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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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or the breaking news general valerie's allusion. a had of ukrainian armed forces throughout the complex with russia is that from his post, the follows along public breakfast between the president in philosophy and the outgoing commander in chief over failure on the battlefield. just 3 hours until the message has to pay to tucker carlson interview with bottom and put in his the journalist streaming network at 11 pm gmc can watch the full broadcast right here on our team. does decide as a webinar the we will not by read and go to do it, but it didn't stop all in parts. this stop screwed on parts, but they will continue to import gas. they're continuing to import other critical minutes. so what is, was in the indian control in the natural gas minister against an exclusive
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interview to r t, from the energy weak farm being hosted in the south asian country. the you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we'd begin with breaking news president vladimir zalinski has sacked, general veneer res illusion, and who is served as commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine since july 2021. alexander says it has now been appointed as the new ukrainian army chief. the media has been reporting on the illusion is afraid relations with phyllis b over the course of a conflict in the countries mobilization strategy after kids failed at counter offensive r t is that shape both tells us more. it is a risk that rumors of these risk have been rife for many, many months now. it's now also being officially notified on the president still ends. he's website too. so this is definitely the news that many have been
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expecting a lot of room or though a lot of suggestions that there had been a rift, that as the generals, that he had refused to leave his post, and no one else would take it up, it's cetera. but the question remains is just part of a wider rift at the very top of the, the key every g. and if you like, as it faces off against russia and it increasingly difficult situation. so the actual dismissal itself has been pitched as a very friendly one, which is interesting, the imagery and the language that's gone around the zalinski thinking is illusion the for a service, etc. navigation is in that all those i what was the most of the bottom. i am grateful to generals illusion the for 2 years of protection, but then we spoke frankly today about what needs to change in the army. always urgent changes over by offer general's illusion need to remain in the team of the ukrainian state in the future. goodbye. have a pointed colonel general sir steve, as the commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine, a pro at all comb, is it made a very, very difficult situation for ukraine,
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and this is all about the battlefield really general's illusion. a very experience soldier. first joining the military academy in 2005, only appointed as the leader of the trade in military and 2021 which is interesting, very well liked by his troops. very popular. i've seen a, something of a pragmatist, but the reality speaks to the physical situation of the general found himself in the russian or the recently suggested that over 400000 ukranian troops have been lost in the conflict. and the loss of significantly strategic important centers like back more at, under the general's come mind and leading to these kind of conflicts at the top of the political sphere. again, the president, the ukraine being more adamant the hold at all costs, whereas to lose he was reminder was prone to sort of more pragmatic, military approach, which is not by military strategy if you like it all. this comes as well as russian troops advancing along the wide stretches of the front to so things don't look too
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good on the international stage of lack of a lack of funding. funding held up in, in the us at the middle east crisis taking the world off. you finally feel like i'm one of the key issues that really, maybe in the store that broke the camel's back was when a general was illusion. he made a, an interview with the economist, the base of the suggested that this conflict had reached the style nice that they were going to be real sure there was going to be any beautiful breakthrough. and that much like the 1st floor or the 2 sides have come to a stalemate on the bottom of your trench warfare if you like. but that's not exactly true because russian troops are gaining ground as we speak for this openness from this illusion. i think, and i think most of us would believe it was really a capitalist for the landscape, seeking to end his career, just like in the 1st world war, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a style night. there will most likely be no deep and beautiful break through or
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time has passed, people are tired regardless of their status, and this is understandable, but this is not a stalemate. i emphasize this once again. so as you can see, significant differences in the opinion here and this gap was wading over the last number of months. yeah, certainly. can you get a storm background on the situation and what's happening on the battlefield? of course, as we speak, you claim needs more troops, and nobody would deny that in your training here. and this was another one of the main sparking points between these 2 personalities at different sides of the bait and almost everything and general's it lucy, becoming more and more vocal and his support is becoming more vocal, even in ukrainian society. people very well disposed. the generals that lose me, whereas a presence like skis of popularity, ratings are actually lower. uh, when you ask the question, who do you support? so i mean, the, lets guess, no military knowledge whatsoever as well. and it seems that he was increasing the
