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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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the, the, the bog down to say the american forces violate a rocky software and seek sense. the rest of the ends, the presence in the country has it condense, suppressed us twice on a rocky territory, pending a come on. the good type has been an issue that the much anticipated tucker also needs to be with vladimir putin, his schedule to add on the, to live streaming network at 11 pm gmc, you can watch the full broadcast on the, on the trial involving global food produce the delmonte is in folding in 10. yes. local police are investigating full suspected killers and so all the pineapple with the,
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as everyone, welcome to you. it's 5 pm here in most go with this is on the international with the late as well news round up. it's great to have you with us and we saw the out with voiding tensions in the middle east. the a rocky government has threatened to ends the us leg presence in the country. as off the washington conducted a new s drawing on his territory on wednesday, killing a good type husband and military commander above dad has condensed the attack as a violation of the country sovereignty. american forces has repeated irresponsibly all the actions that would undermine the established understandings and hinder the initiation of bilateral dialogue. by this act, the american forces jeopardize civil peace, violate your rocky sovereignty and disregard the safety and lives of our citizens. even more concerning is that the coalition consistently deviates from the reasons and objectives for its presence on our territory. for a 20 minute studio now is aussies farewell a isabella, thanks for coming in today. farewell. as i was in
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a series of ass strikes on iraq over the past week, could you bring it up to speed on the license, please? yeah, so as we just heard the us and our allies seem intend on bringing more pay off and violating the sovereignty of many countries more than a rock. but with a rock we've seen the echoes of the us for the right of 2 decades ago. that is still bleeding into today, and one that continues to affect the region because the latest us drone strife interrupt that killed the hezbollah commander, apple. buck year, all savvy and 2 others was confirmed by us central command. and this was, of course, to stays after iraq said that such an option would be unacceptable. now the pentagon has said that the commander was responsible for targeting americans forces in the region. so this was in retaliation. a major general though of the security media selling iraq, i stated that the a clear aggression is destabilizing the region and it's violating
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a rocky sovereignty as well. and driving everyone into dangerous situations threatening the security and stability of these country is now has the law of course condemned this attack as well. saying that these are american crimes, any rock, syria and yeah man, and this is of course is another violation of international law as well as sovereignty. but nicky, what has the us is reaction been let's take a look. there are no indications of collateral damage or civilian casualties. at this time. the united states will continue to take necessary action to protect our people. we will not hesitate to hold responsible. all those who threaten uh, forces safety. that's right. so the reality is a deny and dismiss these allegations are saying there was no collateral damage, that there were no civilian casualties. but this is just one incident. as we mentioned, there had been other incidents and the were definitely civilian casualties during
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that point. and they're also not addressing the fact that this is a question about sovereignty. what is the united states doing there? why are they attacking iraq? those are the things that washington has been trying to wash their hands off. and indeed, washington has been in a rock for quite a long time. now, many people won't even remember when the ones in her box. so what's behind this thing and during stay. so it seems that washington wants to control the entire region at any cost. now with israel also engaging in the conflict as well and the u . k as well, it seems like they are so intent on doing all of this. now they claimed that they didn't notify that they had notified the officials of this. i'm going to attack that was happening on friday, and it turns out that now they are claiming otherwise. speaking to reporters on tuesday, the white house national security council spokesperson john kirby told reporters that actually there wasn't a pre notification to
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a rocky officials before last week. error rates which targeted more than $85.00 sites across or off, and also neighboring syria. now this is important because there are definitely could have been more likely, according to in rock civilian casualties and according to syria. and so the us is trying to diminish their role. let's take a listen. i deeply apologize for the year and i were granted it any confusion that it caused. it was based on information we had for that. it was provided to me in those early hours after the strikes turns out that information was incorrect and, and i certainly regret the air and i hope that you understand there was no video intense behind it, no, no delivered to intent to deceive or to be to be wrong, so so surprised that a rock is rarely angry because it's hard to believe that there was no intent to deceive because they're saying this was a simple error. but as the us insisted that this was all in coalition with iraq
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and that the rock, the government knew about this. but in reality, we have the receive saying otherwise that there was in information and that the united states is simply trying to back track permits, initial impression we did inform the iraqi government prior to the strikes security. as for this specific response on friday, there was not a pre notification. we informed the iraqis immediately after the strikes occurred. now let's go back a little bit. let me remind you all of this comes just as there were other attacks of us airstrikes and of the stop and the all time regions that killed 16 people, including civilians. now the rocky prime minister condemned these unilateral attacks as aggressions and violations of international law. and how washington responsible for any of the consequences that may arise.
