through his participation in the
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israeli war council. secondly, we aim to assure the palestinian peoples denunciation of this visit given that during his 5 visits to the palestinian territories, he was obviously declaring his defense of the israeli stands and crimes. we call on the world to take responsibilities to stop the war of annihilation imposed on our palestinian people in gaza. mister blinking, diplomatic tra, comes of israel's prime minister, has rejected of the terms of a new c spar. i'm prisoner, a swap deal with a mouse, a palestinian officials say more than 27700 people have been killed in the end. they've since october 7th, ortiz, middle east corresponding reef, an ocean of texas through the latest set of talks held for that's almost a 2 days since the last exchange that led to the release of 110 is really hostages from captivity in gaz of his most recent proposal would be kind of breaks for
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paving the way to the return of all other captives home, or at least some of them. but what's missing? yeah. who did talk about again, promises to destroy, have mass all, or how much not just part of it. i'm sure so enough, it's, it's really the continuation of the military pressure is a necessary condition for the release of the hostages. surrendering to a mazda is delusional demands that we heard. now, not only won't lead to freeing the captives, it will just invite another massacre. it will invite a major disaster on the state of israel, but none of our citizens would want to accept. and he also said that he instructed the i g f to act and that i phone, which is the major c t in does a south the area near the diction boulder where more than a 1000000 palestinians crowding now including those who had to flee the fight in facilities in the north, so called internally displaced so many of them and they're and now how they're in
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unbearable conditions. and that does not sound like a peace plan earlier on wednesdays. really defense minister at the meeting with the us secretary of state who visits as well. now said the answer of how mass was written in such a way that israel will not have a choice but to reject it. he also struck just like things in yahoo, that is where i will continue. it's how preparation in guys the because disagreement between the sides is ro made is clear. it is owner ready to offer a short pause in fighting while from last month. the idea of to stop the work completely so far, no vibe of the agreement is reached, and it seems that her mazda is not the only one. israel has disagreements with washington method. yeah. jose dude has mentioned it was journalists earlier on wednesday, couple of hours ahead of the press conference of blinking, who is in israel again. as part of his middle is tour, a has declared to promote peace in gaza. the 2 politicians had pressure as in
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different towns as well with into the speaking in jerusalem and blinking and telling me that that is also surprising. and they could be some tensions between the 2 allies that the meeting with these really presidents early on wednesday blinking rates are rates of the need to release remaining hostages, which is close to impossible if is relevant jacks. have masses proposal and also blinking and directory mentioned the idea of the palestinian state that israel has long been rejected, including after the war in guys and started again. the fates of the potential deal with my mouse isn't clear, but on says day israel's war cabinet is set to meet, to formerly discuss the offer. and we might expect to hear some news after that to maintain all the gals award is reverberating across the region with saudi arabia. now refusing to normalize relations with israel until the palestinian issue is the result of the sum of this accused the us of backpedaling on support for the
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2 state solution. we'll take deeper into that. so later this, the american journalist tucker carlson has a nice that his highly anticipated interview with the russian president will be or exclusively on his self titled network. at 11 p m g m t. today, thursday, earlier, the frenchman explains why lot them are put in chose to accept crossings, request for an interview in moscow. and you want me for you to talk to tell us some stands differs from the west and media. it's not for russian at all. no, is it pro ukrainian rather it's pro american, but at least he's stance makes a contrast to one of those traditional anglo american media are just on. well mr. carlson's teaser, a nice been posted on the x platform now has over 95000000 views. the backlash over his one on one with president putin has spread to brussels. you
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lawmakers, you're now calling for the american journalist to be sentient for his visit to moscow. retired us congressman, turn political commentator, robin poll on his podcast. co, who's done the in the got it and discuss why the west doesn't want to hear what the russian leader us to say. i think the people who want to be in power, i believe they are the people that don't care about law and constitution. they think that they can ignore that. so they, they can try to silence people by either ridicule or say, in your own patriotic or you're telling a lie. that's what you're tapes. the most is the fact that he's thrived by breaking the chains of the mainstream media. he's thrive because people are starved for information and that's exactly what the elite is. don't want because they're restored. terry and at heart. they don't want you to even hear the other side from the carlson sit down is the 1st time love them or put in is being interviewed by western journal. is since the art break of the ukraine conflict 2 years ago and wherever some incumbents,
