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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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of the, the breaking news general valerie's allusion, the head of the printing and i am forced to throughout the conflict with russia, has been relieved of his post as follows, along public risk between president colors and the outgoing commander in chief, the baghdad says american forces and violate iraqi sovereignty and threatens to end their presence in the country as it condemns. crush us strikes on iraqi territory. they killed the commander of the cats of hezbollah. miller shop, the much anticipated tucker carlson interview with ladder and fitness scheduled to air on the journalist premium network at 11 pm, gmc and watch the full broadcast on our team
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has decided the webinar is it, you know, to say audiological really we would not by let them go do that, but it didn't stop all important this stuff google pods, but they will continue to import gas. there continue the import other critical minutes. so what is this? and then the and petroleum and natural gas minister gives an exclusive interview to r t, from the energy reform being hosted in the south asian country, the rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. we begin with breaking news. president vladimir zalinski has sacked in general valerie's allusion, and who has served as commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine since july 2021. alexander starsky has l been appointed as the new ukranian army chief. the
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media has been reporting on the illusion is afraid relations, but still in ski, over the course of the complex and the countries mobilization strategy after cubes failed at counter offensive. all right, let's cross it live now to our to use that shape all the shade. tell us more about these changes and you create in high command. yeah, well, i mean this is not an unexpected change, but it's a dramatic one on the left. so course, the background here is a long runing spot competition. if you like, between general valerie's illusion, the 50 year old, a career soldier, he's only been a charge of the ukrainian military since 2021, but has a long careers fucking back to 2005 and the ukranian armed forces. now this announcement that he's departing has been made by president vladimir zalinski out of homes in the context of a lot of f t after comb, with cloak and dagger developments in cuba over the last number of months. the we
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even had a tax on some of the general is the lose nice stuff which culminated today in the announcement that the general will be leaving his post. on the general sir sky, who is the head of ukraine's ground forces will be taking on his well general, serious is known as a zalinski loyalist. if you like, we should actually have a listen though to lots of a lot of them use it as an, as he said, when he made this announce with young guys in the dollars i lose know most of our i am grateful to generals illusion the for 2 years of protection with them we spoke frankly today about what needs to change in the army. always urgent changes over by offer general's illusion need to remain in the team of the ukrainian state in the future. goodbye. have a pointed colonel general ser steve as the commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine, a pro well normally. okay. so you know this, the announcement by president savanski looks to smooth over the cracks here at the top of ukrainian government. if you like, of course, ukraine engaged in
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a life or death struggle if you like with the russian federation. and it doesn't bode well down at the very, very top of the administration, this schism has emerged at now of course, president zelinski described the situation. presently i saw you see the general's illusion. he had described the situation in ukraine as a stalemate, an interview with the economist magazine very recently. and that seems to repeat the are of the key every gene. and we can actually have a list and to the general solution. he's a statement regarding this stay on the just like in the 1st world war we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. there will most likely be no deep and beautiful break through or time has passed, people are tired regardless of their status and this is understandable, but this is not a stalemate. i emphasize this once again. so as you can see,
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these are a very tense exchanges of president. the zalinski has become very positive about the potential for the forces ukraine where a general's illusion. you have become more of a realist in recent times. rachel, can you give us some background here in the situation on the ground and ukraine as the 3 shuffle takes place? yeah, well of course, the reality here in ukraine is that this much pointed ukrainian counter offensive has failed. that's been recognized by ukraine's partners or allies. it's been recognized by the by the western media. i think this is really what's preempted at this crisis if you like into ukrainian government presidents illusion the our president zalinski has suggested the holdings, towns like of div cost. you could know essentially surrounded and operational and circumvent. uh, whereas per as general is illusion. he was
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a more pragmatic he wanted to pull back. we established different defense lines posted towards key of if you like to preserve troops where us have a lot of resilience. he has in the past as in fact most, for example, after most decided to dig in upgrade expects expense to the troops. we can actually hear the generals lose me. speaking about this, in terms of mobilizations that the president vladimir zalinski is the latest a desire to for women into the defense forces of ukraine. for example, present a general is that lucy was against us. it's believe. so let's have a listen to a general's illusion. these comments on the prospective new drafting laws and ukraine, they were professionals, they knew how to do it, and now they are not there. in terms of mobilization issues, it's not that it needs to be strengthened. it just needs to be brought back to the framework in which it was in which it worked before of course,