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the american side deliberately deceived and falsified the facts by announcing prior coordination to commit this regression, which is a false claim and misleading international public opinion and disavowing legal responsibility for this crime. in accordance with all international laws to but when has any sort of plea to international law or violations of it have actually change the us as of russian in the region. we're talking about syria young men as well because we've seen an serrano a go after israel and the us to protect and sort of flight of for the palestinians . and in fact the u. s. and the u. k. did carry out a series of attacks across a young man and serial targeting $36.00 locations, $36.00 targets at 13 locations across cameron and iran, of course, condemn these as a violation of their integrity. and this is again, another strategic mistake by the united states that is resulting an ever more
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escalations coming into the region. now they're not the only one saying this, it seems like the u. s. and e u. k. have also escalated worries about a nuclear catastrophe in the region because apparently some leaders in our wrap have also echoed that these leads for international law don't have any weight and aren't being offered. so one of them said that they must submit official requests to the un security council too. as we mentioned earlier, immediately withdrawal, all foreign troops, including the u. s. troops that are there, and also to ensure their ability to defend themselves from these aggressions. and of course, that could easily escalate into a tit for tat situation. now, russia also agrees with the russian permanent representative saying that the united states is of planning the flames of the conflict and conducting these all lawful strikes all over syria, iraq and young men. and also saying that they were pouring gasoline into the fire and that these are worse not last whole because damascus never gave the approval of
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us presence there. so the question has been, why is the united states they're in the 1st place? why are they even allowed to be there? why do they feel they have the ability to be there? and it would be as well make resistance probably for a more drastic measures saying that it's or ross doesn't act accordingly. they will take more resolute measures and that this will not go on punish. so this is actually frightening because we're seeing so much on the geopolitical stage. so many conflicts emerging, especially in this region, as well as the red sea. and so it seems like the united states is continuing to stroke situations that could explode at any given moment. and it is all heading in a very worrying direction for your role as anybody. thanks for coming in today. i appreciate that. well, let's uh, continue to scratch the surface of this story and so across the 2 hours he contributed rachel mazda now rachel, lovely to see you today. now the us has been, us has been pretty carrying out this offensive in the middle east up and has
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anybody been working to help us in this mission? well, whenever washington wants to start bombing other countries, it always acts like that girl in high school. you know, the one i'm talking about, the one who can't just go to the bathroom on a room without driving long entire onto your eyes. remember, former us president george w bush's coalition of the willing for invading and regime changing. saddam hussein in iraq, a list of about 30 countries was made there, but their contributions are so minimal that those citizens of those countries, the majority of whom oppose the war, didn't even really know that they were on a bathroom break in iraq with w. but the appearance of the involvement of a bunch of other countries and for an bombings always helps to create a facade of multilateralism. i show of support and unity and of course, the sharing of responsibility for whatever damage the us is just going to decide to
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do unilaterally any way. and this latest operation in the middle east that's already seen american bombs dropped on a rocky. i'm and syria is really no exception. this morning we launched operation crushed parity, guardian, under the umbrella of combined maritime forces. and under the leadership of task force, 153. that operation is bringing together more than a dozen countries from around the world to conduct joint patrols in the red sea in the gulf of a wow, that sounds really impressive. a lot of heavy hitters involved there in terms of the country is guessing all those guys are involved and who really cares if by didn't did not get authorization from congress for use of military force or that any of the very limited scenarios in which the american president can legitimately use force without congress has permission,
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like self defense against image attack or to rescue americans abroad. haven't actually been met. but it wasn't long before some european countries named by the pentagon, started acting like washington's regime change. movil was just a creepy ice cream truck that they really did not want to get bored into we cannot join in sudden acts of war without authorization from parliament, even if they aim at protecting international c traffic. we will most participate unilaterally. interrupts the operation in france does not want to get involved either at stake are europe's relations with middle eastern partners like egypt and saudi arabia who have opposed us airstrikes in the region. so far, only the u. k. has gone along for the ride. uncle sam said, hop in and britain wagged its tail, jumped right into the passenger seat and subjects head of the window. what else is