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waiting into debates on specific strategic decisions that have to be made. and it was really when the illusion event, again, publicly criticize a president, savanski is a attempts to reform the recruitment laws, the drafting laws to bring women into the forces at to recruit a vast army to hold back at the advancing russians. as the lucy was against this, essentially they were professionals, they knew how to do it and now they are not there. in terms of mobilization issues, it's not that it needs to be strengthened. it just needs to be brought back to the framework in which it was in which it worked before the disagreements more coming, more and more vocal. and it was really a matter of time before a presence that landscape got this stone out of issue. if you look, you gotta wonder what is going to do to morale because generals the loosely was, was rather popular. what we're going to tell us about this new commander in chief. well, a general sir ski alexander sits cc. he's the current commander of ukraine's ground forces, which make up the, the main body of the plan. so army, remember,
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your frame, jeremy has probably been destroyed sadly a several times over compared to the army that stood in 2022. they've lost huge amounts of men. much of the constituent part of the russian, or the ukrainian military is now made up of territory defense units. people are drafted into the military. and again, this was another issue where a loony opened, he criticized the idea that you're asking civilians to hold a critical infrastructure that we need to pull back to re um and prepare for a different type of war. uh, series key is also a quite on ceremoniously known as general 20200 is military terminology for a deceased person. and he was actually the man in charge of a very important but political in the bolts have been 2015 in n s. and don't boss where a significant ukrainian force was surrounded and it too much of an extent destroyed . so he's seen as a mom that's willing to expend the lives of his man. he's seen as quite
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a high founded zalinski loyalist at quite the opposite to generals a losing so he's appointment to me and to other on was looking at the situation seems to smack of some kind of desperation and also a complete change that interestingly the key every team has also tonight suggested the reasons why they have basically dismiss general's illusion and they include that we need a new type of strategy. we need a brush that will sweep clean the contents of a stalemate on the battlefield. and we need to invest and investigate different ways to continue to win the war against russia. no, no real objective analyst would suggest that you print is winning the war against bushes. so we're gonna have to watch this face and see what this really sorry is. make change at the top of the ukrainian regime meetings on the ground. like on the low for former seniors, security policy analyst says zalinski is a re shuffle,
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signifies the hopeless position of ukraine's armed forces on the front line. well, not surprising. it, it is going to be a serious question as to what the morale is going to be among the troops themselves in ukrainian troops themselves. there is that stalemate, and this isn't what the zalinski wants to here. and, but what, what does that sound lensky have? a that the, that was his, that's 0 looseness. the successor can bring to the table. uh, the funding is virtually drying up the, there isn't a logistical support for, for ukraine to continue the conflict. he's caught and i think he's groping. he does, but he does, realistically, he doesn't have the back in the military and the financial backing to carry on a conflict that is lost. and the longer it goes on,
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the more in trans russian forces become that it will make it even more difficult for zalesky to do anything. and i, i just think it's going to have a terrible ending when i was in the middle east where the iraqi government has threatened to end the us blood presence in the country after washington conducted another error strike on his territory on wednesday, killing. i can tell you it has beloved military commander. baghdad has condemned the attack as a violation of the country sovereignty. american forces has repeated irresponsibly all the actions that would undermine the established understandings and hinder the initiation of bilateral dialogue. by this act, the american forces jeopardize civil peace, violate your rocky sovereignty and disregard the safety and lives of our citizens. even more concerning is that the coalition consistently deviates from the reasons and objectives for its presence on our territory. the drawing attack took place in
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the mashed hall neighborhood of the rocking capital, causing several loud explosions. the striking of moving car on a busy street causing the vehicle to catch fire. depending on said, the targeted commander was responsible for directing attacks on us troops in the region. as he was sent. com confirmed the strike through indications of collateral damage or civilian casualties. at this time, the united states will continue to take necessary action to protect our people. we will not hesitate to hold responsible all those who threaten the forces safety. this is not the 1st to us attack on a rocky territory. last friday, american forces struck over 85 sites in both a rock in syria. after the attack, us officials claimed to have informed baghdad of the strikes, but national security council spokesperson john kirby later acknowledge that they had not notified iraqi officials of the attacks on their territory. i deeply apologize for the year,