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the questions will be asked now, what's a crisis? is this really cool? bring up the rumors that the generals, the lose the will now becoming a boss that or he may go to the united kingdom room, is a royce, on social media and a moved political commentators. but in reality, the key question that has to be asked here is, does this define or cover a far bigger rift within the key of ration you got to remember the generals that lucy was an exceptionally popular soldier of popular leader among his man among his senior commanders also, so it's going to be difficult for general, seriously to step into those shoes. and we really have to ask the question at those this bowed really badly for the whole military situation and ukraine as a this conflict stretches on into the distance parties, the shape of shape. thank you. all right,
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let's cross now to scott bennett, former us army reservist scott. good to have you on with us. what do you make of the re shuffling of this key post? i'm a senior come on. there's also, so it's going to be difficult for general setup, and i'm not sure if you were able to hear me there. uh, let me just ask that question again. i'd like to hear your thoughts on this move by zelinski. okay, i think we've lost our connection with this. got, we'll see if we can get reconnected with him and go back to him a little bit later in the newscast. all right, in the meantime, let's move to the middle east where the iraqi government has threatened to, to end the us led presence in the country after washington conducted another airstrike on its territory on wednesday, killing. i can't tell you, it has been the military commander. baghdad has condemned the attack as a violation of the country's sovereignty. the american forces has repeated irresponsibly all the actions that would undermine the established understandings
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and hinder the initiation of bilateral dialogue. by this act, the american forces jeopardize civil peace, violate your rocky sovereignty and disregard the safety and lives of our citizens. even more concerning is that the coalition consistently deviates from the reasons and objectives for its presence on our territory. the us and our allies seem intent on bringing more pay off and violating the sovereignty of many countries more than a rock. but with a rock we've seen the echoes of the us more and the right of 2 decades ago that is still bleeding into today. and one that continues to affect the region because the latest u. s. thrown strikes in iraq that killed the hezbollah commander, apple, but you're all savvy. and 2 others was confirmed by us central command. and this was, of course, to stays after iraq said that such an option would be unacceptable. now the pentagon has said that the commander was responsible for targeting americans forces
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in the region. so this was in retaliation. a major general though of the security media cell in iraq, i stated that be a clear aggression is the stabilizing the region, and it's violating your rocky sovereignty as well, and driving everyone into dangerous situations threatening the security and stability of these country is now has the law, of course, condemn this attack as well, saying that these are american crimes, any rock, syria and yeah, man, and this is of course, is another violation of international law as well as sovereignty. but what has the us is reaction been there are no indications of collateral damage or civilian casualties. at this time. the united states will continue to take necessary action to protect people. we will not hesitate to hold responsible. all those who threaten the forces so 50. so the reality is a deny and dismiss these allegations are saying there was no collateral damage,
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that there were no civilian casualties, but this is just one incident. as we mentioned, there have been other incidents and the were definitely civilian casualties during that point and they're also not addressing the fact that this is a question about sovereignty. what does the united states doing there? why are they attacking iraq? those are the things that washington has been trying to wash their hands off. and indeed, washington has been in a rock for quite a long time. now many people won't even remember when they, once in a box they what's behind they send and during stay, washington seems to want control the entire region. and let's not forget that they have a role in radicalize in certain entities in the region and have also use for proxies to do so. now the us government did admit recently that they did not actually notify data about previous attacks last friday, which targeted more than $85.00 sites across both iraq and syria. so clearly this
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is going at many uh, within many software and countries, and this caused civilian casualties. and they had initially claimed otherwise. speaking to reporters on tuesday, the white house national security council spokesman john kirby corrected a prior statement that had said that there was pre notification to iraq. the officials before last week through i deeply apologize for the year. and i regret that any confusion that it caused it was based on information we had, or that it was provided to me in those early hours after the strikes turns out that information was incorrect and, and i certainly regret the error. and i hope that you understand there was no new intent behind it, no, no delivered to intent to, to deceive or to be, to be wrong. but it seems hard to believe that there was no intent to deceive and saying this was a simple error or so during that they had insisted that all of this was done in co