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some former american officials aren't impressed. hillary clinton among them? well, it shows me what i think we've all known. he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, you actually read translations of what's being said on russian media. they make fun of them. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. conservative radio host and political commentator, steve gail davis, his take on why american politicians are rubbishing carlson's interview with lot of our putting before agency. larry says hillary clinton would speed up on this since he's the one who presented a reset button to russian leadership. that was miss translated into over charge of which he was the secretary of state. again, the bottom line is tucker, is doing what journalists should do. let's hear the voices of those that may not be getting the attention in western europe and united states are generally when the truth about what's been happening has been so covered up that they have fond over themselves to dr. presidents and let's be they view celebrities. the huge movie
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stars, the sport stars, and dash the key to the doctors a wednesday. and yet nobody has told the other side of the story. well, the bottom white house wants to continue to pour billions and billions of dollars that you trained with no accountability with the transparency of where the money has gone and they're pushing for another $60000000000.00. i think what terrifies them about the, the tucker carlson interview is it people will finally get more of the story that they've been denied through the mainstream media. and they can't keep that story down when the doctor is going to put it out on the internet. us as an ex platform owner, steel musk has reacted to calls from some figures for the rest of the tucker carlson . he said those calling for the journalist to be detained should themselves via risk work on preferred crossings. visit the last 4 on the west reaction to it can be find that's the new
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palestinian stage. no normalizing of ties. that's the blunt message from saudi arabia to israel, despite pressure from washington for re uh, to improve relations with the netanyahu. government ortiz caleb month and brings us the story. biden's help for a tri lateral deal between the united states. israel in saudi arabia doesn't seem to promising re, i'd recently made a statement pouring pay water on some of the big talk coming out of the white house at this point. they say the palestinians, legitimate rights come 1st and then recognizing israel is off the table unless there is a resolution of the palestinian question. the kingdom has communicated its firm position to the us administration. that there will be no diplomatic relations with israel unless an independent palestinian state is recognized on the 1967 borders with east jerusalem as its capital. now this statement came as clarification from the saudis. after john kirby said that there was an interest in normalizing
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relations with israel when discussing negotiations about releasing the hostages. at the same time, we were before the 7th of october and are still now having discussions with our country pos in the region as well. and saudi arabia, obviously the 2 key ones about trying to move forward with a normalization arrangement between israel and saudi arabia. so those discussions are ongoing as well. we certainly received a positive feedback from both sides that they are willing to continue to have those discussions. but that is a separate track and not from related specifically to trying to get this extended humanitarian pause in place. both are really important though. well this, how do you say that's just not true? might be a bit of optimistic thinking on the white house as part, but it's not much more for the past 3 years, the vitamin ministration has been trying to get countries in the middle east stand in the muslim world to recognize israel,
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but it hasn't been happening let's recall one bite and 1st took office. how optimistic he seemed about the middle east. i believe the palestinians is released equally deserved to live safely and securely and enjoy equal measures of freedom, prosperity and democracy. my administration will continue our quiet and relentless diplomacy toward that end. i believe we have a genuine opportunity to make progress and i've committed to working for the vitamin ministration has racked up nothing but failures when it comes to the vital region. but donald trump, his predecessor pointed to the abraham accords as a step forward. the abraham accords involved 4 countries in the error of world, recognizing israel and establishing diplomatic relations. trump and his allies continue to point to the abraham accords as the way forward with arab states. recognizing his rail and coming to terms with its existence. these agreements prove that the nations of the region are breaking free from the failed approaches of the