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new? the british navy has lots of missiles of its own at these in the admin, but they don't seem to be too deterred. meanwhile, the, your opinions, defense ministers figured that the block would start up. it's all in red c patrol mission. eventually they're set to get together, talk about it, maybe over snacks on the fed, on the 19th of february. but no real details have been nailed down yet. one of the reasons maybe because the doesn't consider the who these, who are launching, attacks on the ships in the red sea, in support of post indians being hit by israel and gaza to be a terrorist group. unlike washington, the blocks chief diplomat sounds super psyched about the whole thing. every body should try to avoid the situation. it becomes explosive. has been repeating once and again that the middle east is a boiler that's can explode. yeah,
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it's not really that into it. a big chunk of the you also sees the gas a conflict as a powder tag that could light up the whole region and would rather give the drama are wide for spain, belgium, ireland, slovenia, france, notably. and there's also no interest on the part of the block to get involved with washington is targeting of iran back fighters in syria and rock either. so it looks like the you is quite content with this idea of tying up the potential future launch of their proposed read, see operation in the usual brussels red tape. right, so many thanks to that reports on the policy contributing rachel marston is taking it to india now where energy week is taking place with more than $35000.00 participants. when over a 120 countries. we discussed india, russia, cooperation and exclusive in to be with the minnesota petroleum and natural gas for the world's most populous country or india and bought the address
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a noise. and if everybody had boswell, a lot of people bought a lot of restaurant stuff. so let's not get into it. you know, i'm not sure noise coming from through the pipeline to hungry was exempt. i'm not talking about not rushing noise going through the pipeline to china. it was exempt . russian oil going from the for the cycling through japan is exempt. so what is left of the, what the, the saw, those decided to weapon i say, you know, to say audiological reason we would not by when go to do it. but it didn't stop all impulse. this dropped crude on the impulse, but they would continue to import gas. they're continuing to import other critical minutes. so what is this in there because of the size of our economy? we can only compete with the law that economies regarding the complete with the smaller we 60000000 people go to the federal bunk every day to fill up. so obviously that's the defense of skin today. the situation is that in parts of crude oil are the biggest item in out in port basket and equally the export of petroleum
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products is the biggest item in unexplored basket. so we will import from whatever we can really support or whatever we can. now there are a lot of new plans coming on the block, whatnot, bottom, oh, big plus a guy and as new i think of sodium is new. that may be as new, brazil as lot that are members of a big american journalist at taco calls. so it has announced that he's highly anticipated interview with the russian presidents will at 11 p. m gmc today on his self titled network. you can watch the broad cost in full on all the international . the crumbling says it will publish the interview on friday morning. i hope it will be viewed by a wide audience on wellness. the causes interview t 0 has gone to 798000000 views by class or if it has one on one with president post. it is spreading across western media and among politicians is prompted some journalists to alleged that west and governments are trying to suppress different opinions on the spot wide scale interest. the white house claims it's not important
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for anyone that i think it's pretty obvious should be very obvious to everybody. uh what history bruton has done, any grain, and the goal gets completely bogus, is in the end and ridiculous reasons for which he tried to justify it. i don't think we need a, another interview with latimer button to, to uh, to understand his brutality. i think the people who want to be in power. i believe they are the people that don't care about law and constitution. they think that they can ignore that. so they, they try to silence people by either ridicule or say, in your own patriotic or you're telling a lie. that's what you're tapes. the most is the fact that he's thrived by breaking the chains of the mainstream media. he's thrive because people are starved for information and that's exactly what the latest don't want because they're restored, terry and at heart, they don't want you to even hear the other side. us doing less on political and
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strong varieties hold is there's no room for opinions different from the government . now, i'd say in the us and to europe, the american driver has been harassing him hounding him. you know, he's, i'm, so of course i got a call the trainer i, they're going to call the trainer. they do everything possible to, to harass him, to try to discredit him. there's no free press. what could they didn't, they tried to destroy his career. it chased him from fox news and he came back only, but through his incredible willpower strength and his belief. his belief in america is blinking. the american people is believe in sleep in modern europe and in north america there is no room for other opinions. there's just no room for other things . there's one narrative, it's the government narrative. they lay down the law in other media companies, journalists, and it is, they have to follow that narrative. there can be no deviation whatsoever. we just look at this reaction, how strongly are for most of these are reacting to and stuck across these simply