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and i regret that any confusion that it caused it was based on information we had or that it was provided to me in those early hours after the strikes turns out that information was incorrect. and, and i certainly regret the error and i hope that you understand there was no need to intent behind it. no, no delivered to intent to, to deceive or to be to be wrong. baghdad has repeatedly condemned us strikes on his territory. they are occupied minister, criticized the air raids saying they endangered his country sovereignty and threatened to regional stability. while his media office denied his country coordinated the actions with washington accusing us officials of making a false claim. the american side deliberately deceived and falsified the facts by announcing prior coordination to commit this aggression, which is a false claim and misleading international public opinion and disavowing legal responsibility for this crime. in accordance with all international laws,
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let's move back to the united states. this is not a shame to commit such crimes in iraq and many of the countries because it considers itself the sweep of paula in these worlds. and thus, the least it has the right to control people's will. people do not have the right to have their own will and decide the fate by themselves. that's why the united states x v 's way certainly would happen in iraq yesterday. and today's, before, what happened on the jo, dennis, you mean board to and what happens in many areas that do not want the american dominance is a form of american bullying. if i'm of american recklessness, that spread throughout the world's vessel, the united states increases the levels of hatred. people have towards it, but it does not realize based i believe that the united states is plundering its policy in these directions and thinks it has the right to do whatever it wants. but there is a real slow and then every can political mind. it hasn't us itself,
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if the base in syria and iraq are legal, they came as positive agreements between the syrian and the rights of governments. and the united states, or even the occupation forces. iraq is truly did not the one such forces did not desire such a dominance over the rocky skies. and the united states, striking of factions from the rock and security forces only shows that these factions did not align with american policy, just because they did not align with american policy. the united states believes it has the right to undertake such nations. starting with the rocky stones, it was good. that prime and assistance was good. he condemned american aggression to, to condemn that the rug becomes battle ground for 2nd schools with the united states advisors. it's not just a violation of a rocky sovereignty, but also a criminal act that the united states commits against the rock. as in general. of
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course the no one goes to the united states and it carries all the terrorist operations they describe. it describes these groups as the terrace groups, groups, the challenge of the united states. yes, the challenge of the united states, and we continue to do so, because now the united states is an occupying force. washington's european allies seem to be distancing themselves from us offensive operations in the middle east are the contributor, rachel marston brings us more whenever washington wants to start bombing other countries. it always acts like that girl in high school. you know, the one i'm talking about, the one who can't just go to the bathroom on her own without driving along and entire onto rise. remember former us president george w bush's coalition of the willing for invading and retaining, changing saddam hussein in iraq. but the appearance of the involvement of a bunch of other countries and for environments always helps to create a facade of multilateralism. i show of support and unity and of course,
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the sharing of responsibility for whatever damage the us is just going to decide to do unilaterally anyway. and this latest operation in the middle east that's already seen american bombs dropped on a rocky. i'm in syria is really no exception. this morning. we've launched operation prosperity, guardian, under the umbrella of combined maritime forces. and under the leadership of task force, 153 i that operation is bringing together in more than a dozen countries from around the world to conduct joint patrols in the red sea and the gulf of a wow, that sounds really impressive. a lot of heavy hitters involved there in terms of countries, guess if all those guys are involved and who really cares if by they did not get authorization from congress for use of military force or that any of the very limited scenarios in which the american president can legitimately use force
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without congress is permission like self defense against immune it's attack or the rescue americans abroad haven't actually been met. but it wasn't long before some european countries named by the pentagon, started acting like washington's regime change. movil was just a creepy ice cream truck that they really did not want to get bored into. we cannot join in sudden acts of war without authorization from parliament, even if they aim at protecting international c traffic we will most participate unilaterally. interrupts the operation. france does not want to get involved either at stake, our europe's relations with middle east or partners like egypt and saudi arabia who have opposed us airstrikes in the region. meanwhile, the european union's defense ministers figured that of lockwood started up. it's all in red c patrol mission. eventually one of the reasons maybe because the