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past. today, signing such history on a new course. and there will be other countries very, very soon that will follow these great leaders that many expected that the next move was indonesia, a muslim country with a large population outside of the middle east joining the a cords next. however, it hasn't happened despite the fact that the biden administration has consistently phrase the abraham accords. they've been pretty much dead in the water sense. october 7th, at this point with israel bomb and gaza around the clock. muslim countries are not excited to have a relationship with the jewish state. one will recall how just before october 7th, jake sullivan was praising the call in middle east regional conflicts that change pretty quickly. the middle east region is quieter today. then it has been in 2 decades now. challenges remain. ron's nuclear weapons program, the tensions between israelis and palestinians. but the amount of time that i have
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to spend on crisis and conflict in the middle east today compared to any of my predecessors. going back to 911 is significantly reduced i think it's is very important to note that this is an incredibly volatile time in the middle east. i would argue that we've not seen a situation as, as dangerous as the one we're facing now across the region. since at least 1973 biden administration seems to break almost every thing that it touches, when biden took office. he said he would end the war and yeah, and the saudis were coming to the table. but now look at the situation in the country. the who these are designated as terrorist, the united states, the united kingdom are bombing amen. the many armed forces will confront the american british escalation with escalation of our own. and we will not hesitate to carry out comprehensive, unaffected military operations in retaliation to any british american foolishness
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against our beloved you haven't, steve. how many um forces further confirmed that old partition american ships and the red and the re being sees, remain legitimate targets as long as the american british aggression against the country continues with the whole thing is designated as terrorists, humanitarian aid workers, and saudi arabia cannot get paid the transactions are blocked, saudi arabia would like to make a deal, but its hands are tied, the lower, i guess them on the, to as long as you buy. so the idea it was the united states and u. k. a war is not actually so the water because the out of the one that has a collect any b as to be stuck between them any time between the, the, the get any themselves on those with, between the so the i just when i was what i mentioned the view is in boy and him, and he said the soon as we get the disk, an agent in that it see that so not in the community would focus to bank based in yemen. so is that i actually to black to me? yeah. many people with the black, it means that they have the somebody that,
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that they have been, it could be just sort of like that then it might that of, of minutes if they were the escalade. and that action in that is a thought to get in. is that any shape or for me to be ok? i guess is that i have so they want to many so spoke with that. i talked against the is that i went by and campaigned in 2020 he for trade. donald trump says unpredictable, dangerous, and bringing instability. and if one looks at how the bind administration has handled things and how they've spun out of hand, it looks like he's going to need to find a new angle. this time taylor bobbin are to new york for staying with a story, a solid, a foreign policy research or tool. this reality is seeking to reaffirm its position on key deal political issues while making fear that it does not take orders from washington. and i think what say really it is trying to do is trying to rectify, rectify its relations and try to address if there are people
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that may have misunderstood this, out of the position. or people have deliberately taking, taking this out a position out of context. and to kind of conceptualize in the way they want. and in other words, that you know, we are very of west for and officials. and we'll say that we are very happy with the fact that say to radia is almost because what normalizing relations with israel, notwithstanding the, the atrocities that are taking place now and goes on. and of course is on these. i want to make this publicly very clear. i think what this would be for a frustration was that it was made within the circles, discreetly, but then publicly it seems to be they are being instrumental lives in other ways. and then the saudis are not going to just on an item to be my i think they're going to just rectify this position and they're going to make their position clear and it's been consistent. and let me just say also one thing, if i may, you know, a great deal of people have been following the saudi statements,
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but they have been cherry picking what they want. and out of it. so surgery, the, historically historic as a researcher and this, i've seen this, not that i've seen this, but i research that that how long it's been, it's been decades for them saying that we want to have good relations with israel. we want to have peace with israel. we want to have normalization. what is wrong? but there's always that. but, but the protestant issue has to be result. but there has to be a palestinian state, but there has to be a just settlement. the canadian politicians are demanding the nation's prime minister. step done, now it's after local media reported that justin crudo had personally invited a ukrainian s. s veteran to an official reception. last september, the premier's office has denied the allegation. the nazi cooperators appearance in parliament sparked a scandal that sold a high speaker, resign and shape your side of the russian embassy and also responded to the latest report. now it's especial,