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doing his job. he's a journalist, his job is to interview people, to gather information, and then to let the public make their own conclusions. but know that that is no longer possible in modern europe. and in the united states, where most media companies are under the control the government either directly or indirectly. there again, there's only one there to, and there can be no deviation from it. because in sit down marks the 1st time vladimir putin speed entropy by west and joined the list since the outbreak of the plan conflicts 2 years ago. however, some incumbents and full american officials are not impressed hillary cancer among the well, it shows me what i think we've all known. he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, if you actually read translations of what's being said on russian media, they make fun of them. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. it's larry. so hillary clinton would speak up on this and she's the one who presented a reset button to russian leadership. there was miss translated into over charge of
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when she was the secretary states. again, the bottom line is tucker, is doing what journalists should do. let's hear the voices of those that may not be getting the attention in western europe and united states are generally when the truth about what's been happening has been so covered up that they have fond over themselves to dr. presidents on wednesday, they view celebrities, the huge movie stars, the sport stars, and dash the key to the doctors on wednesday. and yet nobody has told the other side of the story. one of buying white house wants to continue to pour billions and billions of dollars that you trained with no accountability with the transparency of where the money has gone and they're pushing for another $60000000000.00. i think what terrifies them about the, the tucker carlson interview is it people will finally get more of the story that they've been denied through the mainstream media. and they can't keep that story down when the doctor is going to put it out on the internet. it's a kenya now when police are investigating the suspected kennings that took place on
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a del monte pine apple phone, that's off the full bodies were retrieved from a river during the christmas holidays flow data. i was on this, we can cross live to during the timothy a, b as in kenya. so as we get to see you today, what time you tell us about this case and to the police of any suspects. so this case is a case between on to n g o's and a 10 relatives of victims who claim that the, you know, the realities of the process on a chain. a span of family people have been, um, you know, have been queued or tortured, you know, outside of tying up a farm in, uh, owned by the us, us multinational delmonte. and um, this case, we understand today in a, in the court, you know, that the judge sitting on that case has given priority to it. and it's still
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a very refresh case that is ongoing. but what we do know is that, um, the allegations uh the, the, the lawsuit you know, came off to the bodies of the store man with found, you know, its round in the river and the guy that is near um, you know, 9 will be about his way of upfront is located and um, you know, desperate several cases, you know, dismissed in cases of allegations of ports or between of people. local is what trying to steal from about tying up with from by the companies, gods over the years. but this case, this particular one is, you know, the killing of the for man or did tap of the for man is what a spring and, you know, fresh focus to this for this case. and now the latest we're seeing is that, you know, um, that there are indications, according to what was published by the guardian that, you know, delmonte officials are try and, you know, to cover up the case and, you know, trying to bribe, you know, below costs with money or job offers to cover up the case like we do. and so that,
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that the cases in court right now, we don't know what is the outcome is going to be from the court. but it's still very much ongoing. a lot of young children from the region have suffered at the hands of the delmonte farm. this madness must be stopped enough is enough to so yes, that is what these low cost of change. you know, over the years they say they've seen they are, they are, there could be a community of people, you know, being beaten and you know, the where revelations made by the god. and again, you know, saying that some of the people who are actually gone along with these for man, but we're not killed in december to steal from that pineapple from some of them. some of the survivors of people who escaped after the uh, you know,
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alleged confrontation with the companies dodds. i saying that they start the gods actually, you know, beaten these man. and um, according to 2 accounts. uh, according to one of the accounts that say, you know, 2 of the bandwidth beach and to a point where, you know, the, where somebody on concepts condensed on into the river. but we know about the job. delmonte has said that these allegations are in to and the company also side are, you know, of which of these, from, it's easy to be cameras saying about all the big or our thought was captured in the what was captured in the, in the fleet. it is, you know, demand a band running the backs of fine up was that they have stored in and, you know, 3 and the same. but these 4 digits have not been made public just yet. also, delmonte has said that these allegations of some sort of, you know, trade on that eventually would go way as we are called