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operation with the rocky government. because until recently, the rocky government in the us had been having tops to cooperate further. but this statement is a literal opposite of what was initially claimed. and it seems like this is an attempt to also push away the fact that the us is responsible for collateral damage or civilian casualties, as we would more humanly call it. and in other words, they lied and they got caught. we did inform the united government prior to the strikes security. as for this specific response on friday, there was not a free notification. we informed the iraqis immediately after the strikes occurred . so again, this is just after us rights on off the stop. and all team regents, these strikes also killed 16 people and the rocky prime minister also condemned it as forces us violation of international law and more and more us address. and so we're seeing a repeat of all these violations. but the reality is,
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there seems to be a nothing stopping them, the american side deliberately deceived and falsified the facts by announcing prior coordination to commit this regression, which is a false claim and that misleading international public opinion and disavowing legal responsibility for this crime. in accordance with all international laws, but one has any sort of plea to international law or violations of it have actually change the us as a russian in the region. we're talking about syria young men as well because we've seen an serrano a go after israel and the us to protect and sort of flight of for the palestinians . and in fact the u. s. in the u. k. did carry out a series of attacks across a young man and syria and of course, that could easily escalate into a tit for tat situation. now russia also agrees with the russian permanent rubber tentative, saying that the united states is of planning the flames of the conflict and
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conducting these all lawful strikes, all over syria or rocks and young men. and also saying that they were pouring gasoline into the fire and that these are, or course not lawful because damascus never gave the approval of us presence there . so the question has been, why is the united states they're in the 1st place? why are they even allowed to be there? why do they feel that have the ability to be there and it would be as well make resistance probably for a more drastic measure, saying that if your rock doesn't act accordingly, they will take more resolute measures. and that this will not go on punish. so this is actually frightening because we're seen so much on the geo political stage. so many conflicts emerging, especially in this region, as well as the red sea. and so, it seems like the united states is continuing to stroke situations that could explode at any given moment. a washington's european allies seem to be distancing
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themselves from us offensive operations in the middle east are to contribute original. marsden brings us more whenever washington wants to start bombing other countries, it always acts like that girl in high school. you know, the one i'm talking about, the one who can't just go to the bathroom on her own without driving along and entire onto rise. remember, former us president george w bush's coalition of the willing for invading and retaining, changing saddam hussein in iraq. but the appearance of the involvement of a bunch of other countries and for environments always helps to create a facade of multilateralism. i showed supports and unity and of course, the sharing of responsibility for whatever damage the us is just going to decide to do unilaterally anyway. and this latest operation in the middle east that's already seen american bombs dropped on a rocky. i'm in syria is really no exception. this morning. we've launched the operation prosperity, guardian,
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under the umbrella of combined maritime forces. and under the leadership attached force, 153. that operation is bringing together more than a dozen countries from around the world to conduct joint patrols in the red sea. i'm a gulf of 8 and wow, that sounds really impressive. a lot of heavy hitters involved there in terms of countries. guess if all those guys are involved and who really cares if by didn't, did not get authorization from congress for use of military force or that any of the very limited scenarios in which the american president can legitimately use force without congress is permission like self defense, against immune it's attack or the rescue americans abroad haven't actually been met . but it wasn't long before some european countries named by the pentagon, started acting like washington's regime change. movil was just a creepy ice cream truck that they really did not want to get bored into. we cannot
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join in sudden acts of war without authorization from parliament, even if they aim at protecting international c traffic we will most participate unilaterally in the red sea operation. france does not want to get involved either at stake or europe's relations with middle eastern partners like egypt and saudi arabia who have opposed us airstrikes in the region. meanwhile, the european union's defense ministers figured that the block would start up its own red sea patrol mission. eventually one of the reasons maybe because the doesn't consider the who these, who are launching, attacks on the ships in the red sea, in support of post indians being hit by israel and gaza to be a terrorist group. unlike washington, the blocks chief diplomat sounds super psyched about the whole thing. every body should try to avoid the situation becomes explosive, has been repeating once and again that the middle east is