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he was prime minister justin to don't hain bought to desktops criminal to the parliament. last year, as recommended by the credit in canada and community. that's 5 months later, still that silent, don't you of whom cause nancy post. no condemnation equals justification. was kind of like everyone's the while here in france. i'm designated world war 2 or it is just simply pops up. usually when there's an excavation involved, it shows up in passing on a website somewhere. and the same thing seems to be happening right now. it's a canadian prime minister justin to go except with actual nazis or rather one particular nazi who fought for. i ukrainian watson ss volunteer unit. so the episode involving a 98 year old yellow slab hunk of being celebrated and cheered in canadian parliament during a visit from ukrainian president buyers. when's the last call? just is not being put to rest quick reminder of what happened there. we have here in the chamber today ukrainian canadians cleaning canadian world veteran from the
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2nd world war from fort ukrainian, independence against the russians the hall. and now information has come to light in the canadian press, in a form of an e mail to hong kong from through those office of the prime minister, inviting hunger to a private reception with the entry to together in toronto on the very same day as it is these visit department in ottawa? okay. never actually attended that event about a 1000 people did though. but it's the fact that the invitation was sent a friend to those office that put 2 days behavior back under the microscope. liberal party line was that true though? had absolutely no clue, it was all wrote as false. so you know what that means? speaker was solely responsible for the invitation in recognition of this man and is
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wholly accepted that responsibility and stepped down. this was a mistake that his deeply embarrassed parliament and canada. this initiative was entirely my own individual in question being from my writing and having been brought to my attention no one including you, my fellow elementary ins or you create in the ukraine delegation was privy to my remarks prior to their delivery product through himself in front of the boss to prevent trio from taking a direct hit from the scandal, or even the liberal party's electronic chances for taking a hit or even canada more broadly for taking it because the incident at definitely gone international and apology is out. every holocaust survivor and veteran of the 2nd world war proof what the nazis and an explanation must be provided as to how this individual and to the hallowed halls of the canadian parliament and received
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recognition from the speaker of the house and the standing ovation in view of the scandalous events and the canadian parliament which involved honoring a member of the criminal nazi escalades, the information in the presence of president zalinski. i have taken steps towards the possible extradition of this man to poland. it was wild to see this terrible situation in the canadian parliament when everyone stood up together and applauded a former nazi a soldier of the scholars, univision, good, simply disgusting. canadian ukrainian congress such as a ukrainian lobby group, put forward hope his name for the reception. with to go and zaleski, i wrote it now says that the parliament protocol office wouldn't have. the whole list is added by the prime minister's office with a fine tooth comb before the invites were finalized and ultimately sent out. and it's all being characterized as you have another screw applied to go with the opposition, demanding to know why to go was not for coming about all of this at the time. so
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true to live again. for months he's been saying that only the speaker invited before and not c to the ukraine prisons to visit. it goes to global embarrassment. and the russian propaganda when to through this became another random liberal, under the bus fully failed that. now with lunch with this office invited the form and not say to meet the crane president. keep in mind that the canadian press, notably the ottawa citizen, already underscored canadian defense department reservations. when they showed up in 2018 to train ukrainian as off battalion fighters. ultimately, to eventually fight russia, i noticed that they were covered and not nazi tattoos. and in that case, and also in the case of to those. they seemed more worried about the public perception that the problem by nature of their own actions get. let's stay with the story because we got reaction from canadian lawyer on political commentator, david frey. hi to did not missed his words when he came to the auctions of his