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doesn't consider the who these who are launching attacks on the ships in the red sea in support of palestinians being hit by israel and gaza to be a terrorist group. unlike washington, the blocks chief diplomat sounds super psyched about the whole thing. every body should try to avoid the situation, it becomes explodes. if we have been repeating once and again, that the middle east is a boy, the that's can explode. a is not really that into it. a big chunk of the you also sees the guys a conflict as a powder tag that could light up the whole region and would rather give the drama are wide for spain, belgium, ireland, slovenia, france, notably. and there's also no interest on the part of the block to get involved with washington is targeting of iran back fighters in syria and rock either. so it looks like the you is quite content with this idea of tying up the potential future launch of their proposed read c operation in the usual brussels,
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red tape american journalists, tucker carlson, has announced his highly anticipated interview with the russian president. well, at 11 p, m g m t, that's less than 3 hours from now on his self titled network. you can watch the broadcast info on our team. the kremlin says it will publish the interview friday morning and hopes it will be viewed by a wide audience. mr. call. so see your video for the interview has garnered over 100000000 views, the backlash over as one on one with president who is spreading across western media. and among politicians is pump in some journalists to a lives that western governments are trying to suppress different opinions. and despite wide scale interest, the white house claims it's not important for anyone. i think it's pretty obvious should be very obvious to everybody. a world history, britain is done in new grain, and the quote is completely bogus in the end and ridiculous reasons for what she
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tried to justify it. i don't think we need a, another interview with latimer for him to, to uh, to understand his brutality. i think the people who want to be in power, i believe they are the people that don't care about law and constitution. they think that they can ignore that. so they like to try to silence people by either ridicule or say in your own patriotic or you're telling a lie. that's what you're tapes. the most is the fact that he's thrived by breaking the chains of the mainstream media. he's thrive because people are starved for information and that's exactly what the latest don't want because they're restore terry and at heart. they don't want you to even hear the other side. us journalist and the political analyst, john, for all they told us, there is no room for opinions different from the government narrative in the us and europe. the american governor has been harassing him hounding him. you know, he's, i'm, so of course i'm gonna call him a trade or i, they're gonna call him a traitor. they do everything possible to, to harass him,
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to try to discredit him. there's no free press look at that. they tried to destroy his career. it chased him from fox news and he came back only by through his incredible willpower strength and his belief is belief in america is blinking. the american people is believe in sleep in modern europe and in north america there is no room for other opinions. there's just no room for other things. there's one narrative, it's the government narrative. they laid down the law in all other media companies, journalists, and it is, they have to follow that narrative. there can be no deviation whatsoever. we just look at this reaction, how strongly ferociously the reactance and stuff across the simply doing his job. he's a journalist. his job is to interview people to gather information, and then to let the public make their own conclusions. for no, that is no longer possible in modern europe. and in the united states, where most media companies under the control the governments either directly or
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indirectly. there again, there's only one narrative and it can be no deviation from the world should be grateful to india for buying russian oil. that's according to the indian petroleum and natural gas minister. in an exclusive interview with r t correspondent, runjun sharma at energy week and the world's most populous country. you also said that in their language from russia has kept the prices of oil. absolutely should the what would be great for the i, they shouldn't be very much. so whether we india and bought better as a noise. and if everybody in baltimore and a lot of people bought a lot of us and stuff, so let's not get into it. you know, i'm not sure noise coming from through the pipeline to hungry. it was exempt. don't talk about that. russian noise going through the pipeline to china. it was exempt. russian oil going from the body, cycling through japan is exempt. so what is left of the, what the, these are those decided to weaponized that you're not to say i do logical reason.
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we will not by let them go do the but didn't stop all imports, desktop, google impulse, but they will continue to import. guess they're continuing to import other critical minimums. so what is this new daily and that's not import. the government does not important. it's our oil entities that input all entities out in the public sector and in the private sector. the new non cooperation, which is the 7th largest company in the world and downstream, they have one of them, made an importer, is what they do. and what everybody does is to florida, send us at the point of importation, let's say, please let us know how much of this this we need so much one to the of this group. they live at this point. it is heavy. the good part of the. okay, it was either maybe the other parts of importation different at the end of it. i shouldn't company quotes, alyssa, price good. is it?