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a boiler that's can explode a. it's not really that into it. a big chunk of the you also sees the gas a conflict as a power tag that could light up the whole region and would rather give the drama are wide for spain, belgium, ireland, slovenia, france, notably. and there's also no interest on the part of the block to get involved with washington is targeting of iran back fighters in syria and rock either. so it looks like the you is quite content with this idea of tying up the potential future launch of their proposed red c operation in the usual brussels, red tape. right back to that breaking news, president blood resiliency has sacked in general. valerie's allusion, who is served as commander in chief of the armed forces to be trained since july 2021. alexander sky has now been appointed as the new ukrainian army chief. the media has been reporting on the illusion. these afraid relations with soleski over the course of the conflict and the countries mobilization strategy after kids
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failed counter offensive. all right, let's press the now to is got ben at former us army reserve. this is scott, thanks for sticking with us here. what do you make of the re shuffling of this keep post in calf as well. i think it's either a plan operation with a washington c. i a pulling the strings or it's a legitimate demonstration of the skits a front end. it's afflicting zelinski. that's not going to end well for him. he's become napoleon with thousands of troops dying of frostbite in the frontier. he's become hitler with invisible armies that are no longer there to mobilize. he, he's become uh, both a laughing stock and a pariah to the community of european nations as well as americans. so if it is legitimate and i hope it is, it shows that zalinski and really this war is about to come to a humbling crumbling crash. because the illusion a was extraordinarily popular and it's going to go against the grain of the people
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. it's going to go against the soldiers that are still occupying. so in a sense, i think the illusion e is being removed perhaps because of the desperation of zelinski. the washington post of course, is reported that the front line is crumbling and cracking, quote, unquote. uh, this is absolutely true. we see there is no will power of ukrainians to fight. they don't know why they're there. now, all of the people that it listed are dead. the battalions and the brigades are or diminished to a quarter of what they were before, and the people occupying or are just completely desperate. they're cooking tea and dying of cold. so it does represent an opportunity for russia to amplify and saturate these front lines in these areas with flyers and messages and psychological warfare techniques that say, lay down your weapons live,
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don't die like your uh, friends before russia and ukraine have a future together. and it's beautiful, and i think the more messages like that will that are released. it will create a trickle in the damn that will eventually just come crumbling down. so the other thing is, are the wes planning to remove zelinski and do a, a ukrainian government in exile by blaming the failure on uh thursday, who's taking over for his illusion? a that's always a possibility. remember the tucker carlson with vladimir putin is going to turn the world upside down and turn the west upside down. and you're going to see even less support for ukraine that you do now after tucker release is the common sense of the russian people. fly them or putting scott as you say. so there's the, was a rather popular general, but you did have this public rivalry with zalinski. do you think this move by zalinski is, is purely political because for
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a play some problems with starsky who is not exactly popular uh with, with the people. it's just, it's an odd, it seems like an odd decision at this time. as it does, it seems a, it's again, it's either the sign of a grossly incompetent skits or frontage. zalinski and equally incompetence gets in front of the binding administration and nato and, and western establishment that are running around like chickens with their heads cut off. that's a very real possibility because this to me signifies a strategic the sign of a strategic implosion. this to be significant by the last desperate collapse of the ukrainian military political establishment. this is the last action before desperate overtures for peace and uh, uh, 38 parallel and some sort of a, a stalemate or declared. they can only do that when they blame the, the failure in the fiasco of the military counter offensive. and all of the other
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uh, failures of the trinity military in the printing politics on certain people. so they're blaming solution if he was doing a great job. if he was succeeding, if he was victorious, he was winning the hearts and minds of the russian people and turning them against putting if he was eroding the resolve of the millions of volunteers that came from all over russia to fight on the front lines to save women and children in charlotte dar denette, skilled the gods from being genocide and hora, horribly mutilated exult, as usually was successful. and those operatives, they wouldn't have replaced them, but he's not successful. no one successful in the zelinski military or political ranks. they are all nothing but clowns and a clown show, and now the circus tent has been ripped from them. and what do you see underneath that? 10 human trafficking, oregon harvesting is really participation. all sorts of criminal activities,