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country's prime minister. it's, it's political showmanship, it's fair game embarrass justin trudel even more than he's already been embarrass. make the requested knowing it's not going to happen, but the man is a pathological liar. he's a chronic ethics and violating prime minister pathological liar, incapable of telling the truth and will allow, or course his underlings to follow on this order for him so that he can preserve his own. his own tyrannical rules as p. m. of a candle. it's a joke, but he comes out and says, i didn't have any knowledge of this is a joke. but they have so little knowledge of history that when they get up to a standing obeyed a man who fought the soviets in world war 2. but they didn't put $2.00 and $2.00 together, then on the spot, there are a bunch of incompetent, corrupt the phones and the world is seen. and now if you bear in mind, this is the same just intruder to demonize the otto of protests for 3 weeks, calling them not seats, calling them bigots. anti semite races that upholds, this is the same man calling other people. nazis literally giving
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a standing ovation to a literal nazi. i don't know how someone is a former nazi to a literal, not see, lying about his knowledge of this as if they don't have to vet everybody who comes through those quote unquote, hallowed halls. they knew the invited to some other event the same night whether or not it's because of wrote to invite them to parliament. it doesn't matter. the man is a pathological liar. a 2 times ethics breaching prime minister there should be political help to pay. the only problem is, i mean it's so embarrassing and people want to forget about it and move on and, and not to let the other problem in periods off the hook. either everybody in there gave them a standing ovation, who's not understanding that someone who thought the soviets in world war 2 was fighting on behalf of and for the nazis and to side asia on a big day. and puck us down with millions heading to the poles this thursday to elect their new parliament. the crucial votes comes and made some turbulent,
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political and security events, including a series of terror attacks on the sentencing of former prime minister and the opposition leader and run come 2 decades in prison are to charlotte duplicate takes us through what is up to day in the main play is all names you may have heard before. no is sharif a form of 5 minutes? the is back. is the head of the pocket. stone was the meat. if he wins, he will become pm for full time pledging to make pockets done great. again, up to what he claims was, views of ruin will not allow for there is like him wrong. com and his party to rule pakistan. again, they have ruined the country. we will rebuild spike a stop these 30 year old young people will stand shoulder to shoulder within the watch. sharif and shout about shall reef and play their role in rebuilding this country. sherry was removed from office during his previous turn due to an array of corruption charges. however,
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they were over ruled in the quotesoft for he would turn from focused on from full use of self imposed exile in the united kingdom. another contender is belong to is a doughty leader of pockets on people's policy. he's previously said this, the country is minister of foreign affairs and he's the latest and the book is a dari political dynasty to seek power. some parties want to divide you based on religion of those based on your sex doris. my city, the pakistan people's policy is the only policy which one is to serve you with that discrimination and buried the politics of hatred in division. the only policy that wants to resolve the problems of poverty, inflation and unemployment buried the politics of political revenge by voting for the p p, p. o, p, p, to foreign policy, inflation and unemployment. then, of course, does the elephant in the room in law and con, ousted from power in 2022,
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the former cricket to is languishing behind bars of the bank, convicted of everything from 4 to an improper marriage. he's bought from standing and his potentate, peachy, has been poached by the authorities. even. it's a like to go a course kick batch was banned, and now it's kind of, it's a force to run his independence, yet con remains defiant, urging his support is to make the voices heard. our most powerful and meaningful weapons is that of our boat. and we must really to, over through groups where it's been imposed upon us. these are the main faces in a race. it's crowded there. awesome. 14 parties on the ballot. so what's the wood on the street? i'm doing it. you're not a, i don't have any hope for this election because of how things are being done, how one political party is being targeted. the way things are being managed, i don't think the election will deliver incredible results in with any of that.
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what is being done to enroll and con is making pockets, don, lose respect in the international community. nobody respects punk is done. they think anything can be done in pockets done or not. but with now, whether it is the government of south diary or series, no country will respect pockets time and that's the level of mass i bought the thing i think a lot of matters have been dealt with in haste. this should not have happened before the election. people should have been allowed to decide through their votes, who they support and who they favor. and as you heard back, there's a lot of voters all cheering over. and that's because back a soul is being played by a host of issues. rising installation is hit polk, it's hot with the cost of basic food steps more than doubling the countries all, some simply in fact, and a deal with the i m. s. is due to run out around the same time as any new government takes office. what economic pessimism is high facing bucket stones, democracy is low. one question that keeps being off is what.


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