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duration, with canyon authorities, as they continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the full, boldest retreat from the sea. korea. by last week, the old epsis are still ongoing our security. 2 days from the time the men attempted to still be pineapples shows no signs of full play on the part of the dead in more than 2. but instead, shows them running off towards the river, throwing the backs of still in pineapples, in an attempt to evade security guards organized crime. but equally a rule and pineapple south is becoming increasingly rampant in the area. we are actively seeking additional ways to help tackle organized crime as safely and effectively as possible. the company size is willing to cooperate with the canyon of parties. i, you know, in this case. and also the company has said that, you know, a pass code to the result of the autopsy that was conducted saying,
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which reviewed that. they weren't queued by drowning. but father checks also shows that you know, the, where i'm bodily harm to, you know, the remains of those beats and is not where, you know, because i, for about place according to the card yet again, you know, around 6 people have been cured in the last decade on 5, you know, in, in circumstances surrounding, you know, this to the ceiling of pine up was by low cost on that firm. you know, more than one, he got any of that back. a tie, stone to the body to keep it from floating in the water, a den to keep it from the composing one i thought no, just one person was cute. and then montague, there are many ways to congest this. i'm the president who should know this and they should stop queuing on what children today, like the original down this they should take them to port, not a few of them because you're not gonna do that. whenever i see foods from delmonte . i feel as if i have seen the blood of my son. i need you. i always feel bitter
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knowing very well. we are under a new colony of rich people who do not care about others in a. there are people in delmonte, either politicians or influential people who always obstruct justice as all complaints filed against delmonte or not resolved. that to my case was transferred to the ticket court, although they later said there was no case to answer with some being a long history of disputes around the land studies being occupied by the i'd come to buy it by 12 months each. that's around $10000.00 acres of um, uh, pineapple plantation. so these locals are claimant. the company is sitting on the ancestral land and you know, that's what gives rise to you know, that some of these properties that we've seen between the low cost r i and the company's gods. thanks for bringing us those details. thoughts. i local douglas at timothy a. be a z that many thanks. well that's so i continue the conversation now let's across
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to to get to uh, tom atari and advocates of the high quote. and can you many thanks for joining us on the program today. i appreciate your time. so we have a careful dest following, these are the claims of abuse on the down long day from do you like sports? do you expect to be positive outcomes from the investigation? and it's hard to tell of this page up, investigations are still going on as you already pull it stays that 1st most hands are conducted. but our case, there is a more broad job and these that for individuals, as your report sees that there's been a long history of human rights violations in fulton, belmont said, so i'm going several tickets, fox, the ram, the land rates, issues that i've been spending for many, many years, they are environmental degradation. planes that i've been fennic for me. yes. as you said, they have the induced crime shows between the amounts of personnel and the neighboring
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communities. um, uh, around that additions and complications press plus of quite an apples. and it was highly t and abuse of that, people found out. so give the funds so that many of the questions that have been made that we fucking them all our months on 6 to cover all those issues. not the del monte. yeah. as you know, is a powerful global brand. do you think this day? so is it possible they just could have a sway in the proceedings as whole? well, i must be fully. we have a fairly fe. i to be sure. yeah. and, but just so quite phrase, having them by little bit sample just to be a little there was the normal, well, me and disproportionate the presence of police in the court pressings. and we've been sick that's home where the court was wearing and there was no other reason for these that with a welding show forced by the police and this the months that case. so yes, they have fall within the past, within the law,
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they're not above the note and we will hide the other models of this picture here. and we believe that's a class will be able to indicate the right sort. of course, we have a fair quotes and i think of these sufficient evidence without see the numerous reports then some glue buckets, be 2 tickets box that documented some of these abuses. but remember, important to you and the identify what seems to guide you in the reports in november, still months, the commission and you, or on, or the human rights, or the farm. to look into some of these things and from what you've been able to see and some of these uh, pressure points there. or it's a pointed by del monte themselves on farm the human rights by mission. so i think it's beyond question that they have be nearby initial it's a question of the extent of those are lesions and what is good to be done by.


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