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money laundering, bioweapon, chemical, laboratory sales, george soros, his son being appointed as a minister of this lensky governments giving way ukrainian land, black soil. so as we see the war crimes and the crimes against humanity and the, and the criminal ality of this, the lensky regime, it seems to me that they're setting up or trying to set up a smoke bomb or a flyer or some distraction that's going to try and allow them to steal more money out of the country setup mansions in florida, egypt or the south of france, and allow zalinski and others to flee. what is inevitably going to be there and that seems to be a set up for that, but it's going to work against them because the entire population of ukraine are going to look at. this is not only betrayal of them, but uh it's a sign of the end of the war. okay. it's got bennett, former us army reserve of scott. thank you. the
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american journalist tucker carlson has announced his highly anticipated interview with the russian president, well era at 11 p m g m t on his self titled network. you can watch the broadcast in full on r t and come on says it will publish the interview friday morning in hopes that will be viewed by a wide audience. well, mr. car also, caesar video for the interview has garnered over 100000000 views. the backlash over his one on one with president clinton is a spreading across western media. and among politicians, it's prompted some journalists to allege that western governments are trying to suppress different opinions. and despite wide scale interest, the white house claims it's not important for anyone. i was, i think it's pretty obvious, should be very opposite everybody. a world history, britain has done a new grain, and the quote is completely bogus in the end and ridiculous reasons for what she
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tried to justify it. i don't think we need a, another interview with latimer for him to, to uh, to understand his brutality. i think the people who want to be in power, i believe they are the people that don't care about law and constitution. they think that they can ignore that. so they like to try to silence people by either ridicule or say in your own patriotic or you're telling a lie. that's what you're tapes. the most is the fact that he's thrived by breaking the chains of the mainstream media. he's thrive because people are starved for information and that's exactly what the latest don't want, because they're restored, terry and at heart. they don't want you to even hear the other side. us darnell has done to political analysts, john, for all they told us there's no room for opinions different from the government narrative in the us and europe. the american cover has been harassing him hounding him. you know, he's, i'm, so of course he got a call to trade or they're going to call to trade with is it possible to, to harass him, to try to discredit him?
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there's no free press look at that. they tried to destroy his career. it chased him from fox news and came back only by through his incredible will power and strength and his belief is belief in america is blinking. the american people is believe in true in modern europe and in north america there is no room for other opinions. there's just no room for other things. there's one narrative, it's the government narrative. they lay down the law in other media companies, journalists, and it is, they have to follow that narrative. there can be no deviation whatsoever. we just look at this reaction, how strongly po, for most of these are reacting to and stuck across these simply doing his job. he's a journalist, his job is to interview people to gather information, and then to let the public make their own conclusions. but know that the that is no longer possible in modern europe. and in the united states, where most media companies are under the, control the government either directly or indirectly. there again,
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there's only one narrative, and there can be no deviation from the worlds and be grateful to india for buying russian oil. that's according to the indian petroleum and natural gas minister, and an exclusive interview with our tea correspondent, runjun sharma energy week and the world's most populous country. you also said that in nearby and boys in russia has kept the prices of oil. absolutely. should the water be grateful? this would be very much so whether we india and bought the address of noise. and if everybody in baltimore and a lot of people bought a lot of us and stuff, so let's not get into it. you know, i'm not sure noise coming from through the pipeline to hungry. it was exempt. there's no talk about that russian noise going through the pipeline to china. it was exempt. russian oil going from the body, cycling to japan is exempt. so what is left of the, what the, these are those decided to weaponized that you're not to say i do logical easily.
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we will not by let them go do the, but didn't stop all imports, desktop, google a import, but they would continue to import. guess they're continuing to import other critical minimums. so what is this new delhi and that's not important. the government does not import. it's are oil entities that input all entities out in the public sector. and in the private sector, the new non cooperation, which is of the 7th largest company in the world and downstream, they are one of them, made an importer as what they do. and what everybody does is to florida, send us at the point of importation, let's say, please let us know how much of this this we need. so much one to be of this group, deliberate at this point. if it is heavy girl, part of the. okay, it was either maybe the other thoughts of importation. there's another thing that i shouldn't company quotes unless i price good is it i shouldn't company cause a high.


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