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i shouldn't company cause a high price environment, the present lizard price. so they're also audited. so there is no decision when i in february 2022. when did i show you can military conflict the place at that stage i went and bought from the shuttle is 0.2 percent it today then 30 percent is under decline. it's a massive into, oh, i live there may have been 33 of them before it comes down. but you know, even be in port 5000000 bottles or the consumer 5000000 barrels on a particular day. you might have it. ok, has a lot of pressure on maybe that then. so the maybe that it depends on the price and availability today the situation is that in parts of crude oil are the biggest item in out in port bhaskar. and equally, the export of petroleum products is the biggest item in unexplored basket. so we will import from whatever we can really support or whatever we can. now, there are
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a lot of new plans coming on the rock. well not, i don't know, big plus a guy and as new i think of sodium is new. maybe as new brazil a lot that are members of a big runjun sharma also attended the farm and go and sent us a report from the events. a john the indian was to save all the best lines. the g 6 though from all across the world have gathered their delivery. they want collaborative challenges and opportunities at a time when the was raffles with and in no g crisis field or the 2nd edition of india. and now it's the week, the indian, minnesota sodium and natural gas has a meeting, voiding by lots and just like before and does done it again. it's, yeah, the one the does on the one of the houses of exhibit those thousands of delegates that has gone. yeah, but them a 6 for williams including russia, canada,
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u. s. u k. so that's dialogue on the emails need to ship once again and this time about and of course the main focus mean agend off for india, rena nosy is 0 for the coming years. and in terms of collaboration, big companies, there's a force on india. this is one of them was to look at as a partner with china and indonesia are building new trends and the nickel trade after the car to impose the ban on exporting nickel or in 2020 . the move was met with criticism at the time from the european union as indonesia is the world's largest producer of the commodity ortiz rebecca nap at the pool. who has the story? the china street with intermedia was transformed after the latter bend. x poured off. nicole or at the start of the 2020. china's demand for class one high
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pure to nicole, has been declining for several months as a nation increase if the import off in a nation produce nicole in various forms in a nation positive jo call. we don't have always allowed it to nicole export. ben s a success neisha used to earn $33.00 alien indonesian group or equal to $1000000000.00 us dollars. that's when it was an exporting wrong. the cold for the fast majority of this material is going to be used by china mass with stainless steel, industrial, the export restriction is also part of the nation's grand strategy. offer showing that down stream industrial to ensure that only process manner all fours are explored. innovations decision to stop exporting on process nicole forest has wrap up the european union because fearing that the bed would have for its stainless
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steel production. in response that you launch a world trade organization lawsuit against your card. last year at w t o panel ruled in favor of the european blocks, promising in asia to lodge an appeal in its position. the w t o panel stated that both the ban on nick co exports and the domestic processing mandate that all who make calls should bind in indonesia were in violation of international trade regulation. in response, the mineral downstream working group and the coal chamber of commerce and industry also in a naisha of coal. we day as long stated that b u is trying to force indonesia to export nicole according to their way as a wants to control countries, natural resources for their own prosperity. and that's the reason jakarta is facing
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fears for assistance from the west. but in any shop, as the largest about 52 percent of the world's total sense for the country will manage, it's nicole according to its own interest. right. to stay with our to international up next. continuing the documentary serious about and julia massage and the we can, it's the controversy, the trust all the, the the, the 2nd superseding and gotten involved. 18 charges which include 17 charges under
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the espionage act and one charge under the c. s. a leasing dr. relates to the 2010 which he likes publications. so to clear the amount of publication, the rules of engagement, rock the diplomatic cables. the royal oaks in respect of iraq and afghanistan and the guantanamo bay files. we filed a legal challenge against that expedition, which was heard over the course of around 18 months. we raise concern about a piece of process related to the spine on us as he's legal team. and on julian and his medical professionals. the way in which the united states is described, the facts in order to justify his expedition. we also raise concern about the application of the u. k. us treaty that treaty prohibits x regarding someone for a political offense. the
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